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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CHICAGO GOVERNMENT BOND DEPARTMENT ROOM 381 • 209 So. I.A SALLE STREET 8, B. CRAMER, A s ■ T. 0 . A. JON ES. Aa s T. A - H. VOC.T , CA SHI ER AD0Rl!SS AL.L COMMUNICATIONS CASHl&R RELATIVE TO GOVERNMl!:NT B•NDS ACTINGI A ■■ T . CAaH1•11 P.O. SOX 80-5 Circular No. 1i1 B October 14, 1918. TO THE LIBERTY LOAN COUNTY CHAIRMEN OF DISTRICT NO. 7: We enclose herewith oopy of Circular No. 111 together with forms sent out for use of banks in transmitting to us their final summary of subscriptions, also a form for their use in completing payment on October 24 on any portion of their subscription on which they paid lot with the summa.r7. There are just three points which we are particularly anxious to have driven home 1: There are two transactions involved (a) The final summary of all subscriptions not previously paid for in full, accompanied by the 10,! payments (b) The October 24 payment letter to be used in making the 90X payment on any portion of the final summary previously sent in. 2: The final summary must be mailed as promptly as possible after the close of business October 19, and it should be mailed by October 21 at the latest as we are expected to have our final figures on subscriptions tabulated and telegraphed to ~Vashington by 3 :00 P .M. October 24. Therefore, it is necessary that we have these summaries at the earliest possible date. 3: The October 24 payment letter must be accompanied by the 90% payment and need not be mailed until the close of business October 24, thus giving the banks the day of the 24th to accept 90% payments. If a bank is asking its correspondent to make payment for it, the October 24 payment letter must be forwarded to the correspondent bank to be turned in to us with tho payment. If you will help be doing us a grea~ service delivery of their bonds, a s ence will nece$sarily delay Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis us make these poil'lts clear to the banks you will and it will a ssist t he banks in getting prompt errors which have to be corrected by correspondshipments. FEDERAL RESIDRVE BANK OF CHICAGO Government Bond Department.