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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMEN T BO N D D EP ARTMENT RO OM 361-209 SO L A SALLE ST . ADDRESS A LL COMM U N ICA T IONS R EL AT IVE TO GOVERNME N T B O NOS 0 A. JONES. A •sT . CASHICII A.H . VOGT . ASST CASHlli:R L . G . MEYER, A CTINQ A sa T , C AS H IB,. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P, o aox 805 .Oircular No . 181 June .21, 1!919. TO Tum BANK OR TROST COMPANY ADDRilSSBlD& All United States Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series V-G, dated February 27, 1919 and maturing July 29, 1919 are hereby called for red.emption on July 1, 19J.9 at par and accrued interest pursuant to the provision for such redemption contained. in the certifioa~es. or ON JULY 1, 1919 INTB:UST ON ALL CBRTIFICA'BS SAID SERBS WILC. CEASE TO ACCRUI. Holders of certificates of said series shall, nevertheless, have the privilege of exchanging such certificates on or before JulJ 1 1 • 1919 at par with an adjustment of accrued interest for Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series T-4, dated June 3, 1919, maturing September 15, 1919. FEDKRAL RESERVE BANK or CHICAGO Government Bond Department.