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Fiscal Agent of the United States

Circular No. 2910 j
L February 23, 1945

Public Notice of Offering of $1,300,000,000, or thereabouts, of 91-Day Treasury Bills
Dated March 1, 1945

Maturing May 31, 1945

To all Incorporated
Banks and Trust Companies
in the
Second Federal Reserve
District and Others

Following is the text of a notice today made public by the Treasury Department with respect to a new offering of Treasury bills payable at maturity without interest to be sold o n a discount basis under competitive and fixed-price bidding.
F r i d a y , F e b r u a r y 23, 1945.



T h e Secretary o f the T r e a s u r y , b y this public notice, invites tenders f o r $1,300,000,000, o r thereabouts, o f 91-day T r e a s u r y
bills, to be issued on a discount basis under competitive and fixed-price bidding as h e r e i n a f t e r p r o v i d e d
T h e bills o f this
series will be dated M a r c h 1, 1945, and will mature M a y 31, 1945, w h e n the f a c e a m o u n t will be payable without interest.
T h e y will be issued in bearer f o r m o n l y , a n d in denominations o f $1,000, $5,000, $10,000, $100,000, $500,000, and $1,000,000
(maturity value).
T e n d e r s will be received at Federal R e s e r v e B a n k s and Branches up to the c l o s i n g hour, t w o o ' c l o c k p.m., Eastern
w a r time, M o n d a y , F e b r u a r y 26, 1945. T e n d e r s will not be received at the T r e a s u r y Department, Washington.
E a c h tender
must be f o r an even multiple o f $1,000, and the price o f f e r e d must be e x p r e s s e d on the basis o f 100, with not m o r e than
three decimals, e. g . , 99.925. Fractions m a y n o t be used. I t is urged that tenders be m a d e on the printed f o r m s and f o r w a r d e d
in the special envelopes w h i c h will be supplied b y Federal R e s e r v e Banks o r Branches on application therefor.
T e n d e r s will be received without deposit f r o m i n c o r p o r a t e d banks and trust companies and f r o m responsible and
r e c o g n i z e d dealers in investment securities.
T e n d e r s f r o m o t h e r s must be a c c o m p a n i e d b y payment o f 2 percent o f
f a c e amount o f T r e a s u r y bills applied f o r , unless the tenders are accompanied b y an express guaranty o f payment b y an
incorporated bank o r trust c o m p a n y .
Immediately a f t e r the closing hour, tenders will be opened at the Federal R e s e r v e B a n k s and Branches, f o l l o w i n g w h i c h
public announcement will be m a d e b y the Secretary o f the T r e a s u r y o f the amount and p r i c e r a n g e o f accepted bids.
submitting tenders will b e advised o f the acceptance o r r e j e c t i o n t h e r e o f .
T h e S e c r e t a r y o f the T r e a s u r y expressly reserves
the r i g h t t o accept or r e j e c t any o r all tenders, in w h o l e o r in part, and his action in any such respect shall be final. S u b j e c t
to these reservations, tenders f o r $200,000 o r less f r o m any one bidder at 99.905 entered o n a fixed-price basis will be accepted
in f u l l .
P a y m e n t o f accepted tenders at the prices o f f e r e d m u s t be made o r completed at the Federal Reserve B a n k in cash
o r other immediately available f u n d s o n M a r c h 1, 1945.
T h e i n c o m e derived f r o m T r e a s u r y bills, w h e t h e r interest o r gain f r o m the sale o r other disposition o f the bills, shall
n o t have any e x e m p t i o n , as such, and loss f r o m the sale o r o t h e r disposition o f T r e a s u r y bills shall not have any special
treatment, as such, under Federal t a x A c t s n o w o r h e r e a f t e r enacted.
T h e bills shall be subject to estate, inheritance, g i f t ,
o r o t h e r e x c i s e taxes, w h e t h e r Federal o r State, but shall b e e x e m p t f r o m all taxation n o w o r hereafter imposed on the
principal o r interest thereof by any State, o r any o f the possessions o f the United States, o r b y any local taxing authority.
F o r purposes o f t a x a t i o n the amount o f discount at w h i c h T r e a s u r y bills a r e originally s o l d b y the United States shall be
c o n s i d e r e d t o be interest.
U n d e r Sections 42 and 117 ( a ) ( 1 ) o f the Internal R e v e n u e Code, as amended by Section 115 o f
the R e v e n u e A c t o f 1941, the amount o f discount at w h i c h bills issued hereunder are s o l d shall n o t be considered t o accrue
until such bills shall be sold, redeemed o r o t h e r w i s e disposed o f , and such bills a r e e x c l u d e d f r o m consideration as capital
A c c o r d i n g l y , the o w n e r o f T r e a s u r y bills ( o t h e r than l i f e insurance c o m p a n i e s ) issued hereunder need include in
his i n c o m e t a x return o n l y the difference between the price paid f o r such bills, w h e t h e r on original issue or on subsequent
purchase, and the amount actually received either upon sale o r redemption at maturity during the taxable year f o r w h i c h
the return is made, as o r d i n a r y gain o r loss.
T r e a s u r y D e p a r t m e n t Circular N o . 418,
g o v e r n the conditions o f their issue.

