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I FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO DISTRICT No. 7 RA~S FOR 1rElDISC0UNT. Chicago , Ja~1uary 22nd, 1915. TO IJlIE MEi,!BEn B!.NKS OF D:STRICT NUMBER SBVSN: - You are horoby notified that the discount r.'.1tos effcctivo J anuary 23rd will be as follo~s:w Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4 • per cent for m.?,turi ties up to 60 da~,s 4½per cent for m&turities up to 90 days 5: por cent for long-er maturitiss Very respectf~ll;y-,. JAMES B. McDOUGAL Governor Dulletin No . 25 / .,f' ,l a ...: