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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK r Circular No 5886*1 L October 24, 1966 J Nomination and Election of Directors T o the M em ber Banlcs o f the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: An election will be held under the provisions of section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, to choose successors to the following directors of this Bank whose terms w ill expire December 31,1966: class A director, Robert H. F e a r o n , President, The Oneida Valley National Bank of Oneida, Oneida, N. Y., and class B director, A lb ert L. N i c k e r s o n , Chairman of the Board, Mobil Oil Corporation, NewTYork, N. Y. Both directors were elected by member banks in Group 3 and their successors will be chosen by this group. M em ber banks in Groups 1 and 2 will not participate in this election. The classification of member banks for the purposes of nomination and election of class A and B directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is as follows: Group 1 consists of banks with capital and surplus o f more than $40,000,000; Group 2, o f banks with capital and surplus o f $1,500,000 to $40,000,000, in clu sive; and Group 3, o f banks with capital and surplus o f less than $1,500,000. For the purposes of this election, a member bank’s classification w ill be determined by its capital and surplus as of the date of this circular, even though its capital and surplus may change before the polls close. The list of banks comprising Group 3 begins on page 3. Except in the case of any member banks that are subsidiaries of the same bank holding company,'1 each bank in Group 3 is permitted to nominate a candidate for class A director *S ectio n 4 of the Federal R eserve A c t, as am ended, reads in part as fo llo w s: “ . . . That whenever any member banks within the same Federal Reserve district are subsidiaries of the same bank holding company within the meaning of the Bank H olding Company A ct o f 1956, par ticipation in any such nomination or election by such member banks, including such bank holding com pany if it is also a member bank, shall be confined to one of such banks, which may be designated for the purpose by such holding com pany.” A cco rd in gly , banks in G roup 3 affected by the fore g oin g provision o f the law are requested to take prom pt action to have the appropriate bank h olding com pany designate, if it has not already designated, one o f such banks to participate in this nom ination and election. and a candidate for class B director.** The nominations should be made by resolutions of the boards of directors of the nominating banks and certified copies of such resolutions should be sent to me so as to reach me on or before November 29, 1966. The enclosed printed forms show the appropriate forms of resolution, and one executed copy of each form should be returned to me. On November 30,1966, copies of the list of candidates (indicating by whom nominated) and preferential ballots will be mailed so that, in the normal course of the mails, they w ill be received by all banks in Group 3 by December 1, 1966. The law provides that the ballot shall be cast within 15 days after receipt of this list. The polls w ill open at 10 a.m., December 1, 1966, and w ill close at 12 noon on Friday, December 16, 1966. Upon the closing of the polls, the ballot box w ill be opened in the board room of this Bank, the votes counted and checked by tellers, and results of the election announced. The candidates w ill be invited to be present or represented on that occasion, if they so desire. In order to be counted as valid, the ballot must be executed by an officer authorized to cast the vote and must be received by me at or before the time thus fixed for the closing of the polls (i.e., at or before 12 noon on Friday, December 16, 1966). The officers heretofore designated for this purpose by the respective banks in Group 3 are shown in the list on the following pages. Any Group 3 bank that desires to change its authorization should do so by resolution of its board of directors; a certified copy of such resolution must reach me before the polls close. A form for this purpose will be furnished upon request. Because banks in Groups 1 and 2 will not participate in this election, this circular is sent to them ivithout form s and for their information only. E v e re tt N. C ase, Chairman of the Board. **Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, reads in part as follows: ‘ ‘ Class A shall consist o f three members, who shall be chosen b y and be representative o f the stock holding banks. . . . No officer or director o f a member bank shall be eligible to serve as a class A director unless nominated and elected by banks which are members o f the same group as the member bank of which he is an officer or director. “ A n y person who is an officer or director of more than one member bank shall not be eligible for nomination as a class A director except by banks in the same group as the bank having the largest aggregate resources o f any o f those o f which such person is an officer or director.” ‘ ‘ Class B shall consist o f three members, who at the time o f their election shall be actively engaged in their district in commerce, agriculture or some other industrial pursuit. . . . No director o f class B shall be an officer, director, or employee o f any bank.” [Under interpretations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a person whose sole occupation is that of officer of an insurance company or of a savings and loan association is not eligible for election as a class B director of a Federal Reserve Bank.] “ No Senator or Representative in Congress shall be a member o f the Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System or an officer or a director o f a Federal reserve bank.” [In a resolution adopted December 23, 1915, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System expressed the opinion “ that persons holding political or public office in the service of the United States, or of any State, Territory, county, district, political subdivision, or municipality thereof, or acting as members of political party committees, cannot consistently with the spirit and underlying principles of the Federal Reserve A ct, serve as directors or officers of Federal Reserve B a n k s.” ] 2 1966 Election of Directors List of 239 Member Banks in Group 3 ( G roup 3 consists o f m em ber banks with capital and surplus o f less than $1,500,000 on O ctober 24, 1966) C O N N E C T IC U T Name of Bank or Trust Company Place Officers Authorized to Cast Vote Norwalk Norwalk National B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Stam ford The A tlantic National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary Stamford Lincoln National B a n k ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier W estport W estport National B a n k ......................................................... N E W JER SEY . