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FEDERAL OF RESERVE NEW BANK YORK Fiscal A g en t o f the U nited States r C ircu la r N o . 4 7 9 5 1 L O c t o b e r 15, 1959 J T R E A S U R Y ’ S CU RREN T CASH OFFERIN G OF 5 % NOTES Subscriptions and Allotments To All Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: The follow in g statement was m ade public tod a y: The Treasury Department today announced the subscription and allotment figures with respect to the cash offering o f $2 billion, or thereabouts, o f 5 percent Treasury Notes o f Series B-1964, dated October 15, 1959, and to mature A ugust 15, 1964. Subscriptions from savings-type investors were allotted 45 percent, subscriptions from commercial banks fo r their own account were allotted 8 p er cent, and all other subscriptions were allotted 5 percent, but not less than $1,000 on any one sub scription. In accordance with the offering announcement, all subscriptions up to a maximum o f $25,000 were allotted in fu ll where accompanied by 100 percent payment at the time o f entering the subscriptions. In addition, $100 m illion were allotted to Government Investment Accounts. Subscriptions and allotments were divided among the several Federal Reserve Districts and the Treasury as follow s: Subscriptions from Subscriptions from commercial banks savings-type investors fo r own account F ed eral R eserve D istrict B o s t o n .................................... New Y ork ............................ Philadelphia ........................ Cleveland .............................. Richmond ............................ Atlanta ................................ Chicago ................................ St. Louis .............................. Minneapolis .......................... Kansas C i t y .......................... Dallas ..................................... San Francisco ...................... Treasury .......................... T o t a l ............................ $1,360,988,000 B o s t o n ............................................................ $ New Y o r k ...................................................... Philadelphia ............................................... Cleveland ...................................................... R ic h m o n d ...................................................... Atlanta .......................................................... C h ic a g o .......................................................... St. L o u i s ........................................................ Minneapolis ................................................. Kansas C i t y ................................................. Dallas ............................................................ San F r a n c is c o ............................................. Treasury ................................................. Government Investment Accounts . . . o t a l Subscriptions from all others $ 211,504,000 $ 305,745,000 $ 62,078,000 603,228,000 2,109,587,000 410,057,000 28,116,000 299,292,000 50,060,000 84,878,000 562,488,000 46,464,000 48,508,000 287,850,000 42,607,000 40,474,000 300,937,000 38,412,000 147,478,000 907,840,000 99,788,000 10,456,000 249,736,000 45,812,000 11,622,000 147,008,000 22,515,000 28,676,000 237,306,000 49,122,000 58,485,000 319,928,000 27,485,000 87,088,000 662,683,000 44,471,000 475,000 — 2,165,000 Federal R eserve D istrict T Subscriptions accompanied by 100% deposit ...................................................... $6,390,400,000 $ 67,093,000 1,804,598,000 34,659,000 58,153,000 34,066,000 35,544,000 197,399,000 22,221,000 11,577,000 20,569,000 47,136,000 99,668,000 71,000 $941,036,000 $2,432,754,000 Total _ subscriptions received Total allotments 646,420,000 4,927,470,000 412,127,000 751,983,000 413,031,000 415,367,000 1,352,505,000 328,225,000 192,722,000 335,673,000 453,034,000 893,910,000 2,711,000 — $ 185,690,000 948,124,000 88,463,000 132,900,000 89,935,000 83,442,000 249,714,000 71,585,000 48,883,000 81,953,000 81,902,000 141,987,000 2,393,000 100,000,000 $ 11, 125, 178,000 $ 2, 306, 971,000 A l f r e d H a y e s , President. k t U79* FEDERAL OF RESERVE NEW BANK YORK October 19, 1959. To All Member Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District: It is with deep regret that I inform you of the death on October 17 of C a m e r o n G . G a r m a n , a director of our Buffalo Branch since January 24, 1959. A lfred H ayes, President.