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[P u b l ic — No. 235— 7 3 d [S. 2841] C ongress ] AN ACT To provide punishment for certain offenses committed against banks organized or operating under laws of the United States or any member of the Federal Reserve System. B e it enacted b y the S en ate and H o u se o f R ep resen ta tives o f theU n ited S tates o f A m e r ic a in C on gress assem bled , That as used in this A ct the term “ bank ” includes any member bank of the Federal Reserve System, and any bank, banking association, trust company, savings bank, or other banking institution organized or operating under the laws o f the United States. S e c . 2 . ( a ) Whoever, by force and violence, or by putting in fear, feloniously takes, or feloniously attempts to take, from the person or presence o f another any property or money or any other thing o f value belonging to, or in the care, custody, control, management, or possession of, any bank shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (b ) W hoever, in committing, or in attempting to commit, any offense defined in subsection (a) o f this section, assaults any person, or puts in jeopardy the life o f any person by the use o f a dangerous weapon or device, shall be fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000 or imprisoned not less than five years nor more than twentyfive years, or both. S e c . 3. Whoever, in committing any offense defined in this Act, or in avoiding or attempting to avoid apprehension for the commis sion o f such offense, or in freeing himself or attempting to free himself from arrest or confinement for such offense, kills any person, or forces any person to accompany him without the consent of such person, shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 10 years, or by death if the verdict o f the jury shall so direct. S e c . 4. Jurisdiction over any offense defined by this A ct shall not be reserved exclusively to courts o f the United States. Approved, M ay 18, 1934. (21R) [P u b l ic — N o. 4 1 7 — 7 3 d C o n g r e ss ] [S. 3487] AN ACT Relating to direct loans for industrial purposes by Federal Reserve banks, and for other purposes. B e it enacted b y the Senate and H o u se o f R ep resen ta tives o f the U n ited S tates o f A m e r ic a in C on gress assem bled , That the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, is amended by adding after section 13a thereof a new section reading as fo llo w s: “ S ec. 13b. (a) In exceptional circumstances, when it appears to the satisfaction o f a Federal Reserve bank that an established indus trial or commercial business located in its district is unable to obtain requisite financial assistance on a reasonable basis from the usual sources, the Federal Reserve bank, pursuant to authority granted by the Federal Reserve Board, may make loans to, or purchase obliga tions of, such business, or may make commitments with respect thereto, on a reasonable and sound basis, for the purpose o f pro viding it with working capital, but no obligation shall be acquired or commitment made hereunder with a maturity exceeding five years. “ (b) Each Federal Reserve bank shall also have power to dis count for, or purchase from , any bank, trust company, mortgage company, credit corporation for industry, or other financing institu tion operating in its district, obligations having maturities not ex ceeding five years, entered into for the purpose of obtaining working capital for any such established industrial or commercial business; to make loans or advances direct to any such financing institution on the security o f such obligations; and to make commitments with regard to such discount or purchase o f obligations or wdth respect to such loans or advances on the security thereof, including commit ments made in advance o f the actual undertaking of such obligations. Each such financing institution shall obligate itself to the satisfac tion o f the Federal Reserve bank for at least 20 per centum o f any loss which may be sustained by such bank upon any of the obliga tions acquired from such financing institution, the existence and amount o f any such loss to be determined in accordance with regula tions o f the Federal Reserve B o a rd : P r o v id e d , That in lieu of such obligation against loss any such financing institution may advance at least 20 per centum o f such working capital for any established industrial or commercial business without obligating itself to the Federal Reserve bank against loss on the amount advanced by the Federal Reserve bank: P r o v id e d , h ow ev er , That such advances by the financing institution and the Federal Reserve bank shall be considered as one advance, and repayment shall be made pro rata under such regulations as the Federal Reserve Board may prescribe. “ (c) The aggregate amount o f loans, advances, and commit ments o f the Federal Reserve banks outstanding under this section at any one time, plus the amount o f purchases and discounts under this section held at the same time, shall not exceed the combined (217) 219 ing o f this section. A ll amounts required to be expended by the Secretary o f the Treasury in order to carry out the provisions of this section shall be paid out o f the miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury created by the increment resulting from the reduction of the weight o f the gold dollar under the President’s proclamation of January 31, 1934; and there is hereby appropriated, out of such receipts, such sum as shall be required for such purpose.” S e c . 