Full text of FDIC Consumer News : April 1981
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Library NOV - 91981 FDICi EDITOR: Josie Downey FEDERAL DEPOSIT I N S U R A N C E ~ ~ The Bank Customers Publication April 1981 Volume I No. 4 Early With~als Of Tim~ Accounts Can Result In Forfeiture Of Interest Today's rapidly fluctuating interest rates are causing consumers to seek not only the highest rate of return on their investments but a lso liquid ity . But consu mers wh o invest in t ime accounts shou ld be aware of t he penalt ies for wi t hdrawa l of t hese acco unt s pr ior to maturity before t hey move the ir fu nds elsewhere. T he t hree kinds of penalties for early withdrawa l are: • For ce rt ificates of depos it purchased before July I, 1979, and not extended or renewed since that date, the penalty is forfeiture of three months' interest on the amount of deposit plus the reduction of the interest rate to the savings deposit rate on the balance of the amount of deposit tot he date the certificate was purchased. The penalty may go into t he principa l. • For cer t ificates renewed or exte nded on or after July I, 1979, but before J u ne 2, 1980, t he pena lty is forfe iture of three mont hs' interest for certificates with mat urity terms of less th a n one year o r fo rfeit u re of six m onths of interest fo r certificates with ma turity ter ms of one year or longer. N ote tha t the penalty does not go into t he principal. • For certificates purchased , re newed , or extended on or after June 2, 1980, the penalty is forfeiture of six months' interest for certificates with maturity terms of one year or longer, forfeiture of three months to less than one year maturities , and forfeiture of all interest for certificates of less than three months maturity term. These penalties apply regardless of how long a certificate may have been on deposit. If a deposit is withdrawn too soon, the penalty could include part of the principal. T he custo mer shou ld keep in m ind that a ban k may assess a greater pe nalty if it so chooses; however, banks are legally required to des cribe exact ly what the penalty' is fo r early withdrawa l. Many peop le bel ieve that banks mus t allow early withdrawal of time depos its upon request. The law clearly indicates that with certain exceptions, banks have the option to allow or refuse early withdrawal of time deposits. Banks cannot give blanket approval to early withdrawals, but must consider each case. The following condit ions apply to a ll time deposits, incl uding six month "money market" certificates, 2 ½ year "sma ll saver" certificates, and somet imes to deposits of more than$ I 00,000. • Banks must grant a request for early withdrawal upon death ofany ow ner of a t ime depos it or if any ow ner of a ti me d epos it has bee n d eclared inco m pet ent by a court. T he penalty may not be mandatory in such a case, but the ba nk s may enforce if they choose. • Ba nk s need no t apply penalties when allowing early withdrawal fo r time deposits if the deposit consists of Individual Retirement Account or Keogh (H.R. 10) funds and the person for whose benefit the account is maintained is 59 ½ or older or has become legally disabled. FDIC regulations require banks to give a customer at the time he or she buys a certificate of deposit or other deposit a wr itten statement indicating the bank will assess a penalty on funds withdrawn before maturity . Consumers Have Equal Access To Credit The Equal Credit Opportunity Act does not give anyone an automatic right to credit. It does require that creditors apply the same standard of "creditworthiness" equally to all applicants. The Equal Credit Opportunity Act is a Federal law which prohibits discrimination against an applicant for credit on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or reliance on income from public assistance, or because the applicant may have exercised rights under the consumer protection laws. (Discrimination is defined as treating one applicant less fav orab ly than others for invalid reasons.) C red ito rs a re a ll banks, savings and loans, cred it u ni ons, fin a nce co mpan ies , depart ment stores, credit card issuers, car and a ppliance dealers and ot hers who regularly ext end credit t o co nsumers. Creditors want t o be assured of two things: your ability to repay a debt and your willingness to do so . To ascerta in this information, the creditors will as k you about your finances: how much you PREPARED BY THE DIVISION OF BANK SUPERVISION Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Washington, D.C. 20429 (Cont. on page 2.) Consumers Should,·Kfn ow About Mortgages And Related Costs Before Buying A Home ~- Part I Buying a home is the largest financial investment most people will ever make. It is best to be fully informed at every step of the way. The more you know, the more likely you are to make sound decisions. This is the first of a three part article that will help guide, inform, and