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of the






all the means at their command to restrain further expansion of bank credit

directly with the Treasury (including purchases, sales, exchanges,

consistent with the policy of maintaining orderly conditions in the Govern
ment securities market. Within the limits of this policy, it had been found
necessary to give substantial support in the market for Government securities,
particularly for maturing issues to aid Treasury refunding operations and also
for long-term bonds which were being sold by institutional investors in large
amounts. Endeavors to absorb bank reserves and to restrain credit expansion
had been made through the sale of other securities from the System account,
principally short-term issues, and a rise in yields on short-term securities
had been permitted to occur in the market, but these operations also had
to be moderated at the end of October. At its meeting on November 27,
1950, the Committee took the position that, since there had been no general
abatement of inflationary pressures, and in the light of prospective develop
ments, available measures of restraint on credit should be continued and
reinforced wherever possible to the extent consistent with the maintenance
of orderly conditions in the Government securities market. However, holders
of Government securities continued to offer them in the market in large
volume and, in order to prevent declines in their prices, Federal Reserve pur
chases during December 1950 and January 1951 were substantial, thus adding
to bank reserves and providing funds for continued expansion in commercial
bank loans, which, by the end of January 1951, had risen by approximately
7 billion dollars since August of 1950. In January, some of the additional
reserves were absorbed by increases in reserve requirements.
The approval of the above direction was for the purpose of continuing in
effect, for the reasons previously stated, the existing policy of restraint on
further expansion of bank credit wherever possible consistent with the policy of
maintaining orderly conditions in the Government securities market. In taking
this action, however, it was realized that in maintaining orderly conditions
in the Government securities market it probably would be necessary to pur
chase substantial additional amounts of Government securities and it was
agreed that another meeting should be held shortly for the purpose of con
sidering what the over-all policy of the Committee should be.

replacement of maturing securities, and letting maturities run off
without replacement), as may be necessary, in the light of current
and prospective economic conditions and the general credit situation
of the country, with a view to exercising restraint upon inflationary
developments, to maintaining orderly conditions in the Government
security market, to relating the supply of funds in the market to
the needs of commerce and business, and to the practical administra
tion of the account, provided that the aggregate amount of securities
held in the account at the dose of this date other than special short
term certificates of indebtedness purchased from time to time for the
temporary accommodation of the Treasury shall not be increased or
decreased by more than 2 billion dollars.
The executive committee is further directed, until otherwise directed
by the Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for the purchase
for the System open market account direct from the Treasury of such
amounts of special short-term certificates of indebtedness as may be
necessary from time to time for the temporary accommodation of
the Treasury, provided that the total amount of such certificates held
in the account at any one time shall not exceed 1 billion dollars.


FEBRUARY 6-8, 1951
1. Authority to Effect Transactions in System Account.

The following direction to the executive committee, which was in the
same form as the direction issued at the meeting on January 31, 1951, was
The executive committee is directed, until otherwise directed by
the Federal Open Market Committee, to arrange for such transactions
for the System open market account, either in the open market or


Votes for this action: Messrs. McCabe, Chairman, Sproul, Vice
Chairman, Eccles, Erickson, Evans, Norton, Peyton, Powell,
Szymczak, Young, and Gilbert. Votes against this action: none.
In the period following the meeting on January 31, 1951, the Federal
Reserve continued to purchase Government securities, particularly long-term
restricted bonds which private investors were offering in the market in large
volume, and such purchases made additional reserves available to banks upon
the basis of which there could be multiple expansion of bank credit. At this
meeting of the Committee consideration was given to the whole problem of
System credit and Treasury debt management policy and to the action that
might be taken by the System and the Treasury to develop a coordinated
program which, while providing for the maintenance of orderly market
conditions, would remove the necessity for the System to purchase sub
stantial amounts of Government securities which if continued would add to
the already excessive money supply and might thereby seriously weaken the
financial stability of the country.
It was agreed that, pending further discussion with the Treasury of steps
that might be taken to develop such a coordinated program of credit policy
and debt management to assist in the fight against inflation, no change should
be made in the existing general direction of the Committee of restraint of




further expansion of bank credit consistent with the maintenance of orderly
conditions in the Government securities market.

