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EMERGENCY RELIEF IN - _ ·MISSOURI Volume I September 1932 to November 1934 MISSOURI RELIEF RECONSTRUCTION COMMISSION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis AND Vallace Crossley-Administrator _. · Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \vallace Crossley Chairman and Adminisistrator Members John T Harding Kansas Cit~ Col.J.Harr~ Rehme Dean F.B. Mumford Dr.E.R.Cock.rell * St. Louis Columbia Fulton * Deceased Septembr 13,1934 MISSOURI RELIEF AND RECONSTRUCTION COMMISSION 412 E. HIGH ST, JEFFERSON CITY, MISSOURI WALLACE CROSSLEY January 71 1935. ADMINISTRATOR • Honorable Guy B. Park, Governor of Missouri, State Capitol, Jefferson City, Missouri. Sir: I transmit herewith a report covering the administration and disbursement of such federal and state funds as have been made available for the purposes or unemployment relief in Missouri during the period September l, 1932, to and including November 30, 1934. The information contained in this report gives a oomprehensive picture of relief in Missouri, and should prove of great value in determining state relief policies. Respeotf'ully submitted, ?p~, • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ ?. Wallace Crossley, Administrator. TABLE O.F CONTENTS ~ • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Introduction 1 Civil Works Administration 5 Works Division Program 8 Cooperative Highway Program 9 Protessional Projects 11 Women's Work Progrsm 12 Safety 12 Drought Relief 13 Water Conservation and Developnent 1, Seed tor Late Pasturage Crops 19 Seed-Corn Program 20 Com-Fodder Program 21 Subsistence Feed Program 22 Cattle Program 22 Social Serviee Program u Relief' Commodities 27 Relief' Coal 29 Garden and Food Conservation 31 Federal Transient Program 32 Plnergency Education 33 Student ~id Program 34 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Missouri Rural Rehabilitation Corporation 3S lmlergency aonsenation Work S8 Relier Administration '2 AccountiJlP.' and Beporti~g a J'inancial Reports am Case Load statistics " Persons on Relief in Missouri 1933 September • f f 1' 5.34% October t t t t 5.59 o/o December t t t t t 6.96 o/o 1934 January ttt' 5.37 April o/o t t t t t f t • 10.45% June t t t t t t • 9.01 % September f f f 13.4 % November • t t t t t t ' t f t f Jt t ,.0 t f t t 15.30 Lach flQure represents 50DOO persons Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Januar~ 1934 shows effect of C.\J.A. Emplo~ment. September and November show effect of drought. • • STATE .OF MISSOURI Source offunds 19.J~ /9J2 I l9J4 S,• pf: ~t MW- Pec.J,m F'eb. /'fa,: ,4p:, /'lay Jcme .July A ~Sept Oct Noli! lJec. Jan Feb /'la,:-) 'Pr- May .l<.JM>Jul'yALfP.Sept Oct: A,°" 10,000,000 ·4000,000 V 1.ooopoo /~ 100,000 .../ 60~000 500,000 j 400,000 .J/ J00,000 S0,000 l~~O SJOOO 8,000 7,000 6,000 ~ 000 ~ . "' D"' JV I /• ' •' . ~--11' ,, ,I I ~\ ', 'V\ l ",. 'I . J "',' i ~, . \ \ I ; i \,' _r ! I I , .! ; , 'i ' L.;aSJ: "nr ,...... ------•~ .. "; : • 'j ... .. I .. \. : ! I t ! I : : -· .~·· l I ~ I I I I '' I ' 'l \ '" \ I \_ ' t_..-""',- ! f ' I .. .,.\ .. :. .- I I 1 I .;'' ' '; ' I I I \ I \ I \I I 1,000 Soo V . 1 \\ I V \ = TOTAL Sst,59~208. 9. -L--- i---- il l I, 800,000 /00,000 '" ' ) goqooo ~oqooo ""- / i II -= TOTAL •~40,174,24- ; .:.. ..' ✓ •.. \ • I~ I,' !' .•. '\ \ ,,.. ~; -= TOTAL . 7.S,~BOT.a, _, • \ - 1 ! I I ; I! - . ... . . . .• • _.. \ 0 K EY LOCAL= -----STATE= GRANO 'TOTAL S61,6m;l90.l8 --FEDERA~-- NOTE..-; Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Lo~al Confribution~ fo~ Tke C.W. A.. +>r°'ir-am Are. Shown 1n The Month Of March \.934. Er~GENCY RELIEF IN MIS30TJRI INTRODUCTI CM Federal funds for unemployment relief first available after July 21, 1932, on which date the President approved an Act of Congress (Publi.c-No. 302--72d Congress) authorizing the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to make loans to the several States and Territories for relief purposes. On July 26, 1932, the Honorable Henry s. Caulfield, then Governor of Missouri, called an executive meeting of the Missouri Committee on Unemployment Relief to formulate a state plan under which funds from the ~econatruction Finance Corporation ~ight be diverted to the relief of needy persons in this state--persons destitute by reason of unemployment. Subsequent to this meeting, the emergency relief activities grew. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis A director, ~alter Burr, Professor of Rural So~i- ology at the University of Missouri, was appointed to ~dminister the relief program. In 1anuary 1933, with the advent ot a new state administration, t he State Advisory Committee on Unemployment Relief • was appointed by Governor Guy B. Park to succeed the Missouri Conmittee on Unemployment Relief. This con:mittee was headed by Wallace Crossley, ot Warrensburg, end its other members were the lat e Dr. E. R. Cockrell, ot Fulton, and F. B. Mmnford, Dean of the College of .Agriculture, Columbia. The Fifty- seventh General Asssmbly, then in session, appropriated :t:rom the General Revenues of the State the SllID. ot $250,000.00 tor r elief purposes, and the additional sum of $50,000.00 tor t he administration ot relief. Atter adjournment ot the legislature, the Adrlsory Com- mittee on Unemplo,ment Relief was designated by the Governor as the Missouri Relier and Reconstruction Conmission, and J'ohn T. Harding, of Kansas City, and Col. J'. Harry P.ehme , of st. !Duis, were appointed to serve with the original commit- tee members as member s or the newly created Commission. On May 12, 1933, the Wagner-Lewis Act (Public-No. 15- 73d Congress) was approved by the President, and its purpose, • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis as stated therein, was "to provide :ror cooperation by the Federal Govermnent with the several States and Territories and the D'istrict of Col umbia in relieving the hwdsbip and suffering caused by unemplo-yment, and for other purposes." This Act created the :rederal Fmergency Relie~ Adm1nistra.tion, and the regulat 10118 subsequently issued under the provi- • sions ot the law necessitated many changes in the administration ot relief in Missouri. Accordingly, and parsmm:t to rules 8Jld .regulations of the Federal l!mergency Relief Administration, local county units became public agencies responsible tor the expenditure of pu.blic in the seme manner as any othe~ public office, and certain private agencies in urban areas were designated to work under control of public authority. On. J"ttly I, 1933, the Governor appointed Wallace C?tossley to succeed Walter BUrr as director of relief activities.* At this time, out of 114 counties, only 15 were :partially or completely organized trcm the stsndpoint of public wel:rare administration, although it was required by the Federal ]mergeney Relief .Administration that each local relief administration should have at least one trained, experienced social worker on its sta:rt. At the iresent time, 112 counties are organ- ized with trained or semi-trained personnel in charge. Because at the need tor trained service in the counties, a training • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis :program is being carried out with the aid or a sJecial Federal allotment given in the interest or better trained personnel. * Doctor Burr resigned to beccme Associate Director for the National Reemplo-yment Service, ~ashington , D. c. '.l'he GoTernor on October 4, 1933, issued a call tor an extraordinary session ot the legislature, and 1• his charge • to that Body on October 17, said in part: ~ ••••• things have moved apace, situations and con- ditions not to have been anticipated have arisen and now :means and meesurea tor relief are being tried. Our patri- otic and fearless President, the Champion ot the Forgotten Man, with the almost unanimous support ot a sympathetic Congress, was given extraordinary authority and power with which to wage battle against unemployment and de:pression. The tight is on, and our leader is calling upon the several states of tbe Union tor aid and support. That Mis- souri may do ber full share is the principal reason why this Body is now assembled. '!'hat you will see to it that Missouri does her full share there can be no doubt. Our Union shall not lack Missouri's strength in this crisis, and division must not cause its tall•••••" A sales tax of one-half of one per cent was levied and a • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis relief appropriation ot $5,000,000.00 was made from the General Revenues of the state, $4,000,000.00 ot which was to have become available during the twelve months following enactment ot the legislation. An additional appropriation of $26,714.00 tor administrative costs also was made. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • U. 5.DvLAG&.. l.awtttt<r. Wts,_ JM:.oa & ..u . llsst~ A.sll\doinlllialor JAMU H. DlvK:t ~ e..:LWt. Su,uY. - ---- "l --- ---- --IL rc;;;,;y~ I I L--..::.::.:, I (1.&IU<O I - - - . ~ - ----- -------- - - --- \ "--.... '-..,_ "--.... '-..,_ -:::::::-.. --:___--:-. ~ • j), J ;c"'""""'I I O...cta11 I i>RoJ>CT:i.c.ow.w ico. I 5_,._1 I S....U..-1 - ' '~"-..,_ \ / ' ' / /'/~ ; I ' / - ./ ------~~/ /- ./- • - : ~ _.----:_~ - - - ----, ~~- . __________ Ii CouN~MITT:~•~• [_ 0~6ANIZATION [HAlitT M155ou12..1 m11:f- ..:] Ao1141N1sT12.Ar10N l!:6tllllcltll!IS5r.11.1Z. 5-.,.._ 51«..,,,._ --- ------ -------foufioma - - ------- . ;~~-~ -~ -~~~\ .~ -~,.- -.. ~ ' i:~, . '-7-_J L--:r---1 _L_\__ J - Dee. 1,34: ---_:::::::::::::--- . - - -5- CIVIL WORKS .ADMJNISTRA.TION The President's historic announcement on November?, 1933, • establishing the Federal Civil Works Administration, was followed immediately by the Federal appointment of Wallace Crossley as Civil Works Administrator for Missouri. County Relier and Reemployment Committees were designated as looa.l Civil Works Administrations with administrative authority vested in the committee chainnen. Actual employment started November 15. The personnel of the Missouri Relief and Reconstruction Conmission, m:mbering only 29 persons at the time, was utterly inadequate to handle the vast amount or detail involved in ad- ministering the huge program. The goal o-r the Federal Civil Works Administration was to give 4,000,000 persons steady employment at regular wagea. month was allowed tor this purJ?Ose. A On December 15, 1933, Mis- souri had reached its quota with 89,600 men and 6,000 women at work. on CWA projects. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'fhc peak or EIDployment was reached J'anuary 4, 1934, when 104.,173 persons were at work. Civil Works made marked improvements to public property in Missouri.., The following tabulation, showing the total :rmm- ber of man-hours expended on various types o-r projects, indicates the emphasis given various classification projects: -6SU'1Jmary or Ma n-H our s Pro jec ts Expended On Va rio us Types or • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Cit y Str eet s 10, 258 ,09 2 Collllty Roads 6,9 99, 290 Pu bli c Lan ds 1,9 59, 554 Pu bli c Bu ild ing s 2,1 69, '18 5 Par ks and Pla :rg mtm da 5,8 47, 098 Soh ool Bu ild ing s 2,5 64, 022 Sch ool Gro und s 3,6 65, 551 Waterways <&,92.8,835 Water Sup ply 1,3 73, 331 Ss nit ati on 2,5 64, 952 Ad mi nis tra tio n, cle ric al and p.r of' ess ion al hel p 2,1 73 ,05 ' Mi sce lla neo us 2 1 475 1256 To tal 46, 978 ,83 8 1dec! int o two per iod s, The Ci nl Works pro grs n was d1T ond rua r.y 15 , 193 4, and the sec the fir st teJ Di nat ing on Peb was t ypi f'ie d by the dr1 Ye to on 1i6lrcb 31. 'l'he rir at per iod per iod , by improved qu ali ty in pat men to wo rk; the sec ond w acc om pan yin g ill us tra tio ns sho the typ es of pro jec ts. 1!1.e or lab or by pro jec ts in the gra ph ica lly the dis tri bu tio n 'Y8 riou s cot m.t ies . Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ~ CITY STREETS ~ PUBLIC LANDS ~ IIIlIIlIIl ROADS &- BUILDINGS PARKS &- PLAYGROUNDS ,~~~~ SCHOOL BUILDINGS ~~ SCHOOL GROUNDS WATER SUPPLY & SANITATION ~ WATf..RWAYS Bl DISTRIBUTION OF C.WA. ACTIVITIES PRIOR TO FEB. 15, 1934 AS ESTIMATED ~y MAN HOURS ON APPROVED PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •.. : ; - - ~ CITY .STREETS .• - - ROADS ~ PUBLIC LANDS &- e,u1u)INGS ~ PARKS &- PLAYGROUNDS ~~~~I SCHOOL BUILDINGS = 5CHOOL GROUNDS WAT ER .SUPP LY &- 5ANITATI ON DISTRIBUTION OF C.W A. ACTIVITIES FROM FEB.I5 TO MAR. 31.19~4 AS ESTIMATED BY MAN HOURS ON APPROVED PROJECTS ~ WATERWAY S Ill ADMIN 15TRATION CJ M ISCELLANE:OU5 - INC-:..JD ING WOMEN'S WOR K A total of $22.005,742.47 was expended on Civil Works in Missouri. • Labor and material costs on improvements to state institutions alone amounted to more than $ • Civil Works and its complementary Civil Works Service enter the relief picture at a time when the family ease load was increasing gradually and relief expenditures were reaching new heights. Stemming the growing demand for relief dur- ing the winters 1933-34, these programs reduced both the ease load and the relief expenditures from the high levels o-r the previous winter• • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -alfOBIS DIVISictr PROGRAM le • latiouhipe between. rk relief, rural rehabilita- tion, social aenioe, lll4 ether rel.1~ coo ration JIIOgr,1118 clamd close a control. 'fhe Works DiTiaion• reaponaible for the planni and ap- jecta 8ll4 tor the plaoillg ot parsons certified by th So ial Division as eligible for work re- U .ef' • apervises all project act1Tit1eao A nuaber et programs, sueh as safety, wanen•,t work, food consermtion, tunetion. through the Works Division but have their own alminiatrative statt. A tabulation of' all approved projects initiated since suspension ot Civil Works on March 31, 193', to December 1, 1934, is shown in the f'ollCJWing sUJ111e.ry: S'unDary of' Work Relief' Projects Class • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ABCD- Approved Ho. of ApElications Planning Projects Public Property Projects Projects to prortde housing Production and distribution projects 24 456-i mu. $ aount 59,200.14 9,175,913.42 1847 8,302,995.55 76 288 365 2,391,756.88 476,087.08 153 35,668.55 7317 $20,814,598.24 E - Public Wel:rare, Health, and Recreation ~ - Pttblic FJiucation Administrative Projects H - Tool and sundry equiJ'.lllent projects C - Total 372,975.62 -9- Classifications Band D, the two largest groups, include sufficient approvals to cover the working out • and subsistence feed. number or or seed loans Both classes probAbly contain an excess proj ects due to the difficulty of estimating the amount or ;uch labor available at any one time and the necessary geographical distribution scattered workers. or projects for such widely . Consequently, Band D classifications ~re high, both as to number or projects and mount approved. These small widely distributed projects do not usually have the soeial value to the community that the larger type has, and it was in an ettort to overcome this objection that the Cooperative Highway program was initiated. Cooperative Highway Program The Missouri Relief and Reconstruction Commission, in cooperation with the state Highway Department, has developed a program for work on the secondary road system. The Highway Department furnishes all the necessary engineering, supern.