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L < 3 . IO j 3 : 9% (e Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, 1986 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics June 1987 Bulletin 2281 U B s ? A t7 , O 'S f T f r i v -1 1 Employee Benefits in Medium and Large Firms, 1986 U.S. Department of Labor William E. Brock, Secretary Bureau of Labor Statistics Janet L. Norwood, Commissioner June 1987 Bulletin 2281 For sa le by th e S u p erintendent o f D ocum ents, U.S. G overnm ent P rin tin g Office, W ashington, D.C. 20402 Preface This bulletin presents results o f a 1986 Bureau o f Labor Statistics survey o f the incidence and provisions o f employee benefit plans in medium and large firms. This is the Bureau’s eighth survey in this series, and it provides representative data for 21.3 m illion full-time em ployees in a cross-section o f the Nation’s private industries. Appendix A provides a detailed description o f the scope and statistical procedures used in the survey. The analysis in this bulletin was prepared in the O ffice o f W ages and Industrial Relations by the staff o f the D ivi sion o f Occupational Pay and Em ployee Benefit Levels. In dividual chapters o f the bulletin were prepared by Donald R. Bell (chapter 6), Allan P. Blostin (chapters 3 and 5), Douglas E. Hedger (chapter 5), James N . H ouff (chap ters 2 and 4), Michael A . M iller (chapter 5), John W. Thompson, Jr. (chapter 2), and William J. Wiatrowski (chap ters 6-8). Appendix A was prepared by Larry L. Huff, D ivi sion o f W age Statistical Methods. Text was prepared by Margaret D . Simons. Computer programming and systems design were provid ed by the D ivision o f Directly Collected Periodic Surveys. The D ivision o f W age Statistical Methods was responsible for the sample design, nonresponse adjustments, sample er ror computations, and other statistical procedures. Fieldwork for the survey was directed by the Bureau’s Assistant Region al Commissioners for Operations. Pictured on the cover o f this bulletin is Take Your Medi cine by Norman R ockw ell, reprinted with permission from The Saturday Evening Post (c) 1936 by The Curtis Publish ing Company. Contents Page Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Chapter 2. Highlights ............................................................................................................................................... 2 Chapter 3. Work schedules and paid time o f f .................................................................................................. Work schedules ...................................................................................................................................................... Paid lunch and rest periods .............................................................................................................................. Paid holidays ........................................................................................................................................................... Paid vacations ........................................................................................................................................................ Paid personal le a v e ................................................................................................................................................. Paid funeral leave, jury-duty leave, and military l e a v e .......................................................................... 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 Chapter 4. Disability benefits ................................................................................................................................. 12 Paid sick leave ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Sickness and accident insurance ...................................................................................................................... 13 Long-term disability insurance ........................................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 5. Health care and life insurance ......................................................................................................... 27 Health care ............................................................................................................................................................... 27 Life insurance .......................................................................................................................................................... 32 Chapter 6. D efined benefit pension plans .......................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 7. D efined contribution plans ................................................................................................................. Cash or deferred arrangements ......................................................................................................................... Savings and thrift plans ....................................................................................................................................... Em ployee stock ownership plans ...................................................................................................................... Profit-sharing plans ................................................................................................................................................ Participation and vesting ..................................................................................................................................... 77 77 78 79 79 79 Chapter 8. Plan administration ................................................................................................................................ 89 Plan sponsor ............................................................................................................................................................ 89 Flexible benefits plans and reimbursement a cco u n ts................................................................................... 89 Charts: 1. Major medical plans: Trends in selected deductible amounts, 1979-86 .................................... 2. Health care: Selected types o f medical care, 1984-86 ..................................................................... 3. Contributory health care: Average monthly em ployee contributions, 1982-86 ..................... 4. Private defined benefit pension plans: Average replacement rates based on 30 years o f service including and excluding Social Security payments ......................................... 5. Private defined benefit pension plans: Distribution o f full-time participants by monthly benefits based on earnings o f $30,000 in the final year o f service ................. Tables: 1. Summary: Participation in em ployee benefit programs, 1986 ....................................................... v 29 30 32 55 56 4 C o n te n ts — C o n tin u e d Page Work schedules: 2. Number o f hours scheduled per w e e k ....................................................................................................... 7 Paid time off: 3. Lunch time: Minutes per day ...................................................................................................................... 4. Rest time: Minutes per d a y .......................................................................................................................... 5. Holidays and vacations: Average number o f d a y s ............................................................................... 6. Holidays: Number o f days provided each y e a r .................................................................................... 7. Holidays: Policy on holidays that fall on a regularly scheduled day o f f .................................... 8. Vacations: Amount provided at selected periods o f s e r v ic e ............................................................ 9. Vacations: Length o f service required to take v a c a t io n ................................................................... 10. Personal leave: Number o f days provided per y e a r ............................................................................. 11. Funeral leave: Number o f days available per occurrence................................................................ 12. Jury-duty leave: Number o f days available per o c c u r r e n c e ............................................................ 13. Military leave: Number o f days available per y e a r ............................................................................. 7 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 10 11 11 Short-term disability coverage: 14. Participation in sickness and accident insurance plans and paid sick leave p la n s ................... 15 Paid sick leave: 15. Type o f p r o v is io n ............................................................................................................................................. 16. By provision ....................................................................................................................................................... 17. Average number o f days at full pay by type o f p la n ........................................................................... 18. Annual plans: Average number o f days at full pay by accumulation policy and sickness and accident insurance co o rd in a tio n .................................................................................... 19. Annual plans: Average number o f days at full pay by sickness and accident insurance coordination.................................................................................................................................. 20. Annual plans by unused sick leave policy and carryover p r o v isio n s........................................... 15 16 17 18 19 19 Sickness and accident insurance: 21. Type and duration o f p a y m en ts................................................................................................................... 20 22. Percent o f earnings formula by maximum weekly b e n e f it ............................................................... 23 23. Length-of-service requirements for p articip ation .................................................................................. 24 Long-term disability insurance: 24. Method o f determining p a y m e n t................................................................................................................. 25. Duration o f b e n e f it s ......................................................................................................................................... 26. Length-of-service requirements for p articip ation .................................................................................. 27. Limitations on benefits for mental illn e s s ........................................................................................ Health care: 28. Coverage for selected categories o f medical c a r e ............................................................................... 29. Coverage after retirem ent............................................................................................................................... 30. Coverage after retirement by benefit provisions and age o f retiree ............................................ 31. Coverage during a l a y o f f ...................... 32. Basic hospital room and board coverage by type o f benefit payments and limits to c o v e r a g e ......................................................................................................................................... 33. Basic surgical benefits by maximum allowance for selected p ro ced u res...................................... 34. Major medical coverage by amount o f deductible and applicable benefit p e r io d ................... 35. Major medical coverage by coinsurance p ro v isio n s............................................................................. 36. Major medical coverage by maximum benefit provisions ............................................................... vi 25 25 26 26 34 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 C o n te n ts — C o n tin u e d Page Health care—Continued: 37. Dental benefits by extent o f coverage for selected p rocedures....................................................... 38. Dental benefits by deductible provision .................................................................................................. 39. Dental benefits by yearly maximum amount o f insurance .............................................................. 40. Orthodontic benefits by lifetim e maximum amount o f coverage .................................................. 41. Mental health benefits by extent o f b e n e fits........................................................................................... 42. V ision benefits by extent o f b e n e fits......................................................................................................... 43. Coverage for selected special b en efits...................................................................................................... 44. Selected cost containment features.............................................................................................................. 45. Contributory plans by type and amount o f em ployee contribution................................................ 46. Length-of-service requirements for p articip ation ................................................................................. 47. Funding medium for selected types o f c o v e r a g e ................................................................................. 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 46 47 47 48 Life insurance: 48. Method o f determining amount o f basic life insurance and frequency o f related c o v e r a g e s.......................................................................................................................................... 49. M ultiple-of-eam ings formulas by amount o f basic insurance and maximum coverage p r o v isio n s..................................................................................................................................... 50. Flat dollar insurance by amount o f basic insurance .......................................................................... 51. Dependent life insurance coverage ........................................................................................................... 52. Length-of-service requirements for p articip ation ................................................................................. 53. Effect o f retirement on basic c o v e r a g e .................................................................................................... 50 51 52 52 52 D efined benefit pension plans: 54. Method o f determining retirement payments ........................................................................................ 55. Terminal earnings benefit formulas by type and amount o f fo rm u la ............................................ 56. Terminal earnings formulas by definition o f terminal e a r n in g s ..................................................... 57. Career earnings benefit formulas by type and amount o f fo rm u la ................................................ 58. Dollar amount benefit formulas by type and amount o f fo r m u la .................................................. 59. Provision for integration o f pension with Social Security benefit ................................................ 60. Maximum benefit p r o v is io n s ....................................................................................................................... 61. Average replacement rates for specified final earnings and years o f s e r v i c e .......................... 62. Minimum age and associated service requirements for normal re tir e m e n t................................ 63. Minimum age and associated service requirements for early retirem en t....................... 64. Early retirement by reduction factor for immediate start o f payments ...................................... 65. Provisions for disability retirem en t........................................................................................................... 66. Provision for credit for service after age 65 ........................................................................................ 67. Ad hoc postretirement annuity in creases.................................................................................................. 68. Vesting s c h e d u le s ............................................................................................................................................. 69. Provision for postretirement survivor annuity ...................................................................................... 70. Provision for preretirement survivor a n n u ity ........................................................................................ 71. A ge and length-of-service requirements for participation .............................................................. 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 70 71 72 74 74 75 76 49 Defined contribution plans: 72. 73. 74. 75. Retirement and capital accumulation plan co v era g e............................................................................ Type o f defined contribution and stock p la n s........................................................................................ Combinations o f retirement and capital accumulation plans ......................................................... Cash or deferred arran gem en ts.................................................................................................................. 81 81 81 82 Savings and thrift plans: 76. Maximum allowable em ployee con trib u tion ........................................................................................... 82 vii C o n te n ts — C o n tin u e d 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. Pretax em ployee contributions...................................................................................................................... Provision for em ployer matching con trib u tio n s.................................................................................... Provision for investment o f em ployer and em ployee c o n trib u tio n s.............................................. Provisions for withdrawal o f em ployer c o n trib u tio n s........................................................................ Method o f distribution o f account at retirem ent.................................................................................... 83 84 85 85 85 Selected defined contribution plans: 82. Provisions o f em ployee stock ownership plans .................................................................................... 83. Provisions o f profit-sharing p l a n s ................................................................................................................ 84. A ge and length-of-service requirements for p articip ation ................................................................. 85. Vesting s c h e d u le s ............................................................................................................................................. 86 86 87 88 Plan administration: 86. Type o f plan s p o n s o r ...................................................................................................................................... 90 87. Flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts c o v e r a g e ....................................................... 91 Appendixes: A . Technical n o te ....................................................................................................................................................... 92 B. Availability o f the survey’s data b a s e .......................................................................................................... 99 viii Chapter 1. Introduction The em ployee benefits survey collects data on em ployee work schedules and develops information on the incidence and detailed characteristics o f 14 private sector em ployee benefits paid for at least in part by the em ployer. These benefits include lunch and rest periods, holidays, vacations, and personal, funeral, jury-duty, military, and sick leave; sickness and accident, long-term disability, health, and life insurance; and private retirement/capital accumulation plans. In addition, data are collected on flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts. The survey covers full-time em ployees in medium and large establishments (generally those with at least 100 or 250 em ployees, depending upon the industry). Because data col lection is limited to provisions o f formal plans, the extent o f such benefits as rest periods and personal leave may be understated. Furthermore, the data show the coverage o f benefit plans but not the actual use o f these benefits; for ex ample, that part o f available paid sick leave actually used. Data are presented separately for three occupational groups—professional-administrative, technical-clerical, and production workers. This bulletin often discusses the first two groups jointly as white-collar workers, in contrast with production or blue-collar workers. Respondents provide information on the number o f wor kers covered by specified benefit plans. Workers are count ed as covered by wholly employer-financed plans that require a minimum amount o f service prior to receiving benefits, even if they had not met the minimum service requirement at the time o f the survey. W here plans—such as health oi life insurance—require an em ployee to pay part o f the cost (contributory plans), workers are counted only if they elect the plan and pay their share o f the cost. Data on insured benefit plans and private retirement and capital accumula tion plans are thus limited to “ participants.” Plans for which only administrative costs are paid by the em ployer are not included in the su rvey.1 Information on other benefits, such as severance pay, non production bonuses, financial counseling, and child care, was not collected in the 1986 survey. Future plans call for resur veying these benefits in 1988. 1 A n exception, however, is made in tables 29, 30, and 53, which tabu late postretirem ent health and life insurance coverage. Plans under which retirees pay the fu ll cost are included since the guarantee o f insurability at group rates is, in itse lf, considered a benefit. 1 Chapter 2. Highlights • 17 percent received insurance on the lives of their spouses. The great majority of full-time workers within the scope of the survey were provided with health and life insurance and private retirement plans, as well as paid holidays and vacations (table 1). Provisions of many employee benefits differed markedly between white- and blue-collar workers. Most paid leave provisions studied in the survey were available to a majority of employees. On the average, cov ered employees could expect to receive: • Rest periods of 26 minutes a day • 10 holidays each year • Vacations of 9 days at 1 year of service, 16 days at 10 years, and 21 days at 20 years • 3 days of funeral leave per occurrence • 12 days of military leave per year • Jury duty as needed • Sick leave of 15 days per year with full pay at 1 year of service • Sickness and accident insurance plans averaging about 26 weeks of coverage. Seventy-six percent of the employees in the survey were covered by defined benefit pension plans, which have for mulas for determining an employee’s annuity: • 72 percent of participants were in plans with formulas based on earnings, most frequently on earnings dur ing the last 5 years of employment • Benefit formulas were integrated with Social Security benefits in plans affecting 62 percent of participants • Common eligibility requirements for a normal, or un reduced, pension were age 65 with no specified length of service, age 62 with 10 years’ service, and 30 years of service with no age requirement • 66 percent of covered workers could retire with a reduced pension at age 55, most commonly after 10 years’ service. Sixty percent of the employees participated in one or more of the following defined contribution plans: Savings and thrift, employee stock ownership, profit-sharing, money pur chase, or stock bonus plans. One-third of employees were in plans with cash or deferred arrangements, authorized by sections 401(k) and 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. The majority of these employees were in salary reduction plans, where current income is channeled to a retirement plan, and taxes on that income are deferred until benefits are distributed. Ninety-four percent of the employees had some protec tion against temporary loss of income due to illness or acci dent through either sick leave (46 percent), sickness and accident insurance (24 percent), or both (25 percent). Most employees also had some protection against extended loss of income due to disability: • 48 percent had long-term disability insurance • 37 percent were covered under pension plans that provided immediate disability benefits. • Employers matched employee contributions to savings and thrift plans most frequently at the rate of 50 per cent, up to the first 6 percent of earnings • 28 percent of employees were in payroll-based stock Virtually all of the employees studied were participants in health and life insurance programs. Of the participants in these plans: • 57 percent paid nothing for their own health insurance, and 37 percent paid nothing for family coverage • All but 1 percent received benefits for hospitalization, surgical care, diagnostic testing, and mental health care • 71 percent received dental care • 80 percent were protected against catastrophic health expenses, either through stop-loss provisions in major medical plans or enrollment in health maintenance organizations • 34 percent would receive some employer-financed health care during a layoff • 66 percent were covered by an amount of life insurance determined by earnings ownership plans (paysop ’s) • Employer profit sharing was based on a predetermined formula for 59 percent of participants in such plans, and allocation of profits to individual accounts was generally based on earnings. Defined contribution plans that restricted employee access to employer contributions were considered retirement plans in the survey. Eighty-nine percent of employees had some retirement income benefits, either through defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans, or both. Flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts were included in the survey for the first time in 1986. While such 2 package, such as insurance premiums, child care, or health care deductibles. A flexible benefits plan was defined in the survey as a plan giving employees a choice among two or more types of benefits. plans have attracted much attention recently, only 5 percent of all employees covered by the survey were eligible for reimbursement accounts, and only 2 percent were offered flexible benefits plans. Reimbursement accounts are used to pay for expenses not covered by a company’s regular benefits 3 Table 1. Summary: Percent of full-time employees by participation1 in employee benefit programs, medium and large firms,2 1986 Employee benefit program Paid: Holidays .............................................. Vacations............................................ Personal leave .................................... Lunch period ...................................... Rest time ............................................ Funeral leave ..................................... Jury-duty leave................................... Military leave ...................................... Sick le a ve ........................................... All employees Professional and administrative employees 99 Technical and clerical employees Production employees 70 99 99 33 3 58 87 96 74 93 Sickness and accident insurance............ Wholly employer financed................. Partly employer financed................... 49 41 22 8 6 Long-term disability insurance ................ Wholly employer financed................. Partly employer financed................... 48 38 68 10 52 16 Health insurance1 *..................................... 3 2 . Employee coverage: Wholly employer financed................. Partly employer financed................... Family coverage: Wholly employer financed................. Partly employer financed................... 95 96 94 96 54 41 52 45 45 49 61 35 35 60 33 64 28 66 41 55 Life insurance........................................... Wholly employer financed*................ Partly employer financed................... 96 87 97 87 10 10 Retirement5 ............................................... Defined benefit pension........................ Wholly employer financed*................ Partly employer financed................... Defined contribution p lan...................... Wholly employer financed®................ Partly employer financed................... 89 76 71 5 47 33 15 92 78 73 5 53 33 Capital accumulation7 ............................... Wholly employer financed®................ Partly employer financed................... 100 25 10 72 88 93 66 28 98 100 35 4 69 87 96 72 93 90 58 45 35 28 7 69 59 9 60 47 13 30 24 15 17 82 88 6 96 87 9 86 20 92 78 74 3 55 36 19 87 74 69 5 40 31 9 23 31 29 6 6 6 16 5 18 25 23 11 1 Participants are workers covered by a paid time off, insurance, retirement, or capital accumulation plan. Employees subject to a minimum service requirement before they are eligible for a benefit are counted as participants even if they have not met the requirement at the time of the survey. If employees are required to pay part of the cost of a benefit, only those who elect the coverage and pay their share are counted as participants. Benefits for which the employee must pay the full premium are outside the scope of the survey. Only current employees are counted as participants; retirees are excluded. 2 See appendix A for scope of study and definitions of occupa tional groups. 3 Includes less than 0.5 percent of employees in plans that did not offer family coverage. * Includes participants in noncontributory basic plans who may contribute to the cost of supplemental plans in these benefit areas. Sup plemental plans are not tabulated in this bulletin. 5 The total is less than the sum of the individual items because 100 100 95 9 many employees participate in both defined benefit and defined con tribution plans. Defined contribution plans include money purchase pension plans, and profit sharing, savings and thrift, stock bonus, and employee stock ownership plans in which employer contributions must remain in the participant’s account until retirement age, death, disability, separation from service, age 59 1/2, or hardship. 6 Employees participating in two or more plans are counted as participants in wholly employer financed plans only if all plans are noncontributory. 7 Includes plans in which employer contributions may be with drawn from participant’s account prior to retirement age, death, dis ability, separation from service, age 59 1/2, or hardship. Excludes pure cash profit sharing, stock option, and stock purchase plans. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 4 Chapter 3. Work Schedules and Paid Time Off Time off with pay is available to employees in several different—forms—from daily rest periods to annual vacations of several weeks. In 1986, survey coverage of paid leave benefits included provisions for lunch and rest periods; holi days and vacations; and personal, funeral, jury-duty, and military leave. Information on paid sick leave appears in chapter 4. percent of the employees. Most of the remaining workers received either another day off or an additional day’s pay, depending on when the holiday fell. Paid vacations (tables 5, 8, and 9) Virtually all employees in each occupational group were provided paid vacations. Vacation provisions averaged 8.8 days at 1 year of service, 15.8 days at 10 years, and 20.6 days at 20 years; these averages were virtually unchanged since 1980—the first year such estimates were developed. Plans covering professional-administrative employees gener ally provided more vacation days than those for other em ployees. Sixty percent of the professional-administrative employees, for example, became eligible for at least 15 days of vacation at 5 years of service; this compared with 36 per cent of the production employees. Nearly all white-collar em ployees received their regular salaries or earnings during vacation periods. About seven-eighths of the production em ployees received such vacation pay; nearly all of the others were provided vacation payments based on a percentage of annual earnings. Anniversary-year bonus vacation days, such as an extra week of vacation at 10 and 20 years of service, were included in the count of regular vacation time. Virtually all employees covered by vacation plans had to work for a specified period before being able to take a vaca tion. The most prevalent length-of-service requirement was 6 months for white-collar employees and 1 year for produc tion employees. Sixteen percent of the plan participants were allowed to cash in unused vacation time. This option was offered to 10 percent of the white-collar participants and 22 percent of the production participants. Work schedules (table 2) Weekly work schedules of 40 hours applied to 82 percent of the employees covered by the survey.2 Nineteen percent of the professional-administrative employees, 30 percent of the technical-clerical employees, and 7 percent of the produc tion workers had shorter workweeks. Two percent of the work force was scheduled to work other than a 5-day week. Paid lunch and rest periods (tables 3 and 4) Ten percent of the employees received formal paid lunch periods, and 72 percent were provided formal rest time, such as coffee breaks and cleanup time. Both benefits were more common among production employees than among the two other occupational groups. Production employees who were covered by paid lunch period plans usually received 20 or 30 minutes a day, aver aging 24 minutes. The 3 percent of white-collar workers eligible averaged 39 minutes of paid lunch time each day. Paid rest time, averaging 26 minutes a day for white-collar employees and 25 minutes per day for production employees, was provided most commonly as two daily breaks of 10 or 15 minutes each. Paid holidays (tables 5—7) Paid personal leave (table 10) Virtually all full-time employees in each occupational group were provided paid holidays, averaging 10.0 days per year. Extended holiday plans, such as the Christmas-New Year’s Day period provided in the auto industry, floating holidays, and “ personal holidays,” such as employee birth days, were included in the holiday plans reported. When a holiday fell on a scheduled day off, such as a Satur day or Sunday, another day off was regularly granted to 84 2 W ork schedules include regularly scheduled overtim e and paid lunch and rest periods. O vertim e hours w ere excluded from the 1980-84 surveys. 5 Formal personal leave, which allows employees to be ab sent from work with pay for a variety of reasons not covered by other specific leave plans, was provided to one-fourth of the employees. Slightly over one-third of the white-collar employees received personal leave, more than twice the proportion of production employees with this benefit. Most commonly, employees provided personal leave were eligi ble for 1 to 5 days, averaging 3.7 days per year. In cases where personal leave was part of an “ annual leave” plan (combined vacation and personal leave) and could not be shown separately, it was reported as vacation time. The sur vey did not cover the extent of informal personal leave. Military leave, providing pay for absence from work to fulfill military training or duty commitments, was available in establishments employing two-thirds of the employees. The most common provision was 2 weeks off per year, but one-sixth of the workers were in establishments providing military leave as needed. For workers with a specified num ber of days off, military leave averaged 11.5 workdays per year. Pay for military leave was either regular pay or the difference between regular pay and military pay. Paid funeral leave, jury-duty leave, and military leave (tables 11-13) At least 87 percent of the employees in each occupational group were eligible for paid leave to attend funerals of family members. Four-fifths of the employees received a set number of days per occurrence, averaging 3.2 days. (Three days off were available to a majority of workers in each oc cupational group.) For 10 percent of the white-collar wor kers and 3 percent of the blue-collar workers, the number of days off depended upon the employee’s length of serv ice. Workers in plans where the number of days off varied by relationship to the deceased were included in the count of workers with a set number of days; the maximum num ber of days off was reported for each plan with this relation ship provision. Nearly one-fourth of the employees were in these plans. Nine-tenths of the workers were eligible for paid leave while serving as a juror. Paid time off for jury duty was usually provided as needed; employer payments commonly made up the difference between the employee’s regular pay and the court’s jury allowance. The following tabulation shows the average lengths of several paid leave benefits: A ll partici pants Lunch tim e— m inutes per d a y ............. R est tim e— m inutes per d a y ............. Personal lea v e— days per year .................. Funeral lea v e— days per occurrence . . . M ilitary lea v e— days per y e a r .................. 6 P rofes sional and adm in istrative T echnical and clerical P roduct 27 40 38 24 26 26 26 25 3 .7 3 .9 3 .6 3 .8 3 .2 3 .4 3 .5 3.1 1 1.5 11.7 11.7 11.2 Table 2. W ork schedules: Percent of full-tim e em ployees by num ber of hours scheduled per w eek,1 medium and large firm s, 1986 Work schedule T ota l.......................................... Hours per week: Under 3 5 ..................................... 3 5 ................................................. Over 35 and under 37.5............. 3 7 .5 .............................................. Over 37.5 and under 4 0 ............. 4 0 ................................................. Over 40 ....................................... Hours per week not available........... Profes sional and All em adminis ployees trative employ ees 100 1 4 2 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion em employ ployees ees 100 (2 ) 5 3 7 4 79 82 2 ft 2 100 Provided paid rest tim e ....................... Under 15 m inutes.......................... 15 m inutes....................................... Over 15 and under 20 minutes .... 20 m inutes....................................... Over 20 and under 30 minutes .... 30 m inutes....................................... Over 30 and under 40 minutes .... 40 m inutes....................................... Over 40 m inutes............................ Number of minutes not available....................................... 1 1 3 ft 90 3 ft 1 Work schedule data included regularly scheduled overtime, paid lunch, and paid rest periods. Regularly scheduled overtime was excluded from the 1980-1984 surveys. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 72 1 4 Not provided paid rest tim e................ 1 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Minutes per day T o ta l........................................... Provided paid lunch tim e ................... Under 20 m inutes......................... 2 0 minutes.................................... Over 20 and under 30 minutes .... 30 minutes.................................... Over 30 minutes........................... Number of minutes not available..................................... Not provided paid lunch tim e ............. 1 100 10 1 3 (1 ) 3 100 4 ft 90 _ 1 1 2 Paid vacation by length of service: At 6 months1 ................................. At 1 year1 ...................................... At 3 years...................................... At 5 years..................................... At 10 years.................................... At 15 years................................... At 20 years................................... At 25 years.................................... At 30 years2 .................................. 6 2 1 1 Paid holidays...................................... 17 3 7 ft 1 1 97 96 1 83 Less than 0.5 percent. 100 58 69 ft 82 3 4 ft 3 5 ft - - 25 4 34 ft 1 2 18 2 33 ft - 19 3 40 ft ft ft 33 6 31 ft 1 5 ft ft ft ft 28 - 42 31 ft 18 Profes sional All par and admin tici pants istrative partici pants 1 0 .0 5.5 1 0 .2 9.8 1 0 .0 6 .0 5.7 9.6 10.5 13.0 16.0 18.9 20.7 22.5 23.0 5.0 7.5 8 .8 1 0 .1 10.5 12.7 15.8 18.5 1 1 .0 13.5 16.5 19.0 2 0 .6 2 1 .2 2 2 .2 22.7 23.4 22.7 Techni Produc cal and tion clerical partici partici pants pants 1 0 .2 1 2 .0 15.3 17.9 20.3 21.7 2 2 .1 1 Prior to 1985, employees receiving vacation days, but none at 6 months or at 1 year of service, were included in computing the aver ages for these lengths of service. They are now included only for the service periods for which they receive vacations. 2 The average (mean) was essentially the same for longer lengths of service. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 100 Less than 0.5 percent. Item 100 3 (1 ) ft 100 Table 5. Paid holidays and vacations: Average number of days for full-time participants, medium and large firms, 1986 Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees 100 Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 3. Paid lunch time: Percent of full-time employees by minutes of paid lunch time per day, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees T o ta l.............................................. 2 - ft Minutes per day 100 ft 7 5 13 5 69 ft 8 2 Table 4. Paid rest time: Percent of full-time employees by minutes of paid rest time per day, medium and large firms, 1986 NOTE: Computation of average included half days and excluded workers with zero holidays or vacation days. 7 Table 7. Paid holidays: Percent of full-time participants by policy on holidays that fall on a regularly scheduled day off, medium and large firms, 1986 Table 6. Paid holidays: Percent of full-time employees by number of paid holidays provided each year, medium and large firms, 1986 Number of days T o ta l........................................... Provided paid holidays....................... Under 5 days................................. 5 days ........................................... 6 days ........................................... 6 days plus 1, 2, or 3 half days ... 7 days ........................................... 7 days plus 1, 2, or 3 half days ... 8 days ........................................... 8 days plus 1 or 2 half da ys........ 9 days ........................................... 9 days plus 1 or 2 half da ys........ 1 0 days ......................................... 1 0 days plus 1 or 2 half days...... 1 1 days ......................................... 1 1 days plus 1 or 2 half days...... 1 2 days ......................................... 1 2 days plus 1 or 2 half days...... 13 days ......................................... 13 days plus 1 or 2 half days...... 14 days ......................................... 1 5 days ......................................... More than 15 d a ys....................... Number of days not available...... Not provided paid holidays................ Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees 100 100 100 99 100 99 2 Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees 0 0 1 1 4 6 T o ta l....................................... 100 100 100 100 98 3 Holiday is not observed ............... ..... 2 2 2 1 2 Another day off gran ted..................... 84 91 89 78 Additional day’s pay in lieu of holiday............................................... 3 1 2 6 Another day off or day’s pay, depending on when holiday falls ... 9 4 6 14 Another day off or holiday not observed, depending on when holiday fa lls ....................................... 1 1 1 0 100 1 4 5 6 1 (’) 7 4 (’) 7 1 0 0 Holiday policy 1 0 7 7 1 2 11 12 7 6 1 0 14 9 1 1 2 1 24 25 26 23 2 2 1 18 18 17 1 17 1 1 1 0 Other provision applies2 .................... 10 13 9 9 (1 ) 5 Holiday policy not determ inable....... O 1 1 4 4 0 2 0 0 4 5 1 0 0 0 1 ) 0 1 (’) (’) - (1 ) 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 2 ' Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 0 0 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 Includes plans where the policy differs by holiday. 8 2 0 O 0 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants 8 Table 8. Paid vacations: Percent of full-time employees by amount of paid vacation provided at selected periods of service, medium and large firms, 1986 Vacation policy All em ployees Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc adminis clerical tion em trative employ ployees ees employ ees At 6 months of service: Under 5 d a y s ..................................... 5 days .................................................. Over 5 and under 10 d a y s ............ 10 days ............................................... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 d a y s ..................................... At 1 year of service: Under 5 d a y s ..................................... 5 days .................................................. 10 days ............................................... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 d a y s ..................................... 100 100 100 100 100 Total .................................................. 99 100 100 6 37 9 4 3 45 15 5 1 1 1 4 45 13 6 9 28 4 2 ft ft ft ft o O ft (*) 30 1 62 2 3 1 At 3 years of service: 5 days ................................................. Over 5 and under 10 d a y s ............ 10 days ............................................... Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ................................................ Over 20 d a y s ...................................... ft At 5 years of service: 5 days .................................................. Over 5 and under 10 d a y s ............ 10 days ................................................ Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ............................................... Over 20 d a y s ..................................... ft 45 6 43 1 3 1 At 10 years of service: 5 days .................................................. Over 5 and under 10 d a y s ............ 10 days ............................................... 15 days Over 15 20 days Over 20 ................................................ and under 20 d a y s .......... ............................................... d a y s ..................................... Vacation policy 3 1 80 8 6 1 1 1 ft ft 7 1 66 7 17 2 9 13 ft 80 2 6 2 ft 81 2 2 1 ft ft 79 6 11 1 2 1 1 33 7 52 2 6 1 ft 2 ft 64 5 27 2 ft 4 ft 2 ft 2 1 6 ft 25 4 62 2 2 1 ft 19 4 69 2 3 1 ft 19 4 70 1 2 1 ft 31 3 52 2 2 1 ft 4 ft ft 2 1 6 ft 9 1 56 2 24 1 ft 5 ft 61 3 27 1 ft 6 1 67 3 20 2 ft ft ft ft ft 13 1 48 2 25 2 1 1 ft _ ft At 15 years of service: 5 days .................................................. 10 days ............................................... Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ................................................ Over 20 and under 25 d a y s .......... 25 days ................................................ Over 25 d a y s ...................................... ft 87 5 6 ft 1 ft ft ft 41 5 50 1 3 1 ft ft 3 1 71 4 20 2 ft 51 2 42 1 1 1 6 1 77 10 3 ft ft ft 1 56 6 33 1 1 ft 1 11 1 64 10 10 2 At 20 years of service: 5 days .................................................. 10 days ............................................... Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ................................................ Over 20 and under 25 d a y s .......... 25 days ................................................ Over 25 and under 30 d a y s .......... 30 days ................................................ Over 30 d a y s ..................................... At 25 years of service: 5 days .................................................. 10 days ................................................ Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ................................................ Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ................................................ Over 20 and under 25 d a y s .......... 25 days ................................................ Over 25 and under 30 d a y s .......... 30 days ................................................ Over 30 d a y s ...................................... At 30 years of service:3 5 days .................................................. 10 days ............................................... Over 10 and under 15 d a y s .......... 15 days ............................................... Over 15 and under 20 d a y s .......... 