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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET OFFICERS DIRECTORS C . H . BOSWORTH .JAMES B . M~ OOUGAL GOVERNOR C . R. M~KAY DEPUTY GOVERNOR W . F". M ': LALLEN SECRETARY S . G . M ': CLOUO CASHIER W . F". M-=LALLEN CHAIRMAN AND FEDERAL RESERVE AGENT DEPUTY FEOEAAL RESERVE AGENT J . B. FORGAN , CHI CAGO, ILLINOIS £ . T.MERE0ITH , DES M0INES , I0WA M. B. HUTCH ISON , OTTUMWA.IOWA G. M.R EVN O L0S , CH1CAGO, ILLI NOIS E . L . JOHNSON ,WATERLOO, tOWA A . H . VOGEL , MILWAUKEE ,WISCONSIN H . 6 . JOY , DETROIT , MICHIGAN BuJ.letin No . 30 Ju-:.1e 9th, 1915 . TO THE MEMBER BANKS OF DIS'.1:RICT 1lUMBER SEVF.N : - REDUCTION OF CAPITAL STOCK , The Federal Rese~ve Board has decided that in the future when a member bank desires t o r educe it s capi tal stock it shall be re quired first to make application to the Feder al Rese rve Bank of its district, and a fter obta ining its approval to pre sent its case to the Comptroller of the Currency, the matter finally going with the Comptroller's f avorabl e or adverse r ecommendation to tho Federal Reserve Board , a s at pr esent. You are requestad · to notify this bank promptly of any proposed decrease in c~pital, and the pro per forms will be forwarded to you. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Yours tj:uly, W. F, McLALLEN Deputy Federal Reserve Agent .