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Fiscal Agent of the United States

[s5S2beM* imo]

$1,100,000,000 o f 91-Day Bills, Additional Amount, Series Dated June 23, 1960, Due Dec. 22, 1960
(T o Be Issued September 22, 1960)
$500,000,000 o f 182-Day Bills, Dated September 22, 1960, Due March 23, 1961
T o A ll Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies, and O thers
C oncerned, in the Second Federal R eserv e D istrict:

Following is the text of a notice issued by the Treasury Department, released for publication today at 4 p.m.,
Eastern Daylight Saving time:
T h e T re a su ry D epa rtm en t, b y this p u b lic n otice, invites
ten ders fo r tw o series o f T rea su ry bills t o th e a g g reg a te am ou nt
o f $1,600,000,000, o r th ereabouts, fo r cash and in ex ch a n g e for
T re a su ry bills m atu rin g S ep tem ber 22, 1960, in the a m ou n t o f
$1,600,774,000, as fo llo w s :
91 -d a y bills ( t o m atu rity da te) to be issued S ep tem ber 22,
1960, in the a m ou n t o f $1,100,000,000, or thereabouts,
rep resen tin g an additional a m ou n t o f bills dated June
23, 1960, and to m ature D ecem b er 22, 1960, origin a lly
issued in the a m ou n t o f $500,157,000, the additional and
origin a l bills to be fre e ly interchangeable.
182-day bills, fo r $500,000,000, o r th ereabouts, t o be dated
S ep tem ber 22, I960, and to m ature M a rch 23, 1961.
T h e bills o f b oth series w ill be issued on a d iscou n t basis
u nder co m p etitive and n o n com p etitiv e bid d in g as h erein a fter p r o ­
vid ed, and at m aturity their fa ce a m ou n t w ill b e p a ya b le w ith ou t
interest. T h e y w ill be issued in bearer fo r m o n ly , and in d e­
n om in ation s o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 and
$1,000,000 (m a tu rity va lu e).
T e n d e rs w ill be re ce iv ed at F ed eral R eserve B anks and
B ran ch es up to the clo s in g h our, on e-th irty o ’ c lo c k p.m ., E astern
D a y lig h t S a v in g tim e, M o n d a y , S ep tem ber 19, 1960. T en d ers will
n ot be received at the T re a su ry D epa rtm en t, W a s h in g to n . E ach
ten der m ust be fo r an even m u ltiple o f $1,000, and in the case o f
com p e titiv e ten ders th e price offered m u st b e exp ressed on the
basis o f 100, w ith n o t m o re than th ree decim als, e.g., 99.925.
F ra ctio n s m ay n o t be used. It is u rged that tenders be m ade on
the printed fo rm s and fo rw a rd ed in th e special en velop es w h ich
w ill be supplied b y F ed eral R es e rv e B anks o r B ran ches on
application th erefor.
O th e rs than b ankin g institutions w ill n ot b e perm itted to
subm it tenders e xcep t fo r th eir o w n a ccou n t. T e n d e rs w ill be
received w ith ou t dep osit fro m in corp ora ted banks and trust c o m ­
panies and fro m resp o n sib le a n d re co g n iz e d dealers in investm ent
securities. T e n d e rs fro m oth ers m u st b e a ccom p a n ied b y p a y ­
m en t o f 2 p e rce n t o f the face a m ou n t o f T rea su ry bills applied
fo r, unless the ten ders are a ccom p a n ied b y an exp ress guaranty
o f pa ym en t b y an in co rp o ra ted b a n k o r trust com p a n y .
Im m ed ia tely a fter the clo s in g h our, ten ders w ill be op en ed at
the Federal R e se rve B anks and B ran ches, fo llo w in g w hich public
a n n ou n cem en t w ill be m ade b y the T rea su ry D epa rtm en t o f the
am ou nt and p rice ran ge o f a ccep ted bids. T h o s e subm itting
ten ders w ill b e a d vised o f the a ccep ta n ce o r re je ctio n thereof.

