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r Circular N o. 4 7 6 7 * 1
A ugust 4, 1959

New Law on Member Bank Reserve Requirements

To A ll Banks, and Others Concerned,
in th e Second Federal R eserve D istrict :

On J u ly 28, 1959, the President o f the U nited States signed into law an act (P u blic
Law No. 86-114) amending certain provisions o f the F ederal R eserve A ct and the National
Bank A ct relating to reserves required to be m aintained by member banks. W hile the act
makes no immediate change in the method o f com puting reserves or in current actual
reserve requirements, it authorizes the B oa rd o f G overnors o f the F ederal R eserve
System to perm it member banks, under such regulations as it may prescribe, to count all
or part o f their currency and coin as reserves. M em ber banks w ill be notified prom ptly
o f any regulation the B oa rd o f G overnors m ay adopt perm itting such currency and coin
to be counted as reserves.
The new law also—
(a ) Establishes a maximum reserve requirement fo r reserve city and central reserve city
member banks o f 22 per cent (previously 20 and 26 per cent, respectively) and a minimum reserve
requirement fo r central reserve city member banks o f 10 per cent (previously 13 per cen t).
(b ) Changes the basis upon which the B oard o f Governors may perm it (i) member banks
located in reserve cities to maintain reserves required o f country member banks, and (ii) mem­
ber banks located in central reserve cities to maintain reserves required o f reserve city or country
member banks. This permission may now be granted on such basis as the B oard may deem rea­
sonable and appropriate in view o f the character o f business transacted by the member bank. The
act eliminates the provisions that, to be eligible fo r such permission, the member bank must be
located in the outlying districts o f its city or in territory added to the city by the extension o f
the c ity ’s corporate charter.
(e) Effective three years from its enactment, terminates the “ central reserve c ity ” classifi­
cation and reclassifies New Y ork and Chicago as reserve cities.
(d )
Requires only one o f several holding com pany affiliates owning or controlling the stock
of the same bank or group o f banks to maintain reserves o f readily marketable assets with respect
to the bank stocks they own or control.

A dditional copies o f this circular w ill be furnished upon request.


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P r esid en t.