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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET July 13, 1917. Bulletin No . 75. REPORT OF NET DEPOSITS AND REQUIRED RESERVE TO THE MEMBER BANK ADDRESSED: Please f ind enclosed herewith a supply of blank forms for your use in re porting to this bank your net derosits and the reserve required to be maintained against such depo s its, in accordance with Section 19 . of the Federal Reserve Act , as amended June 21 , 1917 . Kindly execute and return one of these forms as of the cl ose of busine ss on the fifte enth of each month , and another on the l ast day of each month. Plea se for ward an initial report on the new form a s of the cl ose of business July 31, 1917. There is printed on the rev erse hereof for the convenience of member banks, a form for the computation of reserve. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, JAMES B. McDOUGAL; Governor. RESERVE COMPUTATI ON . DEMAND DEPOSITS 1 2 Deposits , other than United State s Gove r nment depos it s , payable wi t hin thir ty dRys . . . Balances due t o bank s , other than Federal Re :o.erve Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $................................... . $.................................... LESS: 3 4 5 Bala nces due fr om bank s , other than Fede ral Re~:'lr ve Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $................................... . Checks on other banks i n the same pJ ace . . . $.................................... $.................................... Exchanges for clearing house . $.................................... Tot al Dedu ct i ons ( It ems 3 , 1 and 5) . 6 *Net balance due t o banks . . 7 $..................·.:;:::::::.::::: TOTAL D[~AN D DEP031TS (Items 1 a nd 6 ) . . $.....---·············-··········· TIME DEPOSITS Saving s acc ount s (s ubj ect to not le s s than thirty day s ' n~t ice bef ore ~ayme nt) . . . 9 Certif i cate s o f de p~s it (sub j ect t o not les s t hRn thirt y days ' notice be f ore payment) . 10 Other de ~o~its r ayable only after th irty da y s 11 PostRl Sav i ngs de pos it s 12 TOTAL TIME DEPOS IT S ( I tems 8 , 9 , 10 and 1 1 ) 8 - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - -- -- -- -- - $.................................... $.................................... $ ................................... $................. ·••············" -- -- - - - -- -- - - - - - . ..., Seve n per ce nt of Dema nd de pos it s (Item 7 ) Three per cent of Time Deposits ( It em 1 2) $.................................... $.................................... Total reserve to be mai ntained wit h Federal Reserve Bank Bala nc e on defo s it with Federal Reserve Bank $............. •..................... $........................ •......... H:xce ss . . Deficiency . * $.................................... ShouJd the aggregate " Due fr om bank ,:; " (Itema 3 , 4 , and 5) exceed t he aggregate " Due to banks", both item s must be om itt ed f rom the calculati on. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $.................................... $....................................