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Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee

July 6-7, 1981

A meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee was held in the
offices of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in Washington,
D. C., beginning on Monday, July 6, 1981,at 2:30 p.m. and continuing on
Tuesday, July 7, 1981, at 9:30 a.m.

Mr. Volcker, Chairman
Mr. Solomon, Vice Chairman
Mr. Boehne
Mr. Boykin
Mr. Corrigan
Mr. Gramley
Mr. Keehn
Mr. Partee
Mr. Rice
Mr. Schultz
Mrs. Teeters
Mr. Wallich
Messrs. Balles, Black, Ford, Timlen,and Winn, Alternate
Members of the Federal Open Market Committee
Messrs. Guffey, Morris, and Roos, Presidents of the Federal
Reserve Banks of Kansas City, Boston, and St. Louis,
Mr. Axilrod, Staff Director
Mr. Altmann, Secretary
Mr. Bernard, Assistant Secretary
Mrs. Steele, Deputy Assistant Secretary
Mr. Bradfield, General Counsel
Mr. Mannion, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Kichline, Economist
Messrs. Burns, Danforth, R. Davis, Keir, Mullineaux,
Prell, Scheld, Truman, and Zeisel, Associate
Mr. Pardee, Manager for Foreign Operations, System
Open Market Account

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Assistant to the Board of Governors

Mr. Siegman, Associate Director, Division of International
Finance, Board of Governors
Mr. Lindsey, Assistant Director, Division of Research
and Statistics, Board of Governors
Mr. Johnson 1/, and Ms. Scanlon 1/, Economists, Division
of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors
Mrs. Deck, Staff Assistant, Open Market Secretariat,
Board of Governors
Messrs. J. Davis, T. Davis, Eisenmenger, Keran, and
Koch, Senior Vice Presidents, Federal Reserve Banks
of Cleveland, Kansas City, Boston, San Francisco,
and Atlanta, respectively
Messrs. Broaddus, Burger, and Syron, Vice Presidents,
Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, St. Louis, and
Boston, respectively
Mr. Meek, Monetary Adviser, Federal Reserve Bank of
New York
Ms. Meulendyke, Research Officer, Federal Reserve Bank
of New York


Mr. Johnson and Ms. Scanlon entered the meeting following the action to
ratify system open market transactions in Government securities, agency
obligations,and bankers acceptances and left the meeting prior to the
adoption of the domestic policy directive.

Transcript of Federal Open Market Committee Meeting of
July 6-7, 1981
July 6--Afternoon Session
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's only a formal gavel. The meeting
can come to order. I should mention first of all that we have a new
member of the Committee in the broader sense. Is he a member in the
narrower sense--I should know this--at the moment?

He is a member, which means he has a vote.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I want to welcome Si Keehn from Chicago.
I'm sure you are all aware of this at this point. I don't know if you
have had any meetings with the Presidents yet.
Not quite yet, just having come in last week.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You haven't been introduced to all the
bureaucracy of the Federal Reserve. You can be introduced to this
portion of the bureaucracy. We welcome you.
The second item of business is the election of the General
Counsel. As you know, Neil Petersen left some weeks ago, and I think
we are fortunate here at the Board in having enticed Mike Bradfield to
come as General Counsel. And I think it's appropriate that he be made
General Counsel of the Committee. I am familiar with Mike, as are
some other people here, because he was with the Treasury for some
years; and he has recently been in private practice in a firm in
Washington. If somebody would like to make a motion to that effect-MR. SCHULTZ.

I move the election of Mr. Bradfield as General


Second heartily.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's right, we have several people here
who have worked with him closely in the past. Without objection, we
have formally disposed of that.
I would like to change the [order of the] agenda a little
because enough has been going on with the money supply and interest
rates recently that I think it would be useful to have that
background, if you are prepared, Mr. Meek. We will approve the
minutes first.

So moved.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Without objection the minutes are
approved. Are you prepared to talk, Mr. Meek?

Yes sir.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We'll go to Mr. Pardee next just to
complete this part [of the agenda] and then go to the general economic

[Statement--see Appendix.]



Where are the CD rates today?

They were about 17.70 percent last Thursday and

are somewhat lower than that today--about 17.50 percent after our
operations today, I would say.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. How is FNMA raising the money [they need]
if they have cut back [on their monthly offerings in the market]?
Where are they going for money--discount notes?

Through the discount notes mostly.

MR. PARTEE. What fraction do they have in the discount
Is that a pretty big figure, Paul?

MR. MEEK. I had a call in today to find that out, but I have
not gotten the figures. The market says that the rollover is quite
MR. SCHULTZ. I hope when you are talking about municipals
being the "wallflowers in the industry" that you are not suggesting
that people are now papering their walls with them!

That comes next year!


Questions or comments?

MR. BOEHNE. Regarding this spread between rates on U.S.
Treasuries and agency issues: Is that pretty widespread throughout
the agencies?
MR. MEEK. It's pretty widespread. What has happened with
FNMA, as I said, is that a good many people have taken them off their
[approved] list, and it's harder for FNMA to sell anything longer than
the four-year issue that they came out with. It's a much wider spread
than I think lasted for any length of time in 1974. There was a brief
period [then] when it got up to 75 to 100 basis points. But they have
a significant problem. The new management of FNMA met with the
industry about a week ago and everyone is impressed with their plans
and with the kind of appreciation they have of their problems. But
it's going to take some time to resolve them. Basically I believe, as
the Fortune article on FNMA reported, that the portfolios are under
water by a very substantial amount.

Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. Mr. Chairman as I listen to this and think back
over what we've had to read, I become more and more impressed with the
fact that we are hung by our own petard in the M-1B concept. If one
really tries to convert that to a deposit category, and makes any
allowance for the money funds and for repos, then the whole
perspective changes. One's whole interpretation and thinking about
this changes. I just think we are hanging onto something that is not
very real. I know the difficulty of trying to get rid of it, but it

on M-1B.

We have one proposal to get rid of a range


MR. WINN. It really alters one's whole perspective on this
to think about it in a realistic sense.
MR. PARTEE. Well, I don't know. The report that Paul gave
sounded to me like very tight money in the old fashioned sense of the
MR. WINN. Well, I think one understands it a lot better if
one thinks of it in terms of the behavior being somewhat different
than reported.
growth rate or--

Do you mean that it naturally has a higher

MR. WINN. Sure. You get a much higher growth rate if you
convert this. We talk to people who are using money funds for their
deposits; they're banking the rest of it. Something has to give.
MR. WALLICH. So it ought to have a lower growth rate?
just trying to understand the thrust of your remark.


MR. WINN. My thought is that if you change the measurement
of what we call [M-1B], then you get a different behavior path. And
you get a different outlook on this whole history as well as on
current developments.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't understand fully the statistics on
the money market funds.
Everybody I talk to is using them like crazy
and the statistics don't show that.

That's right.

MR. AXILROD. Mr. Chairman, we have the preliminary results
of the survey from Michigan in which we surveyed a thousand or so
accounts and asked about their money market funds.

[You mean] a thousand or so people, right?

MR. AXILROD. People. And there were very close to a
thousand [with] accounts in money market funds.

Oh, really?

How big was the sample?

Well, you are going to tax my knowledge here.

About 5,000.

MR. AXILROD. It's 5,000 households of which 1165 had an OCD
Just adding quickly--there's close to a thousand or a little

under that have money market fund accounts. We asked all holders [of
such accounts] the number of checks written per month. I don't have
it by the amount of deposits at the moment, but 76 percent wrote no
checks, 18 percent wrote 1 to 3 checks, 2 percent wrote 4 to 9 checks,
and 2 percent wrote 10 or more checks per month. That's very
consistent, of course, with our measure of the velocity of these
accounts, which is very low.


VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. But how many withdrew money on 24hours notice, Steve, without writing a check?

I don't think we asked that.


You can set up your account right

MR. AXILROD. Well, that's true. We asked: If money market
funds were not available, where would the money be? That's another
indirect way of getting at it. The answers were: Non-interest
checking, 2 percent; interest checking, 3 percent; and the rest was in
savings accounts, and the bulk in money market certificates.
MR. WALLICH. The analysis that only a very small fraction
use the account actively and that, therefore, it is like a savings
account may be misleading. That's because [if] only 5 percent or so
of the holders use the account as if it were a checking account, that
part really ought to be added to M-1B.
MR. BOEHNE. I'm impressed with the number of small bankers
in small towns in rural areas who now are running into their own
customers who are putting money into money market mutual funds. The
sophistication of this is spreading to areas where in the past it has
been slow to go. It seems to have happened in the last 4 or 5 months,
since the beginning of the year.

Any other questions, comments?

Mr. Black.

MR. BLACK. Paul, how did you interpret this "3 percent or
lower" [reference to M-1B growth in the directive]? Was there any
floor in your mind on that "or lower"? When we voted on the 3 percent
or less, most of us would not have anticipated the kind of weakness we
had in the aggregates, nor probably would we have voted for that ahead
of time had we known it. Yet, as the aggregates began to come in more
weakly, you lowered our nonborrowed targets to account for that
weakness, which seemed counterproductive to me if you had in mind some
If you had in mind no floor, that
floor not too far below 3 percent.
seems appropriate.
MR. MEEK. When the Committee consulted by phone on the 17th
of June, the amount we had lowered [the nonborrowed path] at that
point was $180 million, and the shortfall was not all that great. We
have seen quite a lot of weakness, of course, since that time.
MR. BLACK. After you constructed the path on 3-1/2 percent
and you got persistently [low] figures, you still moved it down
somewhat after that, didn't you?

Didn't you?
No, it has not been moved down.
No, that was the decision in the conference


MR. MEEK. Except that there was an adjustment. We came out
of that Wednesday with the very high borrowing that I mentioned, and
there were some spillover effects into the next week, when borrowing
also ran high. And the overshoot in borrowing in that first week was
then disregarded in that sense.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It has not been moved down; it also wasn't
moved up. And if the borrowings have fallen out since that time, they
have just fallen out.
[During this period] we've had some rather
peculiar borrowing patterns within the week. Sometimes borrowing was
very late in the week and it was very early in the week a couple of
times. What explanation do you have for that?
MR. MEEK. I think one has to start with the Memorial Day
weekend when there is some suspicion that borrowing was as heavy as it
was over the weekend because we were coming toward the end of the
quarter and people felt entitled, in some sense, to use the window.
It was a long weekend and borrowing was quite heavy over that weekend.
Thereafter, we had a kind of alternating pattern in which borrowing
tended to be low and then high in successive weeks, which is not an
unfamiliar pattern with banks who tend to bet that the next week is
going to be like the [current] week. So, if Wednesday is tight, they
are likely to figure that out and borrow on Friday. That gives a
profile for the week of high borrowing before the weekend and low
borrowing afterward. If borrowing then toward the end of the week
tends to be low, which happened in several weeks, and money market
conditions are easier, that tends to make banks borrow less before the
weekend--less than called for by our path--with the result that by
Wednesday the amount they have to borrow is substantially more than
the average, and interest rates go up.
haven't we?

We've had some exceptionally tight Wednesdays,

MR. MEEK. We've had some very tight Wednesdays. And as I
[mentioned in my statement], I think [in the days prior to] the
Wednesday in the middle of June, the willingness to accumulate
deficiencies on the part of the banks reflected a conviction that
interest rates were moving lower automatically because the economy
seemed to be weakening and the M-1B numbers were coming out weaker.
The banks assumed, I think, that at the end of the week it would be
cheaper to cover their positions than it was at 18-1/2 percent before
the weekend. That presumption was not at all consistent with our
reserve path. So, on Wednesday the 17th of June, banks wound up
borrowing $6.4 billion in order to have over $5 billion of excess
reserves that day to balance their position.
MR. AXILROD. Mr. Chairman, I think it might be helpful in
response to President Black's question to point out, with regard to
the additional very sharp weakness that occurred in M-1B, that the
data became available only Wednesday and Thursday when we had a sharp
downward revision in deposits of a couple billion dollars for the week
of June 24th relative to path. And preliminary data suggested a drop
of almost $7 billion in the week of July 1st.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. If I remember it correctly, two weeks ago
when we already had some June numbers, we were assuming [that M-1B in]
June was minus 3 percent or something like that. We are now assuming
two weeks later that it was minus 10 percent.

Most of that occurred in the last two days.


Mr. Roos.

MR. ROOS. Paul, isn't it our purpose, though, to impose the
discipline of monetary policy upon the banks? And won't the fact that
they had to pay more teach them a lesson? Won't it teach them that if
we want to discourage their extending credit, for example, that they
have to take it seriously and not anticipate that we'll be there with
the funds they need for their reserve requirements when they need
them? In other words, isn't this really the strategy of our whole
policy currently, and isn't the level of the fed funds rate reflecting
exactly what we want to achieve, if our strategy is right? We're
using it as a means of affecting the commercial banks' credit
MR. MEEK. What I was just describing was the conflict
between their expectations and our reserve strategy.
long time.

They haven't had this unfortunate experience in a

MR. MEEK. [Unintelligible] that took place. That changes
their expectations, you see, and has market effects [such as I]
don't know.

Where is the federal funds rate today?

I walked in here [directly] from the airport, so I

MR. AXILROD. It may be just under 20 percent by now.
been right around 19-3/4 to 20 percent all day.

It has

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. He started doing his operations at
19-3/4 percent; it bounced up a bit.
MR. MEEK. We did $3-1/2 billion of 3-day repurchase
agreements today. On Thursday, both the New York and Board staff
projections suggested that we should be absorbing reserves this week
and, in fact, that was a fairly general forecast in the Street. We
discovered a big shortfall the next day, and the estimates this
morning showed a need to add $1.1 billion of reserves on our numbers
and $1.9 billion on the Board staff's numbers. So we did $3-1/2
billion of 3-day RPs, which would supply about $1-1/2 billion [on
average for the week].
little high].

What was the shortfall?

Was it in float?

Yes, and the banks' Treasury balances [were a



I was surprised, Larry, by what you said. It
seems to me that this could be a miscalculation on the part of the
banks. But it could be an unfortunate exercise. We have been
spending quite a lot of effort, if I understand it, trying to say to
the market that we don't watch the funds rate and that what we do is
to operate on aggregates. So, looking at a weakening in the
aggregates, I think an intelligent banker might say: Well, that means
there are going to be more reserves around and the market is going to
ease. So [the banker] operated on that presumption and then, in fact,
found that the market didn't ease. Why? Because we were reducing our
nonborrowed reserve target in the early part of the first four weeks
or so in order to keep the funds rate from declining.
MR. ROOS. Well, Chuck, I thought our strategy essentially
was to attempt to bring down inflation by controlling the availability
of bank credit. And I think the banks have been accustomed in the
past to assuming that when Wednesday came around somehow or other the
Fed would supply the necessary reserves in order to resist the
otherwise upward movement of the fed funds rate. Now, by letting the
fed funds rate flow upward, even though it's more expensive to them,
we will discourage their provision of credit. Am I mixed up?
MR. PARTEE. Well, no. My point was simply that on
Wednesday they either come into the window or they don't come into the
window; [that has been their practice] for a long time. My further
point was that they could look at what they regarded as being pretty
weak money numbers and they could look at our statements to the press
that we were going to provide the reserves and let the funds rate go
where it would, and they might conclude that the funds rate ought to
ease if the money numbers are weak. Now, Steve's point, I think, is
the most relevant one, which is that it has only been in the last few
days that the numbers have been all that weak. So, it's the hazard of
not following the regime that we said we would.
Is the weakness that has become apparent in the
last couple of days going to show up in the figures that are published
this afternoon?
MR. AXILROD. Only to a degree. This afternoon we will
publish data for the 24th and that will show no change in M-1B from
the previous week. But in the preliminary estimate we had expected a
$2 billion increase. For July 1st our preliminary numbers, for what
they're worth, show a $4-1/2 billion drop in the actual figure from
what we had projected. But that won't show up [in our published data]
until next Friday, if it stays.

It could be revised quite a bit couldn't it,

MR. AXILROD. Yes. The preliminary numbers have been
revising $1 to $2 billion, at least recently since the MCA.

Is it consistently in one direction or not?


Well, we had two downward revisions [in a row].

MR. BOEHNE. We seem to be in one of those patterns
the revisions] go the same way.




We have to ratify the transactions.

So moved.



Mr. Pardee.

[Statement--see Appendix.]

I think [the situation] is serious
myself, because there are quite a few industries that are losing
competitiveness very rapidly and are having difficulty getting export
orders at these levels [of the dollar].
I have a report that the
Treasury is projecting a $50 billion deficit next year on the current
account. We've been projecting a somewhat smaller deficit than that.

Current account or trade account?

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Current account. Under those
circumstances, the dollar is going to start crashing and it has a long
way to go. And there is going to be very little [foreign central
bank] cooperation. I [heard] that at
The feeling is that one of the
don't ask for cooperation is first, that they
don't want the United States to hold a lot of
secondly that, when the dollar starts to fall, they don't want to have
created a precedent whereby they would have to give us cooperation.
The whole tenor or the atmosphere [is that] the kind of cooperation
we've had in the last few years with central banks has been seriously
demoralizing. This is what
telling me also when I was
in Europe. I'm not saying that we are going to be able to do very
much about it, given the Treasury's view, but I think it's not a happy
situation at all.
MR. WALLICH. Would you think that if we did operate in the
market, we could have changed these [exchange] rates much or could
have kept them significantly lower?
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. If we had had consistent and
cooperative intervention both by the Bundesbank and ourselves, yes,
they would be significantly lower because the foreign exchange market
would be influenced by that to some degree. And so maybe would
corporations. I'm not saying our intervention as such makes that
difference. If the psychology is not handled in such a way that the
psychology of the traders is influenced by our cooperative
intervention, then it's self-defeating. But we had a problem also
with the Bundesbank, which followed extremely erratic intervention
policies. They've gone as high as $700 odd million in one day and
then the next day [have done nothing]. For example, today the
Deutschemark fell very rapidly and sharply and they didn't spend a
dime. On other days they will spend a lot of money. I don't think
that kind of intervention, even when large, is of any use at all. It
doesn't change the psychology of the traders [and reinforce the view]
that it's a two-way street.
MR. ROOS. Tony, weren't these the same guys, though, who
back in the fall of 1979 jumped all over our Chairman allegedly


because just the opposite scenario was occurring? They were concerned
about the expansiveness of our policies and the dollar was terribly
weak, and I remember our discussing this and wringing our hands
somewhat around this table about that problem. Aren't we damned
whatever we do?
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. There is a tendency always for the
Europeans, and to some extent the whole world, to be super critical of
us since we are the biggest economic force. There's no question about
that. But I think the situation was very different in the fall of
1979. What they were looking for then was some meaningful monetary
policy [action] that would promise to check our rate of inflation,
which was running very high and was having an indirect spillover
effect on the dollar. There were no complaints in terms of the level
of cooperation between central banks on intervention.
U.S. manufacturers?

Are you hearing reports of noncompetitiveness of



What kinds of industries?


VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Chemicals have been very prominent,
but we're getting reports of some others, such as textiles.
MR. GRAMLEY. I don't think one ought to look at the fact
that American industries are becoming less competitive as an
altogether undesirable thing in the sense that this is one of the ways
in which the incidence of monetary policy shifts and gets moved around
from those industries that are heavily dependent upon credit to
others. The problem as I see it--and this is where I would agree with
Tony--is that the lags in this whole process are very different. What
may well happen is that two years from now we will be looking at a
current account deficit of enormous magnitude [that is] slowing the
economy down a lot, and we will be driving interest rates down because
we're trying to keep our own domestic economy going, thereby
aggravating our inflation problem because of what is happening to the
exchange rate.
It would be a lot better if we could smooth this
process out a little through intervention policy.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. We won't be masters of our own
domestic monetary policy if at that point it makes sense domestically
to ease and we're running a $50 billion current account deficit and
the dollar is reacting the way I would expect it to be reacting. Even
[though] last month's German current account and trade figures were
disappointing, the Germans are fairly confident that they will come in
substantially lower in '81 and with a surplus in '82. At some point
the markets will turn around, and I think the extremes of this roller
coaster are unnecessary. We could be in a situation where we're going
to need that kind of cooperation.
MR. CORRIGAN. Chuck, I've had reports of noncompetitiveness
[with foreign producers] even in computers and high technology in the
last couple of months.

That's true in Boston, too.



this morning on the deficit
doesn't anticipate that the
than 4 or 5 percent. Isn't

doesn't jive with the staff presentation
that is in the projection. The staff
value of the dollar is going to fall more
that right, Ted?

MR. TRUMAN. Yes, from the average of the second quarter.
It's a decline of 4 percent from where we are now.
MS. TEETERS. I assumed there was a self-correcting mechanism
and people say it's not going to work.
MR. BOEHNE. Tony, from the European side, is the main
concern with the high dollar a capital outflow problem or is it this
issue you're talking about that there's a lack of cooperation here and
that countries may not be the masters of their monetary policy?
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Oh, I think they're more concerned
about the immediate impact on their currencies. There's a secondary
level of concern among some of them, not among others, about the fact
that in the longer run cooperation is going to be eroded. Some of
them, on the other hand, may be perfectly happy to see a major
reversal of this, in which they would not come in and support the
dollar as strongly [unintelligible].
They feel that the present
policy has freed them from that obligation. Obviously, they're still
going to support the dollar at some level because it can be very
damaging to them for us to get too competitive on exports. But this
policy carries things to such an extreme, given the lag in the J curve
effect that-MR. BOEHNE.

We trip up with the lag.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. It's just begging for more and more
amplitude in the swings. Add that to the volatility of our domestic
interest rates and it begins to have a damaging effect on the volume
of world trade and the volume of economic activity. Anyway, that's my

I don't know what to recommend, but we are confronted--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The implication is that the Germans want
to intervene. I haven't seen any [evidence] of that.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. No, the German government would like
to see cooperative intervention between the Bundesbank and the Federal

Reserve. The Bundesbank, or at least the head of the Bundesbank, is
reluctant for the two reasons I mentioned: One, he doesn't want to
see the United States holding too many deutschemarks simply because it

gives us more independence and we're less controllable; and secondly,
when the dollar has turned around, he doesn't want us to be able with
more moral clout to ask for intervention because of the fact that he
had asked us to intervene earlier. I would say that there's a clear
split in many ways right now between the Bundesbank and the German
government. The German government's view is that one has to ignore
short-term interests in the interest of stronger international

cooperation. There's quite a difference of view, which they're
prepared to talk about, between them and the Bundesbank right now.
MR. GUFFEY. Does this have any implication at all for our
swap arrangements and the conditions under which we could draw on



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Not in any formal sense. But I think
you're right if you're implying--assuming that our policy of benign
neglect continues--that if there's a reversal and the dollar comes
under heavy pressure and they are reluctant to support it with their
own resources and we start supporting it by wanting to activate the
swap line, it is possible there will be somewhat less enthusiasm and
maybe more foot dragging on our activating the swap line.
MS. TEETERS. Well, there are two different points of view
here. We're looking at the possibility of a current account deficit
of fairly sizable proportions, which you're saying could bring about a
very sharp decline in the value of the dollar.

At a later time.

MS. TEETERS. At a later time. Our staff has taken just the
opposite point of view:
That we're going to get a sizable deficit and
some decline in the dollar but not a collapse. Is that correct, Ted?
MR. TRUMAN. It depends on what you define as a collapse.
The dollar today is 1.09 on this weighted average we use. We have it
at the end of next year at 1.00.
Is a 9 percent decline a collapse or
not? That is the first proposition, the trade weighted dollar. The
second proposition, after this correction, is that when we try to run
it out and see what happens beyond 1982, the current account deficit
essentially stabilizes at the $25 to $30 billion dollar range. That's
not $50 billion but it is a very large deficit. But it does stabilize
under that scenario; it doesn't get worse. Those, I think, are
consistent with the kinds of numbers that President Solomon was
describing. It is describing a process, though perhaps not as far as
others might think it would go. If the dollar moves [down] sooner,
then we are not going to get quite as large a deficit, but we might
have more-VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I would guess--and Ted, I'd be
interested in your guess--that a 9 percent decline in the trade
weighted value of the dollar probably is going to be something like a
30 percent decline against the deutschemark.

Probably something like that.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Now, a 30 percent decline is not
collapsing in the sense of the whole financial system collapsing or
anything like that, but I'm simply saying-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Wait a minute.

A 30 percent decline?

That takes us back to 1.80.
A 20 percent decline would take it into the

MR. WALLICH. That would imply a very sharp rise in the
D-mark against most other currencies.
MR. PARTEE. Of course, a higher dollar would be having a
very favorable effect on our own inflation rate in the meantime. We'd



be getting the benefit that the foreigners were getting a couple years
of intervention?

Do I detect a ground swell here in favor
I think it's working pretty


I don't feel it.


Does it make any difference?




You mean in what the value [of the dollar] would

given its--

Whether the Treasury will [want to intervene],

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. It's not only the Treasury; it's also
the present management of the Bundesbank. The two together I think
probably make it less [likely] even if all of you feel very strongly
on this side--if you all feel strongly as I do. I don't see it, given
the joint position [of the Treasury and the Bundesbank]. Now, in a
few months it may be beneficial-MR. GRAMLEY.
we think?

Mr. Chairman, does it make any difference what

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Of course, we have independent powers
[but] we endeavor to cooperate internally as well as externally. Do I
detect a ground swell?

I certainly do.

