Full text of FDIC Consumer News : February 1981
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FDII EDITOR: Josie Downey The Bank Customers Publication . February 1981 Volume I No. 2 Tips For Consumers ESTABLISHING CREDIT IN YOUR OWN NAME Building a credit record often poses a problem for women and teenagers. There are several ways to establish credit in your own name. First. open checking and savings accounts at a local bank. This will establish your financial identity and may provide you with access to such sources of credit as bank credit cards, overdraft checking privi leges and personal loans. The next step is to apply for a small personal loan secured by your savings account. The cost of such a loan is usually low. Because the loan may be fully secured, a personal loan may be easier to obtain than other forms of credit. After the loan has been paid off, you can use this credit history to qualify for additional sources of credit. Another way to establish credit is to apply at local retail stores for small amounts of installment credit. After the charge account has been paid off, you again can use this history to obtain additional credit. There are two things to remember in building a credit record.First, be extra careful about making payments on time, since doing so will help you to obtain credit and keep it. Second, don't abuse credit. Credit improperly handled can cause you more problems than not having it. THE IMPORTANCE OF BUILDING A GOOD CREDIT RATING A good credit rating is an important asset. The best way to maintain a good credit rating is to pay all debts by the date they are due.To save time and money and protect your credit rating, be sure to correct any mistakes or misunderstandings involving your accounts as soon as you discover them.-If you find a mistake on a billing statement, you should try to resolve. it directly with the creditor. The following credit laws can help you settle complaints. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires prompt credit ing of payments and correction of billing errors and allows a customer to refuse to pay for defective goods charged on a credit card. The Truth In Lending Act limits your risk from lost or stolen credit cards and gives you three days to cancel a loan where a lien or mortgage is placed on your house as collateral (unless the loan is to purchase the house). For more information about these Acts, request a copy of the pamphlets, "The Fair Credit Reporting Act" and "The Truth in Lending Act," from the FDIC. INSIDE Late Loan Payments .............................................................................................................. 2 Questions From Bank Customers .......... . .. . . ... . ........ . ................. . .................................................. 3 Fair Housing .... ..... . ....... . .... ........................ . ................ . .......... ................................... . ........ 3 Read· The Small Print ............................................................................................................. 