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Basking Ridge Somerset Hills National B a n k .................................................. Bayonne The Broadway National Bank of Bayonne . Belvidere The First National Bank of B e lv id e r e ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Blairstown The First National Bank of B la ir s to w n ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Bloomsbury The Citizens National Bank of Bloomsbury . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Bogota The Bogota National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Branchville The Branchville National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Butler The First National Bank of B u t l e r ................................... President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant to the President Calif on Hunterdon County Trust C o m p a n y ................................... President, any Vice President, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer Carteret Carteret Bank and Trust C o m p a n y .................................... . President, any Vice President, or Treasurer Clark Clark State B a n k ....................................................................... . President, or Executive Vice President Cliffside Park The United National Bank of Cliffside Park . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Clinton First Clinton National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier First Bank of C o lo n ia ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Secretary Colonia . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Cranbury The First National Bank of C r a n b u r y ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Dunellen The First National Bank of D u n e lle n ............................ . President, or Cashier Dunellen The P eople’s Trust C o m p a n y .................................................. President, any Vice President, Treasurer, or Assistant Treasurer Eatontown Eatontown National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Edgewater The Edgewater National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Edison Raritan Valley National B a n k ........................................... Flemington The Flemington National Bank and Trust Company . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Fort Lee F irst National Bank in Fort L e e .......................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Fort Lee Fort Lee Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................... Franklin Lakes Franklin Lakes National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Gladstone Peapack-Gladstone B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Glen Ridge Glen Ridge Trust C o m p a n y .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Secretary Ilackensack The City National Bank and Trust Company of H a c k e n s a c k .............................................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier 3 President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary and Treasurer GROUP 3 N E W JERSEY Name of Bank or Trust Company Place Hackettstown ( Continued) Officers Authorized to Cast Vote The Hackettstown National B a n k ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hackettstown The Peoples National Bank of Hackettstown . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hamburg The Hardyston National Bank of H a m b u r g ............................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hillside Hillside President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hope The First National Bank of H o p e ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier K eyport The Peoples National Bank of Monmouth County . State B a n k ....................................................................... President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary Lambertville The Lambertville National B a n k .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier Livingston Livingston National B a n k ................................................................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Livingston Suburban Bank of Livingston, National Association . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Madison Madison National B a n k ................................................................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Madison Township Am boy-M adison National B a n k .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier Manville The Manville National B a n k ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier M atawan Township The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of M atawan President, any Vice President, or Cashier Middletown Keansburg-Middletown National B a n k .................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier M ilford The First National Bank of M i l f o r d ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier M illbu m Millburn-Short Newark Broad National Bank, N e w a r k .................................................. President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Newton The Sussex and Merchants National Bank of Newton Hills B a n k ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Orange The Second National Bank of O r a n g e .................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Palisades Park The National Bank of Palisades P a r k ................................... ParsippanyTroy Hills The Boonton National Bank of Parsippany-Troy Hills, New J e r s e y ..................................................................................... President, any V ice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier Phillip sburg The Phillipsburg National Bank and Trust Company . Phillipsburg Phillipsburg Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Treasurer President, any Vice President, or Cashier Phillipsburg The Second National Bank of P h illip sb u r g ............................ Raritan State Bank of Somerset C o u n t y .................................................. President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary Ridgefield Park Ridgefield Park Trust C o m p a n y .