as amended, a n d this notice, prescribe the terms o f the T r e a s u r y bills and
o f the circular m a y be obtained f r o m any Federal R e s e r v e Bank o r B r a n c h .

In accordance with the above announcement tenders will be received at the Securities Department of this bank (9th
floor, 33 Liberty Street) N e w Y o r k 7, N. Y . , or at the Buffalo Branch of this bank (270 Main Street) Buffalo 5, N. Y.,
up to two o'clock p.m., Eastern war time, on Monday, February 26, 1945. It is requested that tenders be submitted
on special f o r m printed on reverse side and returned in special envelope enclosed herewith. Attention is invited to the
fact that payment for the Treasury bills cannot be made by credit through the War Loan Deposit Account. Payment must
be made in cash or other immediately az'ailable funds.



(Extract from Treasury Department statement released for publication February 20, 1945, announcing
results after tenders -were opened for Treasury bills dated February 23, 1945 maturing May 24, 1945)


A v e r a g e price




$1,308,371,000 (includes $65,660,000
entered o n a
basis at
99.905 and accepted in f u l l )

Equivalent rate o f discount
a p p r o x . 0 . 3 7 6 % per annum

R a n g e o f accepted competitive




Equivalent rate o f discount
0 . 3 6 0 % per annum



Equivalent rate o f discount
0 . 3 7 6 % per annum

( 6 7 percent o f the amount bid f o r at the l o w





New York
S t Louis
K a n s a s City
San Francisco








I M P O R T A N T — If it is desired to bid on a competitive basis, fill in rate per 100 and
maturity value in paragraph headed "Competitive Bid". If it is desired to bid on a fixedprice basis, fill in only the maturity value in paragraph headed "Fixed-Price Bid".
D O NOT fill in both paragraphs on one form, A separate tender must be used for each bid.
T E N D E R F O R 91 - D A Y T R E A S U R Y
Dated March 1, 1945.


Maturing May 31, 1945.
Dated at






Fiscal Agent of the United States.


Pursuant to the provisions of Treasury
Department Circular No. 418, as amended, and
to the provisions of the public notice on
February 23, 1945, as issued by the Secretary
of the Treasury, the undersigned offers to pay

Pursuant to the provisions of TreasureDepartment Circular No. 418, as amended, and to
the provisions of the public notice on February
23, 1945, as issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned offers to pay a fixed-price
of 99.905 (rate per 100) for a total amount of
(maturity value)

(Rate per 100)

* for a total amount of

(maturity value)
of the Treasury bills therein described, or for
any less amount that may be awarded, payment
therefor to be made at your bank in cash or other
immediately available funds on the date stated
in the public notice.

