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Bulletin No. 135. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO 79 WEST MONROE STREET April 2, 1919. DISCOUNT RATES TO THE MEMBER BANKS OF DISTRICT NUMBER SEVEN: Discount rates effective as of April 3rd are as follows: MEMBER BANKS' P ROMISSORY NOTES 4% for maturities within 15 days (when secured by U. S. Government Bonds or Certificates of Indebtedness). 4% for maturities within 15 days (when secured by eligible paper). 5% for maturities within 15 days (when secured by War Finance Corporation Bonds). REDISCOUNTS SECURED BY LIBERTY LOAN BONDS OR U. S. TREASURY CERTIFICATES. 4% for maturities within 15 days. 4¼ % for maturities from 16 to 90 days. SECURED BY 4TH LIBERTY LOAN BONDS PROVIDED THE PAPER OFFERED HAS BEEN DISCOUNTED BY MEMBER BANK AT RATE NOT EXCEEDING 4¼ %, • 4% for maturities within 90 days. SECURED BY WAR FINANCE CORPORATION BONDS. 5% for maturities within 15 days. 5¾ % for maturities from 16 to 90 days. OTHER REDISCOUNTS 4% for maturities within 15 days. 4¾ % for maturities from 16 to 90 days. 5½ % for maturities from 91 days to 6 months. TRADE ACCEPTA.NOES. 4% for maturities within 15 days. 4½ % for maturities from 16 to 90 days. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Respectfully, JAMES B. McDOUGAL, Governor.