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Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Conference Call of
July 25, 1980
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I conclude from all of this, gentlemen,
that whatever people say about our monetary policy, our technology is
worse! We will see what we can do to improve it.
[Secretary's note:
The Chairman was referring to problems with the telephone
communications equipment.]
The general question that I wanted to review with you is the
reaction to this targeting [or] nontargeting that we went through for
1981. I think it's apparent after going through several days of
hearings, not only with the Banking Committee but with other
committees, that we have contributed to a lot of confusion about what
our intention was in not presenting targets [for 1981]. Of course,
the testimony and the statement and the report were couched in terms
of working toward some reduction in the targets. But I am afraid in
the [interpretation] that came through that was not at all clear
because otherwise we would have said something about the targets. So
they doubt our conviction as well as our good will in following what
they conceive to be the law. This leaves me troubled somewhat--not in
[regard to the] substance--but that our trust and good faith have been
questioned by a large number of people. And I think it could lead to
some continuing problems. It will certainly lead to a very adverse
Committee report, but that in itself was anticipated. What disturbs
me is this underlying sense of a lack of trust in our good faith.
I have a specific request from Mr. Proxmire, which I am now
fulfilling, to review this situation with the Committee. [The Banking
Committee] challenges us on legal grounds, I think, as well as on
substantive grounds. I think the legal position is perhaps a little
fuzzier than we thought it was at the time [of our decision]. What
they point out is that there is a Senate committee report that has
fairly specific language. It's just a Senate committee report, but
nonetheless it's there, and it speaks of "numerical" monetary targets
for a fixed calendar year. Of course, by coincidence that was
precisely the language that I used in the testimony--that we didn't
choose to give them precise numerical targets. So they found some
language that spoke precisely in terms of numerical targets. That
committee report isn't absolutely conclusive but it surely had some
coloration to the effect that we would have precise numerical targets
for both years. So I think our legal ground is still valid, but it's
not quite so one-sided as the presumption that we had at the time we
were discussing it at the Committee meeting. But more fundamental
than the legal question, which our legal counsel is still sure he
could win, is that the issue is just a little more clouded, as I
understand it. I'm not sure there's any merit at all in getting into
a legal argument. In the end they can change the law, obviously, if
they want it clearer. There was no support for our position by
anybody, and there was bipartisan concern up and down the line in the
Banking Committee. And, as I say, [the issue] was mentioned in some
other committees.
This leaves me personally with the feeling that we probably
ought to go ahead and give them some quantitative idea as to what we
are talking about. The substantive problem is that, with all of the
institutional changes, [numerical targets] are likely to confuse them.
I told them that 19 times, to no avail. I am in the process of


preparing a letter that will go to both committees, if we want to go
this way. It starts out by saying:
"It's apparent to me from the
questions and discussions in the recent monetary policy oversight
hearings that confusion has unfortunately arisen over the intent of
the Federal Open Market Committee in characterizing monetary target
ranges for 1981 in general terms. I was, for instance, disturbed that
some members of the committee apparently seriously considered that the
Open Market Committee was somehow signalling a reluctance to provide
numerical targets for 1981 at any time--a thought that I can
confidently say has never entered our discussions." The letter then
explains why we chose to do what we did. But it goes on to say that
it's going to be terribly confusing if we try to give all these
targets. But the key sentence would say, if I can find it:
"Abstracting from institutional influences and the questions cited
above"--and all those questions are about the fact that we don't know
what the impact of NOW accounts is-- "we find it difficult to gauge
the continued significance of the money market fund growth and we need
to learn more about this apparent shift in M1 demand."
So abstracting
from all of those things, "the general intent of the FOMC at this time
can be summarized as looking toward a reduction in the ranges for M1A, M-1B and M2 on the order of 1/2 percent next year." The letter
would go on to say that if we translate that into specific targets, we
have to allow for all of these shifts. And then it gives them some
numbers, but it says don't take these numbers seriously--they're all
illustrative and we will have to look at them again. All we are
trying to say is precisely what we already said and I repeat the
language that we have already used in the report and in the testimony.
That's what should come through and not all of this arithmetic, and we
hope the arithmetic doesn't confuse you. We fear that it might, but
since you insist upon asking for [numerical targets] we are giving
them to you.
That is the way I would propose going. I could send out a
draft of this letter to you this afternoon. We don't have to take any
formal action right now, but I wanted to relay this concern, the
formal request of Senator Proxmire, and my sense of how it should be
handled. I basically don't think we have much to win in this game by
sitting on our present position, because I think genuine confusion has
arisen among some of those who are most supportive of our general
policies and approaches. It's unanimous in that sense. So that is
[my recommendation] in substance. Now, I had tentatively put in this
letter a sentence that speaks of a reduction "on the order of 1/2
percent" [on the ranges] for M1 and M2. But also there is a sentence
saying consistent with that, at this very early stage we think there
probably shouldn't be any reduction next year in [the ranges for] M3
or bank credit, because in a recovery period those measures tend to be
a little higher relative to M1 and M2 than in another kind of period.
So the letter just speaks vaguely of [those ranges] being unchanged.
I don't think that's necessarily essential, but that's again talking
somewhat in the abstract. Also, the letter in great tortuous detail
goes over how it would look, not in the abstract [but] on the basis of
arbitrary assumptions as to NOW accounts and money market funds and so
forth. That is the essence of it, and I [would be interested in] any
reaction you have at this point to the general idea.
If we want to go ahead in this fashion, I can send this
[draft letter] out. I don't think we need further conversation if
it's generally acceptable, but we would need a formal vote at [some]


point, since the [decision] is being put in numerical terms. I don't
mean a formal vote this afternoon, but when you see the actual-MR. EASTBURN. Paul, this is Dave Eastburn.
just fine; I think that's the way we should go.