- sion, skilled labor, equipnent and materials, with the Conmis- • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis aion f'urniahing the common labor and timekeepers • '!'he projeots in this program are divided into :rive clas- sirioiations, as follows : (a) Grading 1n preparation ror surta.cing with gravel; (b) aurfa.oing with gravel or crushed rock; (c) clearing and -10- grubbing in preparation tor grading operation; (d) production • of materials; (e) maintenance, covering sani-permanent con- struction, such es ranoving short-sight distances, constructioJJ o:r approaches on side roads, et cetera. The following table illustrates the stimat d extent ot this progr8Jl in the various classi:ticationa: Number or Jobs Type 65 Grading 27 Surfacing Clearing and Grubbing 13 18 Production 39 enen ce SHD EJtpenditur s Expendii;ures 11.!X'penditures $534,700.01 84,051.-56 $353,164.35 81,230.70 20,742.17 83,239.06 32,944.05 92,796.59 1652827.83 1261278.89 152'" Total FERA t 88'1,864:.~ 165,282.26 53,586.22 l '16,035.65 2921106.72 $ 849,011.69. $725,953.52 $1,57,,975.21 These 152 projects are in operation in 95 counties at the present time • .A new type or iroject is being started tbroughout the state as a resu.1t o:r the cooperative program. These projects cover clearing and grubbing operations on the right-o:t-wa:y ot • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis future :ram.-to-market routes. furnishes the survey work only. The state Highway Department Labor, supervision, and eny equipment necessary are all turnished from regular county re11\~r o.llotments or local f'unds. This type ot project provides usetul work for small groups of men where the relief' load is not heavy enough to permit a oomi,lete construction job. -11- Several :roadside beautification and landscape projects have been started with the State Highway Department ~urnish- • ing plans, layouts, or materials. In some cases, local oivic organizations are sponsoring such projects and :turnishing plant material. Two :road construction projects ha been cairpleted and accepted by the state Highway Department, and a number more will be completed. this month. Professional Projects '.!he ps.-ogram 'for pr~esaional or non-manual workers was set up during August, 19M, at whieh time it was estimated that a possible Quota ·ot 6,600 persons mig?n be employed when the progrem had attained its me:rlnna. '!his progrea furnished the opportunity to :reaeh a group ot relier clients who were titted for apecial1ze4 job• oa JD!'O- teaaional or technical projects. An attempt wu made to a len worthwhile projects upon which :relie:t or border line cases mipt be employed. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis '!he pe:r- aou aelectec1 were i,aid 1a -the aaomrt o't their budgetary de:ticiency u detexmine4 by innstigation. 'l'hi• program, at its height, employed ap)ll"orlmately 5,000 peraons at an average monthly expenditure ot about t2,o,ooo.ooo_ -12- Women's Work Program Under the Women's • projects were set UJ ork program many produetion-~or-use throughout the state. Sewing rooms, mattress n,Bldng centers, and eenters for making gar.manta used in relief canneries gave occupation to more than 90 per cent of the 7,000 wcmen em.ployed. For the period ending November 30, 148,248 garments were produced in se ing roans, and 24,765 mattresses were fabricated 1n the 21 mattress factories. Women's Work projects also included, anong others, preparation of school l'Ullches, spinning and weaving, soap making, and cooks for nursery schools. Safety Under the Civil Works Administration, a state-wide safety program was inaugurated to educa'te relief workers to adapt their habits to the work provided. tinued on all work relief projects. This program has been conMissouri ranked among the leading states for the lowest number of lost-time injuries • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis during Civil ~orks; and since the discontinuation of the CWA :progrrun, the accident rrequency rate has been reduced more then 50 per cent. DROUGHT RELIEJ The Relie~ Administration rendered a vital service to Mis- • souri agriculture in helping solve the crisis of the drought • :Emergency programs were inaugurated in midsummer when drought made serious inroads in the state. Whole comrm.mities were without water; typh~id fever was epidemic in some communities; in the malarial districts suffering was acute; livestock died because of lack o-r :reed and water; many fanners were unable to purehase _seed for small aereages of late for-age crops; and the problem of winter feeding was of grave con- eern. These special drought relief programs included the following: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. Water conservation and developnent 2. Seed ror late pasture crops 3. Seed-corn conservation program 4. Corn-fodder purchase and processing program 5. Subsistence feed program 6. In cooperation with the .Agricultural Adjustment Administration, the cattle purchase and processing program• Dr. William c. Etheridge, Professor of Field Crops, Col- lege of .Agriculture, Columbia, in summing up these activities of the Relief' Administration issued the following statement: ''Y .•·t in the last six months, the Misaouri Relief and Reconstruction Commission haa rendered vi al s r Missouri agricu1ture. • ce to 'l'he distribution ot soy bean a 94 last sUDIJler; cooperation in the cattle buying program beginning in the drought and continuing to the present time; the distribution or winter barley and rye ••ed in late August; th• t daer buying program; and the couervation ot our natiTe atrai:ns ot corn through the direct purchase ot aeecl: • to our tamers. all constitute a tremendous benetit These excellent examples ot prompt and p.raetioal relier in a situation demanding conatruc- ti've action. 'fheir Talue in terms ot money or more.le 1• inestimable. In all of these activities, the Reliet Oen- mission has acted with the adrtce and help ot the Missouri College or .Agriculture, and the two insti tutione have worked together toward the repair ot the terrific dsnage wrought by the drought." Water ConserTa.tion and Develo);ID8nt • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 'l"he shortage ot water tor human and an111lal consumption waa so acute in certain areas ot the state that the quickest and most econcmical method ot relier was to deliver water to those areas. possible. In other areas, emergency water deTeloIJllent was -15- For the purpose or administration, the state was divided into 10 districts and a geologist was placed in eaoh. • At this time, the entire personnel ot the geological staff of the Missouri Geological Survey was placed at the disposal or the Relief Commission and served during the period or emergency. The field geologists made field investigation, supervised the drilling of wells, and obtained adequate supplies ot water to» many localities. ~ey also assisted in the location ot water supplies for pipe lines constructed for the relier or large areas. Where delivery at water waa necessary, railroads, truck lines, a.lid. pipe lines were used in that service. In some localized urban areas it was possible to ship water directly to the community by rail. L system or water depots was used in the more rural areas. Tank cars were ship- ped to a central depot and the water hauled by truck to the outlying sub-depots, where the faX'!ller receiTed it and took it on to the f8.l'!ll. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The antiquated and inadequate hauling equip • ment of a large number ot rarmera made a short final haul a necessity and depots were planned so the longest haul 198.S five miles. Private and pu.blic agencies did their pe.rt to the !al.lest extent to relieve the situation. use ot one line to deli A pipe line company ga'Y9 the r millions ot gallons ot water to ·-16- str!cken areas along its route which extended into the state of Iowa. • The oil companies furnished t rucks to deliver water from municipalities and pipe lines to both urban and rural Municipal water companies supplied tree water t o ad- areas. jacent areas and filled tank car s f or shipnent by rail. 'I'hese tank cars were all steal?l cleaned before f illing and, as an extra precaution, were chlorinated when tilled and ready tor shiJ;lllent. Bail shipnents were made to three major areas state. The largest or or the these areas was the district within a thirty-five mile radius or Kansas City, from which 3,516.69' gallons ot water we;r e shipped tram Kansas City to 17 locali- ties. 'l'hese included: Vibbard; Bates City; Raymore; South Lee; Greenwood; Mayview; New Market; nngston; Drexel; Kimpton; . 1'audon; Odessa; Aulln.lle; Iatour; Peeullar; Westline; 8Jl4 In the eaatern part of' the state ahipnem was made Merwin. t:rom Hannibal. to tour stricken communities within a radius or twenty-five miles. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ffD. part A total Shipnent was also made in the norih- or the state fl'01ll Mendota or approximately 35C care, water, was shipped• • to the City crt Unionrille. or 3,500.000 gallons o't -17- 'l'he Missouri Relief and Reconstruction Ccmmission laid tive pipe lines, totaling twenty-one miles in length, to re- • lieve severe shortages over extended areas. These pipe lines were rented on contract end the common labor to lay them was tu:rn.15hed through Work Belief Projects. The ~ollowing tabulation sets forth the :pertinent ~acts concerning those pipe lines: Length County Miles Size Lake City to Blue Springs and Grain Valley 12.5 4" Lake Lotawanna-South o.5 2" :Macon Bert er 1.5 3"' St. Louis Co. Clayton 2.0 2" Clinton Cameron 4.0 8" Worth Grant City o.s 4" Jackson All of these pipe lines were in opere.tion for a period of approximately 70 days. Many enother private and public agency did its :tert in • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis some local area, and it was the combined effort of all of them, With the Missouri Relier and Reconstruction Commission, that helped farmers and small communities through one of the state's most extended and severe drought periods. -10Smmnary or Well Drilling Operations (Subject to Correction) • Character or Total Number Work 1. Wells drilled in rock 2. Wells drilled in glacial deposits 3. Shallow wells dug by hand "· Auger holes drilled by band 5. Shallow test holes drilled with leased rotary drill. How operating s. 5 Total Number ot Feet or Drilling ~ ;3,445 10 93'7 139 1,864 1,412 30,349 11 718 Puaps installed in exist- ing wells 17 SUIID18.l'y ot Contract Drilling Operations With D.rillillg Riga A. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Wells drilled into rock Location County Porsythe Edgar Springs Sunmersville Metcalte t81'Dl near Pierce City Taney Phelps Texas Lawrence Johnson Pit1tsville .A.ahlaml Boone Tot al Drilling In Feet Total Depth In Feet 325 500 855 "86 ( a) 774 505 3,445 -19- B. Well• drilled into glacial ud/or alluvial deposits in North Missouri. • (b} Number Location Count Be'Yier Macon Schu"]ler DeKalb Sullivan Len.caster Maysville Milan 1'otal o't Welle 3 l 2 4 Average De h Total No. ot teet ot drill! M 257 145 163 257 289 57 228 93'V 10 (a) Old well drilled deeper to s. total depth of' 806 'feet 1n order to obtain permanent supply ct water. ('b) Doea not include present shallow prospecting with portable :rotary drill rig now operating in North Missouri, under contract. Seed For Late Pasturage Crops In the hope that an opon tall would permit developnent ot late pastures, the Commission borrowed seect experts h'om the College ot .Agriculture and sent them into ditterent parts ot Missouri and into surrounding states to tind seed tor late t"orage crops. Soy beans, rye, barley, lfheat, and cow peas, aggregating 575,000 bushels, were purchased at an apiroximate • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis oost of' $800,000.00 • These seeds were distributed to those persona throughout the state who otherwise would have been unable to purchase seed themselTes and who agreed to work out the purchase price on approved work relief projects. The emount of seed going to any one termer was limited nth respect to his need tor tall and winter pasturage. -20- A mild open fall was favorable to late forage crops, with the result that approximately 400,000 acres ot pasturage were • developed by 35,000 Missouri farmers evailing thanselves of this aid. Seed-Corn Program As a result of the drought, which virtually wiped out the late eorn crop, Missouri corn growers face a seed famine next spring because no co:rn is as satisfactory tor ?Hssouri planting as bane-grown seed. The Missouri Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, subsidiary egent or the Relief Administration, was able to effect a co- operative agreement with the National Seed Stocks Conservation Committee to save and distribute for spring planting all the Missouri-grown seed-corn that is available and not otherwise conserved. Seed buyers are operating in Central and Northwest Mis- souri points buying such first class cribs of 1933 corn as • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis will furnish a fair peroentsge of seed. They are also operat- ing in the lowland counties of Southeast 1lissouri. Approximately $300,000.00 will be spent on seed-corn conserTation. -21- Com-Fodder Program When it became app'!rent that Missouri farmer~ were to • encounter difficulty in feeding livestock through the winter months, the corn-fodder program was started to furnish roughage and limited amollllts of proteins for livestock teed in the drought areas. At the time, thousands of acres of corn which had failed to reach maturity were going to waste in the fields. Corn-~odder was furnished to 5,83? farmers at a cost of $613,314.00. Many ot these farmers had figured their crop as a total loss before the Relief Administration ereated a market for fodder. A total of 166,332 acres, estimated to yield 207,879 tons of fodder, was purchased. The Relief Administr~tion contracted more than 400 shredders and balers to put up the stover, and about 4,000 persons, most of them needy, have been given relief employment in preparing winter feed rations. Corn•fodder is being processed under three general plans: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis bundle baling; :power baling; and shredding• In order to furnish roughage, additional protein and carbohydrates being added in the milling process. Cane molas- ses, cotton seed meal, ground limestone, and salt are being used ror this purpose. -22- Subsistence Fee4 Program The subsistence :teed progran 'Was started in mid-August • when subsistence committees on livestock reeds were set up ill the -.arious counties in accordance with instructions f'rom the Federal Bnergency Reliet Administration relating to procedure in drought areas. Federal regulations provide :teed relief' tor needy tarmers whose available resources are inadequate to provide for their subsistence stock. '?he amount the applicant receives is based upon the subsistence stock he O'WD.s in terms of units. One horse, one cow, two brood sows, tour ewes, 36 chickens-each · constitute a unit. Families numbering from one to three persons are allotted :tive units; tram tour to tive persons, seven units; and fami- lies mmibering six or more, eight to ten units. The applicant is given emplo,ment on relief projects to earn the purchase price ot the subsistence reed. Cattle Program • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis In cooperation with the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, nearly 20 per cent or Missouri's cattle :population or 2,sso,000 cattle were removed trcm drought-stricken pastures. -23- The Triple A spent approximately $6,~74,ooo.oo in this :program. • 'l'he Missouri Rel1et am Reconstruction Commission, acting as agent ot the Federal Sarplua Beliet Corporation, receipted tor apwoxlmately 499,000 cattle :tram the AU. lf8N 41epoae4 ot u foll.owe: lfheae cattle '525,000 •re ahip])ed ~or the ac- count ot the :.ederal Surplus Belief Corporation; 159 1 000 were sh1ppe4 to alaugb:tsring houes la Ill eouri and later to can- neries tor subsequent listli.bution to neec!y persona in Missouri; and 6,000 cowa were relee.aed 'lo the Rural Rehabilitation Co:a- pora~ion tor 41stributioa to needy temiliea in which there nre t'h114ren. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -24SOCIAL SERVICE PROGRAM 'fhe social serrtce program in Missouri has a three-fold • objective: 1. To ee that needy unemployed persons and their de- pendents shall receive sufficient relief to prevent physical suffering and maintain minimum living standards. 2. To ee that no relief is given to persons unless they are eligible tor relief, and that such relief as allowed is adjusted to the budgetary needs or the individual or family. 3. To develop maximum efficiency and economy in furni sh ing ot relief, with a minimum o'f delay in providing relier to those in distress. The county is a unit of relief administration; and in compliance with rules and regulations of the Federal Dnergency Relief Administration an attempt has been to have at least one trained, experienced social service investigator • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis or welfare worker in each county relief office • This worker with her assistants is responsible for: The giving of direot relief to families in need; the establishing or eligibility of persons to be employed on work re- lief projects; the distributing of surplus commodities; the ma.king of case investigations for various departments of the -25- Connnission, including the Transient Bureau; and for initial and continuing service to rural rehabilitation clients; the • establishing, with the cooperation of :public anti private agencies in Missouri a.Di other states, of legal residence of migratory families and persons, and in planning for families; and for the coordinating of the various relief agencies, both private and public, wit hin the county. A valuable contribution to publie welfare service in Missouri during the past to years ·has been the selection, training, and developnent of 197 Missouri men and women in public welfare administration. This training hes been made possible through the cooperation of the University or ?Hssouri. In addition, a field training program, training on the job local workers who have had no previous experience with relief giving, is under the direction of case work supervisors who also give immediate attention to local relief offices and relief problems. The fundnmental factor involved in the community progrs~ is cexe of families in need of relief. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for relief represent two groups: The persons who apply Those whose need is pri.T!larily the result of unemplo11nent; &n~ t~ose Nhooe need is due to indjvidual factors, such as tr.e ::.&:od, widowea, orphaned, and ci.. ip_pled. -26- The program of relief to the families of unemployed include work relier, wherever possible, or direet relief--food, • clothing, shelter, and medical care • Those families whose need is not primarily due to unem• ployment present n multiplicity of problems. This group needs, in addition to material aid, assistance with medical care, household management, community edjustments, and in solving difficulties within the family relationships, as well as advice and guid3nce in the use of facilities provided by state or county, such as alms houses, pensions for the blind, homes for children, et cetera. County relief workers attempt to give relief on the basis of need.. The need of a particular family is the difference between the total income in cash and kind and the minimum requirements on a budget basis sufficient to prevent suffering. Vlhen resources are so limitea tb.9.t minimmn requirements cannot be met, the budget items cut down are those that contribute least to the health and well-being of a family. tigation of each case to detennine • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis is required by Federal regulations • ~ Inves- definite proof of need RELIEF COMMODITIES TI10 • :·J!issouri Relief and Reconstruction Commission, as agent for the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation, he.s helped to bridge the gap between the destitute and unemployed and surpluses of basic farm commodities. Since the inception of this program, more than $2,191,360.00 worth of carmnodities have been distributed in Missouri to persons on relief or in serious need. In addition to commodities purchased by the FSRC and ship• ped to Missouri for distribution, some commodities have been purchased locally within the state while others have been produced in relief operated factories. Storage, transportation, and distribution have been worked into a compretensive system for the entire state, and vast quantities of foodstuffs handled. Following is a tabulation of commodities distributed upon which a value has been placed: Salt p:,rk • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Smoked pork Fresh beef Fresh veal Canned beef Stew meat Hamburger Soup stock Lard Butter Cheese F.ggs Rice Sugar Apples Blankets 1,410,118 3,504,4~5 1,244,689 944,577 1,753,299 281,268 pounds pounds pounds pounds cans cans 435,321 cans 139,555 cans 690,640 984,244 141,807 416,630 166, 954 107,800 11,735 24,647 pounds pounds pounds dozen pounds :pounds bushels $211,517.70 630,807.30 124,468.90 103,903.47 262,994.85 42,190.20 85,298.15 13,955.50 103,596.00 334,642.96 26,943.33 116,656.40 100,172.40 5,390.00 9,388.00 39,435.20 -28- In addition, the following commodities upon which no • value has been placed were distributed: Navy beans Cereal Flour Corn meal Oranges Beds Mattresses Tables • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 252,770 183,692 8,318,635 87,800 11,570 166 16,138 14 pounds paclr..ages pounds pounds bags -29- RELIEF COAL • Recognizing the importance of' fuel as an item ot relief, the Federal Surplus Relief Corporation inaugurated a national relief fuel plan tor the winter ot 1933-34 which, atter its termination, was taken over by the states. A total of' 189,990 tons of coal was distributed to relief clients in Missouri during the period December 20, 1933, to November 30, 1934. Ot this amount, 36,270 tons was purchased by the Federal Surplus Relief' Corporation and the remainder purchased f'rom relief funds granted to :Missouri by the Federal Energeney Relief' Administration. Of the 138,465 tons of coal purchased under the coal pro- gram tennineting October l, 1934, 18,630 tons were distributed in Jackson County, and 67,185 tons in the City of' st. Louis and st. L::>uis County. The remaining 52,650 tons were distri- buted to some 60 counties throughout the state where coal is the principal fuel. •· Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis During the summer months, relief' coal for st. Louis City and County was purchased centrally by the Commission, while coal given relief clients in ~ackson County and Kansas City was ptn•chased through the local Relief Administration from Federal funds and is not included in the foregoing figm-es. Distribution of fuel under the coal program tor 1934-35 will total t1I,proximately 250,000 ton8. -30- The following tabulation shows distribution to the seven principal areas, the balance being distributed among some 85 • other counties • Tons Jackson County st. Louis City st. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -4,230 and Louis County Greene County Buchanan County Jasper County Pettis County St. Franco is County • - 23,535 810 900 675 720 1,260 -31- GARDEN AND FOOD CONSERVATION • '.l.'he garden and tood conservation progrem, started last spring to roster subsistence gardening and canning by the state's unemployed, resulted in the planting of 73,722 home ge.rdena. The market Talue or the Tegetables produced in the anr- age home garden has been es1imated at $25.oo, indicating a return of toodatutts to all relier gardeners or $1,943,050.00. In addition to the home gardens, large tracts of land were obtained and d1Tided into individual plots :tor assignment to gardeners in urbm areas where many fa:niliea on relief are confined to small areas. Thirty such traeta, con- taining nearly 2,000 plots, were under cultiTation during the growing season. Community garden traete, also, were prortded as work relief projects. Approximately 3,000 aonJs in 204 different tracts were planted under this project. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Crops were distributed treah or canned in conmunity canning kitchens tor later distribution to persons on reliet • One hundred and twenty-tour canning centers tor conserving vegetables and fruits were set up 1n the counties, and, in addition, eight large beet canning ceIIters were established to process beet ~ the cattle purchase program. -32Olring to tawnble tall. weather, bmper crops of many late ngetables were harvested trom the community gardens. • Large quantities ot fruits and ngetables were taken to can- ning centers by relie:t and near-relief persons to be oe.nned on a ab.are basis. A total ot 2•4:68,390 cans ot truits put up prior to December 1. am vegetables wen Approximately 20 centers are still operating on a :ru.11-time basis. rn the ~ canning plants lo eated at St. J ose}il., Cape Girardeau. West Plains, Independence, Joplin, Sedalia, Flat B1Yv, and Hollister, a total of 5,522,737 cans o-r meat were prooe•sed. FEDERAL 'l'RANSim'l' PROORAJI When--in the process ot working out the Federa1 relief program--it ns found that there were thousands or single men B.114 :tamilies ill each state who could not rece1Te relief~ the state relief funds because they were non-residents, the Federal • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Transient Bureau was established to meet the situation. This bureau makes available to transients the relief' :raoi- lities ottered to resident needy. The work includes not only the care ot inter-state transients but intra-state transients as well. At strategic points, with reference to migration of transients, are located shelters. Work projects h~ve been organized at eaoh -3380 that men domiciled therein can be usefully utilized. These shelters are located at st. Louis, Kansas City, st. Joseph, • Springt'ield, Sedalia, Jefferson City, Nevada, Joplin, Poplar Blu:t:r, Chattee, Monett, and Branson. Transient camps are located at Jefferson City, Kansas City, st. Joseph, Springfield, Nevada, Poplar Bluff, end three in the St. Louis area. 'lbe Transient Bureau in Missouri cared :ror 127,938 indi- Tiduals and 22,008 transient fem111 s during the period December 1, 1933, to November 30, 1934. ~GENCY EDUCATION The F.duoational Division of the Missouri Relief and Reconstruction Commission disburses t\mds to employ needy unemployed persons competent to teach or to perform other types ot service 1n connection with vocational education, vocational rehabilitation, workers' education, general adult education, nursery schools, and illiteracy education. There are approximately 90,000 adult illiterates in the • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis State ot Missouri, of which 6,000 are being taught tor the first time to read and write the English language • .An average or 1,200 needy unemployed teachers now teach approximately 70,000 adults and children throughout the state. or the 1,200 teachers, 25 are teaching in penal and eleemosynary institutions in the State ot Missouri. -34During the school year 1933-34, a total of $575,586.82 was disbursed by the Dlucational Division to continue rural • schools Which otherwise -,uld have closed. This program reach- ed 1,219 schools in 106 counties and employed 4,202 teachers, teaching approximately 102,697 Missouri school children. STUDENr AID PROGRAM Missouri recei es a special allotment ot $39,975.00 month- ly ficm th Federal im.ergenoy Relief" Administration to provide aid to 2 1 665 needy college students in 54 Jlisaouri ins"titutions. The students who receive this aid were selected by the colleges OD the basi ot need and character and ability to do college work at high grade. Each student receives on an average of $15.00 a month in exchange tor work on socially desirable projects. A preliminary comparative analysis or grades received by student• at one institution showed that 45.2 per cent of the· relief freshmen received A's and B's, llb.ile only 22.4 per cent ot the non-relief freshmen receives grades this high • • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -35- MISSOURI RURAL REHABILITATION CORPORATION • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Pursuant to instructions of the Federal :Emergency Relief" Administ~tion, the Missouri Rural. Rehabilitation Corporation as organized and a charter was granted by the secretary state on September 12, 1934. or The purpose ot this Corporation, as set :t"orth in its charter, f'ollows: -To rehabilitate and temilies as selrsuataining human beings by enabling them to secure subsistence cd gaint'ul employment tram the soil, from coordinate and attiliated industries and enterprises and otherwise, in accordance with economic and social standards or good citizenship.• 'l'he original Board o:t" Direetora comprised Wallace c:roesley; Dean F. B. Mtimrord, o:t" the College o:t" Agriculture at Columbia; H. A. Buehler, state Geologist and Director tat1on; Mr-. 