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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361 • 209 SO. LA SALLE ST. S . B . CRAMER , ASST. CASHIElt 0 . A , JONES. ASST, CA•HIER ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS P. 0 . BOX 805 Circular No. 40. October 29, 1917. TO THE BANK ADDRESSKDz We quote for your guidance the text of a telegram received from the Treasury Department at Washington under date of October 23, 1917: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis "In order to comply with Secretary's announcement for preservation of names and addresses of subscribers of second Liberty Loan will you kindly advise all banks and trust companies and others throughout your district submitting group subscriptions that the Department desi~es their co-operation and later will request through you submission to your bank of the names and addresses of all subscribers for second Liberty Loan." FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO. Government Bond Department