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A T 6 HooA Federal r~ Reserve N ew York, Ba n k of N.Y. N ew Y ork 10045 AREA CODE 2 1 2 7 3 2 - 5 7 0 0 (g5 ) February 17, 1972 $20 COUNTERFEIT FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES To All Banks in the Second Federal Reserve District: The United States Secret Service has asked us to inform you that counterfeit $20 Federal Reserve notes are currently in circulation in the New York metropolitan area. Your tellers and customers should be warned to be on the alert for these counterfeits. The Secret Service has supplied the following description of these $20 counterfeits, all purporting to be notes of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Series 1969: Check Letter Face Plate No, Back Plate No, Check Letter Face Plate No. Back Plate No, 5 5 missing I I I I 5 5 55 55 98 3 8 0 L L L L 55 55 55 55 3 0 8 98 D D D D D D D missing missing 55 55 55 missing missing 8 88 The description also indicates: "The serial numbers on all notes vary, and there is no attempt made to simulate the red and blue fibers found in genuine currency. Several Treasury seals have been used on these counterfeits, and both sides of the notes have been tinted with a greenish colored ink." All counterfeit currency received from any source should be marked for identification and forwarded promptly, together with any information concerning the source of such notes, to the nearest office of the U. S. Secret Service, rather than to Washington, D. C. In this District, the Secret Service has offices in the Federal Office Building, 90 Church Street, New York City (mail address: P.Oo Box 804, Church Street Station, New York, N. Y. 10008); in the Main Post Office Building, Syracuse, N. Y. 13201; in the United States Court House, Buffalo, N. Y. 14202; and in the Post Office Building, Federal Square, Newark, N. J. 07102. For additional information, call the U e S. Secret Service at any time (telephone number 212-264-7204). Additional copies of this letter will be furnished upon request. ALFRED HAYES, President.