'I'. :r. ~ Rural. Rr'1ab111- :fflmonds, Regional Yield Bepresentative ot the Federal Energency Relief Administration; Mr. L. :a. Sehoen- mann, Regional Director or the Land Policy Section o:t" the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Urbana, Illinois; c. n. Bellows, Maryville, Missouri; L. ,D. Vandivort, Salem, Missouri; and R. R. Thomasson, Acting Director, Agri.eultural Extension. Service, Columbia,. Missouri. Ott1 cers of the Corporation are Wallace C'rossley, Presi- dent, and Ho B. Ottenbaoher, Secretary-T.reasurer. The Corporation ia tinanced. by tunds granted by the Federal. lbergency Belie~ Administrator. While the major and primary pu.~pose of rural rehabilitation is to enable worthy, destitute farm families to become • self-supporting on a plane consistent with .American standards and, insotar as possible, on their own faxms, this program has to deal with stranded populations in industrial or urban centers. It is a long-time program, for it is· recognized that com- · plete rehabilitation cannot be accomplished :Immediately. Hane or comm.unity gardens, food canning and conserve.ti on, poultry and pig raising, and production of milk tor :tamily use are recognized in general as the :tirst steps ot the rehabilitation program. Bene:riciaries are expeeted to make repayment in cash tor all capital goods, materials, and 811ppliee advanced to them. 'fhere are in Missouri, at the present time, numerous re- habilitation projects where a single family is involved. In addition, se~eral large projects have been started as tollows: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. A Rural Rehabilitation Institute at the School ot the Ozarks where 100 South Missouri boys amt girls are receiving special training • 2. ~ederal ~orest resettlement project in the Ozarks. 3. 'l'he Meremac resettlement project near t.,.,.e Clark Forest purchase unit in Dent County. 4. Opportunity Farm development in Benton County. 5. Relocation of displaced tarm families in Lincoln County. -37- • s. Relocation ot displaced families 1n the Lake at the Ozarks recreational project, Miller and CamJ den Counties. 7• Butler County resettlement project. a. Independence garden tract and canning factory developnent. 9o Taney County subsistence homestead end canning factory developnerrt. 10. nat River subsistence homestead developaent tar stranded miners. The Corporation has neariy 3,000 cows out on contract tor shelter, f'eed, end care tor the winter. In addition, 1,721 milk cows have been loaned to 1,721 reliet tamilies in which the~e are children and llhich has resulted in that many families being :IE-riielly or wholly taken tl'Olll relief. The remain- der of the cows in possession ot the Corporation are in eoneentration canps and their mill:, more than 500 gallons daily, is going into relief channels. Horses and mules are being purchased and will be used as part ot the capital goods necessary to rehabilitation. Tiro shops have been established by the Corporation Where aecondhand and broken down farm machinery can be put into re- • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis pair 'for exchange to rural rehabilitation clients • Harness work shops 'for the purpose o:f' making and repairing harnesses are being established. More than 400 Southeast Missouri rann.ers are being helped toward rehabilitation out by the drought. by aid in restoring strawberry beds burnt -38- EMERGENCY CONSERVATION YJORK In accordance with the Act of Congress entitled~ "An Act for the r~lief' of unemployment through the :performance of use- • ful public works, and other purposes" approved March 31, 1933, President Roosevelt, by executive order, launched the relier project known as 1!mergency Conservation Work, and established the Civilian Conserv tion Corps. :Fmergency Con~ervation Work is a relief' measure and not an employment program. The underlying purpose is to give thousands or young men, many of wham have never had the chance to hold down a. job, an opportunity to work from six months to a year at wholesome, healthy, outdoor activity. The program also aims to accomplish constructive, worthwhile work on national forests, national parks, state forests, state parks, and on other lands where measures undertaken by the Corps oon- tri bute to the welfare of the country as a whole. According to bulletins issued by the United States Department of Labor, t .h e purpose of this program is to build men by means of work which will advance a national pla.~ for American forestry. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis The Missouri Relief and Reconstruction Conmission is the agency designated by the United States Dep:lrtment of labor to select all junior members of the Civilian Conservation Corps. The selection of local experienced workers is the responsibility of' the state Fish and Game Department, under instruction or the United States Department of Labor. -39- Selection ot junior members is placed in the hands of loThe quota assigned to each county is cal relief eamnitteea. • based on the ratio of popula:tion ot the county t o the total population of the· state. J"unior COO members must be unmarried and between the ages ot 18 and 2, inclusive. No distinction is made bees.use ot race, creed, or :political taith. Men on probation or parole, and those auf'fering tran mental derangement cannot be certi- fied tor enrollment. In Tie• of the tact that Consenation Work is a relief measure, the relier c0D11Iittees have been instructed tha.t selection must be limited to boys in tsniliea on relief :rolls. or to young men in families in serious need--a1tbough not on relier ?"Olla. Because ot the exacting eligibility re- quirements. the welfare worker in each county is required to certify the eligibility ot the boys selected. In Missouri $2:i.OO ot the minimum $30. 00 received by each selectee must go to his dependents. In the tour periods ot enrollment begf.nning in April, • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1933, sd to March 31, 1934, a total ot 23, 805 junior CCC members and local experienced workers have been selected. In addition to those recruited by the Commission, 1,698 Teterans have been secured for CCC camps through the United States Veterans' Bureau. -40- All CCC members selected in Missouri at the present time are sent to 44 companies located within the state. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Four ot these companies are veterans' camps; two, Negro; and the remainder, junior CCC and local experienced men. Twelve compen• ies are stationed in the Federal forestry area and are under the supervision or the United States Forest Service. Salaries paid to CCC enrollees to December 31, 1934, aggregate $2,812,822.75. Other expenditures involved in the construction of camps and incidental items total $3,730,421.1 • This amount is exclusive of the cost ot railroad transportation or boys to camps when they are enrolled end to their homes when they are discharged. The following table is submitted ahosing the aelect1an or members of the CCC by periods: FIRST PERIOD: April 1 2 1933 1 to September 30 1 1933 Junior CCC men and local experienced men Veterans Total SECC!ID PERIOD: New New Old Old 800 8,300 October 1, 1933, to March 31 1 1934 New junior enrollees and local experienced men New veterans Old junior enrollees and local experienced men Old veterans Total T.HilID PERIOD: 7,500 4,085 108 3,413 694 8,300 April 1, 1934, to September 30 1 1934 junior enrollees 4Dd local experienced men veterans junior enrollees and local experienced men veterans Total 8,466 740 310 207 9, '123 -11- FOURTH PERIOD: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis October 1 2 1934 1 to March 31 1 1934 New junior enrollees and local experienced men New veterans Old junior enrollees and local experienced men ( estiillated) (estimated) Old veterans Total 3,754 50 5,075 854 9,733 RECi..?ITt"LATION Tote.l num.ber new junior CCC men and local experienced men Total ntr:nber new veterans Total 23,805 1,698 25,503 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis CORRECTION -42 RELIEF ADMINISTRATION During the month of November, the Missouri Relief and Reeons~ruction Connnission employed 4,265 persons 1n an administrative capacity. These workers received $355,674.93 which, with other commitments for administration, totaled $499,916.67, or 10.96 per cent of the total relief commitments for the state of $4,560,117.88. In addition to the employees by the Connnission, 192 relief employees in the counties were paid salaries from local public funds aggregating $16,657.45. A complete schedule of administrative personnel and sal- aries is on file in the Federal :Fmergency Relief Administration Finance Division, Washington, D. C.; Howard o. Hunter, Regional Re~esentetive of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration, Chicago, Illinois; and in the office of the State Auditor of Missouri. -43- ACCOUNTING .AND REPORTING All expenditures in Missouri tor relief-both from Fed- • eral and state funds-are scrutinized closely by officials of the Federal :Finergency Relief Administration. Special statistical reports, covering every phase ot relief, are made monthly, and telegraphic reports covering pay roll expenditures are made weekly. In addition, the records ot the office ere checked by the Federal field examiner who makes regular visits to Missouri. The entire :personnel and their salaries, and other items of expenditure, are approved by the regional representative of the Federal Emergency Relief .Administration and by the fi- nance division of that administration at Washington, D. Co In addition to the large auditing and reporting force at the state ottice, a group of field auditors is maintained, constantly checking county records, and instructing certifying officers and record clerks in the counties as to financial procedure. • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis It is a matter of considerable pride to the Relief Administration that there have never been any financial irregularities, beyond those of a petty nature easily adjusted, in the expenditure and distribution of the many millions of dollars in State and Federal funds turned over to the Relief and Reconstruction Commission by the Governor of Missouri. -44- FINAIDLlL REPORTS AND CASE LO.AD STATISTICS The :fi nancial report and case load statistics given in • this report cover the :period from September 1 , 1932, to Novem- ber 30, 1934: The figures are derived from the records ot the state office and :from reports sent to the state of:fice from the various counties. Reports of expenditures deal only with aid gi ven through the use of public monies, i.e., monies received tran taxation, and do not include private monies of any nature. Funds contributed by several political subdivisions have not been audited by the Commission, although they are rela- tively accurate. other public funds include moni es made avail- able by the State of Missouri and by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Federal :Emergency Relief Administration. The following summa.ry tables for the state are presented showing total funds expended for all programs, number of cases receiving relief, kinds ~d amounts of relief commodities distributed, and sources of ftmds expended f or all reliet activi- • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ties • The appendix to this report presents detailed analyses by counties o-f the information consolidated in the sunmaries. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data §I~'.!'.~ DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. TRANSIENI' C.W.A. Q.! :El-1EOOENCY ElJJeATION 45 M.!§§Q.Y:!L! SURPilJS GARDEN COt.MJDITY DROIDHI' RELIEF RURAL S'l'UDElll' REHABILITATION JI.ID TOTAL 1932 September October lfovl!lllber December TOTAL 63,463.26 402,901.51 479,460.,5 709~1'58.27 63,463.26 402,901.51 479,460.35 709,158.27 1,6,i;;983.39 1,654,983.39 713,258.83 766,945.30 931,190.13 1,002,697.31 1,015,749.23 912,81}8.43 797,657.97 936,203.44 573.~5.19 88<), 532. 76 1,074,9~(54 1, o67, 419. 35 2.2li 142,6oo.44 5·,678,059 ~ 8,367.67 7,633.62 6,489.87 22,184.73 14,555.03 9,253.oS 2,865.31 JB,010.27 46,578.18 34.,430.57 713,258.83 766,945.30 931,190.13 1,011,064.98 1,023,382.85 919,388.30 819,842.70 .9'4,162.58 585,055.72 893,o89.93 1,283.,012.35 4,969,o87. 79 10,681,531.48 142,602.68 3,868,055.55 135,997.76 6,863.42 34,430.57 14,869,481.46 751,645.85 699, li09 .62 868,492.90 1,031,691.35 1; 119,266.70 1,191,779.96 1,264,851.29 1,319, 721.12 1,367,780.69 1,975,733.45 l,8<)9,961.22 284,191.13 228,420.44 52,280.66 608,160.01 546, 8<J9. 99 338,419.25 770,979.53 1,396,321.05 1,252,470.12 1,474,775.40 1,861,012.05 6,6j1,329. 70 4,067,179.32 3,870,662.09 327,032.26 199,215.25 26,273.22 9,255_.63 50,829.81 ·62,,995.84 . 63,620.82 71,838.48 28,656.oB 28,558.13 90,727.36 150,137.69 125,739.19 160,407.59 211,689.24 3,115.3<> 72, 7°19.29 100,396.63 38,240.03 16,855.~ 62,910.02 48,58().&; 30,643.31 50,J.92.82 19,jGo.86 21,871.81 95,434.91 71,985.71 54,355.14 23,013.52 6,369.19 169,,674.30 126,831.36 471,499.04 631,490.99 196,828.20 106,316.23 70,358.80 231,749.78 271,654.42 227,453.88 1,380.97 5,704.70 7,666.37 30,169.69 47,130.97 70.00 53,127.26 30,067.64 13,490,334.15- 8;249,038.00 1,045,200.23 366,209.90 443,214.81 1,·869,354.17 907,533.11 92,052.70 186,438.25 1,181,197.99 366, 209. 90 450,078.23 1,903,784.74 907,533.11 92,052.70 186,438.25 1933 ,T,muar;r February r.rch April MB7 June Jul,7 Augw,t Septertber October to-.:ember December TOTAL 18<), 996. 30 3,4<>4.11 2,767.45 691.86 19,i. January February March April Ma7 June lul,7 August Septm::ber October •ovember TOTAL (RWl1D TOTAL * tooal Funds 25,826,849.02 8,249,038.00 187.26 565,079.49 15,130,947.47 * 2,754,323.05 707,682.17 21,753,326.07 3,070.94 2,209.59 1,935.38 185,993.22 54,335.34 4,747.39 8,614.90 38,8139.32 66,413.82 1,139,868.30 5,178,Bn.96 5,026,298.53 2,223,543.72 1,9.84,9o8. 70 1,796,091.33 2,530,430.61 3,122,590.25 3,496,234.09 4,686,440.94 4,560,117.88 ?2,322.47 23,466.12 27,860.26 27,681.75 1,842775 42,345,402'. 28 2,754,323.05 61,624,"190.18 * II Caee Load Oat.e §.1'.i\'.!'.~ • QI Ml§.§.2!:I!Ll NUMBER yrJ.R AND FAMILIF.S MONTH 46 PERSONS REPRESENTED NUMBBR SINGLE PERSONS ·r oTAL CASE LOAD 1932 7,516 28,127 36,413 47,663 30,702 n8,083 152,514 199,261 4,954 13,273 13,719 J 5,478 12,467 41,400 50 ,132 03,141 49,095 54,216 68,678 75,361 69,508 61,524 51,061 45,759 45,891 48,724 60,322, 59,887 2ll,8J 5 238,127 288,187 316,560 283,933 256,355 231,072 205,751 183.695 193,030 243,775 238, 524 13,143 15,456 15,566 17,404 17,822 15,337 10,258 10,271 10,104 1),,401 12,217 14,204 62 ,238 69,672 84,244 92,765 87 ,330 76,861 61,319 56,0_30 55,995 60,125 72,599 74,091 46,283 51,951 67,060 182,1.65 208,972 267,293 L' .262 15,331 15,819 58,545 67,282 82 , 879 71,42; 23, 11-76 88, 660 289,340 100, 992 364,395 14,331 696 15,027 85,7'¾ 24,172 103,687 n1 rect .'! ork Net 64,804 25,766 83,760 259,922 111,769 340,640 16,165 720 16,672 80,969 26,4Sf; 100,432 Direct Work Net July Direr.~t Work Net An::ust Direct Work Net Septemb':ll'.' Direct Work Net October Dir':lct Work Net November Direct Work Net 68,695 8,220 76,183 282,565 33,651 31;•, 7ll 13,617 46 13,663 82,312 3,226 f'. 