20 days ................................................ Over 20 and under 25 d a y s .......... Over 25 and under 30 d a y s .......... 30 days ............................................... Over 30 d a y s ...................................... 1 Employees receiving no paid vacations in their early years of service are included in the overall percentage of workers provided paid vaca tions; however, they are disregarded in computing the distributions by length of service up to the service period at which they become eligible for vacations. Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All em adminis clerical tion em ployees trative employ ployees ees employ- ft 1 1 ft 4 ft ft 8 ft 5 ft ft 33 2 46 1 4 1 ft 35 3 49 1 4 1 ft 37 3 47 1 4 ft 4 ft ft 8 ft 5 ft ft 31 1 41 1 11 1 ft 34 1 41 1 14 1 ft 35 1 43 1 11 1 1 1 ft 2 5 ft ft 2 5 1 6 ft 11 1 29 1 44 2 3 1 1 6 ft 11 1 27 1 40 2 10 1 * Less than 0.5 percent. 3 Provisions were virtually the same after longer years of service. NOTE: Data include anniversary year bonus days. employees in this category. 9 Dash indicates no Table 10. Paid personal leave: Percent of full-time employees by number of paid personal leave days provided per year, medium and large firms, 1986 Table 9. Paid vacations: Percent of full-time participants by length of service required to take vacation, medium and large firms, 1986 Length of service requirement Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees Number of days Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees T o ta l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 Total .................................................. 100 100 100 100 With service re q u ire m e n t.................... 1 m o n th ............................................. 2 m o n th s ........................................... 3 m o n th s ........................................... 4-5 m o n th s ........................................ 6 m o n th s ........................................... 7-11 m onths...................................... 1 y e a r .................................................. Over 1 y e a r ....................................... 97 5 3 9 2 37 1 39 95 8 4 10 1 45 1 26 - 96 7 2 11 1 45 2 29 98 3 2 9 3 29 2 51 0 0 Provided paid personal le a v e ............... 1 d a y .................................................... 2 days .................................................. 3 days .................................................. 4 days .................................................. 5 days .................................................. More than 5 d a y s ............................. No maximum specified1 .................. Varies by length of service ........... 25 2 5 3 4 4 2 3 2 33 2 8 4 4 6 3 7 1 35 3 8 4 6 5 3 4 2 15 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 3 Not provided paid personal le a v e ...... 75 67 65 85 0 3 Without service requirem ent.............. Service requirement not determina b l e ......................................................... 0 5 0 1 3 0 1 Workers were provided as much personal leave as they needed. 0 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 1 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 11. Paid funeral leave: Percent of full-time employees by number of paid funeral leave days available per occurrence, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees Number of days Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees Total .................................................. 100 100 100 100 Provided paid funeral le a v e .................. 1 d a y .................................................... 2 days .................................................. 3 days .................................................. 4 days .................................................. 5 days .................................................. More than 5 d a y s ............................. Varies by length of service ........... Number of days not a v a ila b le ....... 88 1 2 63 3 10 87 1 2 55 3 13 87 1 2 54 3 17 1 9 88 2 3 73 2 5 (’) 7 0 0 11 0 (’) 0 3 0 Not provided paid funeral le a v e ......... 12 13 13 12 Number of days varies by relationship to deceased2 ................................ 23 24 30 19 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 The maximum number of days provided for any occurrence was in cluded in the distribution of funeral leave days. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 10 Table 12. Paid jury-duty leave: Percent of full-time employees by number of paid jury-duty leave days available per occurrence, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees Number of days T o t a l.................................................. 100 Provided paid jury-duty le a v e .............. Under 10 days .................................. 10 days ................................................ 11-19 d a y s .......................................... 20 days ................................................ 21-30 d a y s .......................................... More than 30 d a y s .......................... No maximum specified2 .................. Number of days not a v ailab le....... 93 1 2 ft Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees 100 100 100 96 96 1 2 90 1 2 0 2 0 0 ft 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 3 ft 85 0 87 0 89 0 83 0 0 (') ft Not provided paid jury-duty le a v e ....... 7 4 4 10 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 Jury-duty leave is provided as needed. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Table 13. Paid military leave: Percent of full-time employees by number of paid military leave days available per year, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All em admin ployees istrative employ ees Number of days Techni Produc cal and tion clerical employ employ ees ees Total .................................................. 100 100 100 100 Provided paid military le a v e ................. 5 days .................................................. 6-9 d a y s .............................................. 10 days ................................................ 11-14 d a y s .......................................... 1 5 days ................................................ 16-29 d a y s .......................................... 30 days ................................................ More than 30 d a y s .......................... No maximum specified2 .................. Number of days not a v ailab le....... 66 74 1 1 72 2 58 O Not provided paid military le a v e ......... (’) 39 4 - 0 40 - 2 1 42 4 3 2 2 (') 16 0 19 0 17 ft 0 0 ft 0 3 34 26 5 3 3 2 28 37 3 2 2 1 14 42 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 Military leave is provided as needed. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 11 Chapter 4. Disability Benefits Paid sick leave (tables 14-20) Through paid sick leave or sickness and accident insur ance, workers may be protected against loss of income dur ing temporary absences from work due to illness or accident. During more extended periods of disability, workers’ income may be continued through long-term disability insurance or disability pensions. In 1986, short-term disability protection was available to 94 percent of all employees in the survey through sick leave, sickness and accident insurance, or both. Sick leave usually provides 100 percent of the worker’s normal earnings; sick ness and accident insurance usually replaces 50 to 70 per cent of pay. Long-term disability insurance (L T D ), which typically pays 50 or 60 percent of earnings, was available to 48 percent of the employees; 37 percent (some with L T D insurance) were eligible for immediate disability benefits under their pension plans. Twenty-five percent of the workers had sick leave plans coordinated with sickness and accident insurance. Coordi nation is accomplished by either starting insurance benefits after sick leave pay has ended, or paying both benefits con currently. When payments are made from both sources, sick leave pay is reduced by the amount of the insurance benefits so that the total benefit does not exceed full salary. Regard less of the method of coordination, employers offering sick ness and accident insurance tend to allow fewer sick leave days than those without such insurance. At 5 years of serv ice, for example, annual sick leave plans coordinated with insurance granted an average of 14.7 days at full pay—less than half the days provided by plans without insurance. This gap widened as years of service increased.3 Long-term disability insurance payments usually begin af ter sick leave and sickness and accident insurance are ex hausted and continue as long as the person is disabled or until retirement age. Career-ending disabilities may entitle an em ployee to an immediate pension, or the pension may be deferred until other forms of income, such as l t d insurance, have ceased. (Disability provisions of pension plans are dis cussed in chapter 5.) Paid sick leave and L T D insurance were more prevalent among white-collar workers, while sickness and accident in surance and immediate disability pension benefits were more prevalent among blue-collar workers. 3 For further analysis o f short-term disability protection, see W illiam J. W iatrow ski, “ E m p loyee Incom e Protection A gainst Short-term D isab ili t ie s ,” Monthly Labor Review, February 1985, pp. 3 2 -3 8. 12 Seventy-two percent of the employees covered by paid sick leave plans were allowed a specified number of days per year (annual sick leave plans). Another 19 percent of the par ticipants were provided sick leave benefits for each illness (per disability plans), while most of the remainder were cov ered by both annual and per disability benefits or plans that provided time off as needed. The number of days of sick leave granted varied widely by the type of sick leave plan as well as by specific provisions of each plan. Within in dividual annual and per disability plans, the maximum num ber of days granted is either uniform for all covered employees or increases with seniority. Because annual sick leave plans do not renew benefits af ter each illness, 43 percent cf the employees covered were allowed to carry over and accumulate unused sick leave from year to year (cumulative plans). Such plans typically grant ed fewer days per year than plans in which unused days were not accumulated. For example, at 20 years’ service, cumula tive annual plans averaged 17.3 days at full pay, while noncumulative plans averaged 56.7 days. Three-tenths of the workers with carryover provisions were allowed to accumu late an unlimited amount of sick leave; two-thirds had limits on the amount of sick leave that could be accumulated, rang ing from under 10 days to over 130 days; and the remainder had carryover provisions that varied by length of service. Per disability sick leave plans generally provided more days of paid leave for an illness than annual plans. The aver age number of days at full pay was 52.2 at 1 year of serv ice, 74.6 at 5 years of service, 106.6 at 15 years of service, and 137.4 at 25 years of service. Under annual plans, the average number of days available was 15.2 days at 1 year, 25.1 days at 5 years, 37.0 days at 15 years, and 41.2 days at 25 years. One-fourth of sick leave participants with 10 years of serv ice had partial-pay benefits available after full-pay benefits ended. In many of these plans, the number of days with fullpay benefits increases with seniority and the number of days with partial-pay benefits decreases, eventually resulting in all sick leave days at full pay. Another 2 percent of the par ticipants had only partial-pay benefits available. Sick leave plans commonly had a short service require ment, generally 3 months, before new employees became eligible for benefits. Nearly seven-eighths of the participants were in plans providing benefits on the first day of illness to employees with 1 year of service. The remainder typical benefit ($145 in New York and $200 in New Jersey during 1986).4 ly had to wait 1 to 5 workdays, with the waiting period often eliminated after 10 years of service. Long-term disability insurance (tables 24—27) Sickness and accident insurance (tables 14,21-23) Long-term disability insurance continues the income of em ployees during extended periods of disability. Generally, LT D begins after sick leave and sickness and accident insurance are exhausted and continues as long as the employee remains disabled, or until retirement age. If disabled after age 60, however, l t d benefits usually continue for 5 years or to age 70, whichever is earlier. Forty-eight percent of the employees covered by the study had l t d insurance; one-fifth of the participants were re quired to contribute toward the cost of the plans. The most common type of employee contribution was a monthly amount per $100 of covered earnings.5 The rate was typi cally between 20 and 40 cents per $100 of coverage. Service requirements found in L T D plans were usually more restrictive than for the other insurance benefits. Slightly over one-fifth of the participants had service requirements of from 1 year to 3 years or more. Because of the long-term nature of this benefit, more employers restricted eligibility to employees who had demonstrated some attachment to the company. The degree of participation varied widely among the em ployee groups, with white-collar workers twice as likely to have l t d insurance as blue-collar workers. However, many employees not covered under l t d insurance are eligible for an immediate disability pension through their retirement plan; nearly two-fifths of the employees (50 percent of the produc tion workers) were covered by immediate disability retire ment provisions. Long-term disability benefits were usually 50 or 60 per cent of monthly pay. Most of the plans that pay a percent of predisability earnings had maximum monthly payments ranging from $1,000 or less to over $10,000. Common maximums were $3,000 and $5,000. One-fourth of the participants were in plans that provided a benefit which was not a fixed percent of earnings. These formulas differed sharply by employee group. Nearly threetenths of the blue-collar participants were in plans paying a dollar amount that varied by the level of the worker’s earn ings. In contrast, one-sixth of the white-collar participants were in plans with other benefit formulas—a variable per centage of earnings, a flat dollar amount, or a percent of earn ings that varied by length of disability. Half of all employees were protected by sickness and ac cident insurance plans against income losses due to short term disabilities. More than four-fifths of the participants had their benefits fully paid by their employer. The one-fifth who were required to contribute toward the cost of cover age most often paid a fixed amount, usually between $2 and $3 a month. Most of the others paid a percent of monthly earnings, or had the cost included in the premium for an in surance package. Benefit payments under sickness and accident insurance plans were either a percent of employee earnings or a sched uled dollar amount. The percent of earnings was usually fixed—typically 50 to 70 percent—although some plans varied the percentage by length of service or length of disa bility. Plans paying a percent of earnings covered 81 per cent of the white-collar participants, compared with 40 percent of the blue-collar participants. These eamings-based plans often had a dollar limit on the amount of the weekly benefit available; such limits have risen steadily since they were first recorded in 1981. For example, 33 percent of the participants had maximum weekly benefits of $140 or more in 1981; by 1986, this proportion had increased to 57 per cent. Blue-collar workers were the most common recipients of scheduled dollar benefits, which provided either a fixed weekly amount (ranging from under $60 to over $220) or varying weekly benefits (usually based on earnings). The maximum weeks of coverage for each disability were fixed for all but 5 percent of participants, for whom dura tion of coverage varied by length of service. Of those par ticipants with benefits lasting for a fixed period, most had 26 weeks of coverage. Other common periods were 13 and 52 weeks. Three-fourths of the employees with sickness and accident insurance were required to be on the job for a specified mini mum time period before they were covered by the plan. Serv ice requirements were usually under 6 months. Four percent of the participants were in plans requiring 1 year of service before coverage. Sickness and accident insurance, unlike sick leave, usual ly requires a waiting period before benefits begin. The most common provision requires an employee to be out of work due to illness or injury some short period, usually 1 to 7 days, before payments begin. Waiting periods may be shortened or eliminated entirely for employees involved in an accident or hospitalized. Workers in two States, New Jersey and New York, are covered by mandatory temporary disability insurance plans that are at least partially employer financed. Both of these State plans pay benefits based on a percentage of the work er’s earnings for up to 26 weeks with a limit on the weekly 4 Both States permit an em ployer to substitute a private plan for the State plan if the benefits provided are at least equivalent. In N ew Y ork, many em ployers agree to pay the e m p lo y ee’s share o f plan costs. C alifornia and R hode Island also have m andated temporary disability insurance plans, but these plans require no em ployer contribution and, thus, are not included in this survey. 5 Covered earnings refers to that portion o f a worker’s earnings replaced by LTD benefits. For exam ple, if an LTD plan pays 6 0 percent o f earnings up to $ 3 ,0 0 0 , covered earnings are $ 5 ,0 0 0 (60 percent o f $ 5 ,0 0 0 equals $ 3 ,0 0 0 .) 13 A ceiling on income during disability was a common limi tation to LTD payments, regardless of the type of plan. These ceilings affected benefits only if the amount payable from the ltd plan plus income from other sources, such as re habilitative employment and family Social Security payments, exceeded a specified percentage (most commonly 70 or 75 percent) of predisability earnings. Seven-tenths of the LTD participants were limited by these income ceilings, by the dollar maximums in plans that pay a percent of earnings, or by a combination of both. Survivor benefits after the death of a disabled employee were available in plans covering 14 percent o f the ltd par ticipants. A lump-sum payment, usually equal to 3 times the monthly LTD benefit, was the most common survivor benefit provided. Nearly four-tenths of the participants were in LTD plans with special limitations on benefits for mental illness. In most of these cases, benefits were provided for a limited period (usually 24 months), unless the participant was institution alized. In a few cases, benefits were provided only if the participant was institutionalized, or benefits were provided for a limited period, regardless of institutionalization. 14 Table 14. Short-term disability coverage: Percent of full-time employees by participation in sickness and accident insurance plans and paid sick leave plans, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All em adminis clerical tion em ployees trative employ ployees ees employ ees Type of plan T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 With short-term disability coverage .. 94 97 98 91 Sickness and accident insurance o n ly .................................................. Wholly employer financed .... 24 21 4 3 5 4 46 40 Paid sick leave o n ly ....................... 46 69 63 23 Combined sickness and accident insurance/paid sick le a v e ......... Wholly employer financed .... 25 20 24 18 30 23 22 19 Without short-term disability c o v e ra g e ................................................ 6 3 2 9 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Table 15. Paid sick leave: Percent of full-time employees by type of provision, medium and large firms, 1986 Provision Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All em adminis clerical tion em ployees trative employ ployees employ ees ees T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 Provided paid sick le a v e ..................... 70 93 93 45 51 14 59 23 68 16 37 7 3 3 4 7 6 2 1 1 Sick leave provided on: An annual basis only1 ................. A per disability basis only2 ........ Both an annual and per disability basis ........................... As needed basis3 ........................ Other basis4 .................................. (5) Not provided paid sick le a v e ............. 30 (5) 7 (5) 7 (5) 55 1 Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days per year. This number may vary by length of service. 2 Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days for each ill ness or disability. This number may vary by length of service. 3 Plan does not specify maximum number of days. 4 Includes formal plans with provisions that change from a specified number of days per year to a specified number of days per absence after a certain service period. 5 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 15 Table 16. Paid sick leave: Percent of full-time employees by sick leave provision, medium and large firms, 1986 Sick leave policy’ T o ta l................................................. Provided paid sick leave1 ..................................................... 2 Sick leave provided annually3 ......................................... At 6 months of service; Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 3 0 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 days or m o r e ............. At 1 year of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 days or m o r e ............. At 5 years of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 days or m o r e ............. At 10 years of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 60 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 days or m o r e .............. Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All em adminis clerical tion em ployees trative employ ployees employ ees ees 100 70 54 14 18 10 1 1 1 3 22 23 2 1 1 2 19 18 7 4 2 2 19 16 5 7 4 At 15 years of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 3 0 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or more .............. 2 19 16 3 8 4 2 At 20 years of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 6 0 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. 2 19 16 3 7 5 2 At 25 years of service:8 Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 3 0 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. 1 19 16 3 5 7 2 100 93 63 10 22 19 2 2 2 1 16 36 4 3 3 1 11 25 12 9 5 O 11 22 9 11 9 O 11 22 4 14 9 2 O 11 22 4 13 10 3 O 11 22 4 9 13 3 100 93 74 20 28 14 1 1 1 2 29 36 3 1 1 2 23 28 12 6 2 1 24 25 8 10 5 Sick leave policy' 100 Sick leave provided on a per disability basis8 ............................. 45 At 6 months of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 6 0 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. 37 13 10 2 At 1 year of service: Under 5 d a y s ...................... 5 and under 10 d a y s ........ 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 60 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 days .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. O 0 1 4 21 8 1 At 5 years of service: Under 10 days .................... 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 6 0 and under 120 days .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. rt 1 3 21 8 2 1 1 27 O O 4 3 6 5 1 3 6 1 0 1 2 (4) 1 2 4 2 1 3 0 1 5 6 0 1 2 10 8 I (4) (4) 3 1 0 (4) 1 2 4 1 1 1 6 15 2 2 2 1 5 11 1 At 20 years of service: Under 10 days .................... 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 6 0 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 days .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e .............. 1 1 1 3 6 4 1 1 1 6 11 6 2 2 1 6 6 1 At 25 years of service:5 Under 10 d a y s .................... 10 and under 30 d a y s ...... 30 and under 60 d a y s ...... 6 0 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or more ............. 1 1 1 3 6 5 1 1 1 5 12 6 2 2 1 4 7 7 21 8 1 As needed basis7 .................. .......... Other b a s is *...................................... (4) Not provided paid sick le a v e ............. 30 2 2 1 3 7 O 4 2 (4) 7 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 3 9 1 3 20 8 1 3 1 1 (4) 0 (4) 2 2 3 10 4 3 7 1 A t 15 years of service: Under 10 d a y s .................... 10 and under 3 0 d a y s ...... 30 and under 60 d a y s ...... 60 and under 120 d a y s .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. 1 24 25 5 10 7 2 1 1 (4) (4) 1 4 2 2 1 10 5 1 3 20 6 1 3 1 1 - 1 3 7 2 1 3 3 6 1 1 2 9 10 2 3 20 8 2 2 1 8 (4) 0 0 1 1 2 7 4 22 1 1 1 7 5 1 1 Employees receiving partial pay only or no sick leave in their early years of service are included in the overall percentages of workers pro vided sick leave; however, they are disregarded in computing the distri butions by length of service up to the service period at which they be come eligible for full sick leave pay. 2 The total is less than the sum of the individual breakdowns be cause some employees had annual and per disability plans. 17 A t 10 years of service: Under 10 d a y s .................... 10 and under 3 0 d a y s ..... 30 and under 60 d a y s ..... 6 0 and under 120 days .... 120 and under 180 d a y s .. 180 days or m o r e ............. 1 24 25 5 11 5 2 1 24 25 5 7 9 2 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All em adminis clerical tion em ployees trative employ ployees employees 60S 7 1 1 (4) (4) 4 2 (4) 1 < 4) 0 1 4 (4) 1 (4) (4) 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 1 < 4) 55 3 Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days per year. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. * Provisions were virtually the same after longer years of service. * Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days for each ill ness or disability. Plan does not specify maximum number of days. * Includes formal plans with provisions that change from a specified number of days per year to a specified number of days per absence. 7 16 Table 17. Paid sick leave: Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by type of plan, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All paradminis clerical tion par ticipants nnrtlni trative paroci- ticipants partici pants pants Item Paid annual sick leave1 by length of service: At 6 m o n th s ...................................... At 1 y e a r ........................................... At 3 y e a r s ......................................... At 5 y e a r s ......................................... At 10 y e a r s ....................................... At 15 y e a r s ....................................... At 20 y e a r s ....................................... At 25 y e a r s ....................................... At 30 years2 ...................................... 11.7 15.2 19.1 25.1 32.2 37.0 39.8 41.2 41.8 16.4 21.6 27.2 36.4 46.2 52.3 56.2 58.0 58.7 9.0 12.8 17.1 23.6 31.9 37.1 40.1 41.2 41.8 9.3 11.1 12.8 15.1 18.2 21.1 22.8 24.1 24.6 Paid per disability sick leave3 by length of service: At 6 m o n th s ...................................... At 1 year ........................................... At 3 years ......................................... At 5 y e a r s ......................................... At 10 y e a r s ....................................... At 15 y e a r s ....................................... At 20 y e a r s ....................................... At 25 y e a r s ....................................... At 30 years2 ...................................... 46.6 52.2 58.1 74.6 89.2 106.6 121.5 137.4 137.5 58.1 63.1 68.7 82.7 100.5 112.4 121.2 132.1 132.2 31.7 39.7 46.7 65.1 80.9 101.1 118.8 136.8 136.9 32.3 42.9 52.4 72.2 76.8 102.2 126.9 151.5 151.5 1 Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days per year. This number may vary by length of service. 2 The average (mean) was virtually the sam e after longer years of serv ice. 3 Employees earn a specified number of sick leave days for each ill ness or disability. This number may vary by length of service. NOTE: Computation of average excluded days paid a t partial pay and workers with only partial pay days or zero days of sick leave. 17 Table 18. Paid annual sick leave:1 Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by accumulation policy and sickness and accident insurance coordination, medium and large firms, 1986 Item At 1 year of service: Cumulative p la n ............................... With sickness and accident in surance................................. Without sickness and accident in surance............... Noncumulative p l a n ....................... With sickness and accident in surance................................. Without sickness and accident insurance................ At 5 years of service: Cumulative p la n ............................... With sickness and accident insurance................................. Without sickness and accident insurance................ Noncumulative p l a n ....................... With sickness and accident insurance................................. Without sickness and accident insurance............... At 10 years of service: Cumulative p la n ............................... With sickness and accident insurance................................. Without sickness and accident insurance................ Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants 9.3 11.2 9.6 7.4 7.6 9.4 8.5 6.1 10.5 19.8 12.1 27.5 10.2 15.4 9.0 14.8 10.8 17.1 10.6 6.5 26.1 32.1 18.3 26.9 12.4 15.6 13.4 14.5 12.2 16.2 47.9 14.1 31.6 11.8 20.9 18.3 31.6 18.8 9.3 46.1 55.1 39.4 At 20 years of service: Cumulative p la n ............................... With sickness and accident in surance................................. Without sickness and accident in surance................ Noncumulative p l a n ....................... With sickness and accident in surance................................. Without sickness and accident in surance................ 6.6 14.1 34.6 At 10 years of service — Continued Noncumulative p l a n ....................... With sickness and accident in surance................................. Without sickness and accident in suran ce................ 8.9 10.0 38.6 15.7 20.2 17.4 19.1 15.6 7.1 18.2 20.7 18.4 At 25 years of service: Cumulative p la n ............................... With sickness and accident insurance................................. Without sickness and accident in suran ce............... Noncumulative p l a n ....................... With sickness and accident insurance................................. Without sickness and accident in suran ce................ 10.7 12.3 Item 15.1 1 Paid sick leave plans with a specified number of days available each year. Per disability plans were excluded from this table because (1) only one-fifth of the employees with per disability plans were also covered under a sickness and accident insurance plan, and (2) only an nual sick leave plans allow the employee to carry over and accumulate unused sick leave from one year to the next year. Instead, the number 18 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants 44.6 60.7 43.5 25.4 25.0 42.3 26.8 12.5 58.6 68.7 53.6 45.0 17.3 22.6 19.3 11.3 14.6 23.8 18.7 7.9 19.2 56.7 22 0 747 19.6 56.6 15.5 33.7 30.8 50.2 33.9 15.8 75.1 85.4 70.3 60.9 17.8 23.4 19.7 11.6 15.5 25.7 19.5 8.4 19.4 58.8 22.3 77.1 19.8 58.3 15.6 35.9 32.2 51.6 35.6 17.0 77.7 88.2 72.0 64.5 of days of paid leave under a per disability plan is renewed for each ill ness or disability after the employee returns to work for a specified pe riod. Data on per disability plans are presented in table 17. NOTE: Computation of average excluded days paid at partial pay and workers with only partial pay days or zero days of sick leave. Table 20. Paid annual sick leave: Percent of full-time participants by unused sick leave policy and carryover provisions, medium and large firms, 1986 Table 19. Paid annual sick leave:1 Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by sickness and accident insurance coordination, medium and large firms, 1986 Item Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Unused sick leave policy and carryover provisions Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Unused sick lea ve policy At 1 year of service: T o ta l................................................. 25.1 9.7 14.6 17.4 At 5 years of service: With sickness and accident insurance........................................ Without sickness and accident insurance........................................ 100 Carryover o n ly ................................. Cash-in o n ly ..................................... Carryover and c a s h -in ................... Unused benefit lo s t........................ Data not a v a ila b le .......................... 6.3 100 35 9 8 48 32 2 3 62 37 8 50 35 18 13 34 0 - 0 O 100 100 100 100 31 36 31 26 Limit on total number of days accumulated ................................. 19.3 14.2 100 T o ta l................................................. 9.4 100 Unlimited accum ulatio n................. With sickness and accident insurance........................................ Without sickness and accident insurance........................................ 68 59 68 74 4 3 7 3 1 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 8 1 6 3 8 4 4 (1 ) 1 6 C a rry o v e r provisions 14.7 25.1 16.0 8.0 32.4 41.6 27.8 24.7 At 10 years of service: With sickness and accident insurance........................................ Without sickness and accident insurance........................................ 19.5 33.6 22.1 10.0 41.3 52.1 37.6 29.5 At 20 years of service: With sickness and accident insurance........................................ Without sickness and accident insurance........................................ 23.8 40.3 27.5 12.1 51.2 63.4 47.2 37.4 At 25 years of service: With sickness and accident insurance........................................ Without sickness and accident insurance........................................ 1 year. 25.0 41.8 28.8 13.0 52.7 65.4 48.3 39.1 Paid sick leave plans with a specified number of days available each NOTE: Computation of average excluded days paid at partial pay and workers with only partial pay days or zero days of sick leave. Under 10 days .............................. 10 days ........................................... 1 1 - 1 9 d a y s ................................. 20 days ........................................... 21 - 24 days ................................. 25 days ........................................... 26 - 29 d a y s ................................. 30 - 39 days ................................. 40 - 49 d a y s ................................. 50 days ........................................... 51 - 64 days ................................. 65 days ........................................... 66 - 79 days ................................. 80 - 89 days ................................. 90 - 99 days ................................. 100 - 109 d a y s ............................. 1 1 0 - 1 1 9 d a y s ............................. 120 - 129 d a y s ............................. 130 days ......................................... Over 130 d a y s .............................. Days not a v a ila b le ...................... Other2 .................................................. 0 0 0 0 9 3 1 7 2 2 2 1 1 2 3 9 6 1 6 1 1 6 3 3 1 2 1 2 3 14 3 2 2 5 7 4 0 4 2 3 1 2 0 14 5 2 11 1 3 0 2 2 2 2 6 1 0 2 3 11 8 1 2 0 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 C a r r y o v e r p ro v is io n s v a r y b y le n g th o f s e r v ic e . NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 19 Table 21. Sickness and accident insurance: large firms, 1986 Percent of full-time participants by type and duration of payments, medium and Maximum weeks of coverage Type of payment Total Less than 13 13 1 14 14-25 26 27-51 52 Greater than 52 Varies by service No All pa rticip ants All ty p e s ............................................... Fixed percent of earn ing s............................... Less than 50 ................................................ 5 0 ..................................................................... 5 5 ..................................................................... 5 7 .................................................................... 6 0 ..................................................................... 6 2 ..................................................................... 6 5 ..................................................................... 6 6 ..................................................................... 6 7 ..................................................................... 7 0 ..................................................................... 7 5 ..................................................................... 80 and o v e r .................................................. 100 48 0 20 0 0 11 6 0 - - 0 - - 0 16 - 0 - 0 1 1 7 3 ft 1 - - 3 2 0 - 0 0 9 4 2 1 0 - 0 - 6 3 1 - 1 - 0 Fixed weekly dollar b e n e fit............................. Less than $ 6 0 ............................................. $60-$79 .......................................................... $ 8 0 -$ 9 9 .......................................................... $100-$ 119 ..................................................... $120-$ 139 ..................................................... $1 40-$159 ..................................................... $160-$ 179 ..................................................... $1 80-$ 1 9 9 ..................................................... $ 2 0 0 -$ 2 1 9 ..................................................... $2 20 or more ............................................... 27 5 3 2 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 - 8 3 2 0 1 1 0 - 0 0 0 0 - ft ft - ft - ft - ft - - ft ft - - 1 - 0 ft 0 7 7 0 1 ft ft ft - 2 ft 1 ft ft 1 9 9 ft ft - - _ - 2 ft 1 1 - - _ 1 1 - 1 _ - ft ft 0 ft - - 14 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 ft - - - 0 0 ft - ft - - 19 18 0 - _ - 2 1 1 - 1 ft - . - - 0 - ft - - 0 1 2 - ft ft ft - 0 - ft ft - 1 1 5 ft ft 0 0 ft - 0 ft 0 - ft - - - 0 - 1 - - 0 0 0 - ft ft - 1 - 8 14 1 (’) ft ft 0 - - ft 2 35 1 2 - 0 59 3 - 0 - Percent of earnings v a rie s .............................. By s e rv ic e ..................................................... By length of disability................................ By both service and length of disability ..................................................... By ea rnings................................................... W eekly dollar benefit v a rie s ........................... By earn ing s................................................... By service or length of disability ..................................................... 4 _ - ft Pro fession al and ad m inistrative All ty p e s ............................................... Fixed percent of ea rn ing s............................... Less than 50 ................................................ 5 0 ..................................................................... 5 7 ..................................................................... 6 0 ..................................................................... 6 2 ..................................................................... 6 5 ..................................................................... 6 6 ..................................................................... 6 7 ..................................................................... 7 0 ..................................................................... 7 5 ..................................................................... 80 and o v e r .................................................. Percent of earnings v a rie s .............................. By s e rv ic e ..................................................... By length of disability................................ By both service and length of disability ..................................................... By earn ing s................................................... 100 1 68 0 26 0 20 0 2 1 0 0 ft - 0 11 5 3 1 0 - 11 6 3 - 1 - 0 6 - 75 3 3 55 24 16 - - ft ft 1 - 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (') 9 4 0 0 - - “ 20 3 ft 1 ft - ft 2 - 1 “ ft ft - 3 ft 2 - ft - ft - ft 1 ft - ft - ft - ft - - - ft - - ft ft - - ” ft “ “ - 0 0 8 3 ft ft - 3 2 - “ S ee footnotes at end of table. 3 7 4 3 “ ft ft - ft - - Table 21. Sickness and accident insurance: large firms, 1986—Continued Percent of full-time participants by type and duration of payments, medium and Maximum weeks of coverage Type of payment Total Less than 13 13 14-25 26 Greater Varies than by 52 service No 27-51 52 0 0 - _ _ - - - - - - 0 - - - P rofessional and adm inistrafiv e— C on tin ued Fixed weekly dollar b e n e fit............................. Less than $ 6 0 ............................................. $ 6 0 -$ 7 9 ......................................................... $ 8 0 -$ 9 9 ......................................................... $1 0 0 -$ 1 1 9 ..................................................... $120-$ 1 3 9 ..................................................... $140-$ 1 5 9 ..................................................... $1 60-$179 ..................................................... $180-$ 1 9 9 ..................................................... $ 2 0 0 -$ 2 1 9 ..................................................... $220 or more .............................................. W eekly dollar benefit v a rie s .......................... By ea rnings................................................... 11 4 1 1 1 1 2 0 8 4 0 0 0 1 0 10 10 0 0 0 - - - 0 - 0 0 0 0 - 0 - - O - - 0 - - (1) 1 (') 0 1 1 1 1 - - (’) (’ ) 0 0 9 9 - ( ') _ 0 0 0 - 0 _ 0 - Te chnical and clerical ty p e s .............................................. 100 1 14 2 68 4 7 Fixed percent of ea rnings............................... Less than 50 ............................................... 5 0 .................................................................... 5 5 .................................................................... 5 7 .................................................................... 6 0 .................................................................... 6 2 .................................................................... 6 5 .................................................................... 6 6 .................................................................... 6 7 .................................................................... 7 0 .................................................................... 7 5 .................................................................... 8 0 and over .................................................. 73 1 11 - 2 3 1 - 52 - 0 - 5 0 30 0 (’) - 0 (’) 0 - - - 9 0 0 - 9 2 - 1 - A ll Percent of earnings v a rie s .............................. By s e rv ic e ..................................................... By length of disability................................ By both service and length of disability ..................................................... By ea rnings................................................... Fixed weekly dollar b e n e fit............................. Less than $ 6 0 ............................................. $ 6 0 -$ 7 9 ......................................................... $ 8 0 -$ 9 9 ......................................................... $1 0 0 -$ 1 1 9 ..................................................... $ 1 2 0 -$ 1 3 9 ..................................................... $140-$ 1 5 9 ..................................................... $160-$ 179 ..................................................... $180-$ 1 9 9 ..................................................... $ 2 0 0 -$ 2 1 9 ..................................................... $220 or more .............................................. Weekly dollar benefit v a rie s ........................... By earn ing s................................................... By service or length of disability ..................................................... 0 35 (’) O 14 0 1 0 14 3 - 2 1 - - 0 0 (’) 0 - 0 1 3 0 4 1 - 0 10 - 6 - 2 0 - 1 1 _ 1 - - 9 3 - - 2 0 ( ') 6 2 0 ( 1) 0 0 0 - - - (’ ) 0 - 0 - 1 0 1 0 8 0 0 0 8 0 0 - “ (’) - 21 - ( ’) 0 - 1 - 2 _ (’ ) 1 - _ - - - 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 (’ ) ( ’) - 0 - - 0 - 1 1 - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ( ') 1 1 2 _ - 0 1 1 - - - 0 1 - 0 - - 0 _ - 0 0 3 2 1 0 1 - - 0 0 0 - - 0 5 1 0 - 0 5 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 1 4 - 1 0 - - S ee footnotes at end of table. 5 3 - - 3 O - 2 0 - 0 (’) - - _ 0 _ - ( ') - - - - Table 21. Sickness and accident insurance: large firms, 1986—Continued Percent of full-time participants by type and duration of payments, medium and Maximum weeks of coverage Type of payment Total Less than 13 13 1 17 26 27-51 52 5 52 1 3 26 0 10 O 6 1 0 Greater than 52 Varies by service 17 14-25 No maximum Production All typ e s........................................ 100 Fixed percent of earnings........................... Less than 5 0 ......................................... 5 0 ........................................................... 5 5 ........................................................... 5 7 ........................................................... 6 0 ........................................................... 6 2 ........................................................... 6 5 ........................................................... 6 6 ........................................................... 6 7 ..................................................................... 7 0 ..................................................................... 7 5 ..................................................................... 80 and over .................................................. 37 0 14 0 0 8 1 1 0 7 3 1 - - - 0 - 0 - - 0 5 0 - - 2 2 0 1 1 - - o 0 - 0 1 1 - - - 1 - - - 0 1 2 1 1 0 - 0 0 - - - 3 - 0 - - _ 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 ' Less than 0.5 percent. - - 7 6 0 1 0 0 0 (1 ) - - 0 0 0 3 1 1 17 1 1 2 4 - 0 0 0 0 - _ 2 - - - - - 3 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 1 - _ - - 2 0 1 1 - _ 0 14 14 - 0 - - (’) - _ - - _ 11 4 3 0 - - - _ - 0 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 36 5 4 2 6 5 4 3 2 - - 0 Fixed weekly dollar b e n e fit............................. Less than $ 6 0 ............................................. $60-$79 .......................................................... $80-$99 ......................................................... $100-$11 9 ..................................................... $120-$139 ..................................................... $140-$ 159 ..................................................... $160-$179 ..................................................... $180-$199 ..................................................... $200-$219 ..................................................... $220 or more ............................................... 1 0 - - 0 - - - - - - 0 1 24 22 - 0 0 - 3 2 1 Weekly dollar benefit v a rie s ........................... By earn ing s................................................... By service or length of disab ility..................................................... 0 - - 6 2 O Percent of earnings v a rie s .............................. By s e rv ic e ..................................................... By length of disability................................ By both service and length of disability ..................................................... 1 - (’) 2 1 0 0 - 0 - - 3 0 6 2 2 0 - _ - _ - - NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 22 Table 22. Sickness and accident insurance: Percent of full-tim e participants with benefits based on percent of earnings formula by maximum weekly benefit, medium and large firms, 1986 Maximum weekly benefit Type of payment Total Total with maximum Less than $100 $100 to $119 $120 to $139 $140 to $159 $160 to $199 $200 to $249 $250 to $299 $300 to $349 $350 to $399 $400 or more 3 7 1 23 9 5 5 4 1 10 1 23 20 1 - No All participants T o t a l.............................................. Fixed percent of earnings ................ Less than 5 0 .................................. 5 0 ....................................................... 5 5 ....................................................... 5 7 ....................................................... 6 0 ....................................................... 6 2 ....................................................... 6 5 ....................................................... 6 6 ....................................................... 6 7 ....................................................... 7 0 ....................................................... 7 5 ....................................................... 80 and o v e r .................................... Percent of earnings v a r ie s ............... 