(Not to exceed $200,000)

of the Treasury bills therein described, payment
therefor to be made at your bank in cash or other
immediately available funds on the date stated
in the public notice.

The Treasury bills for which tender is hereby made are to be dated March 1, 1945, and are to mature
on May 31, 1945.
This tender will be inserted in special envelope entitled "Tender for Treasury bills."




(Please print)

(Official signature required)


Street A d d r e s s
(City, T o w n or Village, P.O. No., and State)
I f t h i s t e n d e r is s u b m i t t e d f o r t h e a c c o u n t o f

a c u s t o m e r , i n d i c a t e t h e c u s t o m e r ' s n a m e o n line b e l o w :

(Name of Customer)

(City, T o w n or Village, P.O. No., and State)

U s e a separate tender f o r each c u s t o m e r ' s bid.


1. N o t e n d e r f o r less t h a n $1,000 w i l l b e c o n s i d e r e d , a n d e a c h t e n d e r
(maturity value).
A separate tender m u s t be executed f o r each bid.








2. I f the p e r s o n m a k i n g t h e t e n d e r is a c o r p o r a t i o n , t h e t e n d e r s h o u l d b e s i g n e d b y a n o f f i c e r o f t h e c o r poration authorized t o make the tender, and the signing o f the tender b y an officer o f the c o r p o r a t i o n will be construed
as a r e p r e s e n t a t i o n b y h i m t h a t h e h a s b e e n s o a u t h o r i z e d .
If t h e t e n d e r is m a d e b y a p a r t n e r s h i p , it s h o u l d b e
signed b y a m e m b e r of the


w h o s h o u l d s i g n in t h e f o r m "

b y —


, a m e m b e r of the



T e n d e r s will be received without deposit f r o m i n c o r p o r a t e d b a n k s a n d t r u s t c o m p a n i e s a n d f r o m r e s p o n s i b l e
a n d r e c o g n i z e d d e a l e r s in i n v e s t m e n t s e c u r i t i e s . T e n d e r s f r o m o t h e r s m u s t b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y p a y m e n t o f 2 p e r c e n t
o f t h e f a c e a m o u n t o f T r e a s u r y b i l l s a p p l i e d f o r , u n l e s s t h e t e n d e r s a r e a c c o m p a n i e d b y an e x p r e s s g u a r a n t y o f
p a y m e n t b y an i n c o r p o r a t e d b a n k o r t r u s t c o m p a n y .
4. If t h e l a n g u a g e o f t h i s t e n d e r is c h a n g e d in a n y r e s p e c t , w h i c h , in the o p i n i o n
T r e a s u r y , is m a t e r i a l , t h e t e n d e r m a y b e d i s r e g a r d e d .



by credit through
* Price

War Loan Deposit Account

must be expressed
on the basis cf 100, with
three decimal places.
may not be

will not be
not more


the Secretary






Fiscal A g e n t of the United States

February 26, 1945.
Instructions Regarding Payment of Bonds of Series A at Maturity
and Issuance of Bonds of Series E in Exchange
To all Incorporated Banks and Trust Companies in the
Second Federal Reserve District Qualified to Make Payments
in Connection with the Redemption of United States Savings


In our Circular No. 2902, dated February 12, 1945, we advised you that, beginning on
March 1, 1945, individuals (natural persons) owning maturing Savings Bonds of Series A
would have the option of receiving payment of the maturity value in cash, or of exchanging
their bonds for Series E War Savings Bonds. The following instructions are for the guidance of qualified banks and trust companies which will pay maturing Series A bonds and issue
Series E bonds purchased with the proceeds.
1. Maturing


