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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW Y O R K r Circular No. 5 5 5 7 "I I October 5,1964 J FEDERAL FA R M LO AN BONDS — Redemption of October 20 Maturity — Offering of New Bonds To All Batiks and Trust Companies, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: A t the request of the 12 Federal Land Banks, transmitted to us by the Treasury Department, we bring to your attention the following notice: A n issue o f $142 million consolidated Federal farm loan 4 percent bonds dated Decem ber 20, 1960, w ill mature on October 20, 1964. These bonds may be redeemed through the Federal Reserve Banks and Branches or the Treasurer o f the United States, W ashington, D. C. Funds fo r the redemption o f the m aturing bonds and fo r other requirements will be provided by the Federal Land Banks through a public offering o f consolidated Federal farm loan bonds for delivery October 20, 1964. The new bonds will be offered fo r cash, no preference being given holders o f the m aturing issue. The offering will comprise $209 million o f 4 % per cent bonds dated October 20, 1964, due October 20, 1969. The bonds will be offered by the banks’ Fiscal Agent, John T. K nox, One Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, New Y ork 10005, through an organized dealer group, at a price to be announced on or about October 8. Additional copies of this circular will be furnished upon request. 19 A lfred H ayes, President. 14 FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY 19 6 4