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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BONO DEPARTMENT ·ROOM 361-200 SO, LA SALLE ST, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS RELATIVE TO GOVERNMENT BONDS 0 . A.UQNES,ASST. CASHlll!:R L, G. M EYE R ,AC TING ASST,CASHlll!:R V. LAMONT, AcTlNatAe&T,CAfSHll!:R P . 0 . BOX B015 Circular No. ,Ua December 8, 191&. TO THE BANK OR TRUST COMPANY ADDRESSED: Your attention is directed to the fact that Coupon No. l payable December 15 on Victory Liberty Loan Notes is located in the LOWER LEFT HAND CORNER. Extra preca~tions should be taken by banks in clipping coupons from Victory Notes or in paying them for their customers.. REGISTERED Victory Liberty Loan Notes also have one coupon attached payable December 15. United States Tax Anticipation Certificates ot Indebtedness of Series T-5 and T-7 are due and payable December 15. All coupons should be detached from these certificates before pres-anting to us for redemption or to the collector of your district in p~yment of income or excess pro fits taxes. Failure to comply with these instructions will necessarily delay remittance or credit to your aooount. In view of the light and power restrictions now in force in Chicago our working hours have been curt ailed and extra precaution on the part of the banks to comply with these inst~ucti ons will prove mutually beneficial. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department