Full text of FDIC Consumer News : January 1981
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FDlct /,.. ......._, / •· . EDITOR: Josie Downe)I The Bank Customer's Publication \. '-----How the FDIC Offers Protection To Consumers: • By insuring bank customers' deposits up to $100,000 • By regulating insured State-chartered banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System {insured State non-member banks) • By having FDIC bank examiners promote and maintain the safety and soundness of the banking system through examinations • By having FDIC examiners ensure that the banks are complying with the federal consumer protection and civil rights laws. If you had to take a quiz on how much you know about consumer credit laws, how high would you score? If you feel that you would not s_c ore well on such a quiz, read this newsletter and th9se that follow. This is the first edition of a monthly newsletter to be published by FDIC to help educate bank customers about the consumer credit and civil rights laws. PREPARED BY THE DIVISION OF BANK SUPERVISION Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, D.C. 20429 Januar~ 1981 VIEWPOINT WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR CREDIT REPORT Many people have probably never reviewed a copy of their credit report. In this automated age when computers store extensive information on individuals, it is imperative that you understand the nature and extent of information maintained and provided by credit reporting agencies. A typical credit report contains a consumer's name, current and previous address, employer's name and address, social security number, year of birth, and the name of the consumer reporting agency. In the sample credit profile provided with this newsletter, which the TRW Information Services Division has allowed us to use, the right hand column contains a detailed explanation of the computer codes which may be used in a report. The code numbers are different for each reporting agency and you should ask the credit agency to interpret these codes if you do not understand them. It is important that you understand the "payment profile" because any payment received after the date specified in the loan contract is reflected in the credit report. Potential creditors often interpret this information to mean possible delinquency in meeting credit obligations. This is sufficient reason under the consumer credit laws for a lender to deny a request for credit. This information may also include late payments which occurred as much as seven years earlier. Other adverse information may include any judgments or bankruptcies. The law regarding bankruptcies was recently changed and the length of time this information may be reported by credit agencies is now 10 years instead of 14 years. The Fair Credit Reporting Act is enforced by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation on nonmember banks and was passed by Congress to ensure consumer protection against unfair or inaccurate consumer reports. If you discover that a consumer report is inaccurate, the law requires that the credit reporting agency reinvestigate and correct or update the information. The agency must also notify anyone who received inaccurate or incomplete information. You may request the credit agency to add to your credit record a statement describing any dispute or disagreement, so that it will be furnished to anyone requesting credit information about you. Although all agencies' policies vary, some will provide the consumer with a copy of his or her credit report upon request and free of charge, if the consumer is denied credit. If the consumer is not denied credit but wishes to examine his or her file, the agency usually will charge the consumer between $3 and $5 for a copy. LO QUE USTED DEBE SABER SOBRE SU INFORME DE CREDITO Muchas personas jamas han examinado una copia de su informe de credito. En la presente era de automatizaci6n cuando las computadoras almacenan informaci6n extensa sobre individuos, es imperativo que usted conozca la naturaleza y amplitud de la informaci6n que es mantenida y suministrada por las agencias de informaci6n de credito. Un informe de credito tipico incluye el nombre del consumidor, la direcci6n corriente y las direcciones previas, el nombre y la direccion del patron, el numero del seguro social, la fecha de nacimiento, y el nombre de la agencia de informacion s6bre el consumidor. lncluimos en este boletin un modelo de un informe de credito. Este modelo incluye en la columna derecha una explicacion detallada de los numeros cl aves de la computadora que pueden ser asignados a un informe. Usted debe indicarle a la agencia de informacion de credito que le suministre una explicaci6n de los numeros claves, ya que estos pueden ser diferentes