MR. CORRIGAN. A cooperative policy of intervention is better
than not having one and I think the arguments that Tony makes are
really the cogent ones over a period of time. I'm not sure it matters
day-to-day in terms of any particular exchange rates, but in terms of
being able to ameliorate at least some of these more violent swings
that produce these crazy effects over time, I think it is desirable.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Leutwiler, the head of the Swiss
National Bank, said to me a couple of weeks ago that he feels that the
more permanent disadvantage of the policy, as distinct from the
Bundesbank position, is that the foreign exchange market will not be
as easily convinced in the future that there is cooperation among
central banks. He feels that when the time comes when there is
cooperation again, it's going to take a lot more money and a much
longer period of time for that stand to have credibility and to have
an impact on the exchange markets. It is true that in the last year
or two, when the exchange market would see the Bundesbank and the
Federal Reserve acting in very close harmony, they would pay a heck of
a lot of attention.

I'm not so sure.



MR. WALLICH. Basically it is a matter of supply and demand
in the market. You may change some people's minds and thereby shift
the demand and supply schedules, but if we have a $25 billion deficit,
it has to be financed from somewhere. It isn't going to come because
traders take positions supporting the dollar. It will have to be
financed either by central bank action--they once bought $35 billion
in one year and it didn't accomplish much--or it has to be financed by
our borrowing abroad and putting that into the [exchange] market.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Sure. Current account deficits have
to be financed. But you would agree I'm sure, Henry, that there are
short-term capital flows that, based on expectations and movements in
exchange markets, can go way beyond [unintelligible] in the opposite
direction, depending on the particular psychology.
MR. WALLICH. Well, it's the possibility of affecting that
psychology that I don't feel very optimistic about.
MR. SCHULTZ. I just don't know [at what point] we'd
intervene. I recall that we were surprised that the mark moved from
180 to 190 and we were intervening and then it went from 190 to [200].
Those were big moves. Why didn't we go in at that point?
I don't
know-MR. PARTEE.

We bought quite a few.

MR. SCHULTZ. Yes, we did; we bought quite a few
[deutschemarks] at that time. And now look how much further it has
gone. It's terribly difficult to know when to intervene. I do think
we'd be a lot better off if certain people in the Administration would
not make such a public [declaration] about nonintervention and the
fact that we're not going to do anything. It seems to me that we'd be
a little better off if there were a little less talk about it, but I'm
not sure that I'm for jumping in with a policy of [large-scale]
MR. WALLICH. Well, one has to consider, in addition to the
arguments that Tony has made for German nonintervention, that they
would be buying dollars at a very unfavorable rate if they bought any
So, that's not-[ahead of] a near-term decline.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Nobody would expect them to support
the dollar even under the tightest of cooperation at anywhere near
these levels. I don't mean to carry this too far. Even though I may
be among the most concerned here, Paul, I'm not recommending that you
do anything about it and take on a confrontation in this area at the
same time that we have other problems in domestic monetary policy. It
doesn't seem to make a lot of good sense at this point.

Trade one [problem]

for another.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Do you mean now that we're following
a more and more [unintelligible] on the domestic scene we can get more
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Divert the argument.
detected a full-scale ground swell.

Well, I haven't



MR. GUFFEY. I would join those who would like to have a more
cooperative intervention policy. If that, added to the two or three
other voices, is a ground swell, then-MR. WALLICH.

I would be very happy to support it.

MR. GRAMLEY. I would be very happy to go back to the old way
of doing things, if it could be done without a fight with the
Administration. I can't think of grounds on which I would less want
to do battle than this one.

Well, at least at this point in time.

MR. PARTEE. I think the question can be left to developing a
strategy as the dollar drops. It's too late now to rescue anything on
the up side I think. We did, of course, have a very active
intervention policy right up until January 20 or thereabouts.
MS. TEETERS. Just as a point of information, when are the
Carter bonds due? And how big are our balances over and above the
amount that we owe in Carter bonds?
MR. TRUMAN. First, Carter bonds are due at the end of this
month. And the answer to the second question is that we have about
$5.8 billion over and above the Carter bonds.

But not in deutschemarks.

MR. TRUMAN. Not all of it. We have $5.8 billion over and
above the Carter bonds, $3.6 billion of which is in DM. That's it.
MR. BOEHNE. I think Chuck is right. We can't fight this out
philosophically. We have to wait until the flag is on our side; we
have to wait until the dollar comes down.

Unfortunately, if we wait that long we could

figure, as Tony indicated earlier, that we wouldn't have the foreign
central banks on our side any more. It's going to be a lonely battle
to fight. I think the die is cast; there's not much else we can do.
all, right?

Just demand rules of the gold standard, that's
You'll hear more about that soon.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm not convinced that it would have made
much difference in the actual level of the dollar; in terms of
atmospherics, it may have made some difference. If we haven't any
more questions about that, we can turn to the economic situation over
a prolonged period as background to our deliberations, keeping in mind
that we have to make quite a few decisions over the course of our
meeting, presumably tomorrow morning for the actual decisionmaking.
Are you prepared, Mr. Kichline?

Prepared for what?



Go ahead.






You didn't say anything about answers.


You have a chart here on the money supply.

MR. GRAMLEY. It's plotted wrong. It's plotted in the middle
of the period; it should be plotted at the final period.
wondered what was plotted.

Well, that's what I was wondering.
I can't find it at the moment.


For M-1B?

quarter-to-fourth quarter?


Those are the changes fourth

MR. KICHLINE. They are changes fourth quarter-to-fourth
quarter, adjusted, beginning in 1975 to date. We tried to incorporate
some ad hoc adjustments for ATS and NOW accounts. I think they are
the familiar numbers.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, I just didn't know whether they were
fourth quarter-to-fourth quarter.

In 1980 it's 6-3/4 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I would note in that connection that I've
been trying to keep track of the annual year-to-year changes. Of
course, we won't know what the quarter-to-quarter changes will be for
this year either until we finish the year. But it looked for a long
while as if it was going to be difficult to make the year-to-year
change less than it was last year. Last year adjusted it was 6.7
percent, which was the same as in '79. With this slump in June, if we
remain within our targets without a weird pattern, we're going to have
a year-to-year decline. If we're at the midpoint of the range or
below, it will be a sizable year-to-year decline in the adjusted
figure. It will be an increase in the unadjusted figure, but I guess
that's to be expected.
the rate of increase?

Do you really mean a decline or a reduction in

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. A reduction in the rate of increase--a
decline in the year-to-year change. What did I look at?
I was
looking at the wrong numbers. My conclusion is right, but it's not
much of a decline. That's right.
I'm sorry. We have to be at the
midpoint or below to get a year-to-year decline--I'll get this
straight now--for M-1B adjusted. For M-1B unadjusted, we'll never get
a decline.

Why do you want a decline on a year-to-year




Because that's what we're supposed to be


I thought it was fourth quarter-to-fourth

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, it depends upon which figures you
think are more significant. I happen to think the first three
quarters are not excluded from the year. But I may be peculiar in
that respect. On M2, we are not going to get a decline year-to-year;
regardless of what we do, we're going to get an increase of some size.
And it looks as if we'll get a big increase in M3 on a year-to-year
basis. I just cite this as background. We'll probably get a small
decline in M-1B adjusted and some increase in all the other numbers
Let me ask another question and then I want to say something
else. The Treasury seems to think that the budget this [fiscal] year
is going to be only about $50 billion in deficit, if I interpret them
correctly. How do we have a $10 billion dollar difference with only
two months left to go?

Well, I don't know.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. My other question is:
How much [reflects]
the difference in your [interest rate assumptions]? They were
assuming a 9 percent interest rate next year for the bill rate, and
you're assuming what--15 percent or something?



How much is that worth in fiscal terms?

MR. KICHLINE. It's $17 billion additional expenditures using
the staff forecast because of higher interest payments compared to
their March numbers. The actual level of interest payments in the
budget for fiscal '81 in our forecast--and I presume ours is
reasonably close to the Administration's--is nearly $71 billion, and
it would rise to $88 billion next year.

What is the figure on interest payments?

$71 billion.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I have a tabulation of the tentative
forecasts, at least, that were made by various members of the
Committee. I don't know whether you can review this better than I,
Mr. Kichline; I don't know whether you are prepared to. Are these
staff forecasts the same as the ones you have here or-MR. KICHLINE.

Yes, they are.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Somehow, the Committee members straddle
the staff forecast in every item for this year and for next year
except [for nominal GNP].

You mean [unintelligible]?



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, in [nearly] everything. Technically
they straddle [the staff forecasts]. The staff's forecast of real GNP
is in the middle of the others for this year. For the GNP deflator,
the staff is on the low side and for unemployment it's about in the
middle. But next year the staff is on the low side on real GNP and I
guess on prices. It's not unanimous but it's about in the middle I
guess on unemployment. If this [table] is right in terms of the
Administration's forecast, no member of the Open Market Committee who
has expressed himself so far [has a forecast close to] the real GNP
growth implied in the Administration forecast [for 1982].
MR. FORD. Paul, [our forecast is] much closer to the
Administration's than the staff's but we're still well below the
[Real GNP growth of] 5.2 percent [in 1982] does
seem optimistic. The question I have that builds on your observation
about their T-bill rate [assumption] is this: Jim, am I reading your
charts right in trying to put them together for the corporate AAA bond
rate, the T-bill rate, and the implicit price deflator in 1982? If I
do the arithmetic correctly, are you really projecting that in 1982
the 3-month Treasury bill rate will be a flat 16 percent in the face
of a 7 percent GNP deflator and an 8 percent CPI, yielding real rates
of interest of 8 percent on the short end of the yield curve and real
rates of interest of 7 to 8 percent on the long end? These seem to me
awfully high real rates if I'm reading your charts right.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. This has been a matter of some discussion.
Maybe we ought to linger on this point a moment, Mr. Kichline.
MR. FORD. If you lower that, it seems to me then that you
can allow for a lower deficit, you can allow for more investment
spending, and you can get a little closer to the Administration's real
forecast, which is where we come in.
MR. KICHLINE. As you know, forecasting interest rates is a
real problem, and I tried to say in my [briefing] that there are a lot
of pitfalls involved in this process. We've tried to look at this in
a variety of ways. The charts aren't plotted incorrectly, and you've
described what is there and what the implications are. Our general
view is that we do have very strong latent demands for goods and
services in the economy in a variety of sectors;

[those demands]


being held down by interest rates. We're stuck with an assumption of
4-1/4 percent [growth in] M-1B and a good deal of uncertainty about
how to interpret that measure of money. Is it really the sort of
thing that one would have perceived in the past, linking it closely to
transactions demands? Or is it changing?
In our forecast, looking at
4-1/4 percent money [growth], we have what we've termed some further
downward drift in the money demand function. That is, money is acting
in a more powerful way than the 4-1/4 percent [growth] we observe.
But even so, using any of the standard models, to get the economy to
limit growth of money demand to 4-1/4 percent takes incredibly high
short-term rates.
The Board's model has much higher rates than we
have here. At the same time, we get very high long-term rates, which
is one of the factors damping investment growth in our forecast. And,

in response to a question earlier this morning, my [comment] was that
with the kinds of rates we have built in one could easily argue a case
for a lower investment demand than the staff has forecast.
the implied real rates are very high.

That is,



So, we're really fighting this issue of what kind of
[interest] rates would be associated with the 4-1/4 percent growth in
money, whether [that] is sustainable, or whether in fact we might just
find the economy collapsing in that environment and [money growth]
then snapping back. But it's a key issue with regard to the staff
forecast. Projecting nominal interest rate levels out a year or a
year and a half is something I wouldn't like to stake a lot of
confidence on. So, you pointed to a real problem. It seems to me
that we could not expect that situation [of high real rates] to
persist for an extended period of time. It would have to be resolved
in one way or another, either by the economy collapsing and dragging
rates down or by rates falling with changing price expectations. We
do have in this forecast a rather favorable price performance, and one
would think there would be an unwillingness to pay those long rates.
So, it would need to be resolved.
MR. WALLICH. Well, as long as the short-term rates are
significantly above the long rates, people have an expectation that
rates will come down. And that is why they're willing to pay very
high rates temporarily. If they ever gave up on that expectation, the
[yield.] structure presumably would flatten out, and it's only then
that we would see the full restraining power of those interest rates.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know whether anybody is enough of
an historian here [to know].
There have been lots of times in history
when short-term rates have been above long-term rates, going way back.

During the 1920s.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Does this happen when the general
structure of interest rates is going down--that short-term interest
rates are persistently higher than long-term interest rates and the
general trend is downward? In the 1920s I guess the trend was down.
MR. WALLICH. It seems very logical in terms of the
structure. People expect rates to go down and they do go down; but in
order to hold short-term securities, they have to be paid a premium.
Otherwise, they do like Merrill Lynch and start buying bonds.

I don't know what the historical record

has been.
MR. FORD. Paul, may I just expand briefly on the point you
made? Has there ever been a time in our history--I just don't
remember seeing a good chart on this--when long-term and short-term
[real] rates were both in the 7 to 8 percent range for a period longer
than a year, which seems to be implied here? Right now we have high
real rates, so it's not impossible. We have them temporarily right
now. I guess one has to believe that anything that is reality has to
be believable.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The trouble with that analysis, to me
anyway, is that it doesn't take taxes into account. And we've never
had the kind of inflation, interest rates, and high marginal tax rates
of the sort we have now. I don't know how high these interest rates
are. They're high for some people and they're not high for other
people. I don't know how to resolve that.



MR. BOEHNE. Well, I came out the way Bill did on the real
rate route. It seems to me that these kinds of rates could not
persist over this long a period without causing some kind of collapse.
I have found in the last six weeks that the apprehension and the
anxiety level have been increasing in the thrift industry and in small
and medium size businesses.
I think their expectation is that
interest rates are going to come down before the end of the year. If
this kind of view prevailed in the economy, I think we'd have a
massive spread of heart attacks.


Starting at this table!

MR. BOEHNE. Yes, starting at this table probably. It just
does not seem to me that we can have this kind of interest rate
structure lasting for two years without some very serious financial
MR. PARTEE. But the question is:
Do [rates] come down
because the GNP weakens or for some independent reason? What Jim says

is driving them is [the assumption of] a relatively small money supply
expansion and [the staff forecast] has to force that on an economy
with quite a lot of nominal GNP. The staff could be making a mistake
in velocity; turnover could be faster than has been predicted. But
otherwise, it either has to be a faster increase in money or a smaller
increase in nominal GNP.

You've got a collision there.

MR. PARTEE. The [problem] may be that what this forecast
doesn't show is the collapse that you said would develop.

Something does not add up.

MR. BOEHNE. This forecast cannot come about in reality.
Something has to give between now and the time we get to it.
MR. GRAMLEY. But there are possible adaptations to this
forecast, setting apart the collapse of the thrift industry--or
assuming that the thrift industry is handled by merging three-fourths
of them into banks or something like that.

You could make this

forecast work by pushing up the deflator somewhat so the real interest
rates don't look quite that fierce and by shifting the mix of GNP.
If, for example, we got a substantial consumer anticipatory response
to a 3-year tax cut and less housing and less business fixed
investment, we might get 1 percent [real] GNP and a somewhat higher
deflator; the overall outlines might work. But then we'd still have
to worry about how to handle the collapse of the thrifts and what sort
of additional structural damage would be happening. I agree that we
are looking at a situation in which very, very substantial structural
damage is probably ahead if this is-MR. FORD.

If the rates stay up.

MR. WALLICH. What would happen if the M-1B estimate is
really, in effective terms, much too low?
In other words, if a
substantial shift in the demand schedule were ahead because of the use
of substitutes, would that lower interest rates in your context or--?



MR. KICHLINE. Yes. Another way of saying that is that we
would have more money growth than the measured M-1B picks up.

And it would mean lower interest rates, then.
For this nominal GNP.
Right, other things unchanged.

MR. WALLICH. Which is what has happened to us again and
again, hasn't it? We set what looked like a very low M1 target and
then a shift occurred and it turned out not to be very low.
MR. AXILROD. Governor Wallich, that hasn't really occurred
since 1975-76. That's when it most clearly occurred. Thus far this
year, unless we get further shifts, we're pretty much on the
"schedule" that we tended to project--that is, a so-called downward
shift on the order of 2-1/2 to 2-3/4 percentage points. If there's no
further shift this year, that's about what we'll end up with.
MR. WALLICH. Yes, but aren't you arguing in effect that
because we've had such a large shift in the first half of the year,
we're therefore unlikely to get any in the second?
MR. AXILROD. If we get a similar shift in the second half
then we'll have a much more expansionary policy than was voted for.
MS. TEETERS. Do you have a major shift in the demand for
money built into the '82 forecast also?
MR. KICHLINE. About the same as in 1981. I would say that
in February we had a high interest rate scenario. We had assumed some
downward shift of the money demand function, as Steve mentioned. We
didn't, however, have it all occurring essentially in the first
quarter. We're stuck with the question of what to do at this point,
and we made the assumption that, in fact, a demand shift of 2 to 2-1/2
percent for the year was reasonable. So, we wouldn't anticipate any
shift over the balance of this year, but we have once again put in a
similar shift for 1982. Even with that, however, we get very high
interest rates in order to hold the M1 growth down.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'll reverse the question. It's easy to
ask the questions of Mr. Kichline, but almost everybody in this room
has a similar forecast for nominal GNP. You were told to assume
somewhat lower monetary growth next year. What interest rates are you
assuming and how do you get there on the basis of historical
MR. FORD. Well, I think we have to assume--we better assume
it and if we don't assume it, we better pray for it--that what's wrong
about the way [the components of the staff's forecast] add up is that
they do not believe that real interest rates will come down and that
that will be accompanied by a decline in nominal interest rates.
That's what solves the puzzle. That's what we have to hope for.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It solves the puzzle unless you consider
part of the puzzle [to be the] historical relationships between money
and nominal interest rates.



MR. FORD. Perhaps what we have to do--I've been thinking
more and more about this--is to consider another shift adjustment.
Now, listen fellows, if we project these kinds of interest rates of 16
percent out for another two years then I think we have to hire those
guys to do the Michigan survey every month from now on. I haven't had
the benefit of [seeing] that but I used to work at that survey center
so I know how they operate. If I understood you right, you said that
18 percent of the thousand households that have such an account said
they were writing 3 or 4 more checks [per month].
MR. AXILROD. Four percent of those who have money market
funds--is that what you meant?--were writing more than 3 checks.
MR. FORD. Yes, but that could be consistent.... Let me put
it to you as a question:
Couldn't that be consistent with a much
larger percentage of the balances in money market funds being drawn in
the form of transactions if the wealthier households are the ones that
are doing it? Each check would have to be a minimum of $500, right?
Then there is a learning curve.
I would say that over the next year
or two, if you guys believe that these high interest rates will last,
that percentage of households and especially the percentage of dollars
that get used as checking accounts--assuming Congress doesn't take
your advice, Paul, and puts reserve requirements on them--[is going to
We are going to see a big shift. The shift we're going to be
talking about six months or a year from now isn't going to be the
shift to NOWs out of checking; it's going to be the shift to checking
in the form of MMFs. And since normally we think of checking account
money as an M1 type number and since MMFs we think of as M2, we may
have to think some more about that.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm not sure that resolves your dilemma.
The deus ex machina that brings that about is the high interest rates
that you don't want to assume in the first place.
MR. FORD. I'm saying that if you're assuming it, then you
have to do some shift adjusting of this other type.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You can consider that we may have an
insolvable problem here and that Mr. Kichline is right: That barring
a so-called disaster, if interest rates go down, then the GNP will
jump up. And if interest rates don't decline, the economy will
decline sharply.
Isn't that what's likely to happen--that we'll
have periods of weakness that will tend to be followed by some
It seems to me perfectly reasonable to expect some weakness
in the latter half of the year followed by some strength in the first
part of next year caused to some extent by lower interest rates, by
the tax bill that will go into effect, and by [higher] defense
spending. And given the kind of monetary policy we have had, if we
have some strengthening in the economy, we most certainly will have
some upward movement again in interest rates.
So, are we not likely
to be faced by these opposing forces going back and forth?

[Interest rates] never go down, Fred.

MR. SCHULTZ. Oh, I think they do; they go down.
they're going to go down in the latter half of this year.

I think



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I don't think it's likely that we're
going to have that kind of gradual change. I think it's more likely
that after a protracted period of these high real interest rate levels
we will see a significant recession both here and abroad. I don't
know whether that will be in 6 months, 9 months, or a year, but at
some point I think we will see a significant recession; inflationary
expectations will get lowered and interest rates, both nominal and
real, will come down. But I don't know if we have any alternative to
the policy that we're following. I don't see any gradual way for this
scenario to be different than that.
MR. WALLICH. An average of 1 percent growth or 1/2 percent
growth over a period of two years is historically very rare. I don't
know if it has ever happened. I think that's the kind of scenario one
projects when one doesn't know whether [economic activity] is going up
or going down. So, you have the economy growing very slowly and
unemployment rising. But it doesn't have a very high percentage
probability, as Otto Eckstein would put it.

Mr. Balles.

MR. BALLES. Well, for a more optimistic scenario: Our staff
has recently gotten into this treacherous business of forecasting
interest rates and they come up with much lower rates by '82 and going
on into '83 than the Board's model. That reminds me of that old story
about a tough question in an economics exam where the student wrote
The professor came back and said
"God only knows what the answer is."
"God gets an A and you get an F."
Without going into a long harangue
on methodology here, the Board's model is this large structural model.
As I understand it, there's a lag of about 4 years between money and
prices. By using a much smaller model with about a 2-year lag and by
using a loanable funds theory of interest rates rather than the
traditional liquidity preference theory, we get more real growth, less
inflation, and lower interest rates. That's really rather startling.
Specifically, as opposed to, say, a 16 to 17 percent level for the
3-month Treasury bill for this year and next year, we would show the
Treasury bill rate coming down to about 9 percent in '82 and going
As I say, God only knows which model
down to about 7 percent in '83.
is right, but I wouldn't-MR. SCHULTZ.

What do you get for real growth and inflation?
We get more real growth and less inflation.
What money supply do you get?
We're using the same assumptions as the Board's

MR. GRAMLEY. What kind of increase in velocity are you
talking about, then? Well over 10 percent?
MR. BALLES. No. As I understand it--and we'll get beyond my
technical knowledge pretty fast here--one of the things that's keeping
interest rates very high in the Board staff's big structural model is
the need for a big increase in velocity. In our particular way of
looking at the world, we get a quicker decline in inflation by
reducing the rate of monetary growth in each of the last 2 years. As



you remember, there has been a slight decline in the growth of M-1B
and there apparently will be a bigger one this year. That reacts
faster in our way of looking at the world in getting inflation down;
hence, interest rates come down faster.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. If this table is right that I have in
front of me and you haven't changed your numbers, your nominal GNP
forecast for next year is a lot higher than the staff's. Right?
Yes, without trying to be overly precise.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Which means your velocity must be much
higher than this, assuming you use the same money assumption, with
lower interest rates. You have much lower interest rates and much
higher velocity.

That's the key to it.



[unintelligible] percent velocity.

MR. GRAMLEY. If you figure out how to make that work, it
would be great. It's the kind of thing in which you've not looked at
the specific [unintelligible] about the implications for money demand.
How is it that you get this sort of money demand relationship with
interest rates declining?
If you have a big shift in the money demand
function, then it will work. Otherwise, you're sort of out in limbo.
MR. BALLES. Well, one of the things that we are assuming has
happened, and I think the Board staff has arrived at the same
conclusion, is that there probably has been a big downward shift in
the demand for money so far this year. We have the same ingredients
working that we had in '74 and '75 when we had big institutional
changes--remember that corporations and municipal governments could
get into savings accounts--and extraordinarily high interest rates.
At that time we were [registering] an all time new record as well.
And of the various episodes of history in which we have thought that
there might have been a downward shift in money demand, the 1974-75
experience stands out as one of the more likely episodes. We're
guessing now that the same thing has occurred this year.

And will continue.


And will continue.


So, you're not that far from Bill.

MR. FORD. No. And what's more, with regard to velocity and
how much GNP can be supported, M-1B is what you gave us for the
specification. You did not give us [a specification] for M2 or demand
that we respond [on the basis of] M2.
It might be, if indeed the
public meets more of its needs for money with these tricky MMFs used
as checking accounts, especially where big dollars are involved, that
lower money growth can hold up more GNP. So, yes, we get more
velocity; and it may be believable if this structural change that the
Michigan survey talks about is happening.

Mr. Morris.



MR. MORRIS. Well, Mr. Chairman, all this conversation, or
much of it, suggests to me that we ought to face up to the fact that
we do not know how to measure transactions balances in our present
society. M-1B is somewhat of a nostalgic attempt to maintain a
concept of transactions balances and I think it's leading us into all
kinds of problems. First of all, we don't know what M-1B unadjusted
is in the sense that we don't know how much of M-1B is really not a
transactions balance. For example, in the areas where there are very
high minimum balance requirements for NOW accounts, people will shift
assets into their NOW account in order to get the free services. In
Connecticut, for example, the average balance in a NOW account is
$6,000. This is substantially higher than the average balance in
personal checking accounts in Connecticut before the NOW account came
into being. The reason is that [banks] learned from the Massachusetts
pricing of NOWs and put in very high minimum balance [requirements].
So, some part of M-1B unadjusted is not a transactions balance. Then
we adjust the M-1B for shift adjustments, and I suspect this is done
on the basis of--to put it mildly--incomplete evidence. In addition
to that we have the evidence just cited that some 4 percent of the
money market funds are being used, at least to some degree, as
transactions balances. I suspect that percentage will rise over time.
We have overnight RPs, for example, that are used by a good many
corporations as transactions balances, and RPs are not in M-1B at all.
I really don't think we will ever, from now on, be able to have a
concept of a transactions balance in which we can have the same
confidence we used to have in the old M1. At least we knew then that
M1 was the store of money that people had available to them to make
payments. It seems to me that we could be splitting hairs on M-1B for
a great many years and talking about these wild changes in velocity,
about these changes in money demand, and so on, and all we'd be doing
is covering up the fact that we simply don't have any basis for
measuring what transactions balances are any more. And that's likely
to be [more] true in the future than-VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Once Reg Q is gone completely and all
deposits bear some kind of competitive market rates, it's mindboggling to think of [where] to cut off the so-called money supply in
terms of a coherent [measure of] transactions-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.
M-1B or M1-A or M1?

Is there anyone who would like to defend

MR. PARTEE. Well, I think M-1B is quite a bit better than
Frank has said. What we really have to do is to talk about first
differences. We need something to steer by. Now, the fact that there
are some idle balances in a transactions total of M1 doesn't mean a
thing. There have always been a lot of idle balances in there, and
what we need to do-MR. MORRIS. There are a lot of transactions balances that
are not in there, too.
MR. PARTEE. And that, of course, one allows for in the
velocity estimate. You can take any number and modify it to take
account of other things that you think are happening in the economy.
If I understand
I don't see that M2 is that much better [than M1].
what the DIDC did, in another 25 days we're going to have 4-year
certificates in M2 that are probably going to sell like wildfire. Are



you going to consider those transactions balances?
be in M2.

They're going to

I think M2 is too narrow, too.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know whether it helps or hurts,
but we had a conversation similar to this about a year ago I suspect.
I thought that M1 [growth] would never come up. And no sooner did I
so state in public testimony, it came back up to the point where
[M-1B] was [above the Committee's ranges] by the end of the year.
MR. SCHULTZ. But it seems to me that this is only half of
the problem. Half of the problem is that we don't know what the
monetary aggregates are; the other half of the problem is that we
don't know what the relationship is between the aggregates and GNP.
MR. ROOS. Maybe we're getting to where we ought to give some
thought to the monetary base.
MR. WALLICH. I do think it can be said in favor of M-1B that
transactions balances are a unique concept. There's a logical reason
why they might be related to GNP. Once you go beyond that to M2 or
M3, there's really no place to stop. All you can do is stop with
total credit, like Henry Kaufman, because changes in credit presumably
indicate the degree to which people and businesses are overspending or
underspending their income. If you measure all forms of credit, then
maybe you can measure excess demand or deficient demand. But by just
measuring what is related to depository institutions, such as M3, you
don't capture the whole. There still are possible substitutions for
depository institution credit and open market credit, and one may be
MR. PARTEE. That is what led the Board many years ago to
promote the development of the flow of funds accounts.

Mr. Corrigan.

MR. CORRIGAN. Mr. Chairman, I'll start off by saying that I
didn't really use any model, but for the balance of this year my view
of the economy is very similar to that in the Greenbook for
essentially the same reasons. I do see a bit steeper drop in the
second and third quarters but a little faster snapback in the fourth
quarter. For 1982 I haven't seen all those forecasts you have in
front of you there, but I suspect that mine is probably an outlier in
that I'm looking for real growth in the 3-1/2 to 4 percent range, a
slight fall in unemployment over the year back to where we are now,
and inflation around 8 percent but with a hunch that we could do
better on that.
There are several reasons why I put down that kind of
scenario. One is the pent-up demand that Mr. Kichline referred to
before, combined with the tendencies toward creative financing. At
any level of interest rates I think we're liable to see more activity
than we might otherwise assume simply because of the way things are
being financed these days. The second point that I think is important
is the implication of this improved inflationary outlook, regardless
of whose numbers one looks at. With any of those numbers, we're
getting near the point where we've got to see some improvement in



inflationary expectations begin to feed through into long-term
interest rates, along the lines perhaps that Mr. Ford was suggesting
before. Certainly in the long-term area I do expect to see interest
rates quite a bit lower than they are now. I'm not as pessimistic as
the staff is either in terms of the near-term or the longer-term
outlook for interest rates in general, partly for the reasons I just
mentioned. But I also think that financial innovation, or however you
want to describe it, will have continuing implications in terms of the
behavior of M-1B, even if interest rates are lower. I also am
inclined to the view that at least in the context of next year, we
probably will see a fairly exuberant response to the tax package,
although I'm not sure about the durability of that going out to '83
and '84. So, there's a good chance that we could see a fairly strong
economy throughout next year.
I have to hedge my bets a little, too, though. Obviously, an
outlook like mine assumes, among other things, that we do get at least
some give in wages; and it assumes that we don't get any fresh shocks
from energy or food. More importantly, it assumes that we're able to
sneak through this [period of] financial strain and keep things
reasonably in check. There I must confess to being a little more
nervous now than I was even a month ago. Paul Meek mentioned the FNMA
situation. I think it is symptomatic. I had another incident relayed
to me the other day when the people at the Independent State Bank in
Minnesota who are [pooling] bank CDs and selling them [as] money
market mutual funds told me that they were now having trouble selling
these funds, even [though they consist of] bank CDs that are fully
insured by the FDIC. The sensitivity level has reached that point, so
they reported to me. That's obviously a major question mark.
The other thing I'll mention in terms of major question marks
is this deficit outlook. Obviously, we still don't know where we're
going to come out on the tax package. But if we look at the staff's
estimate for the '82 deficit, they have about $80 billion compared to
$45 billion. They have about $100 billion in Treasury and agency
financing for the year as a whole and they are $30 billion above the
Administration's estimate of outlays despite, I think, having lowered
defense expenditures as well. Now, if the staff is right and the
Administration and Congress are unable to make offsets, that comes
near to resulting in a $50 billion deficit and I think we will have
problems both in terms of the real economy and in terms of
expectations and everything else. For the moment in my own forecast
I'm willing to assume the best, but I wouldn't bet all I own on it.

You wouldn't?



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Who else would like to go on the couch?
Nobody else has anything to say about the outlook?

Is this in addition to [the forecasts] we wired

would like to make.

Well, just any general comment that you



MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I think the key is what happens to
inflationary expectations.
If we keep the money supply on target, as
I think we will, I believe we're going to see lower interest rates and
drastically improved inflationary expectations. So, I come out fairly
close to John Balles and Jerry on that. My figures are a little
different. I didn't have to contend with a speed-up in velocity,
John, because we put our nominal GNP at 8 percent, which is a little
less than the Board staff [forecast].
But we come out with real
growth of about 3 percent for '82, about the same on nominal GNP both
years, and an implicit price deflator of 5 percent in '81. The latter
is probably whistling Dixie, but I think we could see some drastic
improvement there.
MR. SCHULTZ. I thought I was the outlier on that deflator.
I had 6 to 7 percent, but you have me beat!
about inflation.

I'm not sure I share all this optimism

Yes, I was just going to say the same thing.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just report on a few very
scientific surveys I've made in my own research.

You've [talked to] lots of taxicab

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, that's right!
I asked a few
businessmen recently what they are assuming on inflation for the next
five years in their internal planning. I haven't found one who is not
close to 10 percent.
I also asked them, when I've had a chance, what
it would take to change their mind. And they say a couple of years of
less than 10 percent!

It's a distributed lag effect.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I just wonder with how much speed we can
expect these changes in expectations to materialize. As nearly as I
can see, they haven't been dented by anything--well, I shouldn't say
they haven't been dented. There is more questioning; business people
are not so likely to say [inflation] is going to accelerate. They're
ready to concede that they may be wrong, but I'm not sure they are yet
ready to take a strike to have wages rise at 8 percent, let's say,
given that kind of expectation. And I don't think labor is going to
ask for less than 10 percent, so where are we?
MR. SCHULTZ. Corporate profits aren't going to be very
strong and [corporations] are going to have some real incentive to
start getting a little tougher.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I don't know. Theoretically, yes.
But as they look around, they say look at what happened to our friend
Mr. McCardell at International Harvester. He took a nice strike and
tried to get wages down and damn near bankrupted the company.

The tax cut will pay for that union settlement.



union settlement?

The corporate tax cut will pay for the

Yes, that's what I mean.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Market people that I talk with feel
that inflationary expectations are not down. That's a view among
their clients as well as their own view. And, of course, that is
corroborated by the long rates we see. So, I come back to a very
pessimistic view. It seems to me that there's a good deal of
likelihood that [the economy] will stay stagnant. If the economy
picks up in the fourth quarter the way some people feel it will, it
will put a lot of pressure on interest rates. And we will have had by
then, unless we [see rates decline] in the coming weeks of this
quarter, a protracted period of very high real interest rates. It
seems to me that some companies are getting to the limit of their
abilities [to cope with these high interest rates] and there will be
some failures. I think this will change inflationary expectations and
in the process there will probably be a certain amount of recession,
too. But that's a [scenario] that doesn't give us a gradual
transition to a much better world.

Mr. Boykin.

MR. BOYKIN. As far as inflationary expectations are
concerned, people I've been talking to are really not convinced at
this point that we'll make a lot of progress. There seems to be more
conversation about that possibility, but decisions are being made
every day down our way based on expectations of [continued high]
As for the economic outlook, we don't differ greatly with the
Board staff's forecast. Though we think the rate of inflation might
be a little less in 1981, our 1982 forecast is just about where the
Board staff is. But we feel the economy in 1982 is probably going to
be a bit stronger than the Board staff is forecasting.

Governor Partee.

MR. PARTEE. Well, I didn't submit estimates so perhaps it's
unfair to say anything. But I come out a lot closer to Tony than
anybody else who has commented. I think we have a heroic staff
forecast here in saying that inflation is going to drop this much.
I'm inclined not to believe it because I don't think we've had the
confrontation with costs that is going to be required to call for a
permanently lower increase in costs than we've been seeing. I don't
think that's easily handled by people just saying that they will
settle for a lower pay increase or take lower corporate profits
without fighting back. I think they will fight back, and it's going
to be a very difficult period. I have the feeling--and have had it
for the last year or so--that the way we're running monetary policy
now, and it's a way that's probably appropriate, is as a governor on
the economy. Essentially what we have here is a governor-type
operation in the way the staff has run their forecast through '82.
Any time those latent demands begin to perk up and we get an overrun
in money, we will tighten up and interest rates will go higher. That
will then force the economy down [to] the point where the money demand
will be [less] strong and interest rates will fall. And we'll get a



little better [economic performance] coming up to that limit again and
then tend to go through it while interest rates will be high until the
inflation rate is significantly reduced.
I guess I would be rather in agreement with the staff
projection except that I would have put inflation a little higher than
they have it, for next year certainly. I think there's going to be a
big food price increase next year. Also, I can't really buy the
recovery they have in the second half of '82 because by then we'll be
faced with financial distress on all sides. And I think that will
have enough of an expectational influence that the economy won't, in
fact, recover. That's all.

Governor Gramley.

MR. GRAMLEY. I put down numbers for 1982 that are not a lot
different from what the staff is forecasting. My real growth number
was 1 percent; my implicit deflator number was, as I remember, 8-1/2
percent or somewhere around there. But I put those numbers down with
a lot more foreboding than has been expressed in some of the comments
around the table, because I think those numbers are realizable only if
we get very, very lucky and have a big shift in money demand or if we
have a sequence of developments in which we get more consumption than
the staff is talking about and a lot less investment, with all that
means for potential problems for the future. Particularly, I want to
call the Committee's attention to what I think could be a degree of
self-deception. That is, we have to be awfully careful about what
we're accomplishing, if in fact we live within our targets of money
growth but get a lot more effective increase in money because we've
had big downward shifts in money demand. I don't buy the argument,
for example, that because nominal money growth is actually falling we
can get declining inflation but because we're getting such a big drop
in money demand we can also get real growth. That in effect says
somehow that the inflation rate is some mystical property of
expectations and has nothing to do with what is really going on in the
economy. I don't think it's going to happen that way. Inflation is
going to come down if, and only if, we're awfully lucky and at the
same time have very, very constrained growth in real economic
activity. We'd be very lucky indeed to get the kind of improvement on
the inflation front that the staff is forecasting. We will get it
only if real growth is constrained to somewhere around where we're
talking about. I worry a lot about the implications of interest rate
levels that persist at where they are now for another 18 months. I
think we're really looking at major, major problems ahead.

Governor Teeters.

MS. TEETERS. I played with the numbers also and I came up
with two scenarios. Basically, the overall [unintelligible] is the
governor on the rate of growth of nominal GNP. And given the
reduction in the rate of growth in money and the assumed reduction for
next year, we don't have much room for a nominal GNP that is very
large. One of the two scenarios that seemed to fall out of my working
with the numbers was that we would have a full blown recession this
year. Yes, it could happen. With all the growth that we've had,
[growth for the year] could still come out at 1 percent because of the
first quarter, but we could have zero or a negative in the other
quarters. If you look at the flash on real GNP in the second quarter,



the only thing that is positive is inventories; everything else is
down. Basically, it's a negative quarter. If we got the recession
this year and we stayed with high interest rates, then we could get
some recovery but not a very vigorous one next year. The other
scenario that can work here, with these high levels of interest rates,
is that we could squeak by this year without a major recession and
then have very, very slow growth next year also--basically two very
low growth years rather than a recession and a recovery. I don't
think we can live with these interest rates over that period of time
without really causing a recession, the timing of which I'm uncertain
about. But with these rates of interest we will be there probably
sooner rather than later.

Mr. Roos.

MR. ROOS. Our projections for 1982 are almost exactly in
sync with the staff's, whereas we project a little stronger economic
growth in 1981 than does the staff and are a little less sanguine
about the deflator. However--and I guess maybe I'm always out of
synchronization myself--for once I feel a lot more satisfied with what
is happening than do some of my colleagues here at this table. I
think one has to look at it with a little perspective, recognizing
that we have embarked on something quite different than what we had
back in October of '79. We had an understandable year of adjustment
procedurally to get the effect of what we said we were going to do.
We did this against a backdrop of a public and financial markets that
had been promised an awful lot repeatedly and they were, and still are
to some extent, somewhat cynical and understandably so as to what they
might expect either from the Administration or from the Federal
Reserve. However, I think in the last several months our record on
monetary policy--our record of holding monetary growth under control-has been quite remarkable; and at least the utterances of the
Administration, whether or not one agrees with them philosophically,
are somewhat of a departure from anything that has been presented to
the citizenry in a long time. It seems to me that the key to the
future depends very much on the next 6 to 9 months. If we're able, as
we appear to be doing now, to control the growth of money and if the
Administration--and the politics of this are somewhat important in
terms of people's attitudes--is able to produce and to persist in
having a friendly understanding on the part of the public of what it's
trying to do, and if we can stick with this over the period of the
immediate future, I think the entire ball game might be significantly
changed and changed for the better. I am a little apprehensive. Two
months of control of M-1B or the monetary base or whatever else one
may look at is not indicative of long-term results. But it certainly
is better than anything I've seen in a long time. And I feel pretty
good about it.

Governor Wallich.

MR. WALLICH. Well, I was away so I didn't put in any
numbers. My only reaction to the staff forecast is that I'm skeptical
of the favorable inflation developments. I can't prove that outcome
isn't likely but it seems more optimistic than I would expect in light
of the details of the situation, both in terms of the particular
developments in food and energy and what I see on the side of costs.
As for the slow growth, I have no sense of which way it's going to go.
It seems to me that Chuck is right in saying that we have a governor



on the up side. Any time the economy breaks out on the up side it
If we have a
will be pushed down again by rising interest rates.
symmetrical policy, that would be true also on the down side. That is
to say, any time the economy slows down interest rates will be pushed
down if we keep the money supply on track. So, I wouldn't anticipate
any very severe recession. But the economy could fluctuate between
moderate expansion and moderate contraction. Now, I hope the analysis
is true regarding this quasi-equilibrium of [the economy] moving
something like 1 percent for two years as a result of strong private
demands. It would give us an opportunity for the future. It would be
equally well rationalized in terms of there being a very strong demand
for credit on the part of the government through a rising deficit that
keeps interest rates high rather than the strong and unsatisfied
private demands. If we get out of this inflation, it's unlikely to be
by what Lyle calls some mythical relationship. I think it will be
because costs are coming down. And costs will come down in the
[usual] painful and unpleasant way--falling profits, rising excess
capacity and, unhappily, higher unemployment. There is some tradeoff,
I think, in terms of lowering the level of unemployment, excess
capacity, and the duration; the lower level and longer duration will
accomplish about the same. But I think it would be surprising if we
got out of this inflation without more sacrifice than is implied in
the optimistic interpretation of our situation.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Mr. Keehn. This may be your only chance
to give us a view from the outside world uncontaminated by
deliberations within the Federal Reserve.
MR. KEEHN. Well, having been in the chair about three or
four days, I'm sure you can appreciate that my impressions and
opinions are rather freshly minted. But I must say, reading the
forecast and hearing it today, that I find it exceptionally gloomy;
the figures we submitted were slightly on the more optimistic side.
But as I relate this to the individual industries in our area--and I
think you have heard in the past that some of our industries are
indeed troubled, and certainly since the last meeting, if anything,
they have deteriorated further--I really end up not finding any
particular disagreement with the way the forecast looks.
But just to add a comment to what Lyle said earlier, there is
a growing impatience, if you will, in our area about the high level of
rates. Many of our industries which are troubled now really are
imperilled by the high level of rates. Though our board, for example,
understands the need for this, they are taking the view that at some
point we have to bring rates down or we're going to cause some very
significant problems with some basic industries in our area. On a
lighter note, at our board meeting a week or so ago at which we
discussed the discount rate, there was a comment--more in desperation
than I think as a serious comment--that we should recommend a
reduction in the discount rate of about 4 percentage points. But in
thinking about that, it did occur to our directors that if I walked in
for my first meeting with that kind of suggestion, you might really
look up to see what just came in the door! I did want to report,
however, that the interest rate scenario is of increasing concern and
is increasingly worrying the people in the Middle West.

Mr. Winn.



MR. WINN. Mr. Chairman, we've mentioned very little about
wages, but we have the backdrop of the air traffic controllers, the
upcoming post office [negotiations], and baseball as another
indication of the popular mood on wages.

Foul ball!
It sounds like you're getting [unintelligible].

MR. WINN. I don't see much easing of inflation occurring.
It may show up. But at the moment, with utility rates going up and
the possibility of food [price increases], the mood in the public
toward inflation easing isn't very evident. Everybody is looking more
for it to hold [steady].


MR. WINN. My second point is that in talking around--I've
been in the building game a little recently--builders all complain
that they haven't had a chance to increase their prices in the last
two years because of the status of housing. They are all sitting
there with [price hikes of] 20 percent or more ready to go anytime
there's a little uptick in the housing area. Now, this may be wishful
thinking, but they certainly are not psychologically adapted toward
holding the line. Finally, all our scenarios suggest a smooth process
developing. I just think about all the uncertainties and the
questions. I don't think we have a year to go on the thrift industry
before we start to see some major shifts of funds. I don't know
whether it will be people getting scared and shifting funds, or an
acceleration [of flows] into the money funds, or a money fund going
kaput. Then we could wake up with $100 billion more looking for a
place to go. We may have major problems from crises and movements of
money, which are going to impact institutions in a way we don't
foresee. And that's going to be the biggest psychological change to
take place in the period ahead.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Have we exhausted the comments? I guess
we can't carry this much further this afternoon. We didn't get quite
as far as I thought we would. Maybe we'll start off with Mr. Axilrod
Let me just say that, when I look at where we are today as
compared to where we were six months ago, I share Larry Roos's feeling
of some satisfaction thus far. But it's a limited satisfaction. I
think we have clearly taken the froth out of inflation. All those
prices that are sensitive to tight money or expectations, or both, are
pretty well deflated. In fact, I think many of them are deflated
below the cost of production and, therefore, if things got easier,
they would go up again at some point. If the economy began going up
again and interest rates began going down, we probably [could expect]
increases in some raw materials prices anyway. I think we've been
exceptionally lucky on oil--I don't know how long that will last--and
we've been pretty lucky on food. The trick is to convert that luck,
to the extent that it is luck--it's partly tight money--into a more
lasting wage and cost pattern. Views differ on that. I don't quite
believe that we're seeing it yet, but I hope we will see it. I think
we can begin to say that something may be happening on the inflation



side. I'll concede that much, Mr. Kichline, even though it will take
some time to be confirmed.
I also think conditions are softening in the economy, which
may be optimistic compared to the view of some in the markets that
even this level of interest rates wouldn't soften anything in the
economy. I believe we are seeing, at the moment at least, some
softening; but the burden of all the comments that were made around
the table is that there is no simple way to get from here to there. I
don't know whether the staff forecast or many of the other forecasts
imply a fairly simple way. They don't imply big recessions or a big
backtracking on inflation. I'm not sure that there is an easy way to
get from here to there or any way that doesn't involve a lot more real
problems and controversies than we've had so far. But we don't know
where all that is going to lead or precisely what direction it's going
to take.
Meanwhile, we have to make a few decisions. We unfortunately
have to use these fragile numbers that we have, and some of them are
getting increasingly fragile. I agree with Frank Morris in terms of
direction, but we happen to have a law as well as an expectation that
says that we have to review our present targets and have to put down
some new ones for next year. We are in a happy or unhappy situation
that practically everything is outside the target range. It's not
quite that bad: Some are high within the range; others are above or
below; it depends upon which one you look at. I think we do have
inconsistencies among the targets for the first half of this year. I
suspect the staff analysis, when Mr. Axilrod gets to it, will suggest
that those inconsistencies will become less as the year progresses. I
guess he has to assume that because they were estimated in a
consistent way originally and if they're off path for six months--if
the original analysis was right--they have to come back toward
consistency in the next six months.

We're not that stubborn!

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. In any event, at the moment they are
inconsistent. We have to consider, therefore, whether to change the
present targets to realign their internal relationships. I don't mean
to suggest that that's positively necessary; it depends upon the
analysis. And they all have ranges, so we have some room for some
inconsistencies. But we do have to consider this internal alignment
question. We have to consider all the questions that were raised
about what velocity is likely to do and what all the new institutional
arrangements mean. When we get through all that technical [analysis],
we have to decide where policy ought to be in some sense in terms of
real pressure. And the policy [discussion] only comes after we get
through that morass of technical questions, the way this is set up.
We're going to do all that for this year and, obviously, we have to
set some ranges for next year. Again, we have what one might think of
as pictorial questions in terms of how the targets look against this
year's targets and this year's performance relative to all those
expectations out there, and we have to reconcile that somehow with our
policy predilections.
The policy question comes down, I suspect, to a question of
where we want to take our chances because--at least speaking for
myself--I doubt that anybody can be all that certain about any



particular outlook or all that certain about what some of these
internal relationships are. Not only do we have to make substantive
decisions, but we have to portray them to the public. And we are
going to have to lean one way or the other on where we want to take
our risks. I would only say in that connection that we may not be
quite as far along as we thought but we are some distance along the
road of taking the risks that a constraining policy [presents] in the
interest of dealing with the inflationary problem--risks for not only
the financial system but the real side of the economy. I suppose
everybody is looking to see whether that's where the risk is going to
be balanced in the future or not. With that much comment, I guess it
is late enough so that we can retire for the evening and come back at
what time?


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. At 9:30 in the morning we will take up the
long-term discussion. We will consider revisions in the targets for
this year, if any--and I'm not implying there should be any--and
whether we want to make any changes in the targets from this year for
next year. And then we will come back to what we want to do in the
next month.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Mr. Chairman, isn't it worth pointing
out that the staff originally recommended a much higher M2 as being
consistent with-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.
M2, but the distance-SPEAKER(?).

Well, they recommended a somewhat higher

10 to 12--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know. It wasn't that high; it was
1/2 to 1 percentage point higher. The discrepancy could explain, one
can say, perhaps half [of the overshoot from the target]; I think
their original analysis probably would have explained one-third or
two-thirds of it or less.
[Meeting recessed]



July 7, 1981--Morning Session
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Mr. Kichline, do you want to take about a
minute to describe the producer price index figures that came out this
MR. KICHLINE. In June the producer price index for total
finished goods rose 0.6 percent; that compares with 0.4 percent in May
and 0.8 percent in April. For the second quarter as a whole, it was
up 7.1 percent at a compound annual rate compared with 12 percent in
the first quarter. Food prices rose 0.5 percent compared with no
change in the preceding two months. Finished energy goods rose 0.2
percent compared with a decline in the preceding month. But excluding
food and energy, the total was up 0.6 percent, with a bit slower or
pretty much unchanged rates of increase across the board. For
example, capital equipment prices were up 0.7 percent compared with
0.9 percent in the preceding two months. On average there does not
appear to be much of surprise in this particular index compared to our
earlier expectations.
MS. TEETERS. The crude food [component] was up very
strongly, though, wasn't it?
MR. KICHLINE. That's correct. It was up 2.8 percent
compared with a 2 percent decline in the preceding month. I might say
on food that it's principally the meat prices that are up,
particularly beef but pork as well, and we had in our forecast a
continued further rise in those prices. So it appears as if the rise
in meat prices has begun.
MR. SCHULTZ. But futures prices for meat in the last couple
of weeks have been down surprisingly. I don't understand that.
MR. KICHLINE. Yes. Some of the spot prices, though, have
been moving up. I think the crude materials prices reflect that rise
in the food area, in beef and cattle particularly; it's just there
that we've seen increases in spot prices. The rise has been erratic
but [generally] up. You're quite correct, though, that there is
[that] expectation. I don't know about the last couple of days, but
the futures prices did not show anything that unusual.