4 PREPARED BY THE DIVISION OF BANK SUPERVISION Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, D.C. 20429 2 LATE LOAi� PAYMENTS CAN RESULT IN OF!SETS FROM BANK ACC����TS � I i� impera i��t:a-r�-�o� fs a;:�_P)1l,....-*',�� If a ba k cus ?°!er a��:p s or"c_�,,i� s a l�a u der a � . agreem� co tc\I_� g'�" -�Ig_Bl.. ?!.�ff�e�'°'P,_fOV_��IO ..��Jth��>. t>·,.::·,:,,:<�:,:x,iu s �. ���.. �i:��ra,��,e�men _s JA�ff!1'e�,I��,. loa becomes dehnq,µ,ent,,tlie bc\nk m_ay tak� posses·swn ...:•�·.,_.;!J ",,._,. v.�. ·-:re.Iaus�s t-tiatprotecHlteJf>a k i t,hetve OOf def;a.u n nt n t t m n n n n t n %c t t -.�:.'• nd:;:::1:ti. of fu nds i n the customer's checki ng or savi ngs accou nt to some cases, if the ba nk has a reaso nable basis to believe recover the u npaid part of the loa n. that the borrower may be u nable to repay the loa n. 60����·�;:rs:·�,�ld·ma-ke-payments"'i�crtimetr,�r�1;�:e� :� :· :xmnorilyJo '6Tfse1'fiinds1sgove'r'iiecnwsta t . lf-a:-eon:sumer·-eioes;become isJ'-§plfled'ouf i""n the loa n docume nl\b}\ h\ii't\ iha\fi'hei. '\':)f\'\O:.t\at�p �q(�tt_�Il';�(:l'f co ntrac ,,;&ke·,sliou-�1clearly,unclerstancl = , 41 @�<M ,d&b,t, oa,a cust5ffi?t::sigfis"'. aCtfie'fi'i'ne�ll:fe�Toaff'isconsummatect: By"'----��--�delmq-ue�t� ba n � 1s legally e nti tled to t ake. Those ··•. wh��,�ct 10 ns the.. ,agreeme nt that i ncludes a n offset provis'ig"nin g sio n, the customer authorizes the ba nk to exercistfiis:rpgfuiUH.) ) ·in ►a. �G\1f>@S are explai ned m the loa n agreem� nt . . r.----·--·----· ----.--The FDIC does not have the aut horit y to i n terpret of offset if the loa n becomes delin que nt · St ate law nor can it represe nt co nsumers i n co ntract Arttn} i��·not� r:�q�ir�d 1\t o ..:giv._e;;, a:dywnce.n i: p.tic'e-to a dj:sp'ute:s'·wit'lf o,a;nks:li!y6nd1avi ari.y;iju�stlo'.rfs about'.:ybifr !> customer"wh&i it' dffslts ffiri(Tu fr6nlt fi€ttfst o'.fu�is thecko ra a s e d' nl ttu_'= "_.�r_,,·l>_·o,..-.:rlgJ·t,_ 1_·_0,_ · . !·ti�_-d,T r _�:J'l-o�a . 1/.lgf:·,�·e·_�.-_:ilie , _y,· n.-t , istt'ifi� ba k for n n are not ;$��'i�ijs_ ·�f�0p�1) J°\l¢"�ffj�t .�\'.lfi�lf .i f liis�fff . . e . J 4' · . r� �1"': · ? _ t3 _ t -t . r � p r..opO'• n . _ J(f_ � ,vi o \l if(fi _ _ . . .:>' cieftt�ffihos ih'the··custoirfeg ch'ecking·•a:ccount'to pay satisfied,� 2�'ot att �;our Sta�t &n ki ng'"'"ctrnmissio n or outsta ndi ng checks.�) ){Q\lrcr�ttQTJnqyc ncO<J n�1{tr) bH,'.Y.n ti b'.J-n r; gnibiir.:H n n ie]aw"ana=::-�· n n 1 �Q�---�-�---�---�·:: ·a''i�a:� •tg��.. !1_.,1}·, 'VI 11� .J\. .SJ l?.1t1 b.t!"l _j:;.(..�!.i j\lb1!�iq_Hli .nG t-:i �;.�1�J ...�; Ji!_;.)\ ..; L 1,}�� ./-'-. �'l!i,(;T• ·· j ':.t; · \�d ?.Hhh jfi, ·,:Bq if'?()·s J;,_,�; !:;'3Jo1q b�rn·c�mo�b. _ . ,,.ni� ';�� .. ,i�;·t�Jrf.i R ll 1 ) Af J i (-� :� � � ?. _r,n Nj1 _ t,,, !luOt: 1. , (':Jf!!/0 ..J.Jt. !!JO': ;)l!l\11(,,/.'11 ,".•�••liJ_1).h,t.:�'L!i-fiJ��' gniiiid. 8 fl() •j��S);'}rr: B Li�:tt :,d! din:, '{i1J:.Y11b JI �nlo1. n. : 01 '{1! b:�,n.�it. uu·-1. ,.ln'.ltn:n1�1,-, 1 ?.