en cada agencia. Es importante que usted conozca el historial de pagos en un prestamo, ya que cualquier pago recibido _despues de la fecha especificada en el contrato del prestamo puede ser incluido en el informe de credito. Los acreedores frecuentemente interpretan esta informacion como un factor indicador de morosidad en el cumplimiento con las obligaciones de credito. Bajo las leyes de credito del consumidor este factor puede ser la razon para que un prestamista le niegue credito a un solicitante. El informe de credito puede incluir los pagos atrasados que se efectuaron por un periodo de siete anos. La informaci6n adversa tambien puede incluir cualquier fallo judicial o quiebra. Recientemente la ley sobre quiebra fue modificada y el periodo que dicha informaci6n puede ser divulgada por las agencias de informacion de credito es de 10 en vez de 14 anos. La Corporacion Federal de Seguro de Dep6sitos vela por el cumplimiento de la Ley Sobre Justa lnformacion de Credito en los bancos de caracter Estatal que no son miembros del Sistema de la Reserva Federal. Esta ley fue aprobada por el Congreso para proteger a los consumidores de la circulacion de informes sobre el consumidor incorrectos y obsoletos. Si usted descubre que un informe sobre el consumidor incluye informaci6n incorrecta la ley requiere que la agencia de informaci6n de credito reinvestigue y corrija o ponga al dia dicha informaci6n. La agencia de informacion de credito tiene que notificar a aquellos que recibieron informaci6n incorrecta o incompleta. Usted tambien puede exigir a la agencia de informacion de credito que incluya en su expediente su version de cualquier discrepancia o disputa ya que esta sera suministrada a cualquiera que la solicite. Si al consumidor le niegan credito, el puede solicitar informaci6n al respecto. Algunas agencias de informacion de credito le proveeran libre de gastos una copia del informe de credito. Si a este no le niegan credito, pero desea informacion sobre el mismo, la agencia de informacion de credito puede cobrarle de $3 a $5 por una copia del informe de credito. TRWcREDIT DATA EASTERN REGION SAMPLE UPDATED CREDIT PROFILE PRMOUS APPLICANT'S CURRENT ADDRESSES NAME ADDRESS TYPE, TERMS AND AMOUNT SUBSCRIBER SOCIAL SECURITY YEAR OF NUMBER NUMBER BIRTH EMPLOYMENT CONFIDENTIAL 1. Name and address as reported by a subscriber and stored in the computer. 2. Employment name and address as reported by a subscriber on the date shown and stored in the computer. 3. Columns under Account Profile indicates negative, non-evaluated and positive status comments. SS# 548603388 ® 4. A and M indicate the method by which the credit grantor reports information to TRW: (M) Manual: Manually prepared form. (A) Automated: Automated tapes, prepared from the credit grantor's computer. 5. Name and number of reporting subscriber. 7-78 A @-{A M A BAY CO CURWAS60 10-78 6-75 10-Y BOWERS CURR ACCT 9.75 8-75 WISTERIA FIN PAID SATIS 7.75 6-74 HILLSIDE BK INQUIRY 7-18-78 6. Assooiation Code. $600 $437 986543184026 2-12-79 ccccccc321cc $300 $206 46812391013 2-11-79 cccc2ccccccc 212250 D 12 $500 1140018 AUT 48 $5300 M REVOLVING CREDIT CORP INQUIRY 2-27-79 1600829 ISC 24 $800 A GROVE CREDIT UNION INQUIRY 10-15-78 1784340 H/I 12 $1000 SPR CT TRENTON COURT JUDGMENT 9-19-77 *ATTN* FILE VARIATI 1011207 10. Date account opened; type, terms and amount of account when opened. 11. Balance on account, date input, and amount past due, if applicable. 12. 1 2-Month Payment Profile-Shown are the definitions of the coding that will display in the 12-month payment profile for balance reporting subscribers only. 07505853 JONES $300 JOHN OCONSUMER 10655 BIRCH ST BROOKLYN NY 11201 GARDEN FIN DELIN0 90 2-79 TRW CREDIT DATA WILL ACCOMMO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FAIR CRE 8. Current status of account. 9. The status shown in Number 8 is as of this date. 5238610 1542240 SEC 7. Account or Docket Number. $49 241870 2-15-79 ER STAT MENT $49 21 cccccccccc @ END -Current C 1 -30 days past due -60 days past due 2 3 -90 days past due 4 -1 20 days past due -1 50 days past due 5 -180 days past due 6 -(Dash) -No history has been reported for that particular month. Blank -No history maintained, see status comment. 13. Two lines of data for each transaction. 14. Legal data: Court name, court code, docket number, public record items, filing date, amount, judgment creditor. @ TRW INC. 1971, 1978 15. File Message-Indication of a variation between the input data and file identification. 