Mr. Axilrod, do you want to proceed with a

laying out of these difficult arithmetic issues and presumably some
economic implications thereof with respect to the targets with which
we are blessed or hung--one or the other?

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, it's all complicated, as Mr. Axilrod
suggests. Let me just make a couple of comments. If I can, I will
separate the substance from the numerology; that distinction may not
be accepted by everybody around the table, but let me make it for the
moment. I do think there are some signs of progress on inflation and
inflationary psychology; I'm not one to overstate that, as I suggested
yesterday. Largely we have affected the things that are most likely



commodity prices,
to be affected by restraint in the short run:
precious metals prices, and the exchange rate to some extent. The
hardest part of the battle is ahead in terms of affecting the
underlying rate of inflation. Maybe something is happening there but
it's still in the "maybe" stage. Nevertheless, the stage is at least
set more favorably than we've had it in the past. All that is on the
plus side.
We discussed at great length the economic outlook yesterday.
I don't think anybody is very satisfied with any of the projections in
terms of their internal logic and plausibility for continuing over a
period of time. There is a high risk premium in any of them and our
job is assessing where the risks lie in our own policy in terms of our
I haven't much doubt in my mind that it's
broadest objectives.
appropriate in substance to take the risk of more softness in the
economy in the short run than one might ideally like in order to
capitalize on the anti-inflationary momentum to the extent it exists.
That is much more likely to give a more satisfactory economic as well
as inflationary outlook over a period of time as compared to the
opposite scenario of heading off economic sluggishness or even a
downturn at the expense of rapidly getting back into the kind of
situation we were in last fall where we had some retreat on
inflationary psychology and the latent demands in the economy
immediately reasserted themselves. Then we would look forward to
another prolonged period of high interest rates and strain and face
the same dilemmas over and over again. Neither of these outlooks is
very simple or happy in a sense. But between the two I suspect, hard
as it is to say, that the lesser risk in the long run is taking a
chance on more sluggishness in the short run rather than devoting all
our efforts to avoiding the sluggishness in the short run.
How that converts into these numbers is another thing. We
have technical problems of internal consistency between M-1B
unadjusted and M-1B adjusted and between M1 and M2. We have the
problem--if it is a problem--that we're low on M-1B and that to come
back within the range or at least near the midpoint of the range, as
Steve said, gives us very high growth rates in M-1B for a period of
months. If we had those high growth rates, we'd probably overshoot on
M2. We wouldn't be overshooting on the annual objective for M1 but we
So, we have a question as to
would probably be overshooting on M2.
what to do with this year's ranges. I have some predilection myself,
but it's no more than a mild predilection, not to fool around with
changing them this year on the grounds that to change them has an
atmosphere of fine-tuning and it's even harder to explain at the end
of the year why we are outside of the ranges if we are outside of
[Changing them implies] a kind of renewed commitment to coming
within them and we may lose a little flexibility that it may be
desirable to have.
On the other hand, internal consistency and the actual level
of M-1B could easily suggest that some reduction in that range would
not be out of line. So, one could argue it either way. If we raise
[the range for] M2 or M3, which is another possibility, as Steve
suggested, it creates something of a problem of giving confusing
signals to the market, just in terms of the surface impression of
"easing." And if we change this year's targets, particularly if we
lower the M-1B range for this year, we have to consider what that does
in terms of what we can say about next year in the portrayal of some



year-to-year declines. [The task] is not impossible, but we just have
to consider what those implications are. So, we have a lot of
permutations and combinations, starting from my own predilection that
the general risk is that we in some sense may be too easy rather than
too tight during the period ahead. I think we ought to take our risks
on the side of being tighter rather than looser. I leave it to you to
convert that into numbers, but that's my general sense of the
direction in which we should be moving.
With that much introduction, I open the discussion at this
point not to a consideration of the short-run operational decision for
the next month or quarter or weeks--although obviously that's going to
be in the back of people's minds--but of this problem of what to do
with [the ranges for] this year in terms of internal consistency or
broader changes and what to do about next year. We are not looking at
this point at the short run but recognize that the [dilemma] we're in
is going to be greatly colored if we have the [large] decline in M-1B
for the next published figure that the preliminary data suggested.
The way we start out the next quarter is going to be considerably
affected by whether we get a big increase in the following week, which
is now the instinct of the projectors and some people in the market.
We have an [estimated] increase of $5 or $6 billion in the week of
July 8, which seems possible. We started out July with a better
posture in terms of our targets; if M-1B goes down by $4 billion in
the next published figure and remains there, then we are really behind
the eight ball in terms of the targets in the short run. Whereas, if
we have that big recovery in the following week, we would not be faced
with that same drastic low starting point. In an ironic way I rather
hope that the July 8th figure is a big increase. The ideal thing
would be that we recover from the big decrease of the coming week and
start off at a reasonable level for the next quarter. But that's all
in the lap of the gods, so far as I know. All I know is that it's
going to color where we start off this quarter. But since we don't
know that and we can't do anything about it, I don't think we can take
it too much into consideration at the moment. Let us proceed. Mr.


I think you've resolved the question I had.

I was

going to ask a procedural question. Maybe I'm alone in this, but
when Steve reports a lot of figures as he did--four pages of them--I
don't have the mental ability to absorb that and to translate that
into where we are going. I was going to ask the question-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me make a comment in that respect, if
I may. I think we are all in the position you are in. I suspect that
if we arrive at some tentative figures, after some preliminary
discussion, we better have a recess for figuring out the implications
of all these figures in terms of growth rates over the next couple of
quarters to make sure we are really where we want to be. There's too
much arithmetic involved to put together the figures casually. So, I
think we ought to get a general feel of what people think and then go

back and do some of the arithmetic and see whether we are really where
we want to be in terms of all these targets and their
interrelationships. Go ahead.
MR. ROOS. Well, I would support the basic position you
expressed a little while ago: That if we are going to err, which I
hope we won't, it ought to be on the side of constraint rather than



ease. I think that one of the big problems we have is the problem of
credibility and how people see what we are doing. If we were to do
anything that would give the appearance of easing monetary policy
significantly at the present time, I think we'd frustrate what would
be the apparent objective of ease--bringing down interest rates and
bringing relief to a soft economy. So, I would support, Mr. Chairman,
what you have said as far as basic policies are concerned.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That may be pretty vague, and I was pretty
vague. I raised the question of lowering the M-1B target [for this
But whether or not we lower it, I would not aim right now
aggressively, in quotation marks, for something like the A alternative
presented here in the short run and what that means for the long run-returning to the midpoint of the present target. I think we have the
alternative of either lowering the target or saying that we are going
to be low in the range--not necessarily outside the target, but we
don't expect to be in the upper part of this range. We could either
be below the target or in the lower part of the range. Those are the
two choices I see for changing the M-1B target for this year.
MR. ROOS. Well, alternative 2 on page 8 [of the Bluebook]
would be my preference in that regard. That's the more restrictive of
the two for the remainder of this year.

I think that's moving too fast.

Are we moving up?


Page 8 is where are we.

MR. SCHULTZ. That's 3-1/2 percent. You are not suggesting
that we attempt to get on a path right now of getting back to 3-1/2
percent by the end of the year, are you?



I didn't think we were talking about the short

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. No, we shouldn't be talking about the
short run. Is page 8 the short-run stuff?
3-1/2 percent--

That's the last half of this year.
To hit the bottom part of the present range of

MR. PARTEE. Well, I don't know. You say it's fast. Let me
remind you that a year ago we were sitting here talking about how in
In fact that was the
the world we could get back up into the ranges.
key note of your July presentation. So, who knows?
I think we ought
to choose these numbers with respect to what we think the longer-run
effect will be and then struggle with the question of whether we come
in low or go above or anything like that in the short run. But we
ought to try to keep in mind what the economy requires.
Quickly, Paul, I happen to agree:
right to me.

Alternative 2 looks all




What page?

Page 8.

That's the--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Look, I'm confused about what those
alternatives are. What are they?
MR. AXILROD. Those, Mr. Chairman, are simply the growth
rates--in some sense the midpoint growth rates--we'd expect. So,
alternative 1 is the midpoint of the present longer-run range of 3-1/2
to 6 percent and we would expect M2 and M3 to grow at rates above the
upper ends of the present ranges.
If, however,growth in M-1B were
held to the lower limit of the present 3-1/2 to 6 percent range for
the year, we would expect that growth in M2 would be in its range and
growth of M3 just a tick above its range. That [table on page 8]
shows those relationships.
MS. TEETERS. Steve, in Appendix III, the associated interest
rates for the third and fourth quarters are 19-1/2 and 21 percent, is
that right?

They're high rates.
If you believe that.

MR. PARTEE. But I think the point is that we can, in fact,
accept the strategy of alternative 2 and not change the long-range
targets for this year.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's right. Let me just clarify this.
If we implicitly accept the strategy of alternative 2 in a rough way,
we are left then with the question before us of whether we keep the
M-1B range unchanged or whether we lower it.
[That strategy] is
consistent with either hypothesis, and we wouldn't have to change the
M2 range. We could, but we wouldn't have to. Now, I don't know
whether any of you people who have commented already want to say
anything about 1982.
In effect, you have said alternative 2. You
haven't said anything about 1982, and I don't know whether you want to
at this stage.
MR. WALLICH. The 1982 ranges and the changes for 1981 are
somewhat separable topics. We can separate out the very short run and
separate out the rest of year, and then we can talk about 1982.
think those three topics are more manageable than if we try to get
into all of them at the same time.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I disagree, Henry. I think one has
to discuss what one is recommending for '82 in discussing whether to
revise the remainder of '81 or not.
If you want to revise the
remainder of '81, you then are going to be much less willing to
announce a further reduction [for '82], presumably, at this time.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think there is a relationship between
the two. We have too many numbers to discuss here, we all agree. But
I think we should just get out on the table initially a feeling--I



guess it's broadly reflected on page 8 and then it's reflected on page
14, too--about what's implied for next year.
I would recommend alternative II in '82 also,
Alternative II
going slowly at [our job of reducing monetary growth].
is consistent with our long-range objective of reducing our M-1B
[range] by about 1 percentage point a year.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You have an Arabic number 2 on page 8 and
a Roman numeral II on page 14.
MR. PARTEE. I wouldn't go with the Roman II; I would say
Roman I, possibly with a 3-point range.
MS. TEETERS. We don't have the answers, but implicit in
these is the level of interest rates. Alternative I is the one that
keeps interest rates in the 18 percent range for the full 18 months,
isn't that correct?
Presumably alternatives II and III would put
interest rates in the 20 or perhaps 22 percent range.
economy unchanged.

Well, it probably would, if you assume the

Until the economy collapses!

ease a little.

It doesn't have to collapse; it just needs to

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. There's a further complication. At
least we in New York, Steve, are a little surprised by the interest
rate levels projected to be consistent with each of these
alternatives. To me these interest rates are very much on the high
side. Certainly the market would think they are on the high side.
And since they're derived on fairly unreliable historical
relationships based on the model, it may be that the market is less
wrong and more right. We ought to take with a grain of salt the
interest rate projections; I'd think of them as being more the outside
limit on the upper side rather than as the most likely result.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. May I just go back and ask Mr. Roos and
Mr. Partee if they are ready to pronounce judgment? This all should
be considered very tentative. All I want is an instinct at this
point. Consistent with alternative 2 for the short run, meaning this
year, would you leave the ranges unchanged or would you lower M-1B

For the short run?
No for this year.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I mean this year.
but this year as opposed to next year.

Not really short run

MR. ROOS. The ranges should be left unchanged. I think we
ought to opt for the lower of the two alternatives to stay within the
ranges, if I understand it.



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes. We have two questions here. One is
where we should aim in substance and the other is whether we should
change the range. That's a pictorial question. We can go either way
on the pictorial question.
MR. ROOS. I would think, and this may be unrealistic, that
at this particular time whichever way we go, it would be appropriate
[to provide] an early explanation in a public statement by the
Chairman or through some other mechanism as to what we actually were
seeking to accomplish in this meeting. In other words, in this
situation an understanding of what we are trying to do is so critical
currently that getting our story across through signaling [may not be
Maybe it is too early to talk about this--maybe it
the way to go].
ought to be in the directive--but whatever we come up with, if we opt
for what the Chairman implied earlier, I just wonder whether this
shouldn't be expressed and explained quite openly or publicly without
the 30-day lapse that usually accompanies these things.
the testimony.

Well, it presumably will be explained in

MR. ROOS. That's when--the 21st?
[Secretary's note:
Chairman Volcker testified on July 20, 1981.]
MR. PARTEE. On your question, I think it's really a matter
of taste. We could say, as we often have with these ranges, that they
are there for a purpose. That is, things change, and we change [our
view of where we want to be] within the ranges.
It looks as if there
was a change in the demand function for money and, therefore, we are
going to come in low on M-1B and we're going to come in high on M2 and
Or, if you prefer, we could say there has been an apparent change
in the relationships here and, therefore, we are going to reduce the
M-1B range 1/2 point and increase the M2 and M3 ranges 1/2 point.
It's just a matter of taste as to the cosmetics of how we go about it,

Mr. Black.

Yes, I think it is a matter of pictorial

MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I am very sympathetic to your
expression and Larry Roos' expression of the way in which we ought to
err if we have to.
I would take a different position on the ranges,
however, and suggest that the more prudent thing to do in light of the
weakness in the aggregates in the first half may be to take the bottom
half of this range that we previously adopted. That would mean that
if M-1B could grow 10.4 percent, it would hit the midpoint of the
present ranges; it would end up considerably below that, of course, if
[second-half growth] came in below that. The reason I think this is
important is that even to hit the bottom part of that range, we have
to have a pretty good rate of increase in terms of how the market
judges that. We would have to have [growth at a rate of] 7.4 percent
between now and December. And since they remember what we did last
year, if they start seeing figures like that and we have not taken any
explicit action to lower that range, I think that would disturb them
more than if we do lower it. It is quite true, as Larry says, that if
we explain this at an early stage, that will help some. But all too
often the market doesn't seem to listen to these explanations; they
just look at the cold figures.
So, I would say we really ought to



make [our objective] explicit and try to come in somewhere in that
lower half. I would rather come in a little above the lower part of
it, though, and would want growth a little higher than that of
alternative 2, which would bring us nearly to the lower part of the
M-1B range. So far as the ranges for M2 and M3 are concerned, I'd
leave those unchanged. If we come in somewhere in the lower part of
the existing M-1B range, that would enhance the chances that M2 and M3
would come in within the ranges that we specified; if they should turn
out to be lower than that, then we have plenty of range to accommodate
that, too.

Would you just cut the range?

Is that the idea,

MR. BLACK. Yes, I'd cut it off at the midpoint of 4-3/4
percent and have the range be 3-1/2 to 4-3/4 percent and try to come
in somewhere within it.
If we had had stronger performance in the
aggregates up until now, I would not be as sympathetic to that, but-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Where are you for next year?

MR. BLACK. Next year I would cut [the range for] M-1B down
to 3 to 4-1/2 percent. That's not exactly what any of these
alternatives specify.

3 to 4-1/2?

MR. BLACK. Yes, 3 to 4-1/2 percent for M-1B and then I would
take the alternative III [ranges for the other aggregates] but I'd
clip the top half of M2, M3, and bank credit by about 1 percentage
point and leave it there. Most of those ranges might be pretty
reasonable. They are not all that far apart so I don't feel as
strongly about that as I do about the desirability of emphasizing,
either through explicitly cutting the range or through stating it very
clearly, that we are aiming at somewhere in the bottom half this year.
That's really the important point.

Governor Gramley.

MR. GRAMLEY. I'd like to say a few words first about how I
get to where I am. It's useful for thinking about ranges in the
future to remember that we are dealing in a world now in which the
money demand function has been shifting all over the lot. And I agree
with Tony that one can't make interest rate forecasts from the money
growth ranges under these circumstances without having a great deal of
uncertainty. But I wouldn't express it the way he does. I don't
think we ought to take these interest rate forecasts with a grain of
I think we ought to look very, very carefully at the
possibility that they may be right and at what that means for the
selection of ranges. It seems to me we are looking at an economy with
some very strong increases. We have a lot of expansive forces going
on, but the economy is being held in check by very, very tight
monetary policy. High interest rates have slowed economic growth
essentially to nothing. And if interest rates went down a lot, the
economy would bounce right back again. On the other hand, I also
think we have real interest rates where we want them now because we
are making progress on inflation. If one believes the staff is
correct that we are going to make more progress over the next 18



months, we are going to have a rather dramatic shift in expectations
about inflation. That means that unless nominal interest rates come
down as inflation subsides, we are going to have real interest rates
increasing substantially. We are going to have a lot tighter monetary
policy than we really want. If nominal interest rates come down, then
the downward shifts in money demand that we have been experiencing in
the past several years are much less likely to occur. I'd like to
remind you of how much this has meant for the course of the economy
this year. If you look on page 6 of the Bluebook, you find that over
the fourth quarter of '80 through the second quarter of '81 shift
adjusted M-1B went up 2.2 percent at an annual rate. But if you add
the 5 percentage point shift in the money demand function that took
place, that number converts to 7.2 percent. The point is that we may
not be anywhere near that lucky in getting downward shifts in money
demand in the future.
So, I think Chuck Partee is right. We may be sitting on a
situation in which, in order to keep interest rates from going up like
gangbusters, we have to permit a lot faster money growth than we have
had in the first half of this year. That means to me that we should
stick for '81 with the same ranges we have. If we are fortunate and
money demand continues to move down, growth will come in near the
lower end of the ranges. If we are not so fortunate, we may end up
with growth over the four quarters more like the midpoint of the
range. I would leave M2 alone; I don't think we need to change the M2
range. And I would be inclined to abandon altogether the actual M1
range along the lines that Steve suggested. For '82, I would be
leaning in the direction of something like a 3 to 7 percent range for
M-1B and maybe even 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent for M2 because I think we
have seen somewhat of a change in the relationship between the two-although heaven knows, developments may come along that would alter
those relationships between now and then. I'm wondering, in light of
the uncertainty with which we've been looking at these M-1B numbers,
if we ought to be thinking over the long run of leaning more heavily
on a broader aggregate such as M2 and perhaps indicate in our
announcement this July that we are thinking along those lines.
MR. PARTEE. The trouble with going toward leaning on M2 is
that we still haven't had a presentation of information that would
indicate that it's a more reliable guide. One has an instinctive
sense of that because it's more stable and closer to GNP, but we
haven't had that analysis.
MR. SCHULTZ. But some comment in the directive to indicate
that it is indeed being looked at might well be worthwhile. Given
that we are in fact looking at a family of aggregates and that none of
these aggregates is behaving very well, it might be a good idea to
indicate to people in the market that we are indeed looking at least
to some degree at M2.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just make one comment on one of
Governor Gramley's points, which I think is valid, but maybe not too
much in the very short run. At some point, if inflation does come
down and interest rates come down, we may find we need much higher
growth in transactions balances relative to nominal GNP than anything
in recent experience has suggested. How we would ever make that shift
is very difficult psychologically in terms of all this numerology
because we all keep talking about the need to reduce money growth, and



it would give the wrong signal if we actually set a projection based
upon [the need for faster growth].
It's too early to assume that need
anyway. Some day it's going to happen or it may happen. My reaction
is that it's premature [to act on it now].
It may not be premature to
raise the subject as a possibility for the future, but it's too early
to raise the subject in terms of the actual targets we put down
because I don't think we are there yet. And we might give a wrong
signal by leaning on it now even though I suspect it is going to
happen at some point. Some day we are going to have to say rather
flatly that the target is higher relative to nominal GNP precisely for
this reason, and I would consider putting a sentence or two of that
sort in the testimony. But it's probably too early to reflect it in
any actual targets we set, because it will not be identified in the
public mind with this rather sophisticated analysis but would just be
interpreted as a straightforward easing of policy. And that is not
what would be meant. Governor Wallich.
MR. WALLICH. Well, I think Lyle has given us a very
sophisticated argument against the proposition that the way to get
inflation down is to keep pulling the aggregates down. I get the
similar argument from a very theoretical side. The people who are
examining the post-World War I inflations conclude that at the end of
the inflation [the monetary authority] can enormously increase the
money supply without rekindling inflation because that is what
happened then. But I share the Chairman's view that we are far from
that point. Moreover, typically when one has had declining interest
rates, velocity has not changed back to its previous behavior but has
remained high because there's an underlying trend that increases it.
So, I would be very hesitant now to move in the direction of allowing
higher targets.
There are two things we need to bear in mind. One is the
substantive point about what we want to do; the other is the
strategic. The two substantive things we need to do are to avoid the
repetition of 1980 by going to a very high rate from a low level,
perhaps in order to get back on track, and thus conveying the
impression of a massive expansion. That suggests to me that we ought
to keep M-1B growing slowly the rest of the year, if necessary by
changing the target range downward. But that can also be done by
specifying that we're aiming at the lower end of the range. That's
what the Germans have been doing, and recently they actually have
changed the target. The other thing we ought to do is to get M2 and
M3 more or less on track. Yesterday's discussion shows that M-1B is
increasingly regarded as unreliable.
I say that very reluctantly
because I've favored transactions balances as a criterion. But it
doesn't seem to be a feasible criterion, at the present time at least.
So, I think we need to focus on M2 and M3, and that suggests to me
again that either we lower the M-1B target or aim specifically at its
lower end. In either event, I come out with something like the
alternative 2 growth rates for '81.
Now, for '82 I see Tony Solomon's point that if we make a big
move on anything in '81, we can't make a very large move in '82.
That's the strategic aspect of the matter. But I think there's still
room for some reduction in the target for M-1B this year and a smaller
reduction for it next year. I would go somewhere along the lines of
the ranges in alternatives II and III on page 14.




Governor Schultz.

MR. SCHULTZ. Well, with the exception of Mr. Black, I was
the outlier on my forecast for inflation for next year. [My forecast
was] predicated on the idea that we would continue with the policy of
monetary restraint. I disagree with Governor Wallich. I think we
have a real opportunity at this point to bring inflation down. There
are a lot of indications that the groundwork has been laid and that
there is sensitivity [to that possibility].
I certainly would agree
with Mr. Solomon, though, that it takes a period of intense price and
wage competition to bring inflation down. We have that opportunity
over the next four quarters and I think it is very important that we
(1) because the American
not lose this opportunity for two reasons:
public are going to get very impatient if they don't start to see some
real effects from the kind of policy we've been carrying out; and (2)
because we have another big tax cut coming up on the first of July of
next year and that's likely to be very stimulative.
So, to me, the next four quarters are really crucial. It is
vital that we have a continued policy of monetary restraint. There
are risks on both sides. There is a risk in what I really would like
to see, which is a period of very slow growth or a mild recession, and
the risk is that it could get out of hand on the down side. I don't
think that's likely to happen, first because there is a great deal of
latent demand in the economy and if the economy does weaken to that
degree, interest rates would come down and that would have a
stimulative effect. Also we have another tax cut coming on October 1
and we have continued heavy defense spending, [both of] which I think
are likely to prove to be a support underneath the economy if it
should get much weaker than I would anticipate. The risk on the other
side of not having a firm policy of monetary restraint is that we
could have a very difficult time early next year. It seems to me that
the period of greatest danger for the thrifts is that period; if we
ease up and then have this tax cut and the defense spending and the
other things that could well take place, we could easily be in a
situation in the first quarter of next year where interest rates are
rising and there is tremendous pressure on the thrifts. I think
that's the period of great danger. It seems to me that we have a real
opportunity here and it's very important that we not let this
situation get out of hand as we did last year. The economy is poised
so that we can exert a real effect on inflation.
So, I would like to see us reduce the lower M1-B band for
this year to 3 percent from 3-1/2 percent. I see the arguments on the
other side, but if we leave it at 3-1/2 percent the market would look
at it and say: "That points to a big increase for the remainder of
this year and if the Fed weren't going to try to hit that target, why
did they leave it there?" I think that makes a lot of sense. The
argument can be made that if we put in 3 percent, then that is a real
target and maybe we would have to hit it in spite of what may happen
in the meantime. It seems to me that the stronger argument is that if
we leave it at 3-1/2 percent, the market will anticipate that we're
going to be pumping up the money supply pretty rapidly between now and
the end of the year to get to that figure. So, I'd like to see us
lower that range to 3 percent on the down side.
Next year, I do think there's likely to be a wide swing,
particularly in M-1B. My anticipation is that the economy likely will



remain somewhat sluggish in the first half. But if we do have some
success in getting inflation down and that tax cut hits on July 1, the
second half of the year could be pretty strong and I think we are
I would
likely to get some rather wide swings [in monetary growth].
opt for alternative III, which would mean a further lowering of the
target range for M-1B on the bottom side but retaining the 3-point
What does 3 percent imply for the
MR. PARTEE. May I ask:
rest of the year? If [M-1B growth] were to come in at 3 percent,
Steve, what would June to December be then?
around 6-1/2 percent.

Well, the June-to-December growth would be
That would be the alternative C.

continuing to--

It's consistent with alternative C in

MR. AXILROD. That's alternative C.
at 3 percent for the year.
then, Fred?

[M-1B growth] comes in

You'd leave the upper part of the range unchanged
I would.

unchanged in '82?

I'm very much afraid--

You're also saying you'd leave it

I'd leave the upper part of the range alone for
this year or lower it 1/2 point. I wouldn't lower it by more than
that. I am afraid of tightening these ranges too far.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. If you reduce the bottom limit of the
range for this year, just pictorially, I think you'd want to reduce
the top too because you wouldn't want to be widening the range in the
middle of the year.
MR. SCHULTZ. All right. I'd accept that.
I'm really much
more concerned about the bottom part than I am the top. I'd accept
the lowering of the top.

