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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361 • 209 SO, LA SALLE ST, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS 8. B . CRAMER, ASST. CASHIER 0 . A , JONES. ASST. CASHIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P. O . BOX 805 Circular No. 67 February 26, 1918. TO THE BANK ADDRESSED: Please forward at once your subscription , together with payment, for United States Treasury 4 1/21. Certificates of Indebtedness dated February 27, 1918, maturing May 28, 1918, offered in anticipation of the Third Liberty Loan. All subscriptions must be in our hands not later than 3 P. M. March 5th. If you will forward your subscription promptly on the enclosed forms and AVOID THE NECESSITY OF TELEGRAPHING, it will greatly facilitate the work in this office. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department.