�H�·,·;_;/�- 1·• 0 t .:J1�1hJl d<J,1 ·..) 1[t·;_•(1j� T. s 0 1 !J.dh::_:!_ii; .,;, _JJ!l,.;u:•,t�) �J,:,;�•'l . iiL,;:J . i i'! ····1y\,r!,Y)lf)1']!s·. · .:T;t.�,,f·�'poI 1: "' · ; f_ ADOS-·'.:Ye,�;_. E r,:,J�1 �:;,Jr,..JH;;, (,.:,(�·}i.l�Jv Gm -�1i1n:,Li · :-�flie:t:J.E:oE_· R_E.SUt/J? �(D EN LA·l�!·O·MPENS� !�·,ro)���:,.�; . 1 �.J\oc.,. u,1)1EnSus�rCl9"ENTAS BAlNc£AiRrf.A: O! :i q:m �rrr S �iqqB i:gnu1,,. :·11rn'{ '{rl lo.!;'.;)') ':rl 1 s ?.1 1s.· ;·\p��'Jj:'t;o· H.:dtUJo:)'.Jl-: { iJHJ� bJ ( � : : : ·�:� , ;; !d,<._;, .J,i U,IL C-:Jg.::,, 1Y'.:!'.1 1 f!ilul wn� ) .J,1110.'.J'.>J; u b·J1U:>'.:)?. �:'1s:foY{21iehtt Ba 1ca'r16 �8apta1o;c c5fi tifii Uc·3hWMfr D E�' H1frfeliitlto ��cie usted t�hi6 c8hgu·rfW�ofl!li���/ 'H: 0 8bciirfi¢ri�d$;ffJe(�<p.r�gftt;rtW d� ,un prestamo, este puede contenJ: � r. un _ a rti-6'. i: irt?qift? Jn(i{� tl��:ii1 ft 1 1 E 1 cdHtilH-le\fl�� (cf�rij2tiH1 � qdrt,1 �if8s��\� �8Ud� ;� rH�lHHi' ptbVei� jB( ':der.ecfo:fa> djfi\peWs�r ,.:-'git1h' eiUldrticulo. 1 1 l )1) 1 8 H 1 qt1& pt6Ye'g�n tf1 sfttrcfitrpr_ �st��,s ��hlatHl�a1lcl eh��rfdtH:fuecfe t6'm�J' f:· :.�\?\h �·�rfl p'iNi,.���t� 1 11 1 1 1 J 1 u 1 �fagbs v..ehi Mg't'.'rh0s t"i��as; f 1 rr -ti�'n1? }:�;ebas p&s&sioK 0thtW/bs'te'M 1as 'dLe:Htai·!�·or'ti�"fos; (cuentas qe, cheques) Q CL_Je)1f' 1s1! qo�Vseft�tM,1 &cHtJr!>:f!J�Ui�Jiq ht> ti1 �\3_q}i_flrJ�hli��v oh}fs:Pa;ldP 1 rlt '. etpi�i§i�'\Wo·.1' un·'{ }Pc) tr,-i::q D_j ?,!. i-'.J,r; . 1m!�;J.,b_ :-:1 l,L:�; -� drr�nt��J Oe' esfa'!rfit{dE!r§,lie1f> 6a'HEBrp�uka�i'P�Bdbt'�� la . r 1 0 1 :) :, 11 ,m� CJ'.';l()J;: ' Los cons um diN-�� d�BiWQ-{-�dW� � 8s pa\:fa'lcf�(pr�s·tarrfo q\.Jttno Pt'ifsi\¥(fp�gi:id�: 1 '.J J 1 i f --,, dtl6HichWNNp:s,c!c7irtitf�� � :n�diffHM'�\,\W<tdAiFYl/ Si di[:c:fa dtcHidar qu e>1l�r'i�rf.!.i�"t,Wnc,6�:ri fi:FEHh�' i-w:� 1 �1r1:ttifi)fof-Rl1i�Hisc; aH�s�iH�l�'i(4��w � sar d 1 �'f6n�a� .1etri��gThl'atia: pbr:1f1yb§��tt�tafe!lv:��) 1 1 1 l 1 1 ,),w: 8� 3tM '-'d1(Ne'titl) 'Lih: Uf�{ de1te-tftl,feW'e1 ·dbc'u m.e1 8efpr'�• 't�'nWl8 ��:� r�-'q ue e·OW t:itH:Hlr/ 1 11 ! ! n J1 c1ie r1{e �(frttij"t�utii1 d8 �ukHli_.kPi�l��mi���ei�H1f� ��\J�:rllr�:pl '9�tgLrr�:1?J��.ff.�<rltc£b;e:� ) f., ' r ! e�a t(expHead� !s eW i f-'c'dMtt�tc}1 erg rrlb': .).,q,L autori za a q}J�t e '·I t>'a i{ti 1 k jet1che f s lttie'rac HtVii l cdniEl FDIC no tiene autoridad de interpretar las leyes pensar si el prest3mo esta atrasado, y el ha firmado JJJl..C.O.n.tc.ato..de..pr:es.tamo. .que-eo.ntief.l.e ..el..a.r.t.i.cuJ.o..de-----0��n�.�e.pr:0-s0-At-a-f.a-J.es.G0ns-Hm-idor,e.s.e.r.i las disputas de co.ntratos con los bancos . Si usted compensaci6n. tiene preguntas acerca de sus obligaciones bajo un El banco no esta obligado a enviar al cliente una notificaci6n en adelantado cuando compensa los �i(H2Vfl contrato de prestamo,pidale al bancouna explicaci6n fondos de las cuentas corrientes o cuentas de detallada. Si usted no esta sa_tis!ec.�� CC>_� d)fh� ahor-r-os: ·La· compensaci6n puede resultar en-fondo-s · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·explicaci6n,· c-omuniquese ·con ·1at. �18ttUd1drPBrir�daha a):>;9$R_AP.n ilrw8 �,1 m-=t �noi;;,.:rn() . �� .o .c<?