direct you during the home buying experience. Before you apply for a mortgage on the house you have chosen to buy, compare the mortgage terms of different lenders. It's important to know how to get a mortgage that offers the best terms. Once you and a seller agree on a price of a house, or if you offer a contract a seller accepts, a purchase agreement is signed. A purchase agreement is a legal contract in which a seller agrees to sell and a buyer agrees to buy a piece of property. The terms and conditions of the sale are stated in the agreement and it is signed by the buyer and seller. After signing the purchase agreement, check with several lenders to find out what financial terms they offer. It pays to shop around for the lowest interest rates. For example, a $50,000 mortgage for 30 years at 13 ¾ percent interest costs you $582.56 per month. The same mortgage for 30 years at 13 ¼ percent interest costs you $562.89. The lower interest rate saves you $19.67 per month, and about $7,080 over the life of the mortgage. A longer mortgage term means smaller monthly payments but you pay more in total interest. For example, a $50,000 mortgage at 13 ¾ percent interest for 20 years costs you $612. 70 per month. The same mortgage at 13 ¾ p-ercent interest for 30 years costs you $582.56 per month. The longer term reduces your monthly payment by $30.14 per month, but you end up paying $62,674 more to the lender as a result of the longer mortgage term. Keep in mind that these monthly payments consist only of principal and interest. The amount of your down payment may determine the interest rate you have to pay on the loan. If you make a larger down payment, the lender may charge you a lower interest rate. The larger down payment reduces the risk to the lender and usually results in a lower rate. For FHA and VA loans, the interest rate you pay is fixed by the government and is adjusted from time to time to reflect changes in conventional interest rates. To help you better understand the mortgage payment process, ask the creditor or lender for a thorough explanation of the following information: • The principal amount of the mortgage, the interest rate of the mortgage (as low as possible); the term (years) of the mortgage, and the monthly payment. • What type of mortgage is better for you. The Standard Fixed Rate Mortgage is a long term loan (25 or 30 years) set at a fixed rate of interest, with fixed monthly payments over the !ife of the loan. If you sign a contract stating you will pay an amount at 17 percent interest, 17 percent interest is what you always will pay on the loan. The seller cannot change the rate of interest on your loan, whether the rate goes up or down in the market. Other types of mortgages that may be of interest to you are the Variable Rate Mortgage and Renegotiable Rate Mortgage. These mortgages allow the lender during the life of a mortgage to change the rate of interest in accordance with the market. For example, if you sign a contract stating you will pay 17 percent interest on a loan and then a year later the interest rate goes up to 20 percent, the lender can change your interest rate from 17 percent to 20 percent to coincide with the market rate or the lender can decrease the rate from 17 percent to 12 percent if the market rate is 12 percent. The amount the rate can be changed and the frequency are sometimes governed by Federal regulation, by State law, and by the terms of the contract between lender and buyer. Another mortgage is the Shared Appreciation Mortgage. The lender shares the profit on the sale of a house in return for a lower-than-market interest rate (reduced monthly payments) during the first ten years of the loan. Many of these loans are written so that at the end of ten years, the homeowner must pay the bank its share of the profits based on the appreciation of the home even if the owner doesn't sell. The owner may have to refinance the house at that time with a new mortgage in order to pay the bank its share, but the new monthly payments may be too high because of the appraised value (an evaluation of the house to determine its value and what it would sell for in the market) of the property and the subsequent size of the loan. In the May issue- Part 2, more on what you should know before buying a home. 