100 68 89 67 31 1 0 37 1 ft 21 1 2 0 17 7 4 1 ft 15 ft ft ft 14 5 7 3 - - 4 2 - - ft - - 1 ft 1 1 ft ft - ft - 11 2 100 61 25 1 1 - 1 - ft 1 1 ft - 3 1 2 - ft ft - - ft ft - 4 5 - ft ft ft 2 - - - - - - - - ft - 3 2 3 1 - - ft ft ft ft 9 (’) ft - - ft - - - 1 ft ft 22 1 ft - ft - ft - ft - 22 21 - 6 1 1 1 1 6 - ft ft ft - - 23 ft 1 ft - - ft - 9 - - ft - ft - 61 86 1 ft - 4 5 - - - 1 2 ft - ft ft 4 9 - 32 3 1 P rofessional and ad m in istrative T o t a l.............................................. Fixed percent of earnings ................. Less than 5 0 .................................. 5 0 ....................................................... 5 7 ....................................................... 6 0 ....................................................... 6 2 ....................................................... 6 5 ....................................................... 6 6 ....................................................... 6 7 ....................................................... 7 0 ....................................................... 7 5 ....................................................... 80 and o v e r .................................... Percent of earnings v a r ie s ............... 0 32 0 26 0 2 0 15 6 4 1 14 ft 20 12 4 - ft ft - ft - 4 8 8 - 4 - ft - - - 6 1 25 ft 7 ft ft - 39 6 5 - - ft ft - - ft 2 ft - - ft - - - - - - - - 2 2 4 1 - - - - ft - - 14 12 33 ft - ft ft - - - - - ft - - - 1 ft 1 1 - - ft ft - 7 ft - 4 3 10 - - ft - 10 1 2 - 1 7 6 - 1 ft - 7 6 3 2 Te chnical and clerical T o t a l.............................................. Fixed percent of earnings ................ Less than 5 0 .................................. 5 0 ....................................................... 5 5 ....................................................... 5 7 ....................................................... 6 0 ....................................................... 6 2 ....................................................... 6 5 ....................................................... 6 6 ....................................................... 6 7 ....................................................... 7 0 ....................................................... 7 5 ....................................................... 80 and o v e r ..................................... Percent of earnings v a r ie s ............... 100 67 87 66 37 0 42 0 0 17 0 1 ft 17 3 5 1 13 ft ft 12 ft 13 7 2 1 5 - - ft - - ft ft ft - ft 1 1 ft - ft 1 ft 2 - - - 2 - - - - 29 28 1 ft - ft ft 6 6 2 - ft ft - ft ft - - 1 - 1 - 5 ft ft 1 2 - - ft 1 1 11 - ft - ft ft - - - - (’) - - - - - - - - ft ft - - - - 22 ft 6 - 4 5 ft 1 ft 5 1 1 ft ft ft ft ft 2 - 1 1 3 4 - - 23 4 2 - - See footnotes at end of table. 29 1 7 2 - 1 - 4 1 4 1 1 11 - Table 22. Sickness and accident insurance: Percent of full-tim e participants with benefits based on percent of earnings formula by maximum weekly benefit, medium and large firms, 1986—Continued Maximum weekly benefit Type of payment Total Total with maximum Less than $100 $100 $140 to $159 $120 to $119 to $139 $160 to $199 $200 to $249 $250 to $299 $300 to $349 5 4 $350 to $399 $400 or more No maximum Production T o ta l........................................ Fixed percent of earnings.............. Less than 5 0 .............................. 5 0 ................................................ 5 5 ................................................ 5 7 ................................................ 6 0 ................................................ 6 2 ................................................ 6 5 ................................................ 6 6 ................................................ 6 7 ................................................ 7 0 ................................................ 7 5 ................................................ 80 and o v e r................................ Percent of earnings v a rie s ............. 1 100 72 92 35 70 30 1 1 0 0 5 5 15 1 1 2 0 1 1 18 3 0 3 1 0 8 5 2 1 0 - - - - 1 - 1 ft 4 6 4 1 1 1 2 0 1 4 - 1 - - 0 1 1 1 4 - - - ft - - 4 - 1 - 0 6 2 1 - Less than 0.5 percent. - 1 1 - 10 15 - 1 2 1 21 - 2 10 2 3 - 21 - - - 0 2 - - 15 7 9 11 - 0 21 11 1 - 1 ft - 8 - 1 22 5 2 - 0 4 - 28 (') - 0 0 0 8 - 5 1 2 0 1 4 ft ft 0 - - - - 3 - 1 2 1 6 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no em ployees in this category.1 2 Table 23. Sickness and accident insurance: Percent of full-time participants by length-of-service requirements for participation,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Length-of-service requirement T ota l..................................... 100 100 100 100 76 24 13 25 80 6 12 5 4 ft 64 24 9 19 5 4 3 ft 7 4 ft Without service requirement............. 23 36 24 20 Service requirement not determinable................................... ft “ “ ft With service requirement................. 1 m on th ....................................... 2 m onths.................................... 3 m onths..................................... 4-5 m onths................................... 6 m onths....................... .............. 1 year........................................... Over 1 ye a r.................................. 76 21 11 24 10 6 2 1 20 12 25 1 Length of time employees must be on the job before they are cov ered by a plan that is at least partially employer financed. There is fre quently an administrative time lag between completion of the requirement and the actual start of participation. If the lag was 1 month or more, it was included in the service requirement. Minimum age requirements are rare. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 24 Table 24. Long-term disability insurance: Percent of full-time participants by method of determining payment, medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administrative participants All participants Method Total With Without maximum maximum coverage coverage provi provi sions’ sions Total Without With maximum maximum coverage coverage provi provi sions' sions All methods...................... 100 71 29 100 75 25 Fixed percent of earnings............. Less than 50 percent.............. 50 percent................................. 55 percent................................. 60 percent................................ 65 or 67 percent...................... 70 percent or m ore.................. 76 60 62 2 2 1 20 15 16 O 5 82 2 19 12 2 2 2 2 39 30 9 46 36 12 11 1 11 10 2 2 2 2 Percent varies by earnings........... 10 6 11 6 Percent varies by service.............. O 0 0 0 4 ft 0 100 78 22 82 67 2 2 7 21 18 15 3 ft ft 4 6 - Other1 .............................................. 3 2 4 4 1 5 5 12 1 2 3 3 0 - 10 0 - 0 100 58 42 61 50 11 2 2 - 21 17 2 1 1 25 20 5 11 1 6 4 - 1 4 9 6 - 1 0 3 - 29 2 26 4 2 2 ft ft Without With maximum maximum coverage coverage provi provi sions’ sions 1 1 ft 0 Total 0 1 1 1 Includes dollar maximums in plans that pay a percent of earnings, ceilings on income during disability that limit the amount payable from the long-term disability insurance plans plus other income, or a combina tion of both. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 (2 ) 1 ft 32 13 2 2 O 2 41 14 (2 ) 8 ft 2 11 1 - Without With maximum maximum coverage coverage provi provi sions sions’ 1 9 (2 ) Total Production participants 20 Scheduled dollar amount varies by earnings....................... Data not available.......................... Technical and clerical participants - - - 3 Includes flat dollar amounts and scheduled percent of earnings varying by length of disability. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 25. Long-term disability insurance: Percent of full-time participants by duration of benefits, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Duration of benefits T o ta l.......................................... 100 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 100 Until a specified age1 ........................ Under age 6 5 ............................... Age 6 5 ......................................... Age 7 0 ......................................... 16 ft 15 ft 15 ft 12 12 11 4 3 4 6 Duration of benefit varies................. By length of service.................... By age at time of disability3 ........ Single reduction .................... Gradual reduction ................. 78 ft 78 36 42 79 ft 79 34 45 79 ft 79 30 48 75 ft 75 44 30 Other4 ................................................. 6 6 6 19 ft 13 6 The age may be directly specified or the designated retirement age. Less than 0.5 percent. 3 Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, age-based reduc tions in employee benefit plans are permissible when justified by signifi cant cost considerations. The duration of benefits may be reduced gradually according to an age schedule or reduced once at a specified age. 4 Includes benefits lasting for life, for a specified number of months, or until some unspecified retirement age. 1 2 NOTE: B e c a u se of rounding, su m s of individual item s m ay not equal to tals. 25 Table 26. Long-term disability insurance: Percent of full-time participants by length-of-service requirements for participa tion,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional Techni cal and Produc and All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Length-of-service requirement T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 With service requirement................. 1 m on th....................................... 2 m onths...................................... 3 m onths...................................... 4-5 months................................... 6 m onths...................................... 1 year........................................... 2 years.......................................... 3 years......................................... Over 3 years............................... 67 66 73 62 10 13 11 4 15 2 2 8 14 17 13 4 14 9 2 1 1 14 13 11 11 6 3 3 16 14 3 1 1 2 7 7 7 6 Without service requirement............. 33 34 27 38 Service requirement not determinable................................... 0 “ “ 0 2 O 1 Length of time employees must be on the job before they are cov ered by a plan that is at least partially employer financed. There is fre quently an administrative time lag between completion of the requirement and the actual start of participation. If the lag was 1 month or more, it was included in the service requirement. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 27. Long-term disability insurance: Percent of full-time participants in plans with limitations on benefits for mental illness, medium and large firms, 1986 All participants Professional and administrative partici pants Technical and clerical participants Production participants T ota l..................................... 100 100 100 100 Without lim its ..................................... 63 60 59 73 Benefits lim ited.................................. 37 40 41 27 Benefits provided only if institutionalized......................... 1 2 2 Limitation Unless institutionalized, benefit amount reduced....................... O Unless institutionalized, benefits provided only for limited period 1 2 months ............................ 24 m onths............................ O th e r..................................... 30 3 27 O Benefits provided only for limited period........................................ 1 2 months ............................ 24 months ............................ O th e r..................................... 0 1 4 35 1 28 21 - 0 4 5 1 0 4 0 5 - - 4 4 22 6 O 0 1 Less than 0.5 percent. 0 0 34 3 30 0 4 1 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 26 Chapter 5. Health Care and Life Insurance w ise separated from employment, c o b r a requires em ploy ers who maintain health insurance plans to continue insurance to terminated workers for up to 18 months. Workers may be charged up to 102 percent o f the premium cost. The Em ployee Benefits Survey was conducted in the first half o f 1986, immediately before the act went into effect. About three-fourths o f the participants were in health plans extending coverage into retirement. These plans nearly al w ays covered retirees up to age 65, and generally provided the same benefits given to active em ployees. In nine-tenths o f the cases, retirees remained insured after 65. Again, there was commonly no change in benefit levels, apart from coor dination with Medicare. Regardless o f the retiree’s age, premiums for retiree in surance were fully company-paid in plans covering over onehalf o f covered participants; but for about 15 percent, pro tection continued only if the retiree paid the full cost. The company shared the costs with the retirees for three-tenths o f the participants in plans covering retirees under age 65 and more than one-fifth in plans covering retirees age 65 and older. Group health coverage could continue for about 1 in 2 par ticipants follow ing a layoff. For 1 in 3, benefits were w hol ly or partly employer financed; the maximum period o f protection in these cases was often 3 months or less. In some plans, em ployees could extend their protection beyond that point by paying the full premium. Approximately 1 in 5 participants were in plans where no continuation o f group coverage was available. (Em ployees in com m ercially insured or Blue Cross-Blue Shield plans could exercise rights to convert to a more expensive individu al policy at their own cost.) Remaining participants worked for firms where layoffs had never occurred and no policy had been established. A long with paid holidays and paid vacations, health and life insurance are the most widespread em ployee benefits in medium and large firms. Health care benefits were provid ed to 95 percent and life insurance to 96 percent o f all em ployees, and the extent o f coverage was nearly identical within each o f the three occupational groups. Health care Virtually all o f the participants in health care plans were covered for the major categories o f medical care, such as hospital room and board, care by physicians and surgeons, diagnostic X-ray and laboratory work, prescription drugs, and private duty nursing (table 28). Among benefits less com monly provided were vision care (covering 40 percent o f the participants), hearing care (20 percent), and routine physi cal exams (18 percent). Unlike most other employee benefits, there were few differences in health care provisions among em ployee groups. The various categories o f medical care are covered under 1 o f 3 benefit arrangements: Basic benefits only, major med ical benefits only, or basic benefits plus major medical. Basic benefit plans cover a specific medical service (such as hospitalization) and generally do not require deductible or coinsurance payments by insured individuals.6 Conversely, major medical plans cover many categories o f care and usual ly have both deductible and coinsurance features. In-hospital care was most com m only covered by an ar rangement that offered basic coverage plus supplemental major medical coverage. Certain categories o f medical care, such as private duty nursing, visits to a physician’s office, and prescription drugs, usually were covered only as major medical benefits. Dental and vision care were almost exclu sively covered as basic benefits. Regardless o f the benefit arrangement used, most health plans limited the size o f benefit payments. Hospital coverage (table 32). The most costly component o f health care is that provided by a hospital. Nearly one-half o f all personal health care expenditures in the United States are for hospital care.7 Virtually all o f the participants in health plans analyzed in this study received coverage for hospital exp en ses.8 Coverage for retired or laid-ojf workers (tables 29-31). One o f the goals o f the Consolidated Omnibus Budget R econcili ation Act o f 1985 ( c o b r a ) was to reduce gaps in health care benefits for em ployees who are laid off, retired, or other 7 Ross H. Arnett ID, David R. McKusick, Sally T. Sonnefeld, and Carol S. 6 T he deductible is a sp ecified am ount o f m edical ex p en se that an in sured person m ust pay b efore benefits w ill be paid by the plan. C oinsur C o w ell, “ P rojections o f Health C are Spending to 1 9 9 0 ,” Health Care Financing Review, Spring 1986, pp. 1-36. ance is a provision where both the (insured) participant and the insurer share, 8A sm all number o f participants, w ho elected only dental care cover in a sp ecified ratio, the health care exp en ses resulting from an illn ess or injury. The coinsurance percentage is the share paid by the plan (insurer). age, w ere not covered for hospital exp en ses. 27 For a majority o f em ployees, insurance covers all initial hospital room expenses; how ever, a growing minority must pay part o f the first-dollar costs. The percent o f health plan participants with only major medical coverage increased to 35 percent in 1986, from 33 percent in 1985, 28 percent in 1984, and 19 percent in 1983. These em ployees typically must pay both an initial deductible and a percentage o f sub sequent hospital room charges. O f the 64 percent o f health insurance participants with basic hospital coverage, 14 per cent must pay a specified amount per adm ission or, in som e cases, pay for the first day o f confinement. O f those who received basic hospital coverage, 96 per cent w ere in plans that paid room and board expenses up to the semiprivate rate, providing som e protection against rising hospital charges. Seventy-five percent o f the par ticipants in basic hospital plans had ceilings on the duration o f coverage. A lm ost three-fifths had plans which specified the maximum number o f days covered per confinement, most com m only 120 or 365 days. M ost o f the remaining plans limited the duration o f coverage by specifying a maximum dollar amount per admission or per year.9 Additional cover age was usually available under a major medical plan for cases that exceeded these limitations. paid by the basic plan; the other is comprehensive and stands alone without basic plan coverage. C om prehensive major medical policies have been embraced by em ployers seeking to contain costs o f providing health care, because they may eliminate first-dollar co v era g e.10* With very few exceptions, major medical benefits are not paid until the participants have paid a deductible. The pur pose o f this deductible is to keep the premium cost down and discourage unnecessary use o f m edical services. A deductible amount o f $100 has been the m ost com m on since the survey’s inception in 1979, applying to nearly half o f all plan participants. H ow ever, 36 percent were required to pay deductibles o f $150 or m ore in 1986, up from 29 per cent in 1985, 21 percent in 1984, and 12 percent in 1983 (chart 1). Higher deductibles w ere less prevalent for bluecollar workers than for white-collar workers. Once the worker meets the deductible requirement, the plan pays a specified percentage (coinsurance) o f incurred ex penses. Almost seven-eighths o f the participants were in plans that paid 80 percent o f expenses, with the remaining 20 per cent to be paid by the worker. For over four-fifths o f the participants, how ever, the percentage paid by the plan in creased to 100 percent after a specified level o f expenses was incurred during a year. For exam ple, a plan might pay 80 percent o f the first $ 5 ,0 0 0 o f covered expanses and 100 per cent thereafter, thus limiting the em ployee’s “ out-of-pocket” cost to $ 1 ,0 0 0 (in addition to the deductible). Incidence o f this protection has increased each year since 1979, when less than one-half o f the major medical participants w ere co v ered .11 In 1986, outlays for covered expenses w ere capped at $ 1 ,2 0 0 or less per year for 3 out o f 4 participants with ‘ ‘stop-loss’ ’ coverage. Benefits for 80 percent o f major medical participants were subject to a ceiling on the amount payable by the plan, usually a lifetim e maximum. In 1986, the m ost com m on limitation was $1 m illion; $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 had been the m ost com m on limit until 1 9 8 5 . T h e a v era g e life tim e m axim u m w as $570,000—an increase o f 67 percent since 1982. The propor tion o f participants in plans with unlimited payments also increased in that period, from 14 to 20 percent. Surgical coverage (table 33). Seventy-five percent o f health plan participants had basic coverage for surgery in 1986. Over four-fifths o f these participants had plans with payments based on the “ usual, customary, and reasonable” charge for the procedure performed, up from 75 percent in 1985 and 69 percent in 1984. Although m ost o f these plans paid 100 percent o f such charges, 12 percent o f the participants were in plans that paid between 80 and 95 percent or imposed an overall dollar limit on surgical payments. The remaining onefifth o f participants with basic surgical benefits were covered by a schedule o f payments, listing the maximum amount pay able for each operation. Charges in excess o f the scheduled amount were usually covered by a major medical plan. Major medical coverage (tables 34-36). Major medical benefits, provided to 82 percent o f the health insurance par ticipants, generally covered a w ide range o f medical serv ices both in and out o f the hospital. Because more employees are selecting health maintenance organizations (H M O ’s ) , the proportion o f major medical participants has dropped from 92 percent in 1983. (H M O ’ s typically provide first-dollar or basic coverage for most health services and, therefore, rarely provide major m edical benefits.) There are tw o types o f major medical plans: One supple ments basic benefits either by covering expenses which ex ceed basic benefit limitations or by covering expenses not Dental coverage (tables 37-40). Seventy-one percent o f the participants in health insurance plans received coverage for dental expenses, a slight decline from 1985. Nearly all den tal plans covered a w ide range o f services including exam i nations, X -rays, and restorative procedures such as fillings, periodontal care, and inlays. Plans covering orthodontic ex- 10 C om prehensive m ajor m edical plans can b e broken d ow n into strict and m odified varieties. A ll ex p en ses covered are subject to the deductible and coinsurance p rovision s under the strict version , w hereas the m odified version m ight co v er hospital, or hospital and su rgical, exp en ses in full up to a sp ecified dollar am ount w ithout the application o f a deductible. (A lso , se e footnote 9 .) 11 Trends in m ajor m edical b enefits are exam ined by D ou glas H edger and Donald Schmitt in “ Trends in M ajor M edical C overage During a Period o f R ising C o s ts ,” Monthly Labor Review , July 1983, pp. 11-16. 9 T his lim itation is com m on ly found in com prehensive m ajor m edical plans. T h ese plans usually co v er hospital exp en ses in full up to a sp ecified dollar am ount per confinem ent or per year (typically b etw een $ 1 ,0 0 0 and $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 ) and 80 percent thereafter. For this study, the full-coverage por tion w as treated as a basic benefit and the 80-percent portion as m ajor m edical. 28 Chart 1. Trends in selected deductible amount: Percent of full-time participants in major medical plans, medium and large firms, 1979-86 Percent Percent ered by an incentive schedule. Under this arrangement, the percentage o f dental expenses paid by the plan increases each year if the participant is examined regularly by a dentist. Unlike other basic health benefits, dental plans typically required participants to pay a specified deductible amount before the plan paid any benefits. The most common require ment was a $25 or $50 deductible to be met by the participant each year. H ow ever, som e plans required the participant to pay a deductible (usually $50) only once while a member o f the plan rather than every year. White-collar workers were more likely than blue-collar workers to have plans with deductible requirements. Eighty-eight percent o f dental plan participants were en rolled in plans that limited the amount o f payment each year by specifying a yearly maximum benefit. Although many plans have raised their limits since 1980, there was little change between 1985 and 1986. In both years, the most com mon limit was $1,000. Orthodontic services were almost al ways subject to lifetim e maximums, which have increased since first tabulated in 1980. Lifetim e maximums o f $ 1 ,000 penses, at least for dependent children, covered 75 percent o f em ployees with dental benefits in 1986. Dental payments were most commonly based on a percent age o f the usual, customary, and reasonable charge for a procedure. The percentage covered by a plan generally de pended on the type o f procedure performed. Less costly procedures such as examinations and X-rays were usually covered at 80 or 100 percent. F illings, surgery, and perio dontal care w ere more likely to be covered at 80 percent. M ore e x p e n siv e p ro ced u res—in la y s, c r o w n s, and orthodontia—were often covered at 50 percent o f the usual, customary, and reasonable charge. About one-fifth o f the dental plan participants were offered reimbursement based on a schedule o f cash allow ances. In this type o f arrangement, each procedure is subject to a speci fied maximum dollar amount that can be paid to the par ticipant. Preventive procedures and orthodontia were less likely to be subject to this type o f schedule than restorative procedures. Three percent o f dental plan participants had services cov 29 medical expenses usually did not apply to outpatient mental health care.1 2 or more for orthodontia applied to 50 percent of participants in dental plans providing this benefit in 1986, up from 17 percent in 1980. Other health benefits (tables 42-43). The incidence of alco hol and drug abuse provisions continued to increase (chart 2). The percent of participants covered for alcoholism treat ment rose slightly, from 68 to 70 percent between 1985 and 1986. Drug abuse treatment has steadily increased in avail ability, from 37 percent when first tabulated in 1982 to 66 percent in 1986. Forty percent of health insurance participants were covered for vision care expenses in 1986, up from 35 percent in 1985 and 18 percent in 1979. Although gains were made in all three occupational groups, plans for blue-collar workers were typically more comprehensive than those for white-collar workers. Hearing care was available to 20 percent of participants in 1986, up from 17 percent in 1985 and 10 percent in 1983. Mental health coverage (table 41). Of the participants in plans with mental health benefits, 61 percent had more restrictive hospital coverage for mental illnesses than for other ailments in 1986, up from 57 percent in 1985 and 41 percent in 1981. These plans commonly reduced the duration of the hospital stay (often 30 days for mental health care in basic hospital benefits, compared to 120 or 365 days for other illnesses) and sometimes imposed a separate maximum on covered hospital expenses (such as a lifetime maximum of $50,000 on mental health benefits). Even more restrictive was cover age for mental health care outside the hospital (psychiatric office visits). Outpatient mental health care was usually cov ered in the major medical portion of a plan, where: (1) ceil ings were often placed on the amounts payable for each visit and/or each year, and (2) the coinsurance rate for nonhospi tal treatment was often 50 percent, compared to 80 percent for other illnesses. Also, limits on annual out-of-pocket major Chart 2. 12 A m ore detailed exam ination o f mental health care provisions in health care plans is provided by A llan P. B lostin in a Monthly L abor Review arti c le scheduled for publication in the sum m er o f 1987. Coverage for selected types of medical care: Percent of full-time participants in health care benefit plans, medium and large firms, 1984-86 Alcoholism treatment Extended care facility Drug abuse treatment Home health care Vision care Hospice care Hearing care 0 10 20 30 40 Percent 30 50 60 70 80 urns for individual and family coverage averaged $13 and $41 a month, respectively (chart 3). These represented in creases of 6 and 8 percent from 1985, paralleling the 7.5-percent increase in the medical care component of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers in 1986. Employee premiums were somewhat lower for production workers than for the two white-collar groups. Included in the calculation of average employee premiums were some employees contributing only to a supplemental plan, such as an optional dental plan financed jointly by employer and employees. In addition, a new survey tabulation showed that 14 per cent of the employees required to contribute toward their health benefits in 1986 could do so with pretax dollars. These employees had the advantage of reducing their taxable in come while buying health care. Some of these employees were in flexible benefit plans, in which they could set aside a portion of their salary to purchase additional benefits. These arrangements will be described in more detail in chapter 8. Cost containment (table 44). In line with efforts to contain costs of health care, an increasing number of plans provid ed less expensive alternatives to a hospital stay. Coverage for treatment in extended care facilities increased from 67 percent of plan participants in 1985 to 70 percent in 1986; coverage for home health care rose from 56 percent to 66 percent; and coverage of hospice care rose from 23 percent to 31 percent. Provisions for prehospitalization testing, a means of decreasing the length of hospitalization, covered nearly half of the participants in both 1985 and 1986. Sixteen percent of participants were provided full plan coverage for hospi tal confinement only when the plan certified such stays as necessary. Other cost containment measures encouraged alternatives to inpatient surgery. Twenty-eight percent of the participants received higher reimbursements or paid lower deductible amounts for certain surgical procedures performed at out patient facilities, including ambulatory surgical centers. Higher payment for childbirth at a birthing center was avail able to 12 percent of participants in 1986, the first year this provision was tabulated. Fifty-seven percent of the participants were in plans that paid for a second surgical opinion in 1986, compared to 50 percent in 1985. For 3 in 5 of the 1986 cases, incentives were included for obtaining an additional surgeon’s opinion—plan payments for many types of surgery were either lower or not made at all if the second opinion was not obtained. Provisions such as offering higher reimbursement rates for generic prescription drugs, discouraging nonemergency weekend hospital admissions, and incentives to audit hospi tal bills were less common than the other cost containment measures previously described.1 3 Participation requirements (table 46). More than half of the participants were allowed to join a health plan immediately upon being hired. Coverage was more immediate for health insurance than for vacations, retirement, capital accumula tion, or any other type of insurance plan. There has been a gradual drop in the proportion of participants required to complete a minimum length-of-service period since this pro vision was first tabulated in 1981—from 59 percent to 49 percent. These service requirements usually were periods of 1, 2, or 3 months. The incidence of service requirements varied markedly among the employee groups. While nearly three-fifths of white-collar employees could participate im mediately, approximately the same percentage of production workers had some waiting period. Employee contributions (table 45). The percent of employees whose health insurance premiums are wholly paid by their employers declined sharply in 1986. Fifty-four percent of workers had individual coverage wholly financed by their employers in 1986, down from 61 percent the previous year. Thirty-five percent also could receive fully employer-paid coverage for their families, a 7-percentage-point drop from 1985. The long-term decline in fully employer-financed health insurance coverage is at least in part due to the in creased cost of medical care. Wholly paid health care for individual and family coverage was available to 72 and 51 percent of employees, respectively, in 1980. Exact data on the amount of an employee’s contributions for health benefits occasionally were not available because payroll deductions applied to an insurance policy covering both health insurance and one or more other benefits. However, where the amount was reported, employee premi- Funding medium (table 47). Employer-provided health care through independent health plans has gained equal footing with commercial insurance policies and Blue Cross-Blue Shield plans. Independent plans, which include health main tenance and preferred provider organizations, and plans which are self-insured, covered 50 percent of the health in surance participants with basic hospitalization benefits (38 percent in 1985). The rise in coverage of independent health plans with basic hospital benefits is largely due to the grow ing importance of health maintenance organizations (hmo’s). An hmo is a prepaid health care plan that delivers com prehensive medical services to enrolled members for a fixed periodic fee.1 Thirteen percent of the health insurance par 4 ticipants covered by the survey were enrolled in hmo’s, up from 7 percent in 1985 and 5 percent in 1984. Preferred provider organizations (PPO’s), analyzed separately for the first time in 1986, accounted for 1 per- 13 D esp ite recent em phasis on cost containm ent, there have been coun tervailing im provements in health care coverage. Robert N . Frumkin tracked developm ents in 2 0 9 plans over a 6-year period in ‘ ‘Health Insurance Trends in C ost C ontrol and C o v e r a g e ,” Monthly Labor Review, Septem ber 1986, p p .3 -8 . 31 14 HMO plans and plans provided through the m ore traditional health in surers are com pared by A llan B lostin and W illiam M arclay in “ H M O ’s and Other Health Plans: C overage and Em ployee Premiums, ’ ’ Monthly Labor Review, June 1983, pp. 2 8 -3 3 . Chart 3. Average employee contributions for health care benefits, medium and large firms, 1982-86 Monthly contribution (in dollars) Monthly contribution (in dollars) plan paid wholly by the employer. Life insurance coverage has kept pace with earnings since 1979, either through an increase in specified dollar amounts of insurance or through increased maximums in formulas linked to earnings. Basic coverage for two-thirds of all life insurance par ticipants was linked to their earnings, enabling the level of protection to increase automatically with a rise in pay. Earnings-based formulas were much more prevalent among white-collar workers (82 percent) than among blue-collar workers (48 percent). The most common method of tying life insurance protection to earnings was to multiply the em ployee’s annual earnings by a factor of 1 or 2 and round the product to the next $1,000. For example, an employee earn ing $22,700 would receive $46,000 of coverage under a plan providing 2 times earnings ($22,700 times 2 equals $45,400, which is rounded up to $46,000). Nearly 1 in 2 employees in multiple-of-eamings plans had insurance equal to their annual earnings. Two in five had coverage equal to twice annual earnings or more. Multipleof-eamings formulas tended to be higher when employee con tributions were required, providing insurance at two or more cent of employees. With a p p o , employers encourage em ployees to use designated health care providers. The role of self-insurance in major medical plans increased in 1986. Forty-five percent of major medical plan participants were in self-insured plans, up from 38 percent in 1985. Selfinsurance of basic health and dental care remained about the same, ranging from 27 percent of basic hospital and medi cal participants to 39 percent of those with dental benefits. Commercial carrier and Blue Cross-Blue Shield policies, which in 1980 covered 5 in 6 employees receiving the benefits shown in table 47, accounted for one-half or less of the coverage in 1986. However, employers commonly contract with commercial insurers to protect their self-insured plans against medical claims exceeding a predetermined max imum dollar amount. Life insurance (tables 48-53) Ninety-six percent of full-time employees within the scope of the survey participated in life insurance plans in 1986; nearly all participants (92 percent) had the cost of a basic 32 vivor benefit pays a monthly amount to a surviving spouse for a limited period (usually 24 months). In some plans, these payments are followed by a subsequent series of payments, known as “ bridge” benefits. Bridge benefits continue until a later event, such as remarriage or the surviving spouse’s 65th birthday. Benefits generally consisted of either a per cent of employee earnings at the time of death or a flat dol lar amount. Survivor benefit plans may also make payments to depend ent children or dependent parents. The benefits may be ad justed for the size of the employee’s family and the type of dependents who survive. Life insurance on workers’ spouses and unmarried depend ent children also is sometimes available. One-sixth of life insurance participants had employer-financed dependent coverage in 1986; in most cases, the employer paid all of the cost. Nearly all plans covered dependent children as well as spouses. The most common coverage for death of either a spouse or a child was a flat amount of $1,000. Higher amounts, however, were available more often for spouses than for children: Spouse coverage of $2,000 or more ap plied to one-half of the participants with dependent life in surance, but similar coverage for a child applied to only one-fifth of these workers. Coverage of $5,000 or more on the spouse’s life was not unusual, but rare in the case of a child. For nearly one-quarter of participants, coverage for a child increased at specified ages: For example, $250 until 2 years old, followed by $500 up to 3 years, and $1,000 thereafter. Minimum length-of-service requirements for participation were found in plans covering 54 percent of workers with life insurance. As is the case for health and sickness and acci dent insurance, service requirements are generally 3 months or less. Basic life insurance continued after retirement for 59 per cent of all participants. The preretirement amount of insur ance, however, was reduced in nearly all instances.1 Other 6 forms of life insurance—accidental death and dismember ment, supplemental, and dependent coverage—were seldom available after retirement. times earnings for 3 in 5 participants.1 Professional5 administrative participants had the highest coverage, with noncontributory plans commonly providing multiples of two or more times earnings. And when their plans were contribu tory, nearly 3 in 4 had coverage of twice annual earnings or more. There was no upper limit on life insurance for more than one-half of participants in multiple-of-eamings plans. Where limits existed, the proportion of employees with maximums under $100,000 has declined from one-half to one-fourth since 1979. Thirty percent of life insurance plan participants had a flat dollar amount of insurance, regardless of earnings. One-half of all production worker participants were covered by a uni form amount, compared with 13 percent of white-collar workers. Uniform amounts for production workers averaged $10,400, almost $2,000 more than the average for the other two groups. While usually providing much smaller amounts of insurance than eamings-based formulas, flat amount cover age has improved. Participants in plans providing benefits of less than $5,000 decreased from 29 percent in 1981 to 19 percent in 1986; most of the offsetting increase was in amounts of $15,000 or more. The $15,000 or more amounts grew in incidence from 7 to 22 percent of workers insured by flat amounts during the same period. Almost three-fourths of all life insurance participants had additional insurance coverage if accidental death or dismem berment occurred. The amount of insurance was usually dou bled in the case of accidental death. In addition to basic coverage, some employers offered their workers supplemental life insurance that was partially em ployer financed. The typical supplemental plan provided in surance in multiples of 1 to 3 times annual earnings. Eleven percent of the employees were eligible to join these plans. (The survey did not record the number of employees actual ly contributing.) Ten percent of participants were in plans which provided monthly income to surviving family members, nearly always in addition to life insurance benefits. There are two types of survivor income benefits. The “ transition” type of sur 15 The em p lo y ee contribution rate w as com m only expressed as a fixed m onthly rate for each $ 1 ,0 0 0 o f insurance. R eported rates varied w idely from 9 cents to 9 9 cents per $ 1 ,0 0 0 , and, in som e plans, applied only to am ounts o f b asic scheduled insurance in e x cess o f a free portion (for e x am ple, the first $ 5 ,0 0 0 o f coverage). D ata w ere not available for one-third o f contributory plan participants, how ever, because payroll deductions som e times applied to an insurance policy covering life insurance and one or more other benefits. 33 16 For on e-h alf o f the participants, coverage is reduced if they continue w orking beyond retirem ent age. H ow ever, the reduction in the am ount of coverage is usually not as severe as for retirees. For details, see M ichael A . M iller, “ A ge-related R eductions in W orkers’ L ife In su ran ce,” Monthly Labor Review, Septem ber 1985, pp. 2 9 -3 4 . Table 28. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by coverage for selected categories of medical care, medium and large firms, 1986 Care provided Category of medical care Total All By basic benefits only2 By major medical only3 By basic benefits and major medical Care not provided1 All pa rticip ants Hospital room and b o a rd ......................................... Hospitalization— miscellaneous se rv ic e s ............ Outpatient care4 .......................................................... Extended care facility5 ............................................. Home health care5 .................................................... S u rg ic a l......................................................................... Physician visits— in h o s p ita l................................... Physician visits— office ............................................ Diagnostic X-ray and laboratory6 ........................... Prescription drugs— nonhospital............................ Private-duty nursing................................................... Mental health c a r e .................................................... D e n ta l............................................................................ Vision ............................................................................ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 70 66 99 99 96 99 97 94 99 71 40 24 24 21 29 30 37 21 16 29 25 14 19 68 35 35 36 38 30 25 25 51 75 47 69 80 35 3 5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 74 71 99 99 99 99 97 97 99 75 39 25 25 20 31 33 37 21 18 29 25 15 18 71 33 38 39 40 31 27 28 58 78 51 69 81 38 4 6 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 99 24 24 20 28 31 37 21 18 30 38 39 42 31 27 27 36 36 37 11 11 36 56 22 1 1 1 31 31 1 1 3 2 40 40 41 11 11 38 27 5 24 3 1 45 - 0 1 1 1 30 34 1 1 4 1 3 6 1 29 60 Pro fession al and ad m in istrative Hospital room and b o a rd ......................................... Hospitalization— miscellaneous se rv ic e s ............ Outpatient care4 .......................................................... Extended care facility5 ............................................. Home health care5 .................................................... S u rg ic a l......................................................................... Physician visits— in h o s p ita l................................... Physician visits— office ............................................ Diagnostic X-ray and laboratory6 ........................... Prescription drugs— nonhospital............................ Private-duty nursing................................................... Mental health c a r e .................................................... D e n ta l............................................................................. Vision ............................................................................. 36 36 39 11 11 35 21 2 19 3 O 43 (7) 1 1 1 26 29 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 25 61 Te chn ica l and clerical Hospital room and b o a rd ......................................... Hospitalization— miscellaneous se rv ic e s ............ Outpatient care4 .......................................................... Extended care facility5 ............................................. Home health care5 .................................................... S u rg ic a l......................................................................... Physician visits— in h o s p ita l.................................... Physician visits— office ............................................ Diagnostic X-ray and laboratory6 ........................... Prescription drugs— nonhospital............................ Private-duty nursing................................................... Mental health c a r e .................................................... D e n ta l............................................................................ Vision ............................................................................ 100 99 69 69 99 99 98 99 95 96 99 72 41 S e e fo o t n o t e s a t e n d o f ta b le . 34 22 15 18 68 34 77 50 71 81 40 4 6 20 1 3 4 4 41 - 1 28 59 O 0 Table 28. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by coverage for selected categories of medical care, medium and large firms, 1986—-Continued Care provided Category of medical care Total All By basic benefits only2 By major medical only3 By basic benefits and major medical Care not provided' Production Hospital room and b o a rd ......................................... Hospitalization— miscellaneous se rv ic e s ............ Outpatient care4 .......................................................... Extended care facility5 ............................................. Home health care5 .................................................... S u rg ic a l......................................................................... Physician visits— in h o s p ita l................................... Physician visits— o f fic e ............................................ Diagnostic X-ray and laboratory6 ........................... Prescription drugs— nonhospital............................ Private-duty nursing................................................... Mental health c a r e .................................................... D e n ta l............................................................................ Vision ............................................................................ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 68 61 100 100 93 100 97 92 99 68 40 ' Includes employees who elected to waive participation in their em ployer’s medical program but who enrolled in dental an d /o r vision plans. 2 A provision was classified as a basic benefit when it related to the initial expenses incurred for a specific medical service. Under these pro visions, a plan paid covered expenses in one of several ways: (1) In full with no limitation; (2) in full for a specified period of time, or until a dollar limit was reached; or (3) a cash scheduled allowance benefit that provided up to a dollar amount for a service performed by a hospital or physician. For a specific category of care, a plan may require the par ticipant to pay a specific amount each disability or year (deductible) or a nominal charge each visit or procedure (copayment) before reimburse ment begins or services are rendered. 3 Major medical benefits cover many categories of expenses, some of which are not covered under basic benefits, and others for which ba sic coverage limits have been exhausted. These benefits are character 23 23 21 28 27 37 22 13 28 26 12 21 66 36 32 33 35 30 23 22 45 73 42 69 79 31 3 4 44 44 44 10 10 41 33 7 29 3 1 47 - 0 O (7) 0 32 39 O 0 7 0 3 8 1 32 60 ized by deductible and coinsurance provisions that are applied across categories of care. 4 Coverage for any of the following services charged by the out patient department of the hospital: Treatment for accidental injury or emergency sickness; surgical procedures; rehabilitative or physical therapy; and treatment for chronic illness (radiation therapy, etc.). 5 Some plans provide this care only to a patient who was previously hospitalized and is recovering without need of the extensive care pro vided by a general hospital. Excludes provisions for hospice care that are shown in table 43. 6 Charges incurred in the outpatient department of a hospital and outside of the hospital. 7 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 35 Table 29. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by provision for coverage after retirement, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Provision T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 With retiree c o v e ra g e '.......................... 76 79 78 73 Without retiree c o v e ra g e ..................... 21 18 19 25 Provision not d e term in ab le................. 2 2 1 2 Retiree policy not estab lish ed ........... 1 1 1 0 Dental plan only3 .................................... 1 1 1 (*) 1 These employees participate in employer-financed plans that provide group health coverage during all or part of a worker’s retirement lifetime. Som e benefits available to current employees may either be discontinued at retirement or offered at reduced levels of protection. Coverage for retir ees may be wholly or partly employer financed or wholly retiree financed. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 3 Participants who elected dental coverage only were not included in this tabulation. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Table 30. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with coverage after retirement by benefit provisions and age of retiree, medium and large firms, 1986 All participants Professional and administrative participants Technical and clerical participants Production participants Benefit provision Retiree under 65 Retiree 65 and over Retiree under 65 Retiree 65 and over Retiree under 65 Retiree 65 and over Retiree under 65 Retiree 65 and over T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 With retiree c o v e ra g e '.......................... 99 90 99 94 99 92 99 86 78 18 1 1 71 16 1 1 83 14 1 1 76 16 1 2 81 15 2 1 77 13 1 1 74 24 1 1 65 18 1 1 Full cost .......................................... Partial c o s t...................................... No c o s t............................................ Not determinable ......................... 15 30 51 2 14 22 52 2 14 32 51 3 14 22 55 3 13 33 50 3 11 23 55 3 18 28 51 2 15 21 48 2 Without retiree coverage4 .................... 1 10 1 6 1 8 1 14 E ffe c t o f re tire m e n t on b e n e fit level1 2 No change in coverage3 ............ Reduced coverage ...................... Increased c o v e ra g e ..................... Not determinable .......................... R e tiree sh are o f co st 3 For retirees eligible for Medicare, benefits may be calculated and re duced by the extent to which covered expenses are reimbursed by the Federal program. 4 Retiree coverage was provided to one age group but not the other. 1 This tabulation shows covered workers as a percent of all partici pants in plans with employer- or employee-financed group insurance for retirees under age 65, those 65 and over, or both groups. It covers plans in which insurance was continued for longer than 1 month after retire ment. It excludes plans which provide only the retiree’s share of pre mium for medical insurance under Medicare (Part B). 2 If dental insurance was provided under a separate plan, it was not used in comparing benefit levels. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 36 Table 31. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by provision for coverage during a layoff, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Benefit provision T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 With coverage continuation during layoff1 ..................................................... 52 47 46 59 Initial cost for employees on layoff2 paid by: Employee o n ly ........................... Employer and e m p lo y e e ........ Employer o n ly ............................ Not determinable ..................... 15 7 27 3 14 8 23 3 15 8 20 2 17 6 33 3 10 5 8 4 11 5 (*) 3 0 3 9 5 1 4 (3 ) 5 1 3 3 4 (3) 5 1 2 2 2 (*) 3 1 2 2 4 O Without coverage continuation during la y o ff......................................... 22 23 23 22 No policy established ........................... 24 29 30 18 Layoff policy not de term inab le.......... 1 2 1 1 Duration of employer-financed coverage: 1 -2 m o n th s................................. ' 3 m o n th s ..................................... 4-5 m on th s................................. 6 m o n th s .................................... 7-11 months .............................. 1 year .......................................... Over 1 y e a r ................................ Varies by se rv ic e ...................... Until rehire ................................. Not determinable ..................... 0 3 6 2 3 5 4 1 Benefits may be financed by employer, employer and employee jointly, or employee only. 2 Administrative costs were excluded from the tabulations. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 37 i Table 32. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with basic hospital room and board coverage by type of benefit payments and limits to coverage, medium and large firms, 1986 Subject to limit on days of coverage per hospital confinement1 Type of payment Total Under 120 days All 120 days 121 - 364 days 365 days 36 6 days or more Subject to other limits1 2 Unlimited All particip ants Total ........................................................ Daily dollar a llo w a n c e .................................. Less than $ 5 0 .......................................... $ 5 0 -$ 9 9 ...................................................... $100-$ 1 4 9 .................................................. $150-$ 1 9 9 .................................................. $200 or more ........................................... Semiprivate r a t e ............................................. 100 58 4 (3) 7 4 2 1 2 2 (3) 54 100 1 (3) (3) - (3) 5 (3) 16 (3) 4 (3) 26 5 17 3 3 51 (3) (3) 1 17 _ 24 1 1 1 1 2 1 O 96 27 (3) - (3) (3) 4 16 1 25 _ 3 (3) 0 (3) 16 25 3 20 28 _ _ _ 3 20 28 2 17 30 - (3) - Pro fession al and ad m in istrative T o t a l......................................................... Daily dollar a llo w a n c e .................................. Less than $ 5 0 .......................................... $ 5 0 -$ 9 9 ...................................................... $100-$ 1 4 9 .................................................. $ 1 5 0 -$ 1 9 9 .................................................. $200 or more ........................................... Semiprivate r a t e ............................................. 2 2 (3) (3) (3) (3) 1 (3) (3) 1 1 1 1 (3) 98 (3) 49 100 1 53 (3) - 4 (3) 17 4 1 (3) - (3) - 20 - (3) 1 3 (3) 23 3 24 (*) Techn ical and clerical Total ........................................................ Daily dollar a llo w a n c e .................................. Less than $ 5 0 .......................................... $ 5 0 -$ 9 9 ...................................................... $100-$ 149 .................................................. $1 50-$ 1 9 9 .................................................. $200 or m o r e ........................................... Semiprivate r a t e ............................................. 2 1 1 1 1 1 (3) 98 (3) 51 (3) (3) (3) (3) 3 Total ......................................................... 100 64 11 Daily dollar allowance .................................. Less than $ 5 0 .......................................... $ 5 0 -$ 9 9 ...................................................... $100-$ 1 4 9 .................................................. $ 1 5 0 -$ 1 9 9 .................................................. $200 or more ........................................... Semiprivate r a t e ............................................. 7 1 1 3 2 (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 20 1 (3) - 14 (3 ) (3) 1 (3) 3 (3) 23 6 2 4 30 (3) 17 _ 30 15 21 (3) - Pro du ctio n (3) 93 4 6 (3) (3) 1 3 2 (3) 58 1 2 1 (3) 7 (3) 14 1 - 1 - 1 (3) 5 (3) 29 - 1 _ - 1 1 - 4 (3) (3) (3) 14 _ 21 specified time period. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 In some plans, the limit on days of coverage varied by length of participation in the plan; in these cases, the participant was assumed to have been in the plan for 15 years. 2 Includes workers in plans where the basic benefit is limited by a maximum dollar amount per confinement or per year, and other plans where the limit on the number of days of coverage applies within a (3) - NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 38 Table 33. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with basic surgical benefits by maximum allowance for selected procedures, medium and large firms, 1986 Maximum allowance T o ta l................................................. Profes Techni sional cal and Produc and All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants partici ticipants trative pants partici pants 100 100 100 Usual, customary, and reasonable c h a r g e ..................................................... With overall dollar limit on basic surgical pa ym ents......................... Without overall dollar limit on basic surgical p a y m e n ts ............. Plan pays: 80 p e rc e n t............................ 85 p e rc e n t............................ 90 p e rc e n t............................ 95 p e rc e n t............................ 100 percent3 ....................... (’) 1 4 72 o 0 1 4 77 1 6 76 Maximum scheduled a llo w a n c e ........ 18 11 11 Most expensive surgical procedure: $2 01-$300 .................................. $3 01-$400 .................................. $4 01-$500 .................................. $5 01-$750 .................................. $ 7 5 1 -$ 1 ,0 0 0 ............................... $1,001 -$ 1 ,2 5 0 ............................ $ 1 ,2 5 1 -$ 1 ,5 0 0 ............................ $ 1 ,5 0 1 -$ 2 ,0 0 0 ............................ $ 2 ,0 0 1 -$ 2 ,5 0 0 ............................ $ 2 ,5 0 1 -$ 3 ,0 0 0 ............................ More than $3,000 .................... Not determinable2 .................... Appendectomy: $ 1 0 1 -$ 1 5 0 .................................. $151-$ 200 .................................. $201-$ 300 .................................. $3 01-$400 .................................. Maximum allowance 89 89 2 3 2 3 80 86 87 72 3 4 4 Appendectomy:— Continued $4 01-$500 .................................. $5 01-$750 .................................. More than $ 7 5 0 ........................ Not determinable2 .................... 75 2 0 2 2 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 0 o o 1 1 3 1 o 1 1 3 3 2 1 3 6 1 2 2 (’) 1 2 2 0 o 1 0 0 Hysterectomy: $200 or le s s ............................... .................................. $201-$300 $3 01-$400 .................................. $4 01-$500 .................................. $501-$750 .................................. $ 7 5 1 -$ 1 ,0 0 0 .............................. $ 1 ,0 0 1 -$ 1 ,2 5 0 ............................ More than $1,250 .................... Not determinable2 .................... Normal delivery: $100 or le s s ............................... $ 1 0 1 -$ 1 5 0 ..................... $1 51-$200 .................................. $201-$ 250 .................................. $2 51-$300 .................................. $3 01-$400 ................. $4 01-$500 .................................. $5 01-$750 ............................... More than $750 Not determinable2 .................... 0 0 1 2 3 1 2 3 2 2 4 8 ' Less than 0.5 percent. 2 Information necessary to classify was not provided. 3 Includes full service benefits provided by health maintenance orga nizations. 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 4 2 1 3 4 1 2 0 0 1 3 1 1 2 5 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 6 7 6 2 O 0 O 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 (’) 3 3 5 5 5 1 1 (1 ) 1 1 1 (’) 1 1 1 25 1 1 1 0 1 2 3 5 3 67 0 0 Tonsillectomy: ................................. $50 or le s s $ 5 1 -$ 1 0 0 .................................... $101-$150 .................................. $151-$200 .................................. $2 01-$300 .................................. More than $ 3 0 0 ........................ Not determinable2 .................... 0 0 1 1 2 Produc tion par ticipants 100 82 1 Profes sional Techni and cal and All par adminis clerical ticipants trative partici partici pants pants 0 O 2 3 3 3 3 1 O 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 o 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 (i) 2 1 2 2 6 5 1 2 1 1 1 2 0 o 2 0 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. 39 Table 34. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with major medical coverage by amount of deductible and applicable benefit period,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administrative participants All participants Benefit period Amount of deductible2 Total 1-year period Other period Technical and clerical participants Benefit period Benefit period Total 1-year period Other period Production participants Total 1-year period Other period Benefit period Total 1 -year period Other period Total ........................................................ 100 96 4 100 97 3 100 97 3 100 94 6 Deductible specified ...................................... 100 96 4 100 97 3 100 97 3 100 94 6 Based on earnings3 ................................ 4 4 4 4 6 6 3 3 96 (4) 2 13 91 1 13 0 O 3 46 1 11 3 43 1 11 (4) 15 2 (4) 14 2 0 (4) 2 1 Flat dollar a m o u n t.................................. Less than $ 2 5 ................................... $ 2 5 ......................................................... $ 5 0 ......................................................... $ 5 1 -$ 7 4 ................................................ $ 7 5 ......................................................... $ 7 6 -$ 9 9 ................................................ $100 ..................................................... $125 ..................................................... $150 ..................................................... $ 1 5 1 -$ 1 9 9 ........................................... $200 ..................................................... $ 2 0 1 -$ 2 4 9 ........................................... $250 ..................................................... $ 2 5 1 -$ 2 9 9 ........................................... $300 ..................................................... Over $ 3 0 0 ........................................... No d e d u c tib le .................................................. - 96 91 4 O 1 10 (4) 1 10 (4) 1 (4) 3 (4) 2 O 44 1 15 O 42 1 15 0 15 (4) 14 0 O 0 - 95 92 0 O 0 1 9 0 (4) 2 0 1 - 2 2 0 41 1 17 1 13 1 3 < 4) 2 1 1 8 (4) 2 (4) 1 (4) 40 1 20 (4) 39 1 20 (4) 15 1 3 0 14 1 3 O (4) 2 2 0 - - 3 2 1 (4) (4) 2 1 - - (4) (4) 2 (4) (4) - - 2 2 0 - 3 O (4) 0 (4) 1 (4) (4) (4) - 2 1 (4) - 6 (4) 1 (4) 0 3 0 1 - 3 These plans have deductibles which vary by the amount of the partici pants’ earnings. A typical provision is 1 percent of annual earnings with a maximum deductible of $150. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 The deductible is the amount of covered expenses that an individual must pay before any charges are paid by the insurance plan. The benefit period is the length of time within which a single deductible requirement applies. Some plans require that expenses equal to the deductible be in curred within a shorter period, such as 90 days. 2 Amount of deductible described is for each insured person. However, many plans contain a maximum family deductible. In some plans, the indi vidual and family deductibles are identical. (4) - - 91 (4) O 7 1 9 0 43 1 17 1 14 1 3 (4) 2 1 (4) 94 O 3 0 0 3 O - NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no em ployees in this category. 40 Table 35. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with major medical coverage by coinsurance provisions,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administrative participants All participants Final coinsurance provision Total ........................................................ Final coinsurance changes to 100 p e rc e n t.......................................................... When covered expenses2 reach: $ 1 -$ 2 ,0 0 0 ............................................ $2,001-$4,000 ................................... $4,001-$6,000 ................................... $6,001-$8,000 ................................... $8,001-$10,000 ................................. More than $10,000 .......................... Final coinsurance changes to other than 100 p e rc e n t.................................................. Coinsurance u n c h a n g e d .............................. Initial coinsurance Initial coinsurance To tal Production participants Initial coinsurance Initial coinsurance To To To 80 85 90 80 80 90 85 85 90 80 85 90 Oth tal Oth tal Oth tal Oth per per per per per per per per per per per per er er er er cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent cent 100 86 5 6 3 100 85 5 7 2 100 84 5 8 2 100 88 5 5 3 81 69 5 6 2 86 72 5 7 1 88 73 5 8 1 74 64 5 4 2 10 22 30 6 9 9 21 24 4 7 3 10 26 33 7 7 5 9 25 25 5 5 3 9 24 31 8 23 26 5 9 2 10 19 28 5 9 3 10 18 23 3 4 (3) 19 (3) 17 (3) l3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 - (3) - (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 1 (3) 13 1 Coinsurance is the percent of covered expenses paid by the plan. The balance is paid by the employee. If coinsurance provi sions varied by the category of medical care, the provision applying to hospital room and board charges was tabulated. 2 Amount of covered expenses described is for each insured per son. In rare cases, the limits for the individual and family are identi Technical and clerical participants 12 (3) (3) (3) (3) 0 (3) 3 1 1 2 - - - (3) 4 1 (3) (3) (3) 1 7 - 12 - 4 (3) (3) 1 12 (3) 11 ft 3 f t (3) (3) (3) (3) 2 1 3 1 1 (3) (3) (3) 0 (3) (3) - ft - (3) 1 26 ft ft l3 ) 0 7 ft 2 (3) - (3 ) 24 0 1 0 3 1 2 O 1 (3) (3) - 0 - 1 1 cal. In nearly all instances, covered expenses must reach specified amounts within a calendar year; 2 year periods are infrequent. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 41 Table 36. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with major medical coverage by maximum benefit provisions, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Type and dollar amount of maximum1 T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 With maximum limits2 ............................ 80 76 74 86 68 66 66 70 (3) 1 - - Lifetime maximum o n ly .................. Less than $25,000 ................... $25,000 ....................................... $2 5,001-$49,999 ...................... $50,000 ....................................... $5 0,001-$99,999 ...................... $100,000 ..................................... $1 00,0 01-$249 ,999 .................. $250,000 ..................................... $2 50,0 01-$499 ,999 .................. $500,000 ..................................... $5 00,0 01-$999 ,999 .................. $1,000,000 ................................. More than $1,000,000 ............ (3) 3 (3) (3) 1 (3) (3) 1 (3) 2 5 (3) 2 3 16 5 13 2 22 1 (3) 1 2 15 5 14 2 25 1 (3) 1 3 13 5 14 2 26 1 (3) 3 4 18 6 12 2 18 1 Annual or disability maximum only .................................................. 7 7 5 8 Both lifetime and annual or disability m axim um s.................... 5 3 2 9 Without maximum limits ...................... 20 24 26 14 1 Maximum described is for each insured person. 2 Most plans with a lifetime maximum have a reinstatement clause. By furnishing satisfactory medical evidence of insurability, an employee can apply for restoration of the full lifetime maximum. Regardless of a mem ber’s physical condition, however, a typical plan automatically restores up to $1,000 of the major medical maximum each year. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 42 Table 37. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with dental benefits by extent of coverage for selected procedures, medium and large firms, 1986 Type of dental procedure Total Sched Incen Subuled ject to tive cash sched copay allow ment1 2 ule1 ance Percent of usual, customary, and reasonable charge Total Less than 50 50 60 61-74 75 80 85 1003 Not cov ered 57 44 9 10 9 4 4 3 (4) (4 ) 1 1 2 3 2 25 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 54 45 8 10 9 3 3 3 (4) (4) 1 1 2 2 1 24 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 54 44 8 9 8 3 3 2 0 2 11 10 10 10 10 10 61 43 9 11 10 5 5 2 0 0 (4) 2 1 4 3 24 90 Not deter min able All particip ants E xam inations......................... Dental X -ra y s ......................... Fillings ..................................... Dental s u rg ery....................... Periodontal c a r e .................... In la y s ........................................ Crowns .................................... Orthodontia5 ........................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 17 17 27 25 25 27 27 15 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 18 18 29 26 26 29 29 17 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 16 16 27 26 25 28 28 17 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 17 17 26 24 25 26 26 14 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 - 0 (4) 1 1 1 1 2 2 80 80 69 70 69 68 68 58 0 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 79 79 68 70 69 68 68 56 1 2 2 1 2 2 81 81 69 70 69 69 69 53 0 0 (4) 1 1 1 1 1 80 80 70 71 70 68 68 62 _ 1 1 4 5 8 34 34 47 - 0 _ (4) (4) 1 5 5 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 5 4 4 2 2 1 18 21 38 37 35 12 12 3 0 1 3 3 3 3 4 4 1 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 1 21 24 44 43 40 14 14 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 2 23 27 44 44 41 14 14 1 0 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 6 6 6 3 3 12 15 30 30 28 10 10 5 0 1 7 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 2 2 - (4) _ (4) (4) (4) 0 (4) P rofessional and ad m in istrative E xam inations......................... Dental X -ra y s ......................... F illin g s ...................................... Dental s u rg ery....................... Periodontal c a r e .................... In la y s ........................................ Crowns .................................... Orthodontia5 ........................... 2 2 2 1 1 O n - _ 1 1 4 6 8 36 36 46 - (4) _ - 0 (4) 1 5 5 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 - 0 _ - (4) (4) (4) 0 (4) Techn ical and clerical E xam inatio ns......................... Dental X -ra y s ......................... F illin g s .......................... .......... Dental s u rg ery....................... Periodontal c a r e .................... In la y s ........................................ C ro w n s .................................... Orthodontia5 ............................ 2 2 2 2 2 O 0 - 0 0 _ 1 1 4 6 8 38 38 44 - (4) _ - (4) 0 1 5 5 3 2 3 3 3 1 1 - 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 27 _ - (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) P roduction E xam inations......................... Dental X -ra y s ......................... F illin g s ..................................... Dental su rg e ry ....................... Periodontal c a r e .................... In la y s ........................................ C ro w n s .................................... Orthodontia5 ............................ 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 _ 1 1 5 5 7 30 30 50 - - 1 Reimbursement arrangement in which the percentage of dental ex penses paid by the plan increases if regular dental appointments are scheduled. 2 Participant pays a specific amount per procedure and plan pays all remaining expenses. 3 Includes plans which paid the full cost. _ - (4) (4) 0 5 5 2 0 5 6 5 5 3 3 “ (4) _ - - 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 Participants were included as having coverage for orthodontia in cases where benefits were limited to children. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 43 Table 38. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with dental benefits by deductible provision,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Type of deductible2 Table 39. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with dental benefits by yearly maximum amount of insurance,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion p a r ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Dollar amount T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 T o ta l................................................. Subject to basic dental deductible3 .. 63 65 70 59 Yearly maximum specified2 ................. Less than $500 ............................... $500 .................................................... $501-$ 749 ......................................... $750 .................................................... $751-$ 999 ......................................... $1,000 ................................................. $1 ,001-$1,499 ................................... $ 1 ,5 0 0 ................................................. $1 ,501-$1,999 ................................... $ 2 ,0 0 0 ................................................. $2,001-$2,999 ................................... $ 3 ,0 0 0 ................................................. Greater than $3,000 ...................... 100 100 100 100 Lifetime deductible o n ly ................ $ 5 0 ................................................ Over $ 5 0 ..................................... Both yearly and lifetime deductibles..................................... 53 1 23 1 25 1 2 56 2 20 1 28 1 3 51 1 22 1 25 1 1 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 6 6 6 5 5 0 6 8 4 3 1 85 90 4 (3) 2 (3) 19 1 42 4 10 1 3 (3) 19 1 40 4 13 1 3 (3) 20 1 41 3 12 (3) 5 1 19 2 44 5 8 1 3 f) (3) 1 0 (3) (3) (3) (3) 2 1 No yearly m a x im u m .............................. 53 1 22 1 26 1 2 86 (3) 2 12 14 15 10 Maximum provision not determinable Yearly deductible o n ly ................... Linder $ 2 5 .................................. $ 2 5 ................................................ $26-$49 ....................................... $ 5 0 ................................................ $51-$99 ....................................... $ 1 0 0 .............................................. Over $ 1 0 0 .................................. 88 0 (3) (3) (3) - 3 2 4 Subject to major medical de du ctib le............................................. 4 5 5 4 No deductible ......................................... 32 30 25 38 1 Includes all covered dental procedures except orthodontia. Amount of maximum specified is for each insured person. 2 If separate yearly maximums applied to different procedures, the sum of the maximums was tabulated. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 Excludes separate deductibles for orthodontic procedures. 2 Amount of deductible described is for each insured person. In some plans, the individual and family deductibles are identical. 3 Deductibles may not apply to all covered dental procedures. If sepa rate deductibles applied to different procedures, the sum of the deductible amounts was tabulated. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no em ployees in this category. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 1 0 Table 40. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with orthodontic benefits by lifetime maximum amount of coverage, medium and large firms, 1986 Dollar amount Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants 100 100 100 T o ta l................................................. 100 Lifetime maximum specified .............. Less than $500 ............................... $500 .................................................... $5 01-$749 ......................................... $750 .................................................... $7 51-$999 ......................................... $1,000 ................................................. $1,001-$1,499 .................................. $1,500 ................................................. Greater than $1,500 ...................... 94 94 94 94 (1 ) 9 6 19 10 39 4 5 2 0 0 9 5 21 6 37 7 5 2 8 4 21 5 40 5 8 3 0 10 8 17 14 39 2 2 1 No lifetime m axim um ............................ 6 6 6 6 1 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: B e c a u se of rounding, su m s of individual item s m ay not e qual to tals. 44 Table 41. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with mental health benefits by extent of benefits, medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and adminis trative participants All participants Production participants Technical and clerical participants Coverage limitation Hospital care Outpatient care Hospital care Outpatient care Hospital care Outpatient care Hospital care Outpatient care T o t a l.................................................. 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 With c o v e ra g e .......................................... 99 97 99 99 98 98 99 96 Covered the same as other illn ess es........................................... 37 6 37 7 34 5 39 5 Subject to separate limitations’ .... Limit on days or v is its .............. Limit on d o lla rs .......................... Major medical coinsurance limited to 50 p e rc e n t............. No major medical ceiling on out-of-pocket e x p e n s e s ........ Other limitations2 ....................... 61 38 26 91 33 68 62 36 26 92 31 66 64 38 28 93 34 66 60 40 26 90 34 70 2 48 2 46 2 51 3 47 13 7 49 22 16 8 53 22 14 9 55 22 10 6 44 22 Not c o v e re d .............................................. 1 3 1 1 2 2 1 4 1 The total is less than the sum of the individual items because for outpatient care varied during the treatment period, many plans had more than one type of limitation on mental health cov erage. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal 2 Includes plans requiring copayments or a separate deductible for totals, inpatient or outpatient care, and plans where the rate of reimbursement Table 42. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in plans with vision benefits by extent of benefits, medium and large firms, 1986 Benefit Table 43. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by coverage for selected special benefits, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Benefit item Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 Eye examinations o n ly ......................... 19 26 26 13 Covered by at least one of the listed special benefits’ ...................... 89 93 92 85 Examinations and e y e g la s s e s ........... 7 6 7 7 Second surgical op inio n............... Alcoholism tre a tm e n t..................... Drug abuse treatm e n t.................... Hearing care2 ................................... Hospice c a r e .................................... Physical exam ination s................... 57 70 66 20 31 18 62 74 70 18 36 22 62 73 69 17 32 22 51 65 63 22 28 14 Not covered by any one of the listed special b e n e fits ....................... 11 7 8 15 Examinations, eyeglasses, and contact le n s e s .................................... 64 59 56 71 Orthoptics' o n ly ...................................... 3 5 3 3 Other com binations............................... 7 6 8 6 1 Exercises to improve the function of the eye muscles. NOTE: tals. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not eaual to 1 The total is less than the sum of the individual items because many participants receive more than one benefit. 2 Plan provided, as a minimum, coverage for hearing examination ex penses. 45 Table 44. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by coverage with selected cost containment features, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Cost containment feature T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 Covered by at least one of the listed cost containment features1 .. 68 70 70 65 35 40 40 28 28 31 33 23 7 7 7 6 10 13 13 8 9 47 10 51 9 52 7 43 16 18 15 16 12 15 12 11 2 3 2 1 Not covered by any of the listed cost containment fe a tu re s .............. 32 29 29 34 Dental plan only2 .................................... 1 1 1 (3) Incentive to seek second surgical opinion ............................ Higher coinsurance, or lower or no deductible for outpatient surgery............................................ Higher payment for generic prescription d r u g s ....................... No or limited reimbursement for nonemergency weekend admissions to hosp ital................ Separate deductible for hospital a d m is sio n....................................... Urging prehospitalization testing . Preadmission certification requ irem ent.................................... Higher payment for delivery at birthing c e n te r............................... Incentive to audit hospital s ta te m e n t....................................... 1 The total is less than the sum of the individual items because many workers participate in plans with more than one feature. 2 Participants who elected dental coverage only were not included in this tabulation. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 46 Table 45. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants in contributory plans by type and amount of employee contribution, medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administrative participants All participants Technical and clerical participants Production participants Type and amount of contribution' Single coverage Family coverage2 Single coverage Family coverage2 Single coverage Family coverage2 Single coverage Family coverage2 T o ta l................................................ 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Flat monthly a m o u n t............................. Less than $5.00 .............................. $ 5 .0 0 -$ 9 .9 9 ....................................... $ 1 0 .0 0 -$ 1 4 .9 9 .................................. $ 1 5 .0 0 -$ 1 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 2 0 .0 0 -$ 2 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 3 0 .0 0 -$ 3 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 4 0 .0 0 -$ 4 9 .9 9 .................................. $50.00-$59.99 .................................. $ 6 0 .0 0 -$ 6 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 7 0 .0 0 -$ 7 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 8 0 .0 0 -$ 8 9 .9 9 .................................. $ 9 0 .0 0 -$ 9 9 .9 9 .................................. $100.00 or g r e a te r ......................... Composite rate4 ............................... 89 19 20 15 11 13 2 1 89 4 7 7 7 11 11 10 8 6 5 2 2 5 4 89 18 18 17 12 16 3 1 89 3 6 7 8 11 12 11 8 5 5 3 2 5 3 87 16 16 16 14 16 3 2 88 3 5 5 6 10 12 13 9 6 5 4 2 6 3 89 21 26 13 8 10 2 1 89 5 9 9 6 12 10 7 6 6 4 1 2 4 6 Amount varies by e a rn in g s ................. 0 ft - 6 (3) - (3) (3) - 4 (3) 1 - 4 - (3) - (3) (3) 8 - - Amount varies by employee5 ............. 5 4 5 4 9 6 3 2 Contribution not d e term in ab le........... 6 8 5 7 4 6 8 9 1 Participants were counted as being in contributory plans if enrolled in a noncontributory medical plan and in an optional contributory dental pro gram. Therefore, lower contribution rates shown partly reflect the cost of dental care only. 2 If the amount of contribution varied by either size or composition of family, the rate for an employee with a spouse and one child was used. For a small percentage of employees, the employee contributes the same amount for single and family coverage. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 4 A composite rate is a set contribution covering more than one bene fit area, for example, health insurance and sickness and accident insur ance. Cost data for individual plans cannot be determined. 5 Amount varies by options selected under a cafeteria plan or balance of employer-sponsored reimbursement account. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 46. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by length-of-service requirements for participa tion,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Length-of-service requirement T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 With service requirement .................... 1 month ............................................. 2 m o n th s ........................................... 3 m o n th s ........................................... 4-5 m o n th s ........................................ 6 months ........................................... 7-11 m on th s..................................... 1 y e a r .................................................. 49 15 8 17 3 5 1 39 15 5 13 1 5 1 44 14 5 17 1 6 ft ft ft ft 58 16 11 19 5 5 1 ft Without service requirem ent.............. 50 60 55 41 Service requirement not d e term in ab le........................................ 1 1 1 1 1 Length of time employees must be on the job before they are cov ered by a plan that is at least partially employer financed. There is fre quently an administrative time lag between completion of the requirement and the actual start of participation. If the lag was 1 month or more, it was included in the service requirement. Minimum age requirements are rare. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 47 Table 47. Health care benefits: Percent of full-time participants by funding medium for selected types of coverage, medium and large firms, 1986 Basic medical1 Major medical2 Basic surgical1 Dental Basic hospital1 Basic surgical1 T o t a l............................................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Provided co v e ra g e ............................... Blue Cross-Blue S h ie ld ................ Commercial c a rrie r....................... Independent health p la n s ........... Self-insured3 ............................. Health maintenance organizations4 ....................... Preferred provider organization6 ......................... Other7 ......................................... Combined ........................................ 64 18 14 32 18 75 12 21 41 27 49 11 10 27 13 82 9 33 39 37 71 4 34 32 28 61 17 12 31 15 72 9 19 43 26 43 8 8 26 9 82 9 32 40 39 72 4 34 34 30 13 13 13 (6) 2 15 16 15 (5) - 1 1 2 1 (5) 1 1 Not provided c o v e ra g e ...................... 36 25 51 18 29 T o t a l............................................... 100 100 100 100 Provided co v e ra g e ............................... Blue Cross-Blue S h ie ld ................ Commercial c a rrie r....................... Independent health p la n s ........... Self-insured3 ............................. Health maintenance organizations4 ....................... Preferred provider organization8 .......................... Other7 ......................................... Combined ........................................ 62 18 13 30 14 72 10 19 41 25 42 9 8 25 8 83 9 34 38 36 15 15 15 (5) (5 ) 2 (5) 1 1 (5) 1 (5) 1 1 1 Not provided c o v e r a g e ...................... 38 28 58 17 25 33 22 45 19 32 All participants 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 - 2 1 1 (5) 1 1 39 28 57 18 28 100 100 100 100 100 67 19 16 33 22 78 15 23 39 29 55 14 13 28 17 81 9 33 39 38 68 5 33 30 26 2 10 10 10 (5) 1 (5) - - 0 - Production 2 - - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 (5) ministrative Services Only-Minimum Premium Plan (ASO-M PP) con tracts and plans in which a commercial carrier provides protection only against extraordinary claims. 4 Includes federally qualified (those meeting standards of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973, as am ended) and other H M O ’s delivering comprehensive health care on a prepayment rather than feefor-service basis. All H M O ’s are included here regardless of sponsor ship, e.g., Blue Cross-Blue Shield or a commercial insurance carrier. 5 Less than 0.5 percent. 6 A preferred provider organization (PPO) is a group of hospitals and physicians who contract to provide comprehensive medical serv ices. To encourage use of these provider members, the PPO limits re imbursement rates when participants use nonmember services. All PPO’s are included here regardless of sponsorship, e.g., Blue CrossBlue Shield or a commercial insurance carrier. 7 Dental benefits plans sponsored by local dental societies are in this category. 1 A plan provision was classified as a basic benefit when it covered the initial expenses incurred for a specific medical service. Under these provisions, a plan paid covered expenses in one of several ways: 1) in full with no limitation; 2) in full for a specified period of time, or until a dollar limit was reached; and 3) a cash scheduled allowance benefit that provided up to a dollar amount for a service performed by a hospi tal or physician. For a specific category of care, a plan may require the participant to pay a lump sum amount each disability or year (deduct ible) or a nominal charge each visit or procedure (copayment) before reimbursement begins or services are rendered. 2 Major medical benefits cover many categories of expenses, some of which are not covered under basic benefits, and others for which basic coverage limits have been exhausted. These benefits are charac terized by deductible and coinsurance provisions that are applied across categories of care. 3 Includes plans that are financed by general revenues of a com pany on a pay-as-you-go basis, plans financed through contributions to a trust fund established to pay benefits, and plans operating their own facilities if at least partially financed by employer contributions. In cludes plans that are administered by a commercial carrier through Ad 1 75 3 36 35 30 2 - 2 2 100 - Professional and administrative - Dental Technical and clerical 1 1 - Basic medical1 Major medical2 Basic hospital1 Funding medium NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 48 Table 48. Life insurance: Percent of full-time participants by method of determining amount of basic life insurance and frequency of related coverages, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes Techni sional cal and Produc and All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants partici ticipants trative pants partici pants Item T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 Basic life insurance1 ............................. Based on ea rn ing s......................... Multiple2 ....................................... Graduated s c h e d u le ............... Flat a m o u n t....................................... Flat amount based on service .... Other3 .................................................. 100 66 54 12 30 4 100 83 73 10 12 4 100 80 72 8 15 5 100 48 32 15 50 2 0 0 0 (4) With accidental death and dismemberment co v e ra g e ............... 72 65 65 79 With survivor income benefit5 ............ 10 12 9 10 With availability of partly employer-fi nanced supplemental life insurance............................................... 11 13 12 8 With dependent c o v e ra g e ................... 17 19 18 16 1 A few participants received only accidental death and dismemberment insurance. 2 Includes participants in plans in which insurance equaled a multiple of earnings, plus or minus a specific amount. 3 Includes participants in plans with insurance based on family size. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 Consists of monthly income, usually a percent of earnings, for the spouse or dependent children for a specified period after death of em ployee. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 49 Table 49. Life insurance: Percent of full-time participants in plans with multiple-of-earnings formulas1 by amount of basic insurance and maximum coverage provisions, medium and large firms, 1986 Formula Total In plans without maximum coverage In plans with maximum coverage All Less than $50,000 $50,000$99,999 $100,0 00$2 49,9 99 $250,0 00$4 99,9 99 $5 00,0 00 or more All particip ants T o t a l.................................................. Life insurance is equal to annual earnings times:2 Less than 1 . 0 ........................................ 1 . 0 ............................................................. 1 .1 -1 .4 ..................................................... 1 . 5 ............................................................. 1.6-1.9 ..................................................... 2 . 0 ............................................................. 2.1-2.4 ..................................................... 2 . 5 ............................................................. 2.6-2.9 ................................... ................. 3 . 0 ............................................................. More than 3 . 0 ........................................ Multiple varying with ea rn ing s.......... 100 48 52 3 45 1 7 1 34 2 2 2 26 2 19 1 4 1 19 1 1 (3) 3 1 1 (3) 2 14 1 1 1 (3) (3) (3) 2 1 1 4 9 3 - 1 10 1 1 1 6 - - (3) - 11 1 2 (3) 20 - 2 3 (3) - - 1 - ft 2 2 - ft ft - - 1 7 1 ft - ft - ft ft ft 1 ft - 8 ft ft 3 ft - 1 1 ft - P rofessional and ad m in istrative T o t a l.................................................. Life insurance is equal to annual earnings times:2 Less than 1 . 0 ........................................ 1 . 0 ............................................................. 1 .1 -1 .4 ..................................................... 1 . 5 ............................................................. 1.6-1.9 ..................................................... 2 . 0 ............................................................. 2.1-2.4 ..................................................... 2 . 5 ............................................................. 2.6-2.9 ..................................................... 3 . 0 ............................................................. More than 3 . 0 ........................................ Multiple varying with earn ing s.......... 100 47 53 3 36 2 7 1 41 2 2 1 21 2 15 1 4 1 22 1 1 (3) 3 1 1 ft 3 19 1 1 1 1 (3) (3) 2 1 1 2 9 19 2 1 3 1 6 1 2 1 6 (3) - 1 3 (3) - ft ft - ft - - ft - 14 - 9 ft 2 1 9 1 2 ft ft 4 1 ft 1 ft 1 1 ft ft 1 ft - Techn ical and clerical Total .................................................. Life insurance is equal to annual earnings times:2 Less than 1 . 0 ........................................ 1 . 0 ............................................................. 1.1-1.4 ..................................................... 1 . 5 ............................................................. 1.6-1.9 ..................................................... 2 . 0 ............................................................. 2.1-2.4 ..................................................... 2 . 5 ............................................................. 2.6-2.9 ..................................................... 3 . 0 ............................................................. More than 3 . 0 ........................................ Multiple varying with ea rn ing s.......... 100 47 53 3 45 1 6 1 32 2 2 1 28 1 18 1 5 1 18 1 2 (3) 4 2 1 (3) 2 13 1 1 1 1 (3) (3) 3 1 1 S e e footnotes at end of table. 50 2 9 21 12 1 3 1 11 1 1 1 5 - 1 ft - 2 3 ft - ft 1 ft 2 1 - 7 1 ft 1 9 ft 2 ft' 1 3 ft 1 1 1 1 ft ft 2 ft T a b le 49. L ife in s u ra n c e : P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts in p la n s w ith m u ltip le -o f-e a rn in g s fo rm u la s 1 b y a m o u n t o f b a s ic in s u ra n c e a n d m axim u m c o v e ra g e p ro v is io n s , m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986— C o n tin u e d F o rm ula T o ta l In p lans w ith m axim um co v e ra g e In p lans w ithout m axim um co v e ra g e Less than $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 All $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 - $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 $ 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 2 4 9 ,9 9 9 $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 $ 4 9 9 ,9 9 9 $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 or m ore P r o d u c tio n T o t a l ....................................................... Life insurance is eq u al to ann ual earn in g s tim es:2 Les s th a n 1 . 0 ............................................ 1 . 0 ................................................................... 1 .1 -1 .4 ........................................................... 1 . 5 ................................................................... 1 . 6 - 1 . 9 ........................................................... 2 . 0 ................................................................... 2 . 1 - 2 . 4 ........................................................... 2 . 5 ................................................................... 100 48 4 56 1 7 1 26 3 31 1 2 ft 2 1 2 2 . 6 - 2 .Q ........................................................... 3 . 0 ................................................................... M o re th a n 3 . 0 ............................................ M ultiple varying w ith e a r n in g s ........... - 10 1 1 ft 25 5 1 16 1 3 - - 1 - 1 0 - 5 2 - - 1 1 ft - ft - ft ft ft ft ft “ - - ” - 1 2 ft ft - - - " ft - - 0 ft 5 2 - 1 1 6 3 - - ft - ft 0 sumed to have 15 years of service. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 Includes participants in plans in which insurance equaled a multi ple of earnings, plus or minus a specific amount. 