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Authorized for public release by the FOMC Secretariat on 1/10/2020

July 18, 2014

Recent Weakness in Housing Activity and the Staff Outlook for
the Housing Sector
By Raven Molloy and Kamila Sommer
Residential construction, home sales and house prices rose briskly from early
2012 to mid-2013, suggesting that housing demand had finally started to pick up
following the severe housing market contraction and prolonged trough. However,
from mid-2013 to the spring of 2014 single-family construction was flat and home
sales fell nearly 15 percent. Although we had expected the sharp rise in mortgage
interest rates that occurred in the spring of 2013 to slow the growth in housing
activity, the magnitude and persistence of the deceleration has taken us by
surprise. In this memo, we present the framework that we use to analyze housing
market activity in order to assess explanations for this surprise and its
implications for our outlook for the housing sector.
We begin by describing our main forecasting model of residential investment.
The model did predict that the rise in mortgage rates would damp investment
growth, but by a much smaller amount than the actual slowdown in investment.
We discuss several ways in which the rise in interest rates may have had a larger
or more prolonged effect than estimated by the model. We also assess evidence
for a number of other factors that may have exacerbated the deceleration in
housing market activity, the most plausible in our view being a dwindling supply
of distressed property and supply constraints in the residential construction sector.
Next we outline a number of headwinds in the housing sector that have been
restraining activity since the end of the housing crisis (even though they may not
have had much to do with last year’s deceleration). Finally, we present our
projection for housing activity going forward and highlight a number of reasons
for the substantial degree of uncertainty around our projection.
1. A framework for analyzing residential investment
The main framework that we use to analyze housing activity is a quarterly model
of residential investment. Residential investment comprises construction
expenditures on new single-family housing, new multi-family housing, and
improvements, as well as commissions and fees on the sale of residential
property, and a few other small components. Thus, this measure summarizes a
variety of activities in the housing market.

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We typically approach residential investment from the perspective of a household,
whose desire for housing services is assumed to be increasing in the household’s
wealth and income and decreasing in the user cost of housing, and we follow
several empirical models that embody this perspective.1 The model that we have
found most useful in recent years links changes in residential investment to
deviations of investment from a long-run level (which we refer to as “target”
investment) implied by wealth, income and its user cost:

 ln(it )   0  1 (it*1  it 1 )   2  ln(it 1 )   3  ln(it  2 )   4  ln( gdpxit )
 5 ( frmt 1 )   6 ( frmt  2 )   7 ln( pt / pt 8 )  ut
i *  f  wealth, income, usercost 



where i is residential investment, i* is target investment, gdpxi is GDP growth
excluding residential investment, frm is the 30-year fixed mortgage rate, and p is
the CoreLogic house price index. In the equation above, the output growth term
reflects cyclical fluctuations in income that are not captured by the long-run
dynamics embodied in i*. Similarly, the mortgage rate and house price terms
reflect higher-frequency correlations between investment and the user cost. In
constructing our proxy for the user cost, we use the change in house prices over
the preceding eight quarters on the assumption that expectations tend to be
backward-looking and tend to change slowly.2
Figure 1 shows a dynamic simulation of the model jumping off of the third
quarter of 1978. The model is able to account for the behavior of residential
investment fairly well over the past 35 years. Importantly, the close fit of the
model is not a true measure of its predictive power because it is estimated on data
through 2012 and is based on the actual evolution of the independent variables,
rather than the staff forecasts of these variables. Nevertheless, we take the insample fit as an indication that the estimated coefficients provide a reasonably
good approximation for typical correlations between investment and these
independent variables.
Figure 2 illustrates a recent example of how the model forecast can deviate from
realized outcomes by showing a model simulation that begins in the third quarter

Following the standard Hall-Jorgenson rental rate formula we express the user cost as a function
of the relative price of housing, the mortgage rate (adjusted for personal income and property
taxes), depreciation, the expected capital gain from housing investment (which we model as the 8quarter change in house prices) and a risk premium (which we assume to be 2 percent).
For example, Piazzesi and Schneider (2009) and Lambertini, Mendicino and Punzi (2013) show
that house price expectations tend to be higher in housing booms.

