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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361·209 SO. LA SALLE ST. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS 8. B . CRAMER . ASST , CASHIER D. A . J ON ES. ASST. CA SHIE R P. O,BOX 80!5 Circular No. 74 April 13·, 1918. NEW ISSUE OF 41o TAX ANTICIPATION CEftTIF!CATES Dated April 15, 1918 -- Due Juna 25, 1918. TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: As Fiscal Agent of the United States, we are authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive subscriptions for a new issue of 41o TAX ANTICIPATION Certificates of Indebtedness identical with the certificates dated February 15, 1918 in al l respects except as to the date of issue -- from which they bear interest . You may subscribe by letter forwarding the necessary payment with the subscription, as we are permitted for the present to make allotment in full. Be sure to specify that the subscription is for TAX ANTICIPATION certificates. ·Payments received after April 15 must include accrued interest from April 15 to the date the payment reaches this office. Make interest calculations at 4t per 365 days. These certificates will not be accepted in payment of or on account of bond subscriptions. Banks are urged to bring these certificates to the attention of their customers who will pay income or excess profits taxes amounting to $500 or more. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department