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Secretary Rochelle Park Community Bank of Bergen County, N . J ................................ Roselle The First National Bank of R o s e l l e ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Scotch Plains First National Bank of Scotch P l a i n s .................................... Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, or Cashier Sea Bright The Sea Bright National B a n k .................................................. President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier Secaucus N ational Bank of S e c a u c u s ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier South Plainfield The First National Bank of South Plainfield . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Sparta Peoples National Bank of Sussex C o u n t y ............................ Spring Lake First National Bank of Spring L a k e ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier Succasunna Citizens National Bank of Morris C o u n t y ............................ W ashington The First National Bank of W a s h in g t o n ............................. Cashier Washington W ashington Trust Company of W ashington, N . J . . W est Belmar Belm ar-W all National B a n k ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, Vice President, or SecretaryTreasurer Westwood The First National Bank of W e s t w o o d .................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier W ood Ridge The W ood Ridge National B a n k .................................................. President, any V ice President, or Cashier 4 GROUP 3 NEW YOEK Name of Bank or Trust Company Place Officers Authorized to Cast V ote Addison The F irst National Bank of A d d i s o n ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Alden Alden State B a n k ....................................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Amenia The First National Bank of A m e n i a ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Angola The Evans National Bank of A n g o l a ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Arcade The Citizens Central B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Atlanta Atlanta B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier A ttica The Citizens B a n k ....................................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier National Aurora The First National Bank of A u r o r a ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Avoca Bank of A v o c a .............................................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Ballston Spa The Ballston Spa National B a n k ........................................... . President, Vice President, or Cashier Bath The Bath National B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Beacon The Fishkill National B a n k .................................................. . President, any V ice President, or Cashier Belmont The State Bank of Belmont, N . Y . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Boonville The First National Bank of B o o n v ille ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Boonville The National Exchange Bank of Boonville . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Bridgehampton The Bridgehampton National Bank . Buffalo Lincoln National B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Callicoon United National B a n k ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Cambridge The Cambridge Valley National B a n k ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Canisteo First State Bank, Canisteo, N . Y ........................................ Canton The First National Bank of C a n to n ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Cape Vincent Citizens Bank of Cape V i n c e n t .......................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Carmel The Putnam County National Bank of Carmel . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Castleton on Hudson The National Exchange Bank of Castleton on Hudson . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Catskill Catskill National Bank and Trust Company . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . . . . . . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Catskill The Tanners National Bank of C a ts k ill............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Cattaraugus Bank of C a t t a r a u g u s ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Central Square The First National Bank of Central Square . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Central Valley The Central Valley National B a n k ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Chester The Chester National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Chestertown Chester-Schroon-Horicon B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Clifton Springs The Ontario National Bank of Clifton Springs . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Clinton The Hayes National Bank of Clinton Cohocton The Cohocton State B a n k ................................... . . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Cooperstown The First National Bank of Cooperstown Coxsackie The National Bank of C o x sa c k ie ............................ . President, or any Vice President Cuba The Cuba National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Delhi The Delaware National Bank of D e l h i ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Deposit The Farmers National Bank of D e p o s it ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Dexter The First National Bank of D e x t e r ................................... Dover Plains The Dover Plains National B a n k ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Downsville The First National Bank of D o w n sv ille ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier D ry den The First National Bank of D r y d e n .................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . 5 . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, Cashier, or A ssistant Cashier GROU P 3 N EW YORK ( Continued) Name of Bank or Trust Company Place Officers Authorized to Cast Vote Dundee Dundee State B a n k ................................................................ President, or Cashier E ast Hampton F irst National Bank of E ast H a m p t o n ............................. President, or Cashier E ast Islip The First National Bank of E ast I s l i p ............................ President, or Cashier Edmeston The First National Bank of E d m e s t o n ............................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Ellenville Ellenville National B a n k ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Ellenville The First National Bank and Trust Company of Ellenville President, any Vice President, or Cashier Endicott The Endicott National B a n k .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier Fleischmanns The First National Bank of Fleischmanns . . Florida The National Bank of F l o r i d a ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Franklinville The Union National Bank of Franklinville . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Geneseo Genesee V alley National Bank and Trust Company of G e n e s e o ..................................................................................... President, any V ice President, Cashier, or Executive Officer . . . . . Geneva The National Bank of G e n e v a .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier Goshen The National Bank of Orange and Ulster Counties . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Gouvemeur Bank o f G o u v e r n e u r ................................................................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Gouverneur First National Bank in G o u vern eu r.................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Greene First National Bank in G r e e n e ........................................... Cashier Greenwich The First National Bank of G reen w ich ............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier Groton The First National Bank of G r o t o n .................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hamden The First National Bank of Hamden President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hammond The Citizens National Bank of Hammond . Hampton Bays The Hampton Bays National B a n k .................................... . . . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . Hancock The Second National Bank and Trust Company H e m p s t e a d .............................................................................. Hermon The First National Bank of H e r m o n ................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier The First National Bank of H a n c o c k ............................. Hempstead President, any Vice President, or Cashier of President, any Vice President, or Cashier President, any Vice President, or Cashier Highland The First National Bank of H i g h l a n d ............................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Hobart The National Bank of H o b a r t .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier Holcomb The Hamlin National Bank of H o lc o m b ............................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Holland Bank of H o l l a n d ....................................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Homer The Homer National B a n k ......................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Jeffersonville The F irst National Bank of Jeffersonville . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Keeseville The Keeseville National B a n k .................................................. President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Kerhonkson The Kerhonkson National B a n k ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Kinderhook The National Union Bank of Kinderhook . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier K ingston The Eondout National Bank of Kingston . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier L a Fargeville The First National Bank of L a Fargeville . . . . Lake George First National Bank of Lake G e o r g e ................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Lisbon The First National Bank of L i s b o n ................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Little Falls The Herkimer County Trust C o m p a n y ............................ President, any Vice President, or Secretary Little Falls The Little Falls National B a n k .......................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Locust Valley Matinecock B a n k ....................................................................... President . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Lowville Lewis County Trust C o m p a n y .................................................. President, any Vice President, or Secretary Lyndonville Citizens B a n k ................................................................ President, any Vice President, or Cashier Lyons The Lyons National B a n k .................................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier Lyons Falls The Lyons Falls National B a n k ........................................... President, any Vice President, or Cashier State 6 GROUP 3 N E W YO R K ( Continued ) Place Mahopac Name of Bank or Trust Company Officers Authorized to Cast Vote The Mahopac National B a n k ........................................... . Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, or Cashier Malone The Citizens National Bank of Malone . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Malone The Farmers National Bank of Malone . . . . Marion The F irst National Bank of M a r i o n ............................. Mattituck The North Fork Bank and Trust Company . . President, any Vice President, or Secretary Maybrook The Maybrook National B a n k .................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Mexico The First National Bank of M e x i c o ............................ . President, or any Vice President Middletown Orange County Trust C o m p a n y ................................... Millbrook Bank of M illb r o o k ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Millerton The Millerton National B a n k ........................................... Monroe Citizens Bank of M o n r o e .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any V ice President, or Cashier Montgomery First National Bank in M o n tg o m e ry ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Monticello The National Union Bank of Monticello . Montour Falls Montour National Bank in Montour Falls . Moravia The F irst National Bank of Moravia Morris The First National Bank of M o r r i s ............................. Nanuet Nanuet National B a n k ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Newark Valley The First National Bank of Newark V alley . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, or any V ice President . . . . . . . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, or Vice President . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Newburgh The Columbus Trust C o m p a n y ................................... New Y ork City (See page 8) Nichols The Nichols National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Norfolk The First National Bank of N o r f o l k ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier North Creek The North Creek National B a n k ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier The First National Bank of North Tarrytown . . President North Tarrytown Norwich The Chenango County National Bank and Trust Company of N o r w i c h .................................................. Nyack Tappan Zee National B a n k ........................................... Oceanside The Oceanside National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Odessa The F irst National Bank of O d e s s a ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Ogdensburg Ogdensburg Trust C o m p a n y ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Treasurer Olean Olean Trust C o m p a n y ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer Oneonta W ilber National Bank of O n e o n t a ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Ontario State Bank of O n t a r io ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Oriskany Falls The First Trust and Deposit Company of Oriskany Falls, Ovid The First National Bank of O v i d ............................. Owego The Owego National B a n k .......................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Oxford The National Bank of O x f o r d ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Painted Post The First National Bank of Painted Post . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Patchogue Island State B a n k ................................................................ . President Pawling The National Bank of P a w li n g ............................. . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Perry The Bank of P e r r y .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Philadelphia Bank of P h ila d e lp h ia ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Pine Plains The Stissing National Bank of Pine Plains . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Poughkeepsie Farmers-Matteawan National B a n k ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier 7 . President, any Vice President, or Cashier GROUP 3 N E W YO R K ( Continued) Place Name of Bank or Trust Company Officers Authorized to Cast Vote Red Creek The Red Creek National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Red Hook The First National Bank of Red H o o k ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Redwood The Redwood National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Rhinebeck The First National Bank of R h in e b e ck ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President Riverhead The Suffolk County National Bank of Riverhead . Roxbury The National Bank of R o x b u r y ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Salamanca The First National Bank of S a la m a n c a ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Salamanca Salamanca Trust C o m p a n y .................................................. . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Secretary-Treasurer Saratoga Springs The Adirondack Trust C o m p a n y ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Treasurer Saugerties The Saugerties National Bank and Trust Company . . Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, or Cashier Savannah The National Bank of S a v a n n a h ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Schuylerville The National Bank of S ch u y lerv ille ................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Scotia First National Bank of S c o t i a ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Seneca Falls The State Bank of Seneca Falls, N . Y ................................ . President Sidney First National Bank in S i d n e y ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Silver Creek The Silver Creek National B a n k ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Solvay Solvay Spencer T ioga State B a n k ....................................................................... B a n k .............................................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any Vice President, Cashier, or Assistant Cashier Stam ford The National Bank of S t a m fo r d ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Star Lake United B a n k ..................................................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Stony Brook Bank of Suffolk C o u n t y ......................................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Theresa The Farmers National Bank of T h e r e s a ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Tupper Lake The Tupper Lake National B a n k ........................................... Unadilla The Unadilla National B a n k .................................................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Vernon The National Bank of V e r n o n ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Waddington The W addington B a n k ................................................................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier W alden The Valley National Bank, W allkill, N . Y ......................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier W alton The National Bank of Delaware County, W alton . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Warrensburg The Emerson National Bank of Warrensburgh . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Waterville The National Bank of W a te r v ille ........................................... . President, any Vice President, or Cashier W atkins Glen Glen National Bank and Trust Company . President, any Vice President, or Cashier . . . . W a y land The First National Bank of W a y l a n d ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Westhampton Beach Seaside B a n k .............................................................................. . Chairman of the Board, President, any Vice President, or Cashier Willsboro Essex County-Champlain National Bank, Willsboro Winthrop The First National Bank of W i n t h r o p ............................ . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Woodridge The First National Bank of W o o d r id g e ............................. President, any Vice President, or Cashier . . President, any Vice President, or Cashier N E W Y O R K C IT Y Freedom National Bank of New Y o r k ............................. . President, any Vice President, or Cashier Far Rockaway The National Bank of Far E o c k a w a y ............................. . President Flushing Flushing National B a n k ......................................................... M anhattan Queens President, any Vice President, or Cashier F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK O F N EW YO R K Nomination for Class A Director, 1966 D is tr ic t N o. 2 Group No. 3 A t a meeting of the Board o f Directors o f t h e ................................................... (Nam e of Bank) o f ................................................................................ duly called and held on the......................... day (City or Town and State) o f ....................................................................1966, on motion duly made and seconded, it was “ R E S O L V E D , That........................................................................................................................... . o f................................................................................................................................. whose occupation is be, and he is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate fo r class A director o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, and the cashier or other officer o f this bank is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy o f this resolution to the Chairman o f the Board o f Directors o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y o rk .’ ’ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o f a resolution o f the Board o f Directors o f this bank duly adopted on the date specified. (S eal of B a n k ) (Official signature) (Title) To MR. E V E R E T T N. C A SE, C h a ir m a n F of ederal t h e B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s , R eserve B a n k of New Y ork. F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK O F N EW YO R K Nomination for Class A Director, 1966 D is tr ic t N o. 2 Group No. 3 A t a meeting of the Board of Directors o f t h e ................................................... (Nam e of Bank) o f .................................................................................duly called and held on the......................... day (City or Town and State) o f ....................................................................1966, on motion duly made and seconded, it was “ R E S O L V E D , That........................................................................................................................... , o f ............................................................................................................................... , whose occupation is be, and he is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate fo r class A director o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, and the cashier or other officer o f this bank is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy o f this resolution to the Chairman o f the Board o f Directors o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y o rk .” I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o f a resolution o f the Board o f Directors of this bank duly adopted on the date specified. (S eal of B a n k ) (Official signature) (T itle) To MR. E V E R E T T N. C A SE , C h a ir m a n of t h e B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s , F ederal R eserve B a n k of New Y ork. F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BA N K O F NEW YORK Nomination for Class B Director, 1966 D is tr ic t N o. 2 Group No. 3 A t a meeting o f the Board o f Directors o f t h e ............................................................................ (Nam e of Bank) o f ................................................................................ duly called and held on the......................... day (City or Town and State) o f....................................................................1966, on motion duly made and seconded, it was “ R E S O L V E D , That........................................................................................................................... , o f................................................................................................................................, whose occupation is be, and he is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate fo r class B director o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, and the cashier or other officer o f this bank is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy o f this resolution to the Chairman o f the Board o f Directors o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y o rk .” I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o f a resolution o f the Board o f Directors of this bank duly adopted on the date specified. (S eal of B a n k ) (Official signature) (Title) To MR. E V E R E T T N. CASE, C h a ir m a n of t h e B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s , F eder al R eserve B a n k of New Y ork. F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BA N K O F N EW YORK Nomination for Class B Director, 1966 D is tr ic t N o. 2 Group No. 3 A t a meeting o f the Board o f Directors o f t h e ............................................................................ (Nam e of Bank) o f .................................................................................duly called and held on the......................... day (City or Town and State) o f ....................................................................1966, on motion duly made and seconded, it was “ R E S O L V E D , That........................................................................................................................... , o f................................................................................................................................, whose occupation is be, and he is hereby, nominated by this bank as a candidate fo r class B director o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New York, and the cashier or other officer o f this bank is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Chairman o f the Board o f Directors o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y o rk .” I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy o f a resolution o f the Board o f Directors o f this bank duly adopted on the date specified. (S eal of B a n k ) (Official signature) (T itle) To MR. E V E R E T T N. C A SE , C h a ir m a n of t h e B o a r d o f D ir e c t o r s , F ederal R eserve B a n k of New Y ork. M r . E v e r e t t N. C a s e , Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Federal Reserve P. 0 . Station, Room 511 New York, N .Y. 10045