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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361- 209 So. LA SALLE STREET ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO G O VERNMENT BONDS S. B . CRAMER, ASST, CASHIER 0. A . JONI!:$, ASST , CASHIER P.O. BOX 805 4. H . v'OG"f 1 ACTlNG ASST , CASHIER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Circular No. 124 November 8, 1918. - ----------- EXPIRATION OF CONVERSION PRIVILKGE, TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo to-day made the following announcement: "As previously announced, the privilege or converting 4t bonds of the First Liberty Loan Convert ed and 4fo bo nds of the Second Liberty Loan into 4¼1o bonds expires on November 9, 1918, and cannot under existi ng law be extended. Bo nds ac t ually in direct transit to a Fed eral Reserve Bank or the Treasury Department fo r conversion oa November 9th will be treated as presented on November 9th and wi ll be acc epted for conversion. I n cases where Bonds a re actually with a Federal Reserve Bank or the Treasury Department pend ing th e det erminat i on of que sticns as to transf er or exchange or the i ssue or duplicate bonds, bond holder·s may exercise the conversi on privilei:e by filing requests f or conversion on or b ~fore Nuvemb~r 9tb with the Federal Reserve Bank holding t he bonds , or t he Trea sury Depar tment as the case may be . Such re que sts f or conversion , if actually i n direct t r a n~d t t 11 a Federal Reserve Bank or the Treas ury D~pa rtment 0n Novembe r 9th wi ll be treated as f i led on said date." FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Departmen t .