I think that's

MR. WINN. This is Willis Winn. I agree with you, Paul. Do
you want to put in any remark saying that, of course, in February
these circumstances that we've footnoted may cause us to alter these?
read this to you and-MR. WINN.

It says that at great length.

I could

No, no.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The draft as it is now goes on about five
pages. And the reason it goes on is that it keeps telling them how
arbitrary these assumptions are on NOW accounts and-MR. WINN.

That's good.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. --and how we are going to have to look at
it all again in February. It says that in three different ways.

St. Louis enthusiastically agrees with you.


So does Richmond.
And Chicago.


And Minneapolis.


And Atlanta.

Dallas agrees.
San Francisco also.

MR. CZERWINSKI. Kansas City agrees. Mr. Chairman, we had
one question. You mentioned a reduction in the ranges. Does that
mean on both the top and the bottom?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, this talks about on the order of 1/2
percent, so that's the presumption. It is not meant to convey
rigidity on those kinds of questions because the tone of the whole
letter is not to convey great rigidity. But it specifically says
nothing about that point. The key sentence is the one that I read.
the top and the bottom.

One would assume that it would imply both

I think in the absence of saying
anything else that's the clear implication.
MR. WALLICH. Is there anything said about the possibility at
this time of widening the ranges now that we have to make a statement?


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, we have had a little discussion of
that informally here--not with the Committee but with Mr. Axilrod and
others. We could do that for the M1 ranges very easily in my opinion
because they are 2-1/2 percentage points [wide] now. To make a range
wider than 3 percentage points for the others I think would look a
little peculiar. I just wonder whether it would undermine the
exercise a bit. I have, as you know, traditionally been in favor of
wide ranges. But there's a point at which I begin gagging a bit at
their significance if we make them too wide.
MR. WALLICH. The second question that I would like to ask
is: Do you think we accomplish our objective by a five-page letter?
Would it perhaps be better to have a short piece and then somehow add
the rest of the material as an appendix?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know. I puzzled over that. My
conclusion was--whether it's in an appendix or the letter--give them a
lot of language to keep reiterating the arbitrariness of these
adjustments. So, I don't think just a sentence saying that is going
to carry the flavor. And I really believe we want to get that message
through somehow. What the letter actually says is: Arbitrarily
assume that 2-1/2 percent comes out of M-1A into M-1B and that 2
percent, I think, comes out of savings deposits into M-1B. And this
is just the arithmetic: If we lower the range by 1/2 percent and then
make those two adjustments, we have an M-1B range of 5 to 7-1/2
percent. It looks high. And that is my concern. Just looking at
that range for M-1B, the key aggregate number, it is raised
significantly from this year. [The reaction could be that] the
Federal Reserve is going to hell with an inflationary policy. Now, it
brings the M-1A range down to 0 to 2-1/2 percent.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. This is New York. In our judgment
[the adjustments] are a little lower than the Board staff's estimates.
We have -2 percent for M-1A and plus 1 percent for M-1B. I think the
question Henry raised of whether to have a short letter-MR. BAUGHMAN.

This is Ernest Baughman.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Just hang on, Ernie. I'm listening to
Tony Solomon on another phone and I'll tell you what he said

I see.

All right.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I think the question of whether we
should have a short letter with an attachment as against the five-page
letter should be looked at after you send us the draft. I think it's
important in the letter not to protest too much about the
arbitrariness of the NOW adjustments. We want to do it sufficiently
to make our point, but on the other hand we don't want a lot of
newspaper stories that say the whole targeting process is becoming
meaningless because of the excessive arbitrariness of all the NOW
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, it is quite possible we could write
a letter--I'm just thinking out loud here--that is instead quite
brief. It would note all this uncertainty that has arisen, the
essence of what we are saying, and translate that into the 1/2 percent



reduction in the ranges for M-1A and M2 in the abstract. And I could
say I am attaching an appendix which [discusses] these further
adjustments. That may be a way to do it. It's the same in substance;
it's just lifting out 2 pages of this letter and putting it into an

I think there is some advantage to

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There may be. Then the letter itself
would only speak about the 1/2 percent with qualifications around it,
and it would say look to the appendix to see this more or less
arbitrary translation into the other numbers.

Are there any qualifications around the 1/2

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me go backwards, here.
rest of you didn't hear Tony's comment.

