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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT R OO M 36 1·20 9 SO . LA S ALLE ST. AD DR ESS ALL COM M U NI CAT IONS RELA TIVE T O GOV E R NMEN T BON D S 8 , B , CR AM ER , A SST CA SHIE R: 0. A . JONE S, A SS T. CASH IE R P . O . BOX 805 Circular No. 48 . December 4, 1917 . TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: PAYMENT OF COUPONS FROM UNITED STATES BONDS Coupons from United States Government bonds are payable, when due, on presentation to the Treasurer of the United States , to an Assistant Treasurer of the United States, or to a Federal Reserve Bank or branch thereof . All coupons presented to thi s bank for payment should be arranged accordlng to Loan and denomination, and then sor ted with the bond numbers in numerical order, 50 of the same kind being put undez· a strap . . The remaining odds arranged in like manner should be strapped, leaving one package of each kind containing less than 5·0. Each strap should bear a statement in brief of the contents . Nothing in these instructions is to be construed as prohibiting the holder of United States Government coupons f rom cashing them at any bank or trust company that is willing to accommodate its patrons :l.n this respect; or at a post office authorized by the Postmaster General to cash such coupcns. Coupons so cashed, however, must. , under no circumstances, be canceled except by the Treasurer of t he United St ates, an Assistant Treasurer, or a Federal Reserve Bank, to whom they have be en delivered for a6 t ual pRyment. Coupon s previ ously canceled will riot be so paid. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government B~nd Depart ment.