16. Up to 100 word statement by consumer request. IMPORTANT: Use of !his information is governed by !he rerms and conditions of !he subscriber c;igreemenr. NOTE: Ir is pos.sible rhor all of !he above Information may nor pertain ro !he indMdual inquired upon unless otherwise nored. Employmenrs shown on !his report ore os reported by subscribers. TRWcREDIT DATA. a division of TRW Inc. 1521/109 E Rev. 8180 TRWcREDJT DATA EASTERN REGION modelo de un lnforme de Credito Direccion Previa Nombre del Solicitante Numero del Subscriptor Direccion Actual Numero del Seguro Social Clase, T,rminos y Cantidad Fecha de Nacimiento 1. Nombre y direcci6n divulgados por el subscriptor y almacenados en la computadora. Empleo CONFIDENTIAL SS# 548603388 ® 2. Nombre y dir.e.cci6n del empleo divulgados por el subscriptor en la fecha indicada y almacenados en la computadora. 3. Las columnas bajo el encabezamiento "account profile"' (historial de cuenta) indican comentarios negativos, comentarios no evaluados y comentarios positivos. 4. Las iniciales "A"' y "M" indican el metodo por el cual el otorgante de credito divulg6 la informaci6n al TRW (agencia de informaci6n del consumidor): (M) Manual : si el formulario fue preparado manualmente (A) Automatizado: si el formulario fue preparado por la computadora del otorgante de credito. 5. Nombre y numero del subscriptor que divulga informaci6n. 6. Numero clave de la asociaci6n. 7-78 6-75 $600 $437 986543184026 2-12-79 cccccccJ21cc $206 46812391013 2-11-79 cccc2ccccccc A 10-78 10-Y @-{A BOWERS CURR ACCT 9-75 8-75 M WISTERIA FIN PAIO SATIS 7-75 6-74 HILLSIDE BK INQUIRY 7-18-78 A M A $300 8. Estado corriente de la cuenta. 212250 1542240 SEC 0 12 $500 1140018 AUT 48 $5300 REVOLVING CREDIT CORP INQUIRY 2-27-79 1600829 ISC 24 $800 GROVE CREDIT UNION INQUIRY 10-15-78 1784340 H/1 12 $1000 SPA CT TRENTON COURT JUDGMENT 9-19-77 *ATTN* FILE VARIATI 1011207 2-79 TRW CREDIT DATA WILL ACCOMMO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING CT. 9. El estado que se refleja en al numero 8 es a partir de esta fecha. 10. Fecha en que se abri6 la cuenta, la clase, los terminos, y la cantidad de dicha cuenta. 5238610 11. Balance de la cuenta, fecha en la cual se hizo la entrada, y si es pertinente la cantidad sobrevencida. 12. Historial de pagos durante 12 meses: en el historial de pagos de 12 meses mostramos las definiciones de las claves que exhiben el balance de los subscriptores que divulgan informaci6n. 07505853 JONES $300 JOHN QCONSUMER 10655 BIRCH ST BROOKLYN NY 11201 GARDEN FIN DELINQ 90 7. Numero de cuenta o numero de registro. $49 241870 2-15-79 ER STAT MENT $49 21 cccccccccc @ C 1 2 3 4 5 6 -(raya) END Blanco -al dia -30 dias sobrevencido -60 dias sobrevencido -90 dias sobrevencido -1 20 dias sobrevencido -1 50 dias sobrevencido -1 80 dias sobrevencido -No han divulgado historial para ese mes en particular. -Vea los comentarios, no han mantenido historial. 13. Dos lineas de datos por cada transacci6n. © TRW INC. 1971. 1978 14. Datos legales: nombre de la corte, c6digo de las corte, numero del registro, articulos de registros puQlicos, fecha de archivo, cantidad y decision del acreedor. 15. Mensaje en el archivo: indicaci6n de cualquier discrepancia entre los datos entrados y la identificaci6n del archivo. 16. Declaraci6n (de hasta 100 palabras) solicitada por el consumidor. IMPORTANT: Use of this information is governed by the rerms and conditions of the subscriber agreement. NOTE: It is possible that all of the above information may not pertain to the individual inquired upon unless otherwise noted. Employments shown on this report ore as reported by subscribers. TRWcREDIT DATA. a division of TRW Inc 1521/109 E Rev. 8/80 QUESTIONS FROM BANK CUSTOMERS QUESTION: ANSWER: f .i . QUESTION: ANSWER: , '· ~ . Jh_:' .f ....,.~~ _ _ .Jf, -~ ·. I ' : .. . t • : ,...;~-· QUESTION: ' ··. ft ' ANSWER: Is there a grace period in which to cancel the original purchase of a certificate of deposit (CD)? No, however, if you already have acertificate of deposit and it reaches its maturity date, there may be a grace period to either renew the CD or withdraw the money. Check the language on your CD. What is the highest interest rate a lender can charge on a loan? Maximum interest rates are controlled by the individual States and rates may vary from State to State. To find out the allowable rate for your Stat~, contact the State Banking Authority or Commission. How long can a bank put a "hold" on a check? (Delay in making funds deposited by a consumer available for withdrawal) This depends on the individual bank's policy. The period may vary from immediate credit to more than IO days on certain out-of-state banks. Banks usually consider the type .of check and the payor as well as the location of the payor's bank in establishing criteria for delaying the availability of funds. CONSUMER HOTLINE - 800-424-5488 DOs AND DON'Ts DO Do obtain and retain deposit slips until your account has been credited, as reflected on your statement. DON'T! Don't wait more than 24 hours to report lost or stolen cards. DO Do keep a list of your credit card numbers and immediately notify all card issuers if your credit cards are lost or stolen. ANYTOWN BANK CREDIT CARD 7412 5789 4580 5209 Carol Cardholder YOU ARE LIABLE FOR UNAUTHORIZED CREDIT CARD USE ONLY IF: REMEMBER CONSUMERS ARE PROTECTED BY THE TRUTH IN LENDING ACT! 1. The card was issued at your request. 