A Bonds


for Payment

in Cash

Series A bonds registered in the name of an individual (natural person) as owner or coowner
in his own right and presented by such owner or coowner for payment in cash may be paid by
a qualified bank or trust company, as provided in Treasury Department Circular No. 750, dated
September 5,1944, a copy of which was contained in our Circular No. 2834 of the same date. All
other maturing Series A bonds (including those registered in the names of associations, corporations, fiduciaries or deceased individual owners) should be forwarded to us for payment,
with requests for payment properly executed and certified, and accompanied by any documentary
evidence necessary to support the payment.
2. Maturing

Series A Bonds Presented



When an individual (natural person) named as owner or coowner of maturing Series A
bonds wishes to apply the proceeds of such bonds in payment for Series E bonds to be inscribed
in the name of such individual, in any authorized form of registration, a qualified bank or trust
company may pay the Series A bonds and issue Series E bonds in any denominations, the issue
price of which is fully covered by the proceeds of the maturing bonds, or such 'lesser amount
as the individual may direct. Any remaining balance should, of course, be paid to such individual. Further instructions with respect to these transactions are stated in sections 4 and 5
When an individual (natural person) not named as owner or coowner has succeeded to
legal title in his own right to maturing Series A bonds (as a surviving designated beneficiary,
as heir or legatee of the owner, or otherwise) and wishes to apply the proceeds of such bonds
in payment for Series E bonds, a qualified bank or trust company is not authorized to complete
the transaction but may forward the maturing bonds to us with requests for payment properly
executed and certified, accompanied by documentary evidence of the change of title and by


instructions with respect to the form of registration and amount of Series E bonds desired in
exchange. Any balance of the proceeds of .the Series A bonds in excess of the issue price of
the Series E bonds will be remitted by us by check to the order of the owner.
Owners of Series A bonds other than individuals are not eligible to purchase Series E
bonds and may not exchange their maturing bonds as provided above. Such bonds should be
forwarded to us with requests for payment properly executed and certified. We will make payment by check to the order of the owners in the regular course.
3. Limitation

on Holdings

of Series E


Series E bonds, the entire issue price of which is paid with the proceeds of maturing Series
A bonds during the month in which the latter mature, will be dated as of the first day of that
month and will not be subject to the limitations on holdings of Series E bonds acquired on original issue. On the other hand, when proceeds of Series A bonds maturing in one month are
applied to the purchase of Series E bonds in a subsequent month, the Series E bonds will be
dated as of the first day of the latter month and will be taken into consideration in determining
whether the owner's holdings exceed $5,000 (maturity value) of Series E bonds issued in the
same calendar year.
4. Treatment

of Series A Bonds

Paid by Qualified


Maturing Series A bonds paid by a qualified bank or trust company, whether the owner
receives the full maturity value in cash or Series E bonds issued in exchange, should be handled
in exactly the same manner as any other savings bonds paid by it. In other words, the requests
for payment should be executed by the owner presenting the bonds, the paid bonds should be
stamped in the usual manner and forwarded to us for credit along with other paid bonds; paid
Series A bonds should not be forwarded to us as a remittance for Series E bonds issued in
5. Treatment

of Registration

Stubs of Series E Bonds Issued in


Where all or a part of the proceeds of Series A bonds maturing in one month are applied
in payment for Series E bonds issued in the same month, the original registration stubs of the
Series E bonds should be marked in the lower left corner, as follows:

Rubber stamps to be used in imprinting this notation on the stubs are being sent to all qualified
banks and trust companies in this Federal Reserve District. Stubs bearing this notation should
be included in the same transmittal letter with stubs of bonds issued against regular cash payments, but should be segregated from the other stubs. The marking and segregation of stubs
in this manner is necessary in order that they may be excluded in computing total holdings of
Series E bonds by the owners, and may be used in compiling records of the volume of Series A
bonds exchanged. When proceeds of Series A bonds maturing in one month are applied to the
purchase of Series E bonds in a subsequent month, no notation should be made on the stubs of
the Series E bonds issued.
Additional copies of these instructions will be furnished upon request.