I take it the


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. He was kind of seconding Henry Wallich's
proposal to put part of this [lengthy letter] into an appendix. And
you heard what I said, I'm sure. He just thought it might be less
confusing, from the standpoint of the press, to have the elaborate
specific targets developed in an appendix. We can certainly look at
that, and it may be better.
Now, Mrs. Teeters just raised a question on how many
qualifications I had around the 1/2 percent. Well, it talks about
that general statement [as] one of the clearest and most useful
indications we can make and [notes that] the numerical ranges might
ultimately prove to be a source of confusion rather than clarity. It
speaks about the institutional change. The key sentence, again, is
the one that I read. It says "on the order of 1/2 percent" and the
letter at various points talks about uncertainties, including the
public's desire over the longer run to hold money balances in relation
to income.
MR. BAUGHMAN. Mr. Chairman, given the admission that 1/2
percent is a pretty small number and the emphasis on imprecision and
also your expressed concern as to whether the Federal Reserve is
really going to maintain an anti-inflationary posture, I'm wondering
whether it would be advisable--even though we are thinking in terms of
1/2 percent--to say on the order of 1/2 to 1 percent. That would
give the impression that we are thinking of a minimum on the order of
1/2 percent.
MS. TEETERS. Well Ernie, quite frankly, I'm thinking of a
minimum of zero. And going to 1/2 to 1 percent doesn't appeal to me
at all for next year because we are going to lock ourselves in. We
are not going to be able to change this come February.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I do have some language here [about that].
What is essential is that our intention to lower monetary growth
ranges over time toward rates consistent with virtual price stability
should remain clear. There is language [regarding our intent to]


review this. Here's the sentence I'm looking for. This is close to
the end as it's now written:
"In accordance with usual procedures,
all of the ranges will have to be reassessed in or before next
February. The extent of downward adjustments in the ranges not only
will be influenced by the technical factors noted above, but also will
be conditioned by the speed with which inflationary bias in labor and
product markets can be reduced, and by the likelihood, therefore, that
the economy can make an orderly adaptation to curtailed money growth.
The need for public policies other than monetary policy to move in a
complementary way to speed those adjustments was, of course, the
essence of my testimony before the Committee." Now, that paragraph
obviously could be read either way, as permitting more downward
adjustment or conceivably none. I think it's probably the way I would
like it read. I must say that if we make enough progress on price
stability, we'd go faster. But I think it's formally neutral in its
wording. We are caught in a box, obviously. Looked at from one point
of view the 1/2 percent doesn't sound like much. If somebody says:
Hell, the inflation rate is 10 percent and at best they are going to
get down to 0--and the progress will be measured by the decline in the
money supply--they have 20 years to go. On the other hand, if someone
says something like 0 on M1 monetary growth--or to have a range, let's
say 0 to 3 percent--is ultimately where we would end up, we are not
all that far from it. It's just these darn lags that have made it
look so far off.



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. What about seeing what the
Committee's feeling is--or what is your own feeling--about making the
range as suggested 1/2 to 1 percent?
MR. GRAMLEY. I would be reluctant to see that. I think we
do have to make some change, but I am very worried that if we lower
our targets too far, we may have to [let money growth] run above them
next year. Therefore, I'd rather keep the reduction in the range as
low as we can get away with. So I like the [proposed] range as it

We were unable to hear the first discussion.


Did you hear Governor Gramley?

No, we did not.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, the question was simply how much
sentiment is there for 1/2 to 1 percent--the question that Ernie
Baughman raised. And Governor Gramley said he prefers the 1/2.

This is Eastburn.

I would support just 1/2.


This is Roos.


I would certainly prefer 1/2 rather than 1.


I'd prefer the 1/2 to 1.

Any other comment?



Jerry [Zeisel], the

I have a question.

forecast for 1981-MR. BLACK.

This is Bob Black.

I think 1/2 is about right,

Mr. Chairman.

San Francisco is for 1/2.


As is Kansas City.


And Cleveland.


Minneapolis, too.
And Chicago.


And Atlanta.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Did you have a question? Well, it sounds
to me as if we are at 1/2. I think there is a real problem here in
that it will seem very small to people who are unaware of some of the
technicalities. The sentence I read to you may help a bit in
explaining that, but I guess that's where we are stuck.

Paul, I assume that in this letter you

reiterated "in the long term"?


I think you'll find this letter

reiterates everything! Well, I think we have enough guidance; it's
just a question of whether we put the specific ranges in an appendix
or the letter. I may try it both ways to see which I like better. We
will get this out to you in a day or so and then I think you can
respond in a formal way, so that when we have numerical [ranges] we
can say there has been an actual vote on this.

I don't think we need

that today; you might as well wait until you see the language. And I
will also call Messrs. Proxmire and Reuss. I presume they will be
happy, but if they tell me they really don't want anything more,
despite what everybody said, I may drop this whole thing. I think the
chances of their saying that are virtually nil.
MS. TEETERS. Mr. Chairman, could I make a request? The
[staff projection in the] FOMC material was run on a 4-1/2 percent
rate of money growth for next year. I would like to have sent out to
the Presidents and members of the Board [an analysis of] what would
happen to the projections if money growth were lowered 1/2 percent or
a full percent.

Okay, thank you.

We will do that.

We'll send it with the