2 When the multipie-of-eamings formula varied with age, the maxi mum multiple was tabulated. A few plans varied the multiple-of-eamings formula according to service; in these cases, a participant was as - - 8 1 12 2 - 0 21 ft 7 2 1 10 9 - ft ft - ft 52 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 50. Life insurance: Percent of full-time participants in plans with flat dollar insurance1 by amount of basic insurance, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Amount of insurance T ota l.......................................... Less than $2,000 .............................. $2,000-$4,999.................................... $5,000-$9,999.................................... $10,000-$14,999 ............................... $15,000-$19,999 ............................... $20,000-$24,999 ............................... $25,000-$29,999 ............................... $30,000 and o v e r.............................. 100 2 17 29 30 12 3 4 3 100 3 19 33 25 9 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 3 27 27 29 7 100 2 15 30 30 13 6 2 2 3 3 2 2 5 4 1 Excludes participants in plans where insurance was a flat amount based on service. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 51 T a b le 51. L ife in s u ra n c e : P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts w ith d e p e n d e n t c o v e ra g e b y ty p e a n d a m o u n t o f c o v e ra g e , m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986 Type and amount of coverage Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants T a b le 5 2 . L ife in s u r a n c e : P e r c e n t o f f u ll-tim e p a r tic ip a n ts b y le n g th -o f-s e r v ic e r e q u ir e m e n ts f o r p a r t ic ip a t io n ,1 m e d iu m a n d la r g e f ir m s , 1 9 8 6 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Length-of-service requirement T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 T o ta l...................................... Death of spouse................................ Flat benefit................................... Less than $1,000 .................. $ 1 , 0 0 0 .................................... $1,500..................................... $2 , 0 0 0 .................................... $2,500.................................... $3,000.................................... $4,000.................................... $5,000..................................... More than $5,000 ................. 100 100 100 100 88 86 84 1 With service requirement.............. 1 month ................................... 2 months.................................. 3 months.................................. 4-5 m onths.............................. 6 months.................................. 7-11 m onths............................ 1 ye a r...................................... Over 1 year ............................. 13 (') Benefit varies............................... By age of spouse.................. By employee earnings........... By employee option.............. Benefit varies............................... By age of child2 ..................... By employee earnings........... By employee option............... 8 8 3 1 2 4 2 26 12 14 2 0 1 1 21 2 30 4 23 3 12 14 16 1 1 0 9 0 3 2 Amount of coverage not determinable............................. Death of c h ild .................................... Flat benefit................................... Less than $1,000 .................. $ 1 , 0 0 0 ..................................... $1,500..................................... $2 , 0 0 0 ..................................... $2,500..................................... $3,000..................................... $4,000..................................... $5,000..................................... More than $5,000 ................. 23 14 9 8 15 16 13 7 91 3 36 7 18 (') 97 65 99 68 98 63 5 2 6 6 34 19 19 13 10 10 11 - 20 2 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 46 58 46 38 ft 0 0 ft ft ft ft ft 9 9 3 20 10 6 9 1 2 2 0 1 (’) 3 0 1 0 0 2 2 0 O 32 23 30 2 3 7 11 34 21 22 2 7 1 3 10 0 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. T a b le 5 3 . 31 24 L ife in s u ra n c e : P e r c e n t o f f u ll-tim e p a r tic ip a n ts b y e f f e c t o f r e t ir e m e n t o n b a s ic lif e in s u r a n c e c o v e r a g e , m e d iu m a n d la r g e f ir m s , 1 9 8 6 2 5 2 0 Effect of retirement 2 1 Less than 0.5 percent. Amount of insurance increases at some point after 1 4 year of age. T o ta l.......................................... NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 2 24 ft 9 ft 6 ft 62 19 1 Length of time employees must be on the job before they are cov ered by a plan that is at least partially employer financed. There is fre quently an administrative time lag between completion of the require ment and the actual start of participation. If the lag was 1 month or more, it was included in the service requirement. Minimum age require ments are rare. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 96 63 26 14 Insurance on child not provided . 1 1 7 54 16 Not applicable—plan not available to new employees...... 5 (’) Amount of coverage not determinable............................. 2 42 17 3 14 ft 100 2 1 6 54 17 7 19 100 Service requirement not determinable......................... ..... 7 2 100 Without service requirement........ - 13 11 100 Insurance continues’ ........................ Continues for life ......................... Continues in full .................... Reduced once ....................... Reduced more than once during retirement................ Continues in form of paid-up insurance2 ........................... Ceases during retirement............ Provision not determinable......... Insurance discontinued immediately. Effect not determinable.................... Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants 100 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 100 29 64 61 3 29 60 59 3 28 29 25 29 27 21 59 57 2 ft 56 53 2 ft ft ft ft 3 ft 39 34 38 43 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 Includes plans in which coverage is fully paid by retiree. Plan accumulates permanent amounts of insurance through the con tributions of active employees. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 52 Chapter 6. Defined Benefit Pension Plans Social Security payments. (See next section.) Most plans that did not use a percent-of-eamings benefit formula specified a dollar amount to be paid for each year of service, such as $15 monthly per year of service, yield ing a pension of $450 after 30 years. Dollar-amount formu las applied to one-fourth of pension plan participants, continuing a decline from 32 percent in 1981. While the dol lar amount in these formulas sometimes varied with an em ployee’s earnings or service, the predominant method was to multiply a uniform (single) dollar amount by years of serv ice. Uniform amounts credited per year averaged $15.51 a month. The basis of pension payments differed sharply by em ployee group. While a large majority of white-collar par ticipants were provided earnings-based pensions, dollar-amount formulas applied to nearly half of the bluecollar participants. Thirty-seven percent of all pension plan participants would receive benefits from either primary or alternative formu las, whichever was greater. Alternative formulas were often included to provide at least a minimum level of benefits for persons with short service or low earnings. For example, a plan may have a primary formula of 1.25 percent of aver age career earnings times years of service, and an alterna tive formula of $15 a month for each year of service. In this case, the alternative formula would provide a higher benefit for persons with average career earnings of less than $14,400 a year. In medium and large firms, defined benefit pension plans are the predominant type of employer-sponsored retirement plan. These plans use formulas for calculating retirement benefits and obligate the employer to provide the benefits so determined. In 1986, three-fourths of the employees had defined benefit pension plans—down slightly from earlier years. (Other sources of retirement income, such as savings plans, have been growing in importance recently. They will be discussed in chapter 7, “ Defined Contribution Plans.” ) Benefit formulas (tables 54-58). Eamings-based formulas ap plied to 72 percent of the employees covered by defined benefit pension plans. Such formulas pay a percent of the employee’s annual earnings per year of service (for exam ple, 1 percent of earnings times 30 years of service). Varia tions are common, however, in the approach to calculating annual earnings and the rate paid per year of service. For 79 percent of the participants with eamings-based formulas, pensions were based on earnings in the final years of em ployment (terminal earnings formula); for the remainder, an average of career earnings was used. Terminal earnings were defined as the average over a 5-year period for 84 percent of the participants with terminal-earnings formulas. Such for mulas usually designated the 5 consecutive years with the highest earnings out of the last 10 years before retirement. Three-fifths of participants with formulas based on career earnings were in plans having benefit rates per year of serv ice that varied according to service, earnings, or age. Careerearnings formulas typically applied one rate to annual earn ings below a specified amount, and a higher rate above the amount. (This is often done to lower employer costs for wage levels upon which Social Security taxes are paid, as described in the next section.) For example, a plan will credit an em ployee with 1 percent of earnings up to the first $12,000 in each year of service plus 1.5 percent of the earnings exceed ing that amount. The annual pension payment is the sum of these credits. Formulas based on terminal earnings typically provided participants with a flat percent of earnings per year of serv ice. For plans providing flat rates per year of service, the rates averaged 1.62 percent for terminal-earnings formulas and 1.66 percent for career-earnings formulas. This slight ly higher benefit percentage for career-earnings formulas is more than offset by the lower earnings to which these for mulas are applied.1 Conversely, benefits under a terminal7 earnings formula are more likely to be offset by a retiree’s Private benefits and Social Security payments (table 59). Em ployers providing private retirement plans also share the cost of Social Security coverage equally with their employees. Because many plan sponsors feel that private pension and Social Security benefits should not be duplicative, formulas for calculating private pensions often contain an offset pro vision requiring part of the Social Security pension to be sub tracted from the annuity. Other plans have “ excess” formulas that apply lower pension benefit rates to an em ployee’s earnings below a specified level (which is either the Social Security taxable wage base—usually the career 1 An employee who worked 30 years with a 5-percent pay increase each 7 year and who earned $25,000 in the last year of service would have career average earnings of $13,451 a year, while the final 5-year average would be $22,730. The difference between the career and final averages lessens with shorter lengths of service. 53 Chart 4 displays replacement rates based on 30 years of service for each of the earnings assumptions. Except for the lowest earnings assumption ($15,000), the private pension plan replaced on average about 28 percent of the final year’s earnings; the rate for $15,000 was about 32 percent. When combined with primary Social Security payments available at age 65, however, replacement rates differed sub stantially as earnings increased. They ranged from nearly three-fourths at the lowest assumed level of earnings to just over one-half at the highest earnings level computed. Ex cept for the two highest assumptions ($35,000 and $40,000), the primary Social Security benefit payment was larger than the average private pension. Although private pension replacement rates (excluding So cial Security) for white-collar employees remained fairly constant at higher earnings levels, rates for blue-collar work ers dropped by almost a third. Table 54 provides an expla nation: Nearly half of all production workers have dollaramount formulas, paying workers with the same years of service the same benefit, regardless of earnings history. The result is a steady decrease in the replacement rate as final earnings increase. Average replacement rates for eamingsbased formulas, on the other hand, increase slightly with higher final earnings. While average replacement rates show a consistent rela tionship between pensions and service, earnings, and type of formula, the range of pensions payable is quite broad. Chart 5 shows that calculated monthly pensions for em ployees retiring with 20 or 30 years’ service and final earn ings of $30,000 varied from less than $200 to $1,000 or higher.2 1 average—or a dollar amount equal to a past taxable wage base). Sixty-two percent of all pension plan participants had benefit formulas “ integrated” with Social Security. Terminal-earnings formulas of integrated plans tended to adopt the offset approach, while career-earnings formulas tended to incorporate the excess approach. Dollar-amount formulas were rarely coordinated with Social Security; bluecollar employees, therefore, were less likely to have integrat ed benefits.1 8 Maximum benefit provisions (table 60). The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and subsequent amendments place ceilings on the size of annual pension benefits from defined benefit plans. These restrictions largely affect only highly compensated employees. Many plans, however, have provisions that restrict benefit levels for all participants. For example, 36 percent of participants were in plans that limited the number of years of service included in benefit computation; maximums of 30 or 35 years were most common. For 7 percent of the participants, annual pen sions (usually including Social Security payments) could not exceed a specified percent of average annual career or ter minal earnings. Replacement rates (table 61). A commonly used indicator of pension adequacy is the portion of a retiree’s final year’s earnings that is “ replaced” by the retirement benefit. To cal culate replacement rates for 1986 pension plans, the maxi mum private benefit under each surveyed plan, not reduced for early retirement or joint-and-survivor annuity, was de termined under several assumed combinations of final an nual earnings and years of service. These benefit levels were then expressed as percents of earnings in the last year of em ployment. The calculations assume employees retired on January 1, 1986, and final earnings are for 1985.1 9 Table 61 presents average replacement rates resulting from defined benefit pension plans alone and in combination with primary Social Security benefits (that is, excluding benefits for spouse and other dependents).20 For private pension for mulas that are integrated with Social Security and for com putation of Social Security benefits, the worker is assumed to have retired at age 65 and to have paid into Social Securi ty for 40 years. (For workers who reached age 65 in 1986, however, the Social Security benefit was the same for work ers with similar final earnings who had 26 years or more under Social Security.) Normal retirement (table 62). Although unreduced Social Security benefits are not available before age 65, most pri vate pension plan participants were not required to work to that age for fiill private pensions (normal retirement). Thirtysix percent were covered by plans that specified age 65 as the earliest age for normal retirement. While employees in plans specifying age 65 usually did not have to satisfy a mini mum service requirement, plans permitting normal retire ment at earlier ages typically had length-of-service requirements. One to ten years’ service were required for half of the 36 percent of participants who could first retire at ages 60 through 64; 20 or more years were typically need ed for retirement at ages 55 through 59 (affecting 4 percent of participants).2 2 Another 11 percent of participants could qualify when the sum of age plus service reached a specific amount, such as 1 For a comprehensive analysis of formulas with Social Security integra 8 tion characteristics, see Donald Bell and Diane Hill, “How Social Security Payments Affect Private Pensions,” Monthly Labor Review, M 1984, ay pp. 15-20. 1 Earnings histories, necessary for applying the pension formulas, were 9 constructed for each final earnings level based on data provided by the So cial Security Administration. 2 The Social Security spouse benefit, which is 50 percent of the primary 0 benefit, is paid in addition to the primary benefit while both partners are alive (unless the spouse is eligible for a larger primary benefit). 2 For a more complete discussion of replacement rates, see Donald G. 1 Schmitt, “Today’s Pension Plans: How M Do They Pay?” Monthly uch Labor Review, December 1985, pp. 19-25. 2 In 1980, 45 percent of participants had to work until age 65 to be eligible 2 for an unreduced benefit. Gradual liberalization of retirement requirements has contributed to an increase in average replacement rates for both nor mal and early retirement since 1974, as observed by Donald Bell and W il liam Marclay, “Trends in Retirement Eligibility and Pension Benefits, 1974-1983,” Monthly Labor Review, April 1987, pp. 18-25. 54 C h a r t 4. Replacement rates under pension plans including and excluding Social Security payments: Average benefits based on 30 years of service, medium and large firms, 1986 Average replacement rate (percent) Average replacement rate (percent) 80 70 60 80 Combined private pension and primary Social Security payment 70 60 50 50 40 40 Private pension only 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 W orker’s final year’s earnings benefit formula because an employee has not worked until normal retirement age. Second, because benefits begin at an earlier age, the retiree is expected to receive plan payments over a longer period of time. The normal benefit is reduced by a percentage (factor) for each year between the actual and normal retirement ages. If a plan’s normal retirement age is 62, for example, and the reduction factor is 6 percent, a person retiring at age 59 would receive 82 percent of the normal formula amount (100 percent minus 3 years times 6 percent). In addition to the 18-percent reduction for early retirement, the annuity in this example would be based on fewer years of service and pos sibly lower earnings than at age 62. The reduction factor may be uniform or may vary by age or service. Reduction factors that differed for each year of early retirement, based on the employee’s life expectancy at that age (actuarial reductions), were used in plans cover ing one-eighth of participants with early retirement oppor tunities. Other methods of reducing benefits approximate an actuarial reduction. For example, for three-eighths of the par ticipants, the reduction factor differed for age brackets of 85. A minimum age of 55 was generally included for meet ing these requirements. Minimum lengths of service were less common. Thirteen percent of all participants were covered by plans permitting normal retirement at any age with 30 years of serv ice; the major concentration (19 percent) was among produc tion workers. Plans that featured such a provision almost always offered other normal retirement opportunities at speci fied ages with lower service requirements. (If a plan had al ternative age and service requirements, the earliest age and associated service were tabulated for this survey; if one al ternative did not specify an age, it was the requirement that was tabulated.) Early retirement (tables 63 and 64). Virtually all of the em ployees participating in a pension plan could retire before normal retirement age and receive an immediate, reduced pension. In some cases, employer approval was required for such early retirement benefits. The amount of an early retirement pension is lower for two reasons: First, fewer years of service are applied to the 55 Chart 5. Monthly benefits under private defined benefit pension plans: Distribution of participants assuming earnings of $30,000 in the final year of work, medium and large firms, 1986 Percent of participants Percent of participants Less than $200 $200-$399 $400-$599 $600-$799 $800-$999 $1,000 and greater M onthly pension benefit benefits either to induce older workers to retire or as a re ward for long service. Supplemental benefits from the private pension help to fill the gap during the period between retirement and the start of Social Security payments. Generally, supplemental pay ments end when Social Security payments begin (either reduced payments at age 62 or full benefits at age 65), and the reduced pension is then payable for life. (For most em ployees in this study, at least half of their retirement pen sion will be Social Security payments—see section on replacement rates.) Other employers elect to offer similar incentives outside of formal plan provisions to employees who retire within a specified time period.2 3 several years instead of changing each year. Nearly one-half of the participants had uniform reduction factors, most com monly 3, 5, or 6 percent for each year of early retirement. In plans with a low uniform reduction, such as 3 percent per year, the employer is subsidizing some of the early retire ment benefit by making the reduction less severe than if benefits were computed actuarially. Two-thirds of all participants were covered by plans per mitting early retirement at age 55; generally, 10 to 15 years of service were required. Fifteen percent of all participants could retire earlier than age 55 if service requirements were satisfied. Nine percent of the participants in plans with ear ly retirement could qualify when the sum of age plus serv ice reached a specific amount. Such plans usually included minimum service requirements ranging from 1 to 25 years; age requirements of 50, 55, or 56 were sometimes specified. The early retirement pension for 14 percent of participants was supplemented by additional monthly payments if em ployees retired after meeting a specified age or length-ofservice requirement higher than the minimum needed to re tire. Plan sponsors include these special early retirement Disability retirement (table 65). A career-ending disability may entitle an employee to a pension before the normal retire2 For the results of a survey of the incidence of early retirement incen 3 tive programs, the types of incentives offered, and how successful they have been, see Hewitt Associates, Plan Design and Experience in Early Retire ment W indows and Other Voluntary Separation Plans (Lincolnshire, Illinois: H e w itt A s so ciates, 1 9 8 6 ). 56 lectively bargained multiemployer plans, accounting for 8 percent of blue-collar participants, frequently provide for em ployer contributions to the pension fund for covered em ployees regardless of age. In contrast to early retirees, who typically receive reduced pensions over an extended time period, late retirees seldom receive pensions that are increased to compensate for the shorter time they will draw benefits. Only 8 percent of the participants were in plans that actuarially adjust the size of pensions or increase the payment by a specified percentage for each additional year of work beyond the normal retire ment age. (This includes 1 percent of participants with both full credit for service and an actuarial increase in benefits.)2 5 ment age. If the disability satisfies the plan’s definition of total disability, pension benefits often begin immediately. When an employer provides other sources of disability in come, such as long-term disability insurance, the disability retirement benefit might be deferred until the other forms of income have ceased. Eighty-nine percent of pension plan participants were covered by disability retirement provisions in 1986. Each year since this retirement provision was first tabu lated in 1980, employees in plans with immediate disability retirement have outnumbered those in plans with benefits deferred until normal or early retirement age, although this gap has been narrowing. There has been a 15-percentagepoint drop in immediate disability benefits over the 7-year period, with a comparable rise in deferred benefits. Seventy-five percent of the production workers with disa bility retirement coverage were in plans with immediate benefits. White-collar workers with disability benefits in their pension plans were more likely to be in plans with deferred benefits. Workers with deferred benefits were usually given long-term disability insurance (LTD) benefits that typically provided 50 or 60 percent of earnings at the time of disabili ty; this was more than that generally provided by pension plans with immediate disability retirement.24 Furthermore, most deferred retirement benefits were greater than immedi ate pensions, primarily because the time during which LTD benefits were paid was typically added to an employee’s length of service for computation of pension benefits. (See chapter 4 for details of ltd benefit plans.) Requirements for disability retirement were usually based on specified years of service such as 10 years or more. Thir teen percent of the participants, however, had no age or serv ice requirement for disability retirement, and 25 percent had to meet the qualifications for the ltd plan, which usually had a minimal service requirement. Postretirement pension increases (table 67). Inflation can se verely erode the purchasing power of a fixed pension throughout a worker’s retirement years. Thirty-eight percent of pension plan participants were in plans that increased pen sions for current retirees at least once during the 1981-85 period. Most of these increases were discretionary, or ad hoc, rather than automatic adjustments specified in the pen sion plans. The amounts of ad hoc increases were not directly linked to a cost-of-living index. Instead, retirees’ current pensions were usually increased by either a percentage varying by the length of retirement, or a dollar amount per year of service. The latter type of increase more often affected the pensions of production workers, and frequently resulted from collec tive bargaining agreement provisions. Since the survey reports only the number of current em ployees covered by pension plans and not the number of retirees, it cannot specify the proportion of annuitants actu ally receiving postretirement pension increases. A rough measure of the incidence of postretirement increases among pensioners can be derived by assuming that the number of retirees is proportionate to the number of active plan par ticipants. In 1986, 35 percent of the pension plan participants were in plans granting ad hoc increases. This number has decreased steadily from a high of 51 percent in 1983. That high level was due in part to the relatively high rate of price increases over the preceding 5 years (1978-82). The size of ad hoc pension increases during 1981-85 was computed for each plan granting such an increase, using three retirement periods (5, 10, and 15 years) and two monthly pension amounts ($250 and $750) in effect on December 31, 1980. Where increases varied by a retiree’s length of serv ice, 25 years of service was assumed. These increases were then averaged, using as weights the number of active work- Postponed retirement (table 66). Employees who continue on the job after age 65 rarely receive private pension pay ments before retirement. Moreover, postponed retirement is rarely fully reflected in the size of pension benefits; full recognition of postponed retirement would require credit ing service after age 65, and adjusting pensions upward for the shorter retirement period. Nevertheless, almost one-half of the participants were in plans that made some allowance for postponed retirement. Forty percent of all participants were in plans with benefit formulas that included credit for service after age 65; 22 per cent were subject to limits on the number of credited years (frequently, only years up to age 68 or 70). Some plans with eamings-based benefit formulas recognized earnings levels after age 65, even when service was not credited for these years. Production workers were more likely than white-collar employees to receive full credit for service after age 65. Col 2 The 1986 Budget Reconciliation Act requires most qualified plans to 5 credit service after a plan’s normal retirement age, beginning in 1988, sub ject to any maximumcredited service provisions in the plan (see table 60). In addition, a February 1987 court ruling indicates that employers m have ay to begin crediting service im ediately after norm retirem age, although m al ent the ruling is being appealed (American Association of Retired Persons v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, February 26, 1987). 2 For a more complete discussion of disability retirement, see Donald 4 Bell and W illiam W iatrowski, “Disability Benefits for Employees in Pri vate Pension Plans," Monthly Labor Review, August 1982. pp. 36-40. 57 curs. Most pension plans require 10 years of service before benefits are guaranteed. While over two-thirds of the par ticipants were covered by the 10-year rule regardless of age, one-sixth were affected by the plan sponsor’s right to ex clude years of service before a specified age in determining vesting eligibility.2 7 Unreduced vested pension payments begin at a plan’s nor mal retirement age, based on the benefit formula in effect when an employee left the plan. Also, terminated and vest ed participants can receive a reduced pension under a plan’s early retirement provision if the participant had satisfied t he corresponding service requirement when leaving the plan. For terminated and vested employees who wish to receive a pension beginning at the early retirement age, E R ISA re quires the benefit to be at least the actuarial equivalent of what would have been received starting at age 65. The actu arial equivalent benefit is a reduced amount determined by the life expectancy at the age that pension payments begin. Although under e r i s a the reduction factor used in determin ing the pension for a terminated employee can be more se vere than for early retirement, the same factor was used in plans covering 65 percent of the participants with early retire ment provisions.2 8 ers participating, to provide surveywide estimates for each example. As shown in the tabulations below, the length of retirement was a significant factor in determining the size of pension adjustments, with larger increases paid to per sons retired longest. Also where maximum increases were specified, retirees with higher original pensions had lower percentage increases. Monthly pension on Decem ber 31, 1980 Years o f retirement j Jo ^ $250: A verage pension on D ecem b er 3 1 , 1985 ............. $292 Percent change, D ecem b er 3 1 , 1980-85 ............... 17 $750: A verage pension on D ecem ber 3 1 , 1985 ............. Percent change, D ecem ber 3 1 , 1980-85 ............... $83 2 11 $31 9 27 $ 344 37 $91 4 $988 22 32 The BLS Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers rose 31 percent over the 5-year period studied.2 For 6 retirees in plans with ad hoc adjustments, and with monthly pensions and years of retirement shown above, average ad justments ranged from 35 to 119 percent of the price rise. Only 3 percent of all participants were in plans that provid ed for automatic increases in pension benefits to compen sate for increases in the cost of living. In most instances, these cost-of-living-adjustment formulas provided for benefit adjustments proportional to increases in the B L S Consumer Price Index. Nevertheless, ceilings on individual increases limited periodic adjustments to 4 percent or less for most of the covered workers. Nearly all of the affected participants were in plans calling for annual adjustments. Lifetime ceil ings on increases were uncommon. For the first time, the survey collected information on the incidence of lump-sum payments made to current retirees. In 1986, 6 percent of participants were in plans which gave retirees at least 1 lump-sum payment during the 1981-85 period. These payments ranged from $100 to $1,000. Retirees receiving these lump sums normally also received permanent pension increases between 1981 and 1985. In fact, they often received both adjustments in the same year. (C P I-U ) Postretirement survivor benefits (table 69). E R ISA also re quires the availability of a form of pension in which at least 50 percent of the retiree’s payments continue to the spouse after the retiree’s death. When this type of pension—called a joint-and-survivor annuity—is paid, the employee will generally receive a lower benefit during retirement since pay ments are likely to be made over a longer period of time. When the retiree dies, the spouse will receive part or all of the retiree’s monthly pension benefits.2 9 Joint-and-survivor annuities are based on an actuarial or arithmetic reduction of the employee’s pension. Nearly onefifth of the participants were in plans offering only a jointand-survivor option that provides a surviving spouse 50 per cent of the retiree’s adjusted pension. Sixty-six percent of 27 A m ong other provision s, the Retirem ent Equity A ct o f 1984 am ended ERISA by low erin g from 25 to 21 the age after w hich em ployers m ust en roll w orkers in defined benefit and defined contribution plans, and low er ing from 22 to 18 the age after w hich em p loyees m ust earn vesting credits. In addition, the act requires that the spouse o f a deceased vested em p loyee be entitled to survivor b enefits regardless o f em p lo y e e ’s age at death. For m ost plans, the Internal R evenue S ervice extended the deadline for co m pliance w ith p rovision s o f the act until June 3 0 , 1986. (C ollectively bar gained plans had to com ply by January 1, 19 8 7 .) Since the survey w as conducted from January to June 1986. p revious ERISA rules w ere in effect when the surveyed establishm ents w ere visited . Vesting (table 68). Even when an employee leaves an em ployer without qualifying for either a normal, early, or dis ability retirement benefit, a pension may ultimately be paid. If certain conditions are satisfied at the time of separation, workers have a vested interest in all or a portion of their ac crued pension benefits and may begin receiving benefits years later. Although all pension participants are entitled to vested benefits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act o f 1974 (ERISA), some variations exist as to when this oc 28 D ue to changes in the Tax R eform A ct o f 1986, benefits from m ost defined benefit plans w ill vest m ore rapidly beginning in 1989. V esting pro v ision s d iffer significantly betw een defined benefit and som e types o f d e fined contribution plans. T he next chapter d iscu sses these d ifferen ces. 29 ERISA requires that the joint-and-survivor coverage be autom atic for m arried retirees, and that w aiver o f this option m ust be requested in w rit ing. The Retirem ent Equity A ct (see footnote 27) further directs that spouse coverage can be w aived on ly if both husband and w ife sign the request. For a m ore com p lete d iscu ssion o f survivor ben efits, se e D onald B ell and A vy Graham, “ Surviving S p o u se’s B enefits in Private P ension P la n s,” Monthly Labor Review, A pril 1984, pp. 23-31. 26 The rate o f increase w as determ ined by d ividing the annual average CPI-U for 1985 by the annual average CPI-U for 1980. For a discu ssion o f postretirement increases, see Donald G . Schmitt, “ Postretirement Increases U nder Private P ension P la n s,” Monthly Labor Review, Septem ber 1984, pp. 3-8. 58 reached early retirement age. If the employee lives to be come eligible for early retirement, the survivor benefit in many cases switches to the equivalent of a 50-percent jointand-survivor benefit calculated as if the employee had re tired on the day of death. (The earliest available preretire ment survivor annuity was tabulated.) participants (up from 59 percent in 1980) had a choice of two or more alternative percentages (frequently 50, 67, and 100 percent) to be continued to the spouse, with correspond ing reductions in their annuities. Two percent of participants were in plans where the spouse receives a joint-and-survivor annuity and either a monthly cash payment or a portion of the retiree’s pension. A larger group, 7 percent of participants, were in plans providing a portion of the retiree’s benefit. In these latter plans, the spousal annuity is close to what a 50-percent joint-andsurvivor annuity might provide. In both of these types of plans, there is no reduction to the employee’s pension for the joint-and-survivor annuity. Employee contributions. The employer paid the full cost of defined benefit pension plans for 94 percent of the par ticipants. Of the employees who had to pay part of the cost, virtually all paid a percent of earnings. The majority of par ticipants in contributory plans paid one rate (usually 2 to 4 percent) on earnings above a specified level, and a lower rate (or frequently zero) below that earnings level. The an nual earnings level at which this break occurred ranged from $3,000 to the $42,000 Social Security taxable wage base in effect during 1986. Plans with varying employee contribu tions usually coordinate private benefits with Social Securi ty payments; as discussed earlier, pension benefit computation rates used in these plans are higher on earnings above the Social Security taxable wage base. One-fourth of the participants in contributory plans paid a flat rate—none paid more than 3 percent. Preretirement survivor benefits (table 70). Nearly all par ticipants were in plans providing for survivor payments in case the employee died before retirement. Pensions usually had to be vested before any death benefits were payable.3 0 For nearly two-thirds of the participants, a surviving spouse would receive an annuity equivalent to the amount payable if the employee had retired on the day prior to death with a joint-and-survivor form of payment in effect. Most sur vivor pensions of this nature were based on an early retire ment benefit and were provided at no cost to the employee. However, for 14 percent of participants (down from 24 per cent in 1980), preretirement joint-and-survivor protection in volved an extra cost to the employee and was available only if elected. The cost was usually paid by the employee through a small deduction in the pension ultimately payable to either employee or spouse. The remaining one-third of pension plan participants gener ally had a preretirement survivor annuity calculated as a por tion of the employee’s accrued benefit (the benefit earned as of the date of the employee’s death). The incidence of this type of annuity increased by slightly over 40 percent be tween 1984 and 1986, in part due to the Retirement Equity Act of 1984. If an active employee dies after completion of the vesting requirement, a typical survivor would receive an annuity equal to 50 percent of the employee’s accrued benefit to date. Payments would be reduced by the early retirement adjustment, and would begin when the employee would have Participation requirements (table 71). Two-fifths of the em ployees with pension plans had immediate coverage. Another one-fifth could participate regardless of age but had a serv ice requirement, seldom more than 1 year. The remaining employees could not enter the pension plan until they reached a specified age and completed 1 year of service, the most restrictive requirement permitted under E R IS A .31 Three-fifths of pension plan participants were in plans with a maximum age, usually 59, beyond which newly hired em ployees were not eligible. Maximum age conditions are per mitted under e r i s a regulations as long as the specified age is within 5 years of a plan’s normal retirement age.3 2 31 S ee footnote 27 regarding the R etirem ent Equity A c t’s changes to ERISA. 32 The 1986 Budget Reconciliation A ct (described in footnote 25) changes the ERISA requirements beginning in 1988. Plans w ill no longer be allow ed to exclu d e em p loyees from participation due to age. Instead, the plan m ay require the em p loyee to participate for 5 years b efore becom ing eligib le for benefits, even if that date is beyond the normal retirem ent age. 30 S ee footnote 2 7 for changes required by the Retirem ent Equity A ct. 59 Table 54. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by method of determining retirement payments, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Basis of payment2 T o ta l.......................................... 100 Terminal earnings form ula............... No alternative form ula................ Terminal earnings alternative..... Career earnings alternative........ Dollar amount alternative3 ........... Percent of contributions alternative.................................. 57 29 Career earnings formula................... No alternative form ula................ Career earnings alternative ........ Dollar amount alternative3 ........... Percent of contributions alternative.................................. 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 15 72 35 13 3 19 1 1 15 23 15 8 12 8 10 2 O 0 7 10 72 40 13 100 40 18 7 2 17 2 12 (4 ) (4 ) 6 1 11 6 (4 ) 5 O (4 ) (4 ) 26 25 5 4 (4) 11 11 48 46 (4 ) 2 Dollar amount formula3 ..................... No alternative form ula................ Dollar amount alternative3 ........... Percent of contributions alternative.................................. O (4) (4 ) Percent of contributions form ula...... No alternative form ula................ 0 O (4 ) (4) (4 ) (4 ) 1 1 (4 ) Other formula..................................... 1 1 0 1 1 - 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 Alternative formulas are generally designed to provide a minimum benefit for employees with short service or low earnings. 3 Includes formulas based on dollar amounts for each year of service and schedules of benefits that vary by length of service. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 60 Table 55. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants in plans with percent of terminal earnings benefit formulas by type and amount of formula, medium and large firms, 1986 Provision for maximum benefit3 Type and amount of formula2 Provision for integration with Social Security benefit Flat percent per year of service........................ Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 ................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ Percent per year varies ............. ........ . By service............... By earnings............. By a g e ..................... By earnings and service.................. Type and amount of formula2 Total Without Subject Not sub With inte inte grated to maxi ject to grated mum maximum formula formula 100 100 57 65 1 6 8 24 5 10 3 3 29 7 18 3 43 16 49 3 9 13 19 3 2 100 53 82 2 5 2 T o ta l..................... 100 10 37 0 8 12 25 21 6 3 11 3 6 35 15 18 - 20 100 51 17 23 4 47 16 24 7 5 2 18 18 - Flat percent per year of service.................... . Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 .................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ Percent per year varies ....................... By service............... By earnings............. By a g e ..................... By earnings and service.................. 100 100 100 100 57 O 71 43 54 2 2 95 4 23 27 34 11 24 5 11 1 4 32 7 19 2 (4 ) 20 10 15 4 23 2 11 6 7 4 4 8 43 17 18 3 29 57 12 22 46 18 16 - 21 20 6 3 5 1 8 5 100 100 100 100 60 3 60 61 56 74 12 4 4 1 42 5 5 - Production 100 55 100 65 1 3 3 32 6 8 9 3 15 5 2 4 43 100 51 2 4 5 27 45 16 24 100 35 14 20 2 4 9 21 4 3 93 10 37 O 5 26 7 100 100 8 34 4 10 Flat percent per year of service........................ Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 ................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ 8 22 4 10 2 6 22 19 12 26 5 12 8 22 7 20 _ 2 8 10 1 12 0 5 3 3 57 17 29 3 49 16 26 7 Percent per year varies.......................... By service............... By earnings............. By a g e ..................... By earnings and service.................. 40 15 18 40 19 17 39 44 12 12 18 3 24 26 26 5 2 7 7 - 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 If a plan contained more than one terminal earnings formula, a pri mary formula was selected and tabulated. 3 These maximum provisions are independent of Internal Revenue Code ceilings on pensions payable from defined benefit plans. Without inte grated formula 100 Percent per year varies.......................... By service............... By earnings.............. By a g e ..................... By earnings and service.................. T o ta l..................... Flat percent per year of service........................ Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 ................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ Total Subject Not sub With inte grated to maxi ject to mum maximum formula Professional and administrative T o ta l..................... Provision for integration with Social Security benefit Technical and clerical All participants Total ..................... Provision for maximum benefit3 2 5 4 6 2 - 7 - 4 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 61 Table 56. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants in plans with terminal earnings formulas by definition of terminal earnings, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Definition of terminal earnings T ota l.......................................... Three years....................................... Last 3 ........................................... High 3 .......................................... Of last 5 ....................................... Of last 1 0 ............................... High consecutive 3 ..................... Of last 5 ....................................... Of last 1 0 ............................... Of career................................ Five years.......................................... Last 5 ........................................... High 5 .......................................... Of last 1 0 ............................... Of career................................ O ther...................................... High consecutive 5 ..................... Of last 1 0 ............................... Of last 1 5 ............................... Of career................................ Other period3 ...................................... 100 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 13 14 11 1 1 1 1 2 ft 1 100 14 - 1 ft 1 ft 1 1 1 1 11 11 8 13 - ft ft ft 8 8 6 8 3 3 2 5 84 4 84 87 5 5 80 3 10 9 12 10 5 5 6 5 4 3 7 ft 69 51 1 16 3 ft 70 5 ft ft 51 2 15 69 51 1 16 68 51 3 3 ft 16 5 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 3 Formulas based on earnings during period other than 3 or 5 years’ service, or periods not immediately before retirement (for example, first 5 of last 10 years’ service). NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 62 Table 57. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants in plans with percent of career earnings benefit formulas by type and amount of formula, medium and large firms, 1986 Provision for maximum benefit3 Type and amount of formula2 Provision for integration with Social Security benefit Provision for maximum benefit3 Type and amount of formula2 Total Without Subject Not sub With inte inte grated to maxi ject to grated maximum formula mum formula Flat percent per year of service........................ Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 ................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ Percent per year varies............... .......... By service............... By earnings............. By a g e ..................... Without inte grated formula Professional and administrative 100 100 9 100 42 14 2 5 7 25 9 1 1 74 1 4 6 2 7 23 (4 ) 3 60 4 56 0 3 91 91 98 15 o 0 8 0 Total ..................... 100 2 40 1 100 1 1 1 58 5 53 (4 ) 86 2 5 80 2 0 Flat percent per year of service........................ Less than 1 .0 0 ........ 1.00-1.24 ................. 1.25-1.49 ................. 1.50-1.74 ................. 1.75-1.99 ................. 2.00-2.24 ................. 2.25 or greater........ Percent per year varies.......................... By service............... By earnings............. By a g e ..................... Excludes supplemental pension plans. If a plan contained more than one career earnings formula, a primary formula was selected and tabulated. This table includes plans with ca reer earnings formulas that serve as an alternative to a terminal earnings formula. 3 These maximum provisions are independent of Internal Revenue 100 100 1 2 2 6 0 0 48 12 98 2 5 36 (4 ) 6 7 1 1 86 (4 ) 2 2 55 5 51 100 2 5 33 1 100 1 9 45 100 91 91 1 4 2 2 1 88 2 6 2 52 5 47 (4 ) 82 (4 ) Code ceilings on pensions payable from defined benefit plans. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 2 Total Subject Not sub With inte to maxi ject to grated mum maximum formula All participants T o ta l..................... Provision for integration with Social Security benefit NOTE: Data were insufficent to show technical-clerical and production workers separately. Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 63 Table 58. Defined benefit pension plans:' Percent of full-time participants in plans with dollar amount benefit formulas2 by type and amount of formula, medium and large firms, 1986 Provision for maximum benefit4 Type and amount of formula3 Provision for maximum benefit4 Type and amount of formula3 Total Total Subject to Not subject maximum to maximum Subject to Not subject maximum to maximum Production All participants T ota l.......................................... 100 59 4 73 55 11 2 10 12 9 T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 100 58 5 72 54 12 2 11 11 10 10 7 18 7 23 5 10 1 2 6 1 Flat monthly amount per year of service............................................ Less than $5.00 .......................... $5.00-$9.99.................................. $10.00-$14.99.............................. $15.00-$19.99.............................. $20.00-$24.99.............................. $25.00-529.99.............................. $30.00 or greater....................... Amount per year varies by service ... 6 11 5 Amount per year varies by service ... 7 Amount per year varies by earnings.......................................... 34 13 40 Amount per year varies by earnings.......................................... Scheduled dollar amount varies by service............................................ (*) Scheduled dollar amount varies by service............................................ Flat monthly amount per year of service............................................ Less than $5.00 .......................... $5.00-$9.99.................................. $10.00-514.99.............................. $15.00-$19.99.............................. $20.00-$24.99 .............................. $25.00-529.99.............................. $30.00 or greater....................... 1 10 21 10 3 7 20 7 11 21 11 2 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 5 22 5 3 3 11 11 1 6 1 12 6 34 14 40 1 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 Excludes plans with dollar amount formulas that serve as a mini mum benefit alternative to a percent of earnings formula. 3 If a plan contained more than one dollar amount formula, a primary formula was selected and tabulated. 4 These maximum provisions are independent of Internal Revenue Code ceilings on pensions payable from defined benefit plans. NOTE: Data were insufficient to show professional-administrative and technical-clerical workers separately. Because of rounding, sums of indi vidual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 64 Table 59. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by provision for integration of pension with Social Security benefit, medium and large firms, 1986 Type of benefit formula2 Type of benefit formula1 2 Provision Total3 Provision Dollar Terminal Career earnings earnings amount Total3 T o ta l................................................. 100 100 100 100 T o ta l................................................. With integrated form ula.................... 62 90 69 1 With integrated fo rm u la ....................... 43 36 7 71 60 1 Rased on service5 ................. Not based on service8 ........... Dollar a m o u n t..................... Percent of p a y m e n t.......... Pure excess8 .................................... Step-rate excess9 ............................ Integrated with a Social Security b rea kpo int.............. Integrated with a specific dollar b rea kp o in t................... Without integrated fo rm ula.................. Dollar amount Technical and clerical All participants Offset by Social Security payment4 ........................................ Terminal Career earnings earnings 7 11 13 9 5 o 4 1 1 1 23 25 54 10 10 23 14 15 32 _ Offset by Social Security payment4 ........................................ Based on service5 .................... Not based on service8 ............ Dollar a m o u n t..................... Percent of p a y m e n t.......... Pure excess8 .................................... Step-rate excess9 ............................ Integrated with a Social Security b rea kpo int.............. Integrated with a specific dollar b re a k p o in t................... 38 10 31 99 Without integrated fo rm ula.................. 11 1 0 1 - _ 100 100 100 100 74 79 93 58 50 75 19 1 66 10 1 9 8 0 0 1 10 0 _ _ 8 9 9 1 1 1 25 23 54 13 11 29 13 13 25 7 26 99 100 21 _ Production Professional and administrative T o ta l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 T o ta l................................................ 100 100 100 With integrated fo rm u la ....................... 81 94 62 1 With integrated fo rm u la ....................... 42 83 74 0 55 46 9 72 62 12 1 28 65 50 15 11 0 10 (7 ) 0 0 Offset by Social Security payment4 ........................................ Based on service5 .................... Not based on service8 ............ Dollar am ount ..................... Percent of p a y m e n t.......... Pure excess8 .................................... Step-rate excess9 ............................ Integrated with a Social Security brea kpo int.............. Integrated with a specific dollar b re a k p o in t................... Without integrated form ula.................. 10 5 2 2 1 31 27 49 14 13 20 - 19 16 30 _ Offset by Social Security payment4 ........................................ Based on service5 .................... Not based on service8 ............ Dollar a m o u n t..................... Percent of p a y m e n t.......... Pure excess8 ..................................... Step-rate excess9 ............................ Integrated with a Social Security brea kpo int.............. Integrated with a specific dollar b re a k p o in t................... 19 6 38 99 Without integrated fo rm ula.................. 9 7 5 10 1 o - _ 6 1 o 1 2 5 13 1 0 1 0 17 24 62 6 7 24 12 18 38 58 17 26 - - 100 mary Social Security payments or a specific dollar amount. Although generally offsets of up to 83.33 percent were permitted by the Internal Revenue Service for plan qualification, offsets in excess of 50 percent were uncommon. 7 Less than 0.5 percent. 9 Formula does not apply to earnings subject to FICA (Social Secu rity) taxes or below a specific dollar breakpoint * Formula applies lower benefit rate to earnings subject to FICA (So cial Security) taxes or below a specific dollar breakpoint. Excludes supplemental pension plans. If a plan contained more than one benefit formula based on termi nal earnings, career earnings, or dollar amounts, each integrated for mula was tabulated. Participants were included as under nonintegrated formulas only if none of the formulas was integrated. 3 Includes plans with benefit formulas based on a percent of em ployee or employer contributions. 4 Benefit as calculated by formula is reduced by portion of primary Social Security payment. 9 Offset is equal to the product of a percent of primary Social Secu rity payments and the participant’s years of service with the employer. A maximum offset is frequently applied, for example, 50 percent * Benefit formula includes a reduction by a specified percent of pri 1 2 22 NOTE: Sums of individual items may not equal totals either because of rounding or because more than one benefit formula within a plan was integrated. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 65 Table 60. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by maximum benefit provisions,2 medium and large firms, 1986 Type of benefit formula3 Type of benefit formula3 Maximum benefit provision Total4 Maximum benefit provision Dollar Terminal Career earnings earnings amount Total4 Technical and clerical All participants Total ......................................... 100 100 100 56 8 26 36 50 8 20 2 1 1 1 2 1 T ota l.......................................... 100 41 Not subject to maximum.................. 6 8 4 2 1 1 2 1 7 Limit on years of credited service...................................... Less than 2 0 .......................... 2 0 ........................................... 2 5 ........................................... 26-29 ..................................... 3 0 ........................................... 31-34 ..................................... 3 5 ........................................... 36-39 ..................................... 4 0 ........................................... More than 4 0 ......................... 9 (5 ) 9 Subject to maximum......................... Limit on years of credited service....................................... Less than 2 0 .......................... 2 0 ........................................... 2 5 ........................................... 26-29 ...................................... 3 0 ........................................... 31-34 ...................................... 35 ........................................... 36-39 ...................................... 4 0 ........................................... More than 4 0 ......................... Other maximum6 .......................... 59 44 92 74 Not subject to maximum.................. 5 (5 ) 5 (5 ) 4 1 12 17 1 1 9 (5 ) 14 (5 ) 1 (5 ) 7 (5 ) 2 O T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 Subject to maximum......................... Limit on years of credited service...................................... Less than 2 0 .......................... 2 0 ........................................... 2 5 ........................................... 26-29 ..................................... 3 0 ........................................... 31-34 ..................................... 3 5 ........................................... 36-39 ..................................... 4 0 ........................................... More than 4 0 ......................... Other maximum6 .......................... 47 59 8 27 42 54 8 2 1 17 3 (5 ) 4 T ota l.......................................... 100 1 1 1 8 8 (5 ) 10 Subject to maximum......................... Limit on years of credited service....................................... Less than 2 0 .......................... 2 0 ........................................... 2 5 ............................................ 26-29 ...................................... 3 0 ........................................... 31-34 ...................................... 3 5 ........................................... 36-39 ...................................... 4 0 ............................................ More than 4 0 ......................... Other maximum6 .......................... 52 41 92 73 Not subject to maximum.................. 1 1 4 4 1 1 15 19 1 1 12 16 (5 ) 1 (5 ) 8 10 1 5 (*) 1 0 5 3 100 100 100 45 56 7 26 41 53 7 20 2 2 1 1 7 7 3 (*) 7 1 1 14 16 1 1 10 (5 ) 14 (5 ) 8 10 4 1 1 1 6 7 (5 ) 44 93 74 100 100 100 54 1 7 (5 ) 1 2 6 100 34 52 9 29 43 8 1 2 2 3 5 4 (5 ) 27 20 (5 ) 2 3 0 10 16 1 1 (s) 10 2 6 (5 ) 3 (*) 4 2 1 2 2 8 11 3 3 (5 ) 48 91 66 8 2 73 1 9 5 Less than 0.5 percent. 6 The benefit yielded under the formula is limited to either a percent of terminal or career earnings, often coordinated with primary Social S e curity payments, or to a flat dollar amount. 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 These maximum provisions are independent of Internal Revenue Code ceilings on pensions payable from defined benefit plans. 3 If a plan contained more than one benefit formula based on termi nal earnings, career earnings, or dollar amounts, each formula contain ing a maximum benefit provision was tabulated. Participants were in cluded as under formulas without maximum benefit provisions only if none of the formulas contained a maximum. 4 Includes plans with benefit formulas based on a percent of em ployee or employer contributions. 100 Production Professional and administrative Not subject to maximum.................. Terminal Career Dollar earnings earnings amount NOTE: Sums of individual items may not equal totals because more than one benefit formula within a plan may have a maximum benefit provision. Also, some benefit formulas contain a limit on years of cred ited service and another maximum provision. Dash indicates no em ployees in this category. 66 Table 61. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Average replacement rates for specified final earnings and years of service,2 medium and large firms, 1986 Years of service3 Final annual earnings 10 15 25 20 30 35 40 26.7 24.2 23.4 23.3 23.4 23.5 31.5 28.5 27.6 27.4 27.4 27.5 35.9 32.4 31.2 30.9 30.8 30.8 39.9 35.9 34.4 34.0 33.7 33.6 25.9 24.5 24.6 25.2 25.9 26.6 30.6 28.9 28.9 29.6 30.3 31.0 34.6 32.6 32.5 33.1 33.7 34.4 38.3 35.9 35.6 36.0 36.5 37.1 25.6 24.7 25.1 25.9 26.7 27.3 30.2 29.0 29.5 30.4 31.2 31.9 34.4 33.0 33.4 34.2 35.0 35.6 38.1 36.4 36.7 37.5 38.2 38.7 27.8 23.7 32.9 28.0 25.7 24.5 23.6 23.0 37.6 31.9 29.3 27.8 26.7 25.9 41.9 35.6 32.5 30.7 29.5 28.5 74.1 67.8 61.9 56.9 53.2 50.3 78.5 71.7 65.6 60.4 56.6 53.6 82.5 75.2 73.1 77.2 71.9 Private pension only All participants $15,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 ........................... ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 1 1 .1 1 0 .0 9.7 9.7 9.7 9.8 16.4 14.8 14.4 14.4 14.5 14.6 2 1 .6 15.9 15.1 15.2 15.7 16.2 16.6 2 1 .0 19.5 18.9 18.9 19.1 19.2 Professional and administrative $15,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 1 0 .8 10.3 10.3 1 0 .6 10.9 1 1 .2 19.8 19.9 20.5 2 1 .2 21.7 Technical and clerical $15,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 1 1 .1 15.6 15.0 15.2 15.8 16.3 16.7 11.5 9.8 9.0 17.1 14.5 13.4 8 .6 1 2 .8 8.3 12.4 8 .2 1 2 .2 1 0 .6 1 0 .1 1 0 .2 10.5 1 0 .8 2 0 .6 19.8 2 0 .1 20.9 2 1 .6 2 2 .1 Production $15,000 ........................... $2 0 , 0 0 0 ........................... $25,000 ... $30,000........................... $35,000 ........................... $40,000........................... 2 2 .6 19.2 17.6 16.9 16.4 16.0 2 1 .8 20.7 2 0 .1 19.6 Combined private pension and primary4 Social Security benefit All participants $15,000 ........................... $2 0 , 0 0 0 ........................... $25,000 ........................... $30,000 ........................... $35,000 ........................... $40,000........................... 53.6 49.3 44.0 39.2 35.5 32.6 58.9 54.1 48.7 43.9 40.3 37.4 64.2 58.8 53.2 48.4 44.8 42.0 69.3 63.5 57.7 52.8 49.2 46.4 53.4 49.5 44.7 40.1 36.7 34.0 58.5 54.4 49.5 45.2 42.0 39.4 63.5 59.1 54.2 50.0 46.9 44.5 68.5 63.8 58.9 54.7 51.7 49.4 53.1 49.4 44.6 40.0 36.6 33.9 58.1 54.3 49.6 45.2 42.1 39.5 63.2 59.1 54.5 50.4 47.3 44.9 64.0 59.4 55.4 52.5 50.1 6 8 .8 63.5 59.5 56.4 Professional and administrative $15,000 ........................... $2 0 , 0 0 0 ........................... $25,000 ........................... $30,000 .......................... $35,000 ........................... $40,000........................... 63.2 59.0 56.0 53.8 62.6 59.5 57.2 80.9 75.2 69.9 65.5 62.3 59.9 72.7 68.3 63.8 60.0 57.0 54.7 76.9 72.3 67.7 63.7 60.8 58.4 80.7 75.7 71.0 67.0 64.0 61.6 6 8 .2 6 6 .8 Technical and clerical $15,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... See footnotes at end of table. 67 6 8 .2 Table 61. Defined benefit pension plans:' Average replacement rates for specified final earnings and years of service,2 medium and large firms, 1986—Continued Years of service3 Final annual earnings 15 10 25 20 30 35 40 80.1 71.2 63.6 57.3 52.5 48.7 84.5 74.9 Combined private pension and primary4 Social Security benefit P roduction $15,000 $2 0 , 0 0 0 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... 54.1 49 1 43.4 38.1 34.1 31.0 59.7 53.8 47.7 42.3 38.2 35.0 70.4 63.0 56.1 50.2 45.8 42.4 65.1 58.4 52.0 46.3 42.1 38.8 Excludes supplemental pension plans. Retirement annuity as a percent of earnings in the final year of work. The maximum private pension available to an employee, not reduced for early retirement or joint-and-survivor annuity, was calculated under each pension plan using the earnings and service assumptions shown. This benefit level was then expressed as a percent of earnings in the last year of employment. These calculations assume employees retired on January 1, 1986, and final earnings are for 1985. Earnings histories, necessary for applying the pension formulas, were constructed for each final earnings level based on data provided by the Social Security Administration. 75.4 67.3 60.1 54.0 49.4 45.8 6 6 .8 60.2 55.3 51.3 For private pension formulas that are integrated with Social Security (see table 59) and for computation of Social Security benefits, the worker is assumed to have retired at age 65 and paid into Social Security for 40 years. Computations exclude 2 percent of participants in cash account pension plans or plans with benefits based on career contributions. 3 The years of service intervals represent total service with the employer. Time spent satisfying service requirements for plan participation was excluded from the calculation of replacement rates, unless the pension plan specified that such time was to be included in benefit computations. 4 Excludes benefits for spouses and other dependents. 1 2 Table 62. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by minimum age and associated service requirements for normal retirement,2 medium and large firms, 1986 Age and service requirement3 T o ta l..................................... No age requirement..................... 30 years’ service.................... More than 30 years’ service ... Age 53 .......................................... 30 years’ service .................... Age 55 .......................................... 2 0 years' service .................... 25 years’ service .................... 30 years’ service.................... More than 30 years’ service ... All par ticipants 100 100 13 13 . . ................ More than 30 years’ service ... Age 61 .......................................... 5 years’ service ...................... 2 0 years’ service .................... 26 years’ service .................... 20 10 19 O _ 3 2 0 5 4 (4 ) 1 (4 ) 1 14 4 3 3 (4 ) (4 ) 3 0 1 (4 ) 1 2 1 5 3 1 10 3 1 1 1 (4 ) 0 0 1 1 0 4 4 (4 ) 1 (4 ) (4 ) 0 0 1 1 2 (4 ) 7 (4 ) (4 ) 7 (4 ) 3 2 25 years' service .................... 30 years’ service .................... (4 ) 1 (4 ) 18 4 (4 ) (4) - 6 8 (4 ) 4 2 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Age 63-64 ...................................... No service requirement .......... 1 0 years’ service .................... 2 0 years’ service .................... 2 O 2 4 2 (4 ) 2 2 - O 3 (4 ) 1 1 Age 65 .......................................... No service requirement .......... 1-4 years’ service................... 5 years’ service ...................... 1 0 years’ service .................... 36 32 (4 ) 33 31 _ 36 34 _ 2 1 1 2 1 1 Sum of age plus service5 ............. Equals less than 80 ............... Equals 8 0 ................................. Equals 8 5 ................................. Equals 9 0 ................................. Fquals more than 90 .............. 11 14 13 2 2 (4 ) 4 38 32 (4 ) 3 3 1 7 (4 ) (4) 4 1 1 5 3 7 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 0 (4 ) (4 ) Excludes supplemental pension plans. Normal retirement is defined as the point at which the participant could retire and immediately receive all accrued benefits by virtue of service and earnings, without reduction due to age. 3 If a plan had alternative age and service requirements, the earliest age and associated service were tabulated; if one alternative did not specify an age, it was the requirement tabulated. 1 2 1 5 3 1 0 1 20 1 1 15 5 3 3 6 19 4 (4) 2 (4) (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) 20 19 4 (4 ) 2 1 1 (4 ) Age 62 .......................................... No service requirement .......... 1-4 years’ service................... 5 years’ service ...................... 8 years’ service ...................... 1 0 years’ service .................... 14 years’ service .................... 15 years’ service .................... 0 (4 ) (4 ) All par ticipants 3 1 1 (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) 0 (4 ) 1 years’ service 25 years' service 20 10 Age and service requirement3 Profes sional Technical Produc and ad and cleri tion par ministra cal par ticipants tive par ticipants ticipants 100 O (4) (4 ) Age 60 .......................................... No service requirement.......... 1-5 years’ service.............. 1 0 years’ service.................... 100 5 5 0 1 15 or 2 0 years’ service.......... 30 years’ service .................... More than 30 years’ service ... Profes sional Technical Produc and ad and cleri tion par ministra cal par ticipants tive par ticipants ticipants Less than 0.5 percent. In most plans, participants must also satisfy a minimum age or serv ice requirement. 4 5 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 68 Table 63. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by minimum age and associated service requirements for early retirement,2 medium and large firms, 1986 Age and service requirement3 T o ta l..................................... Participants in plans permitting early retirement.......................... All par ticipants 100 Age 55 ...................................... No service requirement ..... 5 years’ service ................ 1 0 years’ service.............. 1 1 years’ service.............. 15 years’ service.............. 2 0 years’ service .............. 100 100 Age and service requirement3 Profes sional Technical Produc and ad and cleri tion par ministra cal par ticipants tive par ticipants ticipants 100 98 98 99 5 9 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 98 1 O 5 10 O ft 4 ft 4 7 (4 ) O 4 15 O ft 7 3 2 0 3 1 O 9 2 6 67 9 5 40 O 66 70 10 12 3 41 O 7 5 41 8 8 4 4 4 1 2 7 1 O (4 ) 0 0 0 12 0 0 ft 0 7 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ft 1 4 2 1 1 9 Age 62 ...................................... 1 0 years’ service.............. 1 O 3 Sum of age plus service5 ......... Equals 70 or le s s ............. Equals 71-74..................... Equals 75 .......................... Equals 76-79 ................. Equals 80 .......................... Equals 85 .......................... 2 1 0 ft Age 60 ...................................... No service requirement.... 5 years’ service ................ 1 0 years’ service.............. 15 years’ service.............. 2 0 years’ service.............. 3 62 9 2 42 7 3 Participants in plans without early retirement .................................. 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 Early retirement is defined as the point at which a worker could re tire and immediately receive accrued benefits based on service and earnings but reduced for each year prior to normal retirement age. 3 If a plan had alternative age and service requirements, the earliest age and associated service were tabulated; if one alternative did not specify an age, it was the requirement tabulated. All par ticipants Age 56-59.................................. 30 years’ service.............. No age requirement................. Less than 30 years’ service .............. ............. 30 years’ service.............. Less than age 5 5 ..................... No service requirement.... 5 years' service ................ 1 0 years’ service.............. 15 years’ service.............. 2 0 years’ service.............. 25 years’ service.............. Profes sional Technical Produc and ad and cleri tion par ministra cal par ticipants tive par ticipants ticipants 9 3 9 2 (4 ) ft 9 10 1 2 ft 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 8 2 2 1 2 0 1 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 In most plans, participants must also satisfy a minimum age or serv ice requirement. NOTE; Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 69 Table 64. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants in plans permitting early retirement by reduction factor for immediate start of payments, medium and large firms, 1986 Reduction for each year prior to normal retirement age T ota l.......................................... Uniform percentage2 ......................... Less than 3 .0 ............................... 3 .0 ................................................ 3.1-3.9.......................................... 4.0 ................................................ 4.1-4.9.......................................... 5.0 ................................................ 5.1-5.9.......................................... 6 . 0 ................................................ 6.7 ................................................ More than 6 .7 .............................. Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants 100 46 2 10 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 Characteristic Percent of participants in plans with disability retirement benefits................................... 100 42 4 45 2 10 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants 89 89 88 100 100 100 90 Minimum requirements for disability retirement 1 10 9 3 5 2 5 2 9 (3 ) 13 Table 65. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by provisions for disability retirement, medium and large firms, 1986 2 T o ta l.......................................... 1 6 4 3 2 2 10 11 - - 49 No age or service ............................. Age o n ly ............................................ Service o n ly ....................................... Age and service................................ Receipt of long-term disability benefits........................................... 8 2 1 1 (3 ) 17 4 1 1 (3 ) 1 51 52 53 11 11 41 42 34 15 11 - (2) - 50 39 9 40 12 11 62 14 25 38 33 13 16 38 14 (2) 50 13 13 100 7 12 Benefit provisions Percentage varies by a g e ................ Reduction differs for each year of early retirement4 .................. Reduction differs by age bracket5 ..................................... Percentage varies by service........... Other basis6 ....................................... T o ta l.......................................... 2 O 5 1 1 (3 ) Immediate disability retirement3 ....... Unreduced normal formula4 ........ Reduced normal formula5 ........... Other than normal formula6 ........ 55 41 6 8 Deferred disability retirement............ With benefits based on: Service when disabled ............... Service plus credit to early retirement date or la te r............ Service with some credit............ Not based on service.................... 100 36 24 100 100 5 39 26 3 75 60 7 7 10 8 45 64 61 25 7 9 9 5 37 53 51 18 1 2 1 1 (3 ) Excludes supplemental pension plans. In specific cases, uniform percentage reductions may approximate ac tuarial reductions, such as early retirement at age 55 with a 6 percent a year reduction between age 55 and the plan’s normal retirement age of 62. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 4 Reduction schedule is related to actuarial assumptions of the life expectancy at age that pension payments begin. 5 Rate of reduction is held constant within age brackets, but differs among brackets, sometimes in approximation of an actuarial table. For example, benefits may be reduced by 6.7 percent for e a c h ye a r b e tw een age 60 and the plan’s normal retirement age, and by 3.3 percent for each year retirement precedes age 60. Also includes some plans which reduce benefits arithmetically for each year immediately below normal retirement age and actuarially below a specified age, usually 55. 6 Reduced benefit was not derived from normal retirement formula. 1 2 (2) (2) (2) 1 - ’ Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 3 Immediate disability pensions may be supplemented by additional al lowances until an employee reaches a specified age or becomes eligible for Social Security. 4 The disabled worker’s pension is computed under the plan’s normal benefit formula and is paid as if retirement had occurred on the plan’s nor mal retirement date, either based on years of service actually completed or projected to a later date. 6 The disabled worker's pension is computed under the plan’s normal benefit formula, based on years of service actually completed, and then reduced for early receipt. 6 The disabled worker’s benefit is not computed by the plan’s normal benefit formula. The methods used include flat amount benefits, dollar amount formulas, percent of unreduced normal benefits less Social Secu rity, and percent of earnings formulas both with and without Social Secu rity offsets. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 100 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 70 Table 66. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by provision for credit for service after age 65, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Type of credit T ota l.......................................... No credit for service......................... Pension deferred with no change in am ount.................................. Pension deferred, but increased actuarially.................................. Pension deferred, but increased by percent per additional year of service2 ................................. Pension begins at age 6 5 ........... Credit for service, with no actuarial increase for later retirement age4 .. All service credited..................... Service credited to specified maximum a g e ........................... Service credited to specified maximum years of service....... 100 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 100 59 59 66 55 51 52 55 49 5 5 6 5 2 2 3 1 1 (3 ) 1 1 40 39 23 34 44 22 21 21 18 16 12 23 (3 ) - Credit for service, with actuarial increase for later retirement age5 .. All service credited..................... Service credited to specified maximum years of service....... (3 ) Provision not determinable.............. 0 (3 ) - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - (3 ) (3 ) (3 ) ft Excludes supplemental pension plans. The pension amount computed at age 65 is increased by a specified percent (not part of the -benefit formula) for each year the employee re mains active. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 4 Additional service is included in the benefit formula, but the pension is not increased for later retirement date. 5 Additional service is included in the benefit formula and the pension is increased for later retirement date. 1 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 71 T a b le 67. D e fin e d b e n e fit p e n s io n p la n s :1 P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts in p la n s g ra n tin g ad h o c p o s tre tir e m e n t a n n u ity in c re a s e s / m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986 Characteristic All participants Professional and administrative participants Technical and clerical participants Production partici pants Percent of participants in plans with at least one postretirement increase in the 1981-85 period .... 35 32 29 39 100 100 100 55 25 59 21 35 25 N um ber o f in creases g ra n te d in past 5 y ears T o ta l................................................................. O n e ............................................................................ T w o ............................................................................ Three......................................................................... F o u r........................................................................... Five or m ore.............................................................. 100 46 24 9 8 8 22 10 9 12 ft 1 1 32 - Provision fo r m inim um in crease in m ost rec e n t a dju stm ent T o ta l................................................................. No minimum.............................................................. With minimum ........................................................... Monthly dollar am ount........................................ Less than $ 5 ................................................. $ 1 0 ................................................................. $11-$14.......................................................... $15 ................................................................. $ 2 0 ................................................................ $25 ................................................................ More than $ 2 5 .............................................. Percent of present b e n efit................................. Greater of a monthly dollar amount or a percent of present benefit............................... Not determinable...................................................... 100 100 100 100 82 18 17 84 15 14 88 14 13 1 1 1 2 6 9 1 1 ft 4 ft ft 7 ft 4 ft ft 1 1 1 86 3 ft ft 1 ft ft 12 11 4 2 1 ft 1 1 ft 1 1 ft 1 1 100 100 ft Provision fo r m axim um in crease in m ost rec e n t a dju stm ent T o ta l................................................................. No maximum............................................................. With maximum .......................................................... Monthly dollar am ount........................................ $ 1 0 0 or le s s .................................................. $101-$150 ..................................................... More than $200 ............................................ Percent of present benefit ................................. Less than 1 0 ................................................. 10-14............................................................. 15-19.............................................................. 25-29 .............................................................. 30 or more .................................................... Greater of a monthly dollar amount or a percent of present benefit............................... Not determinable...................................................... 100 80 19 5 2 74 25 5 3 3 2 1 4 1 ft 19 ft 19 7 9 14 3 2 6 76 23 4 3 85 15 10 1 6 1 1 2 3 6 1 ft ft 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 3 ft 1 1 1 See footnotes at end of table. 100 72 ft 1 ft T a b le 67. D e fin e d b e n e fit p e n s io n p la n s :1 P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts in p la n s g ra n tin g a d h o c p o s tre tire m e n t a n n u ity in c re a s e s ,2 m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986— C o n tin u e d Characteristic All participants Professional and administrative participants Technical and clerical participants Production partici pants 100 100 100 100 Benefit formula fo r most recent increase T o ta l................................................................. Flat increase ............................................................. Monthly dollar am ount....................................... Less than $10.00 ......................................... $ 1 0 . 0 0 ........................................................... $10.01-$15.00............................................... $15.01-$20.00 ............................................... More than $20.00......................................... Varies by date of retirement........................ Percent of present b e n efit................................. Less than 5 .0 ................................................ 5.0 ................................................................. 5.1-7.4........................................................... 7.5-9.9........................................................... 1 0 . 0 ............................................................... 10.1-14.9........................................................ 15.0 ............................................................... More than 1 5 .0 ............................................. Varies by date of retirement........................ Type of flat increase not determinable............. 40 44 2 38 5 1 ft ft ft - 2 1 (3 ) ft 1 ft ft - 35 8 4 2 ft 1 1 1 1 1 32 4 38 43 5 25 3 3 ft ft ft 4 6 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 ft 3 2 ft 1 1 1 1 ft 20 22 - 1 1 1 1 0 ft 14 31 - Increase per year of retirement............................... Monthly dollar am ount....................................... Percent of present b e n efit................................. Less than 2 .0 ................................................ 2 . 0 ................................................................. 3.0 ................................................................. 4.0 ................................................................. 4.1-4.9........................................................... 5.0 ................................................................. 6 . 0 ................................................................. Varies by date of retirement........................ 32 1 1 1 4 5 4 Increase per year of service................................... Monthly dollar am ount....................................... Less than $.5 0 .............................................. $.50 ............................................................... $ 1 . 0 0 ............................................................. $1.01-$1.99 ................................................... $2 . 0 0 ............................................................. More than $2.00........................................... Varies by date of retirement........................ Percent of present benefit ................................ 28 27 17 16 - 14 13 - 39 38 2 2 11 8 3 26 - Combination of two or more benefit formulas........ Type of formula not determinable........................... 1 1 30 39 3 36 38 6 6 10 23 5 3 4 3 2 6 2 2 5 5 3 2 2 6 6 8 4 4 3 2 1 3 18 ft ft ft 24 5 4 ft 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 2 1 1 ft Excludes supplemental pension plans. Unscheduled increases in pension payments for employees retiring prior to 1986. Excludes one-time lump-sum payments. 3 Less than 0.5 percent 1 ft NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category, 1 2 39 1 73 Table 69. Defined benefit pension plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by provision for postretirement survivor annuity, medium and large firms, 1986 T a b le 68. D e fin e d b e n e fit p e n s io n p la n s :1 P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts b y ty p e o f v e s tin g s c h e d u le , m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986 Type of vesting schedule Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par Type of annuity for surviving spouse ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants T o ta l........................................... Total2 ........................................ 100 100 100 Immediate full vesting....................... (3) (3) (3) (3) 100 100 100 100 100 Cliff vesting,4 with full vesting after: 1 0 years of service at any age ... 1 0 years of service after age 18 ...................................... 1 0 years of service after age 19 or later5 ...................................... Other6 ........................................... Graduated vesting,7 with full vesting after: Less than 10 years of service.... 1 0 years of service..................... 1 1 years of service..................... 12-14 years of service................ 15 years of service8 .................... Other9 ........................................... Vesting provision not determinable .. 69 67 66 9 9 9 8 12 2 1 1 1 0 6 (3) Spouse’s share of joint-and-survivor annuity2 only ................................... 50 percent of retiree’s pension ... 51-99 percent of retiree’s pension.............................. ..... 1 0 0 percent of retiree’s pension . Alternative percentages at retiree’s option ......................... 72 10 93 14 94 17 90 6 4 (3 ) 3 (3 ) 10 1 66 75 73 56 (3 ) (3 ) 3 6 6 7 22 1 7 Spouse’s share of joint-and-survivo. annuity plus portion of retiree’s pension............................................ (3) 6 7 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 (3) 3 2 3 4 4 3 7 1 (3) 3 2 Portion of retiree’s accrued pension only ................................................. 2 (3) (3) (3) 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. 2 An annuity that provides income during the lifetime of both the retiree 2 and the surviving spouse. The accrued pension will usually be actuarially reduced at retirement because of the longer length of time that payments are expected to be made. ERISA requires that plans provide this annuity as an automatic form of pension payment. Employees and their spouses must waive the spouse annuity in writing if they desire a pension during the employee’s lifetime only or another option offered by the plan, such as guarantee of payments for a specified period. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. (3) ' Excludes supplemental pension plans. Because plans may adopt alternative vesting schedules, sums of par ticipants covered by individual vesting schedules may exceed 1 0 0 percent. 3 Less than 0.5 percent 4 Under a cliff vesting schedule, an employee is not entitled to any benefits accrued under a pension plan until satisfying the requirement for 100 percent vesting. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) specifies 10 years as the maximum requirement for this form of vesting. 5 The Retirement Equity Act of 1984 requires that sponsors of most pension plans count years of service completed after age 18 towards sat isfaction of minimum vesting requirements. For noncollectively bargained plans, compliance was required by June 30, 1986; collectively bargained plans were required to comply by the earlier of: (1 ) the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or (2) January 1, 1987. Since the survey was conducted in January-June of 1986, previous ERISA rules were in effect when the surveyed establishments were visited. 6 Includes participants in plans containing service requirements for vest ing more liberal than ERISA standards. 7 Graduated vesting schedules give an employee rights to a gradually increasing share of pension benefits determined by years of service, even tually reaching 1 0 0 percent vesting status. 8 Participants in this group were in plans that adopted ERISA’s longest time span for graduated vesting, which calls for 25 percent vesting with 5 years of service, with the vested percentage increasing 5 percentage points each year for 5 succeeding years, then 10 percentage points for each of the next 5 years. Thus, 15 years is the maximum requirement for this form of vesting. 9 Participants in this group were in plans which call for 50 percent vest ing after 5 years of service if age plus service equals 45. Thereafter, the vested percentage increases 10 percentage points each of the next 5 years. 2 92 18 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 74 T a b le 70. D e fin e d b e n e fit p e n s io n p la n s :1 P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts b y p ro v is io n f o r p re re tire m e n t s u rv iv o r a n n u ity , m e d iu m and la rg e firm s , 1986 All participants Professional and administrative partici pants Technical and clerical participants Production participants Total .............................................. 100 100 100 100 Preretirement survivor annuity provided 99 100 99 99 Equivalent of joint and survivor annuity1 ......................................... 2 65 64 63 68 60 58 56 63 Type of annuity for surviving spouse Based on early retirement3 ........ Less than 50 percent of employee pension............ At extra employee cost5 50 percent of employee pension .............................. At extra employee cost5 51-99 percent of employee pension .............................. At extra employee cost5 1 0 0 percent of employee pension.............................. At extra employee cost5 Alternative percentages of pension at employee's o p tio n ................................ At extra employee cost5 Based on normal retirement6 .... At extra employee cost5 ...... Portion of accrued employee benefit........................................... Reduced for early retirement ............................... Unreduced for early retirement.. Based on service projected to normal retirement date .......... No preretirement survivor annuity provided8 ............................................. O O 43 13 45 4 3 (4 ) 3 (4 ) 4 (4 ) O 0 3 0 7 5 0 0 10 52 16 5 O 3 3 0 5 (4) 3 1 6 - - 5 (4 ) 31 33 35 28 18 21 23 11 10 10 14 13 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 6 6 0 O (4 ) (4 ) 1 Excludes supplemental pension plans. The spouse annuity is computed as if the employee had retired with a joint-and-survivor annuity. That is, the accrued pension is first reduced because of the longer length of time that payments were expected to be made to both the retiree and the surviving spouse. The spouse’s share is then the specificed percent of the reduced amount. 3 Survivor annuity is based upon the benefit the employee would have received if early retirement had occurred on the date of death. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 Plan reduces the accrued employee pension benefit for each year survivor protection is in force. 6 Survivor annuity is based on the benefit the employee would have received if eligible for normal retirement on the date of death. (4 ) (4 ) 1 1 7 Includes annuity based on a dollar amount formula or percent of earnings. 8 The Retirement Equity Act of 1984 requires that most pension plans provide an automatic annuity for the surviving spouse of an employee with vested benefits at the time of death. For noncollectively bargained plans, compliance was required by the earlier of: (1 ) the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or (2 ) January 1, 1987. Since the survey was conducted in January-June of 1986, previous ERISA rules were in effect when the surveyed es tablishments were visited. 1 2 O (4 ) 48 13 Other annuity7 .................................. Type of annuity not determinable ... O (4 ) 0 0 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 75 T a b le 71. D e fin e d b e n e fit p e n s io n p la n s :1 P e rc e n t o f fu ll-tim e p a rtic ip a n ts b y age a n d le n g th -o f-s e rv ic e re q u ire m e n ts fo r p a rtic ip a tio n ,2 m e d iu m a n d la rg e firm s , 1986 Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants Age and service requirement provision3 M inim um req uirem en t T ota l.......................................... With minimum age and/or service requirement.................................... Service requirement o n ly ............ 3 months or le s s ................... 4-5 months............................. 6 m onths................................ 1 year .................................... 3 years ................................... Over 3 years.......................... Age 20 or le ss............................. 1 - 1 1 months of service......... 1 year .................................... Age 21 ......................................... No service requirement......... 1 - 6 months of service ........... 1 year ..................................... Over 1 ye a r............................ 100 100 100 59 58 66 57 21 21 22 19 1 C) 1 - 1 - 2 2 14 (4 ) 3 16 100 1 (4 ) 2 2 3 14 (4 ) 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (4) (4 ) (4 ) 20 22 22 2 2 2 1 0 0 13 (4 ) 3 18 (4 ) 18 O 20 20 (4 ) 17 O (4) 0 17 14 21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 0 0 Age 22 or greater5 ...................... No service requirement......... 1 - 1 1 months of service......... 1 year ..................................... Over 1 year............................ 15 (4 ) - 18 - 16 (4 ) Without minimum age and/or service requirement....................... 40 41 34 43 Age and service requirement not determinable................................... O 1 (4 ) (4 ) 18 M axim um age req u irem en t T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 With maximum age limitation6 .......... 58 64 67 50 Without maximum age limitation...... 42 36 33 50 Excludes supplemental pension plans. Excludes maximum 6 -month administrative time lags allowed by ERISA. Most plans with time lags adopt the beginning of designated 6 month periods as participation dates. 3 If a plan had alternate participation requirements, one of which was service only, the service only requirement was tabulated. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 The Retirement Equity Act of 1984 requires that nearly all plans must allow participation to full-time employees who have reached the age of 2 1 and who have completed one year of service. For noncollectively bar gained plans, compliance was required by June 30, 1986; collectively bar gained were required to comply by the earlier of: (1 ) the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or (2) January 1, 1987. Since the survey was conducted in January-June of 1986, previous ERISA rules were in effect when surveyed establishments were contacted. 6 ERISA legislation permitted plan administrators to impose a maximum age for participation. Maximum age must have been within 5 years of the plan’s normal retirement date. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 will not permit such exclusions for plan years beginning in 1988. 