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A meeting of the executive committee of the Federal Open Mar
ket Committee was held in

the offices of the Board of Governors of

the Federal Reserve System in Washington on Friday, May 8, 1942, at
10:00 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Sproul, Vice Chairman
Alfred H. Williams

Morrill, Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Wyatt, General Counsel
Goldenweiser, Economist
John H. Williams, Associate Economist
Rouse, Manager of the System Open
Market Account
Mr. Piser, Chief, Government Securities
Section, Division of Research and
Statistics of the Board of Governors
Mr. Berntson, Clerk in the Office of the
Secretary of the Board of Governors
Messrs. McKee, Ransom, Evans, Gilbert, Young,
and Leedy, members of the Federal Open
Market Committee
Messrs. Paddock, Fleming, McLarin, and Day,
alternate members of the Federal Open Mar
ket Committee
Messrs. Leach and Peyton, Presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond and
Minneapolis, respectively
Mr. Attebery, Vice President of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Mr. Sienkiewicz,
Chairman Eccles stated that it

Secretary of the Presidents'
was contemplated that a committee

representing the Board and the Presidents would meet with representatives



of the Treasury and a committee representing the investment bankers'
group at the Treasury at 1:00 o'clock today for the purpose of formu
lating recommendations relating to an organization to promote the dis
tribution of Government securities,

other than Series E war savings

bonds, and that following the meeting of the Federal Open Market Com
mittee this morning there would be a meeting of the Board and the
Presidents for a discussion of that matter before the meeting at the
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the minutes of the
meetings of the executive committee of the
Federal Open Market Committee held on Feb
ruary 28 and March 2, 1942, were approved.
As of the close of May 4, 1942, the holdings in

the System

account had been increased by the net amount of $169,435,000 through
purchases and sales of Government securities under the authority of
the resolution adopted at the last meeting of the executive committee,
and on May 5, in order that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York might
have ample authority to deal with the situation pending another meeting
of the executive committee,
with paragraph (3)

the members of the committee, in accordance

of the resolution adopted at the last meeting, au

thorized an increase from $200,000,000 to $400,000,000 in the amount
stated in paragraph (2)

of the resolution so as to authorize the New

York Bank to make such outright purchases or sales (which would include
authority to allow maturities to run off without replacement) for the



System account as might be necessary for the purpose of exercising an
influence toward maintaining orderly market conditions, provided that
the total amount of securities in

the account be not increased or de

creased through operations under that paragraph by more than $400,000,000.
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the action taken by
the members of the executive committee to
increase the authority granted to the New
York Bank to effect transactions in the Sys
tem account was approved, ratified, and con
Copies of a report prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York covering open market operations during the period from March 2,
1942, to May 6, 1942, inclusive, were distributed, and Mr. Rouse read
the more important sections of the report.

He also stated that on May

7, 1942, the New York Bank purchased $3,170,000 of Treasury bills, and
$4,980,000 of Treasury bills were purchased by two other Reserve Banks
for the System account.
Upon motion duly made and seconded,
and by unanimous vote, the transactions
in the System account during the period
from March 2 to May 7, 1942, inclusive,
were approved, ratified, and confirmed.
Thereupon the meeting recessed to reconvene following the meet
ing of the Federal Open Market Committee.

