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FE D E RA L R E SE R V E BANK OF NEW YORK Fiscal Agent of the United States J"Circular No. 4 5 5 L January 14, 1958 Basis o f Allotment o f FNMA Notes To A ll Banking In stitution s, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal R eserve D istrict: The following statement was made public today: The Treasury announced last evening a 15 percent allotment on sub scriptions for more than $10,000 for the current cash offering of 3% percent Federal National Mortgage Association Notes o f Series ML-1960-A. None o f these subscriptions will be allotted less than $ 10,000 and subscriptions for $ 10,000 and less will be allotted in full. Reports received from the Federal Reserve Banks show that subscrip tions total about $5,215 million. Details by Federal Reserve Districts as to subscriptions and allotments will be announced when final reports are received from the Federal Reserve Banks. A lfred H ayes, President.