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FED ERAL RE SE R V E BANK O F NEW YORK Fiscal A g en t o f the U nited States r Circular No. 3 9 8 8 T L June 18, 1953 J Appendix to Operating Circular No. 17 First Supplement to Operating Circular No. 17 To all Banking Institutions, and Others Concerned, in the Second Federal Reserve D istrict: E nclosed is a co p y o f the A ppendix, dated June 18, 1953, to O perating Circular N o. 17. It lists the series o f T reasury bonds that m ay be redeem ed at p a r to p a y F ederal estate taxes, and sets forth the conditions the T rea su ry D epartm ent im poses on the redem ption o f those bonds fo r that purpose. The A ppen d ix incorporates inform ation previously set forth in our Circular N o. 3722, dated June 18,1951, which is now su perseded; it also includes new m atter resulting fro m a later amendment b y the T reasury to the provisions governing the redem p tion o f bonds at par. F inally, it includes in the list o f bonds that m ay be redeem ed at par the recent issue o f 3^4 per cent bonds o f 1978-83, dated M ay 1, 1953. A lso enclosed is a cop y o f the F irst Supplement, dated June 18, 1953, to O perating Circular No. 17, which amends paragraphs 22 and 23 o f the operating circular as stated therein. A dditional copies o f the A ppen d ix and o f the F irs t Supplem ent w ill be furnished upon request. A llan S proul, President.