1 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 76 Chapter 7. Defined Contribution Plans payroll deductions, at less than market price (stock purchase plans), and less than one-half of 1 percent of employees were eligible to purchase stock in the future at a designated price (stock option plans). As table 74 shows, it was common for employees to participate in more than one defined contribu tion plan. Seventy percent of participants in defined contribution retirement plans had their benefit wholly financed by the em ployer. In contrast, capital accumulation plans were jointly financed for 78 percent of the participants. A large majority of capital accumulation plans were savings and thrift plans, which involve employer matching of employee contributions. It was common for employees to participate in both a de fined benefit or money purchase pension plan and one or more other retirement or capital accumulation plans. Sixty percent of participants in pension plans of medium and large firms (70 percent of white-collar and 45 percent of blue-collar participants) also had at least one additional plan, up from 50 percent in 1985. The likelihood of a combination of plans varied with the type of plan. For example, two-thirds of profit-sharing plan participants did not have a pension plan available to them. Conversely, almost 90 percent of savings and thrift plan par ticipants were also defined benefit plan participants. Profitsharing plans often substitute for pensions, while savings and thrift plans commonly are supplements. Sixty percent of the employees within the scope of the 1986 survey (seven-tenths of the white-collar workers and onehalf of the blue-collar workers) participated in one or more defined contribution plans. These plans, which are wholly or partly financed by employers, are designed to provide retirement income, capital accumulation, or both. Retirement plans, as defined in this study, do not allow withdrawal of employer contributions until retirement age, death, disabili ty, separation from service, age 59 1/2, or hardship. Capi tal accumulation plans, on the other hand, impose less stringent restrictions for withdrawal of employer contribu tions.33 Examples of these less stringent restrictions include permitting only one or two withdrawals per year, or impos ing a service requirement of 2 or 5 years before withdrawal. Two-thirds of the employees within the scope of the sur vey were in retirement plans only, and 22 percent were in both retirement and capital accumulation plans; 1 percent had capital accumulation but no retirement plans (table 72). As noted in chapter 6, three-fourths of employees partici pated in a defined benefit pension plan. But when defined contribution retirement plans are considered along with de fined benefit pension plans, retirement coverage rises to 89 percent. Whether for retirement or capital accumulation, defined contribution plans usually specify a contribution rate by the employer, but not a formula for determining benefits, as in a defined benefit pension plan. Instead, individual accounts are set up for participants, and benefits are based on amounts credited to these accounts, plus investment earnings. As shown in table 73, various types of defined contribu tion plans are available for retirement and capital accumula tion purposes: 30 percent of the employees participated in employee stock ownership plans, 28 percent in savings and thrift plans, 22 percent in profit-sharing plans, 2 percent in money purchase pension plans, and less than one-half of 1 percent in stock bonus plans.34 Another 3 percent of the em ployees were currently purchasing company stock, through Cash or deferred arrangem ents (table 75) One-third of the employees within the scope of the survey were in plans with a cash or deferred arrangement.3 These 5 arrangements allow participants to choose between receiv ing currently taxable income, or deferring taxation by plac ing the money in a retirement account. Cash or deferred arrangements took the form of either salary reduction plans or deferrals of profit-sharing allocations. 34 A m oney purchase pension plan provides for a pension annuity or other form o f retirem ent incom e that is determ ined by fixed contribution rates plus earnings credited to the em p lo y e e ’s account. A stock bonus plan is a plan whereby the em ployer or the em ployee and the em ployer jointly con tribute to a trust fund w hich invests in various securities. Proceeds from the investm ents are usually paid to the em p loyees in the form o f com pany stock. Savings and thrift, em ployee stock ownership, and profit-sharing plans are described later in this chapter. 35 T he survey determ ined the number o f em p loyees actually contribut ing to freestanding 401(k) plans. It also determ ined the number participat ing in em ployer-financed plans allow ing em ployee contributions with pretax dollars, but not the number o f em ployees actually making such contributions. 33 BLS used these definitions for analytic purposes, but it should be noted that m ost defined contribution plans can be used to provide retirem ent in com e or accum ulate financial assets. Capital accum ulation plans m ay pro vide retirement incom e, because withdrawals o f the em ployer’s contributions are voluntary, not m andatory. Sim ilarly, defined contribution retirement plans can be used to accum ulate a ssets, because these plans nearly alw ays perm it preretirem ent w ithdraw als o f the em p lo y er’s contributions (for e x am ple, at age 5 9 Vi, upon term ination o f em ploym ent prior to retirem ent, or upon disability). M any o f these plans also perm it em p lo y ees to receive a lump sum , rather than an annuity, upon retirem ent). 77 contribution rates. A typical plan allows employees to con tribute (in whole percentages) anywhere from 6 to 16 per cent of pay. Nearly three-tenths of the participants could contribute up to 16 percent of their earnings; 10 percent and 12 percent were other common maximums. Three-fourths of the participants in savings and thrift plans were allowed to make pretax contributions, up from 65 per cent in 1985. Thirty-nine percent were given the option to contribute either pretax or posttax earnings in 1986, while 36 percent were required to make contributions on a pretax, salary reduction basis. Half of the participants in plans man dating pretax contributions were required to contribute only an initial amount pretax. For example, a plan may allow a maximum contribution of 16 percent with only the first 6 percent required on a pretax basis. Salary reduction plans (available to 31 percent of em ployees) allowed employees to contribute a part of their earn ings to a retirement plan, and defer income taxes on those contributions and their earnings until distribution. Such con tributions are referred to as “ employee elective deferrals” or “ pretax contributions.” Deferrals of profit-sharing allocations (available to 2 per cent of employees) provide employees with the choice of receiving an employer’s profit-sharing contribution immedi ately, or deferring the contribution and postponing taxation until distribution. Participation in plans with salary reduction features, which are authorized by sections 401(k) and 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, increased from 26 to 31 percent of employees between 1985 and 1986.36 Forty-two percent of the whitecollar and 19 percent of the blue-collar employees partici pated. Two-thirds of all participants (white- and blue-collar combined) could elect to make their contributions to an ex isting savings and thrift plan where the employer matched at least part of the employee’s contribution; the remaining one-third of the participants were in freestanding plans (no employer contribution), profit-sharing plans, or money pur chase pension plans. From a different perspective, 49 percent of all participants in defined contribution plans could make tax-deferred con tributions to their plan. The incidence, again, was higher for white-collar (55 percent) than for blue-collar (38 percent) employees. The following tabulation shows the percent of defined contribution plan participants in plans with salary reduction features: Employer matching contributions (table 78). Employers pro vide an incentive for participation in a savings and thrift plan by matching all or a portion of the employee’s contribution and adding this amount to the employee’s account. Usually the employer matches a portion of the employee’s contribu tion up to a specified percent of the employee’s earnings. For example, the most common provision found in 1986 was for an employer to match 50 percent of the employee’s con tribution up to the first 6 percent of earnings. Assuming the employee contributed 8 percent of earnings, the employer would add 3 percent (50 percent of the first 6 percent of the employee’s earnings). In contrast with these straight percen tage matches, nearly one-fourth of the participants received matching contribution rates varying by length of service, level of employee contribution, or company profits. Percent o f pa rticip a n ts Savings and th r ift.................................................. D eferred profit s h a r in g ...................................... M oney purchase p e n s io n ................................... Investment decisions (table 79). Nine out of ten participants in savings and thrift plans were allowed to choose how they wanted their own contributions invested. Common invest ment vehicles offered by these plans included company stock, common stock funds, guaranteed investment contracts, government securities, corporate bonds, and money market funds. The number of choices in these plans varied from two to five or more, with three choices being the most common. Employees were nearly always allowed to split their contri butions among the various options and were allowed to change their investment choices periodically. Employees generally had less flexibility when it came to employer contributions. Only one-half of the participants were permitted to choose how the matching contribution was to be invested. Where no choice was permitted, the plan typi cally specified that the matching contribution was invested in company stock. 75 28 34 Savings and thrift plans Twenty-eight percent of employees participated in savings and thrift plans—38 percent of white-collar and 17 percent of blue-collar workers. Under these plans, employees con tribute a predetermined portion of earnings to an account, all or part of which is matched by the employer. Contribu tions are invested in various ways, such as stocks, bonds, and money market funds, as directed by the employee or em ployer, depending upon the provisions of the plan. Although usually designed as a long-term savings program, savings and thrift plans allow for withdrawals subject to specified conditions and, possibly, penalties. Employee contributions (tables 76-77). Savings and thrift plans allow employees to choose from a range of possible 36 M ost participants in cash or deferred arrangem ents w ere in plans that qualified under section 4 0 1 (k ) o f the Internal R evenue C ode. A sm all num ber o f plans under section 4 03(b) w ere observed in not-for-profit organi zations. 78 Withdrawals and loans (table 80). Eight-tenths of the par ticipants in savings and thrift plans were allowed to with draw all or a portion of employer contributions prior to normal payout (retirement, disability, or termination of em ployment). Twenty-six percent, however, were only allowed to withdraw employer contributions for hardship reasons was fixed by law at 0.5 percent of payroll, employers had some discretion in allocating that money to individual em ployees. Nearly 80 percent of 1986 participants were in plans that allocated benefits in proportion to salaries. (By law, only salaries up to $100,000 per year could be included in such calculations.) The remaining participants were in plans that allocated benefits equally to all participants. The P A Y S O P provisions in the Internal Revenue Code al lowed employer contributions to be distributed after they had been held in an employee’s account for 7 years. Despite this provision, 85 percent of P A Y SO P participants had to wait until termination of employment, death, or disability to have benefits distributed. Only 15 percent of participants could gain access to their benefits after 7 years. With the expira tion of the P A Y SO P tax credit, employers who terminate their plans may distribute accumulated benefits immediately. Final distribution of p a y s o p benefits was in the form of stock for 58 percent of participants. The remaining par ticipants could choose between a distribution in stock or the equivalent in cash. (medical, educational, home improvements, etc.). The re maining participants could withdraw employer contributions for any reason. Two-thirds of the participants who could withdraw for any reason were subject to a penalty—usually suspension of employer and employee contributions for 6 or 12 months, or forfeiture of non-vested employer contri butions. The ability of the participants to withdraw their own con tributions prior to retirement, death, disability, age 59 1/2, or termination of employment depends upon whether the money was contributed pretax or posttax. Pretax contribu tions are subject to Internal Revenue Code provisions and can only be withdrawn for hardship. Posttax contributions are not subject to hardship rules, and many plans allow these amounts to be withdrawn for any reason. However, a penalty in the form of a 6- or 12-month suspension from further con tributions to the plan is common. Another method of accessing an employee’s account prior to final payout is through loan provisions—one-fourth of par ticipants in savings and thrift plans were allowed to borrow from their accounts. One-half of the participants in plans per mitting loans were also able to withdraw part of their ac count for any reason. The other half were in plans that prohibited withdrawals or allowed them only for hardship reasons. Interest rates on employee loans were typically de termined by a specific economic indicator (such as the prime rate or U.S. Treasury bill rate) or were at the discretion of the plan sponsor (employer, employer association, or union). Loans were generally required to be repaid within 5 years, but longer payment periods applied for home purchase or renovation loans. Profit-sharing plans (table 83) Twenty-two percent of all employees had profit-sharing plans in 1986, up from 18 percent in 1985. There are three types of profit-sharing plans—cash plans (covering 1 per cent of the workers), deferred plans (18 percent), and plans that offer a combination of cash and deferred benefits (3 per cent). In a cash plan, benefits are paid directly to the par ticipants in cash, usually at the end of the year, while a deferred plan holds money in employee accounts until retire ment or another condition stipulated by the plan (disability, death, etc.). In a combined plan, the employee may auto matically receive a portion of the profits in cash, with the remainder placed in a deferred account, or the employee may be given a choice of cash or deferred benefits. Three-fifths of 1986 participants in deferred profit-sharing plans had employer contributions determined by a specified formula, such as 4 percent of profits if annual sales were $2-5 million, 8 percent if sales exceeded $5 million. The re maining participants were in plans where the employer con tribution was determined at the discretion of the employer. Once the employer contribution is determined, it may be allocated to individual participants in a number of ways. The most common method of allocation was in proportion to salary (81 percent of plan participants). Other allocation methods included formulas based on earnings and service (10 percent) and equal allocations to all participants (1 per cent). Another plan feature, loans from employee accounts, was available to one-fourth of the participants in deferred profit-sharing plans. Distribution (table 81). At retirement, savings and thrift plans virtually always allowed for payout in the form of a lump sum, lifetime annuity, or installments over a specified time period. Many participants were given a choice from among two or all three of these options. Employee stock ownership plans (table 82) Thirty percent of all employees in medium and large firms participated in an employee stock ownership plan (E S O P ), up from 24 percent in 1985.3 These plans, usually funded en 7 tirely by the employer, provide employees with stock in their company. The employer pays a designated amount to a fund that is invested primarily in company stock and makes benefit distributions in either company stock or cash. The majority of participants in E S O P ’s were in payroll-based plans (P A Y S O P ’s ) . Companies received a Federal tax credit of up to 0.5 percent of the plan participants’ payroll for funds used to purchase company stock to distribute to the participants’ ac counts. This tax credit expired on December 31, 1986. While the maximum employer contribution to a p a y s o p Participation and vesting (tables 84 and 85) 37 This proportion is lim ited to plans w here stock w as credited to em p lo y ee accounts during 1986. 79 Minimum age and/or service participation requirements are more common in defined contribution plans than in de fined benefit plans. To begin accumulating benefits from a savings and thrift plan, 90 percent of participants had to meet such requirements. Participation requirements were also common for profit-sharing plans (86 percent), and employee stock ownership plans (74 percent). In contrast, only 59 per cent of defined benefit pension plan participants faced such provisions. Of those defined contribution plans with participation re quirements, most required a minimum amount of service, commonly 1 year, and did not require an employee to be a designated minimum age. Conversely, defined benefit pen sion plans that included participation requirements most often specified a minimum age and a minimum amount of service. Defined contribution plans are subject to E R ISA vesting rules in the same manner as defined benefit pension plans. Vesting schedules vary significantly, however, between de fined benefit and defined contribution plans, and variations are also common between individual types of defined con tribution plans. All vesting schedules apply to employer con tributions; employee contributions (including pretax contributions) are always 100-percent vested. Twenty-six percent of savings and thrift plan participants and 29 percent of deferred profit-sharing participants had immediate full vesting, a feature rarely found in defined benefit plans, p a y s o p ’ s , by law, are always 100-percent vested. Class-year vesting, where employer contributions for a particular year (class) become nonforfeitable after a specific period of time, was available to nearly 30 percent of sav ings and thrift plan participants. Such vesting was uncom mon in profit-sharing plans. Graduated vesting, where an employee’s nonforfeitable percentage increases over time and reaches 100 percent, usually after 5 or 10 years, was most common in deferred profit-sharing plans, with 2 of 3 participants covered by such a provision. One-fourth of savings and thrift plans par ticipants had graduated vesting, and only about 10 percent of defined benefit plan participants had such vesting. Final ly, “ cliff’ vesting, where no vesting occurs until an em ployee satisfies the service requirements for 100-percent vesting, is found in the majority of defined benefit plans, but was required of only 20 percent of savings and thrift plan participants and 2 percent of deferred profit-sharing plan participants. 80 Table 74. Retirement and capital accumulation plans: Percent of full-time participants by combinations of plans, medium and large firms, 1986 Table 72. Retirement and capital accumulation plan coverage: Percent of full-time employees by participation in retirement plans and capital accumulation plans, medium and large firms, 1986 Type of plan Profes sional and All em adminis ployees trative employ ees Techni cal and Produc clerical tion em employ ployees ees Type of plan T ota l.......................................... T ota l.......................................... Covered by retirement or capital accumulation p la n .......................... Retirement1 o n ly .......................... Capital accumulation2 o n ly.......... Retirement and capital accumulation............................. 100 100 100 93 62 93 64 1 1 1 1 22 30 28 14 7 7 Defined benefit or money purchase pension........................................... With: No other p lan......................... Profit sharing1 .......................... Savings and th rift.................... Stock2 ...................................... Profit sharing1 and savings................................. Profit sharing1 and stock2 ................................... Savings and stock2 ................. Two or more stock2 p la n s .................................. Other combinations ................ 88 12 9 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 100 100 100 85 86 85 85 35 5 15 26 26 6 8 46 3 21 19 11 10 12 1 1 7 5 15 100 91 67 Not covered by retirement or capital accumulation p la n .......................... Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants 72 Includes defined benefit pension plans and defined contribution plans such as money purchase pension, profit sharing, savings and thrift, stock bonus, and employee stock ownership plans in which employer contribu tions must remain in the participant's account until retirement age, death, disability, separation from service, age 59 1/2, or hardship. 2 Includes plans in which employer contributions may be withdrawn from participant’s account prior to retirement age, death, disability, separa tion from service, age 59 1/2, or hardship. Excludes pure cash profit sharing, stock option, and stock purchase plans. 1 11 (3 ) l3 ) O 8 11 0 5 14 9 7 (3 ) 0 1 1 0 10 10 0 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Profit sharing1 .................................... With: No other plan......................... Savings and th rift.................... Stock2 ...................................... Savings and stock2 ................. Two or more stock2 p la n s................................... Table 73. Defined contribution and stock plans: Percent of full-time employees participating by type of plan, medium and large firms, 1986 Savings and th rift.............................. With: No other p lan......................... Stock2 ...................................... 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 (3 ) Stock2 p la n ........................................ With: No other plan......................... 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 Type of plan Profes sional and All em adminis ployees trative employ ees Techni cal and Produc clerical tion em employ ployees ees 11 11 8 7 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 (*) (3 ) (3 ) (3 ) 0 2 Excludes pure cash profit sharing plans. Employee stock ownership plans (ESOP’s), including payroll based employee stock ownership plans (PAYSOP’s), and stock bonus plans. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 1 2 Savings and thrift1 ............................. 28 39 36 17 Profit sharing2 .................................... Immediate cash only .................. Deferred benefits o n ly ................ Combination................................. 22 22 22 22 1 1 1 1 18 3 18 3 18 4 17 4 Employee stock ownership2 ............. Payroll based employee stock ownership.................................. O ther............................................ 30 32 32 27 28 30 3 31 26 2 2 2 Money purchase pension................. 2 2 1 2 Stock bonus...................................... (3 ) 1 Stock option...................................... 0 Stock purchase.................................. 4 0 (3 ) 0 3 (*) NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. (3 ) 3 2 1 Includes 0.2 percent of employees in plans with both matching and nonmatching employer contributions. Not all participants in such plans may elect or be required to contribute. 2 The total may be less than the sum of the individual items because some employees participate in more than one type of profit sharing or em ployee stock ownership plan. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 81 Table 75. Cash or deferred arrangements:1 Percent of full-time employees participating in plans permitting employee contributions with pretax dollars, medium and large firms, 1986 Item Profes sional and All em adminis ployees trative employ ees Table 76. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by maximum allowable employee contribution,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion em employ ployees ees Maximum allowable contribution2 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants T o ta l................................................. Percent of all employees in plans with cash or deferred arrangement Salary reduction plans................ Deferral of profit sharing allocation................................... 33 48 39 31 46 37 19 2 1 2 1 Salary reduction plans T ota l.......................................... Savings and thrift plans.................... Profit sharing pla n s........................... Money purchase pension p la n s ....... Freestanding plans2 .......................... Other .................................................. 100 100 67 19 70 15 2 2 11 1 13 0 100 69 19 1 100 60 25 3 10 10 (3 ) 2 1 Tabulations show percent of employees participating in plans to which they may make contributions with pretax dollars, deferring otherwise tax able income. Not all participants may elect to make such contributions. 2 Employer contributions are not made to the plan. Includes employee contributions permitted under either section 401 (k) or 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 100 100 98 1 99 1 - 99 1 0 (3) 4 5 1 13 94 1 3 4 1 12 (3) 5 4 1 14 1 (3) 1 (3) 1 0 13 1 (3) 13 0 12 (3) 15 (3) 11 (3) 4 2 (3) 4 2 11 27 6 0 (3) 3 3 3 2 (3) 2 2 2 1 (3) 3 1 1 5 34 1 7 1 1 1 1 3 4 O 0 9 29 0 4 7 5 1 11 28 3 5 1 2 2 2 2 1 (3) Specified dollar a m o u n t........................ 2 (*> 1 5 Other4 ......................................................... NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 100 Percent of employee e a rn in g s .......... Less than 5 percent .............. ....... 5 p e rc e n t........................................... 6 p e rc e n t............................................ 8 p e rc e n t........................................... 9 p e rc e n t............................................ 10 p e rc e n t......................................... 10.01-10.99 p e rc e n t....................... 11 p e rc e n t......................................... 11.01-11.99 p e rc e n t....................... 12 p e r c e n t......................................... 12.01-12.99 p e rc e n t....................... 13 p e rc e n t......................................... 14 p e rc e n t......................................... 14.01-14.99 p e rc e n t....................... 15 p e rc e n t......................................... 16 p e rc e n t......................................... 16.01-16.99 p e rc e n t....................... 17 p e rc e n t......................................... 17.01-17.99 p e rc e n t............... ........ 18 p e rc e n t......................................... 20 p e rc e n t......................................... 21.01-24 99 p e rc e n t........................ 25 p e rc e n t......................................... Greater than 25 p e rc e n t............... 20 100 1 1 1 1 0 Includes contributions that may not be matched by the employer. If maximum varied by participant’s length of service, age, or both, the highest possible percentage was tabulated. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 4 Includes participants in plans where the employee’s contribution was a fixed percent of earnings up to a specified dollar level and a higher per centage above that level. 1 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 82 Table 77. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by provisions for pretax employee contributions,1 medium and large firms, 1986 Item1 2 T ota l.......................................... Pretax contribution allowed.............. All contributions must be pretax . Maximum contribution is: 4 or 5 percent of earnings............................. 6 percent of earnings.......... 8 percent of earnings.......... 9 percent of earnings.......... 1 0 percent of earnings.......... 1 1 percent of earnings.......... 11.01-11.99 percent of earnings............................... 1 2 percent of earnings......... 12.01-14.99 percent of earnings............................... 15 percent of earnings......... 16 percent of earnings.......... Greater than 16 percent of earnings.............................. Initial contributions must be pretax3 ................................ Maximum pretax contribution is: 3 percent of earnings ......... 4 percent of earnings.......... 5 percent of earnings.......... 6 percent of earnings......... 7 percent of earnings.......... 8 percent of earnings.......... 9 percent of earnings.......... 1 0 percent of earnings.......... Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants partici pants pants 100 100 100 Item2 82 72 18 21 18 Initial contributions must be pretax3 —Continued 1 1 percent of earnings.......... 1 2 percent of earnings.......... 13-14 percent of earnings.... 15 percent of earnings.......... 16 percent of earnings......... Greater than 16 percent of earnings............................... 69 14 n 0 0 2 2 3 5 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 2 1 18 0 0 0 0 20 0 1 1 1 0 3 3 4 (4 ) 3 1 0 3 2 0 4 6 2 4 0 10 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 (4 ) 1 1 39 39 33 45 0 0 (4 ) (4 ) 4 3 - 0 (4 ) 1 1 1 1 7 5 10 2 2 1 4 (4 ) 5 7 5 3 (4 ) 8 8 3 (4 ) 7 2 2 2 2 1 0 3 3 7 (4 ) 0 (4 ) 0 (4 ) 3 7 1 3 5 8 3 3 3 11 (4 ) 1 3 1 Pretax contribution not allowed........ 25 18 28 31 (4 ) 3 1 Pretax contributions are allowed under sections 401 (k) and 403(b) the Internal Revenue Code. 2 If maximum contributions varied by participant’s length-of-service, age, or both, the highest possible percentage was tabulated. 3 Contributions above the maximum pretax level must be on a post tax basis. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. 5 In most of these plans, all contributions may be either pretax or - (4 ) 4 0 n 0 (4 ) 3 0 1 0 Contributions may be pretax at the employee’s option5 ............ Maximum pretax contribution is: Less than 5 percent of earnings................................ 5 percent of earnings........... 6 percent of earnings........... 7 percent of earnings........... 8 percent of earnings........... 9 percent of earnings........... 1 0 percent of earnings......... 1 1 - 1 2 percent of earnings.... 13-14 percent of earnings.... 15 Percent of earnings......... 16 percent of earnings......... 18 percent of earnings......... 2 0 percent of earnings.......... 2 3 3 1 23 2 - <) 4 4 0 (4 ) 0 3 3 1 3 0 0 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 75 0 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants posttax at the em ployee's option. In some, however, an initial contribu tion must be on a pretax basis, with a choice between pretax and posttax contributions for higher amounts. In these cases, the largest percentage available for pretax contributions has been tabulated. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 83 Table 78. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by provision for employer matching contributions, medium and large firms, 1986 Matching percentage1 2 Employee earnings to be matched1 Total 25 percent 50 percent 75 percent 100 percent Other fixed percentages Varies3 All participants T ota l.......................................... Up to first: 2 percent ...................................... 3 percent ..................................... 4 percent ..................................... 5 percent ..................................... 6 percent ..................................... 7 p ercent..................................... 8 p ercent..................................... 1 0 percent..................................... 1 2 percent or greater................... Specified dollar amount.................... 4 100 1 7 4 16 54 3 4 3 43 0 0 5 - 12 0 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 27 1 0 1 - 2 1 0 1 1 1 1 7 0 5 (4 ) 32 8 1 24 - 1 1 5 5 2 4 2 (4 ) - 12 - 1 1 - - 1 1 1 5 15 - (4 ) (4 ) 1 (4 ) Professional and administrative T ota l.......................................... Up to first: 2 percent ..................................... 3 percent ..................................... 4 perce n t..................................... 5 percent ..................................... 6 percent ...................................... 7 percent ...................................... 8 percent ...................................... 1 0 percent..................................... 1 2 percent or greater................... Specified dollar amount.................... 4 100 O 7 3 19 53 4 7 4 1 2 (4 ) 0 1 1 1 1 17 25 (4 ) 4 - 14 - - 1 1 1 24 3 4 1 2 1 - 1 2 0 2 3 0 (4) 1 - 0 (4 ) - 1 (4 ) 7 6 8 - 15 - 1 1 - - 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 Technical and clerical T ota l.......................................... Up to first: 2 percent ..................................... 3 percent ...................................... 4 percent ..................................... 5 percent ..................................... 6 percent ...................................... 7 percent ...................................... 8 percent ...................................... 1 0 percent...................................... 1 2 percent or greater................... Specified dollar amount.................... 4 40 (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) 100 O 7 4 17 56 1 2 0 4 - 15 (4 ) 4 1 (4 ) 1 28 1 (4 ) 1 1 3 1 1 2 0 1 1 (4 ) 5 (4 ) - 60 3 5 1 2 2 2 7 1 1 - 9 - 28 1 0 4 3 (4) 1 7 18 1 0 1 (4 ) (4 ) (4 ) 4 8 20 Production T otal.......................................... Up to first: 2 percent ..................................... 3 percent ..................................... 4 percent ..................................... 5 percent ..................................... 6 percent ..................................... 7 percent ..................................... 8 percent ..................................... 1 0 percent..................................... 1 2 percent or greater................... Specified dollar amount.................... 5 100 1 7 5 9 53 4 2 2 2 14 (4 ) (4) 1 3 3 3 32 3 O 1 0 4 (4 ) (4 ) 2 1 11 1 Employee may contribute a percent of salary up to a specified maxi mum; ceilings on contributions to be matched by employers generally are lower. If the maximum varied by participant’s length-of-service, age, or both, the highest possible percentage was tabulated. 2 The percentage of matchable employee contributions added by em ployers. Some plans specified a maximum annual employer contribution. 0 (4 ) 1 (4 ) (4 ) 1 1 (4 ) (4 ) - - 2 1 1 12 1 1 - 3 4 - (4 ) 2 1 1 1 (4 ) 3 Includes percentages which vary by length of service, level of em ployee contribution, and company profits. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 84 Table 79. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by provisions for investment of employer and employee contributions, medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administra tive participants All participants Technical and clerical participants Production participants Characteristic Employer contributions Employee contributions Employer contributions Employee contributions Employer contributions Employee contributions Employer contributions Employee contributions 49 89 54 90 45 87 45 90 T otal.......................................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Company stock.................................. Common stock fu n d ......................... Corporate b o n d s ............................... Diversified mix of stocks and bonds Government securities...................... Guaranteed investment contracts.... Money market funds......................... Other2 ................................................. 58 63 67 79 32 55 20 21 41 71 31 7 29 64 35 9 Total in plans permitting investment choices by employees1 .................. Investment choice 65 74 31 17 33 73 26 7 86 32 18 35 71 32 10 86 29 19 43 72 35 9 86 36 67 73 32 19 26 71 25 7 52 84 32 14 27 79 24 59 67 27 11 8 100 100 11 29 77 20 Number o f choices T ota l.......................................... 100 100 24 36 25 15 T w o .................................................... T h re e ................................................. Four.................................................... Five or m o re ..................................... 100 28 35 24 100 18 35 31 16 12 19 34 33 14 1 Excludes plans that limit investment options to participants age 55 or greater. 2 Includes purchases of life insurance or annuities, real estate, mortgages, and deposits in credit union or savings accounts. Least restrictive provision 25 36 23 16 100 30 36 34 37 16 14 22 12 40 37 13 10 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Table 80. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by provisions for withdrawal of employer contributions prior to disability, retirement age, or termination of employment, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants 100 Table 81. Savings and thrift plans: Percent of full-time participants by method of distribution of account at retirement, medium and large firms, 1986 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants Method of distribution available T ota l.......................................... T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 82 83 79 84 For hardship reasons1 ................ Full withdrawal, no penalty .... Full withdrawal, with penalty . Partial withdrawal, no penalty Partial withdrawal, with penalty................................. 26 19 5 28 25 18 5 2 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants 100 100 100 100 100 Withdrawals permitted...................... Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants 6 24 16 5 2 2 2 (2 ) (*) <) 2 54 31 55 15 35 59 18 37 1 1 1 1 3 ft 3 (*> 0 - No withdrawals permitted ................ 18 17 21 16 Provision not determinable.............. (2 ) 0 (2 ) - For any reason............................ Full withdrawal, no penalty .... Full withdrawal, with penalty . Partial withdrawal, no penalty Partial withdrawal, with penalty................................. Not determinable .................. 21 20 4 98 99 99 25 52 98 26 55 98 29 53 98 47 99 1 1 1 1 1 1 Not determinable............................... (3 ) 21 (3 ) 1 The total is less than the sum of the individual items because many participants are offered optional forms of cash distribution. 2 Employer and employee contributions are invested solely in company stock, which is automatically distributed upon retirement or termination of employment. Stock may also be distributed under plans providing for cash distributions. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 1 Commonly expressed reasons for withdrawal were: Purchase or re pair of primary residence, education of an immediate family member, death or illness in the family, or sudden uninsured loss. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 99 Stock distribution2 ............................. - 56 18 34 Cash distribution1 .............................. Lifetime annuity (including joint-and-survivor form s)........... Installments.................................. Lump s u m .................................... 85 Table 83. Deferred profit-sharing plans: Percent of full-time participants by selected provisions, medium and large firms, 1986 Table 82. Payroll-based employee stock ownership plans:1 Percent of full-time participants by selected provisions, medium and large firms, 1986 Provision Profes sional and All par adminis ticipants trative partici pants Techni cal and Produc clerical tion par partici ticipants pants Item Profes sional Techni and cal and Produc All par adminis clerical tion par ticipants trative partici ticipants pants partici pants Method o f determining employer contributions Formula fo r allocation o f stock T o ta l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 Equally to all participants................. Based on participant’s earnings....... 22 20 78 24 76 80 23 77 T o ta l.......................................... 100 100 100 100 Seven years after allocation2 ............ Upon termination, death, or disability o n ly ................................................. 15 17 15 14 T o ta l........................................... 85 83 85 86 Equally to all participants................. Based on participant’s earnings....... Based on participant’s earnings and service ............................................ Other2 ............................................ .... T o ta l........................................... 100 Based on stated formula.................. No predetermined form ula................ 59 41 55 45 55 45 64 36 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Earliest distribution of stock Allocation of p rofits to individual employees 1 T ota l.......................................... 100 100 100 Stock o n ly ......................................... Cash or stock3 ................................... 58 42 55 45 56 44 62 38 10 11 10 8 8 100 100 25 75 28 72 14 3 84 9 5 Loans from employees’ accounts 1 In a payroll-based stock ownership plan (PAYSOP), the employer cre ates individual company stock accounts for employees. The employer earns a tax credit equal to the value of the contribution. A 1986 amend ment to the Internal Revenue Code has repealed PAYSOP tax credits for compensation paid or accrued after December 31, 1986. 2 Active employees may receive the value of their accounts at the end of the 84th month after the stock is allocated. The 1986 amendments to the Internal Revenue Code permit the distribution of accounts immediately upon plan termination. 3 Includes plans which distributed cash unless stock was demanded, and vice versa. 100 24 76 100 24 76 ' Less than 0.5 percent. Allocation of profits was based on either participant contributions as a percent of total contributions, participant earnings and performance of staff, or some other formula combining elements of the above. 2 NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal to tals. 76 Permitted............................................ Not permitted..................................... 100 0 80 T o ta l........................................... Form of distribution 0 81 86 Table 84. Selected defined contribution plans: Percent of full-time participants by age and length-of-service require ments for participation, medium and large firms, 1986 All participants Age and service requirement provision1 T o ta l..................................... With minimum age and/or service requirement................................ Service requirement o n ly........ 3 months or le s s .............. 6 m onths........................... 7-11 months...................... 1 ye a r................................. 2 years............................... 3 years............................... Over 3 ye a rs..................... Age 20 or le s s ........................ No service requirement.... 1 - 1 1 months of service..... 1 year ................................. Professional and adminis trative participants Technical and clerical participants Production participants Em Savings Deferred ployee and profitstock thrift sharing owner plans plans ship plans Em Savings Deferred ployee profitand stock thrift sharing owner plans plans ship plans Em Savings Deferred ployee and profitstock thrift sharing owner plans plans ship plans Em Savings Deferred ployee and profitstock thrift sharing owner plans plans ship plans 100 100 100 100 100 90 86 74 88 83 73 7 69 4 7 49 68 72 7 64 3 4 44 8 ft 50 5 10 7 13 - - 6 36 2 2 ft 4 5 3 ft 8 ft 50 4 3 ft 1 4 1 (2 ) 2 2 10 12 1 ft 3 7 4 ft 3 ft Age 21 .................................... No service requirement.... 1 - 6 months of service....... 1 ye a r................................. Over 1 y e a r....................... O Age 22 or older3 ..................... 1 - 1 1 months of service..... 1 ye a r................................. Over 1 y e a r....................... ft (2 ) - Without minimum age and/or service requirement................... 10 Age and service requirement not determinable............................... “ 1 8 1 3 ft 4 100 100 72 91 86 84 92 88 69 66 72 7 65 4 79 3 4 45 77 74 5 9 56 62 5 5 _ 27 13 2 5 41 5 2 ft ft 1 7 11 ft 1 6 8 ft 49 41 8 1 1 2 4 ft 3 ft 1 - ft - - ft 14 26 12 17 (2 ) ft “ ft ft 1 1 ft 1 13 14 ft 4 9 1 2 10 1 8 10 53 5 7 5 ft - 2 5 3 ft 3 ft 5 5 ft - ft 14 ft ft 1 1 1 1 3 1 8 4 7 1 ft 6 16 * 12 - 2 ft - 9 2 - - 1 ft - 2 2 1 ft ft ft 28 1 - 3 (2 ) - 1 17 - 1 - 2 10 12 6 ft ft 2 - 1 2 ft 2 ' If a plan had alternate participation requirements, one of which was service only, the service only requirement was tabulated. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 3 The Retirement Equity Act of 1984 requires that nearly all plans must allow participation to full-time employees who have reached age 21 and who have completed 1 year of service. Plans may impose a service requirement of up to 3 years if the employee is vested immedi ately upon participation. The Internal Revenue Service announced that j 100 - 2 1 100 - 16 ft 4 1 100 11 2 9 100 12 6 1 0 1 100 ft 3 5 ft 1 ft - 1 3 ft 1 ft - 8 - 1 1 _ - - 12 31 - ft 1 the compliance date for most plan sponsors is June 3 0 ,1 9 8 6 . However, collectively bargained plans need not comply until the earlier of: 1) the expiration date of the collective bargaining agreement, or 2) January 1, 1987. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items ,may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. Table 85. Savings and thrift and deferred profit-sharing plans: Percent of full-time participants by type of vesting schedule, medium and large firms, 1986 Professional and administra tive participants All participants Type of vesting schedule Technical and clerical participants Production participants Savings and thrift plans Deferred profit-sharing plans Savings and thrift plans Deferred profit-sharing plans Savings and thrift plans Deferred profit-sharing plans Savings and thrift plans Deferred profit-sharing plans T o t a l '.......................................... 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Immediate full v e s tin g ..................... 26 29 23 35 27 34 29 23 Cliff vesting13with full vesting 2 a fte r :.................................................. 1-2 y e a rs ....................................... 3-4 y e a rs ....................................... 5 y e a r s .......................................... More than 5 y e a rs ..................... 20 5 7 7 1 2 1 22 6 7 8 1 2 21 6 8 6 1 2 14 4 5 5 2 1 Graduated vesting4 with full vesting after: .................................. 4 or fewer y e a r s ........................ 5 y e a r s .......................................... 6 y e a r s .......................................... 7 y e a r s .......................................... 8 y e a r s .......................................... 9 y e a r s .......................................... 10 y e a rs ........................................ 11 y e a rs ........................................ 12-14 y e a r s ................................. 15 y e a rs ........................................ Other5 ............................................ 25 2 15 2 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 - Class vesting* with each class fully vested a fte r :........................... 1 y e a r ............................................ 2 y e a r s .......................................... 3 y e a r s .......................................... 4 y e a r s .......................................... 5 y e a r s .......................................... ft Vesting provision not determina b le .................................................... 0 29 1 16 8 3 0 1 66 3 5 7 1 1 24 5 14 6 ft 4 2 1 1 ft 1 1 24 2 15 2 57 3 5 6 2 1 24 4 6 5 1 ft ft ft 3 ft ft ft - 7 30 1 14 12 3 1 3 1 2 * ft 1 Because plans may adopt alternative vesting schedules, sums of participants covered by individual vesting schedules may exceed 1 0 0 percent. 2 Under a cliff vesting schedule, an employee is not entitled to any benefits accrued under the plan until satisfying the requirements for 1 0 0 percent vesting. 3 Less than 0.5 percent. 4 Graduated vesting schedules give an employee rights to a gradually increasing share of accrued benefits, determined by years of service, eventually reaching 1 0 0 percent vesting status. 5 Participants in this group were in plans which call for 50 percent 26 3 14 3 ft 1 ft 4 ft ft ft - ft ft 1 60 5 4 7 1 1 24 6 4 6 26 ft 16 7 2 1 ft 1 ft 25 1 17 1 1 1 74 - ft 3 2 23 5 25 6 ft 1 - ft 5 2 1 2 - 1 5 8 - ft 32 2 19 5 6 2 - ft ft 1 1 - vesting at any age after 5 years of service if age plus service equals 45. Therefore, the vested percentage increases 10 percent in each of the next 5 years. * Under class-year vesting, employers' contributions for a particular year (class) become nonforfeitable after employees satisfy vesting re quirements. Subsequent years become fully vested as each class ma tures. Included here are class year schedules with both graduated and cliff vesting features. NOTE: Dash indicates no employees in this category. 