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FEDERAL RESE.RVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 36 1-209 S O. LA SAL L E S T . ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMEN7 BONDS P O B OX 805 0 A .JONES , ASST . CASH I ER L. G . M EYE R ,ACTING AsST. CASH l ~R V . LAMONT 1 ACTINGASST. CASHlll!!:R Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Circular No. 21D October 21, 1919. TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: Enclosed you will find Supplement No. 1 to Form R-1, in relation to United States registered bonds inscribed as fol l ows: "John Doe and Mary Doe," "John Doe or Mary Doe," "John Doe and Mary Doe, or t he survivor." Your particular attenti on is directed to the fact that this ruling supersedes previous in structions relative thereto. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO, Government Bond Department.