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COPY NOT TO CE Tl Vt.N rnuM FILING OEPARTME~T f IL Wl'Lf Of BULLfT 'I ,Eflj MAILED DO NOT DESTROY - PRESERVE FOR REFERENCE Bulletin No. 124-B. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET 001,0mm 14, 1918 TO ALL BANKS IN GROUP 2: (Banks whose capital and surplus equals $200,000 and 1s not more than $999,000.) The Federal Reserve Board has designated November 19, 1918, as the date for opening tho polls for the election of a successor to fill the unexpired term of Class "B" Director, M. B. Hutchison, deceased. Mr. Hutchison was elected by the banks in Group 2, which at the time of the last election, consisted of banks having a capital and smrplus of more than $59,000 and less than $120,000. Under the provisions of the amendment to the Federal Reserve Act, which became a law on September 26, 1918, the Federal Reserve Board has re-classified the banks for the purpose of electing Directors, so that now GROUP 2 IS COMPOSED OF BANKS WHOSE CAPITAL AND SUil,PLUS EQUALS $200,000 AND IS NOT MORE THAN $099,000. Thero- fore, in the coming election YOUR BANK WILL VOTE WITH THE BAi\'KS IN GROUP ~, which group will elect a Class "B" Director to fill the unexpired term of M. B. Hutchison, deceased. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis NOMINATION OF DIRECTORS ( Candidate are uominatt><l hy a re olution of the Board of Director member bank.) of the Each member bank in Group 2 may at thi. time nominate to the Chairman of the Boar<l of DircctorR of the Fccl<'ral ResC'rve Bank of Chicago, one candidatr for Director of 01ass "B." For thiB pmvos(• yon will plen. e u. c thr blank liIBTIFI TE OF XO:M- IX.ATIOX FOR CLASS ' B" DffiECTOR, 1918, a copy of which iR enclosed. The e certificate. of nomination mu. t ho returned so as to reach the Chairman before 3:00 P. M., Xovembor 9, 191 . Nominations received thereafter will not be listed. Prior to TonmbC'r 19, 191 , a li t of the candidate ·o nominated hall be compiled by the Chairman, inclicatino- by whom nominatecl, ancl a copy of said list furnished to each member bank together with the form of ballot. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS (~1he voting can be done only by the authorized offic0r named iu the resolutions furni hed for that purposr.) Blank resolutions haYc bC'C'll srut to all member bank in tbi district so that Ntch may, by l'C' olution, authorize and de ignate it. president or other officer to cast the vote of thC' nwrnbC'r hank in thC' coming ekction. Only banks having a Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis copy of this resolution on file with the Chairman prior to December 10, 1918, will be permitted to vote. Within :fifteen day after the recl'ipt of the li t of candidate referred to above, the tluly authorized offict·r of a member bank shall certify to the man, by making a cro hair- upon th preferential ballot (which form will be fur- ni hed with list of candidates) oppo itc the name of hi :first, third, and other clioic0s for a Dir0ctor of Ola s "B"; but he shall not vote more than one choice for any one candidate. All pr •fercntial ballots must be returned aud in the ham1 • of the Chairman by 3 :00 P . M., December 10, 191 . la, . '' B '' candidate mu t he acti vc ly engaged in thi di:trict in agriculture, comm rce, or ome other indu trial pur uit, and must not be officers, director~ or t rnplorec of any bank. 1 The announcement of the rc'ult of the election will be mat1 on or about December 101 1918. In returning the enclo. ed forms, plea~e ob. crve the followinO' instruction. : Write plainly, 01· :fill in on the typl'\\Titer the information called for. See that the signature of the proper officer of your bank is signed on the certificate b lank. Affix the seal of your bank to each certificate. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, W. A. HEATH. Cbairmnn. CERTIFICATE OF NOMINATION FOR CLASS B DIRECTOR, 1918 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago G1·on1) No. 2. District No. 7. At a meeting of the Boa rd of Directors of the ......·-···-·········-·-·-··········· ----·-·--··-··-··--···-··--·--··- ······················-·································-·················································· ....................... ··················-··············-·-······ ---·-·················•·····---(C ity) (Name of Bank) (State) Total CaJ)ital and Surplus, $·-·······--···-············-·····-·-······················ (See Foot Note) duly called and held on the ...............·--···•··••······••·••··•··day o._______ ··-·-·········-····• 1918, a quorum being present, on motion, duly made and seconded, it was "Resolved, That.........................................·------·-·•-···-•-----······················• of............· - - · - - - - - - whose occupation is ____ -·--·--··•······--····----, be, and he is hereby nominated as a candidate for director of Class B of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, to fill the unexpired term of M. B. Hutchison, deceased, and the cashier is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to certify his name to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago as the nominee of this association, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved December 23, 1913, as amended September 26, 1918, known as the Federal Reserve Act." I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution of the Board of Directors of this Association, duly adopted on the date specified, and pursuant thereto, I hereby certify that... .....· - -- - - - -- - - ----······-·-····-······················-·-··1s the duly accredited nominee of this Association for a Class B director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in Group No. 2. (SEAL) - - - - -·- - - - - , Cashier. To W. A. HEATH, Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. ?iote.-Group No. 2 is comprised of all member banks whose capital and surplus is not less than $200,000 nor more than $999,000. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis