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iAMl'LE Of BULLETIN BEING MAILED Bulletin No. I 29-B FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET Chicago, November 19, 1918. TO THE MEMBER BANK ELECTORS OF GROUP No. 2, FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN: As you ha.v e been advised under date of October 14, 1918, it is necessary at this time to elect a successor to fill the unexpired term of Class "B" Director, M. B. Hutchison, deceased. In accordance with Section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, you will please find herewith a list of the candidates who have been nominated for Class "B'' Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago by the banks in Group No. 2, together with the names of banks nominating them. You will find enclosed herewith a ballot for your use. This ballot should be filled out and returned as soon after November 19, 1918, as possible, and it must be in this office by three p. m., December I 0, 1918. Please follow carefully the instructions thereon, being sure to sign your name and the name of the bank you represent. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, W. A. HEATH, Chairman. List of Candidates for Class "B'' Director Nominated by Member Banks in Group 2 to be voted for at Election of November 19 to December 10, 1918. Xame of Candidate ... ·ame of Bank Xominatiug J ... R. Er kine, 'outh Bend, Intl ............ l'a11tu11. Ill.. ............... 'a11to11. ·ational Bauk ,Joliet, Ill ............ ...... :b'ir.t Xat'l Bank of ,Joliet l,iucoln, Ill ................ Liu<.'oln Xational Bank Moline, lll. ........... ..... Pt>ople • 'av. Bk. and Tr. 'o. Rockford, Ill.. ............. Winnebago Xational Bank ludianapoli , Ind. . . . . . . . . . . 'ontinental ~ ational Bank Logansport, Ind ..... . ..... City Xational Bank South Bend, Ind ........... Citizens Xational Bank 'outh Bend, Ind ........... First ational Bank South Bend, Incl ..... ...... St. ,Joseph Loan & Tr. Co. South Bend, Ind ........... , 'outh Bend ational Bank \Va bash, Ind .. . ............ Farmers & l\ferch. Nat 'l Bk. Dt>s :Moines, Iowa .......... 'L'he Des Moines Nat'l Bank Des Moines, Iowa .......... \'alley Xational Bank :Marshalltown, Iowa ........ First Xational Bank \Vaterloo. Iowa ............ Commercial National Bank .Alpena, l\Iich .............. Alpena County Sav. Bank Battle Creek, Mich ... ..... . 'entral Xational Bank Bay City, 1.lich ..... .. .... . Fir. t Xational Bank Detroit, 1Iich .............. ~\.mericau tate Bank Detroit, ?\Iich ....... .. ..... Bank of Detroit Detroit, 1Iich .......... .... J<'irst 'tate Bank of Detroit ,Jack. ·on, Mich ............. Peoples Xa tional Bank Appleton, \Vi ............. Fir t Xational Bank Madi on, \Yi' .............. First ~ ·an Bank of :\ladison :\Iouroe, \Yis ............... Fir. t. ·at·1 Bank of ~Ionroe Oshkosh, Wis .............. ('ity Xational Bank , 'hcuoygan, Wi .. .. ..... ... St•curity ~ational Bank \\ atertown, Wis ... ...... .. ;1lerchant • Xational Bank \Vau.·au, \Vis .............. Firt-.t Xat'l Bank of \Yau.sau Wausau, \Vis ............. d\mcrican Kational Bank T T C. S. llarper, Ott tun wa, Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boone, Iowa . ..... .. .. .... . l<'i rs t National Bank Cedar Rapids, Iowa ... .... . :\iereh,mts National Bank Ottumwa, Iowa ............ l<'iL"si Xational Bank Ottumwa, Iowa ............ Iowa National Bank S. B. Bechtel, ~~ort \Vayne, Iucl. . . . . . . . . . . . Fort \Vayne, lud.. . ...... Lincoln National Bank Ii'ort ·waync, Ind........... The Old Kational Bank of Fort \\T ayuc ·w m. J. Booth, Yp. ilauti. l\lieh ............. FiL"st Xat ional llauk Alll1 Arbor, ~Iieh............ George ~IcLean....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Dubuque, Iowa ... . ........ \'concl Xational Bank @"' PASTE THIS FOLDER UNDER FRONT COVER OF LIST SENT YOU ~ (MOISTEN GUM MED EDGE ON BACK PAGE) Add to List of October 10, 1918 BANKS WHICH HAVE BECOME MEMBERS SINCE THAT DATE, AS FOLLOWS: Iowa Des Moines Waterloo GROUP 2 Central State Bank Waterloo Bank and Trust Company Michigan Detroit Illinois Auburn Jarleston LaGrange United Savings Bank GROUP3 Auburn State Bank Charleston Trust and Savings Bank LaGrange State Bank Iowa Adair Bellevue Blairsburg Ellsworth Lockridge Logan Ogden Roland Roland Terril Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis First National Bank Bellevue State Bank State Bank of Blairsburg Farmers State Bank Lockridge Savings Bank State Savings Bank City State Bank Farmers Savings Bank First National Bank Terril Savings Bank Michigan Benton Harbor Big Rapids Cassopolis Edmore Farmington Frankenmuth Fremont Greenville Jonesville Lowell Manchester Marshall Onsted Otsego Paw Paw Redford South Haven Williamston Benton Harbor State Bank Big Rapids Savings Bank Cass County State Bank Edmore State Bank Farmington State Savings Bank Frankenmuth State Bank Fremont State Bank Commercial State Savings Bank Grosvenor Savings Bank City State Bank Peoples Bank Commercial Savings Bank Onsted State Bank Citizens State Savings Bank Paw Paw Savings Bank Redford State Savings Bank Citizens State Bank Williamston State Bank Changes in List Merchants National Bank Grinnell, Iowa Changed from Group Three to Group Two. Monticello, Iowa Monticello State Bank Changed from Group Three to Group Two Errata GROUP2 ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANKS Genesee-Should read Geneseo Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MICHIGAN STA TE BANKS Ann Arbor Farmers and Merchants Bank Should read Farmers and Mechanics Bank GROUP3 ILLINOIS STATE BANKS Martinville-Should read Martinsville ILLINOIS NATIONAL BANKS Dalton-Should read Dolton Minooka-Should read Farmers First National Bank INDIANA NATIONAL BANKS Hammond-Should read Citizens National Bank Union City-Should read Commercial National Bank Valparaiso-Should read Farmers National Bank, Valparaiso National Bank IOWA STATE BANKS Wapello-Should read Wapello State Savings Bank IOWA NATIONAL BANKS Esterville-Should read Estherville Haverlock-Should read Havelock Remson-Should read Remsen WISCONSIN NATIONAL BANKS Mayoville-Should read Mayville Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO PREFERENTIAL BALLOT GROUP NO. 2 FOR 1918 ELECTION OF CLASS "B" DIRECTOR ( UNEXPIRED TERM) INSTRUCTIONS TO MEMBER BANK ELECTORS The following instructions given below must be followed carefully. Failure to do so may invalidate this ballot. Indicate in the proper column by crossmark thus (X) your first, second and third choices. Do not,. vote more than one choice for any one candidate. You must, however, make a "first," "second," and "third" choice. Vote your first choice in the first column, vote your second choice in the second column, and vote your third choice in the third column. This ballot, with the certificate duly executed, must be returned and in this office by December 10, 1918, at 3 p. m. This ballot must be signed by an officer of the member bank who has been duly authorized and designated by a resolution of the Board of Directors to cast the vote of the bank. This ballot will not be counted unless it is received by the Chairman on or before December 10, 1918, at 3 p. m. This ballot will not be counted unless there is on file with the Chairman a resolution of the Board of Directors of the member bank authorizing and designating the officer signing the ballot as the one to cast the vote of the bank. W.A. HEATH, Chairman. VOTE OF MEMBER BANK ELECTOR FOR CLASS "B" DIRECTOR To fill unexpired term of M. B. Hutchison, deceased. Group No. 2 Indicate in proper column, thus (X), your first, second and third choices. ____ N_A_M_E_OF_C_A_N_D_ID_A_ .T_E_ _ _ _ I A. R. ERSKINE 1 FIRST CHOICE I SECOND CHOICE I ·.rHIRD CHOICE C. S. HARPER S. B. BECHTEL WM.J.BOOTH GEORGE McLEAN To W. A. HEATH, Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago. In accordance with Section 4 of the Act of Congress approved December 23, 1913, as amended September 26, 1918, known as the Federal Reserve Act, I hereby certify as the officer duly authorized by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the ............................................. , (Name of Bank) of ·····-···················-----, - - -·-···----···············-·····, that my first, second, and third choices for a (City) (State) Class "B'' Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago are as indicated thus (X), in the appropriate column of this ballot. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (President) (V. Pres.) (Cashier) ,