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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361 - 209 So. LA SALLE STREET s. 8 - CRAMER, ASST. CAsHtER 0, A, JONES, ASST . CASHIER FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN R~~.:':i~!sT~L~~~~:'N':.,N~~~T~~~~o Instructions - Nov. 21, 1918 Paymentt· 0 • 00 xeos Circular No. 127 TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: November 18, 1918. ... H.voGt,AcT,NGAssT.cAsH,eR We enclose herewith l Form 404 - original for your use in making payment due Nov. 21, 1918. 2 Form 404 - copy for your file. 3 Form 404 - specimen for your guidance, showing payment form correctly filled out in a hypothetical case. 4 Form 401A- original - Directio ns for issue of U.S. Registered bonds. 5 Form 401A- specimen - Directions for issue of U.S. Registered bonds. 6 Form C.I.110 - for use in listing Certifi cates of Indetbedness to be applied on bonds or for ordinary redemption. 7 Suggested Procedure for filling out Form 404. Please reaJ the entire apecimon form (Pr inted matter as well as figures) before making any entries on the original form. Note that accrued interest on the 90fo pa1ment is comput~d by multiplying the par value amount of bonds fo r which payment is completed November 21, 1918, by $2.94231 per $1,000. This method simplifies the calculation and makes due allowance for the fact that 10% was paid with applicati on . No accrued intArest is to be paid at this time on the 20% payment. ,, Note also that the total amount of Coupon Bonds desired, plus the total amount of Regist ered bonds ordered, exactly equa ls the par value of bonds on which payment is completed November 21, 1918. Certificates of Indebtedness to be applied as payment on bonds must be listed on Form C.I.110 and such certifi cate s must accompany Form 404 (November 21st payment letter). If cer tif icate s are NOT in your possession, attach a letter to Form 404, stating ~nu~u we are to procure them. If they a re in safe keeping be sure to attach the safe keeping receipt. If certificates are held as collateral to War Loan oeposit Acc :)Un t , a ttach Fot·m "W" in triplica te , prope rly executed. Make a note on Form "W", "Deliver to Bond Department to apply as payment on bonds." If yo u have not on hand a sufficient supply of Fo rm 401A, "Fourth Liberty Loan - Directions for Iss ue of U.S. Registered 4¼fo Gold Bonds of 1933-38" advise us promptly how many copies you need. Remember tho November 21 pa~ment is to be mailed at the close of bu~iness November 21, 1918, thus enabling y:,u to include payments received that day. If payment is to be made by your correspondent, fill out Form 404 and forward to such correspondent, instructing th em to present i t when making payment. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department