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of 2013. Whereas the model expected residential investment to rise by 6 percent
over the subsequent four quarters, we estimate (albeit on the basis of incomplete
source data for the second quarter) that investment was nearly flat over this
It is possible that the divergence between the model forecast and the realized
pattern of investment was exaggerated by the unusually cold and wet weather
around the turn of the year. However, adverse weather typically pushes singlefamily starts back only a month or two, and it seems implausible that this year’s
weather can explain why the level of construction has stayed so low through June.
Moreover, the deceleration in sales and construction also occurred in regions of
the country where the weather was not much worse than average.
Figure 1: Actual and Predicted Levels
of Residential Investment
Billions of chained
(2009) dollars




Figure 2: Alternative Simulations
of Residential Investment
Billions of chained






(2009) dollars


















1980 1984
1985 1989
1990 1994
1995 1999
2000 2004
2005 2009
2010 2014
Note: 2014:Q2 is a staff estimate.

Baseline Model
FRM Constant after 2013:Q2
Percent Change in FRM
Note: Green alternative simulation holds mortgage rates
constant at their 2013:Q2 value. Red alternative simulation
uses the percent change in mortgage rates rather than the
percentage point change.

2. Explanations for the deceleration of residential investment
The rise in mortgage rates

Perhaps the most natural explanation for the lackluster performance of residential
investment in recent quarters is the sharp rise in mortgage rates that occurred in
the spring of 2013. To be sure, the model did expect the rise in rates to reduce
investment growth around the turn of the year (see the green dotted line in Figure
2). However, the deceleration in investment that occurred was much greater than
expected. Consequently, the first question that we explore is whether the effect of
this increase in mortgage rates may have been larger and more prolonged than
suggested by historical experience.

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The model estimates the effect of mortgage rates based on its average correlation
with investment in recent decades. Although the magnitude and duration of the
impact of an increase in mortgage rates does not seem to be the same in every
case, only rarely has investment continued to fall for two quarters after the initial
rise in rates (as it has in the current case).
One reason why changes in mortgage rates may have larger effects now than in
the past is that the level of rates is so low, and it may be the percent change in
borrowing costs that matters to borrowers if they ultimately care about
proportional changes in their monthly payment. We can consider this possibility
by replacing the first difference in mortgage rates in equation (1) with the percent
change in rates. Figure 2 shows this alternative model simulation, which predicts
a pattern of investment through the first half of 2014 that is more in line with
actual investment. One important caveat is that, in the estimation period, the
largest divergence between the percentage point change in mortgage rates and the
percent change in mortgage rates occurred in recent years, so the results of this
alternative model may reflect some other omitted factor that became more
important in the post-crisis period.3
Another way in which the rise in mortgage rates might have had a larger and more
prolonged effect on housing activity is if it altered people’s expectations about
future increases in house prices. With a large number of media reports in the
summer of 2013 speculating about the potential drag on housing from the rise in
mortgage rates, it would not be surprising if this event altered the expectations of
potential homebuyers. Indeed, as shown in Figure 3, the fraction of Michigan
Survey respondents who expected house prices to rise in the next year flattened
out around mid-2013 after having moved up steadily in the previous two years.
Of course, we cannot rule out that this change in expectations was the result of
other factors contributing to last year’s housing slowdown.4


In the model, the coefficients on the change in mortgage rates are allowed to be different after
1983 because the final repeal of Regulation Q in the 1980s seems to have altered the correlation
between mortgage rates and investment. From 1983 to 2012, the largest difference between the
percent change in rates and the percentage point change in rates was in the most recent few years.
To gauge whether changes in house price expectations could have been large enough to account
for the observed pattern of residential investment, we calculated an alternative simulation of the
model assuming that after the second quarter of 2013 house price expectations held steady at their
Q2 level. This simulation lies about halfway between the baseline model (shown in figure 2) and
actual investment.

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Figure 3: Year-Ahead House Price
Expectations in the Michigan Survey

Percent of respondents


Prices Will
Stay the Same

Will Rise


Prices Will Fall




Source: Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan Survey
of Consumers.


Based on the analysis above, the rise in mortgage rates very likely caused a
deceleration in residential investment, and it even seems plausible that this drag
could have been larger than predicted by the baseline model. However, we view
it as unlikely that this channel can explain the entire deceleration in housing
activity for at least two reasons. First, we expect a rise in rates to reduce the
demand of buyers who finance their purchases with a mortgage by more than that
of buyers who use other means of financing.5 However, the share of purchases
financed by mortgages rose in the second half of last year—i.e. mortgagefinanced purchases fell less than non-mortgage-financed purchases.6 Second, the
deceleration in existing home sales was much larger than that of new home sales
and single-family starts. Yet historically, the correlation between existing home
sales and mortgage rates has been smaller than the correlation of rates with these
other types of housing activity.
The supply of distressed property and investor activity

As we noted above, last year’s deceleration in existing home sales was especially
pronounced, creating a drag on residential investment through the channel of sales

Some buyers who do not use mortgage financing probably borrow through other channels, so
changes in shorter-term rates would affect their borrowing costs. In 2013, the rise in mortgage
rates was larger than the rise in short-term rates, so one would still expect the borrowing costs of
these buyers to have gone up by less than the costs of mortgage-financed buyers. Of course, if the
rise in mortgage rates caused a substantial deterioration in house price expectations, then demand
by both mortgage-financed and non-mortgage-financed buyers might be affected.
This increase appears to be related to a decrease in sales of distressed property, which we will
discuss below. In the Campbell Survey, the fraction of non-distressed sales that were financed by
a mortgage was roughly flat in the second half of last year—a trend that still seems inconsistent
with what one would expect from the rise in mortgage rates.

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commissions. One factor that has likely exacerbated the weakness in existing
home sales is that the supply of distressed property coming onto the market has
been shrinking and is approaching its pre-crisis level. After peaking at an annual
rate of 1.2 million in the first half of 2010, the number of properties for sale at
foreclosure auctions was down to an annual rate of 0.5 million in the first quarter
of 2014, a level not seen since the first half of 2007.7 Moreover, changes in the
tax treatment of short sales in January 2014 reduced the attractiveness to
underwater homeowners of selling short. Because this legislative change was
known in advance and the timing of a short sale is difficult for a seller to predict,
this tax law change seems to have begun reducing short sales around mid-2013.
The hypothesis that a diminished supply of distressed properties accounts for
some of the reduction in existing home sales is corroborated by the fact that
investor purchases have accounted for a smaller portion of total sales lately.
(Investors tend to be disproportionately important in the market for distressed
properties.) As shown in Figure 4, the investor share of sales moved down over
the second half of last year (the Amherst data shown in the chart are confidential).
By contrast, investor activity does not seem to have declined more generally—the
investor share of non-distressed properties (the red line) has been flat over the
past several years. In fact, even when including distressed sales the investor share
remains elevated relative to its pre-crisis level.
Figure 4: Investor Share of
Home Purchases




(All Homes)






(Ex. Distressed)







Note: Seasonally adjusted by Board staff. Campbell data
shows three-month moving averages.
Source: Amherst Holdings (confidential); Campbell/Inside
Mortgage Finance Housing Pulse Survey.



Of course, the number of homes in the foreclosure process remains high in some areas, for
example in some states with judicial foreclosure laws.

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Moreover, sales did not decelerate more in metropolitan areas that had a higher
share of investors in 2012 or a larger increase in the investor share from 2011 to
2012.8 In sum, the decrease in the aggregate investor share seems to reflect a
diminished supply of distressed properties, not an independent decrease in
investor demand.
Supply constraints in the residential construction industry

For the past few years we have heard many anecdotes that point to limited
availability of key construction inputs, such as skilled labor, materials, and
developed lots in desirable locations. In fact, average hourly earnings of
residential construction workers have been rising by roughly 5 percent per year
since late 2012, much faster than the average growth rate for these workers during
the previous three years, and faster than the average growth rate for the typical
production worker in other industries (see Figure 5).9

Figure 5: Average Hourly Earnings
of Production Workers
percent change


All Production Workers
Residential Building Construction











2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.





One group of investors that has received much media attention is Wall Street firms that have
been buying single-family properties to convert into large portfolios of rental units. Although
purchases by these investors subsided in the second half of last year, this contraction cannot
account for much of the deceleration in aggregate sales activity because their share of the market
was so small—in the first half of 2013 they accounted for only 2 percent of aggregate purchases.
Moreover, the workweek of production workers in the construction industry has averaged around
nearly 40 hours per week since early 2013, the highest level that has prevailed since 1947 when
these statistics were first recorded.

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As for other inputs, high default rates among land developers and tight lending
conditions for land acquisition and development have dramatically reduced the
pipeline of vacant developed lots. Restrictions on the supplies of these key
inputs may have become more binding over the course of 2013 as the level of
construction rose, further limiting new construction and new home sales. The
staff model would not adequately capture these constraints because it assumes
(through the coefficient on target investment) the response of supply to changes in
demand is constant over time.
What do house prices tell us?

One piece of evidence that appears to support the importance of supply
constraints more than a demand-related explanation is that house price growth
remained robust through at least the end of 2013. In particular, the Zillow House
Value Index, the CoreLogic Index, and the Case-Shiller National Index all report
annualized growth rates between 8 and 11 percent for the second half of 2013,
increases that are in line with those seen in 2012 and the first half of 2013. If
there had been a sizable drop in housing demand in the second half of 2013, we
would have expected to see a deceleration, if not an outright decline, in house
One possibility that could square a demand-related explanation with the evidence
from house prices is that the strong positive serial correlation in house price
changes might have masked the weakening in demand for a time. Strong
momentum in house price changes, which has been documented by many
researchers, can arise when the optimal list price of a house depends on recent
transaction prices and list prices adjust infrequently (Guren 2014). In fact, the
CoreLogic and Zillow indexes appear to have decelerated markedly in the first
five months of 2014, providing at least some support for the idea that housing
demand cooled in the second half of last year.
Notwithstanding the momentum in house prices, the evolution of house prices
over the past year suggests that the supply of homes for sale has not kept pace
with demand, putting additional upward pressure on house prices. A number of
other housing market indicators also point in this direction. For example, the
number of existing homes for sale has been on the low end of its range of the past
several decades, and the time on market of existing homes has fallen considerably
since early 2013. The lack of distressed inventory and constraints on new
construction have likely contributed to the shortfall of supply relative to demand.
In addition, constraints on the number of nondistressed homes on the market—
driven by homeowners that are not willing or able to sell at a price lower than at
which they purchased the property or that have a mortgage with an interest rate

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that is much lower than the prevailing rate—may also be restricting the number of
homes for sale. Of course, many existing home sellers are owner-occupants and
so might also be buyers if they were to put their home on the market. In that
sense, the magnitude of this effect on the aggregate net supply of homes on the
market is unclear.
3. Persistent headwinds

In addition to the recent changes in the housing market discussed above, a variety
of factors beyond those captured by our usual models have been putting
downward pressure on housing activity since the end of the housing crisis. While
it seems unlikely that they can account for the slowdown in activity in the second
half of last year, these factors still have an important influence on our outlook for
housing during the years ahead.
First, tight credit conditions continue to restrain mortgage originations. The
distribution of credit scores among newly originated mortgages for home
purchases shifted up significantly during the financial crisis and has only recently
shown any nascent signs of edging back down. At the same time, mortgage
bankers’ commentary suggests that lenders’ perceptions of the risk surrounding
representations and warranties (often called “put-back” risk) continue to weigh on
their willingness to lend, especially in the less qualified segments of the mortgage
market. Also, a number of regulatory changes in the past year have increased the
costs to borrowers of FHA loans.
Tight credit conditions have likely contributed to a shift in demand from owneroccupied to rental housing.10 Changes in demand for homeownership have
resulted in the conversion of single-family housing units from owner-occupancy
to rental—the share of occupied single-family housing that is renter-occupied
increased from 15 percent in 2006 to 18 percent in 2012. In addition, the relative
demand for renting has been manifested in construction patterns. In 2013, starts
of multifamily housing units intended for rental were 30 percent of total starts,
their largest share since 1985. Because the cost per start of a multifamily unit is,
on average, only half that of a single family unit, a higher share of multifamily
construction implies less residential investment, all else equal.
Subdued real income growth for households outside of the top of the income
distribution may be further weighing on housing demand. For example, in the

In addition, the housing crisis and severe economic recession may have intensified risk aversion
towards housing investment. For example, a larger-than-normal fraction of Michigan Survey
respondents say it is a bad time to buy a home because “bad times are ahead” or “the future is

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Survey of Consumer Finances, real incomes in the lower half of the distribution
fell by 5 percent from 2009 to 2012, and real incomes in the next 40 percent of the
distribution were flat.11 Slow income growth can hamper a household’s ability to
save for a downpayment and make it more difficult to satisfy the maximum debtto-income ratio that is required by the QM rule.
However, and perhaps surprisingly, the available evidence does not appear to
support the idea that weak income growth has restricted mortgage availability. As
shown by Figure 6, home purchases by borrowers of all income levels above the
25th percentile rose from mid-2010 to mid-2013, despite the weak income growth
experienced by many of these groups. Moreover, as shown by Figure 7, since the
end of the first-time homebuyer tax credit in 2010, the share of first-time
homebuyers has oscillated in a narrow range round its pre-crisis average,
indicating that the purchase activity of first-time homebuyers has risen along with
that of repeat-buyers.12 First-time homebuyers generally fall into lower deciles of
the income distribution and frequently rely on mortgage credit to finance their
home purchases, so one would expect slow income growth to restrain purchases
by first-time homebuyers by more than repeat buyers.
Figure 6: Mortgage Originations
by Income Group
Thousands of firstlien mortgages


< 25th Percentile
25-50th Percentile
50-70th Percentile
70-90th Percentile
> 90th Percentile


Figure 7: First-Time Homebuyer Share
of Home Purchases






















Note: Cutoffs for income distribution calculated from March
Current Population Survey.
Source: Home Mortgage Disclosure Act.







