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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET Chicago, February 20 , :918 . Bulle tin No . 98 . TO THE BANK OR BANKER ADDRESSED : ~e beg to call your attention to the fact that the second edition of the Index Digest of the Federal Reserve Act is no w ready for distribution and i s being sent to subscribers . The volume contains 656 pages . and furnishes a complete analysis of the Federal Reserve Act , as amended to date, including tho~e provisions of other acts which effect the Federal Reserve System . Copies bound in paper a ·e sold for $1 each and bound in buckram for $1.25 each . Subscriptions may be sent to the FederaJ. Reserve Ageat, care Fede al Reserve Bank of Chicago , or to the Fed eral Reser ve Board, Washington , D. C. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Very truly yours , J.B . McDOUGAL, Governor.