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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 3 61 - 2 0 9 SO . L A S ALLE S T . D .A.U ONE S,ASST. CAS H I ER L . G . M E Y E R ,ACTIN G ASS T.CASHIER V , LAMQNTJ A C Tl N GA SS T. CAS Hl f: ~ AD D RE SS A LL CO MMUNIC A TION S RELATI V E TO GOVE R NM E N T B O ND S P . 0 . BO X 805 Circulur No. 204 September 8, l\!19 TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: Owing to the greatly increased volume of transactions involving the iss ua nce or retirement of registered Liberty Loan Bonds and Notes, the Treasury Department dem a nd s that all such transactions be in their hands not later than the day on wh ich the transfer books close. In order that we may be able to funct ion transactions such as exchange of coupon bonds or notes for registered bonds or notes, exchange of registered bonds or notes for coupon bond s or notes and transfe r of registered bonds or notes, as of the next semi-annual interest date. the requests mu st be in our hands ten days before the transfer books close on the respective issues, as shown by the following table: = - DESCRIPTION 3½% First Liberty Loan " " " Conv. ,, " " " 4% 4¼% Second Liberty Loan 4% " " " Conv. 4¼% Interest Payable Transfer Books Close Requests to be in our hands June 15 and December 15 May 15 and November 15 May 5 and November 5 May 15 and November 15 April 15 and October 15 April 5 and October 5 February 15 a nd August 15 February 5 and August 5 Third Liberty Loan 4¼ o/o March 15 and Septembe r 15 Fourth Liberty Loan 4¼% Apri l 15 and October 15 March 15 and September 15 March 5 and September 5 June 15 and December 15 May 15 and November 15 May 5 and November 5 *Victory L iberty Loan l 3¾ o/o 4¾% * The interest due December 15, 1919, on Victory Liberty Loan is paid by the coupon attached to the registered note, hence the table does not effect the Victory Loan until June 16, 1920 and thereafter. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE .BANK OF CH I CAGO , GOVERNMENT BOND D E PARTMENT.