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FEDERAL OF RESERVE NEW BANK YORK Fiscal Agent o f the United States r C irc u la r No. 4 3 8 4 T U N ovem ber 6, 1956 J RESULTS OF BIDDING FO R TREASURY BILLS DATED NOVEM BER 8 , 1956 To all Incorporated, Banks and Trust Companies, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve District: A t the time of printing our Circular No. 4383, dated November 6,1956, announcing an offering of 91-day Treasury bills, to be dated November 15, 1956, the results of bidding for the previous week’s issue of 91-day Treasury bills, to be dated November 8, 1956, and to m ature F ebruary 7, 1957, were not available. The results, now avail able, are: T otal applied for . . $2,504,062,000 T otal accepted . . . . $1,600,670,000 (Includes $288,848,000 entered on a non competitive basis and accepted in full at the average price shown below) A verage price . . . . Equivalent rate of discount approx. 2.914% per annum 99.263 R ange of accepted com petitive b id s : ....................... 99.282 Equivalent rate of discount approx. 2.840% per annum Low ......................... 99.259 Equivalent rate of discount approx. 2.931% per annum H igh (39 percent of the am ount bid for at the low price was accepted) Federal Reserve District B o s to n ........................................................... New Y ork ..................................................... Philadelphia ................................................ Cleveland ..................................................... Richm ond ..................................................... A tlanta ......................................................... Chicago ......................................................... St. L o u i s ....................................................... M inneapolis ................................................ K ansas City ................................................. Dallas ........................................................... San Francisco ............................................ T otal ........................................ Total Applied for $ Total Accepted 36,010,000 1,788,739,000 31,364,000 100,662,000 18,694,000 35,657,000 257,315,000 35,873,000 18,833,000 41,498,000 42,902,000 96,515,000 $ $2,504,062,000 25,705,000 987,274,000 16,364,000 85,052,000 18,694,000 32,493,000 200,995,000 35,853,000 18,511,000 41,495,000 42,902,000 95,332,000 $1,600,670,000 A lfred H ayes, President.