9, 846 71,938 36,73 1.. 104,366 288, 299 165,260 435,397 11,,949 1,179 15,961 86,f>37 37,913 120,327 68,603 4:?,949 107,418 270,165 187,026 440,196 15,108 1,301 16,19)_ 83,711 l.J.4,250 123,609 71,074 47,997 113,101 283,147 211,T:/l 11-IS9,583 14,921. 16,11-92 85,998 49,857 J?.9, 599 73,714 67, 219 132,495 1 ~~ 6' 079 282,778 '.>43, 74c 15,521 :?, Ot33 17,296 89,235 69,302 149,791 76,405 65,955 131,769 296,E-96 291,509 540,45<.1 16,344 92,749 67, 810 September October November December 1933 January February March April May June J1ily Aucust September October November December 1934 January February March April Direct VJork Net f,l~y 1 June -• Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis t, P-6c-, J , 864 17, SIS0 149, [ 29 • • Ill Relief Camnoditiee STATE SALT SMOKED I'ORK P0RK BlfflER (lbs) 3,504,485 (lbs) 1,410,ll.'3 CP.3Nl£D BEEF (cane) APPLES (lbs) EOOS (doz) 984,244 416,630 11,735 OF MISSOURI BEOO TABUS 166 14 ORANGES BLABKE!'S 11,570 24,647 183,692 grN/1 SOUP CHEESE LARD HAMBORGER MEAT STOCK RO.AST CUTS RICE (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) {cane) ( ca'n,s) (cane) (cans) (lbs) 8,318.635 141,8o7 690,640 435;321 B"EAW: NP.VY FLOUR (lbs) MATTRESSES (boxes) (bags) (bu) CEREAL 16,138 FRESH FRESH VEAL (lbs) (lbs) BEEF 1;244,689· 944,577 P<:!rATOF!J IRISH MEAL (lba) (lbs) SUOAR (lbs) 194,106 87,800 107,800 ~ -.J 1,753,299 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 252,770 281,268 139;555 4,920 166,954 r:v Sourc~ of 1"und1, • §.'.!'.~'.!'.~ Q[ Ml§§Q!!Bl TOTAL FEDERAL STATE LOCAL 19.32 2,.364,82 174,866.60 158,734,92 270,1'4,6.3 September Ootober November Deoember $ TOTAL $ 606,100.97 61,098.44 228,034.91 320,725.43 439,023.64 $ 63,463.26 402,901.51 J+79,46o.35 709,158.27 $1,048,882.42 $ 1,654,983.39 $ 1933 January Febl'U8r7 Maroh April May June July August September Ootober November December TOTAL 135,754,32 70,913.27 188,894.08 383,562.43 .319,96o.38 62,151.74 211,447.02 188,.303.68 190,231.48 179,82},50 184,340.93 183,883.96 $2,299,266.79 $ 7:~3.23 726.79 688.08 646.22 1,807.43 2,593.43 2,969.37 79,339.83 174,263.17 2,444.68 2,323.93 5,525.29 576,771.28 695,305.24 · 741,607 ,97 626,856.33 701,615.04 854,643.13 605,426.31 686,519.07 220,561.07 710,821.75 1,096,347.49 4,779,678.54 274,061.45 $12,296,153.22 253,391.29 299,703.00 301,727.69 7,352.67 7,202.21 5,807.82 4,184.42 304,532 31 303,660.,, 338,765,"3 390,784.84 7,309,583.00 4,705,542.25 5,586,200,1~4 2,043,167.37 1,690,941.51 1,277,512.20 2,272,044 •.07 2,559,899.11 2,945,336.43 ,~,0;8,003,51 3,819,943.38 713,258.83 766,945.30 931,190.13 1,011,064.98 1,023,382.85 919,388.30 819,842.70 954,162.58 ;85,055,72 893,089.93 1,283,0J2,35 4,969,087.79 $ J.l~, 869, li81.46 19.34 Janua17 February March April Mq June July August September October !ovem.ber • 176,894.01 17.3,6.32.71 1,892,69.3.45 173,023.68 286,764.98 512,771.31 254,202.18 258,158.83 247,236.61 .309 ,671.85 '49,389.66 7,739,868.30 5,178,877.96 1,780,621. 58 2,223, 51~3. 72 1,984,908.70 1, 79<\091.33 2,530, 1+30 .67 3,122,590.25 3,496,2;4.oo 4,686, l~4o, 9J+ 4,560,117.% 1• TOTAL $4,634,439.27 $ 2,217,n2.79 $ 38,248,173.27 •;.> GBAHD 'rorAL $ 7,539,807.0-, $ 2,491,174,24 $ 51,593,208.91 ,,·,• 61,62\,190.13 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45,099, 7~5-}3 49 STATE ----- OF MISSOURI -------- AIMINISTRATIVE TABLE Relief -• Total Relief And Administrative Adminietrati've Percentage of 'Adm • .to Total 1932 September October November December TorAL $ $ 479,460.35 709,158.Z] 63,463.26 402,901.51 479,460.35 709,158oZ7 1,654,983.39 1,654,983.39 63,463.26 402,9Jl.51 1933 January_ February March April May June July August September October Novembe?" · December TorAL .19 711,874.65 764,011024 926,706.07 976,370.08 988,839.54 890,384.63 .soi, 701.30 922,729.15 499,836.50 789,901.96 1,172,184.87 4,744,166099 1,384.18 ·2,934.06 ,4,484006 34,694.90 34,543.31 29,003.67 18,141.40 31,433.43 85,219.22 103,187.97 110,827.48 224,920.80 7l3,258.B3 766,945.30 931,190.13 1,011,064.98 1,023,382.S5 919,388.30 819,842070954,162.58 585,055072 893,089.93 1,283,012.35 4,969,087.79 14.53 13.06 9.21 4.52 14,188,706.98 680,774.48 14,869,481.46 4.67 7,447,.536.41 4,900,323.84 7,365,655.90 1,917,138.95 1,603,782.51 1,554,366.49 2,158,124.26 2,707,546.08 3,010,621.24 4,209,722;-83 4,060,201.21 292 , }~1,.89 278,554.12 414', 965.68 306,404.77 381,126.19 241,724.84 372,306.41 415,044.17 485,612.76 476,718.11 · 499,916.67 7,739,868.30 5\178,877.96 7,780,621.58 2,223,543.72 1,984,908.70 1,796,091.33 2,530,430.67 3,122,590.25 3,496,234.00 4,686, 41~0.94 4,560,117.88 3.78 5.37 5.32 13079 19.20 13.45 14.71 1;.29 13088 10.17 10.96 .3.8 .48 3.43 3.37 3.15 2.21 3.3 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November Tq.I'AL GRAND TOl'AL 40,935,019.72 4,164,705.61 45,099,725.33 9.23 $56,778,710.09 f4,845,48o.09 $61,624,199.18 7.87 Note: t: • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1. No adm1n1strat1ve ·expenae is ahCMn pr1~r to Janl.tal'.".Y', 1933, since expenditures for this purpose were paid from funds appropriated to. the office of the Governor • 2. Prior to the month of September, 1933, relief was administered 1n part through local private agencies. Therefore administrative expenses reported for this period are small. 3. The percentage -of administrative expense to total expenditures shows a marked decline durin8 the -period between November, 1933, and April, 1934, because of large expenditures of the c.w.A. program. The increase followin8 this period is due to, the fact that a portion of the c.w.A. staff were retained to canplete necessary records after the program had been completed. In addition to this, additional personnel w~s necessitated in the month of May for the Work Program. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis APPENDIX Table l • Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Expenditures by counties and by months for the period Septa"'!lber 1, 1932, to November 30, 1934, for the various programs cai-ried on by the Commission. weal contribution supplementing C~A funds as given in Column 5 are reported in the month of March for the entire period ity. or CWA activ- • • I Financial Data §!~!~ Y-dill AND MONTH DIRECT WORK RELIEF RELIEF $ $ Q!!!Q! GARDEN -& FOOD EMERGENCY c.w.A. c.w.s. $ $ $ STUDEBT RURAL DROUGHr SURPllJS F.OOCATION CONSERVATION C()f.M()DITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION TRANSIENTS $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL AID $ $ 1932 SP.pternb~r October November December T0rAL 1933 January February March April May ,June July August September October November December 1,384.18 2,934.06 4,484.06 4,528.09 5,868.77 9,591.23 6,663.66 5,015.81 4,358.56 9,113.63 16,890.75 17,001.21 26,691.00 535.39 6,018.14 425.50* 31,219.23* TOTAL 87,834 .01 26,691.00 6,553.53 31,644.73 28,001.30 32,174.25 19,020.85 17,222.94 9,324.55 6,289.15 9,401.66 8,283,06 9,373.80 15,502.96 9,327.67 53,445.83 13,289.20 47,817.48 25,986.12 14,522.97 37,320.88 16,815.60 5,910.46 5,783.49 1,874.17 187.26 34,430.57* 1,384.18 2,934.o6 4,484.o6 4,528.09 5,868.77 9,591.23 6,663.66 8,419.~ 7,126.01 9,805.49 17,851.64 115,360.15 34,430.57 194,017.26- 3,4o4.u 2,767.45 691.86 6,863·.42 1934 January February March April May June July August Sept.ember October November TOTAL GRAND TOTAL * 71,935.24 58,596.98 65,770.65 72,675.95 103,682.33 85,424.63 98,042.90 160,527.23 158,566.83 280,481.89 295,431.73 351,804.86 87,390.82 274,753.63 140,877.71 224,256.78 252,4oo.15 271,445.01 288,807.2.3 163,922.19 716,655.91 115,973.54 106,979.92 299,705.15 215,996.02 214,259.37 545,168.78 123,016.52 49,844.76 74,694.48 2,626,216.6Jt. 251,756.20 716,655.91 142,664.54 113,533.45 331,349.88 215,996.02 221,122.79 579,599 •.35 123,016.52 49,844.76 74,694.48 2,820,2'3.90 November, 1933 to April, 1934, no~ charged to counties. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 21,871.81* 41,958.69* 3,115.36* 95,434.91* 22,322.47* 53,631.30* 53,324.97* 3,070.94 72,719.29* 71,985.71* 23,466.12* 61,009.46* 2,209.59 100,396.63* 54,355.14 27,86o.26* " 6,053.82 5,522.09 103.13 1,879.79 4,772.62 185,888.60 3,434.07 2,815.05 4o,o47.61 3,211.11 4,773.05 7,311.23 493.26 1,089.67 17,414.29 3,179.11 5,772.98 64,807.71 18,791.39 2,138.65 3,428.30 6,180.34 6,331.85 90,227.34 45,810.49 5,623.4(> 9,247.15 8,624.80 15,767 .oo. 6,548.32 112,129.30 5,003.53 579.05 8,816.94 5,373.01 5,645.73 24,127.45 49,296.58 25,226.04 466.58 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I ~ ~ ~ .! !! Financial Data £ .Q !! !! ! ! YEAR AND MONI'li DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIElll' EDUCATION GARDEN SURPWS C~ODITIES DROUGHI' RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION AID TOI'AL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY Sl'UDENT 1932 September October November December TOl'AL 1933 January February 1,748.00 March 2,267.03 April 1,976.65 May 1,813.18 June 1,652.21 July August September 913.52 October 298.01 November 439.29 48o.o6 December 1,748.00 2,267.03 1,876.65 1,813.18 1,652.21 539.45 986.87 20,393.34 19.00 21.82 21.84 18.06 11,587.95 539.45 21,380.21 80.72 January 219.76 February March April 1,975.75 1,363.78 MaT 891.50 915.70 207.89 26,144.04 12,297.82 8,-911.23 188.54 70.93 TOl'AL 1934 1,630.01 July 2,141.19 August 167.05 September 125.75 October 4,121.84 NoTember 2,876.20 June 14,621.33 TOl'AL GRAND TOl'AL *26,209.28 ... * ff 3,462.50 5,426.22 2,372.36 3,164.53 5,133.56 5,013.91 9,338-79 20,603.33 300.Jt.3 180.00 25.30 332.49 787.36. 54,515.20 2,015.09 H ***54,515.20 2,554.54- Includes $19,996°93 Local Funds. Includes $5,144.05 5.50 47,912.99 7,393.27 76,686.47 Local Funds. Local Funds • 140.46 84.59 216.85 300.38 6o.oo 120.00 2,254.97 1,o63.68 2,730.12 1,048.19 352.00 529.11 2,337.18 32.76 40.21 16.5442 •.78 142~,1 106.88 5.50 1,325.15 922.28 6,155.65 4,299.2li- 242.10· 86.22 1,325.15 922.28 6,155.65 4-,299.2li- 242.10 3,3'6-00 2,034.20 932'-52 319.83 1,448.00 21,430.91 33,588-3:3 27,255.30 13,213.,2 9,119.12 5,632.29 7,001.39 4,387.39 6,857.64 5,993.20 8,025.58 20,712.76 29,206.54 5,390.20 137,404.73 7,393.27 5,390.20 178,386.33 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ~ ! E~ ~ !! _q .Q ~ !! ! I Financial Data ! YEAR RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT ' EWCATIOJT GARllE1l CCM-10DrrIES DROOGBT RELIEF RURAL REHABILrrATION srUDE!l.l' AID TCYrAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DIRECT AND MONl'H SORPWS EMERQDCY $ 1932 September October November December TCYrAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 374.24 513.18 603.17 374.24 513.18 6o3.17 310.68 310.68 282.00 282.00 2,083.27 TCYrAL 1934 January February March April 1,918.20 991.50 May 241.07 6,257.17 6,498.24 241.07 6,257.17 8,581.51 763.86 551.48 133.34 9,6o2.85 4,529.64 3,329.64 117.68 10,366.71 5,081.12 3,462.98 2,035.88 1,116.50 14.3() 3,423.72 4,o4o.45 8,016.72 17,379.20 5,932.75 June July August September October 1,346.21 November 555.15 TCYrAL GRAND TCYrAL 1,901.36 *~,984.63 ... * ff* 1,027.99 3,915.45 3,723.73 2,990.11 4,652.78 17,579.81 H-l0,169.99 34,006.97 H-*19,219-76 1,689.75 19,219.76 1,448,68 Includes $2,948.06 Local Funds. Local Funds • Includes $925.49 Local Funds. 29.41 125.00 14.3() 47.56 125.00 37.50 236.50 2,318.76 2,663.99 426.63 187.73 1,629.00 12,578.75 300.59 303.41 311.86 5,597.11 14,508.34 303.41 311.86 5,597.11 14,508.34 6o,870.33 10,169.99 79,621.83 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ~ n:AR AND DIRECT RELIEF MONTH $ WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ ! £ g .! ~ 2 !! TRANSIENT $ I Fimmc ia 1 Data £ 2 !! !! ! ! EMERGENCY ElXJCATION $ GARDEN $ 1932. SUBPilJS COM-IODrI'IES $ DROUGHT RURAL RELIEF STUDENI' REHP.BILITP.TION AID TOTAL $ .., $ $ ¢- September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February ~rch April May June July August September October November December TO!'AL 564.64 456.95 333.04 376.17 448.50 624.94 167.25 617.b2 996.12 564.64 456.95 333.04 376.17 448.50 624.94 172.37 617.62 10,803.61 5.12 257.22 9,550.27 4,585.23 257.22 9,550.27 787.46 1,036.69 878.92 217.79 5.12 14,397.84 1934 January February March 370.50 838.17 132.00 1,966.95 965.10 July 116.50 August Se ptember October 1,237.37 November 1,556.47 2,192.20 3,577.20 4,236.40 4,870.17 4,910.52 April May June TOTAL GRAND TOI'AL 5,038.47 22,718.54 2,133.40 *9,623.70 ***22,718.54 2,390.62 * Includes $8,853.31 Local Funds. ** Local Funds . Includes $236.54 Local Funds. -IHHt 9,799.54 25.08 4,285.82 3,208.52 114.68 54,Bo 150.00 17,408.56 25.08 *16,130.93 43,089.76 30.20 130.75 57.84 203.28 270.12 155.65 225.00 1,741.24 8.oo 324.00 93.6o 69.96 53,327.57 1,276.04 204.Bo 1,042.64 2,073.24 54,767.17 204 . 80 1,042.64 2,073.24 54,767.17 720.00 359,8o u,648.77 5,164.74 3,796.81 2,919.Bo 1,227.85 57.84 4,346.82 3,855.32 4,786.01 60,434.91 8,252.83 1,079.80 106,491.70 16,130.93 1,079.Bo 137,020.47 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ,, • ~!!~~~.!!! I F:tnancial re ta .22!:!!!'.!'.! y_,p:n :.:;D l>3EC'r WOP.K STUDENT TP..~,NSIENT EMERGElWY EDUCATION RURP.L RELD:F c.:·,'.A. DROUGHT R:C:LIEF c.w.s. SURPllJS ~viu:·?~R GARDEN COM-\ODIT IES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOI'AL $ $ y " $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ D32 '.':1:!1J~<>:-1ber i;0vember i.iecember 1,237.50 1,603.64 l,'.)61,55 1,237.50 1,608.64 1,961.55 TOTAL 4,8o7.69 4,8o7.69 23J..99 1,483 . 20 1,584 .23 231.99 1,483.20 1,584.23 468.22 315.45 55.23 26.75 Oc~:,1J,~ r i:-153 Januar.v Fr,bruary M<lrch P.pril 463.22 !,lay J1.:ne July August Cr,ptember October November Decembt>,.. TarAL 315.45 55.23 26.75 618.76 543.25 895.51 225.24 733.75 10,596.57 1.88 6.22 4.88 620.64 1,283.22 11,722.20 6,222 .59 225.24 11,330.32 12.98 17,791.13 676.78 1,009.25 826.68 152.86 16,903.75 10,114.l~l 6,'.)T(.43 l,067.98 6.01 18,595.79 10,941.09 1,130.34 5,151,50 3,707,53 623.49 5,593,49 1,123.82 5,076.46 15,243,39 8,259.56 1934 January i<'ebruary ~~rch April ~y Ju e 11 July 158.00 1,193.73 389.08 953.00 August September 1,218.00 October 1,508.11 November 1,933.12 rOI'AL 8,029.82 3,925.52 2,033 .43 2.50 3,171.76 3,995,43 3,519,97 4,441.90 5,250.75 26,3~1.26 1,988.79 }RAND ':OI'AL *19,060.10 -~ 26,341.26 2,214.03 298 ,71 35,362.33 **7,407 .21 54,099.86 Includes $14,355.62 Local Funds, Local Funds, Includes $1,053,32 Local Funds. 1.50 27.50 52.8o 57.20 181.66 231,91 335.17 1,572.78 168.95 289.17 187.47 73.56 1,555.61 48.37 57.63 203.70 8,874.20 346.45 93.67 19.58 279.37 7.51 137-50 2,967.11 1,938.87 10,28o.65 392.62 20.~9 137.50 2,967.11 1,938.87 10,28o.65 392,62 1,060.00 87, 446.~6 7,4o7,21 117,452.49 • • BARRY ----- I Financial Data COUNTY ------ YEAR AND Lil'.ECT WORK MONT"tl ID:LIEF REUEF C. Vl.S. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EIXJCATION GARDEN COtJMODITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPWS EMERGENCY DROUGHT RELIEF STUDEN'r RURAL TOI'AL REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ 1932 September Oct,ober Nov'3mber D<;cember TCJrAL 1933 January February lViarch 583.40 660.19 691.67 721.28 583.40 660.19 691.67 721.28 April May June July Jlugust Septi:!mber October 1,884.25 1,309.45 13,065.13 14.14 107,82 2,246,97 17,132.06 5,870.42 1,884.25 14,374.58 14.14 22,143.39 1,344.69 l,4li2. 