2 . Section 5 2 0 2 o f the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the follow ing new paragraph: “ Tenth. Liabilities incurred under the provisions o f section 13b o f the Federal Reserve A ct.” S ec . 3. Section 22 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended ing at the end thereof the following new paragraphs: by add “ (h) W hoever makes any material statement, knowing it to be false, or whoever w illfully overvalues any security, for the purpose o f influencing in any way the action o f a Federal Reserve bank upon any application, commitment, advance, discount, purchase, or loan, or any extension thereof by renewal, deferment of action, or other wise, or the acceptance, release, or substitution o f security therefor, shall be punished by a fine o f not more than $5,000 or by imprison ment for not more than two years, or both. “ (i) Whoever, being connected in any capacity with a Federal Reserve bank (1) embezzles, abstracts, purloins, or willfully mis applies any moneys, funds, securities, or other things o f value, whether belonging to it or pledged or otherwise entrusted to it, or (2) with intent to defraud any Federal Reserve bank, or any other body politic or corporate, or any individual, or to deceive any officer, auditor, or examiner, makes any false entry in any book, report, or statement o f or to a Federal Reserve bank, or, without being duly authorized, draws any order or issues, puts forth, or assigns any note, debenture, bond, or other obligation, or draft, mortgage, judg ment, or decree shall be punished by a fine o f not more than $10,000 or by imprisonment for not more than five years, or both. “ ( j) The provisions o f sections 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, and 117 o f the Criminal Code o f the United States, insofar as applicable, are extended to apply to contracts or agreements o f any Federal Reserve bank under this Act, which, for the purposes hereof, shall be held to include advances, loans, discounts, purchase, and repur chase agreements; extensions and renewals thereof; and acceptances, releases, and substitutions o f security therefor. “ (k) It shall be unlawful for any person to stipulate for or give or receive, or consent or agree to give or receive, any fee? com mission, bonus, or thing o f value for procuring or endeavoring to procure from any Federal Reserve bank any advance, loan, or exten sion o f credit or discount or purchase o f any obligation or commit ment with respect thereto, either directly from such Federal Reserve bank or indirectly through any financing institution unless such fee, commission, bonus, or thing o f value and all material facts with respect to the arrangement or understanding therefor shall be dis closed in writing in the application or request for such advance, loan, extension o f credit, discount, purchase, or commitment. Any viola tion o f the provisions o f tliis paragraph shall be punishable by 221 “ S ec. 882. (a ) Copies o f any books, records, papers, or other documents in any o f the executive departments, or o f any corpora tion all o f the stock o f which is beneficially owned by the United States, either directly or indirectly, shall be admitted in evidence equally with the originals thereof, when duly authenticated under the seal o f such department or corporation, respectively. “ (b) Books or records o f account in whatever form, and minutes (or portions thereof) o f proceedings, o f any such executive depart ment or corporation, or copies o f such books, records, or minutes authenticated under the seal o f such department or corporation, shall be admissible as evidence o f any act, transaction, occurrence, or event as a memorandum o f which such books, records, or minutes were kept or made. “ (c) The seal o f any such executive department or corporation shall be judicially noticed.” (b) Section 4 o f the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended (U.S.C., Supp. V I I , title 15, sec. 604), is amended by inserting immediately before the semicolon follow ing the words “ corporate seal ” a comma and the words “ which shall be judicially noticed ” . S ec . 7. Section 1001 o f the Revised Statutes, as amended (U.S.C., title 2 8 , sec. 8 7 0 ) , is amended by inserting immediately after the word “ Government ” the fo llo w in g : “ or any corporation all the stock o f which is beneficially owned by the United States, either directly or indirectly ” . S ec. 8. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, as amended (U.S.C., Supp. V II, title 15, ch. 14), is further amended by inserting after section 5a thereof the follow ing new section: “ S ec . 