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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E BANK O F NEW YO R K Fiscal Agent of the United States f Circular No. 5 2 3 O '] L September 26, 1962 J Supplemental Report of Subscriptions For Treasury's Latest Advance Refunding To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: T h e f o l l o w i n g s t a t e m e n t w a s m a d e p u b lic t o d a y b y th e T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t : The Treasury Department today announced a breakdown of the securities exchanged for the 3% per cent Treasury Notes of Series A-1967, due August 15, 1967, and the 4 percent Treasury Bonds of 1972, due August 15, 1972, offered in the Department’s latest refunding offer, together with total amounts eligible far exchange and remaining outstanding as of the close of business, Monday, September 24, 1962. This informa tion (in millions of dollars) is as follows: Securities and amounts eligible for exchange Issues Exchanged for Amounts S % % Notes, Series A-1967 4% Bonds o f 1972 Total Amount remaining outstanding $ 6,861.6 2,839.4 3,642.5 $ 779.6 1,072.4 993.2 $ 375.2 260.8 404.3 $1,154.8 1,333.2 1,397.5 $ 5,706.8 1,506.2 2,245.0 $13,343.5 $2,845.2 $1,040.3 $3,885.5 $ 9,458.0 $ 6,685.7 5,047.5 1,743.0 $ 957.0 1,304.9 173.9 $ 448.7 720.0 370.3 $1,405.7 2,024.9 544.2 $ 5,280.0 3,022.6 1,198.8 $13,476.2 $26,819.7 $2,435.8 $5,281.0 $1,539.0 $2,579.3 $3,974.8 $7,860.3 $ 9,501.4 $18,959.4 Feb. 15, 1963 maturities 3V2 % Certificates . . . 2% % N o te s............. 31/4% N o te s ............. T otals ...................... May 15, 1963 maturities 314% Certificates . . . 31/4% N o te s.............. 4% N o te s................. T otals ...................... G r a n d T o t a l s ____ This total of subscriptions, $7,860.3 million, includes $7,519.2 million of securities held by the public. Of the $7,519.2 million of publicly held securities exchanged, $3,833.5 million (40.8 percent of those eligible for exchange) consisted of February 15, 1963 maturities, and $3,685.7 million (37.6 percent of those eligible for exchange) consisted of May 15, 1963 maturities. A lfred H ayes, President.