T h e S ecreta ry o f the T r e a s u ry ex p ressly reserves the rig h t to
a ccep t o r re je c t a n y o r all tenders, in w h ole o r in part, and his
action in a n y su ch re s p e ct shall be final. S u b je ct to these reser­
vations, n on com p etitiv e ten ders fo r $200,000 o r less fo r the add i­
tional bills dated June 23, 1960, (91 days rem ain in g until m a ­
turity date on D e ce m b e r 22, 1960) and n on com p etitive tenders
fo r $100,000 o r less fo r th e 182-day bills w ith ou t stated p rice fro m
a n y on e b id d er w ill b e a cce p te d in full at the a vera ge p rice (in
th ree decim a ls) o f a ccep ted com p etitive b id s fo r the respective
issues. Settlem ent fo r a ccep ted ten ders in a ccord a n ce w ith the
b id s m u st be m a d e o r com p le te d at th e F ed era l R eserve B ank
on S ep tem ber 22, 1960, in cash o r oth er im m ediately available
funds o r in a like face a m ou n t o f T rea su ry bills m a tu rin g S e p ­
tem ber 22, 1960. Cash and exch a n ge tenders w ill receive equal
treatm ent. Cash adjustm ents w ill be m ade fo r d ifferen ces b e ­
tw een the pa r value o f m aturing bills a ccep ted in ex ch a n g e and
the issue price o f the n ew bills.
T h e in com e derived fr o m T r e a s u ry bills, w h eth er interest o r
gain fr o m the sale o r oth er d isp osition o f the bills, d o e s n o t have
a n y exem p tion , as such, and loss fr o m the sale o r oth er d isp o si­
tion o f T rea su ry bills d o e s n ot have a n y special treatm ent, as
such, u nder the Internal R even u e C o d e o f 1954. T h e bills are
su b ject to estate, inheritance, g ift or oth er e x cis e taxes, w hether
Fed eral or State, but are ex em p t fro m all ta xation n o w o r h e re ­
a fter im p osed o n the principal o r in terest th e re o f b y a n y State,
o r a n y o f the p ossession s o f the U n ited States, o r b y any loca l
taxin g authority. F o r pu rp oses o f taxation the a m ou n t o f dis­
co u n t at w hich T r e a s u ry bills are origin a lly sold b y the U n ited
States is co n sid e re d to be interest. U n d er S ection s 4 5 4 (b ) and
1221(5) o f th e Internal R even u e C od e o f 1954 the a m ou n t o f dis­
cou n t at w hich bills issued hereunder are sold is n ot co n sid e re d
to a ccru e until such bills are sold, red eem ed o r oth erw ise dis­
posed o f, and such bills are ex clu d ed fro m con sidera tion as
capital assets. A c c o r d in g ly , th e o w n e r o f T r e a s u ry bills (o th e r
than life insurance co m p a n ie s ) issued hereun der need in clu d e in
his in com e ta x return o n ly the differen ce betw een the price paid
fo r such bills, w h eth er o n origin a l issue or on su b seq u en t p u r­
chase, and the am ou nt actu ally received either upon sale o r
red em p tion at m aturity d u rin g th e taxable year for w h ich the
return is m ade, as ord in a ry gain o r loss.
T rea su ry D ep a rtm en t C ircu lar N o. 418, R evised , and this
n otice, prescrib e th e term s o f the T rea su ry bills and g o v e r n the
co n d itio n s o f their issue. C op ies o f the circu la r m a y be obtain ed
fro m a n y F ed era l R e serv e B a n k o r B ran ch.

This Bank will receive tenders for both series up to 1 :30 p.m., Eastern Daylight Saving time, Monday, September
19, I960, at the Securities Department of its Head Office and at its Buffalo Branch. Tender forms for the respective
series are enclosed. Please use the appropriate forms to submit tenders and return them in an envelope marked “ Tender
for Treasury Bills.” Tenders may be submitted by telegraph, subject to written confirmation; they may not be submitted
by telephone. Payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the Treasury Tax and Loan Account.
Settlement must be made in cash or other immediately available funds or in maturing Treasury bills.

Results of the last offering of Treasury bills (91-day bills to be issued September 15, 1960, representing an additional
amount of bills dated June 16, 1960, and maturing December 15, I960; and 182-day bills dated September 15, 1960, matur­
ing March 16, 1961) are shown on the reverse side of this circular.





( over )

SEPTEMBER 15, 1960)
Range o f Accepted Competitive Bids
91-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing December 15, 1960

182-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing March 16, 1961


Approx. equiv.
annual rate


Approx. equiv.
annual rate





L o w ..................... .........





Average ............. ..........







a E x c e p tin g tw o tenders tota lin g $795,000.
1 O n a co u p o n issue o f the sam e len g th and fo r the sam e am ou nt invested, the return on these bills w o u ld provide
yield s o f 2.71 p ercen t fo r the 91-day bills, and 3.00 percent fo r the 182-day bills. In terest rates on bills are qu oted in
terms o f bank discount, with the return related to the face amount o f the bills payable at maturity rather than the
a m ou n t invested, and their len gth in actual n um ber o f days related to a 360-day year. In con trast, yield s o n certificates,
notes, and b o n d s are com p u ted in term s o f interest on the am ou nt invested, and relate the n um ber o f days rem ainin g in
an interest paym ent p e r io d to the actual n u m ber o f days in the period, w ith sem iannual c o m p o u n d in g if m ore than one
co u p o n p e r io d is in volved.

(52 percent of the amount of 91-day bills
bid for at the low price was accepted.)

(86 percent of the amount of 182-day bills
bid for at the low price was accepted.)

Total Tenders Applied f o r and Accepted (By Federal Reserve Districts)
91-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing December 15, 1960
Applied for


Boston .........................



182-Day Treasury Bills
Maturing March 16, 1961




Applied for















Cleveland ...................













Chicago .....................




St. Louis ...................



10,296,000 .







Kansas C it y ...............





Dallas .........................





San Francisco...........





Total ...........


New Y o r k ...................



b In clu d es $248,054,000 n on com p etitiv e tenders a ccep ted at the average price o f 99.329.
c In clu d es $53,092,000 n on com p etitive tenders a ccep ted at the a v era g e p rice o f 98.526.




A t 1*935

Federal Reserve

Ba n k of




N ew York

N. Y.

2 - 5 7 0 0

September 19, i960

To Member and Nonmember Clearing Banks
of the Second Federal Reserve District:

We have been informed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta that,
as a result of the recent hurricane, delays may be anticipated in the receipt
of advices of nonpayment and in the return of unpaid items from banks in
Marathon and Everglades, Florida; Mobile, Alabama; Pascagoula, Moss Point,
Ocean Springs, Biloxi, Gulfport, and Pass Christian, Mississippi; and Port
Sulphur, Louisiana.
We will continue to dispatch cash items deposited with us payable
in the affected areas and to give credit therefor in accordance with our time
schedules, but we reserve the right to charge back any unpaid items at any
