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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361- 209 So. LA SALLE STREET C. A . JON~-, A•sT A , H , V OGT, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BOND9 CASHIER P, 0 , BOX 80!5 AS ST, C AS HIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Circular No. 175 ll&J ~8, li:Li, TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED : We are enr:lo sing your allotm nt letter and form fo r completi ng payment on an~ part of your Class B, C, D and E subscriptions . We al so encloseForm 501 A~ Directi ons f or t he i ssue of 3-3/4,:Z Registered Notes . Form 502A, Di rections fo r t he i ssuA of 4-3/41. Registe!"ed Notes. C. I . llOB, Noti ce of Shipment or Cer t if i cates of tndabtedness for r edemption or to be a~ lied a s payment on notes . c. I. llOC, On which to list certificates sent for r edemption or t o be appli ed as payment on n:o't-es. Specimen copies of Forms 501A and 502A You cannot compl ete payment on any of the re maining po rtion of your Class A subscriptions until July 15• . This Payment Letter must be mailed to us togother with the necessary payment to reach us not l a ter than J'une Sr-d. If we have shown on your allotment latter any credit balance , due to your subscri pt·on not havi ng been allotted in full, we will ask you to complete payment on at least enough notes to absorb this credit , in order t hat we may balance our subscr-ipt ion ledgers. Very truly 1ours., D. A. JONES, Assistant Cashier. B:, VLDP