72 1,588.96 1,343.60 869.72 1,013.54 1,002.88 1,328.93 1,570.58 1,970.54 2,002.14 2,836.56 1,972.91 228,56 .75 1,749.90 1,000.00 144.00 1,988.29 3,404.Bo 8,339.20 14,998.05 2,646.12 19,563.09 10,374.54 8,922.01 663.12 12.00 23,745,09 13,791.17 10,739.53 3,758.87 3,000.76 1,665.22 10,244.30 7,866.06 47,067.04 45,563.94 30,972.65 15,478.30 34,270.36 December 107.82 937.52 2,168.51~ TCYI'AL Uov!".mber 1934 January February March April May June July AuguAt Sr:ptember October November TCYI'AL GRAND TOTAL * 21,348.72 *** 34,270.36 * ** *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ... 6,922.28 5,038.03 IncludeB $6,406.02 Local Funds. LocAl Funds. Includes $5,541.82 Local Funds. 39,534.76 22,767.38 76,676.72 1.00 2.25 438.33 470.64 2,298.68 2,409.04 2,582.47 2,298.13 3,300.89 1,800.50 400.00 144.73 655.28 280.71 37.04 6o2.07 523.29 399.93 788.45 450.4o 1,651.88 5.50 25,574.84 24,237.73 20,223.07 13,8o2.18 2,6oo.51 3,081.89 72,093.02 13,816.32 2,6oo.51 3,o81.89 72,093.02 900.00 194, 50 . 8,600.02 225.87 8o5.21 639.44 754.54 261.00 135.00 10,725.60 1,393,98 396.00 10,725.6o 1,393,98 396.00 198,414.63 22,767.38 243,325.40 ,, • ~~S!Q! Q Q !l I F1rumc1al Data ! I .I E/-.R Arm ;,1~ti'PH WORK DlibCT HSU r:F ffi:L[EF ~ $ SUNPUJS EMEHGENCY C.'i,.S . :~ C.W.A. TRANSIENT $ $ EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ CO!,tJODITES $ DRvOOHI' RELIEF ... 't' RURAL S'ruDEN'.r REHABILITATIGN AID $ $ TOTP..L $ .l -;13-::: :-~:~:. ~ t•?.mber uc t.obt;,r '.hV•Jmh,_. r D ~ce,.1b Gr 0 ·r;. Yr,·,1. 193:tf~'t!l('1 r2· y, ,brv.e r:,1·~~ ·· r ('- }1 .. :ay 79J . ) .J ~03. 3] .J1:."/1P. C,64. ~ i. :.. rt .• 790 .98 503.31 664.38 ~;uly · ,'.u ·-:us t 81!~. 1;1 .;c t obe r 1,330 . Oij ti,)Ver,!1Jer llflC''3mb·:-r 417 . =t.; 1, 092 .21 J , :) ) _'1 . 40 J.'.J ,123. 92 4,25 814.10 1,330.00 417 .96 12,853.7S l'J';'f,L 6,212.9!1 1,033,)~!) 10,123 .92 4.25 17,374.51 2, 2TJ,32 2,450.24 2,107.48 2,751. 63 2,073.13 1,484.40 1, 1-391. 58 2,083.16 2,106.30 2,422.31 :?,562.00 Bo9.10 1,464.90 19,99 1,3,..7.65 4, 085.39 4,395.59 6,297.80 8,533.57 2,212.85 1,602.24 326.15 23,439.18 13,166.65 ll,992 .19 264.01 3.25 6.50 1.00 24,202.61 26,953.99 :::i•Ji tcmbe.c 1~)34 January Februt1ry March April May June July Au3t1st September October Novemb~r TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * 30,415.55**-1126,953.99 94.48 308.81 245.36 35.75 ,.. ,~4.21 427.27 195.00 107.30 100.00 25.20 1,650.00 245.58 584.47 11.13 3,307.00 715.79 37,55 2.00 27.60 109.35 10.75 1,355.65 1,554.89 2,505.25 4,033.92 176.50 15.00 1,355.65 1,554.89 2,505.25 4,033.92 176. 50 952 .36 4,141.24 48, 862.03 ** 38,255.65 5,174.64 97,241.60 * Includes $7,782.79 Local Funds ** Local Funds *** Includes $2,902.04 Loc~l Funds 27,922 . 41 17,222.38 14,432.32 3,825.74 3,783.39 1,540.14 4,635.80 6,669.70 11,655.89 9,910.86 12,198.20 113,796.83 38,255.65 169,426.99 • JI .l. BATES COUNTY YEAR AND MONTH Financial Data DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EIXJCATION GABDEN CQl.t.10DITIES RELIEF RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPllJS DROOOHT $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April September October November TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 45·,92 12,577.22 926.22 788.8o 201,45 18,407.49 10,068.98 6,999.14 1,266.30 12.10 1.05 15.66 11.78 12,35 8.15 19,786.28 11,709.02 8,397,37 5,290.65 2,328.59 1,015.58 5,655.70 6,576.37 9,533,88 14,234.56 10,948.28 451,52 835.58 1,185.00 1,506.40 1,039.70 969,30 952.29 1,070.75 1,680.00 1,638.98 1,945.98 September October November December August 10,758.46 1,593.63 August 1934 January February March April May June July 179.21 179,21 June July TOTAL 203.10 10,555.36 5.88 5,70 10.88 i2:02 n.44 450.00 450.00 40.00 53.42 94.07 33.68 56,99 385.29 11,013.77 - 450.00 450.00 40.00 53,42 88.19 27.98 46.11 170.17 267.76 May 2,505.60 930.30 ,70 2,610.88 5,055.34 7,486.51 6,556.12 8,6o9.6o 1,829.00 75.00 130,92 33,755,05 1,916.47 13,275,50 36,754.01 20,146.64 33,755,05 2,095.68 , 67,659.11 * ff: *-H -1HHt Includes $4,8o2,50 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $35,06 Local Funds. 2,213.65 283.83 222.20 3,143,70 12.95 257.11 248.83 48.99 2,034.92 1,309.07 2,213.65 3,662.68 505.94 94,91 2,034.92 1,309.07 2,213.65 3,662.68 505.94 ff: 14,869.13 }~-34 45.58 263,53 166.45 145.1.7 350.00 95,476.28 20,146.6li. 128,200.14 • • I YEAR AND MONTH Fln!l.ncial COUNTY ------ ~E:!!!~!! Dat~ DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. C,\'l.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EWCATION GARDEN SURPWS COMMODITIES RELIT.F STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION .O.ID ~: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DROUGHT $ TOI'AL $ 1932 September October November Ilflcember 1933 January FP-bruary March April May June July August September October November December TOI'AL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November T(!fAL GRAND T(!fAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 324.50 324.50 716.60 490.20 9,240.78 105.00 786.36 10,271.69 1,039.97 716.60 9,730.98 ll,487.55 343.13 1,402.45 977.77 155.88 12,464.5~ 5,558.62 3,683.43 143.68 7.56 105 .00 296.16 314.31 585.91 275.76 1,930.51 996.00 135.00 2,636.16 4,087.21 4,047.69 4,474.40 5,726.36 50.58 331.39 1,721.77 ** 2,761.74 23,898.33 2,536.10 23,898.33 3,252.70 Includes $2,050.46 Local funds. 120.38 4.48 128.45 137.44 265.00 ll0.00 65.74 - * * 1.89 Local Funds. 21,857.83 6,565.49 38,154.30 4.14 7,037.50 101.00 4,136.30 2,378.94 7.00 81.25 142.78 121.lO 1,255.88 1,690.74 2.60 23.70 n9.87 1.89 65.7~ 765.75 1,3,664.88 3,291.75 146.17 1.89 65.74 765.75 13,664.88 3,291.75 146.17 13,866.99 6,881.41 3,839.31 2,66o.10 1,403.81~ 4.48 10,018.36 4,468.43 8,572.69 8,293.50 7,941.10 67,950.21 6,565.49 86,003.25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • D V YEAR AND MJNTH 1932 DIRECT RELIEF $ WORK RELIEF $ .I., ~ .L ._j ;.;. .I!: R QQY!IX :EMERQ-UCY cws $ <:I/A ~ $ September October November December TRANSIENT * EDUCATION $ GABllEN $ I Financial Data Su~lli::; C0M'lODITIFi; $ DROIDHI' BELIEF $ RUBAL REHABILITATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July 51.00 321.50 , 25.00 72.00 51.00 ,21.50 25.00 72.00 August September October .)Joftmber ~ember 195.80 236.74 6;,21.28 6,959.8'2 TOTAL 665.,0 236.74 6,527.28 7,429.32 804.:51 6:55.20 1'4.89 8,156.68 2,916.41 3,747.32 1o6.68 53.22 8,96o.99 3,551.61 3,882.21 2,009.88 1,826.54 546.93 ,,,19.15 6,337.6:5 .5,119.04 .6,639.51 7,865.13 1934 Januar;y February March April ~ June July August se,tember October lfovember TOTAL Grand TOTAL &.oo 1,819.20 1,2.00 498.93 775.56 627.67 9i8.29 1,294.69 1,202.61 1,492.85 201.69 48.oo 55.25 367.0:5 · 62.81 7.59 55.00 62.59 120.00 123.00 5,533.75 24,272.17 1,574.40 14,~.09 180.43 927,19 2,047.35 ·435,17 . 161.07 50,058.62 -6,199.05 Jdt'il-24,272.17 1,811.14 21,454,.37 180.43 927.19 2,047.'5 435.17 161:01 .,7,i.87.94 2,1o8.96 3,874.26 3,996.45 4,444.96 6.535.49 *Includes $'7~.,o Local f'lmd8 ***Inoludea 1,781.9li. Local fmlda i..66 12.'5 1,665.00 ,S.88 324.56 • 6.'6 15.76 22.11 m.,o 92.13 15.72 • • Fimm:::i<ll Data 3 no N' ::: 80U:JTY , ._·. !f S°J- ~,-; ·;.1 ~-·-~ .L.tS~.::· :·1., : , . ( /·: ..~'1~.~ . .'Gl:r~ :i:ilIERGi::N"CY _r ·r:,E.: C, '. i, ': , ,;, • • I vr- ....... ,. -~; E'!,.:LT.1'. ;• EDUCATION ..t • ... ~· Gf,RDfilI C'. •p ~~U:.~PLU2 COi1iMODITIES .,,cl! IBOUCET iELIEF $ RTJRA.L R:':H.\BILITATIO}T STlJD?N'I' AID TOTA.L ,.. .,, .,,<· .i., -- ~' .. , _ : -- t.- :.. 11-·. r ~~(,j. ~1•.) ·~~ 'a.~:. ~!) ::-t.; J -- 1' :; _, 1 ,-' .-.J\.- - . .1;,- ,· r ~~----.c ~ ,. ?.72.7·:- :_•;:·l L ? ,l:~7 .51 1~ 1 ,33 J,muqr;,' ?65 . .·:6 64~-- .95 1,27.2. 7c 2,1 '7,51 _,.:;3,2·:·, .!.· ~ tr~l:'1:t"'·r 1/.:,27 .y~ ::~rc '1 1 ) c..?l'E f.:$!.7 Jt:n~ 3, lJ~. 'JC: :?,31~.Y } 963.~•=-' 1,h27.55 1 , ::, 17. ··1 2,:317.51 3, l :,tf, 6?. 2,51Jf,'50 )~:,5.13 7::-,1.oc Jvl:r '.JS3,J.'3 2.50 .i-\"U.1l::-3t 793,5r. f:· , ) ~. . : ~~l°Jr·r Oct,ob,.r F9,27 H3.62 i:ov"'mbi,r 116.00 11,250.83 3,817.17 l;.6, 47tf, 56 12,617.1.3 11,250.83 50,291.83 3c,,5c 10,&37 , 1f7 15,049.70 333.32 85,792.01 83,082.14 76,182.12 5,8o2.63 268.10 82.50 I><'CPJ':lb<',l' TOTAL 199,17 3,965.79 57,.i::.41,49 2.50 74,162.311 1:;31. Jqnuary Febru'.:!r;r j\;~~rcn i9,:)J 4;:o.40 491,35 535-3'.5 642.40 "•:?ril May Junr Jt;._ly August 905,5') 4,475,10 2,999,40 791,94 E_'...,ptember 884.50 Oetob'5r 98.21 November 1,148.29 3,319,50 5,321.85 3,496.95 5,135,17 7,646.06 6,045.44 37,394.03 *20,850,13 37,39 1+,03 TOTAL ,lf,570.49 256,209.50 -IHl-55,881.31 45,821.32 362,382.64 * Includes $11,722 . 34 Local Funds ** Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 5.60 75.00 743.01 1,189.75 265.77 128.00 633,70 1,138.66 282.36 466.35 }51.02 2,013.36 2,013.36 7,20 1,633.75 2,613.69 1,776.76 599,68 159,l.3 282.7{; 4,185.22 5,310,73 7,951.0l+ 32,75 3.82 16.75 3,045.86 6,623.88 17,889.23 58.32 3,045.86 6,623.88 11,889.23 58.32 7.00 9,346.20 5,735,40 104,509.98 103,150.84 77 ,513,84 10,769.08 4,068.62 860.10 5,018.18 9,174,56 16,'177,47 22,885.25 24,417.99 15,095.Bo 378,9q5.91 55,881.31 15,095.So 511,177.07 - • I F:!.nar,ci~l DatP.- COUNT Y BUCHi'. NAN ------------'['~~ti..~: ~.Nll ~;i,Jt.:'l'H l.iIHSCT Rl-~LT'.!:F \'!Oi.iK 3ELIEF •> .,,. . c.w.s. $ SURFL'JS l.JR0UG.E'f ~URAL TRANf·I ~:NT FDUCATI:)N GARDEN C().;ifv'iODI't'IES RF.LE? REILA3ILITATION :"TUD?N'I' JI.ID t $ $ $ $ t. ~-. E1,rr:r-1GEUC Y c.w.A. ~ '+' :!.. ;: :5;~ :~ r ~· t.,...rr.t•t r ~ . l;. , 349 . :~7 4,3 11-9 . 67 O~to :Jt~ r TOTAL l!ov~-r:tb'~l" D<:·ccmb"' r ?.4,320.~) 10, 226 . 5li 2\ ,3?.0. '55 TJIAL 33,396.96 33, 096.96 31,890.74 27,8:;G.% 20,13".; .25 Apr:U 33,719.60 ~y 34,47:.51 JunP20,--}'.>9-59 July 10 ,191+.36 A'..lgust 12,602.78 SeptembP.r 11,875.65 October 12,306.58 Novrn1ber 19,718.18 Tu-cember 13,887.86 3l/39C . 74 21, ey;_r34 7,332.46 254,598.94 7,332.46 1-:; ,226.::;J+ 1933 January February 'Jl,u·ch TOTAL 1')?;4 16,82li.15 Je.nuary February 18,711.65 Mai·ch 21~,557 .45 t.prU 25,285.24 May 12,823.36 June 15,762.06 July 18,132.10 August 23,492.06 Sq>tnmber 24,547.10 October 20,619.75 HovP.mber 25,652.66 TOTAL 17,872.69 13,406.06 13,145.72 14,961.05 36,553.31 52,676.03 61,630.48 74,152.8o 8,518.18 84,724.25 118.72 737.58 1,493.46 1,470.36 2,769.07 2,l37.14 20,135.25 33,?J..9.60 3li,4-n_ . '51 20,959.59 10,315.08 13, 3l+O .36 13,369.11 13, 776.9li 31,005.43 113,081 .71 93,242.43 8,726.33 363, 900 ,16 9,583.71 153,979.10 7,450.81 1~4,229.29 1,601.34 77,345.70 9,914.43 1,376.98 2,839.58 2,612.75 2,523.25 1,700.00 973.35 10,656.42 16,360.63 19,957.07 21,884.27 30,372.14 2,010.57 502.37 141.57 284,1~18.14 18,635.86 348,123.03 H"34 1 001 • 00 *519,903.i..8 *ff-284,418.14 25,968.32 475,372.46 226,407.58 * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Includes $148,075.16 Local Funds H- " 281.68 371.20 189.09 1,669.55 2,441.96 878.89 81.10 2,240.00 2,732.76 1,301.72 266 . '/~ 2,659.73 1,012. 51 9,423.74 43' ' ~ 20,084.10 12,577.83 12,740.53 2,580.06 4,785.6o 83.20 144.25 111,256.4-4 4,953.48 5,141.29 38,100.32 25,459.58 7,593-11 119,982.77 4,953.48 5,141.29 38,100.32 25,459.58 7,593.11 537.51 79 1+.08 798.64 141.22 753.10 759.80 181,763.94 133,231.33 106,117.24 55,595.61 31,356.39 31,258.68 47,372.68 83,391.74 105,081.25 129,654.43 166,778.44 1,512.90 1,071,601.73 34,007.00 1,512.90 1,508,405.85 Local Funds ***Incluces $8,354.13 Local Funds I ""· • • BUTLER YEAR AND MONTH RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ $ DIRECT C.W.A. $ TRANSIENI' $ I COUNTY ™ERGENCY EDUCATION $ Financial Data GARDEN $ SlJBPllJS COrvM)DITIF.S $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL REHABILITATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 699.12 504.89 699.12 504.89 1,204.01 1,204.01 541.55 1,058.20 2,164.10 4,375.03 3,219.30 812.95 1,453.75 1,412.63 1,426.45 1,384.43 1,531.90 3,023.71 541.55 ll058.20 2,164.10 4,375.03 3,719.30 812.95 1,461.20 1,420.30 1,440.30 1,!, _;· .78 3,269.55 22,404.00 1,500.00 4,107.65 6,309.31 5,159.03 5,269.81 6,720.32 4,810.25 6,350.,0 5,208.ll 5,381.58 5,658.70 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 500.00 l,0;4.62 21,977.26 7.45 7.67 13.85 25.35 18.16 10.68 28,281.20 3,269.55 23,011.88 583.16 49,268.59 5,262.97 2,143.78 247.o4 29,186.87 16,039.13 , 14,737.95 408.50 3.78 3.16 736.48 2, :,04.62 19;4 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 56,475.06 2,000.00 3,373.60 3,086.46 9,381.12 13,686.86 10, 35:-'i.J.l 6,211"~$1 6,601.11 54,720.90 *8o,083.07-1HHt 54,720.90 * ** Includes weal fund.a it-+* Includes 7,653.79 10,923,;4 .74 1,236.78 4,875.55 8,721.57 5,548.87 6,683.14 8,138.26 61,115.87 35,214.66 -11,010. 75 95,138.50 35,797.82 ,11,883.29 weal funds $ 2,221.42 9.75 weal funds 418.76 128.82 316.16 568.78 1,040.28 905.23 2,455.37 3,507.20 337.30 251.67 5,153.77 25.~o 593.24 3,398.29 212.19 18.37 211.94 2,085.00 2,124.88 l,:?(9,18 15.00 66.91 1,277.77 6,010.63 12,254.27 5,479.06 81.91 1,277.77 6,010.63 12,254.27 5,479.06 81.91 35,949.84 22,300.}l 21,294.30 7,567.53 9,195. ~•l ll,931.66 26,289.28 32.603.23 28,667.44 23,577.34 20,907.48 240,283.92 n,010.75 301:767.27 • •• Q~!d~!!11 YEAR AND DIRECT WORK MONTH RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. $ $ $ $ 1932 TRANSIENT $ I 1'1nanc1al QQ!!!!I DQ:RGDCY EDUCATION • GARDEI • SURPim COMtl>DITIES $ DtlOOOlll' RELIEF • Data RURAL STUDD1' R!BABILITATIOI AID • • TOTAL $ September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 5.00 TOTAL 5.00 ,.oo 87-~ 183.04 87.22 5,814.1:, ,,m.11 18:,.o4 5,901.:,5 6,089.'9 790.82 11,4:,:,.78 5,:,oS.85 4,044.07 45.84 45.84 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November 100.00 403.00 . 323.00 503.50 310.00 :,87 .·63 644.81 1,063.75 1, 1,000.00 30.00 2,455.90 3,327.29 3,689.40 4,931.91 6,279.55 TOTAL 3,735.69 2:,,713.85 Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 66:,;18 258.65 1,712.65 1,895.69 .* :,,740.69-**2:,,71:,.85 * Includes $2,682.76 local J'\mle M local Punde *" I119lude1 $1,890 ,09 local .J'\mle 12,224.60 < . ,.,, 5,972.0, 4,302.72 2,145.61. 1,569.14 120.,0 198.00 249.12 6.92 101 •.~ 139.01. l"•" 180.oo 1&,.94 125.00 2,064.96 6oo.oo· '98.53 800.oo 15.60 47.10 6,'23,81 7,5:,..24 '6,~.07 20,878.,S ....,.60 86i..,o 2,853.70 2,175.20 62.70 ,,,1'9.05 ~,.60 861..,o 2,853.70 2,11,.20 61.70 u- 6,"79.}2 4,'9().~ ,,1~.19 t:,.1, 1,296.60 65.45 7,586.11 6,379.,a 68,910.78 • • Q61 YEAR AND MONTH DIRRCT WORK RELIEF RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ 1~ ~ ~ .! I QQ!!!f!.! Financial Data ».1ERGENCY EDUCATION St)RPllJS DROOOHI' RURAL TRANSIENT GARDEN Cot.M)DITIF.S RELIEF $ REHABIUTATION $ $ $ $ $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 346.29 427.09 428.68 346.29 427.09 428.68 1,202.06 1,202.06 405.22 423.16 419.49 308.8o 423.16 1933 Jenuary February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 405.22 419.49 308.~ 70.00 10 . 00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 143.88 237.77 26, 479.16 307.77 26,693.04 1,906.67 143.88 26,716.93 28,767.48 50.00 50.00 50.00 135.00 238.72 77.74 175.53 6o6.73 573.32 146.10 42,389.20 34,976.81 49,509.98 1,010.87, 3().00 Ll.9.40 43,045.93 35,600.13 49,706.08. 4,062.27 2,299.72 262.24 6,701.12 6,337.76 15,002.28 21,622.76 17,746.39 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 83.50 261.91 440.66 2,916.40 2,000.00 9.6o 1,552.15 5,381.51 11,754.29 10,229.00 15,068.37 1,563.06 48,911.32 * 4,671.79***48,911.32 1,326.15 128,036.26 7,580.35 ** 162,333.54 1,470.03 31.00 55.50 146.63 14.64 219.90 39.00 2,244.91 390.78 1,389.99 528.11 678.67 2,581.90 550.83 1,537.90 8,843.51 4oo.96 16.70 7.50 16.30 1,565.10 974.80 .85 148.63 165. 78 .85 314.41 506.67 5,232.46 13,915.10 40.50 2,539.90 .85 314.41 506.67 5,232.46 13,915.10- 40.50 2,539.90 202,386.68 7,58o.35 239,936.57 • • .l COUNTY CAMDEN ----------- Financial Data Yi'.:A.R AND DIRECT WORK MONTH HELIEF RF.LIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EUJCATION GARDEN COM.10DITIES DROIDHT RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUIENT AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPIDS TOTAL $ 1932 Scpt-~:nber Octob•Jr November l.Jecember 1;,33 January F~bruary March April May 88o.oo June 88o.oo July August September Jctober November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14o.36 6,645.47 6,785.83 88o.oo 14o.36 6,645.47 7,665.83 381.00 348.oo 400.00 716.42 425.67 470.96 6;55.83 530.50 907.17 1,063.97 1,059.19 78o.28 649.44 197.09 10,256.03 6,308.58 5,579,59 225.74 551.52 6,958.71 1,994.70 987.90 28.10 2,004.24 3,914.47 6,300.83 2,506.65 5,325.27 H- * *ff- Includes $1,947.70 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $46.19 Local Funds. 3.00 22.97 50,00 23,062.16 1,626.81 * 7,838.71 *** 23,062.16 1,767.17 12.00 4.50 22,921.46 4,325.12 33,892.05 360.38 111.64 157.89 239,49 ll5.00 115.00 600.00 153,20 7,8o 45.00 104.25 241.19 31.40 30,85 77.15 42.47 50.00 987,76 917 .64 376.84 1o8.oo 42.47 50,00 987.76 917.64 376,84 108.00 ll,429,31 7,310,52 6,179.68 2,936.86 2,46o.o8 499.06 3,467.96 4,941.91 7,571.99 3,792,87 6,461.61 57,051.85 4,325.12 69,042.Bo • • CAPE GIRARDEAU YEAR AND MOllTH EMimGEllCY DIRECT WOBX RELIEF RELID' c.w.s. c.w.A. TRABSIDT EWCATION $ $ $ $ $ $ I £ .Q!!!!.!.! GARlD , $ Fillancial Data SURPllJS DROUGHI' CCJ.MODrrIES- RELIEF STUDENT RURAL REHABILI'1'ATI0N AID $ $ $ $ -TOTAL $ 19'32 September October November December TOTAL 1933 JanU11r;r February March April - 521.10 524.21 434.78 237.,S May June July 521.70 524.21 434.78 242.,S ,.oo August November December 1934 January February March April Ma,- June July Augu■ t September October :loTem.ber TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 360.05 95.16 TOTAL GRAND TarAL 23.51 23.51 September October ...,, * 20,343.52 20,798.73 22,545.31 1,836.74 360.0, 20,343.52 5.00 176.08 313.23 453.62 508.28 424.71 240.79 211.50 38.71 117.04 769.28 334.54 1,038.98 1,007.15 214.4, '6.08 15.08 2,990.70 2,971.66 .85 2,043.00 6,002.41 22,000·.40 24,871.45 24,137.40 43,849.13 18,501..49 16,3()4.56 574.03 1,864.41 3,587.78 85,017.87 5,4-24.52 85,017.87 Include• ~,172.30 Local l'lmda • 359.29 43.35 278.10 328.98 2,596.61 192.47 677.77 3,401.•63 5.lio 1,131.95 1,651.79 9,130.39 4,949.02 156.80 1,179.57 17,614.79 11,588.46 46.5Q 63.40 1,927.50 64.10 1,140.00 51.16 667.08 8,028.98 16,911.90 ~,539.62 174.00 3,067. 50 237,400.12 19,347.46 56.16 667.08 8,028.98 16,911.90 '6,,,9.62 174.00 3,067.50 279,292.89 60.oo 81,093.67 "19,347.46 2,620.oJ 120,784.65 2,260.56 Local Fund■• 45,064.24 19,857.9, 16,987.69 4,073.01 5,663.42 it,45.52 2,917.23 9,926.48 31,187.77 55,:,32.68 45,944.13 203.88 597.33 • • .J. 1" ia 2. Data £t~~Qb~ £2!:!!!!~ y :::.'\~ { ;;[J r.1')NTH DIBECT WORK RELIEF RELIEF c.w. s. C,111.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN COM-10DTI IES DROUGin' RELIE F RURAL REHABILITP.rION STUDENT AID TOTAL $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ ';, $ $ $ $ fURPilJS 1;)}2 ,>p tembr->r October Nov;,mb-3·,· !J')c~mbcr Tif.'AL Jenuary Febru>J.ry M'lrch April M':l.7 June July August Se:;i t e;nber Octob'3r Novembe r u .;;ember l-'.)3,52 53.41 10,Hi4.54 558.12 10,321.47 Tar AL 661,64 53.41 10,164.54 10,879.59 246.91 106 .49 58,39 153,10 560.22 322.65 488.91 467.28 454.40 861~.99 873.15 552. 38 563.72 236.37 25,517,27 3,813.11 5,696.99 519.26 205.81 25.61 26,317 .06 9,483.32 5,991,75 2,657.21 1,968.19 356.66 5,254.31 4,765.57 7,202.92 9,306.67 6,719.83 5'.:i::i .12 1934 JimuaryFebru.f)ry March April Ma.7 June July August September October November Tar AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,680.41 4,146.67 3,562.08 3,071.14 5,182.56 4,596.49 TarAL GRAND 1,984. 85 999 .55 * 5,258.13 * *♦ ._. *♦ * 965.68 202.61 8.40 117.31 139,9~ 125.00 18o.oo 351.61 1.89 1,184.64 2,205.26 224.51 2,002.00 9.8o 1,863.80 2,954.18 41.25 13.00 31.10 46.75 20,627.26 1,352.97 40,778.05 1,317.29 773.25 3,616.30 6,871.03 90.85 20,627.26 1,406.38 69,209.90 1,317.29 773.25 3;616.30 6,871.03 90.85 ** 18,267.31 Includes $4,435.60 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $1,012.57 Local Funds. so,023.49 18,267.31 109,170.39 • • Q Q !l ! ! QfdD'. ~B , I Financial Data I YEAR RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EDUCATION GARDEN $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DIRECT · AND ~.mNTH EMERGENCY SURPIIJS COf4.DDITIES $ DROUGRI' RURAL RELID' REHABILITATION $ $ STUDENl' AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March 61.00 61.00 513.21 383.85 475.30 416.90 399.40 404.65 340.45 426.05 9,8~9.o8 61.00 61.00 513.21 383.85 475.30 416.90 399.40 404.65 10,625.58 3,055.76 426.05 9,859.08 13,340.89 276.25 355,60 Marc'1 559.84 April 1,017.84 May 862.19 June 704.05 July 738.86 August 669.21 September 783.44 October 1,045.46 November 1,399.74 1,249.97 774.51 264.58 20,139.86 9,698.50 7,362.00 217 .68 21,666.08 10,828.61 8,186.42 2,553.42 2,086.07 716.65 3,686.30 4,255.45 5,963.99 6,189.17 6,294.07 April May June July A,.1gust September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February TOTAL Grand. TOTAL 8,412.48 1,317.90 749.95 12.6o 1,758.45 3,466.96 3,949.15 4,062.74 4,225.64· 545.49 127.84 2,289.06 * 11,468.24.... 19,530.79 2,715.11 local Fund.a ..Local Fund.a ff-ltincludea $38.00iooalFume 843.50 119.28 19,530.79 *Irlcludes $918.06 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 473.93 37,418.04 .... 2,204.94 49,li82.06 29.30 1,187.10 171.51 230.00 15.00 629.36 538.60 5().10 2.25 127.84 1,410.60 2,202.11 1,182.96 52.35 127.84 1,410.6o 2,202.11 1,182.96 52.35 72,626.23 2,204.94 88,172.06 • • I Financial Data £~§§ _ £Q£!!I YEAR AND K>NTH DIRECT RELIEF $ ·WOBK · -RELIEF $ c.w.A. c.w.s. $ -- ' 1932 'l'RA11SDNT Dl!RGDCY EOOCATIOI $ $ GARDD ~ DRO'OOHl' SUBPim C<JM)DITIES - RBI.ID $ • STODEIT 1IJRAL REJJABILITATION • AID $ TOTAL $ Se.,Ptember Ost9ber November December TOTAL 1933 \ J~ Februa.17 .March April May June J\ll.y August September October lovember Dedember TOTAL 100.68 100.68 100.~ 1i..6, 2'5.9() ,a.8.86 30.00 ,i.7 .58 155.50 251.50 320.23 11,196.!52 1,864.91 320.23 11,196.!52 741.41 555.58 746.61 1,.130.09 250.00 961.~ 159.a, 270."9 21,0,r.62 9,~-~ 1,81,.,, 2,r.68 100.24 1i..6, 262.90 7.00 548.86 30.00 ,i.7.58 155.50 11,768.25 I 13,,aa.66 7.00 1934 J&rm111r7 "•b~ March April ~ June 3,997.85 1,999.75 961.0, 1,,,a.,1 22.,0 215.00 1,.00 i:~1 6,092.7 . •oTeaber ·218.~ 1,242.3' 6,131.02 ,,423.,a TOTAL 5,114.98 '3,1.l8.99 1,9.91.66 · 6,979.89 ,,,l.l8.99 2,,11.89 .J~ August Septsber October Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * * ff ,,.00 163.00 260.'9,a2.,, ff Inol••• .,,866.88 Looa1 ruu· . Looal:rula ,.60 - ,.60 66,516.87 10.60 ,1,025.89 14,~.46 2'c.,76o.45 10,804.95 8,832.53 5,,a,.62 ,,383.38 1,496.01 6-3.~ a-,.~ 291.76 10,.18 12,.28 31t&.e, 19.00 1,087.tfl 1,087.0'f 1.,r ,,80'7.o, 1,992.12 414.16 ,,ws.21 ,,206.27 1,9J1S.70 1,0.96 99.,~ 182.T 26.'9 6,801.66 1,,896.20 10,717.~ 1,662.a, '·'"·~ '·'"·~ 9,712.21 ,oe.68 98,5,0.l.6 9,712.21 ,oe.68 126,233.28 1,710.6, 61.77 • • Q Q Q .IT ! I Q :f Q 6 B ~~ WORK RELIEF $ DIRECT Aim !·~101,?i'H RELIEF ... ·-? FJ'l!ERGEllC Y SURPWS c.w.s. C.W.A. TRP.USifilTT EDUCATION G/>.RDEN COtJM0DITIES $ $ ~ ,}. $ $ .,.. '-I' DPnUGPl' RELL"":F $ RURAL ST:JJ.:·~1:·_r AFJ R":BAJILITATIO!i ~- ·~,(/.ff\L <:· ,":} '·t' 1932 So:ptAmber October lbve::ibcr December TOTAL 1933 January Febnwry March April May June July August September October November December 582.84 617.74 1,617.38 1,494.97 1,945.20 1, l+08.96 919 .07 818.38 918.90 971.88 1,240.29 1,456.51 11.85 14,003.97 2.10 13,992.12 TOTAL 3.10 5.15 1.50 502.84 617.74 1,617 . 38 1,497. 07 1,945.20 1,408 .96 919.07 818.38 918.9c. 974. 98 1,245.44 1,458. 01 1934 988.68 1,318.16 1,262.54 1,121.42 JV'iay 1,069.19 June 872.63 July 1,013.02 August 1,032.71 September 1,208.92 October 1,280.89 November 1,713.52 January February March April TOTAL ~ffii * * -!Ht *** 12,881.68 26,873.80 1,480.00 799.75 8.90 2,078.03 3,419.58 4,192.31 4,728.85 7,873.01 *ff- 24,580.43 24,580.43 Includes :t,4, 366. 41+ Local Funds Local Fund.a Includes ~2,130.28 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15.18 74.56 159.72 148.93 26.75 413.13 235.17 125.00 90.00 90.00 906.91 11.00 1,284.00 182.75 9.80 570.00 48.55 1,202.27 111. 83 16.70 12.25 33.25 48.51 988 .68 1,318.16 1,262. 54 2,602 .32 2,067.54 908.28 6,127. 09 4,747.01 8,039.93 6,502.13 9, 911 .26 1,395.46 1,395.46 1,128.98 1,128.98 2,444.13 2,444.13 1,949.35 1,949.35 94.01 94.01 44,474.94 58,478.91 .90 1,146.00 .90 12. 75 49.67 • • I £ !! t YEAR AND MONTH ~ Financial Dat9. COUNTY ------ .! ! .2 ! DIRECT RELIEF 'RELIEF c.w.s, c.w.A. TR~.NSIENT ELUCATION GABDEN COMAODTI'IES DROUGHT RELIEF STUDENT RURAL REHABILTI'ATION AID TarAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WORK EMERGEN~Y SURPWS $ 1932 September October November December TorAL 1933 January February March April 103.55 215.92 210.45 172.06 ' 103.55 215.92 210.45 172.06 > May June July August September October November December TorAL 117.00 117.00 818.98 1934 January February March April Mey June July August September October November TC1I'AL GRAND TC7l'AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,512.63 11,905.86 14,418.49 2,512.63 11,905.86 15,237.47 5,151.81 3,131.21 264.40 17,543.45 8,549.54 5,781.87 1,234.18 3.57 1,984.00 999.15 529.57 75.34 207.86 224.40 347.80 728.20 4,816.89 4,888.41 3,886.21 7,156.43 1,384.97 24,459.29 . 1,907.14 52.72 357.83 783.68 ... 190.61 51.28 278.91 86.88 6o.oo 210.00 1,657.00 467.50 2,750.00 2,854.Bo 53.55 1,4o9.29 5,433.67 837.10 125.50 21.27 97.65 8,547.42 3;,112.61 3,101.37 877.68 7,782.85 7,680.06 244.42 11,06o.05 * 2,203.95***24,459.29 * Includes $727-70 Local Funds. 48,901.77 3,101.37 877.68 7,782.85 7,680.06 244.42 ,.. Local Funds. iHHIJ:ncludea $1,718.36 tocal J'unda. ;,'38;.;o 22,695.26 11,68o.75 6,046.27 ;,218.18 1,193.33 51.28 5,100.82 5,467.88 9,465.93 12,966.91 9,304.06 87,190.67 3,883.30 106,311.44 • • '.: ~ ~ 1 0 :£ .! t ! "! ,::- .:. :. :; :.i i,fo ,,:-.:-2 .-Ll ::i N,:.i:r ;°::i ·~:UFi( ELE1' C.'.'l.'.' . .., C - ~ ~ I 7 C. '.'J .t-.. Tll /1,l;S E!; ~ .., r ¢ £ £ l1 ~ I Finencial Date ! X ;,:r,:Sr:G:LNCY SDUCATIO!; Gn-sr:.•'. !, $ ~-. '."'t:-r;·ui:-'. DROUGHT :.:"(i;.l'. Oi:T:'ES TIELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT HD T(Y.['AL $ $ $ $ ) :.. ;: :. ~:: :·.r-::7".-b :s r :kt ·)b •, r N:JV '° ':"'. L'•r! !' ~ n;::,.::_1C2 r -::a:·,,1 1?33 Jan~,1::-.y F'~:bruar,y March .pril /1 lVia,y Jur.~ July October 21,303.17 9,043.47 11,740.93 86.33 1,032,?7 3.00 6.05 u.88 13,318.36 1,424. 67 889.77 599.16 605.35 990.37 1,147.84 83)-1- .03 1,095.23 786.68 708.40 1,076.35 1,150.02 1,577.76 1,307.04 937.44 238.85 1,998.80 1,298.00 1,928.20 1,8o8.71 3,58o,oo 5,231.78 5,125.84 8,043.27 10,571.19 29,014.60 2,483.33 43,206.17 * 11,995.86 *** 29,014.60 3,373.10 56,524.53 1934 J>inuary F,o,bruary March April May June July August September October November Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15,642.42 889.77 TOTAL TOI'AL 9.62 5)-1-9 .13 551. 77 December GRAND 13,318.36 :5 .0C• 22!) . 7~'. Nov':l:nbe r TOTAL 9.62 89.00 8.oo 236.34 549.18 14,759.90 69 .00 ~ugust Sr.p t,;mb .. r * *** 9.00 121.50 481.31 171.76 35.42 640.87 281.04 301.64 651. 76 291.40 19.89 5.44 2,360.20 929.00 5.00 98.90 52.76 88.60 1,346.43 10.70 10.71 76.63 256.46 323.10 23,209.37 10,589.26 12,976.20 3,244.85 3,355,95 3,064.29 7,670.52 5,587.04 8,046.83 7,415.18 10,78o.31 20.93 2,685.87 2,373.89 3,471.19 1,456.44 656.19 95,939.Bo 30.55 2,685.87 2,373.89 3,471.19 1,456.44 656.19 111,582.22 2,074.06 Includes $8.oo Local Funds. Includes $1,252.00 '.Local Funds. • • I COUNTY -CLARK - - - - ------ Financial Data YE.A.- AND MONTH DIREC'r RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION RURP..L GARDEN SURPIDS COMMODITIES DROUGHT C.W.A. RELIEF REHABILITATION $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ STUDEN'"r AID TOTAL $ $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June Jul.r August Septl:lmber October November December 198.65 198.8o 195.00 TOTAL 1934 Janµa.ry F.ebruf,;ry 198.65 198.8o 195.00 96.24 96.65 202~54 133.20 259.25 266.17 5,144.30 - 1,385.33 266.17 5,144.30 138.39 138.61 729.24 579.24 191.16 7,897.50 3,914.69 2,945.13 76.84 March April May June July 203.50 561. 1~2 ' August September October November Tar.AL 207.18 203.31 · 317.74 434.73 914-.68 3,ll9-56 l,843.00 1'7,24-3.00 1,499.64 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis wi1- * 4,504.8? ... 11,243.00 . 1,765.81 * ** *** 97 .49 96 . 65 • 202.54 138 .20 5,669.72 1.25 6,797.05 922.50 44.68 826.30 3,283.43 2,965.77 4,019.81 3,337-5.1 GRAND TOI'AL 1.25 Includes $3,091.33 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $1,1~9-95 Local Funds. 14,834.16 2,378.90 22,357.36 1.25 27.50 370.00 29.81 111.13 129.77 125.00 125.00 27.50 890.71 27.50 890.71 1,640.00 6.72 1,167.50 134.15 65.39 . 2,000.00 1,221.28 ., 3,073.32 710.61 33.50 12.35 ,,013.76 1,005.21 45.85 3,013.76 7,005.21 45.85 8,765.13 4,632~54 3,136.29 2,123.34 1,853.92 74.49 4,784.61 · 3,623.23 5,797.29 7,848.01 5,040.54 47,679.39 2,378.90 - 56,855.34 • • C LAY I C OUNT Y ----- Financial Leta YEAR .I\ND MONTH WORK DIRECT l1ELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EOOCATION GARDEN COM.10DITIES DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPilJS $ TCYI'AL $ 1932 September October December TGrAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TGrAL 1934 January Februar y Mar ch April May June July August September October November TGrAL GRAND TorAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,615.83 2,379.07 2,952.46 28.00 9,50 1,400.24 1.50 335.25 12,068.64 9,385.10 335.25 12, 068.64 1.50 21,790.49 3,205.16 3,902. 02 4,010.77 4,327.20 4,885 .94 5,937.24 6, 295.10 6,389.37 4, 861.53 4, 568.95 7,871.54 1,346. 24 1, 258 .78 416 . 46 3,081.90 2,462.00 25.00 2,990.00 4,365.50 4,401.71 4,371.05 5,211.86 22, 229.02 13, 697. 55 15,721.63 1,169.76 438.89 6o5.32 100.30 58. 14 110 . 28 94 .12 91 . 