'Equal Credit' Rule Explained (Cont. from page 1.) earn, what kinds of savings and investments you have, what other sources of income you have. They may look for signs of reliability: your occupation, how long you've been employed, how long you lived at the same address, whether you own or rent your home. They may also examine your credit record: how much you owe, how often you've borrowed, and how you've managed to pay past debts. Creditors may not ask you your sex on a credit application - with one exception. If you apply for a loan to buy or build a home, creditors are required to . ask your sex to provide the Federal government with information to monitor compliance with the Act.You do not have to answer the question. Creditors may not request your marital status on an application for an individual, unsecured account (a bank credit card or an overdraft checking account) in non-community property states. They may request your marital status on other than individual unsecured loans. In community property states, they may request your marital status. Community property states are: Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington. Creditors may consider your marital status because, under the laws of your state, there may be differences in the (Cont. on page 4.) Antes De Comprar Una Vivienda Los Consumidores Deben Estar lnformados Acerca De Los Prestamos Hipotecarios Y Los Costos Correspondientes El comprar una vivienda es la inversion financiera mas grande que muchas personas jamas lleven acabo. Es importa nte que usted este informado plenamente en cada paso del camino. Si usted conoce mas informaci6n, estara capacitado a hacer una decision sabia. Esta es la primera parte de un artfculo de dos partes que le servira de gufa e informaci6n durante el proceso de comprar una casa. Antes de solicitar un prestamo hipotecario para la vivienda que ha seleccionado, compare los terminos hipotecarios ofrecidos por diferentes prestamistas. Es importante conocer como conseguir un prestamo hipotecario que le ofrezca los mejores terminos. Una vez que usted y su vendedor fijen el precio de la vivienda, o si usted ofreze un contrato que el vendedor acepta, se firma un contrato de compra. Un contrato de compra es un contrato legal en el cual el vendedor accede a vender, y el comprador accede a comprar una propiedad. El contrato que esta firmado por el comprador y el vendedor establece los plazos y las condiciones de dicha venta. Despues de firmar el contrato de compra verifique con varies prestamistas para conocer los terminos financieros que estos le ofrezen. Paga comparar para conseguir la tasa de interes menor . Por ejemplo, un prestamo hipotecario por la suma de $50,000, por un termino de 30 anos, pagando interes a raz6n de 13¾ por ciento, le cuesta mensualmente $582.56. El mismo prestamo hipotecario por un termino de 30 anos, pagando interes a raz6n de 13¼ por ciento, le cuesta mensualmente $562 .89 . La tasa de interes menor le ahorra mensualmente $19 .67, y alrededor de $7,080 durante la duraci6n de la hipoteca. Un plazo hipotecario mas largo significa pagos mensuales menores pero usted termina pagando una cantidad mayor de interes total. Por ejemplo, un prestamo hipotecario por la suma de $50,000, pagando interes a raz6n de 13¾ por ciento, por un termino de 20 anos le cuesta mensualmente $612.70 . El mismo prestamo hipotecario pagando interes a raz6n de 13¾ por · ciento, por un termino de 30 a nos le cuesta mensualmente $582.56 . El plazo mas largo reduce su pago mensual por $30.14, pero usted termina pagando al prestamista alrededor de $62,-674 mas, debido al largo plazo de la hipoteca . La cantidad de su pronto de pago puede determinar la tasa de interes que usted tiene que pagar en un prestamo. Si usted hace un pronto de pago grande puede que el prestamista le cargue una tasa de interes menor. El pronto de pago grande aminora el riesgo que el prestamista tiene que tomar, y usualmente resulta en una tasa menor. La tasa de interes de los prestamos hipotecarios de FHA o VA la fija el gobierno y de tiempo en tiempo se varia o altera para reflejar los cambios de las tasas de interes convencionales . Para ayudar a que usted conozca mejor el proceso de los pagos hipotecarios, preguntele al acreedor o el prestamista una explicaci6n detallada de la siguiente informaci6n: La cantidad principal del prestamo hipotecario, la tasa de interes de la hipoteca (la mas baja posible), el plazo (anos) de la hipoteca y los pagos mensuales. lOue tipo de prestamo hipotecario es mejor para usted? El prestamo hipotecario conocido como "Standard Fixed Rate Mortgage" (Hipoteca con una Tasa de lnteres Fija) es un prestamo a largo plazo (25 o 30 anos) que ha sido acomodado a una tasa de interes fija, con pagos mensuales fijos durante la duraci6n del prestamo. Si usted firma un contrato que estipula que usted va a pagar una cantidad pagando interes a raz6n de 17 por ciento, interes a raz6n de 17 por ciento es lo que pagara en dicho prestamo. El prestamista no puede cambiar la tasa de interes de su prestamo, a pesar de que el mercado de la tasa de interes sube o baja. Otros tipos de prestamos hipotecarios que pueden ser de su interes son "Variable Rate Mortgage" (Hipoteca con una Tasa Variable) y "Renegotiable Rate Mortgage" (Hipoteca con una Tasa Renegociable). Durante la duraci6n de estos prestamos hipotecarios el prestamista puede cambiar la tasa de interes de acuerdo con el mercado. Por ejemplo, si usted firma un contrato que estipula que el interes que pagara en dicho prestamo sera a raz6n de 17 por ciento y luego un ano mas tarde la tasa de interes sube a un 20 por ciento, el prestamista puede cambiar su