5b. Notwithstanding any other provision o f law— “ (1) The maturity o f drafts or bills o f exchange which may be accepted by the Corporation under section 5a of this Act, and the period for which the Corporation may make loans or advances under sections 201 (c) and 201 (d ) o f the Emergency Relief and Construc tion A ct o f 1932, as amended, and under section 5 o f this Act, may be five years, or any shorter period, from February 1, 1935: P r o v id e d , That in respect o f loans or advances under such section 5 to railroads, railways, and receivers or trustees thereof, the Corporation may require as a condition o f making any such loan or advance for a period longer than three years that such arrangements be made for the reduction or amortization o f the indebtedness o f the railroad or railway, either in whole or in part, as may be approved by the Cor poration after the prior approval o f the Interstate Commerce Commission. “ (2) The Corporation may at any time, or from time to time, extend, or consent to the extension of, the time o f payment o f any loan or advance made by it, through renewal, substitution o f new obligations, or otherwise, but the time for such payment shall not be extended beyond five years from February 1, 1935: P r o v id e d , That the time o f payment o f loans or advances to railroads, rail ways, and receivers or trustees thereof, shall not be so extended except with the prior approval o f the Interstate Commerce Commis sion, and, in the case o f a loan to a railroad or railway, with the prior certification o f the Interstate Commerce Commission that the rail84921 0— 36 ------15 223 (1) B y striking from the first sentence thereof “ $50,000,000 to or fo r the benefit of drainage districts, levee districts, levee and drainage districts, irrigation districts, and similar districts,” and inserting in lieu thereof “ $125,000,000 to or for the benefit of drain age districts, levee districts, levee and drainage districts, irrigation districts, and similar districts, mutual nonprofit companies and incorporated water users’ associations (2) B y striking from the second sentence thereof “ district or political subdivision ” and inserting in lieu thereof “ district, political subdivision, company, or association” . (3) B y amending clause (4) thereof to read as follow s: “ (4) the borrower shall agree, insofar as it may lawfully do so, that so long as any part o f such loan shall remain unpaid the borrower will in each year apply to the repayment of such loan or to the purchase or redemption o f the obligations issued to evi dence such loan, an amount equal to the amount by which the assessments, taxes, and other charges collected by it exceed (a) the cost o f operation and maintenance o f the project, (b) the debt charges on its outstanding obligations, and (c) provision for such reasonable reserves as may be approved by the Corporation; and ” (4) By adding at the end thereof the follow ing new paragraph: u When any loan is authorized pursuant to the provisions o f this section and it shall then or thereafter appear that repairs and neces sary _extensions or improvements to the project o f such district, political subdivision, company, or association are necessary or desirable for the proper functioning o f its project or for the further assurance o f its ability to repay such loan, and if it shall also appear that such repairs and necessary extensions or improvements are not designed to bring new lands into production, the Corporation, within the limitation as to total amount provided in this section, may make an additional loan or loans to such district, political subdivision, company, or association for such purpose or purposes. When appli cation therefor shall have been made by any such district, political subdivision, company, or association any loan authorized by this section may be made either to such district, political subdivision, company, or association or to the holders or representatives o f the holders o f their existing indebtedness, and such loans may be made upon promissory notes collateraled by the obligations o f such dis trict, political subdivision, company, or association or through the purchase o f securities issued or to be issued by such district, political subdivision, company, or associaton V ’ . S ec- 12- ( a) Sections 2 and 3 o f the A ct entitled “ An A ct to author ize the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to subscribe for pre ferred stock and purchase the capital notes o f insurance companies, ^ T V ° r other purposes” , approved June 10, 1933, as amended (U.S.C., Supp. V II, title 15, secs. 605f and 605g), are amended to read as follow s: “ S ec. 2. In the event that any such insurance company shall be incoipoiated under the laws o f any State which does not permit it to issue preferred stock, exempt from assessment or additional liabm ty, or if such laws permit such issue o f preferred stock only by unanimous consent o f stockholders, or upon notice o f more than twenty days, or if the insurance company is a mutual organization 1So in original.