2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Note: Equifax and Campbell data seasonally adjusted by
Board Staff. Campbell data shows three-month moving average.
Source: FRBNY/Equifax Consumer Credit Panel;
Campbell/Inside Mortgage Finance Housing Pulse Survey;
National Association of Realtors.


Results from the 2013 Survey of Consumer Finances are preliminary and confidential.
The data in the figure are derived from three data sources that cover somewhat different
segments of the market. In particular, the share from the National Association of Realtors (NAR)
is constructed from a sample of owner-occupiers, the share from the FRBNY-Equifax Consumer
Credit Panel is constructed from a sample of mortgage originations, and the share from Campbell
Survey is constructed from a sample of sales through Realtors.

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Even if it has not restricted mortgage credit, slow income growth at the lower end
of the income distribution may still have reduced housing demand because new
households tend to be formed by young adults and young adults tend to have
lower-than-average income.13 In fact, household formation averaged roughly ½
million per year from 2009 to 2013, less than half of its average in the 20 years
prior to the housing boom.
The run-up in student loan balances on household balance sheets in the past few
years may also be restraining household formation and homeownership among
young households by making it more difficult for these households to come up
with a downpayment or meet debt-to-income requirements, as well as reducing
their willingness to take on additional debt.14 Surveys of young adults suggest
that student loans cause some young adults to delay home purchases and heighten
concerns about saving for a downpayment.15 However, empirical analyses that
attempt to estimate the effect of student loans on homeownership have found
mixed results.16
4. Implications for the staff forecast and uncertainty around our outlook

Because we think that the rise in mortgage rates can account for at least part of the
weakness in housing activity over the past year, we expect growth in residential
investment to pick up over the second half of 2014 as this drag fades.17 The latest
incoming data seem consistent with the notion that housing activity has begun to
firm. Closed sales of existing homes rose in April and May, and a jump in signed
contracts in May points to further increases in closed transactions going forward.
As for construction activity, single-family permits—which we view as a better
gauge of the underlying pace of construction than starts—stepped up in May and

A number of analysts have found that weak labor market conditions, including income and
unemployment, increase cohabitation with parents, reduce fertility, or otherwise decrease the
formation of new households (Kaplan 2012, Lee and Painter 2013, Paciorek forthcoming, Sommer
2014). Indeed, between 2005 and 2013, the fraction of young adults residing with parents rose
appreciably (Dettling and Hsu 2014).
Moreover, the rising incidence of student loan delinquencies could have long-lasting effects on
credit records because student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.
See Fannie Mae’s National Housing Survey and a survey of Rutgers University graduates
(Stone, Horn and Zukin 2012).
Some studies find that student loans reduce homeownership among young households (Brown
and Caldwell 2013, Houle and Berger 2013), but others do not (Akers 2014).
Any model where the level of mortgage rates affects the level of activity—regardless of the
precise specification used—suggests that changes in mortgage rates should have only a temporary
effect on changes in activity.

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Our baseline model predicts that growth in investment will rise smartly in the
second half of this year and then slow in 2015 and 2016 (see Figure 8).18 By
contrast, the staff forecast calls for robust growth in residential investment in
2015 and 2016 because we anticipate a waning of several headwinds in the sector
that are not well captured by the model.
Figure 8: Residential
Investment Forecasts

Percent change
(annual rate)











History and Staff Forecast
Baseline Model
Note: Shaded region indicates 70% confidence interval, as
defined by the errors between historical Tealbooks (June 1994
to April 2014) and current data. Data, staff forecast and
model simulation are from the June 2014 Tealbook.