What would you do for '82?

2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That would leave the top the same as this
year and would reduce the bottom by 1/2 point further from this year.
Governor Teeters.
MS. TEETERS. May I remind you that we shouldn't take too
much credit for the price easing?
I never thought we were totally at
fault for the price increases that we suffered from OPEC and food; and
I don't think the fact that OPEC and food have calmed down has a great
deal to do with monetary policy per se, except in the very long run.
As a result, I think we ought to be very careful about what we do in
terms of interest rates. Nobody yet has mentioned housing; nobody has
mentioned the Chrysler problem; nobody has mentioned all the companies



that have had their credit ratings downgraded; nobody has mentioned
the possibility that the thrifts are going to go [under] if we keep
interest rates up. I get the impression that we're really tearing at
the fabric of the financial world and the economy. If we persist in
having very high interest rates over very long periods of time, we're
going to cause a disaster in this country. It may not be next month
and it may not be next quarter, but it's going to be a severe problem
and it's going to come down on our shoulders for having pushed the
economy over the edge.
I happen to agree with Tony Solomon on the short run because
if we aim for the 3-1/2 percent lower end of the M-1B range for this
year, then we have no place to go next year. We can put our ranges at
any place up to 5 percent, but if growth were to come in [at or] above
3-1/2 percent, we're going to be in a position of increasing the rate
of growth of the money supply and not decreasing it. So, I think it's
foolish to try to come in at that lower end. I think we're going to
come in at the lower end and I think we're going to come in at the
higher end on M2, which we've known since the staff was telling us
that in February. However, the markets are totally aware of our
problems with M1-A and M-1B and M2. If you read the most recent DRI
report it describes exactly what our problems are in getting these
things to come together. Therefore, I don't think we have any
credibility problem in explaining the difference between M-1B at the
lower end of the range and M2 at the upper end of the range. That
leads me to the decision that I don't think we should change the
ranges. We should stick with the M-1 B range of 3-1/2 to 6 percent.
We ought to have good conversations and a good flow of information
back and forth between ourselves, the market, and increasingly with
the Congress, and we can explain what is happening. We don't have to
change the ranges to do that. I don't think we should go for
alternative II; it's too strict. If people look at the first half of
this year, everybody is aware that we're way under on the M-1B growth
rate. Even if we don't achieve our current range the second half of
the year, they will be understanding of it. And we can talk about it.
When we come to next year, if we aim for a higher rate of
growth in money and presumably some easing in interest rates, which I
think is appropriate at this point in time, then my preference is with
Lyle; I don't see any reason to tighten up. Nominal GNP next year is
going to be a great deal larger than it is this year. Why reduce the
money supply and almost assure ourselves that we're going to maintain
high interest rates for this long a period of time? It seems to me
that we don't have to adopt any of these strategies. We could stick
almost exactly with the numbers that we have this year and, in effect,
that represents a fairly tight monetary policy. So, I come down
somewhere between alternatives 1 and 2 on page 8 and for retaining the
1981 targets for 1982, particularly since we are setting preliminary
targets for 1982. In the past we've trapped ourselves by setting
[new] targets in July and reaffirming them in February. With all the
uncertainties that we have, it seems to me we'd be better off to stay
put now and, if necessary, change them in February but not commit
ourselves to a lowering of the targets this far in advance of actual
economic developments.
MR. PARTEE. Well, all of those ranges on page 14 lower the
targets a bit, Nancy. Alternative I lowers the target ranges by 1/2




It raises the M2 and M3 and bank credit ranges.


I wouldn't take any of these, Chuck.
Oh, I thought you said you'd take alternative I.

MS. TEETERS. No, I'm talking about alternative 1 on page 8,
which is the shorter-run target. I'd take the present ranges for '81
[instead of any of those] on page 14.
I don't see any reason to
change them.

I see.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, let me just make one point as a
footnote. I think you are correct in worrying about [high] interest
rates and what that might do to the financial fabric. The question of
strategy is whether we take that risk in the short run or exacerbate
that risk by being too easy in some sense in the short run and having
high interest rates longer. I think that's the issue before us.

But that has been the issue repeatedly.


That's right.

MS. TEETERS. It has been over the past 2-1/2 years that I've
been here, and all we do is end up with high interest rates.
tight enough.

Well, you could argue we haven't been

Try to tell that to the construction industry.


Mr. Solomon.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I'm embarrassed to say that I have
changed my position every day in the last four days, as I looked at
each of these permutations and combinations. I was in favor of almost
every single one that has been mentioned at one point or another. And
I must say I've come full circle. I won't bother you with why I came
full circle. The disadvantages of each of these approaches are pretty
obvious, but let me explain why I now would recommend that we stay
[with the targets we have] for the remainder of the year. The
problem, I think we all agree, is primarily presentational. Fred,
even though I agree with much of what you said, I would disagree with
you on the reaction of the market and the public.
If we leave the
target unchanged for this year and say that we expect to come in at
the lower end--I'm talking about M-1B obviously--I think that is
better than lowering it a half point. If we lower it a half point,
the market will believe we're going to make an enormous effort to come
in at that lower target because, otherwise, why make the adjustment?
If we leave the target range alone and say we expect to come in at the
lower end or possibly even undershoot given unusual situations-velocity or what have you--I think the market would expect less of an
expansionary policy from us in the remaining few months.
They would
expect less of a repeat of last year. There are so many disadvantages
of adjusting any of this or fine-tuning that I'm not sure what we gain
that is significant, and we constrain our hand for '82.



We have a wide range of possibilities [for next year] because
of this velocity question. It seems to me, however--and here I would
disagree with Nancy--that for '82 we still need to show continuity of
policy and continued severe monetary restraint. What I would do is
give a preliminary view--emphasizing that it's very much subject to
review if there are unexpected changes in velocity and as we assess
the state of the economy--that we would cut the range for M-1B for '82
by 1/2 point and leave the M2 and M3 ranges alone, recognizing that we
have not cut them for 2 or 3 years. It seems to me that there are
overwhelming technical arguments for that and I think they're fully
explanatory. Everybody knows about the surge in moneymarket funds,
and in general I think we have convinced everybody that we have a very
restrictive policy. I don't think we have to worry about the fact
that we haven't cut the M2 range in a couple of years. There are good
reasons, which everybody will accept. So, that would be my
MR. WALLICH. That's a tighter fit for M2 than is proposed by
any of the alternatives I through III on page 14, isn't it?

He said leave it unchanged.

He'd leave it unchanged at 6 to 9 percent.


6 to 9.


I would not lower it, right.

But the alternatives here all raise it, you


They all raise it.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Part of this whole credibility issue
is a perception of a kind of simple-minded, if you want to call it
that, approach. If we ignored the recommendations of the staff last
year to raise the M2 range for '81, at this point I don't see the
I don't believe the
argument for going ahead and raising it [now].
innovations in financial instruments that we should expect next year
are going to be such that we should have the kind of growth in money

market funds that will put more pressure
the range.

[on M2].

I would not raise

MR. WALLICH. I wasn't disagreeing with your proposal; I was
just trying to point out that you were really making a very tough
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Oh, I think it's reasonably tough.
In some ways, as I explained earlier, I think the markets are still
focusing more on M-1B. And as I said, perversely I'm afraid, if we
lower the range a half point, the markets will expect us to make an
even greater effort to hit it than if we leave it alone and say we
expect growth to come in at the lower end.
MR. SCHULTZ. Explain to me what worries you about that. Are
you worried that we would be making a major effort to get growth up to
3 percent?
Is that what bothers you? Or are your worried that that
is too constraining? Which side are you on?



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I'm not talking about the substantive
decision on how we actually handle ourselves for the rest of the year,
because we don't have full control of where we're going to come in.
I'm talking about my impression of the public reaction or the market
reaction, which is that if we say that we're going to lower it a half
point, rather than say that we're leaving it alone but we expect to
come in at the low end, then the markets will expect a more determined
expansionary effort on our part because we are fine-tuning the range.
MR. SCHULTZ. A more determined expansionary effort if we
lower it to 3 percent than if we leave it where it is?
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Than if we leave it alone and say we
expect to come in at the lower end or even possibly undershoot.
MR. WALLICH. But the substance of it is that we shouldn't
make M-1B grow very fast; whether we express that in terms of a target
or by saying we expect its growth to come in low is a matter of
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Let me say this, on the substance of
I feel that we should be careful not to [let growth] exceed the
lower end and we should accept a little undershooting. I don't think
we'll get that much criticism because I don't see that it's going to
be timed with a recession. Obviously, if we were undershooting and we
had a recession simultaneously, we would get an enormous amount of
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The next appointee to the Open market
Committee is going to be a market psychiatrist!

Well, we have every kind of therapist


And the one who goes off will also need a


Mr. Boehne.

MR. BOEHNE. I think we're positioned really rather well with
respect to our '81 targets.
Looking forward from last February, I
didn't expect that we'd be as well off as we are now, and I think we
ought to accept the good fortune that we have. So, I wouldn't tinker
with the '81 targets. To be at the bottom end with respect to M-1B
and at the upper end with respect to M2 is about as good as we can
hope for. In fact, I'd be very happy if we ended the year in roughly
that position. So, I would leave those targets unchanged. I am
concerned somewhat by the shortfall that we are getting in M-1B.
We've now had [minus] 5 percent in May and [minus] 10 percent in June.
We do have a forecast of growth in July and I think there's an
underlying feeling that the risks are for too much growth in the
second half of the year. But I have seen this pattern develop before,
so I have no problem in beginning to resist this shortfall some, which
I think is consistent with the idea of moving between now and year-end
toward the lower end of the M-1B range. It doesn't do us any good in
the market to run double-digit shortfalls because what comes from that
is the expectation that we can't tolerate that for very long and we're



going to have to resist it.

So, I think some resistance to that is

As far as 1982 goes, I think we ought to keep the ranges for
the broader aggregates about the same as those we now have for 1981
and I am torn between whether we should lower the M-1B range by a half
or a whole point. I could live with either. If we lowered it by a
whole point, we'd be getting a little more consistency between the
narrower and the broader aggregates. But the important thing is that
we lower the M-1B range; whether we lower it a half point or a whole
point I'm not sure is significant. We are going through a period of
maximum danger with regard to the inflation problem and the potential
danger to structure as well as a possible recession over the next 12
months. However, I'd rather be running that gauntlet over the next 12
months than the 12 months after that or the 12 months after that
because we have begun to make some progress down the anti-inflation
road and the costs and the amount of that risk will be less over the
next 12 months than in the subsequent 12-month periods. From the
strategic point of view, we have to try to keep this anti-inflationary
momentum, of which monetary policy is a part, going over this year and
next year.

Mr. Corrigan.

MR. CORRIGAN. Mr. Chairman, making a couple of general
points first, I certainly count myself solidly in the camp of those
who would say we should err on the side of firmness now. I think that
is very important. I also tend to agree with Mr. Solomon that in all
of the scenarios that are laid out here, particularly in the short
term but maybe even beyond that, the interest rate profiles are too
high. I also think that the actual growth of money over the second
half of the year is very important in terms of how we start off 1982.
And when I look at some of those numbers that have money growth at 8
or 10 percent in the second half of this year looking toward getting
down to 2 or 3 percent next year, the trajectory that presents creates
I think
some real problems for me as well. One other general point:
Steve implied that the staff thought that some of the definitional
kinds of problems associated with M2 and M3 relative to M1 might be
less next year. I'm not at all sure of that. It seems to me they
could be greater, given what the DIDC is doing and the possibility of

legislation for an all-saver type certificate or something like that.

I didn't mean to imply that.

MR. CORRIGAN. Okay. Well, I don't think we're out of the
woods by any means in terms of those problems with the broader
aggregates. As far as the specifics, taking the 1981 targets first, I
rather strongly favor the view of retaining the '81 targets as is.
One is the strategic
change them involves two problems for me:
problem for next year; and the other, which may be more important, is
that to do so would give the impression that we really know enough to
be able to fine-tune these aggregates at midstream by 1/2 point or
whatever. I don't find that very appealing. So, I would retain the
existing targets for 1981 although, as I will indicate later, I
certainly would not mind an outcome that looks like alternative 2 on
I do have some sympathy for
page 8. I would not change the targets.
the idea of getting rid of the M1-A measure just to get rid of it.



In terms of 1982, again partly because of this potential
problem I see with M2, M3, and bank credit, my view at this time would
be to state a target for M-1B of 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent, using the
3-point band. And as Mr. Solomon suggests, right now I would leave
the targets for the broader aggregates for '82 where they are for '81,
with some rather full explanation in your testimony that partly
because of uncertainties about the tax legislation or whatever we will
have to take a harder look at these at the beginning of next year.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. So you're recommending a full point
reduction in the M-1B rate for 1982?
on the bottom.

It's a half point on the top and a full point

problems by abandoning M-1.

That's right.


You would solve half the

That simplifies it.

If he wants to get rid of M2, he can do so.

MR. MORRIS. Well, I wasn't proposing that we do that in '81.
In general, in order to improve communications between the Federal
Reserve and the public, we shouldn't change the guidelines unless
there's a pressing need to do so.
I think it generates confusion.
And I don't see any pressing need to change the 1981 guidelines. But
I'm not sure I would do what you're suggesting, Paul, which is to
suggest to the [Congressional] Committees that we're confident we are
going to come in at the lower end of the range, because this M-1B
monster is an extremely volatile instrument. Last year half of the
year's total increase in M-1B occurred in one week. I think it would
be fine to say that we want to be within the range, but I'm not sure
I'd want to commit myself to coming in at the lower end even though
we're way below it at the moment.
I thought Steve's remarks supported
extremely well my view of getting rid of the M-1s as a guideline. He
only concluded that we should get rid of M1-A; I don't quite
understand that. But I would go beyond Lyle Gramley's position and
use M3 and bank credit as guidelines rather than go to the halfway
house of M2.
If we were to do [as I suggest], we would accomplish one
of the things that we're concerned about. That is, we're concerned
about a one-time shift in the demand for the narrow aggregates in the
event of a sharp decline in interest rates, and it would no longer be
a problem. I just don't see how we could accommodate that with an
M-1B guideline. But if we had an M3 and bank credit guideline, we
could accommodate it very easily. There are two other advantages, it
seems to me, of such a shift. One is that there's a great deal less
noise in the broader aggregates than in a narrower one. The noise
factor, which is huge in M-1B, gives the monetarists a shot at us
several times a year. They say the money supply is either growing too
fast or too slow. There's no way we're going to get M-1B growing at
anything approximating a straight line because of the heavy noise
content, which was even demonstrated recently in the [article
published by] the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank.



MR. ROOS. Monetarists don't shoot at other monetarists,
Frank, and we're all monetarists.
MR. MORRIS. Another nice little problem it would solve is
the weekly money supply problem because even though we'd be giving
information to the market every week on the M1s, the market would not
be weighing that so heavily since they would know we were no longer
gearing policy to M1 but to the broader aggregates. Now, assuming
this advice is not going to be accepted-MR. GRAMLEY.

I find it very persuasive.

You ought keep on.

You ought to be a debater, Frank.

MR. MORRIS. --if we could get away with cutting the range
for M-1B by 1/2 of one percentage point next year and with keeping the
other ranges where they were, I think that would be an excellent
outcome. If we can't, then I would be willing to cut the whole batch
by 1/2 percentage point. And I would support Steve's suggestion that
if we're going to have an M-1B target, we have solely a shift-adjusted
target. Having two targets for M-1B is also a source of confusion.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I'm not sure that's what Steve was
suggesting. We would have an M1 target period, not shift-adjusted.

Yes, no M1-A.

the shift is completed.

That's on the presumption that we declare

I see.
Or irrelevant.


Either completed or irrelevant, one or the


But it may not be completed.


That's the problem.


That's why I was suggesting widening the range.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I'd like to make a parenthetical
comment that may be of some use. I encountered enormous resentment in
Europe among government officials and central bank officials about our
continuing to publish the weekly money supply statistics. Maybe their
reaction is much too excessive, but they believe that we unnecessarily
encourage extra volatility above and beyond what our October '79
approach involved by our continuation of the weekly publications. I
just pass that along for what it's worth.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We're going to have to consider that one
of these days.
I take it that the predominant comment from market
people, as you would expect, is that they want us to continue it.
There are some comments in the other direction, however; but all the
market people argue that the more information they get the better.



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I find that quite a few leading
bankers in New York feel exactly the opposite.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The farther away you get from the market
operator types, the less sympathetic people, including the more senior
bankers, are to that. Governor Rice.
MR. RICE. Well, Mr. Chairman, I agree with the general
thrust of your opening statement, especially the part where you seemed
to say that we should take the risk on the side of more softness in
the economy rather than try to counter any sluggishness that might
occur in the short run. From my point of view, probably the most
critical question right now is whether we continue to do what we said
we were going to do--whether we are going to continue to reduce
gradually the growth of money--or whether we are going to try to
adjust our position in light of what we think we see developing in the
economy. To me it's extremely important to be perceived as doing what
we said we were going to do. Rather than try to adjust to the shortrun changes that we see, which might make more sense from the shortrun point of view, I think it's better to continue to do what we said
we were going to do. That is likely to have a much more decisive
impact on inflationary expectations. So, for that reason I would
favor, as have others, keeping the 1981 targets where they are. I
would not change the ranges at all for the reasons set forth by
several of you, particularly those set forth by Tony Solomon. I would
also for the rest of 1981 opt for alternative 2 on page 8. But it's
important to try to keep M2 and M3 as close to their target ranges as
possible, and therefore, I would be willing to accept growth in M-1B
of 3-1/2 percent [or less in the second half of this year].
In the
interest of trying to keep M2 and M3 close to their ranges, it's
important to accept the shortfall for the rest of the year in M-1B.
As for 1982, I would favor strategy 2 as indicated on page
12, accepting the 3-1/2 percent growth for M-1B for 1981, and moving
back to the 4-1/4 percent midpoint of the range for 1982.
That, I
think, implies some variant of alternative II on page 14.

I think it's alternative I.
You may be right.
Well, you might ask what the staff had in mind.

MR. RICE. What I was going to propose is that, in effect, we
do what we said we were going to do and reduce the M-1B range by 1/2
percentage point.
So, [for 1982] I'd move to a range of 3 to 5-1/2
percent and leave the ranges for M2 and M3 where they are right now.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just say that given all the
complications of this, I think the meeting is going to run until after
lunch. I'd like to get through this preliminary go-around and maybe
before we resolve this turn to the short run because I think that has
some influence on how we finally come out.
I suspect we're going to
continue the meeting after lunch. Mr. Guffey.
MR. GUFFEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Let me just make a
couple of preliminary comments as background to my recommendations.
First of all, I feel that there's a good deal of latent strength in



the economy and that at any indication of lower interest rates, for
example, that strength will come forth and we'll have a quite
different problem than we may be facing right now. Secondly, it does
seem to me that we've made some real progress against inflation and
that the public is at least willing to accept that. To be sure, most
of it has not been of our own making; it has been in both energy and
food prices. Nonetheless, the stage is set. And one last
observation: If it is true that we've come to this point for whatever
reasons, whether we've had a part in it or not isn't important.
Historically, the Federal Reserve has always come up to the hitching
post and then backed off simply because the Administration and the
Congress have thrown bricks at us or have not been supportive of a
policy of restraint. Through the course of recent history at least,
we've backed off and we've made a mistake each time. I think we have
an opportunity this time to carry forward what we should have done
before because for the first time ever we do have, for whatever length
of time, the support of the Administration at least. So, we ought to
take advantage of that opportunity. That is the background.
With that background, I would like to propose that we not
change the ranges for the remainder of 1981. I'd leave them the same
with the understanding, [explained] through testimony or otherwise-and I think the market already understands--that we're probably
looking to the lower end of the range. The fact that M2 and M3 are
running very high in the range or outside of the range at the moment
seems to me to be consistent with perhaps running at the bottom end
of, or even below, the M-1B range for the remainder of this year,
while M2 and M3 are right at the top of their ranges. As a result,
the fact that we may end up with M-1B below the lower end of the range
for 1981 is not important. I wouldn't move the ranges downward simply
to accommodate that shortfall.

We could juggle the shift adjustment.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Unfortunately, the only new evidence we
have on the shift adjustment would lower the adjusted M-1B. If we
wanted to take that evidence from this Michigan survey, that's-MR. GUFFEY.

Well, I think we ought to leave it right where

it is.
That story can be told from the picture that will unfold in
1981, and I think it leaves open the lines of communication even with
the monetarists. For 1982, from the alternatives on page 14, I like
lowering the range of M-1B coupled with broadening the range to 3
percentage points, so 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent has some attractiveness
to me. But I'd also retain the present ranges for M2, M3, and bank
credit. I'm not sure what those all mean. For M2 at least I'd retain
the present range, the 6 to 9 percent. As to the short run and what
we do in the next month, as I understand the procedure, we're not
going to talk about that right now. So I'll stop. I do have some
comments to make about that, however.

Mr. Ford.

MR. FORD. On the substantive issues of where policy should
go, I agree with your opening statement and with the consensus that's
developing that, given that there are risks on both sides, we have to
run the risk of holding tight.



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just restate my own semantics. I
think you have stated it correctly. There are risks in everything we
I think the lesser risk is-do.

The holding tight.

greater risk.

--holding tight, not that that's the

Did I summarize it wrong?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. No, I think the sense of it is clear
enough, but just as a semantic matter I think we're minimizing what
inevitable risks there are by doing that. There are risks with any of
these alternatives.
MR. FORD. Next, with due regard for Nancy's and other
people's concern about the thrifts, I very deeply share that concern,
but I think we can lose with the thrifts either way in that there's a
lesser risk of playing to win now in the next few months than by
letting their equity run down longer and facing the same problem a
year from now with less equity when that turnaround comes, as Fred so
nicely put it. Substantively, my thinking goes from that point. That
says then, concerning the '81 targets, to leave the ranges where they
are. There are two approaches:
the one Fred suggested or leaving the
ranges where they are and explaining that we're willing to accept
being at the lower end or even a little below [on M-1B].
I'd put more
stress on getting M2 within the top of the target, if we possibly can,
even though the staff forecast suggests it will be a hard thing to do
without blowing interest rates through the roof. But I just am
skeptical of that view, or I should say more optimistic about the
outlook for interest rates than they show in their forecast. We're
praying for a better interest rate forecast than the one they have.
If theirs is right, we're in big trouble with the consensus that we're
developing here.
Concerning the 1982 targets, like a number of previous
speakers, I think we need an alternative to the ones shown.
Basically, it's alternative II with a modification on the M2 target.
I'd like to see M2 kept where it is because if we set an M2 target
with a cap of 9-1/2 percent, that would be the highest rate we've had
at any time--if my table here is correct--since July of 1977. And I'm
worried that even though there are technical reasons for seeing M2 as
being somewhat more expansive than previously, the markets keep
records of this stuff and if they see us moving M2 to the highest
range we've set in four years, that could hurt our credibility and
exacerbate the problem of getting within the targets. So, I'd say
let's go for alternative II on the M-1B range, but cut M2 down to the
present range of 6 to 9 percent [despite] the grounds that it's hard
to cut it given the structural changes that Steve and the staff have
pointed out to us. Concerning the short run--well, we don't need to
talk about the next quarter yet since you want to do that after lunch.
The only other thing I'd say is that, Frank, you're not completely
alone in the woods. I have developed a touch of Morrismania and I'd
say we should move in the direction of considering dropping M1-A
immediately. I'd go at least that far with Frank.

You don't have much mania!




Even I have that much!

MR. FORD. And step two toward Morrismania is at least to
restate our concerns about the very substantial structural problems
with M-1B. Deemphasizing M-1B a bit in our statements would be the
way I'd lean toward Mr. Morris's position on which aggregates to


Mr. Balles.

MR. BALLES. Basically I'm in favor of what I call the KISS
Keep it simple, sir.

Or keep it simple, stupid.

MR. BALLES. Your opening statement, which has been supported
widely around the table now, was that there's much more to be lost
than to be gained by tinkering with these 1981 ranges. In fact, I
don't recall that we've done a midyear correction heretofore. If
that's wrong, I withdraw the comment.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We haven't had much experience.
what that means is that we haven't done it for two years.

I think

MR. BALLES. The latitude with the present ranges seems to me
to be adequate for the balance of this year. With respect to the
alternatives for 1982 set forth on page 14, I would go for alternative
I for M-1B, which is to drop the range by 1/2 point, but I find it
difficult to buy any of those alternatives for M2, M3, and bank
credit. A number of people have spoken on this so far, and I would
come out bottom line the same way, to leave those ranges for the
broader aggregates the same as they are now. However, I would begin
formally and more explicitly, following up on what Lyle said, to give
more recognition to M2. We have done that in a very subjective way in
our recent published directives. We can all recall the time when we
went as far as saying we would give it equal weight. That has been
some years ago now. Perhaps it needs to be discussed at some length
how far we go in the formal sense in giving more recognition to M2.
If you look at the spread between M1 and M2 over quite a long period
of time, it bounces all over. I have a table--Bill says he has one
too--that shows that over the last 20 years that spread has averaged
about 3-1/4 percentage points. The 4-1/4 point spread which is shown
on page 14 between the midpoints of M-1B and M2 just seems to me to be
excessively high. Coming in somewhere around the historical average
spread of 3-1/4 points would justify leaving the M2 range at 6 to 9
percent for next year, which is where it is now. One of the reasons I
would lean more toward M2 in a formal sense in our policy
deliberations is that I have some skepticism about M-1B; I don't share
Frank's view completely, but we are dealing with a very tricky animal
in the shift-adjusted M-1B. And at least for next year, that gives us
perhaps good reason to place more weight on M2. As a number of others
have said, I wouldn't be unhappy at all if we dropped M1-A altogether
and do it right now. When we get into the short-run specs, the Juneto-September period, I'd like to say more about leaning as
aggressively against undershoots as overshoots, but that discussion
comes up later.

Mr. Boykin.



MR. BOYKIN. Yes, Mr. Chairman. I also would agree with the
substantive comments that you made in your opening statement. With
respect to the strategy for the rest of 1981, I would tend to favor
alternative 2 on page 8. I would not make any adjustments in the '81
ranges; I would just let those stand the way they are.
As for the strategy for 1982-83, I would look to strategy 2.
With respect to the ranges for 1982, I would go for a 1/2 point
reduction in the M-1B range to 3 to 5-1/2 percent.
I would also be
very inclined to leave the M2, M3, and bank credit ranges where they
are currently. It may be because I sit next to Frank Morris, but I'm
beginning to find quite a bit of sympathy for looking a little closer
at M2.

Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. Mr. Chairman, I'm impressed with the power of the
number. We should remind ourselves that [when] we were sitting here a
year ago and thinking about the future we forgot base drift in setting
our targets. If we go back and adjust for that and secondly if we
adjust for the changes that have occurred in M-1B--and the Michigan
survey, I think, does not include corporations' use of money funds in
the transactions balance set-up--the adjustment probably is in the
other direction.
[If] we were sitting around the table at the moment
faced with the fact that we were over our targets, not under our
targets because of the base-drift problem and the adjustment of M-1B,
I wonder what our reactions would be.
I think we can get trapped by
the numbers we're playing with here if we're not careful.
Second, contrary to the view most people have expressed, I'd
be very strongly in favor of changing our targets at the moment.
think we're going to get trapped next spring if we don't. Suppose
we're successful in the sense of coming in at the lower end or less;
that becomes our base, if we use precedent on this score. Think what
kind of adjustments we're going to have to make and to explain at that
stage to make this fit any kind of economic analysis related to those
that we've heard. If we're not careful, we're going to be increasing
our numbers in February. I feel it's much easier to try to explain it
now. Also, if we set targets, we ought to try to shoot for the
midpoint. When we set targets and say we're going to shoot at the
lower end or less, I think we're playing games a little. Moreover, if
we have to make an adjustment, I think it is easier to make it now and
then not make one in February. I think we have ourselves trapped by
this annual review, particularly when we base it on where we are
rather than on having some continuity in the series over time.
I'd be
in favor of making the adjustment now and, if we're lucky, that would
bring us closer to the midpoint of the adjusted range. Then we would
not have to make a change on an annual basis to make a continuous
effort to achieve our inflation objective.
It seems to me that we
ought to avoid getting trapped into basing our ranges on where we are
and do it rather on a continuous series over time.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Mr. Keehn, you can make an interim
concluding comment and we can have a coffee break.
MR. KEEHN. Well, I'd best be brief! With regard to 1981, it
seems to me that from the earlier discussion, we're clearly in a
learning phase [regarding the relationship] between M-1B and M2.



until we learn more about the downward shifts, it's awfully hard to be
precise. To change either range at this point implies a greater
degree of precision than may perhaps be the case. I don't see how we
can logically change one without the other. Being new to this, I
think the outside perception is that the actual results count much
more than how they actually relate to our ranges. So, I'd be in favor
of not making any change at this point.
With regard to 1982, it seems to me that a great deal has
already been accomplished and that for all the reasons that have been
stated we will have lost a great deal if we do not continue the
downward shift. The visibility of reducing the numbers somewhat has a
great positive effect. Therefore, I'd be in favor of alternative I
for M-1B but would leave the other ranges where they currently are
for fear that if we raise them at all, it would have a negative market
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just make one or maybe two comments
"Keep the ranges
before the coffee break. Most people have said:
this year the same," which was my instinct when I was thinking about
it before. However, I found that Governor Schultz raised some rather
cogent points. I did a little arithmetic this morning and I think one
can argue, although I'd want to confirm this arithmetic, that it's
reasonably safe--that may overstate it a bit--to expect that we would
come within the M-1B range if we lowered it by 1/2 percentage point.
That may give us the leeway that Frank is worried about in the
unfortunate circumstance that M-1B growth would go up. I still don't
think it's going to go up above the upper end, but as opposed to
saying we're going to be in the lower end of the range there may be
some advantage in just reducing the range a little this year.
Everybody probably changes their mind on this, like Tony Solomon, but
I find the case for keeping the range less persuasive than my own
initial instinct suggested, depending upon just how the arithmetic
works out. I think the arithmetic works out rather favorably on that,
although I'd want to look at it again. Anyhow, let's go to the coffee
break and after the coffee break we'll go to the short run; and then
we'll go back to the long run again and make sure the short run fits
with what we want to do in the long run.
[Coffee break]
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I guess we are back on page 15 [of the
Is that where we are, Mr. Axilrod, for the short-run
I'm not sure on the arithmetic of how the short-term ranges
match with the long-term ranges. Maybe you can inject something now.
Do you have another statement to make about the short-term ranges?

Well, Mr. Chairman, I had not planned on any

substantial statement in view of the preceding one.

But I thought it

might be useful to expand at least a little bit on how these short-run

ranges relate to the longer-run ranges. And that would give me an
opportunity to provide some additional data that would be relevant to
the Committee's preceding discussion. We constructed alternative A to
reach the midpoint of the present longer-run range for M-1B by the
fourth quarter. Given the shortfall in money growth in May and then
in June bringing the level down even further, unfortunately that
[calls for] a very rapid growth rate for M-1B month by month [in the
June-to-September period] of around 10-1/2 percent. Alternative A is



associated with a slower growth rate on a quarterly average basis in
the third quarter of around 4 percent, and then of course by the
fourth quarter [as the quarterly growth rate] veers toward the 10-1/2
percent monthly rate, the fourth-quarter average rate would be around
10.3 percent. Alternative B again has a relatively rapid growth month
by month of 8-1/2 percent in M-1B, and that alternative was
constructed to get toward the bottom end of the present range. It
actually implies a growth Q4 to Q4 of 3.9 percent, which is somewhat
above the bottom of the present range.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Fourth quarter to fourth quarter?
implies for the two quarters, 2.8-MR. AXILROD.

And it

For the two quarters it's about 5-1/2 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, for the two quarters on average. But
it would imply [quarterly average growth rates], assuming [a fairly
smooth trajectory month-by-month], of 2.8 and 8.2 percent, right?
MR. AXILROD. That's right. And alternative C, Mr. Chairman,
goes to the bottom end of a range that is 1/2 point lower than the
current 3-1/2 to 6 percent range, should the Committee be considering
that. Even so, that would imply month-by-month growth in M-1B on the
order of 6-1/2 percent, again given the low starting point of June.
Of course, if there should be any upward revision in that figure and
if you're thinking of the level as the ultimate target, it would tend
to lower that growth rate; and a downward revision would tend to
[raise] that growth rate. That would give you growth of 1-1/2 percent
in the third quarter and 6 percent in the fourth quarter, again
veering toward the monthly growth rate by the time of the fourth
quarter, and it would only give you 3 percent Q4 to Q 4 .
Now, those are a lot of numbers, but if the Committee would
indulge me with a little patience for a bit, I think it would be
helpful, Mr. Chairman, to give two more sets of numbers that aren't
shown [in the Bluebook], because the upper ends of the ranges are not
irrelevant in terms of announcement effects when the Committee
reaffirms or changes or does whatever to its targets. Given what has
happened in the first half of the year, the growth rates in the second
half implied by the upper ends of the ranges are, of course, very
For example, if we had Q4-to-Q4 growth of 6
large as you can tell.
percent, which is the upper end of the M-1B range, given what has
happened thus far this year, the monthly growth rate would be on the
order of 13-1/2 percent; that would give you quarterly average growth
of 6 percent in the third quarter and 13-1/2 percent in the fourth.
If the upper end of the present range were reduced by 1/2 point, say,
the potential monthly growth to get 5-1/2 percent would be around
12-1/4 percent from now on, with a third quarter of 5-1/4 percent,
which looks reasonable, and a fourth quarter, as the arithmetic works
out, of around 12-1/2 percent. That gives you an idea of the
dimensions that are involved.
Finally, associated funds rate ranges were presented [in the
Bluebook] with the three alternatives. The only range that implies an
easing in the money market, from our analysis, is the rapid growth
rates of alternative A, and that I think has been amply explained. It
comes out of this dilemma involved in analyzing money demand relative
to GNP. If there is a further sharp downward shift in money demand or



if GNP is indeed weaker than we have projected, then of course that
lower funds rate range of alternative A could well develop with less
rapid growth than is called for in alternative A. But under the
assumptions that we have been working with, we have more moderate
money market conditions associated with "A," while "B" and "C" imply
current or somewhat tighter money market conditions on our analysis,
again I stress, given the GNP projection.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, that's apart from the difficulties of
any short-run interest rate forecast. According to the model they
depend upon a GNP projection, which may be unreliable; and, therefore,
if we get a weaker GNP we can get much lower interest rates consistent
with any of these forecasts. Who would like to wade into this shortrun problem? Mr. Boehne.
MR. BOEHNE. I think it comes down to how one weighs the
risks of growth in the aggregates in the second half of this year that
is too rapid and a repeat of what happened last year versus a
cumulative shortfall in the aggregates. We've seen the possible
beginnings of [a cumulative shortfall] in June and July and I do give
some weight to that possibility. I would come out somewhere between
"B" and "C" on page 15, preferring to err more in the direction of "C"
than "B," but somewhere in that "B" to "C" area.

Mr. Morris.

MR. MORRIS. Well, Mr. Chairman I would support alterative B.
I like the idea of having a plan to hit the lower level of the range
or to get close to it by November. I don't think I would want to
publish that objective in the report we put out or, in other words,
commit ourselves to being on that particular course, given the
volatility of these numbers.

What alternative do we have other than to

MR. MORRIS. The alternative would simply be to state that
our objective for the June-to-September period is to produce the
growth rates in alternative B, without stating explicitly that they
are designed-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Okay, you would put in the 8-1/2 percent.

MR. MORRIS. Oh, yes. But I'd just not say that these are
designed to get us to the lower end of the range by November. Since I
think the third quarter is going to be weaker than the staff is
projecting, this can probably be accomplished without as much interest
rate pressure as in the forecast, so I would support a funds range of
14 to 20 percent rather than the 16 to 22 percent shown.
Mr. Boehne?

Do you have a comment on the funds range,

Yes, I would have something like 16 to 22


Mr. Solomon.



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I don't think we can afford to do a
repeat of last year and that seems to be a pretty widespread feeling
in the Committee. It seems to me, therefore, that we have to be
fairly close to alternative C for the remainder of this year. I would
We could
go for something between 6-1/2 and 7 percent [for M-1B].
phrase it as "6-1/2 percent or slightly more" in the directive. That
would be consistent with a borrowing assumption of $1-1/2 billion in
our view and would probably give us a fed funds range of 15 to 20
percent. The midpoint of that is where we would likely come out,
which would be a fed funds rate in the 17 to 18 percent area. That
would be my view, Mr. Chairman.

Governor Wallich.

MR. WALLICH. I share the view that we have to avoid a
repetition of '80 but we also have to avoid a repetition of '79. It
would be the third year if that happened. I don't think M-1B by
itself is all that important, but the appearance that it is rising
rapidly would be very damaging. I think we ought to stress that more
weight is being attached to M2 and, in that context, I would say M2
growth at 8 percent seems desirable with M-1B at 7 percent, let's say,
and the funds rate range at 17 to 22 or 23 percent.

Mr. Black.

MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, I think the near-term growth rate
[for M-1B] shown in alternative B would be about right and, as Steve
indicated a moment ago, that would give us a fourth quarter '80 to
fourth quarter '81 growth rate of 3.9 percent, which would put us a
little above the floor of our current range. I think the more
important question may be what we do with the federal funds rate
range. As I have stated several times, I favor elimination of these
funds rate ranges, and we have moved several steps in that general
direction. We first widened them, and then we had the top and lower
limits as points where we would check, and now we have moved into the
realm where they are points where you may ask us to consult. I'd like
to go a step further and just eliminate those altogether. But I
recognize that that's probably not going to be the consensus of the
group. So, I would put the range at about 14 to 20 percent.

Mr. Guffey.

MR. GUFFEY. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would opt for
alternative C as shown on page 15 for both M-1B and M2 for the
intermeeting period. Because of all the uncertainty that surrounds
the velocity and shift in demand for money and all the other boogiemen we seem to come up with, it seems to me that it is a time to focus
a little more closely on interest rates. Thus, I would start out on
the side of not wanting to see interest rates drop very quickly
through the remainder of this year, and a 16 to 20 percent range is my
preference for federal funds.

16 to 20 percent?

MR. GUFFEY. I beg your pardon, 16 to 22 percent.
federal funds rate range, but the "C" aggregates rates.

Mr. Ford.

The "B"



MR. FORD. I come out close to "C" with the fed funds range
of "B," as Roger has just said, or better yet widening the band
further or certainly not narrowing it because fed funds today I'm told
are trading at 19 percent. A couple of people have suggested that we
put the cap at 20 percent; were that to lead the Desk under any
circumstances to start injecting funds after we walk out of here, that
would undermine the whole philosophy or strategy that you laid out at
the beginning of the meeting. So, I think we either have to widen the
fed funds range or for sure not lower its upper end to avoid giving
any signals in the next few days of loosening policy significantly. I
am concerned about the target base drift question, which only one
person raised--about where all of this leaves us at the end of the
year, depending on where we come out in the range, and how we adjust
to that. I don't have the answer, but I want to share the expression
of concern--I think it was Willis who put it on the table--that we
should think ahead as to where this short-run decision we're making
today leaves us at the end of the year in terms of bringing the
aggregates in line with the longer-range objectives that you have to
talk about on the 21st of July. I just need more information from the
staff as to whether we face a base drift problem that is the reverse
of the usual drift up.
If I understood Willis right, he was implying
that if growth comes in low and we have trouble getting M-1B up into
the range, we might have a reverse base drift problem. I don't know
about that. I'd like to hear more. So, put me down for a little less
tight than "C," keeping the fed funds range about centered on where it
is now, 19 percent, and either loosening that up or certainly not
lowering the top.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just explore the implications.
say leave the federal funds where it is, meaning-MR. FORD.


It's 16 to 22 percent now.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Okay, that's the range. But where would
you put the borrowing? If you lower the borrowing, the funds rate
presumably will come down. The borrowing this week was $1.4 billion.
Was that what-MR. FORD.

Yes, $1.5 billion seems consistent with that;


not exactly sure.


Governor Gramley.

MR. GRAMLEY. Well, Mr. Chairman, I think we as members of
the Committee are indulging ourselves a bit in picking and choosing
from these various alternatives in trying to get a package here.
like the monetary aggregates to come in low and interest rates to be a
little lower and the economy to keep going where it is.
I don't know
if we can get there from here.

Do we have a consensus on that?

No, I want the economy to be a little weaker.

MR. GRAMLEY. I would suggest something along the following
lines: Using the aggregates of "B," a federal funds rate range of 15
to 21 percent, a borrowing figure of $1-1/2 to $1-3/4 billion, and an
understanding that if the aggregates fall short and that does not



happen in the context of a weakening economy, we let them. I am
prepared to see actual money growth well below where we are targeted
so long as it reflects a downward shift in money demand. And that's,
in effect, what I'm saying.
If we get a continuation of the downward
shift in money demand and, therefore, low growth in the aggregates, I
would not fight it. But I would like to see us arrive at some
agreement that if in fact the staff is right and we get a reversion of
money demand to what normal relationships would suggest, we won't let
interest rates go up a long way.

Governor Teeters.

MS. TEETERS. Well, I come down close to where Lyle does.
would put the federal funds rate at 14 to 20 percent and borrowings
between $1-1/4 and $1-3/4 billion. If [money growth] begins to fall
short, I would permit it, but I certainly wouldn't permit it to the
extent that we did in May and June.
I think we overdid it in moving
down on that particular path. Like Frank, I think the [nominal GNP]
is going to be somewhat weaker than is being projected, and I'm not
sure whether it's going to come out of the real side or inflation. We
have had some short-term inflation gains that are going to be
temporary and we may get a nominal GNP that's a little low over this
third quarter; so we could get the 8-1/2 percent rate of real growth
with the 14 to 20 percent fed funds rate at this point. If growth
falls short because we don't get the rebound in money, that's one
thing; but if it's falling short because the economy is plunging, I
will have a different attitude toward it.
I assume that if we get
information that the economy is either growing too fast or too slow in
terms of what we're anticipating, we will have a conference call.
the last directive?

Mr. Corrigan.

Steve, what's the published fed funds band in
16 to 22 percent.

It will be published.

MR. CORRIGAN. For the past 3 weeks in this past intermeeting
period, what did you think the borrowing level was?
MR. AXILROD. First we thought $1.6 billion; that was a week
ago. This week we think $1.4 billion, but it's averaging $1.9 billion
to this time. We thought consistent with $1.6 billion we'd have to
see the funds rate move down toward 18 percent and it didn't; and we
thought consistent with $1.4 billion, the funds rate would be in the
17 to 18 percent area and it isn't there yet.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Theoretically, they ought to be giving
away federal funds tomorrow afternoon.
MR. CORRIGAN. Mr. Chairman, I'm in the area of "C" partly
because I think we don't want to repeat 1980 but also because I have
an eye on where we're going to start off 1982.
Steve said that the
quarterly average number toward the end of the year with "B" gets us
up in the 8-1/2 percent area and that to me is troublesome. I get
more and more attracted to "C" with the advantage of Mr. Solomon's



comment to the effect that, at least as they view the world, we could
get [the growth rates of] "C" with a funds rate of 15 to 20 or 21
percent--either one would be all right with me--and an initial
borrowings level of $1-1/2 billion.

I ran out of names--no, Mr. Schultz.

MR. SCHULTZ. I think the economy is going to be a little
weaker in the third quarter and to me that's a consummation devoutly
to be wished for. I would not move too rapidly to offset a little
economic weakness; and under those circumstance I think alternative C
is as fast as we ought to go, not as slow as we ought to go. So, I
would favor alternative C for M-1B and M2 and I would start the
borrowings at $1.5 billion and put the fed funds range at 15 to 21

Mr. Balles.

MR. BALLES. This platter of choices is almost enough to
give us indigestion. Reverting to what Bob Black had to say in his
opening remarks yesterday about the June 17th conference call, I share
the view that the weakness we accepted was a little more than I had in
mind at the time. But after last year's M-1B growth of 6-3/4 percent,
if I recall the adjusted figure, the 3-1/2 percent lower end of the
range, if that's where we're going to end up this year, is an awfully
sharp deceleration. The only way I can justify that in terms of not
pushing the economy over the brink and creating a serious recession is
the evidence, reasonably persuasive, that there has been a downward
shift in the demand for money. I think it would be a great mistake if
we ended up the year under that 3-1/2 percent lower limit, even given
what seems to be going on in terms of a downward shift in money
demand. But to hedge my bet to make sure that we don't undershoot for
the year as a whole, for the June-to-September period I'd lean more
toward the alternative B specs, including the [associated] federal
funds range, than I would those of alternative C. Again, I would like
to raise the issue of whether we should at this time explicitly place
more emphasis on M2, which I would favor.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just comment on this sharp
deceleration. I think it really is misleading. I looked at some
figures yesterday on the annual growth. We started out this year from
the highest quarter we had last year, and it was an exceptionally high
quarter. When you look at this in a broader perspective, taking all
the quarters into account, if we end up at the 3-1/2 percent lower end
of the range, we're only slightly below the average we had for last
year--on the order of 1/2 percentage point below as I remember the
figures. And we had an increase for the whole of last year of what?

5.8 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. 5.8 percent. If we end up at the bottom
of the range in the fourth quarter, in a straight line from here to
there, the annual growth in M-1B would be what?

5.1 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It would only be about 3/4 of a percentage
point reduction in growth from a year ago.




But we can always get those sorts of

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, my argument is that I don't think
that's a peculiarity. The peculiarity is the fourth quarter. The
fourth quarter happened to be the only quarter last year when we were
above target, and it was an abnormally high quarter. If we say the
world begins and ends with the fourth quarter of last year, we get a
different picture than if we say the money supply was lower during the
first three quarters of last year than it was in the fourth quarter.
Anybody putting in any kind of econometric equation puts in an annual
figure. Nobody just picks out one quarter to put in.
MR. BLACK. Mr. Chairman, to put this in a slightly different
light, but I think it reinforces what you're saying:
If we had drawn
our cone not from where we ended up in the fourth quarter but from the
midpoint of the range, [unintelligible] is 3-1/2 percent, which is now
the lower part of our 1981 range. It would be a little above the
midpoint of that range-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's another way of saying the same
thing. Or if we draw it as a channel from the end of the cone last
year, as I sometimes draw it, we are now a little below the middle of
the channel, or maybe quite far below in June. But for the first half
of the year as a whole, we're right in the middle of the channel.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. If there were a credible way of deemphasizing the fourth quarter-to-fourth quarter growth to formulate
the target--I don't know how--the right formulation would be year over
year in some broad sense.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I thought of doing that last year. The
reason I didn't was because it looked too damn difficult to get the
annual average down. But it looks as if we have achieved it, or may
achieve it.


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. But that is in a sense more meaningfully
in economic terms. One can argue it either way. Obviously the yearto-year change is influenced by what happened last year. But just
picking out one quarter and saying that's the end of all existence is
clearly not right either.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. The scary thing is the psychological
pressure on us [depending on] where we end [in any] fourth quarter.
If we're seriously overshooting or undershooting, we're going to make
three times the effort--or at least we're going to be under that kind
of pressure psychologically--to make a much bigger response than is
good for the economy, simply because it happens arbitrarily to be the
fourth quarter and people will be judging us on the fourth quarter.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't have the figures, but if we looked
at the year-to-year changes in M1 now, they are still high, I think.
If we looked at the first half of this year against the first half of
last year-MR. AXILROD.

Oh, I don't have that.



MR. GRAMLEY. I can look it up. Six months this year over
last year's is plus 6.3 percent. The second quarter of this year
relative to last year is [plus] 7.4 percent.

Because it dropped out of bed in April.


That's right.

Wait until we get to the third quarter.
Then the year-over-year will be--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. No, it will narrow from now on with any of
these numbers. By the end of the year we would be down just a bit
below where we were last year.

It's becoming a seasonal pattern.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Next year we'll straighten this out by
putting back the first half of the year in the seasonal patterns that
we left out and then it will all look very even during the year.
Governor Partee.
MR. PARTEE. I would opt for alternative B. And I would
point out that in a way we're getting a deceptive look because we're
taking a snapshot as of June, which is the very low point, we hope, of
the [downward] movement. After all, as a result of the cumulative
effects of a minus 5 and a minus 10, alternative B gets us a thirdquarter growth rate of 2.8 percent. Now, 2.8 percent is not a high
monetary growth number, so it seems to me quite a reasonable thing to
shoot at.

Quite true.

MR. PARTEE. We'll have to decide on the fourth quarter a
little later. But, you know, it's a long time to the fourth quarter.
We may well have a double-digit plus or a double-digit minus between
now and then so we will be talking in an entirely different arena when
we get to discussing the fourth-quarter average, which I wouldn't want
to see go up as fast as that 8.2 percent or whatever Steve has on
that. I also disagree with Lyle that we should not pay any attention
to shortfalls below the number because I can't tell whether there's a
demand shift or not. That is, when we're experiencing it, it can be
either a demand shift or it can be a weakening in the economy; and the
money supply numbers can very well predate the weakening in the
economy somewhat so that we're not all that aware of it.
But we're
not talking about a very strong economy when the auto companies report
an annual sales rate of 5.4 million and wonder whether they can
survive to the end of the year. That's not a strong economy. It's
also obvious in housing that we're not talking about a strong economy.
Builders are going out of business every day. So, I don't want to
take a lot of risk of a cumulative shortfall. Remember, if we put May
and June together we have as much of a drop as the April drop last
year, which really galvanized us, perhaps improperly, into action.
So, I think we shouldn't accept a substantial shortfall from the
numbers that would be occasioned by alternative 2. I guess the funds
range could be 15 to 21 percent. Interestingly, I had great
difficulty finding what the funds rate range had been over the last



period when I read the Bluebook; it wasn't in the usual place. We've
deemphasized it to the point that we don't even report it now!
Assuming it was 16 to 22 percent, which is in the crossed out section
of the directive, 15 to 21 percent seems all right. I wouldn't want
to see the borrowing target above $1.4 billion, which as I understand
it is where we are currently in this period. I don't think we ought
to raise the borrowing target above what it now is.

Governor Rice.

MR. RICE. Well, Mr. Chairman, I favor alternative B. It
seems to me that if we pursue alternative C, we run a substantial risk
of not getting M-1B back even to the lower part of the target range.
We just may not get back to the range. Alternative B gets us back to
the range by November and we're still on the low side, so alternative
B makes more sense to me. And I would go with a federal funds range
of 16 to 22 percent and borrowing at $2 billion.


$2 billion?

MR. RICE. $2 billion.
I'm being a purist.

That's the borrowing that goes with

Well, that may be what they have in here.


That's what one has to expect with a--

MR. ROOS. I would opt for "C" in its entirety. I just think
we [can't] afford to announce that we're going to tolerate aggregate
growth above the "C" figures. We must remember that these are
adjusted. If you take off the adjustment, the rate of growth is even
higher. But I'd suggest a borrowing assumption of about $1-1/2
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You may be right. These are adjusted
figures, certainly; and if we continue to get some growth in NOW
accounts, the unadjusted figure will be still higher. It's a point
I'm not so sure that we're going to get much growth in
worth making.
In the last couple of months we haven't
NOW accounts from now on.
gotten much, but nobody knows, obviously. It may be that these
figures are coming together. But the chances are you're right.
MR. ROOS. I would just add that I was very much intrigued or
impressed with Fred's suggestion of reducing the bottom of the longerterm targets by 1/2 point, which would enable us to come up to the
bottom of what we're seeking with this alternative C, if I understand
it right.
If we go with "C,"

the M-1B range.

we need to lower the bottom of



To be consistent.

talk here. Mr. Boykin.

There are a few more people who have to



MR. BOYKIN. Mr. Chairman, I would go with alternative C, a
borrowing assumption of $1-1/2 billion and a fed funds range of 16 to
22 percent.

Mr. Winn.

MR. WINN. I remind the group that we come back together in
about six weeks, so we are not casting this in cement for the next six
months. I'd be inclined to somewhere between "B" and "C" with the
funds rate range of 15 to 21 percent or something of that nature and
$1.4 billion in borrowing.

Mr. Keehne, you bring up the caboose

MR. KEEHN. Well, for the reasons that have been reasonably
covered, I would be in favor of alternative C with a federal funds
range of 16 to 22 percent; and if mathematically the $1.5 billion
borrowing level results from that, I'd be in favor of that.
we're between--

Well, let's see where we are.


MR. GRAMLEY. Let me ask for a staff interpretation of the
consistency of a borrowing number of $1-1/2 billion with a midpoint of
19 percent on the funds range. I thought when we last talked about a
funds rate in the 19 to 20 percent area we were talking about
borrowings of about $2-1/4 billion.
I think we're talking about
numbers here that are just inconsistent with one another.
MR. AXILROD. Well, we wouldn't know. The money supply
numbers, depending on developments in the economy, could be
consistent. But we wouldn't think that borrowing of $1-1/2 billion
would be consistent with a funds rate of 19 to 20 percent. We think
that implies lower funds rates.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. We would argue somewhat differently.
We believe that borrowing of $1-1/2 billion implies a fed funds rate
of 17 to 18 percent. We'd be about a point-MR. SCHULTZ & MS. TEETERS.
to 20 percent.

That's what he said.

I thought he said 19 to 20 percent.

No, he said it would not be consistent with 19

MR. PARTEE. I don't think your numbers are terribly
inconsistent [with the staff's numbers], Tony.
range for a borrowing
of funds rate?

That's why I picked the 15 to 21 percent funds
[assumption] of $1-1/2 billion.

And $2 billion would be consistent with what kind



MR. AXILROD. Well, it had been running in the 18-1/2 to 20
percent area, or more like 18-1/2 to 19-1/2 percent.
That's a
discount rate structure.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Are you still using a rough rule of
thumb, Steve, that a $100 million difference in borrowing represents
1/2 of a point?

Yes, that's very rough.
It's rough on amount and timing.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, the funds market has been rather
mixed up for some weeks now, really beginning around Memorial Day, I
guess, as Paul Meek suggested. It is mixed up partly because the
staff said weakness in M-1B should bring a pretty prompt easing and it
hasn't happened, so they don't know where it should be. We have
sentiment ranging from "B" to "C" with some emphasis on "C."
I share
the concern about just the publication effects of saying we want to
aim for 8-1/2 percent over any period of time.
I would not mind a big
rebound in July, if we could sneak it in there and get it over with.
In fact, that would be the desirable result.
But we're starting July
from a very low base and I don't know what the chances are of getting
a very high growth rate in July, considering how low we're starting-if last week's figure is borne out when we get the final numbers. A
number of people have mentioned M2.
I would be strongly inclined,
whatever we say about M1, to stick something in the directive that
says we don't really want to see M2 going outside its range. That
provides something of a fail-safe. Having done that, we swallow the
pictorial effects of any of these things.
So, we're someplace between
"B" and "C."
For the borrowing assumption, $1-1/2 billion seems to
be about where we are now; it's not too bad to start with. The real
questions are the ones that Lyle and others raised about what happens
under various contingencies. The most straightforward way to play it,
I suppose--if we decide on an initial borrowing level of, let's say,
$1-1/2 billion at the moment, which is lower than the staff says


needed to restrain the money supply over the whole quarter--is to take
it symmetrically. If the money supply began rising faster than is
projected here, we would simply let the mechanical [process work]; we
wouldn't change the nonborrowed reserve path but would let borrowings
rise. It depends upon what happens to M2, but if M2 is behaving
itself, we would just let borrowings rise, which would mean a rather
gradual rise in borrowings to a higher number. And we'd do the
reverse if it's falling short, which would mean a rather gradual fall
in borrowings.
If it fell short, we'd bring the caveat on M2 into
play. If M2 were rising very fast, that might trigger a change in the
nonborrowed reserve path.

You mean to lower it.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, if M2 was high, we'd lower the path.
Or if it was low, we'd raise the path.
MR. WALLICH. But why start with what seems to be an
unrealistic relationship between borrowing and the funds rate?


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. What's unrealistic to you?
What would you
I don't know. You didn't suggest anything, I guess.




He suggested something very high.

MR. WALLICH. I suggested a high funds rate, but I didn't
know what the borrowing assumption was that would match it.

I don't have a borrowing number down for

MR. WALLICH. I didn't put one down because I don't have the
relationship in mind. But it seems to me that it should be closer
perhaps to $2 billion than to $1.5 billion, or somewhere in the middle
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We haven't been at $2 billion for a long
time, theoretically, and we've had a decline in the money supply. We
were at or above $2 billion on the borrowings at the beginning of some
weeks. But we haven't been aiming for a $2 billion number for a month
or more.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. We believe that there have been some
hang-ups in the fed funds market recently and that if we stay at this
borrowing level we will see the fed funds rate get lower over a period
of time--I don't know how long--at the same borrowing level.
Do the market people
MR. CORRIGAN. A question to Paul Meek:
perceive that the 18 percent surcharge rate is a de facto [floor] on
It shouldn't be, but is that the perception?
the federal funds rate?
MR. MEEK. I don't think it's perceived that way. I have
some feeling that with that 18 percent rate it may be a little harder
than it otherwise would be for the rate to go much below 18 percent.

If you're selling federal funds--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I think that's true. It's harder to
go below but I think the experience is that it will go below. It's
just that the higher that rate is, the higher the funds rate will be.
If we cited the target in terms of a quarterly average, it
wouldn't look frightening because that's going to be low. Suppose we
put that in the directive. Can you give us your evaluation of the
pros and cons of citing the target that way, Mr. Axilrod?
MR. AXILROD. If you put it in the directive along with the
growth rate for June to September, I think it would have diminished
It would just call to the market's attention that this is
not such a high growth rate month-by-month. If you put it in without
the growth rates month-by-month, unless we understood what it is the
Committee intended for the growth rates month-by-month, there would be
some difficulty in targeting. That is, if July came in very strong,
the quarterly average would really depend on the projections for
August and September. So, if that average were the sole target, we
would be back in the arena of simply making the money market
conditions depend to a great extent on how the staff happened to see
the projections, right or wrong, in the months and weeks ahead.
Whereas if we had some idea of the implicit monthly targets that the
Committee preferred, then we would not be so dependent on projections.



MR. PARTEE. I don't think we ought to operate on a quarterly
average, but it would be very reasonable to talk about 8 percent, or
whatever we have in mind, for June to September and to say that would
mean a second-to-third quarter increase of about 2-3/4 percent.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. You raise some question in my mind about
what kind of quarterly pattern you have in mind.
MR. AXILROD. What we normally would put down is a straight
line. But this time, as you can see, we put a little more in July and
slightly less in August and September simply because we expect the
social security payment in the week of July 8th to add a couple
billion dollars in that week and 1 percentage point at an annual rate
for July as a whole. That's probably excess perfectionism, but it-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That would be right if we were starting
from a reasonably high level or a normal level. But we need an
awfully high figure in that first week just to get any growth in July.
MR. AXILROD. July 8th doesn't show an increase from July
If July 1st is at the low level, then we'll have a very low July
probably. And if the Committee adopts 8 percent for the quarter--we
didn't project a very high latter part of July--presumably an easing
process would be needed.

Right away I'd expect.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I just don't know how this works out
arithmetically. But I have some concern that if we don't have a
really big increase in the week of July 8th, we are starting July so
low that we'd have to drive the borrowing down to $700 million or
something to have any chance of getting there.

Well, isn't that what you're--

MR. AXILROD. We're very dependent on tomorrow's figures.
There are such big [differences] implied.
MS. TEETERS. If we don't get that rebound in the week of the
8th, then we're off the bottom of the chart, aren't we?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'd like to get a rebound. I just don't
I devoutly hope that if in
know what we'll do if we don't get it.
fact we have a big decline this week, we'll get an offsetting increase
or a little more next week.
MR. BLACK. That touches upon the reason I want to lower the
top of that range somewhat because I foresee that we would have to
have very high rates. And if the range had been dropped, it would be
more acceptable to the market.
MR. PARTEE. This is the old principle of aggregates on the
high side and interest rates on the low side.
If we don't lower the top bound, we could have
12.4 percent growth between June and December on that.

We'll return to that question.



MR. BLACK. Well, I would just like the market to know we
aren't even thinking about that.
And if we hit the middle of the
range, we could have, as I suggested, 10.4 percent.
next round.

You can return to that argument at the

MR. BLACK. I was trying to help you with your problem; I was
saying that it doesn't look as bad against that background as it does
if we don't lower that top.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. We could put a footnote in that we're
not seriously thinking of getting to the top.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. In some sense the specifications here are
easy enough. It's just how we should act if we go off course that is
a little more difficult. The specification seems to me to be
something like--well, just to use a round number--7 percent. We may
want to have a small range and say provided that M2 is within its
range. I don't see why borrowing somewhere around the present level
of $1-1/2 billion isn't reasonable.

But is it consistent?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The staff says no. Or, what is coming out
of the machine says that we have to have a higher borrowing level.
But I don't know. A lot of skepticism was expressed around the table
about whether in fact we do need a borrowing number that high.
Balancing my general feeling about where the major risks lie, given
the shortfalls that we have had, I don't want to run an undue risk of
a further shortfall. Borrowing of $2 billion would produce, at least
I would think, a 20 percent federal funds rate around this time. I'm
not sure we want to be that tight; and 20 percent is what the staff
says that $2 billion would produce.

I thought $2 billion would give us 18 percent.


18 percent on the funds rate?

That's what Steve just said.

MR. AXILROD. With alternative B, we say the funds rate would
be in the 19 to 20 percent area. That's in paragraph 22.
MR. RICE. But in answer to my question just a minute ago, I
thought you said 18 percent.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Two billion dollars is literally higher
than what we have had for a month.
borrowing last month.

Well, [$2.1] billion was the average level of
It only fluctuated a bit.

or something.

We'd have to have one week of $2.3 billion

MR. AXILROD. In June, borrowing ran $2.0, $2.2, $1.9 and
$2.3 billion; then it dropped in the first week of July to $1.7



billion and it's running $1.9 billion thus far this week with some
expectation of a drop-off.

It has been higher than I thought it was.

MR. SCHULTZ. At any rate, $1.5 billion should certainly be
consistent with a lower funds rate than we're experiencing right now.

That's what we think, if we get it.


Theoretically, yes.

funds rate.

Theoretically, a lot lower on borrowing and the

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, we can be a little higher on the
borrowing, but I think that's taking a chance of the money--.
differences are so small.
Let me try 7 percent and $1-1/2 billion.

What was the second number?
Borrowings of $1-1/2 billion.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. And 15 to 21 percent.
I'd be happy with
15 to 20 percent, but 15 to 21 percent seems to catch more people.
What else do we need to know? And the caveat on M2.

Does that mean that M2 is within its range for

the year?
Right now it's at the upper end of
the range, so it means M2 growing at 9 percent or a bit less.
MR. CORRIGAN. The implication is that it has some relevance
for whether or when we change the nonborrowed path?
If we have the top of the fed funds range at 21
percent and it reaches 21 percent and the Desk starts injecting
reserves, won't that be as-MR. SCHULTZ.

That's not the way it works, though.

just have a consultation.

That's not what they will do.


We will

That caveat on M2 may be very easily

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, we're right on the margin of it now.
There's no question about that.
MR. PARTEE. Especially with the wild card
coming at the end of this month, we could almost--


VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I don't object to it, but I don't
want to underestimate the importance of that-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Well, I think it's very important.



VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Even though M2 grew only 5 percent in
each of the last two months, that's because M-1B was negative.
Therefore, if we get M-1B-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. To have a very high M-1B figure and have
M2 within the 9 percent would be very unlikely.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. So, if the caveat is triggered--and
it is very likely--we may end up seriously falling short of the 7
percent objective.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. What has the growth in the nontransactions
part of M2 been in the last couple of months at an annual rate? Do
you have such a number?
MR. AXILROD. Yes, the question is whether I can find it.
was running 7-1/4 percent in May and 10 percent in June; both of those
are a lot lower than it ran in the previous months.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know what the arithmetic is, but I
presume the nontransactions part of M2 could run at approximately 10
percent with this kind of M1 figure.

That's right;

it's about 75 percent of M2.

MS. TEETERS. What about Chuck's point about the lifting of
the Regulation Q ceilings on the longer-term CDs? We could get a
surge in some of those.
MR. SCHULTZ. Yes, but we're likely to have some offsetting
weakness in the money market funds.

Or it could come out of the securities markets.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. What we need is an M-2A and M-2B--a
transactions component, shift adjusted-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER.

Shift-adjusted M2 numbers.

Updated seasonally.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I don't intend this to be quite as
precise as you're talking about. We can't judge M2 that closely. The
figures come in a little late. But if M2 is running 9-1/2 percent-and we won't even know it [currently]--that's within our range of
tolerance. If it's clearly running high, it's very important-MS. TEETERS.
running high?

But shouldn't we take a look as to why it's

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Inevitably we have to [unintelligible].
Well, let me try this. Have I mentioned all the variables:
percent, $1.5 billion, 15 to 21 percent, and a strong M2 caveat.

With any kind of target number for the period?


7 percent for M-1B.




For M2 I mean.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. For M2 I think it would be rather explicit
that we're talking about 9 percent or less.
If it got over 9 percent,
we'd be concerned about it.

Restrain it if it's over 9 percent?

intermeeting period.

You mean 9 percent for the next

It's over 9 percent now.


No, he means for the period ahead.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We [tried to draft] some wording. We can
come back to the precise wording, but let me see what Steve has:
the short run the Committee seeks behavior of reserve aggregates
consistent with growth in M-1B from June to September at an annual
rate of 7 percent"--or whatever number we put in--"after allowance...,
provided such growth is consistent with M2 growth remaining around the
upper limit of or moving within its range for the year."
knows that's 9 percent, I presume.
MR. WALLICH. That's really between "A" and "B,"
the discussion has been for between "B" and "C."

when most of

It's a combination of all three of them. M-1B
is between "B" and "C;" M2 is between "A" and "B;" the borrowings are
at "A;" and the interest rates are between "A" and "B."
You guys
scrambled the whole mess!
MR. PARTEE. We could conceivably have a very weak M-1B that
we would encourage getting weaker because our M2 constraint is at the
upper end-MR. WALLICH.

I think M2 is the more critical variable now.
You don't mind minus numbers in M-1B?
I mind very strong numbers in M-1B.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't think any of these relationships
is all that precise but it's true that, according to the staff's
estimate, if we got 7 percent, the 9 percent M2 constraint wouldn't
MR. AXILROD. We have a relatively restrained growth in the
nontransactions component, not very different from last month. It's a
little lower actually in most cases than the June growth. It's pretty
MR. BOEHNE. Mr. Chairman, what does this mean for M-1B? How
weak would M-1B have to get--how far below 7 percent would it have to
be--before it would trigger something?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, the answer is:
I don't know. But
if you accept the staff's analysis here, they would say there's no



problem. Their estimate is that if we get 7 percent on M-1B, M2 will
come in at 8-1/4 percent. It has met this-MR. BOEHNE. I could conceive of a situation where we could
end up with M2 approaching the 9 percent upper limit and the bottom
falls out of M-1B.
than on the economy.

I think that would be more a reflection on M-1B

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's precisely what this would say. We
wouldn't worry very much about that shortfall in M-1B if M2 is rising
rapidly. That's what we would be saying.
MR. BOEHNE. Well, I'd have some problems with another month
or two of negative growth in M-1B.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, with the negative growth in M-1B
So, we're not likely to
we've had an M2 figure of 5 percent or so.
get a combination of 9 percent on M2 and a negative M-1B.
MR. BLACK. If we get 7 percent, it's still coming in below
the lower limit of our long-term ranges. It takes 7.4 percent to hit
the lower limit. I don't know whether we really want to set it that
low just from the standpoint of appearance because it's deliberately
saying we're not going to hit our target.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I'm not so concerned about the
question of what the appearance is.
MR. BLACK. Well, I prefer Fred's suggestion. Or Willis'
suggestion could take care of that aspect, if that's what we want to
do with it.
MR. SCHULTZ. Well, the proposal is not quite as constraining
I still prefer a straight alternative C, with a
as I would like.
little lower figure on everything; but you're halfway between "B" and
"C" on both M-1B and M2.

It's not halfway; it's closer to "C."
Well, okay, you're right;

it's closer to "C."

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm happy to go all the way to "C,"
that's where you people want to go.

I don't.


That's too stringent.


I can't even [unintelligible]


accept what we've

Is there some way to build in that a little
weight would be given to weakness in M-1B? It's all loaded the other



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I don't know how much you want to build
in. But to the extent you want to build some in, you have the staff's
estimate, for what it is worth--and the staff's estimate is always the
best technical analysis that can be provided--that M2 is going to come
in below this constraint if M1 is really weak.
MR. BOEHNE. Well, as I recall, for June we started out with
an estimate of plus 5 percent and ended up in the negative at minus 10

That's right.

MR. AXILROD. Mr. Chairman, did I understand your explanation
right that for whatever number the Committee chooses for M-1B, if it
runs weak and required reserves go down and M2 stays at 9 percent or
something like that, the borrowing would tend to come down and we'd
adhere to the nonborrowed path and vice versa if it went up?
I was
not sure exactly.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm not sure exactly either, because we
have 19 different permutations and combinations. I didn't go quite as
far as what you said. I said that if M1 were coming in weak, we would
just let the natural result come in on the borrowings.
I haven't
faced explicitly what we would do if M1 is in fact [weak] and M2 is
above 9 percent. I suppose at some point if M2 got strong enough-there's some shady area there--we would have to reduce the nonborrowed
reserve path.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. At that point, I think we'd want a
consultation, if we really had a head-on collision between too weak an
M-1B and too strong an M2, because of the caveat you're building in.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Obviously, there are lots of circumstances
in which we'd have enough of a conflict that we would have a
consultation, but the clear implication is that we would let M-1B get
weaker than 7 percent if M2 is running strong in the short run
pending-MR. GRAMLEY. One thing that I think would [address] the
concerns of a number of people is [to agree that it] would be a signal
for a consultation also if we were to see some significant weakness in
incoming economic statistics and at the same time a weak M-1B number.
MR. WALLICH. Let me give you an argument that's against my
own case.
If interest rates should come down, M2 probably would
accelerate because money market funds would gain relative to market
investments. That gives me some pause in the mechanics of the
10.8 percent.

You know, M2 growth in the second quarter was

But if the economy weakened, even though
interest rates were coming down, in fact there would be some force
pushing M2 up, but at the same time M-1B is likely to be--



CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We can't handle every possible contingency
here. The ultimate answer has to be we would have a consultation if
things go askew enough.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Mr. Chairman, would you want to
consider that we would have an understanding on this M2 caveat but not
include it in the published directive?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'd like to get it in the published
directive, frankly, because I am hesitant. Whatever the M1 figure,
the arithmetic of what we publish is going to look high, and I'd like
to get something in the directive that says we're not going wild in
increasing the monetary aggregates. And the way to do that is to get
M2 in there.
MR. GRAMLEY. I think your earlier suggestion of perhaps
putting something about the quarterly average in the operating
paragraph would be very useful.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Would that create a precedent, Lyle,
for later quarters when we don't want to put in a quarterly figure?

We have done it before.

MR. CORRIGAN. We could say that just in terms of setting
this objective, the Committee noted that the quarterly average was
such and such. That would clearly divorce it from any operational
MR. WALLICH. Will you qualify your M2 constraint in the
sense that unless there are special factors causing it to rise-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We're getting into an area where there are
more things than we can write into the directive. If there are
special factors causing it to rise, we better consult. But what we're
talking about here is a relatively brief statement that eventually is
going to come out in the public and we're talking about the best way
of expressing it. We can be straightforward and just say we're
looking for M2 growth of around 8 to 8-1/2 percent; that's what this
draft says.
MR. WALLICH. And let it overshoot if it does?
percent would suit me.

M2 at 8

MR. SCHULTZ. That's what I argued for before, Henry; I ran
that up the flag pole and there were some who didn't salute.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's the more traditional way of doing
it--just to say we want x percent on M-1B and 8 or 8-1/2 percent on
You think the staff is wrong, Mr. Solomon?
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Right. Given what we've been saying,
I don't see how we're only going to get one point more growth in M2
than in M-1B.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I cannot resolve that technical
argument; I don't know what the answer is.
I suggested the way I
suggested because I think we probably want to be in a posture of not



easily looking at overshoots of the broader aggregates.
what this attempts to express.
8 percent.

And that's

I prefer your caveat to spelling out

MR. GRAMLEY. I much prefer language that would suggest
something below the upper end of the range.
MR. FORD. Paul, you read us just a small part of the
suggested language; I take it there's a lot more on both sides of it
that doesn't leave the impression, as that one paragraph does, that
this whole decision--even though it's the most conservative choice-sounds expansive. You have 7 percent-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I think there's enough problem in
this language that we ought to fiddle around with language during
lunch and get wording that we're satisfied with. But the substance of
it is what I'm suggesting. Have we had enough discussion?
It's 1:00
p.m. and I don't see anything better at the moment than the 7 percent,
$1.5 billion, 15 to 21 percent and the caveat of M2 staying within the
range basically.

It's a helluva formula!


How many find that acceptable?

Voting members only, right?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, I guess a lot of people find it
acceptable. If nobody has anything better to suggest, let's have a
Chairman Volcker
Vice Chairman Solomon
Mr. Boehne
Mr. Boykin
Mr. Corrigan
Mr. Gramley
Mr. Keehn
Mr. Partee
Mr. Rice
Mr. Schultz
Ms. Teeters
Mr. Wallich


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have sandwiches out here. Let's take a
little time to begin eating the sandwiches and return to the longerrun discussion in the light of the shorter-run decision.
[Lunch recess]
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think we more or less solved the problem
of where we are for the rest of this year--that's implicit in the
decision we just made--which is around the lower end of the range for
M1 and around the upper end of the ranges for M2 and M3 and [credit].
I'm not sure that needs a lot more discussion. What we have to decide



is whether to change any of the ranges for this year and what to do
for next year. On next year, there isn't a tremendous amount of
difference in the alternatives the staff has given us.
I share the
predilection cited by a good many people that we probably shouldn't
raise M2 and M3, which means that M2 would be lower than cited in any
of these alternatives by a full 1/2 percentage point if we neither
lowered them nor raised them. My own feeling about M-1B, though I'm
not even sure at this stage whether we will call it M-1B next year-I'm assuming we can be rather general and just call it M1, but it's
not adjusted--is that we are left with an unknowable about what the
nontransactions component of M1 means conceptually. One can argue, as
I guess Steve argued--I'm not sure he quantified it--that having that
component in there and the fact that it is household transactions
accounts at best, means that it has a higher growth trend than the
others and that, all things equal, [its growth] ought to be what--1/2
to 1 percent higher on this combined basis?
MR. AXILROD. Well, our calculations are a little lower than
It depends on the ratio one expects at the end. Maybe 0.3 to
0.5 percent is a little too specific, but it's 1/2 point or lower.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I also worry a bit about the opposite of
that. We have a lot of nontransactions [balances] in the initial
adjustment of M-1B, but when people get [funds] in there and look
around at all these attractive rates in the market, they may take it
out over time, which artificially depresses that aggregate.
MR. GRAMLEY. May I just ask what the logic of this is? Is
this just an empirical result or is it an argument that the income
elasticity of demand for household deposits-MR. AXILROD. It's essentially that.
It's higher than the
demand for other transactions deposits in M-1B. And with the
increased weight of the household balances in M-1B, this is an effort
to see, for any given growth rate in M-1B prior to the increased
weight, what this would mean. So, 5 percent might mean 5.3 percent to
start with but, of course, we would reduce it 1/2 point thereafter.
But's that's purely mechanical; the increased savings deposits may be
compensating balances for all I know and not really-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The burden of my comment is not that we
know any of these things empirically or logically. The burden is that
[we have] all these uncertainties.
I'm basically agreeing with Frank
Morris; I'm going a long distance [in that direction] but I don't
think we can abandon M1 because people would question our good faith
if we abandon M1 at this point, given all the emphasis on it.
I think
we have to end up giving them a target for M1. But I don't see why we
can't make a radical change and make it a 3-point range instead of
2-1/2 points and just tell them there are all these uncertainties in
both directions.
So what I would be inclined to do--I don't know
whether to call it alternative III or not--is to take that 2-1/2 to
5-1/2 percent range [under alternative III], which gives us a
reduction of 1 percentage point on the lower end of the range and 1/2
percentage point on the upper end of the range from where we now are,
and leave the others unchanged tentatively.

We're back on what page?





CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It's about what a lot of people are
suggesting, but I would cast my vote on widening the M1 range a bit.
You might want to say a word about M3, Steve. You told me you have
the feeling that it may be a little high here or that it could be
comfortably lowered. I don't know whether we want to do that or not,
given the-MR. AXILROD. Well, just to be clear on these ranges, we had
centered them in alternatives I, II, and III on our projections of the
midpoints [of the associated M1 ranges].
The alternative III range,
therefore, has a midpoint of 8 percent [for M3 and for alternative I
it's] 8-1/2 percent. And with the Committee willing to say that
growth in the broader aggregates could be in the upper ends of the
ranges, it would not be too difficult to lower the 6-1/2 to 9-1/2
percent range to 6 to 9 percent because we're not projecting growth
above that [upper limit]; our midpoint is not above or even very near
that 9 percent.

For both M2 and M3?

MR. AXILROD. Well, particularly for M3.
If you lowered the
M2 range to 5-1/2 to 8-1/2 percent, the top of that range is really
roughly the "midpoint." It's not a case where the top of that range
would be uncomfortably near the midpoint we're actually projecting.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me just be clear.
M2 would grow faster than M3?

Your analysis says

MR. AXILROD. No, they're growing about the same.
But if
growth is about the same next year, I would say that if you can stand
the 6 to 9 percent range for M2, you can also stand the 6 to 9 percent
range for M3.
But for M3 that would be 1/2 point lower than the range
you now have.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Right. Well, that's an alternative that
we could consider then. It gets us another reduction in one of these

Why wouldn't we hold off making that change?

to be relevant.

We could.

We could do that in January, if it still seemed


I think you're right.

We have to

keep-MR. PARTEE.


MS. TEETERS. Why announce any reduction now?
By January
we'll have a much better idea of which way we're going.

That's what I said.



at this point is M-1B.

The only reduction that this would involve

MS. TEETERS. I don't think we even need to reduce the range
for M-1B at this point.
MR. WALLICH. If we don't, aren't we saying that we now think
we're not going to reduce it?

Because we'll have it so low this year--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Let me restate that. I said M-1B; what I
It will be
stated [earlier] is that we are just calling it M1.
conceptually the same as the present M-1B, but it would be an
unadjusted number.

Then it would be 3-1/2 to 6 percent.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'm saying 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent but
3-1/2 to 6 percent is the present range. Well I don't know if it is;
it's 3-1/2 to 6 percent or 6 to 8-1/2 percent, depending upon which
way you look at it.
MR. ROOS. How would that relate to our present range, which
is 3-1/2 to 6 percent?
Is that unadjusted or adjusted or--?

That's adjusted.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, the argument is purely intellectual
because I don't think we have any empirical evidence. If you took the
Axilrod analysis, you would say that the effective range is reduced by
another 1/4 to 1/2 percentage point because of this growth factor that
he builds into the total.
If you gave weight to my suspicion that
that wouldn't be true, it might even be the opposite. But who knows?
My suspicion is that people have excess money in M-1B now, unadjusted,
that might be withdrawn.
MS. TEETERS. Is Steve saying, on purely technical grounds
because of the technical factors he's referring to, that if we wanted
no change we'd add 1/2 percentage point to the range?


MR. AXILROD. Conceivably, if you wanted to make some
allowance for the fact that household deposit balances may have a
higher income elasticity than balances of nonhouseholds.
MR. GRAMLEY. This would mean you are moving the midpoint of
the range down by roughly 1 percentage point and possibly more.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. It means moving it 1/2 percentage point
more than you otherwise would.
MR. GRAMLEY. And the movement down from the present figure
is just 3/4 of a percentage point.

In terms of the midpoint, that's correct.



be sufficient?

On an unadjusted basis wouldn't 3 to 6 percent

MR. GRAMLEY. I would be much more comfortable with 3 to 6
I think we're building trouble for ourselves. You're right,
Mr. Chairman. We'll probably not [unintelligible] today when the
relation between money growth and GNP is going to revert to something
more nearly normal, given the reduction of inflation. But that isn't
going to happen all at once; it's going to happen progressively. If
the rate of inflation comes down and nominal interest rates fall and
we keep real interest rates where they are, the target next year--even
the same target--will be more binding in terms of its meaning for
economic activity than it was this year. And that's going to be
increasingly the case, if one takes into account the fact that it's-MR. SCHULTZ. But the midpoint between 2-1/2 and 5-1/2 is 4
percent, which is above where I certainly hope growth will be this
year. So, in fact, if we adopt 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent, we are
actually allowing for more growth than we're likely to get this year.
MR. GRAMLEY. But that ignores the shift adjustment that has
been taking place. This year we will be adding roughly if we haven't
already--if the staff is right and we have no further shift in money
demand--about 2-1/2 percentage points of money growth, effectively,
that doesn't show up in the numbers. And one needs to take that into
account. There is just as much effect on the economy from a 1
percentage point drop in money demand, given the money supply, as
there is by adding 1 percent to money supply, holding demand constant.
It has no different effects on output, employment, prices, or
anything. And we just can't count on this concealed money growth;
sometimes we don't even want to recognize it ourselves, but it is
It's not going to continue to happen unless this process
of innovation develops new steam.
MR. SCHULTZ. Well, don't you think the process of innovation
is going to continue, though, to some degree?
The momentum involved

MR. GRAMLEY. To some degree, yes. But the staff has pointed
out that this process of innovation is stimulated by the move of
interest rates to new peaks.
Following new peaks we have this burst
of innovations which then settles down. We had it last year in the
second quarter; we had it in 1975-76; we had it again in the first
half of this year. And while it will continue, it will be at a much
slower rate.
MR. WALLICH. I thought theory said that the income
elasticity for transactions balances was a good deal less than unity.

It is.

It's about .75 by most estimates.

MR. WALLICH. Then we would expect a continuing rise in
velocity, wouldn't we?


MR. GRAMLEY. Oh, for velocity, sure.
It's only a question
of the rate of increase in velocity. There's a trend factor that



would take place even if there were no innovations because the income
elasticity of money with respect to real income is less than 1.


distribute, Mr. Altmann?

Do you have copies of this that you can


MR. PARTEE. In addition, we have the shift adjustment
question, Fred. Since we're going to give them a plain figure, that
adds something.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We don't have to do that.
point fiddling around with a very small adjustment-MR. PARTEE.

But at some

I would very much like to do it.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We can change our minds at the end of this
year, if we think a big shift is going on.
MS. TEETERS. But in the past we haven't changed our minds at
the end of the year. We feel stuck with what we do [at this meeting
each year].
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. He's just talking about calling it M1
rather than doing a shift-adjusted-MS. TEETERS.


But the other side of it is that we would
certainly, we hope, get substantially less nominal GNP next year than
this year.
MR. PARTEE. Remember, though, that we have to say whether or
not this is consistent with the Administration's 12 percent nominal
GNP growth [forecast].

Well, it isn't.


Yes, but we have a--

MR. SCHULTZ. Yes, but listen:
When you talk to
[Administration officials] in private they are very clear about the
fact that they really don't believe in these numbers that they are
publishing here at midyear. They say it quite directly. They have
said it to me.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. We have unreconcilable inconsistencies in
that respect, I guess. There's a great question as to whether it's
consistent with their GNP forecast.
On the other hand, they will
presume that the money supply is declining from year-to-year. So,
we'll have to say we are inconsistent with that assumption if we-MR. PARTEE.
maybe it will go up.

Yes, they [assume] rising velocity, too.




I know, but they just have wild numbers.
Privately they say quite directly:
Don't pay much attention to these
midyear figures we are coming out with.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I recognize all the problems, but it's a
little hard to say we're not going to reduce the target next year in
any respect.
percentage point.

3 to 6 percent would be a reduction of 1/2


But on the nonbinding end of it.

On the floor, not the ceiling.

MR. WALLICH. We used to do that--nibble at the upper edge of
one and then next time at the lower edge of the other. I figured out
it took ten years to bring about a moderate reduction. I think we
have to go across the board.
By across the board, do you mean on all the
aggregates or on the top and bottom of M1?

Top and bottom.
I think, barring technical inconsistencies, all

of them.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The only other decision we have to make,
as nearly as I can see based upon the earlier discussion--tell me if
I'm wrong--is [on M1].
Nobody talked about--well, maybe somebody did,
but the great majority did not--changing the M2, M3, and bank credit
ranges. We had this debate. We had a predominant view, which was not
to change anything. But Mr. Schultz raised some arguments, and one or
two others did, on reducing the [M1 range] this year, which may have
some bearing on this. That's the only other decision I think we have
to make here.

Except that Steve told us we can reduce M3 next


Next year.



It seemed, within these numbers, relatively--

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That's right; we could do that. So the
open questions are M-1B this year, M1 next year, and M3 next year if
we're sticking with the 6 to 9 percent for M2 next year, which seems
to be reasonably satisfactory. These differences are small but,
unfortunately, the one that is critical is the Ml range for next year
just in terms of public appreciation and the psychology of getting
something down.
I have a question on that Mr. Chairman.
Obviously we're making some provisional statements on the 1982 ranges,
but at what point in time do you foresee our moving to the actual M-1B
as compared to the shift adjusted?



what the actual is.

Well, I am hoping--

I can see us going on forever and ever ignoring

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I think we've run out of speed on this
already. It has exceeded my tolerance for having any faith in the
adjustment now.
wouldn't you?

You'd start it for next year,

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I hope that we will find in the next six
months that there isn't much difference between the two and that
against that background we'll say "Forget about it next year."
would plan to say in the testimony as background for whatever number
we put in here that we don't think [the shift] is going to be
significant next year, so we are very tentatively assuming it's not
going to be. But if it still looks significant by December, we'll
have to give you a different judgment. However, we are assuming in
this very tentative way that it's not going to be significant next
MR. ROOS. If that's the case and if these next six months
are critical and we will have another opportunity to change what we're
going to do for '82 next February, in order to reassure the markets
and to be consistent, why don't we say this time that we're going to
reduce the numbers on M1 by 1 percentage point at both ends? And if
at the end of the year the picture is different, we can still make an
adjustment next February with less problem, in my opinion, than we'd
have if we come out with testimony on July 22nd that we're really not
going to continue our 1 percentage point reduction each year. I think
this is an important time to state once again what we're doing.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Just to make sure you realize the
If we reduce the range by 1
arithmetic of what Mr. Roos said:
percentage point on both ends, it would be 2-1/2 to 5 percent.


VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. That's horrendous. One would have to
assume an increase in velocity of circulation of something on the
order of twice--or 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 times--the normal secular increase
in velocity of circulation. That is too heroic an assumption to make,
Larry. The fact that we've come in comfortably so far is strictly due
to this rather fluky situation. If the staff is right and we don't
see that, and we just have the normal situation continue for the rest
of the year, if I'm understanding this right, we would still come in
at about what--5 + 3, Steve? Is 5 the increase for the first half?

For which aggregate?


For the velocity of circulation.

Oh, yes.


The growth plus the normal.




That's right;

the excess is more like 5 to 7.

VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Right. The chances of repeating that
situation don't look very good. If I were a betting man, I would bet
the chances are maybe 1 out of 5 that we're going to get that kind of
growth in velocity next year.
MR. WALLICH. We seem to assume that growth in velocity is a
special event due to definable changes in technology. But if people
are circumventing the need for transactions balances right and left by
using money market funds and overnight arrangements and so forth, then
really all that is happening is that M-1B is becoming a smaller part
of the transactions balances. And its velocity isn't really a
meaningful figure; it's just a statistical number relating M-1B to
GNP. But it doesn't exert any constraint. That is what I fear may be
happening, although one can't be very sure. But that makes a rise in
velocity more probable than thinking of it in terms of a special
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I think that much of a rise seems
unlikely to be repeated next year because we won't have, I assume, as
big a growth in money market funds starting from the present base as
we had this year.
MR. SCHULTZ. But we don't need anything like that kind of
rise next year, depending on what one is assuming on nominal GNP. If
[GNP growth] is in the 9 to 10 percent range and [money grows at the]
midpoint of 4 percent and normal velocity is 3, that would give you an
extra velocity of 3 rather than 5. You can play with numbers like
that. I don't think you-SPEAKER(?).

A lot of that is possible.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The fact is we don't know.
giving grist to Mr. Morris's mill.

We're all

Well, what does M2 mean?

MR. GRAMLEY. But you could also argue that M-1B doesn't make
any difference. Whether our money supply comes in at 2 or 3
percentage points above what is otherwise stated, what difference does
it make if we have more money or more velocity?
It all accomplishes
the same objective.

No, I wasn't making that kind of--

MR. GRAMLEY. Well, you slip into that sort
somehow the economy will always manage with whatever
If M-1B is that elusive in terms of its relationship
the proper interpretation is that we ought not to be
We ought to be looking at what we think is relevant.

of argument that
money we put out.
with GNP, then
targeting M-1B.

MR. SCHULTZ. Well, I think you know that I have less and
less confidence in M-1B; I give less and less weight to it.
MR. BLACK. One thing that has been overlooked is the
assumption that the inflation rate will be as high as the staff has



said. If it's lower than that, one doesn't have to make such heroic
assumptions about the increase in velocity.

And if it's higher than that?
Well, then you have to be really--

If our primary purpose at this moment--maybe this
isn't our purpose--is to impact inflationary expectations, we would
have to announce, in understandable terms, a reduction in the rate of
I don't think it's realistic to
growth of the narrower aggregates.
think that we can say we're only going to shade down M1--if we're
going to call it that--very slightly because we think something is
going to happen to a thing called velocity or the money demand
function. When I read these financial letters, I seldom see any
reference made to these more technical aspects of what we're trying to
do. They talk about our published ranges in simple terms and whether
or not they think we're going to be able to achieve them. So, I think
they are two different things. The technical aspect of what we're
doing is something different from the impact we're trying to make on
inflationary expectations. And the latter has to be done in a simple
manner and has to involve a discernable reduction in the actual
figures from the current 3-1/2 to 6 percent to something that to less
knowledgeable and less technically oriented people looks like a
continuation of our resolve to reduce these ranges gradually.
MS. TEETERS. There are two other problems here, though.
It's going to be impossible for us to raise the number. Suppose we
get a repeat of last year and get a sudden expansion in the money
supply over the fall; we will end up with a high base. Then we will
face the problem we faced at the end of last year as to whether we can
even meet the targets that we set for ourselves in July. And if we
lower them too much--by a whole percentage point, say, or even if we
lower them at all at this point--and then in February we really need
to raise them 1/2 percentage point, we're not going to be able to do
A second consideration here is that if we get the ranges too low,
we will never be able to get within them and we'll lose credibility
We have to balance whether
because we can't achieve our targets.
we're going to achieve the targets as well as whether we're ever going
to have the opportunity to raise them, which I don't think we are.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. Obviously there's no perfect
solution, but I would argue that the right balance to strike is one
that retains our credibility in terms of continuing to squeeze
inflation. Certainly there's a widespread perception in the country
that the Federal Reserve is very strictly committed and dedicated to
I think we can achieve that with only a 1/2 point
monetary restraint.
reduction; I don't think we need a full point reduction. There is a
continuity in policy with a 1/2 point reduction and it lessens
If we end up at the
somewhat the problem that Nancy is talking about.
low end of the target this year, or even with some undershooting, we
have to start from that point; we can't go back to where we were
supposed to be. Then it's quite a tight target. So, my sense of
balance between the expectations of the country for us to continue
this policy in a persistent way and the danger that it's going to be
too tight is to strike a balance with a 1/2 point reduction. Now, I
don't particularly care if we lower the floor a full point because I
I have a slight
don't think that's the meaningful constraint.



preference for a 1/2 point reduction on both the floor and the
ceiling. But if you want to lower the floor a point, and you don't
think we're going to get criticism because we're widening the range,
You were telling me that Senator Proxmire was
[I could accept that].
pushing you to narrow the range.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. At midyear. But I see some positive
benefit to widening the range to explain to them that these numbers
are not so solid and reliable. It's a symbolic recognition of the
fact that there are great uncertainties about M1 and what M1 means
these days.
VICE CHAIRMAN SOLOMON. I don't think we should lower the
ceiling a whole point. That really is risking a major problem in the
economy in terms of our not making-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, we've heard the arguments on both
sides. Having heard both sides, I conclude that 2-1/2 to 5-1/2
percent is still the right compromise. I feel somewhat open-minded
about M3.
Let me just try 2-1/2 to 5-1/2, 6 to 9, and 6-1/2 to 9-1/2
percent, but I am perfectly happy to try the same [M1 range] and 6 to
What are the preferences between those
9 percent for both M2 and M3.
to lower M3 a half point--

If it doesn't cause any more problems

MR. AXILROD. That's what it looks like at this point.
There's no guarantee on what it will look like in December.

We don't need to do that.

waiting to see the situation?

What about not doing it now but

MR. AXILROD. Last year, Mr. Chairman, I believe the
Committee lowered M2 at midyear and then raised it back.
one of these.

Is that what we did?

I thought we raised

MR. AXILROD. Yes, that's right. I think it was M2.
lowered it at midyear and then at the beginning of last year-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. So we have precedence for that. Let
just ask the preference between those two approaches. There are
combinations and permutations, but let me just see how those two
Everything the same with 2-1/2 to 5-1/2, 6 to 9, but a 1/2-point
difference on the M3 range. Who is for the leaving the M3 range
6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent, given that choice.


I think Chuck made a pretty good argument for
not doing it now and taking a look at it later.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. How many have a reasonably strong feeling
about the 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent versus 6 to 9 percent?
Well, among
those registering feelings anyway, the 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent commands
a little more support. Now, let me just ask a general question. Does



anybody else, after hearing this debate on both sides--on lower or
higher, visual, substance, or uncertainty--want to propose another
If not, I am going to go ahead with the 2-1/2 to 5-1/2, 6 to
9, and 6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent.

I would much prefer 3 to 6 percent on M-1B.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There have been preferences expressed on
both sides, but let me just ask-MR. RICE.

How about 3 to 5-1/2 percent?


It's only the upper limit that is really


Yes, except that we--


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. There are other possibilities. There's a
whole range of numbers we can put down--different higher limits,
different lower limits, whatever.
MS. TEETERS. We have never responded when [the growth rates]
went down to the bottom; we only respond when they go to the top.
2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent?

Is there some reasonable contentment with

Do you want a show of hands?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes. Well, [unintelligible], let's just
reserve that for the moment. That's tentative. Now, what do you want
to do about this year?
I've been on both sides of this issue and will
remain on both sides of the issue. The argument, as I understand it,
is: Why horse around for 1/2 percentage point and raise questions
about fine-tuning and all the rest.
If we go that way, I think we
have to say something about being comfortable on the low side however
that is precisely expressed.
the high side for M2.



for M-1B.

We're uncomfortable on

Yes, that's right.

MR. PARTEE. Given what we voted for on the short run, I
think we really ought to reduce the lower end. Growth is going to
come out awfully low.
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The other side is:
If we lower it, we
have a target that is more attainable on the low side, consistent with
the decision we made earlier.
It's less frightening on the up side.
It comes down, in part, to how convinced one is that if we saw a
sudden radical move in the other direction so that the upper side is
threatened, we'd be prepared to pull out even more stops than we
otherwise would, given that we went out of our way now to lower it.
MR. CORRIGAN. That's the decisive thing. I don't like this
fine-tuning; that argument is the one that is a real potential trap.



And I just don't see why we want even to run the risk of finding
ourselves in that position.
MR. GRAMLEY. We gain so little by lowering the lower end of
the target.
[M-1B is] running below the lower end of the target and
everybody is saying right now "Gee, the Fed is doing great."
If it
ended up the year below 3-1/2 percent, I doubt that anybody would be
seriously concerned about it as long as the economy-CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Does anybody have anything to add to this
Does anybody want to make a final statement that's going to
be persuasive on this score before I ask for preferences?
Or does
anyone want to make a statement that's not going to be persuasive but
that they want to get off their chest?

I'd like to make one statement.


What we have--

On the top half.

MR. BLACK. No, I am going to leave that one alone. What we
have voted for would involve a rate of growth of 3.9 percent between
the fourth quarter of 1980 and the fourth quarter of 1981.
No, wait a
minute; I'm okay. I got mixed up.

It's an expression:

I'm okay, you're okay.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Does anybody else want to make a
statement? One choice, as I understand it, is to leave the ranges
unchanged but say something [specifically] about being low in, or
maybe even below, [the M-1B range] if necessary to remain comfortable.
But we are not unduly uncomfortable on M2 and M3.
We would expect to
be high in the M2 and M3 ranges. That's one approach. The other is
that we'd still say that we're going to be high in the M2 and M3
ranges but in recognition of the undershoot in M-1B, in effect, we are
lowering its range by a half point. Those are the two choices.

Lower both ends

[of the M-1B range] by a half

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I'd lower both ends by a half point if we
were doing it.
I don't think we can widen the range in the middle of
the year. Part of the purpose in lowering it actually is to constrain
us on the up side and indicate that we are constrained. So, those are
the two choices.
They seem to be quite evenly balanced, in my
judgment. Who does not want to change them, with that explanation?
That seems to be the wide consensus, so I guess we don't move

And I made such a beautiful argument!


That was a beautiful argument.

Sometimes that happens.
Some get rained out.



MR. ROOS. Hey, Fred, I changed my vote;
I looked at it again.

I voted the

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. He would have changed my vote, too. But
we are still in the minority. Mr. Axilrod raises a question, which
reraises a question about what we just said before. I am hesitant to
recite it to you but I will out of a feeling of loyalty. He says that
in general we are putting some additional emphasis on the broader
aggregates and the decision for next year doesn't lower any of the
Is that going to diminish the psychological
broader aggregates.
Does anybody feel
impact? I guess that reraises the question of M3.
strongly that we should reconsider the question of M3? If not, we
No change this year with the
won't. So, what we have here is:
explanation that I cited; for next year 2-1/2 to 5-1/2 percent
tentatively for M1 period, 6 to 9 percent for M2, and 6-1/2 to 9-1/2
percent for M3. Nobody discussed bank credit, which is still what-6-1/2 to 9-1/2 percent?

the same.

It's 6 to 9.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Are we at 6 to 9 percent?
I see.
So, 6 to 9 percent on bank credit.

the two years] do we?

We don't have to vote on the whole package

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. At this stage, I think yes.
that for 1981 there isn't going to be any change.

Oh, yes, it's

It's clear

Are we just voting for '82?

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Well, let's do it separately. It might
Shall we formally vote on '81? All
affect somebody's vote, I guess.
right, we will have a separate vote on '81.

We earn our salaries!

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. I have a footnote in my mind to all of
this, that if the figures for the next two weeks come out widely
different than our current expectation, I think we need to have a
consultation and relook at all these decisions. So, I will make a
[mental] footnote. Maybe we ought to put in our record that we are
going to consult at-MS. TEETERS.

That will give you time before your testimony.

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Yes, we will have a consultation before
the testimony to confirm all of this. Maybe just put it like that,
neutrally. But I don't expect any change unless we get some radically
wild figures in the next two weeks. Now we are just voting on '81.

Leaving the targets as is.




We're not changing '81.






We could say it both ways!

Chairman Volcker
Vice Chairman Solomon
President Boehne
President Boykin
President Corrigan
Governor Gramley
President Keehn
Governor Partee
Governor Rice
Governor Schultz
is your time.

I guess I have to vote "Yes."

Have you ever dissented before?

I was worried about how I would look if I


They'd think you want it easier.


No, that's not the problem.



You can explain your vote.

I'll vote "Yes."

Governor Teeters
Governor Wallich


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Okay. That leaves us with 1982.
This is
all going to be described as tentative. The coloration around it is
clear. It's 2-1/2 to 5-1/2, 6 to 9, 6-1/2 to 9-1/2, and 6 to 9
percent, which is no change for any of the ranges except for M-1B.
MR. BALLES. What was the rationale, Mr. Chairman, on the
three-point spread, just so we understand that?
CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. The rationale is "modified Morris."
that clear?
There's a lot of uncertainty about what is going to
happen to M1 in terms of the technical interpretation of the figure.
"Volcker uncertain."

And the press headline will be:

CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. That is the problem in explaining.
There's so much invested in this now. It's difficult to go up there
and say we don't have any faith in these figures.
It happens to be
the case. We have more credibility, a lot more credibility, saying it

when they are low than when they are high.
you are voting on?
Chairman Volcker
Vice Chairman Solomon


President Boehne


Do you all remember what



President Boykin
President Corrigan
Governor Gramley
President Keehn
Governor Partee
Governor Rice
Governor Schultz
Governor Teeters
Governor Wallich


CHAIRMAN VOLCKER. Okay, I guess we are finished. Oh, no.
Will you hand out this directive language? Let us suspend the Open
Market Committee meeting for the moment and spend a little time on
these other things. And while you are uninterested in this other
conversation, you can read the directive language and we will reassess
that language in 15 or 20 minutes. Let me try and run through some of
these other things rather quickly. I have a note here that you are
prepared to report on our readiness on the pricing, Governor Gramley,
if you would do that.
[Secretary's note: The Committee's discussion of the
directive language was not recorded. The language adopted, of course,
has been published in records of the Committee.]