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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CH ICAGO G OVERNMENT BOND DEPART MENT R OOM 3 61-209 SO. LA S A LLE ST. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS S . B. CRAMER, ASST. CASHIER 0 . A. JONES, ASST, CASHIER P. 0 , BOX 805 A . H. VOGT, ACTING ASST. CASHIER Circular No. 96 August 1, 1918 NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF FIRST AND SECOND LIBERTY LOAN BONDS CONVERSION PRIVILEGE Holders of the 41. bonds of the Fjrst Liberty Loan converted and of the Second Liberty Loan should PROMPTLY avail themselves of the privilege of converting into 4 1/41. bonds BY PRESENTI1,G THEIR BONDS FORĀ· CONVERSION THROUGH THE BANKS WHICH HANDLED THE ORIGINAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. These bonds are not convertible after November 9, 1918 even if subsequent series of bonds should be offered at a higher rate. Therefore; the conversion privilege must be exercised, if at all, on or before November 9, 1918 and fail~re to convert the 41. bonds described abo ve will result in loss to the bondholders of interest at the rate of 1/41. per annum for the enti r e unexpired term of the bond, without compensating advantage. The bond s to be delivered upon this conversion will bear interest at the rate of 4 1/41. per ann~m from the last interest date (May 15, 1918 or June 15, 1918). No payment of accrued interest is required. Holders of the 3 1/21. bonds of the First Liberty Loan may convert their bonds into 4 1/41. bonds on or before November 9, 1918 or may convert i nto any subsP.quent series of long term bonds offered during Lhe continuation of t be war, bea r ing interest ti t a higher rate than 3 1/21.. (For detail ed explanation see page 6 of Treasury Department Circular No. 114). If the holdAr of 3 1/21. bonds elects to exercise the pr esent conversion privile ge , accrued interest at the rate of 3/41. per annum from June 15, 1918 to the date the bonds are received at t he Federal Res8rve Bank of Chicago for conversion, must be paid to the Unit ed St ates. The bonds to be delivere d upon such conversions will bear interest at the rate of 4 1/ 4% per annum from june 15, 1918. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Fiscal Agent of the United States.