First, we expect that any drag from supply constraints in the residential
construction sector ought to ease as resources begin flowing back into the sector.
In the 10 years prior to the housing boom, new construction averaged nearly twice
its current level, so a higher level of construction seems plausible.
Second, we expect the factors weighing on household formation to ease over time.
Figure 9 illustrates the magnitude of the effect that this could have on new
construction by plotting the level of new construction along with the number of
housing units that would be needed to keep pace with population growth,
assuming that household size remains unchanged and that housing demolition
continues at its average pace of the past 50 years—the horizontal line in the
figure.19 Allowing for trend increases in second homes or a decline of household
size to its long-run average would only raise the required level of construction.
The model does not incorporate any measure of the number of housing units

This deceleration in the model simulation largely owes to our projection for mortgage rates to
rise and house prices to decelerate.
In particular, the Census Bureau predicts that the population will rise by roughly 2.2 million
adults per year in the next 10 years. With 1.9 adults per household in 2013, a flat trajectory of
household size suggests that we will need roughly 1.2 million housing units per year to satisfy
population growth alone. Adding in the average rate of housing unit loss over the past fifty years
gives a total of 1½ million units needed to satisfy population growth and demolition.

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needed to accommodate the population, so it is not sensitive to this positive
Figure 10: Contributions to Growth in the
Residential Investment Model Percent change

Figure 9: New Construction and
Long-Run Demand
Millions of units

(annual rate)








Demand from
Population Growth

(annual rate)
















House Prices
Wealth & Income
Mortgage Rates
Other User Cost




2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014
Note: Sum of single-family starts, multifamily starts, and
mobile home shipments. Horizontal line shows the amount of
construction needed to satisfy population growth assuming
household size remains constant at its 2013 level and
demolition continues at its 50-year average. Estimate for
2014:q2 assumes that mobile home shipments in May and
June are the same as in April.










Third, we expect mortgage credit conditions—which are also not well captured by
our models—to ease somewhat over time. For example, the end of the
refinancing wave in the wake of last year’s rise in rates seems to have prompted
lenders to extend credit to borrowers with slightly lower credit scores.20 In
addition, we expect unease about put-back risk to fade and uncertainty about
regulations in the mortgage market to diminish.
As with all projections, there is considerable uncertainty around our forecast for
residential investment. Figure 8 includes a 70 percent confidence band around the
staff forecast that is calculated from the distribution of staff forecast errors from
1993 to 2012.21 In the next few quarters the confidence interval is relatively
narrow because housing starts give a strong signal for new construction
expenditures over the subsequent six months. However, the confidence interval
widens substantially over time, encompassing growth of more than 20 percent and
declines of 5 percent by the end of 2015.
Among the many uncertainties ahead, one area worth highlighting is that housing
activity appears to be strongly influenced by house price expectations. As shown
in Figure 10, in our residential investment model changes in house prices account
Of course, recent declines in mortgage rates—if continued—could affect refinancing activity
going forward. In particular, some market contacts noted that an additional decrease in rates of
about 25 basis points could trigger a new wave of refinancing activity.
The errors are calculated by comparing the Tealbook forecasts to residential investment as
currently published.

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for a substantial portion of the housing market boom and bust, as well as for the
rise in investment in 2012 and the first half of 2013. Because we expect house
prices to decelerate over the projection period, the contribution of house prices
shrinks and becomes a net drag on investment in 2016. But expectations are
extremely difficult to predict and can change quickly.
5. Conclusion

The sharp rise in mortgage rates that occurred in mid-2013 led us to expect a
modest deceleration in home sales and construction activity, but the deceleration
that occurred turned out to be much larger and more persistent than we projected.
In our view, the most plausible explanations for this surprise are related to (a)
factors that made the effect of a rise in mortgage rates larger and more persistent
than would be suggested by historical experience, (b) a decrease in the inventory
of distressed property for sale and (c) an intensification of supply constraints in
the residential construction industry.
Going forward, we expect activity to resume rising at roughly the same pace as
seen in 2012 and the first half of 2013, fueled by continued improvement in labor
market conditions, population growth, and a modest easing of mortgage credit
conditions. However, our forecast is highly uncertain. Not only could factors
restraining activity be more persistent than we currently expect, but we could be
wrong about the reason for the deceleration. On the other hand, there is also
considerable upside risk to our projection. With new construction in the first half
of this year 30 percent below the level needed to satisfy population growth and
depreciation alone, it seems clear that construction should eventually move up.

Akers, Beth (2014). “Reconciling the Conventional Wisdom on Student Loan
Debt and Home Ownership”. The Brown Center Chalkboard, Brookings
Institution .
Brown, Meta and Sydnee Caldwell (2013). “Young Student Loan Borrowers
Retreat from Housing and Auto Markets”. Liberty Street Economics Blog,
Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

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Dettling, Lisa J. and Joanne Hsu ( 2014). “Returning to the Nest: Debt and
Parental Co-residence Among Young Adults,” Mimeo.
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