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Authorized for public release by the FOMC Secretariat on 8/21/2020





NOV 25 1974


November 22, 1974


TO :

Federal Open Market Committee


Arthur L. Broida

For your convenient reference and records, there


enclosed a copy of the Authorization for Domestic Open Market
Operations, as amended November 11,



Authorized for public release by the FOMC Secretariat on 8/21/2020

Authorization for Domestic Open Market Operations
(As amended November 11, 1974)

The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes and directs the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, to the extent necessary to carry out the
most recent domestic policy directive adopted at a meeting of the
To buy or sell U.S. Government securities, including
securities of the Federal Financing Bank, and securities that
are direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal
and interest by, any agency of the United States in the open market,
from or to securities dealers and foreign and international accounts
maintained at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, on a cash,
regular, or deferred delivery basis, for the System Open Market

Account at market prices and, for such Account, to exchange maturing
U.S. Government and Federal agency securities with the Treasury or

the individual agencies or to allow them to mature without replacement; provided that the aggregate amount of U.S. Government and
Federal agency securities held in such Account (including forward
commitments) at the close of business on the day of a meeting of
the Committee at which action is taken with respect to a domestic
policy directive shall not be increased or decreased by more than
$3.0 billion during the period commencing with the opening of
business on the day following such meeting and ending with the
close of business on the day of the next such meeting;
(b) To buy or sell in the open market, from or to acceptance
dealers and foreign accounts maintained at the Federal Reserve Bank
of New York, on a cash, regular, or deferred delivery basis, for the
account of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at market discount
rates, prime bankers' acceptances with maturities of up to nine
months at the time of acceptance that (1) arise out of the current
shipment of goods between countries or within the United States, or
(2) arise out of the storage within the United States of goods under

contract of sale or expected to move into the channels of trade within
a reasonable time and that are secured throughout their life by a
warehouse receipt or similar document conveying title to the underlying goods; provided that the aggregate amount of bankers' acceptances
held at any one time shall not exceed $1 billion.
(c) To buy U.S. Government securities, obligations that are
direct obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest
by, any agency of the United States, and prime bankers' acceptances of
the types authorized for purchase under 1(b) above, from nonbank dealers
for the account of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York under agreements

for repurchase of such securities, obligations, or acceptances in 15
calendar days or less, at rates that, unless otherwise expressly

Authorized for public release by the FOMC Secretariat on 8/21/2020

authorized by the Committee, shall be determined by competitive
bidding, after applying reasonable limitations on the volume of
agreements with individual dealers; provided that in the event
Government securities or agency issues covered by any such agreement
are not repurchased by the dealer pursuant to the agreement of a
renewal thereof, they shall be sold in the market or transferred to
the System Open Market Account; and provided further that in the
event bankers' acceptances covered by any such agreement are not
repurchased by the seller, they shall continue to be held by the
Federal Reserve Bank or shall be sold in the open market.

The Federal Open Market Committee authorizes and directs the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, or, if the New York Reserve Bank is closed,
any other Federal Reserve Bank, to purchase directly from the Treasury
for its own account (with discretion, in cases where it seems desirable, to issue participations to one or more Federal Reserve Banks)
such amounts of special short-term certificates of indebtedness as
may be necessary from time to time for the temporary accommodation
of the Treasury; provided that the rate charged on such certificates
shall be a rate 1/4 of 1 per cent below the discount rate of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York at the time of such purchases, and
provided further that the total amount of such certificates held at
any one time by the Federal Reserve Banks shall not exceed $1 billion.


In order to insure the effective conduct of open market operations,
the Federal Open Market Committee authorizes and directs the Federal
Reserve Banks to lend U.S. Government securities held in the System
Open Market Account to Government securities dealers and to banks
participating in Government securities clearing arrangements conducted through a Federal Reserve Bank, under such instructions as
the Committee may specify from time to time.