88 Chapter 8. Plan Administration looked for the first time at two arrangements for offering such benefits—flexible benefits plans and reimbursement ac counts. Five percent o f employees in medium and large firms were offered flexible benefits plans, reimbursement accounts, or both. These plans were more com m on among white-collar workers (8 percent) than among blue-collar workers (2 percent). Flexible benefits plans, also known as cafeteria plans, al low em ployees to choose between two or more types o f b enefits.38 The most common choices offered were health, life and long-term disability insurance, pretax savings (sal ary reduction plans), added vacation days, and the option o f receiving cash instead o f benefits. Less com m on choices were added sick leave days, sickness and accident insurance, educational assistance, child care expenses, legal expenses, and adoption assistance. Pensions are usually fixed benefits and not part o f a flexible benefits program. A reimbursement account, also called a flexible spending account, provides employer funds, em ployee pretax money, or both, to be used for expenses not included in a benefits package. Typical expenses that may be reimbursed through the account include health care coinsurance, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket health expenses; and insurance premi ums, child care costs, and legal assistance. Reimbursement accounts may be part o f a flexible benefits plan or they stand alone. A large majority o f em ployees participating in flexible benefits plans or reimbursement accounts were required to contribute toward the cost o f their benefits, or were allowed to contribute to obtain additional benefits. M ost o f these contributions were in the form o f a salary reduction arrangement.39 Individual benefit plans offered through a flexible benefits plan were analyzed and included in the tabulations for specific benefit areas in this bulletin. In addition to the data on individual benefit plans, the sur vey looked at how various benefits are administered. The great majority o f the insurance and retirement plans were sponsored by individual em ployers, and benefits typically were offered independently, rather than as part o f a flexible benefits program. Plan sponsor (table 86) Single employers were the predominant sponsors o f health, life, sickness and accident, and long-term disability insur ance, and defined benefit pension plans in medium and large firms. Nearly all plan participants in life insurance, health insurance, long-term disability insurance, and defined benefit pension plans were in single-em ployer plans. Eighty-seven percent o f sickness and accident insurance participants were in single-employer plans; m ost o f the remaining participants were in State temporary disability benefit plans. (State disa bility plans are discussed in chapter 4 .) Multiemployer plans result from agreements between em ployers within an industry or related industries and one or more labor unions. These plans allow em ployees m oving from one em ployer to another within the industry to receive the same or similar benefits. D efined benefit pension and health insurance plans were the most common benefits spon sored by multiemployer groups, and production em ployees were the m ost likely recipients o f such benefits. The scope o f the survey, which excludes several service industries and small firms in other industries, such as contract construc tion and trucking, accounts for the small representation o f multiemployer plans. Flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts (table 87) Traditionally, employers have offered their workers benefit plans in a number o f areas, such as health insurance, life insurance, and retirement. Employees may have a choice be tween one or more plans in a benefit area, for exam ple, be tween a com m ercial health insurance plan and a health maintenance organization, but benefits in each area are offered separately. In recent years, however, a new approach to offering benefits has attracted considerable a tte n tio n flexible benefits. In 1986, the Em ployee Benefits Survey 3g For this survey, a plan had to allow ch oices am ong tw o or m ore types o f benefits to be classified as a flex ib le benefits plan. T hus, plans that per m itted a selection in on ly on e benefit (for exam ple, a ch oice am ong several health insurance options or plans) w ere not classified as flexib le benefits plans. 39 R egulations covering section 125 o f the Internal R evenue C ode allow em p loyees to designate a portion o f their salary for full or partial paym ent o f certain benefit costs. A m ounts so designated are know n as salary reduc tion arrangem ents and are exem pt from Federal incom e tax. 89 Table 86. Plan administration: Percent of full-time participants in selected benefits by type of plan sponsor, medium and large firms, 1986 Plan sponsor Health insurance Life insurance Sickness and accident insurance Long-term disability insurance Defined benefit pension 100 100 100 100 100 87 100 All participants T ota l..................... Single employer........... Multiemployer1 ............. Mandated benefits1 ..... 2 Employer association3 . 96 4 (4 ) 97 3 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 O - 82 100 100 - (4 ) (4) - 100 100 2 11 - (4 ) 96 4 - Professional and administrative T ota l..................... Single employer........... Multiemployer1 ............. Mandated benefits2 ..... Employer association3 . O O 0 100 100 97 98 2 1 - 18 - Technical and clerical T ota l..................... Single employer........... Multiemployer1 ............. Mandated benefits2 ..... Employer association3 . - 100 81 (4) 19 - 1 0 99 1 99 1 - Production T otal..................... Single employer........... Multiemployer1 ............. Mandated benefits2 ..... Employer association3 . 100 93 7 - (4 ) 100 100 94 90 3 7 - 6 (4 ) 1 Individual employers in the same or in a related industry contributing a negotiated amount to trust fund providing benefits for employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement. 2 The majority of the participants with mandated sickness and accident insurance benefits were covered by State temporary disability plans. The remaining employees (1 percent) were covered by the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. 100 100 100 92 - 8 - - - - 3 Band of small employers in a common trade or business, for example, savings and loan associations. The plan sponsored by the association is not negotiated with the employees. 4 Less than 0.5 percent. NOTE: Because of rounding, sums of individual items may not equal totals. Dash indicates no employees in this category. 90 Table 87. Flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts:1 Percent of full-time employees eligible, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All em adminis ployees trative employ ees Coverage T o ta l.......................................... Provided flexible benefits and/or reimbursement accounts............... Flexible benefits.......................... With reimbursement accounts 100 100 Techni cal and Produc clerical tion em employ ployees ees 100 100 2 5 9 8 2 2 4 3 2 2 1 0 Reimbursement accounts........... Freestanding reimbursement accounts.............................. 5 9 7 1 3 5 5 1 Not provided flexible benefits or reimbursement accounts............... 95 91 92 98 1 Flexible benefits plans, also known as, flexible compensation and cafeteria plans, allow employees to choose between two or more benefits or benefit options, including cash, in determining their individual benefit packages. Reimbursement (flexible spending) accounts, which are used to finance benefits or expenses unpaid by insurance or benefit plans, may be part of a flexible benefits program or stand alone (freestanding accounts). These accounts may be financed by the employer, employee, or both. The employee contribution is made through a salary reduction arrangement. 2 Less than 0.5 percent. 91 Appendix A: Technical Note Scope of survey is less than that usually represented by a baccalaureate degree. These skills include the application of a practical knowledge of established procedures, practices, precedents, and guidelines. Production: Includes skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled trades; craft and production occupations; manual labor oc cupations; custodial occupations; and operatives. Excluded from the survey are executive employees (de fined as those whose decisions have direct and substantial effects on an organization’s policymaking); part-time, tem porary, and seasonal employees; and operating employees in constant travel status, such as airline flight crews and long distance truckdrivers. This survey of the incidence and characteristics of em ployee benefit plans covers private sector establishments1in the United States, excluding Alaska and Hawaii, employing at least 50, 100, or 250 workers, depending on the industry. Industrial coverage includes: Mining; construction; manufac turing; transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary services; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, in surance, and real estate; and selected services (table A-l). Establishments meeting the minimum size criteria as of the reference date of the sampling frame are included in the survey, even if they employed fewer workers at the time of data collection. Establishments found to be outside the in dustrial scope of the survey at the time of data collection are excluded. Table A-l shows the estimated number of establishments and employees within the scope of the survey and the num ber within the sample actually studied for each major indus try division. Benefit areas Sampled establishments were requested to provide data on work schedules and details of plans in each of the following benefit areas: Paid lunch periods, paid rest periods, paid holi days, paid vacations, paid personal leave, paid funeral leave, paid military leave, paid jury-duty leave, paid sick leave, sickness and accident insurance, long-term disability insur ance, health insurance, life insurance, retirement and capi tal accumulation plans, and flexible benefits plans and reimbursement accounts. Occupational groups Data were collected individually for the following three broad occupational groups: Professional-administrative: Includes occupations that re quire a foundation of knowledge in the theories, concepts, principles, and practices of a broad field of science, learn ing, administration, or management acquired through a college-level education or the equivalent in progressively responsible experience. Above entry levels, the exercise of a high degree of creativity, originality, analytical ability, and independent judgment to solve varied and complex problems in the field of work is characteristic. Technical-clerical: Includes office and sales clerical, tech nical support, protective services, and other such occupa tions that do not require full knowledge of a professional or administrative field of work or the application of a high level of creativity, originality, analytical ability, or indepen dent judgment. Job performance skills are typically acquired through on-the-job experience and/or specific training which Sampling frame The industrial scope of this survey was the same as that of the Bureau’s 1986 National Survey of Professional, Ad ministrative, Technical, and Clerical Pay (P A T C ). The list of establishments from which the sample was selected (called the sampling frame) was the same as that used for the 1986 P A T C survey, except that small establishments (below the Employee Benefits Survey’s employment cutoffs noted in table A-l) were not included. This sampling frame was developed by refining data from the most recently available State Unemployment Insurance ( U l) reports for the 48 States covered by the survey and the District of Columbia. The reference date of the available U l reports was generally March 1984. The refinement procedures included an effort to ensure that most sampling frame units corresponded to the definition of an establishment developed for this survey. (A small number of sampling frame units were not refined to correspond to the definition of an establishment because of limited reporting ability of companies.) 1 For this survey, an establishment is an econom ic unit that produced goods or serv ices, a central adm inistrative o ffic e , or an auxiliary unit providing support services to a com pany. In m anufacturing industries, the establish m ent is usually a sin gle physical location. In nonm anufacturing industries, all locations o f an individual com pany within a M etropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) or w ithin a nonm etropolitan county are usually considered an e s tablishm ent. 92 and plans covering the four insured benefit areas within the scope o f the survey. These were analyzed by BLS staff in W ashington to obtain the required data on plan provisions. Data on paid leave generally were obtained directly from the employer at the time o f the visit. Data were collected during the months o f January through June, reflecting an average reference period o f April 1986. Respondents were asked for information as o f the time o f the data collection visit. Sampling design To reduce the costs and resources required for data co l lection, the sample for this survey was a subsample o f the 1986 PATC sample. The sample o f 1,503 establishments2 was selected by first stratifying the sampling frame by broad in dustry group and establishment size group based on the total employment in the establishment. The industry groups consisted o f the eight major industry divisions, as defined by the Office o f Management and Budget, which are covered by the survey and shown in table A -l. The establishment size groups are defined as follows: Employment size group Data tabulation The tables presented in this bulletin show the percent o f em ployees who were covered by paid leave plans; partici pated in insurance, retirement, or capital accumulation plans; or were eligible for flexible benefits plans or reimbursement accounts. Except in table 87, counts o f workers covered by noncontributory benefit plans included those who had not met possible minimum length-of-service requirements at the time o f the survey. Workers were counted as participants in em ployee benefit plans that require the em ployee to pay part o f the cost only if they elected the plan and paid their share. Plans for which the em ployee paid the full premium were outside the scope o f the survey, even if the employer paid administrative costs. When tabulating the effect o f retire ment on life insurance and health insurance coverage, how ever, cases where the retiree must pay the full cost o f the insurance were counted since the guarantee o f insurabil ity at group rates is considered a benefit. Most o f the tables in this bulletin show the percent o f work ers covered by individual benefit plans or plan provisions. Percentages are calculated in three ways. One technique, fol lowed in tables 1 -4 , 6, 8, 10-16, and 7 2 -7 3 , shows the num ber o f covered workers as a percent o f all workers within the scope o f the survey; table 87 shows the number o f eligi ble workers as a percent o f all workers. It is designed to show the incidence o f the individual em ployee benefit. A second approach is follow ed in tables 7, 9, 21, 2 3 -2 9 , 31, 4 3 -4 4 , 4 6 -4 8 , 5 2 -5 4 , 5 9 -6 0 , 6 2 -6 3 , 66, 6 8 -7 1 , 74, 7 6 -7 9 , and 8 1 -8 6 . These tables show the number o f work ers covered by specific features in a benefit area as a per cent o f all em ployees who participate in that general benefit area. They also give data concerning the typical coverage provided to persons with a given insurance, retirement, or capital accumulation plan; for exam ple, the percent o f all em ployees with health insurance receiving dental coverage. The third approach provides a close look at an important aspect o f a benefit (tables 22, 30, 3 2 -4 2 , 45, 4 9 -5 1 , 5 5 -5 8 , and 64); for example, the percent o f all employees with dental coverage in their health insurance who are covered for or thodontic work. Tables 65, 67, 75, and 80 combine the sec ond and third types above, indicating in the first row o f data the percent o f persons in the benefit area who have a partic ular coverage, while the remainder o f the table is based on all em ployees with that coverage. Table 20 uses a similar approach. Establishment employment 3 ......................................................... 50-99 4 ........................................................ 100-249 5 ........................................................ 250-499 6 ........................................................... 500-999 7 ................................................. 1,000-2,499 8 ...................................................... 2,500-4,999 9 ...................................................... 5,000-9,999 10................................................... 10,000 and over The number o f sample establishments allocated to each stratum (defined by industry and size) was approximately proportional to the total employment o f all sampling frame establishments in the stratum. Thus, a stratum that contained 1 percent o f the total employment within the scope o f the survey received approximately 1 percent o f the total sample establishments. A sample was then selected within each stratum using a probability technique to m axim ize the probability o f retain ing the establishments selected in the 1985 survey.3 This method o f selection reduced collection costs by decreasing the number o f new establishments in the sample. Each sampled establishment was selected with a probabil ity approximately proportional to the average establishment employment within its stratum. For exam ple, consider two strata: A and B, with respective average establishment em ployment o f 5 ,000 and 1,000. An establishment in stratum A was 5 times more likely to be selected than an establish ment in stratum B. Data collection Data for the survey were collected by visits o f Bureau field representatives to the sampled establishments. To reduce the reporting burden, respondents were asked to provide docu ments describing their flexible benefits plans and reimburse ment accounts, retirement and capital accumulation plans, 2 The number of sample units selected in this survey is, at present, largely determined by resources and operational constraints and may be adjusted up or down in future surveys. 3 This method modifies the method introduced by Nathan Keyfitz in “Sam pling with Probabilities Proportional to Size: Adjusting for Changes in the Probabilities, ” Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1951, No. 46, pp. 105-9. 93 Table A-1. Estimated number of establishments and workers within scope of survey and number studied, medium and large firms, United States,1 1986 Minimum employment in Number of establishments establishments within scope of survey Industry division1 2 Number of workers in establishments Professional and administrative Total3 Technical and clerical Production Within scope of survey4 * 5 All in dustries..................................................................... - M anufacturing............................................................................... 5 100-250 - Nonmanufacturing....................................................................... M in in g .......................................................................................... 250 C on struction.............................................................................. 250 Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary s e rv ic e s ............................................................... 6 100-250 W holesale tr a d e ....................................................................... 100 Retail t r a d e ................................................................................ 250 Finance, insurance, and real e s ta te .................................. 100 Selected services7 *.................................................................. 8 50-100 . 45,525 24,110,418 5,906,430 5,369,631 10,026,761 18,810 11,390,401 2,744,932 1,647,309 6,798,243 26,714 560 573 12,720,017 364,144 244,841 3,161,498 104,777 59,814 3,722,322 67,344 34,890 3,228,518 183,275 122,634 4,126 5,094 5,910 7,574 2,878 2,887,408 1,095,915 4,496,307 2,729,827 901,575 723,689 315,001 567,860 938,933 451,424 737,576 261,084 909,086 1,432,516 279,827 1,117,508 449,235 1,207,833 86,620 61,413 Studied9 All in dustries..................................................................... - 1,308 4,346,361 1,222,928 958,054 1,784,137 M anufacturing............................................................................... 5 100-250 578 2,395,432 727,229 374,163 1,266,553 Nonmanufacturing....................................................................... M in in g .......................................................................................... 250 Construction .............................................................................. 250 Transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary s e rv ic e s ............................................................... 6 100-250 Wholesale tr a d e ....................................................................... 100 Retail tr a d e ................................................................................ 250 Finance, insurance, and real e s ta te .................................. 100 Selected services7 ................................................................... 8 50-100 730 21 20 1,950,929 33,544 29,491 495,699 15,050 7,086 583,891 9,311 4,293 517,584 8,912 14,249 153 112 135 207 82 1,052,775 38,698 370,350 341,699 84,372 248,431 13,687 43,931 122,918 44,596 262,961 10,402 79,235 192,108 25,581 390,489 11,594 78,291 5,169 8,880 1 Excludes Alaska and Hawaii. 2 As defined in the 1972 edition of the U.S. Office of Managem ent and Budget. Industry data are shown for informational purposes only and are subject to larger than sample error. See section on reliability of estimates. 3 This figure includes out-of-scope workers. These workers— executive management, part time, temporary, seasonal, and operating personnel in constant travel status (e.g., airline pilots)— are excluded from the counts of employment by occupational group. 4 Number of establishments and workers shown within the scope of the survey are estimates. These estimates differ from those developed in the 1986 PATC Survey, since each is based on the findings of its respective survey. 5 Minimum employment size was 100 for chemical and allied products; petroleum refining and related industries; machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery, equipment, and supplies; transportation equipment; and instruments and related products. Minimum size was 250 in all other manufacturing industries. 6 Minimum employment size was 100 for railroad transportation; local and suburban transit; deep sea foreign and domestic transportation; air transportation; communications; electric, gas, and sanitary services; and pipelines; and 250 for all other transportation industries. U.S. Postal Service is excluded from the survey. 7 Limited to advertising; credit reporting and collection agencies; computer and data processing services; research and development laboratories; commercial testing laboratories; managem ent and public relations services; engineering and architectural services; noncommercial research organizations; and accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services. 8 Minimum employment size was 50 for accounting, auditing, and bookkeeping services; and 100 in all other selected services. 9 These figures refer to all respondents to the survey, whether or not they provided data for all items studied. S ee the section on survey response. This multilevel approach has the advantage o f clearly point ing out typical benefit plan characteristics after the preva lence o f the benefit has been established. Any o f the second or third types o f tables, if desired, can be converted to the first type by multiplying each data cell by the appropriate factors. For exam ple, to calculate the percent o f all em ployees with orthodontic coverage, multiply the percent o f those with dental plans that cover orthodontia (table 37) by the percent o f health insurance participants with dental cover age (table 28), and multiply that product by the percent o f all em ployees who have health insurance coverage (table 1). Tables 5, 1 7 -1 9 , and 61 differ from other tables because they display average benefit values rather than percentages o f workers. These tables present the averages for all covered employees; calculations exclude workers without the benefit. - Mn a a u l, S n a In u tria C s ific tio ta d rd d s l la s a n Survey response Each combination o f occupational group and work sched ule or benefit area (e .g ., health insurance for production em ployees) was treated as an individual survey, and separate estimates were developed for each. This treatment facilitat ed the use o f partially completed establishment reports in the survey. Therefore, the actual number o f responses for the survey varies for each combination. 94 T h e b a sic fo rm o f th e e s tim a to r, a fte r m o d ific a tio n to a c T h e fo llo w in g su m m a ry is a c o m p o site p ic tu re o f th e e s ta b lish m e n t re sp o n se s to th e su rv e y : c o u n t fo r th e w e ig h t a d ju stm e n t fa c to r, fj, d e v e lo p e d d u rin g th e a d ju stm e n t fo r n o n re sp o n se , w as: Number of establishments: In sample..................................................... Out of business and out of scope............... Refusing to respond.................................... Nonresponse other than refusal................... Responding fully or partially....................... 1,503 54 129 12 1,308 n' Y = i= 1 There are three procedures used to adjust for missing data from partial schedules and total refusals. First, imputations for the number o f plan participants are made for cases where this number was not reported (about 4 percent o f participants in insurance and retirement plans and less than 1 percent in paid leave plans in 1986). Each o f these participant values is imputed by randomly selecting a similar plan from another establishment in a similar industry and geographic region. The participation rate from the randomly selected plan is then used to approximate the number o f participants for the plan which is missing a participation value but is otherwise usable. Second, in the case o f health insurance plans and retire ment and capital accumulation plans, imputations for plan provisions are made when they were not available and plan participation data are reported. For other forms o f m issing data (or nonresponse), an ad justment is made using a weight adjustment technique based on sample unit employment. This technique assumes that the mean value o f the nonrespondents is equal to the mean value o f the respondents at som e detailed “ c e ll” level. These cells are defined in a manner that groups establishments together that are hom ogeneous with respect to the characteristics o f interest. In most cases, these cells are the same as those used for sample selection. The specific weight adjustments used in this survey were calculated in four stages for each occupa tional group and benefit area combination. This allowed a maximum amount o f data from partially completed estab lishment reports to be incorporated into survey estimates. For example, data on the number o f an occupational group’s em ployees in an establishment or participants in a plan, or information on the existence o f a plan, could be used even if the plan provisions could not be obtained. fsYj ------P. i where n' = number o f responding units fi = weight adjustment factor for the ft1 unit. Appropriate employment or establishment totals are used to calculate the proportion, mean, or percentage that was desired. Reliability of estimates The statistics in this bulletin are estimates derived from a sample o f approximately 1,500 establishments, rather than tabulations based on all 4 5 ,5 0 0 medium and large establish ments within the scope o f the survey. Consequently, the data are subject to sampling errors, as well as nonsampling errors. Sampling errors are the differences that can arise between results derived from a sample and those computed from ob servations o f all units in the population being studied. When probability techniques are used to select a sample, as in the Employee Benefits Survey, statistical measures called “ stand ard errors” can be calculated to measure possible sampling errors. This evaluation o f survey results involves the formation o f confidence intervals that can be interpreted in the follow ing manner: A ssum e that repeated random samples o f the same size are drawn from a given population and an esti mate o f som e value, such as a mean or percentage, is made from each sample. Then, the intervals described by one stand ard error below each sample’s estimate and one standard er ror above would include the population’s value for 68 per cent o f the samples. Confidence rises to 90 percent if the intervals surrounding the sample estimates are widened to plus or minus 1.6 standard errors, and to 95 percent if the intervals are increased to plus or minus 2 standard errors. Chart A provides standard errors for use in evaluating the estimates in the 82 tables o f this bulletin containing percent age estimates. For exam ple, table 1 shows that 70 percent o f all em ployees participated in sick leave plans in 1986. Chart A shows a standard error o f approximately 1.6 per cent for this estimate. Thus, at the 95-percent level, the con fidence interval for this estimate is 67 percent to 73 percent (70 percent plus or minus 2 times 1.6 percent). Standard errors for tables 5, 17, 18, and 19 could not be generalized into graphic representation. They are presented as tables A -2, A -3, A -4, and A -5. For exam ple, the first entry on table 17 shows an average o f 11.7 days o f annual sick leave at 6 months o f service. According to table A -3, the standard error for this estimate is 0 .9 days. Standard er rors for table 61 are not yet available. Survey estimation methods The survey design uses an unbiased estimator, the HorvitzThompson, which assigns the inverse o f each sample unit’s probability o f selection as a weight to the unit’s data. The estimator is modified to account for a weight adjustment fac tor developed during the adjustment for nonresponse. The general form o f the estimator for a population total is: where n = sample size Yj = value for the characteristics o f the ith unit p ; = the probability o f including the Ith unit in the sample 1 95 Chart A. Employee benefits survey generalized standard errors Standard error 3.2 ~M l— Hfl W 2 .8 2.4 2 .0 1 .6 1 .2 0 .8 0.4 0 .0 Percent estimate tation, a curve was fitted to the standard error estim ates, by regression techniques. Nonsam pling errors also affect survey results. They can be attributed to many sources: Inability to obtain informa tion about all establishments in the sample; definitional difficulties; differences in the interpretation o f questions; in ability or unwillingness o f respondents to provide correct in formation; mistakes in recording or coding the data; and other errors o f collection, response, processing, coverage, and es timation for m issing data. Through the use o f computer edits o f the data and professional review o f both individual and summarized data, efforts are made to reduce the nonsam pling errors in recording, coding, and processing the data. However, to the extent that the characteristics o f nonrespond ents are not the same as those o f respondents, nonsampling errors are introduced in the developm ent o f estimates. Be cause the impact o f these limitations on the Em ployee Benefits Survey estimates is unknown, reliability measure ments are incom plete. For those readers interested in further mathematical de tails, the next section describes how chart A was derived from 1982 survey data. The curve’s equation is: s _ e [a + b {1 n (P )} 2 + c {ln(lO O -P )}2 + d In (P) In (100-P )] where: S = P = e = exponential function In = natural logarithm function For the 1982 Em ployee Benefits Survey, a = -0 .6 4 6 8 3 , b = -0 .0 2 6 0 3 , c = -0 .0 1 7 4 5 8 , and d = 0 .1 2 3 7 2 6 . These are regression coefficients. The curve fits the data with R2 = 0 .8 5 and no pattern in the residuals. M oreover, differ ences between curves using 1982 and 1983 data are negligible. The equation o f the curve was obtained empirically, by start ing with the equation: Mathematical details on estimates and generalized standard errors chart S = a Pb (100 - P)c Each estimator used in the production o f the tables in this bulletin is approximately normally distributed. Standard errors for the percentage estimates were com puted from the 1982 survey data. To sim plify their presen standard error percentage estim ate from the bulletin More information describing survey response and relia bility may be obtained from the O ffice o f W ages and Indus trial Relations, Bureau o f Labor Statistics, U .S . Department o f Labor, W ashington, DC 20212. 96 Table A-2. Standard error* for table 5—Paid holidays and vacations: Average number of days for full-time participants, medium and large firms, 1986______ Profes Technical sional and Production and adminis clerical participants trative participants participants Item All par ticipants Paid holidays .................................................................... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Paid vacation by length of service: At 6 m o n th s .................................................................. At 1 y e a r ................................................ ....................... At 3 years ...................................................................... At 5 years ...................................................................... At 10 y e a r s .................................................................... At 15 y e a r s .................................................................... At 20 y e a r s ................................................................... At 25 y e a r s ................................................................... At 30 y e a r s .................................................................... .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .2 .1 .2 .2 .2 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 2 .2 .3 .3 Table A-3. Standard errors for table 17—Paid sick leave: Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by type of plan, medium and large firms, 1986 All par ticipants Item Profes Technical sional and Production and adminis participants clerical trative participants participants Paid annual sick leave by length of service: At 6 m o n th s ................................................................... At 1 y e a r ........................................................................ At 3 y e a r s ...................................................................... At 5 years ...................................................................... At 10 y e a r s .................................................................... At 15 y e a r s .................................................................... At 20 y e a r s .................................................................... At 25 y e a r s .................................................................... At 30 y e a r s ................................................................... 0.9 .7 .7 .9 1.4 1.8 2.3 2.4 2.4 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.9 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 0.4 .4 .6 1.3 2.2 2.7 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.8 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.2 Paid per disability sick leave by length of service: At 6 m o n th s .................................................................. At 1 y e a r ........................................................................ At 3 years ...................................................................... At 5 y e a r s ...................................................................... At 10 y e a r s .................................................................... At 15 y e a r s .................................................................... At 20 y e a r s .................................................................... At 25 y e a r s .................................................................... At 30 y e a r s .................................................................... 4.5 4.6 3.2 2.7 2.3 2.5 3.3 4.4 4.3 5.4 5.3 3.9 3.2 2.7 2.7 3.2 3.6 3.6 3.5 4.6 3.3 3.0 3.4 3.4 4.1 5.5 5.5 7.9 6.6 5.4 5.0 4.9 6.6 8.9 5.6 5.6 97 Table A-4. Standard errors for table 18—Paid annual sick leave: Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by accumulation policy and sickness and accident insurance coordination, medium and large firms, 1986 Profes sional and All par admini ticipants strative partici pants Item At 1 year of service: Cumulative p l a n ................................... With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ..................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Noncumulative p la n ............................. With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... At 5 years of service: Cumulative p l a n .................................... With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Noncumulative p la n ............................. With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... At 10 years of service: Cumulative plan .................................... With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Techni Produc cal and tion clerical partici partici pants pants 0.5 0.7 0.4 0.7 .4 .5 .4 .4 .7 1.3 .8 2.3 .5 .7 .8 3.1 .7 1.4 .8 .8 1.9 2.8 .9 4.9 .7 1.0 .9 1.2 .9 1.0 3.1 1.1 3.2 1.3 3.0 1.3 2.9 1.5 .8 2.9 3.4 4.8 At 20 years of service: Cumulative plan .................................... With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e .......... ........................... Noncumulative p la n ............................. With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... .6 1.0 1.9 4.9 1.4 20 1.9 2.1 1.6 .9 2.2 2.3 2.4 At 25 years of service: Cumulative plan .................................... With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e .............................. Noncumulative p la n ............................. With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident insurance ...................................... 1.0 1.3 Item At 10 years of service— Continued Noncumulative p la n ............................. With sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ...................................... Without sickness and accident insurance ...................................... .7 .8 Profes sional and All par admini ticipants strative partici pants 2.5 2.4 3.3 4.3 3.1 2.0 3.5 3.1 1.3 3.6 3.6 5.6 5.5 1.6 2.3 2.2 1.1 1.9 3.2 2.3 1.5 2.3 3.7 2.4 5.0 2.5 5.8 2 5 3.1 2.4 4.2 3.4 2.0 5.5 5.8 8.2 5.7 1.7 2.5 2.3 1.1 2.2 3.9 2.6 1.8 2.4 3.8 2.5 5.1 2.6 5.8 2.5 3.3 2.5 4.2 3.5 2.2 5.6 5.9 8.3 5.7 Table A-5. Standard errors for table 19—Paid annual sick leave: Average number of days at full pay for full-time participants by sickness and accident insurance coordination, medium and large firms, 1986 All par ticipants Item Profes Technical sional and and Production adminis clerical participants trative participants participants At 1 year of service: With sickness and accident in surance.................. Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ........... 0.4 1.1 0.7 1.3 0.4 .5 0.4 4.2 At 5 years of service: With sickness and accident in surance.................. Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ........... .9 1.5 1.6 1.9 1.0 1.8 .5 4.0 At 10 years of service: With sickness and accident in surance.................. Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ........... 1.5 2.2 2.5 2.2 2.0 2.8 .7 4.3 At 20 years of service: With sickness and accident in surance.................. Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ........... 2.1 3.6 3.3 3.9 2.5 4.7 1.2 4.4 At 25 years of service: With sickness and accident insurance.................. Without sickness and accident in s u ra n c e ........... 2.3 3.6 3.5 3.9 2.6 4.7 1.5 4.5 98 Techni Produc cal and tion clerical partici partici pants pants A p p e n d ix th e B: A v a ila b ility S u r v e y ’s D a t a of B ase ple weights and size codes; geographic, industrial, and em ployee group classification codes; and the number o f wor kers in the em ployee group. The control file also lists all benefit plans offered in each establishment, with the num ber o f plan participants in each em ployee group. A plan is listed on more than one control file record if it covers em ployees in more than one establishment. Although plan iden tification numbers on the control file are scrambled, the same scrambled numbers appear on the data file so they can be matched to make estimates. Because establishment sched ule numbers on the control file are scrambled differently for each em ployee group, it w ill not be possible to link together plans offered to different em ployee groups within an estab lishment. Benefit provisions obtained from plan documents are recorded in coding manuals for insurance, retirement, and capital accumulation plans, and are then entered on the plan data file. A set o f coding manuals and instructions for com pleting them are supplied to tape purchasers for interpreta tion o f data on the file. Paid time o ff and flexible benefits provisions are reported on collection forms which are also provided to tape purchasers. The analysis o f insurance, retirement, and capital accumu lation plans is extremely detailed. The following list o f health insurance plan provisions included in the data base gives an indication o f the breadth and depth o f the information avail able on the magnetic tapes. Other insurance and pension anal ysis is similarly detailed. The tables published in this bulletin present the major find ings o f the Em ployee Benefits Survey; results o f additional research appear in the Monthly Labor Review. How ever, these tables cover only a portion o f the em ployee benefits information collected. Persons interested in all provisions o f a particular benefit studied during the annual survey can purchase a set o f magnetic tapes containing the survey’s data base through the O ffice o f W ages and Industrial Relations, Bureau o f Labor Statistics, W ashington, DC 20212. The charge for furnishing the data is limited to the cost o f produc ing the tapes and preparing supporting documentation. For major benefit item s, the bls survey obtained plan provisions and em ployee participation data for each o f three em p loyee groups (professional-adm inistrative, technical-clerical, and production workers). Information on employer costs was not collected. The magnetic tapes, which consist o f a control file and plan data files for each benefit area, may be used to derive national estim ates, similar to those published in this bulletin, for other items in the data base. For som e data items not presented in this bulletin, however, the data file is insufficient to produce reliable na tional estimates, because either information on the provisions frequently was not available or the number o f employees with the provision was very small. M oreover, the tapes cannot yield reliable estimates for individual industries, geograph ic regions, or establishment size classes. Full documenta tion accompanies the tapes, including examples o f estimating formulas. Although Bureau staff w ill respond to questions concerning the content o f the tapes, technical assistance in developing estimates is limited due to the heavy workload associated with the survey program. Data users can purchase tapes with details o f plans for one benefit area or all, i.e., health, life, sickness and accident, and long-term disability insurance; private retirement and capital accumulation plans; flexible benefits and reimburse ment accounts; and paid time o ff provisions—lunch time, rest periods, holidays, personal leave, vacations, funeral leave, jury-duty leave, military leave, and sick leave. The plan data file contains provisions for each plan which was reported and for which usable information was available. How ever, plan identification numbers on the tape are scrambled (and other identifying information is removed) to protect the con fidentiality o f responding establishments. Purchasers also receive the control file, which contains establishment information required to produce estimates from the plan data. Control file records include establishment sam Health insurance data base Plan participation requirements When plan participation begins Waiting period by type o f benefit Maximum age for participation Employee contribution for employee and family benefits— monthly contribution Pretax status o f contributions Section A Funding media for major categories o f health care Hospital benefits Surgical benefits M edical benefits Major medical benefits Dental benefits 99 Coverage of dependent children Prophylaxis and routine exams Fillings Surgery—dental Inlays Crowns Periodontal care X-rays Orthodontia Incentive schedule Deductible Maximum coverage Copayment Administrative details Pre-existing condition Minimum age of dependent children Waiting period in case of infant illness Maximum age of dependent children Retiree eligibility Effect of retirement on coverage or contributions Disabled employees’ benefit coverage Survivors’ benefit coverage Effect of layoff on benefit coverage Section B Hospital and extended care coverage Hospital room and board coverage Hospital miscellaneous charges Extended care coverage Extended care—licensed extended care facility Basis of extended care coverage Extended care—home health care Vision care benefits Vision care coverage Eyeglasses Schedule for eyeglasses Eye exams Contact lenses Orthoptics Surgical and medical benefits Surgical care coverage Surgical schedule Conversion factor for relative value schedule Selected surgical procedure maximums In-hospital medical coverage Medical office coverage Other medical benefits Second surgical opinion Alcoholism treatment Drug abuse treatment Hearing care Hospice care Physical examinations Maternity care benefit Who is covered Cost containment features Diagnostic X-ray and laboratory testing (DXL) benefit dxl coverage Limitations on DXL coverage dxl schedule Selected dxl procedure maximums Section C Deductible, coinsurance, and/or maximum benefit provisions Covered expenses Deductible expenses Coinsurance by the amount of incurred expenses Coinsurance by the number of days/visits Maximum dollars per day/visit by number of days/visits Maximum number of days/visits for specified expenses Maximum dollars payable for specified covered expenses Outpatient care and special accident benefit Outpatient care coverage Separate limitations Accidental bodily injury—special benefit Prescription drug and private duty nursing coverage Prescription drug Private duty nursing Section C questions are designed to identify and describe the benefit provisions of covered expenses in section B that are subject to deductible, coinsurance, and/or maximum benefit provisions. This section consists of 15 sets of 7 ques tions. One set of questions is completed for each covered expense, or group of covered expenses, with identical deduct ible, coinsurance, and maximum benefit provisions. In the first question of each set, the group of expenses with com mon provisions is identified. The remaining six questions give the benefit provisions for the group. Additional sets of questions are completed until the benefit provisions of all covered expenses have been described. Mental health care benefits Mental health care coverage Hospital confinements due to mental disorders Comparison with hospital confinements for other illnesses Selected coverages for mental health care Coverage in special hospital Dental care benefits Dental care coverage Coverage of employees Coverage of spouses 100 O US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1 9 8 7 -1 8 1 -5 1 9 ' 6 4 2 7 0 Region I John F. Kennedy Federal Buiiding Suite 1603 Boston, Mass. 02203 Phone: (617) 565-2327 Region II Suite 3400 1515 Broadway New York. N Y 10036 Phone: (212) 944-3121 Region lli 3535 Market Street P O Box 13309 Philadelphia. Pa. 19101 Phone: (215) 596-1154 Region IV 1371 Peachtree Street. N Atlanta. Ga. 30367 Phone: (404) 347-4418 Region V 9th Floor Federal Office Building 230 S Dearborn Street Chicago. Ill 60604 Phone (312) 353-1880 Region VI Federal Building 525 Griffin St.. Rm. 221 Dallas. Tex 75202 Phone: (214) 767-6971 Regions VII and VIII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City. Mo 64106 Phone (816) 374-2481 Regions IX and X 450 Golden Gate Avenue Box 36017 San Francisco. Calif 94102 Phone. (415) 556-4678 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, D.C. 20212 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 SMSU LIBRARIES 3 2356 00213100 9 Postage and Fees Paid U.S. Department of Labor Third Class Mail Lab-441 U .S .M A IL