tasa de interes de 17 por ciento al 20 por ciento para de esta manera coincidir con la tasa del mercado. El prestamista tambien puede bajar la tasa de 17 por ciento al 12 por ciento si la tasa del mercado es 12 por ciento. La cantidad y la frecuencia que la tasa puede cambiar estan a veces controladas por reglamentos federates, por !eyes estatales y por los terminos del contrato entre el prestamista y el comprador . Otro prestamo hipotecario es el "Shared Appreciation Mortgage" (Hipoteca con la Participaci6n del Aumento de Precio). En esta hipoteca el prestamista participa en las ganancias de la venta de la vivienda a cambio de ofrecer durante los primeros 10 anos de la misma una tasa de interes me nor (pa gos mensuales reducidos) que la que prevalece en el mercado. Muches de estos prestamos estipulan que al final de los primeros 10 anos, el propietario de la vivienda tiene que pagarle al banco su participaci6n de las ganancias del aumento en precio de la vivienda, aun si el propietario no decide vender. Para poder pagarle al banco su participaci6n de las ganancias el propietario puede que tenga que refinanciar la vivienda con un prestamo hipotecario nuevo, pero los pagos mensuales nuevos pueden que sean mayores debido a que el valor estimado (una evaluaci6n de la vivienda que determina el valor y en cuanto se venderfa en el mercado) de la propiedad y al tamano del prestamo subsecuente . La segunda parte de este artfculo se publicara en la edici6n de mayo. En este encontrara mas informaci6n de lo que usted debe conocer antes de comprar una vivienda. FDIC CONSUMER NEWS Si usted desea recibir este noticiero favor de enviar su nombre y direcci6n postal a la siguiente direcci6n: Josie Downey, Editor FDIC Consumer News 550 17th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20429 Questions From Bank Customers Q. Does interest earned on a certificate of deposit have to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service? A. Yes, all interest paid or earned and available on a certificate of deposit must be reported to the IRS by the consumer. In addition, the bank must report directly to the IRS any interest in excess of $10 .00 paid to a consumer or accrued for a consumer. Q. Are savings and loan inst itutions under the FDIC's jurisdiction? A. No, informat ion regarding savings and loan institutions may be obtained from the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. Q. Are money market certificates and money market funds insured by the FDIC or FSLIC? A. Money market certificates are 6-month time deposits of $10,000 or more issued by insured banks and savings and loan associations . As such, they are insured by the FDIC or FSLIC up to $100,000 together with all other deposits held by the depositor in the same right and capacity in the same insured bank or savings and loan assoc iation. n r .::::::-=~.,. . ~ , c~~- - I .. ~· __:.. •,i FDIC CONSUMER HOTLINE - 800-424-5488- Money market funds are mutual funds in which the investor becomes a proportionate owner of the assets of the fund and shares proportionally in the income derived from those assets, including short term government securities and large certificates of deposit. Monies invested in such funds are not insured by the FDIC or FSLIC since they do not represent depos it obligations of insured banks or savings and loan associations . Consumers Have Equal Access To Credit (Cont.frompage2.) property rights of married and unmarobligations to pay child support or · ried.. SU€h _d_ifferences m,~4fifct . mainte~ance. They cann~t ask about ~..,, ■ t,h~ ol"~·''~rt'Mity to cqlled..1'f'Vou\ . your birth control practices or your ~ 'd'~f~ . . s,gnsiderati@ do ~s ~o~ .t. . : plans to have children. Creditors cannot , - ~ ~ : a p ~ a l unsect(~d lo~.n~. i~ ;. assume that y~u _will have _ch ildr~n or ,,.,_ ,_,..~:~~"'1and, ~re&i~_rs t~~m.... • j that a womans income will be interrefuse ~o ~~ your 1?corn(~ ~ j~ .f rupte~ to do so. Creditors may also ask how regularly a marned woman, even if your mctrl'fie~ from part-time emp loyment. you receive or pay your alimony payIn •order to estimate your ..~4,f, t!xpenses, men ts, or whether they are made under • • ~ creditors may ask how many~~ildren ·court order, m order to· det'ermme you l)a..,ye, their ages, and the. cost of whether these payments are a dependacaring for them, as well as a ~ your 'tile. source of income. Also, credito rs p~~!~-. cannot refuse to consider reliable alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments . You don't need to disclose alimony or child support payments unless you will rely on that income to pay off the loan. For more information, write to the Office of Consumer and Compliance Programs, FDIC, 550 17th s ·t., N .W ., Washington, D .C. 20429, and request the"Equal Credit Opportunity" pamphlet. 1 ,I.Uffi -- - ❖ G~I A 1-:;.l!,,/ NOUVYOdYOJ 3JNVYOSNI llSOdJO lVYJOH OIVd SBl ONV 39V1S0d !JD , f s I· 00£$ '3Sn 31'v'AIHd HO::I All'v'N3d SS3NISnB l'v'IJl::1::1O )10:1