deavor to restrict credit and monetary expansion, to retire debt, especially

MARCH 1-2, 1951

ment securities market. In general, the Treasury and the Federal Reserve

1. Treasury-Federal Reserve Accord.
At this meeting the Committee voted to approve a statement to be released

by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Board of Governors
and of the Federal Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System
on March 4, 1951 reading as follows:
The Treasury and the Federal Reserve System have reached full
accord with respect to debt management and monetary policies to be
pursued in furthering their common purpose to assure the suc
cessful financing of the Government's requirements and, at the same
time, to minimize monetization of the public debt.
Votes for this action: Messrs. McCabe, Chairman, Sproul, Vice
Chairman, Eccles, Evans, Gidney, Gilbert, Leedy, Norton,
Powell, Szymczak, Vardaman, and Williams. Votes against this
action: none.

Since the meeting of the Committee on February 6-8, 1951, there had
been intensive discussions with representatives of the Treasury on System
credit and Treasury debt management policies. These discussions continued
during this meeting of the Committee and resulted in agreement on the pro

gram referred to in the above press statement.
The fundamental problem which both the Treasury and the Federal Re
serve faced in the postwar period developed out of the serious issue created
by the existence of a huge public debt in a period of growing private de
mands for goods and services. Liquidation of Government securities on the
part of holders was an important source of funds for current spending and
for credit expansion. In order to give some assurance to investors that their
securities would not be subject to severe declines in prices and to encourage
the holding of such securities and to aid Treasury refunding operations, the
Federal Reserve had been following a policy of supporting the market for
Government securities. In view of the recurrent heavy demands for funds
during the period, these purchases had the effect of monetizing substantial
amounts of Government securities, creating bank reserves, and laying the
basis for excessive credit expansion.
Both the Federal Reserve and the Treasury recognized the dilemma pre
sented by the conflicting problems of debt management and credit restraint
in the inflationary situation which developed. Various measures were
adopted through credit, fiscal, and debt management policies in an en-


that held by banks, and to attract the investment of savings into Govern
ment securities, while at the same time maintaining stability in the Govern
were in agreement as to the main objectives, i.e., the maintenance of a broad

and healthy market for Treasury securities, and restraint of further infla
tionary expansion of bank credit.
The interrelated problems of exercising credit and monetary restraint, of
endeavoring to maintain stable markets for Government securities, and of
debt management became most acute with the recurrence of inflationary

pressures following the outbreak of hostilities in Korea. There developed
a growing volume of sales of Government securities by holders wishing to
obtain funds to extend other credits. This selling later was augmented by
sales, particularly of long-term bonds, on the part of some holders influ
enced by uncertainties as to the future of prices of the securities and by others
wishing to protect themselves against declines in the purchasing power of
money resulting from rising commodity prices. Large-scale purchases of
securities by the Federal Reserve to maintain a stable market resulted in
monetization of the public debt and creation of bank reserves, which in turn
helped to finance the inflation. Confidence in Government securities, as
well as in the value of the dollar, was in danger of being impaired, and this
fear was augmented by public discussion of disagreement between the Treas
ury and the Federal Reserve. Throughout the period from August 1950 to
February 1951, there were frequent consultations between Federal Reserve
and Treasury officials, and on some occasions with the President, concern
ing the coordination of monetary and debt management policies. The pol
icy actions taken at the meetings on January 31, 1951, and February 6-8,
1951, were adopted in the light of these discussions, precedent to working
out of the accord between the Treasury and the Federal Reserve.
The Treasury and Federal Reserve felt that everything possible should
be done to terminate the unwholesome situation that had developed and
to coordinate the debt management responsibility of the Treasury with the
Federal Reserve responsibility for restraining credit expansion. It was the
immediate object of the Treasury to restore conditions in the market that
would be favorable to refinancing the large volume of maturing obligations,
as well as financing several billions of new money required during the re
mainder of the year. It was the immediate object of the Federal Reserve to
endeavor to curb the unprecedented inflationary loan expansion that had con
tinued uninterruptedly since Korea by minimizing the monetization of the
public debt and by making it necessary for member banks to borrow from
the Federal Reserve in order to obtain additional reserves. It was agreed
that there were both immediate and long-run factors which had to be taken