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FED ERAL RE SE R V E BANK OF NEW YORK r Circular N o. 4 1 8 2 1 L January 7, 19S5 J FORTIETH ANNUAL STATEMENT To the Stockholders o f the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y ork: Herewith is a statement o f condition of the Federal Reserve Bank o f New Y ork at the close o f the year 1954, and o f earnings and expenses fo r that year. F or convenient comparison, the corresponding figures for the previous year, 1953, are also shown. The regular annual report o f the Bank, containing an account o f its operations for the year ended December 31, 1954, is now being pre pared. W hen it is issued, a copy will be sent to each o f our stockholders. A llan S prou l, President. Statement o f Condition ASSETS Dec. 31,1954 Dec. 31,1953 Gold certificates....................................................... $ 5,322,810,688 $ 5,197,850,659 Redemption fund fo r Federal Reserve n o te s ... 184,192,307 183,705,717 Federal Reserve notes o f other banks.............. 47,323,465 26,487,415 Other c a s h ................................................................. 80,496,467 75,303,300 Total c a s h ......................................................... $ 5,634,822,927 $ 5,483,347,091 $ $ Discounts and ad va n ces........................................ 39,116,667 7,050,000 U. S. Government securities................................ 6,401,284,000 7,115,378,000 Total loans and securities............................ $ 6,440,400,667 $ 7,122,428,000 $ $ Other assets: Due from foreign banks*.................................. 6,390 6,360 Uncollected items ............................................... 771,895,972 790,661,228 Bank p re m is e s ..................................................... 7,149,453 7,390,351 A ll o t h e r ............................................................... 33,262,078 38,513,944 Total other a s s e t s .......................................... $ T O T A L A S S E T S .......................................... $12,887,537,487 * A fter deducting participation o f other Federal Reserve Banks amounting to ........................................................................... 2 812,313,893 $15,872 $ 836,571,883 $13,442,346,974 $15,995 Statement o f Condition L IA B IL IT IE S Dec. 31,1954 Dec. 31,1953 Federal Reserve n o t e s .......................................... $ 5,950,858,180 $ 5,924,481,385 Member bank— reserve a cco u n ts.................... $ 5,482,319,097 $ 6,049,923,125 U. S. Treasurer— general account.................. 95,808,212 70,675,384 Foreign* ............................................................... 147,721,220 134,793,203 Other ..................................................................... 322,037,469 361,473,663 Total deposits ................................................ $ 6,047,885,998 $ 6,616,865,375 $ $ D eposits: Other liabilities: Deferred availability cash item s...................... A ll o t h e r .............................................................. 575,374,917 6,786,821 5,456,093 580,831,010 605,850,780 $ 612,637,601 Total other lia b ilities.................................... $ T O TA L L IA B IL IT IE S .............................. $12,579,575,188 $13,153,984,361 $ $ C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS Capital paid i n ......................................................... 89,948,800 81,852,000 Surplus (Section 7) ............................................... 188,070,589 176,633,418 Surplus (Section 13b) .......................................... 7,318,631 7,318,631 Other capital a ccou n ts.......................................... 22,624,279 22,558,564 288,362,613 $ T O T A L L IA B IL IT IE S AN D C A P IT A L ACCOUNTS ............................................... $12,887,537,487 $13,442,346,974 $ $ Contingent liability on acceptances purchased fo r foreign correspondents'!-............................ 307,962,299 $ TO TA L C A P IT A L A C C O U N T S .............. 5,419,728 7,067,524 Ratio o f gold certificate reserves to deposit and Federal Reserve note liabilities com bined... 45.9% 42.9% * A fter deducting participation o f other Federal Reserve Banks amounting to ........................................................................... $342,220,000 $288,486,000 t After deducting participation o f other Federal Reserve Banks amounting to ........................................................................... $ 13,632,000 $ 16,872,134 3 Statement o f Earnings and Expenses 1953 1954 Total current ea rn in g s .................................................. $112,467,039 $119,734,382 Net exp en ses..................................................................... 22,462,852 23,235,163 Current net earnings ............................................ $ 90,004,187 $ 96,499,219 $ $ Additions to current net earnings: Profit on sales o f U. S. Government securities (net) 111,317 A ll other ...................................................................... Total a d d ition s........................................................ 447,980 4,618 117 $ 111,434 $ 452,598 $ -0 - $ 659,362 Deductions from current net earnings: Retirement System (adjustment for revised benefits) .................................................................... Reserves for con tin gen cies...................................... 65,715 93,730 A ll other ...................................................................... 7,080 9,370 762,462 Total deductions .................................................... $ 72,795 $ Net additions or deductions (— ) ................................ $ 38,639 $ — 309,864 Net earnings before payments to U. S. Treasury $ 90,042,826 $ 96,189,355 Paid U. S. Treasury (interest on Federal Reserve notes) ............................................................................ $ 73,549,613 $ 82,180,358 Dividends p a i d ................................................................ $ 5,056,042 $ 4,878,435 Transferred to surplus (Section 7 ) ............................ $ 11,437,171 $ 9,130,562 SU RPLU S ACCOUNT (Section 7) Surplus— beginning o f y e a r ........................................ $176,633,418 $167,502,856 Transferred from net earnings for y ea r.................... 11,437,171 9,130,562 Surplus— end of y e a r .................................................... $188,070,589 $176,633,418 4 Federal Reserve Bank of New York DIRECTORS J a y E . C r a n e ( C -1 9 5 6 * ), Vice President, Standard Oil Company (New Jersey), New York, N. Y. Chairman, and Federal Reserve Agent F o r r e s t F. I I i l l (C-1957), Provost, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Deputy Chairman (B-1957), President, National Distillers Products Corporation, New York N Y ’ (Elected by Group 3 banks) (B -1 955 ), Director, and member o f Executive Committee, General Foods Corporation, New York, N. Y. (Elected by Group 1 banks) J o h n E . B i e r a y ir t h C l a r e n c e F r a n c is F e ed. I . C o l l in s n - B axter (A -1 9 5 7 ), tj •I_* __A rp___* President and I rust Officer, ’ Bound Brook Trust Company, Bound Brook, N. J. (Elected b y Group 3 b a n k s ) John R. E vans J ackson (A -1 9 5 5 ), Chairman o f the Board, -n • ’ -n i Chemical Corn Exchange Bank, New York, n . Y. (Elected by Group 1 banks) F ranz S c h n e id e r (C -1 9 5 5 ), New York, N. Y. (A-1956), -d o . President, The First National Bank o f Poughkeepsie, LANS^ resident" The('G m n f Union Company, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. East Paterson, N. J. (Elected by Group 2 banks) (Elected by Group 2 banks) * The letter indicates the class o f d irector; term expires Decem ber 31 ol the year indicated. OFFICERS A W il l ia m llan F. S proul, T r e ib e r , H a r o l d A . B i l b y , Vice President J o h n E x t e r , Vice President H e r b e r t H. K i m b a l l , Vice President A r t h u r P h e l a n , Vice President H a r o l d V . R o e l s e , Vice President R o b e r t G . R o u s e , Vice President T o d d G . T i e b o u t , Vice President and V a l e n t i n e W i l l i s , Vice President R e g i n a l d B . W i l t s e , Vice President J o h n H . W u r t s , Vice President J ohn J . Clarke, A r t h u r I . B l o o m f i e l d , Senior Economist C h a r l e s A . C o o m b s , Manager, Research Department H a r d in g C o w a n , Assistant Counsel G e o r g e G a r v y , Senior Economist C l i f t o n R . G o r d o n , Assistant Counsel G e r a l d H . G r e e n e , Acting Manager, Service Department E d w a r d G . G u y , Assistant Counsel W i l l i a m A . H e i n l , Manager, Savings Bond Department J o h n P . J e n s e n , Manager, Security Custody Department P e t e r P . L a n g , Manager, Foreign Department J o h n J . L a r k i n , Manager, Securities Department A n g u s A . M a c I n n e s , J r . , Manager, Check Department W i l l i a m E . M a r p l e , Manager, Credit Department, and Manager, Discount Department S p e n c e r S . M a r s h , J r ., Manager, Securities Department M i c h a e l J . M c L a u g h l i n , Manager, Cash Custody Department erbert A. M uether, Department Manager, Building Operating General Counsel Assistant General Counsel H o w a r d D . C r o s s e , Assistant Vice President F e l i x T . D a v i s , Assistant Vice President N o r m a n P . D a v i s , Assistant Vice President H orace L . S an ford, H President First Vice President T a u l R . F i t c h e n , Assistant Vice President M a r c u s A . H a r r i s , Assistant Vice President R o b e r t V . R o o s a , Assistant Vice President Assistant Vice President D o n a l d C. N i l e s , Manager, Planning Department A r t h u r H . N o a , Manager, Service Department G r e g o r y O ’ K e e f e , J r ., Assistant Counsel, and Assistant Secretary F . P a l m e r , Manager, Accounting Department F r a n k l i n E. P e t e r s o n , Manager, Cash Department L a w r e n c e E. Q u a c k e n b u s h , Manager, Bank Examinations Department W a l t e r S . R u s h m o r e , Manager, Personnel Department K e n n e t h E. S m a l l , Manager, Government Bond Department, and Manager, Safekeeping Department F r e d e r i c k L . S m e d l e y , Manager, Personnel Department G e o r g e C. S m i t h , Manager, Collection Department, and Manager, Government Check Department T h o m a s O . W a a g e , Manager, Public Information Department A . C h e s t e r W a l t o n , Manager, Bank Relations Department A r t h u r H . W i l l i s , Secretary W D onald J . Cam er o n , 5 il l ia m General Auditor Federal Reserve Bank of New York MEMBER OF FEDERAL ADVISORY COUNCIL H e n b y C. A l e x a n d e r , President, J. P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated, New York, N. Y. INDUSTRIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE W i l l i a m H . P o u c h , Chairman Chairman o f the Board, Concrete Steel Company, New York, N. Y. A G. N e l s o n , Vice Chairman Chairman o f the Board, A . G. Nelson Paper Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. E dw ard J . N rthur oble. Chairman o f the Finance Committee, American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, Inc., New York, N. Y. Buffalo Branch of Federal Reserve Bank of New York DIRECTORS F. W e n d t , Chairman President, Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo, N. Y. E dgar R o ber t C . T a it , R obert L . D a v is , President, Stromberg-Carlson Company, Rochester, N. Y. President, The First National Bank o f Olean, Olean, N. Y. H. D i e f e n d o r f , President, The Marine Trust Company o f Western New York, Buffalo, N. Y. C h arles B ernard E . F P. V r e e l a n d , President, Salamanca Trust Company, Salamanca, N. Y. E dw ard G. W h i t e , Dairy farmer, Stow, N. Y. in u c a n e , Cla y to n President, Security Trust Company o f Rochester, Rochester, N. Y. OFFICERS* I n sley B . Sm H G eorge J . D oll, arold M. W essel, it h , Vice President Assistant Vice President Cashier M. M onroe M yers, Assistant Cashier * Gerald H . Greene, an Assistant Cashier at the Buffalo Branch, has been temporarily assigned to the H ead O ffice as an A ctin g Manager. 6