2. The card issuer provided some means, such as a line for your signature or a photo, for stores that accept the card to identify you as the person authorized to use it. 3. The card issuer notified you of your maximum potential $50 liability. 4. The card issuer provided you with a self-addressed envelope or form to notify them of loss or theft. The TILA requires creditors to disclose credit finance charges and annual percentage rates. The TILA protects consumers against unauthorized credit card use. The TILA regulates the advertising of credit terms. The TILA gives the consumer cancellation rights when a home is used as security in a credit transaction. For additional information about the TILA, request a copy of the pamphlet "Truth In Lending Act" from the FDIC. . WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT SUPERVISORY AGENCIES If you have a consumer or civil rights complaint against a lending institution regulated by one of these supervisory agencies, you are urged to first try to resolve your problem directly with the institution. If, however, you are unable to do so, please write to the supervisory agency that regulates your financial institution. If you are unable to decide which agency to contact, call the FDIC on the toll free number - 800-424~5488. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) was established in 1863 as a bureau of the Treasury Department. It is headed by the Comptroller who is appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a 5-year term. The OCC regulates national banks. Comptroller ofthe Currency, Consumer Community & Fair Lending, Examination Division, Washington, D.C. 20219 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM The Federal Reserve System (FRS) was established in 1913. It is headed by a seven member Board of Governors, each of whom is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate for a 14 year term. The President selects two Board members to serve 4-year terms as Chairman and Vice-Chairman. The FRS regulates State-chartered banks that are members of the FRS. Division of Consumer & Community Affairs, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 20th and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20551 Department of Consumer & Civil Rights, Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1700 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20552 FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) was created in 1933 as the third federal bank regulatory agency. Jt is headed by a three-member Board of Directors, no more than two of whom may be of the same political party. Two 9f the Directors are appointed by the President with the advice, and consent of the Senate for 6-year terms, and one of those two is elec_ted by the Board to be Chairman. The Comptroller of the Currency is the third Board member and serves on the Board during his or her tenure a~_Comptroller. The ·FDIC regulates insured State-chartered commercial and mutual savings banks that are not members of the Federal Reserve System. Office of Consumer and Compliance Programs, FederalDeposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street, N. W ., Washington, D.C. 20429 NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOARD The Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB) was established in 1932. It is headed by a bi-partisan threemember Board. Members of the Board are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Each member is appointed for a 4-year term. The Board is headed by a Chairman who is designated by the President. The Board regulates federally chartered savings and loan associations and supervises the Federal Home Loan Bank System and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC). was created in 1970 to charter, examine, supervise and provide insurance for all federal credit unions and those state-,chartered credit unions which apply and are accepted for insurance. The NCU A is headed by a sevenmember Board appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, for 6-year terms. The · Board consists of a Chairman, named by the President, and one member from each of the six regions. National Credit Union Administration, Division of Consumer Affairs, 1776 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20456 11'111\1 SS'110 .lSHl:I NOl1Vlf0dlf0:J 3:JNVlfnSNI llSOdrn 1Vlf30H OIVd SHJ ONV 3~VlSOd 00£$ ·3sn 31\i/\U::ld HO:l A11VN3d SS3NISn8 lVIJl:l:lO )10:1