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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMEN T ROOM 361-209 SO . LA SALLE ST. D . A.VONES,A8ST. CASHIER ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERN ME.NT BONOS P . O . BOX B05 L . G . MEYE R,ACTING ASST.CASHIER V, LAMONT, ACTINGA&S'T".CASHl~R Circular No. 221 December 3, 1919 TO THm BANK OR TROST COMPANY ADDRESSED, The Treasury Department has announced the closing of subscription books for Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of Series "D" of 1920, dated Deoember 1, 1919, and maturing February 16, 1920·, as of the c_lose of business December 1. The books for subscriptions to Tax Anticipation Certificates of Series TM-3 1 dated December l, 1919, maturing Us..rch 15, 1920, also closed for cash subscriptions as of the close of business December 2. Federal Reserve Banks have been instructed until further notice to acoept subscriptions to Tax Anticipation Certificates of Indebtedness of Series TM-3 of 1920, at par and a.c·crued interest in exchange for Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness of any issue, now wutstanding and not over-due, maturing on or before Febr uary 16, 1920, with any unmatured c-oupons attaahed~ If you desire to exchange any of the certificates now in your possession for Series TM- 3 of 1920, forward your subscription on Form 1315 and list the Certificates of Indebtedness forwarded in exchange on Form CI-110D. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department