�. s. .1.:1. _ . ......... _..�e..1 �.st_ � . t_ _� -��.I. c)i_��-t.� _par. a . nt_E:s .�.� la_.�':!�':'��. c.<?��ien {_n�L:J!\�i� pagar las cheques que tiene pendientes. r, ................, . . . ........ ............. .... . gni;.:uol-! ·1ii� -=1 . ............................................ ................. i 1 .tai� fos 1 tfir:a Mb i '. t p Mt t:1anc�)l¥re q rMa'f�:·.:1:ec& tiant 6 �Wr,�c�r ;a� �N'e'rh�n�o m�:.s1 haifb1f 'a.':'.� u hi8W�d�:li� 'j:,re�t·a FDlC.SPONSORS.SEMlNAR.FO·R•·coNS'UMERS ·0N Cif1tl)1fi _____. AND__CIY.IL.. RlGH_T_s_p_R_O.T.E.C_IION.�---·-·--..·-----·. -·-..•--- __ _ (1 Corporation hopes the semin ar e nha nced cooperatio n A semi nar to broade n the ba nki ng public's aware ness of credit rights was spo nsored�by•·the/Redeta,l: Ptrp,Q:$.:iHO �Irn?:·no1oottrrg·fn:e'-f-o,:1@.:-meiThdustry a nd co nsumer groups. I nsura nce Corporatio n in Bosto n on Januaf�);l;-�:wq1 ') :1:.rn,:·••i.::rn fr�•'.:lq:'.}(©hga�tz'i tio ns participati ng i n the day-lo ng seminar t f�. m. �: G ,r;c;J�m;·ind(tded about 40 consumer. mi norit y a nd ethnic neighFDIC Director William M. Isaac was i n overall charge borhood orga nizatio ns i n the Bost o n area. Officers of of the Bosto n seminar, which was co nducted by the several area banks also took part i n semi nar workshops FDIC's Divisio n of Ba nk Supervision. Isaac said the 3 Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: - 800-424-5488Q: A: Q: 0 Can a bank �gtrla :set1/i6eif@�)foribl:t�Fit�fgla:.;Uf.S. Treasury �heck if the customer does not have an account \\/itqJh �i�'tP.,�1 t.Hrn fI(,i1::, 51 rno ·i:}miu nr; , Yes. Ban�s are allowed to make their own policies governing the cashing of checks for noncustomers, --· as well as service charges. A: Is it illegal to put money in a safe deposit box? There is no federal law covering what should or should not be placed in a safe depo�it box; however, the customer should keep in mind that the contents of a safe deposit box are not insured by FDIC. Is there a charge for this FDIC Consumer News letter? No. If you would like a copy of the newsletter, call �DIC toll-free on 800-424-5488 and ask to be put on the mailing list. Who insures credit unions and savings and loan associations? The National Credit Union Administration and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Is there a limit on the service charge a bank can - assess for an overdrawn checking account? No. This is a matter of bank policy and is deter mined by the individual bank. Do negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) apply to all checking accounts.? No. Negotiable orders of withdrawal (NOW) accounts are special transaction accounts and the decision on whether or not to offer NOW accounts is made by each bank. Some banks may continue to offer only regular checking accounts, which do not pay interest, or they may offer both types of accounts. It's The Law THE FAIR HOUSING ACT In 1968 