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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 361 - 209 So. LA SALLE STREET ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS S . 0. CRAMER , ASST . CASHIER D . A. JONE_S , A SST , Cf-SH_IER 4. H , VOGT ; ACTING AS ST. CASHtEA Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis F'. O . BOX SOS Circular No . 135 December 13 , 1918 . TO THE BANK OR TRUST CO . ADDRESSED: We are now prepared to make exchange of denominations of 4- 1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan Coupon Bonds of 1933 - 38 . Do not forward 4-1/4% Fourth Liberty Loan coupon ·bonds of 1933- 38 to be exchanged for REGHTERED BONDS of this issue until so advised by us . Owing to the volume of requests for registered bonds of the Fourth Liberty Loan , which were paid in full prior to October 24. the Treasury Department advises us they will not attempt to make such exchanges until after January 1 , 1919 . Form 1029 should be used in forwarding co upon bonds for exchange of denominations and form 1028- b (notice of shipment) should be mailed the same day bonds are forwarded , in cases where insurance is t o be effected by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chi cago . These forms will be supplied on request . All carrying charges will be at the expens e of the holders . Refer to our form 314 (In structions for Conversion) for tables governing postage and insurance charges . FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Depart ment .