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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361-209 SO. LA SALLE ST. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMEN7 BONDS P . 0 . BOX 805 0 . A . .JONES,ASST. CASHIER L. G. M EYE R,ACTING ASST.CASHIER V . LAMONT, ACTINGASST.CASHl!:R Circular No. 205 September 8, 1919. TO THB BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: RE REGISTERED REGULATIONS FORM R-1 In the absence of Revised Treasury Department Regulations in relation to United States Government Registered Bonds and Notes, we have prepared tor distribution in this District the enclosed Form R-1, which covers the majority of questions coming to our attention daily. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis We request that you retain this form in your files for reference purposes until you receive the new Treasury Department Regulations. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department