Congress passed the Federal Fair Housing Act "to provide, within constitutional limitations, for fair housing throughout the United States." The Act prohibits all conduct which has the purpose, or the effect, of making housing more difficult to obtain on a "prohibited basis"; that is, based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Courts have ruled that the Fair Housing Act not only makes it unlawful for those who sell or rent housing to discriminate, but also prohibits discrimination by banks, savings and loan associations and other mortgage and home improvement lenders, at any stage of the lending process. Consequently, lenders may n9t act in a manner that is designed to, or has the effect of: Ls!:.::•/i•O.ise-c:\iliFH,ging •\v.'6mei'i!-br minorities from applying -::���!-�.1 1Btp1.hsuing an application for, a housing loan. •· : If \, � �� flrhinating in the terms or conditions upon lff� . Jal'l.s�ousing loans are made .or denied. rot.;. • Advertising the availability of housing loans in a discriminatory fashion. • Making housing loans available on the basis of the race of residents in a neighborhood. • Discriminating against women or minorities in col lection practices. This list of prohibitions defines rights that you, the consumer, have under the Fair Housing Act. It is not all-inclusive, but identifies many of the types of conduct by lending institutions which the Act makes unlawful. If you would like to obtain additional information about the protections granted by the Fair Housing Act or about the role of the FDIC and other agencies in assuring that banks and other lending institutions comply with the Act, request the pamphlet "Fair Housing Act" from the FDIC's Office of Consumer and Compliance Programs, 550 17th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20429. Read The Small Print THE MR. X COMPLAINT Mr. X received a loan from his bank to purchase a new home. The loan contract contained a "'demand feature." Mr. X didn't know what a "demand feature" was and did not ask for an explanation. He assumed that the interest rate would be negotiated in 3 or 5 years. which is a common practice for banks. The documents Mr. X signed provided that the rate could be renegotiated after one year. At the end of the first year, Mr. X's interest rate was raised from 11 percent to 14 percent. It was lowered a year later to I 3 percent. As a result of the increased rate. Mr. X found it diffi cult to make his house payments. Moral: Thoroughly read and understand an agreement before signing it. If any question or doubt exists, ask the bank for an explanation. How the FDIC Protects Consumers: • By insuring bank customers' deposits up to $100,000 • By promoting and_ maintaining the safety and soundness of the banking system through periodic examinations • By ensuring that banks comply with the Federal consumer protection and civil rights laws. NOl!lfl!Odl!O:J l:JNlfl!OSNI !ISOdlO llfl!lOH. Ollfd SHJ ONlf l!llflSOd 00£$ '3Sn 31\f/\ll-Jd HO:! AllVN3d SS3NISn8 lVIJl::l::10 )10:1