90 26,838. 56 18, 968 .63 20,302.98 8,670.76 8,664.81 6, 864. 56 10, 900. 94 11,255 .09 10,978. 26 19, 451.87 14,325.85 56,314.82 26,909.02 * 65,699,92*ff26,909.02 12,403.89 105.00 511.48 1, 045.64 3,021.48 ff * ** *** 2,615.83 2,379.07 2,952.46 29.50 9,50 1,400.24 3, 356.73 I ncludes $29,061.16 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $199.81 Local Funds. 53, 962.47 14,912.35 Bo,943.46 238.28 86 .Bo 631.34 460.41 315.43 173,37 639 .70 210.20 451.60 13.93 1,197.27 55.87 4.oo 327.6o 25.88 202.32 8,786.56 155.87 25.49 12.03 959.10 24.91 354.44 1,662.12 1,905.63 2,572.57 9,498.23 37.52 984.01 355.94 1,662.12 1,905.63 2,572.57 9,498.23 37.52 984.01 157,222.31 14,912.35 193,925.15 • • I _g_~ _!~'.!: 5:'.~ YE.AJ. .AND ;_.r~;: -:~ MONTH ':~ELlEF ~~ A'OPK ... y ~ou~·~r " !l'" - · EM':i:RGENCY ~{ELIEF' C, \'J.S. c.v:.P. . TR/IN::H:N'I' 't- $ $ $ Financie.l EDUCI\TIOl-'. G/l.R i.>:"".'N $ t- ,·i,·•• . ·· .... 1. . b. • . ,. , ~ :r; T•• '. '. DI:CUGnI' ~?TIT::F Rl,'R /-. L ;~EH.t BILITt·T I CX 2-~UI~X:' /- I D TOT/ L ~· ~- d• ,, t r.• d De."t.~ 1932 Septembe r Octobr: r Nov'o:mber D"!cember T OI'AL 1933 Januar.r 1"P.bru-'3 rJ r.1a,rch April May June 37 . 63 36.78 37,15 37.68 ;,S, ,S 37,15 J ,11y r.,;gust S"'?tember October No.ember December 1,055.27 1,357 .2~, T<Jl'AL 2,526.13 1934 January F1:,bruary March April Moiy J une J uly August Septembe r October Uovember TC!J.' r..r, ' 1,415.44 1,721.48 1,044.70 1,404.92 1,470.92 936.62 5,919.89 1,055,27 3,213.76 936. 62 5,919. 89 9,382.61. 1,983.52 1,494.14 198.10 9,176.74 4,593,50 6,167.73 128.20 371.30 138.65 12,)75,70 7,8o9.12 7,410.53 3:532,?2 2, 853 . 56 199,55 3,854.53 6,181.52 7,619.05 15,925.98 8,943.79 1, 999.SO 999.60 82.50 45.00 118.72 1,605.07 2,072.70 1,220.20 4,208.05 3,661.81 1+, 065,51 10,981.45 20,782.24 72.14 733.91 919 . 78 :♦ ,627.27 3,675.76 GRA;W TGrAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ff * 13,507.58 20, 782.24 32.85 4,612 .38 * Includes $12,228.25 Local Funda. ** Local Funds. 20, 576.12 11,98o,85 38,476.86 11.74 6o.90 254,1+4 178.40 204,00 140.00 2,387.92 2,172.91 889.96 2,000.~ 1,750.07 1,174.46 6,925 .28 86.55 4.45 45,53 275.85 302.00 264.54 1,758.68 849.48 5,715,33 11,936.36 49.98 56o.S5 1,758.68 849.43 5,715°33 11,936.36 49.98 58o.85 76,906.25 11,98o.85 98,269.74 • • I Financial Data COUNTY ------ C 0 LE YY.JJ. f~{D r·.~.JU·7d DIRECT RELIEF \iORK RELIEF C.;i.A. 'I'r<AN~·n:NT EMEEGENCY EOOCATION GARDEN C0?410DITIES DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT C.',J.::;. AID Tor AL $ <' y ~ .., $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ SURPLUS 1932 September October NoveI:1ber Dectt1ber 290.56 ?12.00 290.56 912.00 1,202.56 1,202.56 July l,5S'l.63 1,G3b.35 1,177.91 4,493.37 5,201.72 5,2Jl.96 3::,3.73 August September Octob~r November December 1,591.63 1,638.35 1,177.91 4,l.-93.37 5,201.72 5,281.96 303.73 5G4.91 3,3~5.a3 3,155.44 1,90)-1-.05 2,)33.52 22,6oc.99 1,151.33 362.85 837.82 7,369.99 28,811.82 27,607.7'.J 1,904.06 25,534.51 2,024.88 57,071.15 2,713.67 2,590.11 1,418.85 5,095.50 3,152.75 2,883.30 1,929.54 2,574.48 2,956.54 3,062.17 2,762.57 5,849.96 5,42,9.70 1,175.91 2,397.23 1,J-1-54.58 126.05 2,164.01 4,966.33 6,244.49 6,893.31 15,687.70 38,895.So 22,042.69 16,615.42 3,524.55 10,336.08 30.60 560.40 303.90 304.50 77.76 436.27 2,043.33 16,652.47 12,353.19 6,490.27 11,462.48 13,326.18 48,020.03 30,426.40 19,514.68 9,095.04 20,8o7.4o 5,552.24 22,975.58 25,529.00 22,103.14 32,368.68 38,884.98 29,139.68 39,933.70 ':"JIAL 1933 January Fcbruar~' March April Mey June Tar AL 3C2.2 5 1 1934 January Febru9.ry March April f-1.<iy June July August September October November TorAL GRAND TorAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 12,515.57 272.91 Goo.64 91,445.14 64,010.75 9,08o.93 126,06o.58 66,035.63 55°59 104.62 24o.oo 161.00 no.56 1,239.65 1,278.19 854.50 241.21 724.15 1,732.29 844.21 324.82 35.86 4,517.63 123.13 1,265.41 206.24 384.55 3,145.23 1,756.68 3,504.20 5,072.52 5,539.15 3,384.59 36.92 88.61 664.95 564.60 3,189.61 4,757.04 11,398.87 17,500.46 156.8o 1,229.55 3,189.61 4,757.04 11,398.87 17,500.46 156.8o 1,229.55 31.27 -!Ht * 57,949.94***39,933-70 * ** *** 14,419.63 Includes $30,273.51 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $3,391.87 Local Funds. 275,277.17 9,08o.93 342,631.81 • • QQQR!B YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF $ WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. $ c.w.A. $ TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data QQ!Ul'.!'.1 EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPLUS COMMODITIES $. DROUGHT RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 449.78 495.99 488.10 449.78 495.99 488.10 1,433.87 1,433.87 634.00 498.50 442.00 548.50 634.oo 498.50 442.00 548.50 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 15.00 150.96 4,753.62 TOTAL 808.40 52.07 10,717.90 81.62 15.00 203.03 16,361.54 7,042.58 808.40 10,769.97 81.62 18,702.57 957.89 854.16 1,803.18 1,355.52 273.50 17,827.27 10,363.43 8,023.33 116.02 7.65 36.35 47.55 20,624.69 12,620.66 8,296.83 2,445.09 1,718.10 206.32 4,415.88 4,982.96 7,096.27 14,233.18 8,101.59 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November 80.00 140.00 171.67 34.84 102.32 212.94 357 .59 2,249.07 1,491.55 20.00 1,789.84 4,852.39 4,524.47 4,585.29 5,477.43 2,911.41 24,-990.04 TOTAL Grand TOTAL * 11,387.86 24,990.04 * Includes $9,518.64 weal ** weal Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 175.33 257.30 3,432.20 36,337.70 41,815.56 ** 88,923.23 4,240.60 Funds 78.90 186.32 386.82 30.09 81.90 180.00 2,067.55 4.44 104.21 86.80 122.24 61.20 2,283.37 8,987.92 1,806.23 4.90 80.80 - 83.90 432.63 944.03 2,385.24 13,138.72 85.70 84,741.57 165.52 432.63 944.03 2,385.24 13,138.72 85.70 146,693.57 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • £ B~ ~ ! .9 B E £ .9 !! !! ! I Financial !eta ~ YEPR AND DIRECT WORK MONri: ~ RELIEF RELIEF c.1:1.s. $ $ $ C.W.A. $ TRANSIENT EMERGENCY 'SDUCATION GARDEN $ $ $ SURPLUS DROUGHI' RUF.AL STUDENT CCMAODITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOI'AL $ $ $ $ $ \ 1932 September October Novt:mber December Tor AL 1933 January February r,lerch April May Jun<:J,rnt :>r,tenber October November ~1;;cember TorAL 1934 January February March April May June July August Sei)tember Octob,e;r Nove!llber Tor AL GRAND TorAL 1,263.53 2,381.76 1,141.46 213.55 155.25 1,116.75 1,171.17 4,815.32 26,833.70 1,263.53 2,381.76 1,141.46 213.55 155 .25 1,107.75 1,150 .67 2,331.66 2,517.42 242.03 2,483.66 24,069.25 5.00 12,253.05 242.03 26,552.91 34.50 39,092.49 1,515.94 2,435.59 3,314.39 1,979.40 1,128.85 2,136.ol. 1,916.81 1,878.89 2,149.96 2,212.59 2,329. 87 776.98 703.02 277.27 32,204.46 14,791.34 11,02~.78 1,370.117 645.58 42.00 6.32 2,766.93 4,365.10 5,252.87 4,825.88 6,367.22 34,503.70 17,929.95 14,620.92 4,818.32 3,168.36 2,183.17 8,410.03 6,499.23 10,216.54 9,766. 16 9,247.27 22,992, 33 26,036.20 9.00 20.50 1,464.45 993.75 ~ 3.50 4.00 20.12 218.26 413.04 1,757,25 1, 999 .28 26,036.20 * 35,261.38 * Includes $2,952.45 Local Funds. ** Local Funds. 400.18· 5.13 961.37 135.32 220.36 255.88 90,59 2,315.00 301.68 2,644.00 29.30 278.35 1,934.42 100.e.o 90.62 17.45 46.55 60,079.63 13.82 651.42 2,068.83 2,717.48 4,886.07 154.62 97,225.80 48,32 651.42 2,068.83 2,717.48 4,886.07 154.62 ** 10,5s,3.26 121,363.65 10,593.26 111,049.40 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • DADE Y'i.!.?. f'!{D DIHSCT ;,!O!ITH P.ZLIEF WORK REI.liF v.\'\ic:U• C.W.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ $ $ $ $ $ ,..., '·1 ( '• I Financial Data COUNTY ------ GARDEN $ SURPLUS C~ODITIES DROUGHT RELIEF STUD~"T RURAL REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 S".pte::iber October No·r•cmber December TOI'AL l'./33 January February March 105.00 771.85 506.97 320.76 427,13 April Ma_y- June July t:;gust :::i:ptember Cctobe r Nov&mbP,r TOTAL 4(39.31 514.1u 582,06 626 .25 9,012.12 4,}53-77 626.25 9,012.12 13.63 35).40 539.84 630.13 1,320.56 930,48 231.50 13,205.11 5,418.73 4,927.57 137.68 1.50 1·;,3 1+ January 1''Fbrt:ary March 632,22 646.30 552.60 145.96 334.68 703.59 862.15 1,477.20 749,70 11.87 1,932,51 3,189,45 4,135.70 4,892.83 6,371.38 6,453.94 22,760.64 P·.r,ril t.iay 901.07 Jun& Ju:i..y Au.gust Ceptember October November Till.AL GRJ>.ND TOI'J>.L l.'.;•5 .61 5.08 5.01 1.38 l+36.5'.) v-.::c':"mber * 10,607.71 ***22,760.64 * 13,8o5. 77 .70 10.12 35,42 60.39 521.00 81.93 853.02 2,501.19 311.81 535.88 213.8o 1,010.90 1,829.12 1,156.96 11.75 247,33 4,50 2.20 1,139.65 5,018.63 4,008.73 313.33 15.48 15.83 1,139.65 5,018.63 4,008.73 313,33 15.48 1,033.72 2,482.54 iH'r --* 105.00 771.85 506.97 322.31 427.74 441.63 494.32 515.52 10,220.43 3,108.79 23,689.09 4,731.00 37,432.21 14,881.07 6,890.~,5 5, 2,516.65 1,952.92 740.10 4,433,35 6,847.50 6,922.64 7,329.18 7,531.07 61.50 3,88 11.60 65,884.23 4,731.00 84,421.00 Includes il,951,75 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $1,455.84 Local Funds. .:a • • I YEAR AND MONTH Financial De.ta COUNTY ------ ~~~~~~ DIRECT RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN SURPllJS CCM.10DITIES DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT RELIEF AID TITTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WORK 1932 September October November December TITTAL 1933 January February March April . May June July August September October November December TITTAL 229.93 662.09 349.75 5,723.80 229.93 6, 7:~~ .64 1,072.02 349.75 5,723.80 7,145.57 530.82 969.72 992.68 658.01 854.72 667.53 682.08 651.47 949.76 618.84 866.77 910.48 725.15 199.85 7,331.27 3,490.03 3,537.07 301.37 426.'58 9.82 8,772.57 5,184.90 4,729.60 2,178.28 2,270.17 698.35 4,813.89 5,084.52 5,690.57 8,264.28 10,029.74 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November GRAND Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,218.90 735.6o 1,198.46 3,895.59 3,695.97 4,838.96 5,675.45 8,442.40 21,258.93 1,835.48 .... 15,096.14 4,892.45 * 9,514.42 21,258.93 2,185.23 25.712.39 TorAL TITTAL 180 .00 * ** Includes $204.75 Local Funds. Local Funds. 1 12.47 3.39 2,072.00 68.25 544.96 1,367.14 1,613.54 420.00 23.50 100.84 137.81 240.80 21.00 416.35 445.71 455.81 677.36 745.23 18.00 30.23 44.07 643.14 957.32 3.39 263.65 3,002.26 5,678.36 491.73 1,644.53 3.39 263.65 3,002.26 5,678.36 491.73 1,644.53 25.00 57,716.87 4,892.45 69,754.89 • • I ~~Y.!!~~ YEAR Financial Deta £ ~ !! !! ! ! AND DIREaI' DROUGHT c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EDUCATION GARDEN Ca.MODITIE:i RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT RELIEF WORK RELIEF SURPllJS MONTH AID TDrAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY 1932 September October November December TDrAL 1933 779.42 822.90 550.00 796.03 896.50 875 .50 190.35 January February March April May June July August September October November December 810.00 1,017.20 875.00 6,971.78 TarAL 6,737.90 875.00 6,971.78 1,330.83 1,013.42 211.48 10,469.77 4,096.75 3,111.31 150.68 53.05 73.70 129.90 30.00 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TDrAL GRAND TorAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 99.00 558.32 391.00 519.16 1,908.70 935.72 941.48 1,157.24 2,192.56 3,565.24 3,530,58 6,021.85 7,659.39 3,666.20 25,814.04 * 10,404.10 ***25,814.04 * ** *" 779.42 822.90 550.00 796.03 896.50 875.50 220.35 2,555.73 3,430.73 Includes $6,231.56 Local Funds Local Funds. Includes $1,367.23 Local Funds. 810.00 8,863.98 36,469.29 30.00 218.01 56.00 197.52 165.34 n8.o6 311.30 31.86 255.50 1,098.09 7,689.85 2,672.49 123.68 255.50 1,098.09 7,689.85 2,672.49 123.68 225.50 18,085.16 ** ll,412.35 14,614.68 30.00 30.00 3,872.50 1,284.87 2,212.48 320.00 15.35 3.60 2,'596.66 56.88 24.45 32.00 67.23 n,8o0.6o 5,110.17 3,322.79 2,158.38 1,765.10 520.70 1,137.14 3,745.93 4,961.56 12,115.77 9,322.6o 61,96o.74 11,412.35 87,987.77 • • I T"'t nan~ir:11 TP.te C C· FNT Y I:?~Et .!- l! y~;tt_S F·.~i L Jh.i.:,C.;. I,!(1:JY~~I ~rs::F ~- ·v ~ '- VW.SK Ri·~LI ::tt. <· .... l'J.SI~G:~~CY c. -. ·1.:: . . •'·O G. ~·: . ,ti.• ,.. 7~/\t!"Z) r n:!;I .. ,'. ~:mcer101; ... ..;: G,AS:)2, ;'i' -~ su::Pur<":. DROt:GH'I CCMv10DTIES <:: •· 3:!:U EF $ .... --., R!.Tli.AL STUDE?l'I' R,l'i;HfiB!LTifl,TION AID * d- TOT"'L ·~ 'T ·; ·-~ ._::-.,, :,:;t•J;'1CA1' 0 ('. :, ._-,Q,~~.. ! >JV 0!11~,:1r ~~ c e_r,;:):;:r· t ·RAL J ::,33 J ·:rr:~~ry :r·-- b :◄ u.~r? r·.-:5.rcf1 _f_; rt.l i,l::".y 146. 33 258 .?9 14:5.33 2'55.'7) Ji.~T!e ,J1;_i__y 115.55 !~9; . .3; 25 . 00 7S. 10 )i.8o 82 .98 10.oc 117.35 7,104.44 29 . 00 8,360. 33 115. 57 )2\ . :~9 ?1.lg1.1 3':. ~:cpteni~fJ r 0 :tobi9r 10 . '.):) 1 117. 35 :{'Jvemh-:;r l>ecernbar TOTAL 32- . 62 673, 95 6,391.87 1,264.71 673 .95 6,391.87 44 . 73 18.14 1,133.63 824.32 6,896 .43 4,030.32 2,913.20 85.24 3.9G 5. 07 19~-\ J enuary :FF-bri.:..< iry ii;t'_rch 156 .97 May 13~.oo 27:~ . 05 1, 944.75 996 . 20 J CT.:'3 J ul y 31+0 .53 722 . 20 439 . 36 1, 535 .01 3, 841. 85 3, 618 .57 3, 098 ;73 3, 584 . 53 2, 391.24 18, 919 .64 2,114.92 13,934.2Ji :.-3, 655. 95 ***18, 919.64 2,788 .87 20,326. 11 April 252.92 Augu st Ser,t0:Ttber 160 .71 Octob e r H:Yreml::r: r 'f(JfA!_ 126.78 328.50 * ff--1( Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Includes $2, 698 .72 Local Funds. Includes $24.oo Local Funds. 29.8o 3,376.54 2,000.00 11.50 2,190.00 1,995.70 168.88 305.19 66.75 27.60 11.70 505.68 61. 74 7,735.42 2,379.14 39.30 48,081.32 505.68 61. 74 7,735.42 2,379.14 39.30 56,441.65 G!<AH~ ?GrAL 14.30 47.44 8,074 . 79 4, 872.78 3,070.17 2,161.99 1,275.03 19.37 5,355-72 6, 106.27 7, 964 . 98 4,1,.49.~ 4,730.84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data E!!! £ .Q !! ! '.!: .! YEAR AND DIRECT WORK SURl'UJS DROOGHT MONTH RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT E:WCATION GARDEN COM.10DITID:l $ $ * $ $ $ $ $ RELIEF $ 1932 EMERGENCY STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION .AID $ $ TOTAL $ September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February 1,269.99 1,881.42 934.23 653.23 4o5.70 822.45 926.79 500.14 771.62 23,508.20 December 1,269.99 1,881.42 934.23 653.23 4o5.70 820.95 926.79 496.64 771.62 939.39 368.33 22,200.48 TOTAL 9,099.96 368.33 22,200.48 300.21 651.47 78o.15 909.40 1,145.67 942.98 1,000.52 642.27 1,348.16 1,351.35 1,365.87 1,091.06 867.8( 208.5:.. 1,682.72 5,791.84 4,165.88 2,331.81 5,468.71 23,852.66 12,133.37 9,361.91 1,160.27 845.13 1.71 10,438.05 22,293.96 2,167.43 47,3'5-05 **3#819.71 6.85 310.50 *19,538.0l 22,293.96 2,535.76 73,375.24 ll.85 310.50 March April May June July August Seftember October November 1934 January February March April Mey June July August September October November TorAL 1.50 3.50 1,861.4o 991.60 5.00 31,673.77 5.00 310.50 1.85 243.01 105.63 349.83 120.57 110.00 223.00 1,449.81 1,000.00 ll5.20 547.05 2,061.45 709.59 1, 74o.98 16.30 24.8o 1,152.04 3,569.81 5,174.27 41.10 92,50~.06 3,819.71 1,152.04 3,569.81 5,174.27 41.10 128,002.54 1,120.00 GRAB]) TorAL * Include• $2,395.28 Local Fund.a **Local Funds. 25,243.93 13,657.70 10,350.57 3,931.07 3,225.41 1,050.32 3,458.77 8,221.73 7,685.49 6,081.86 9,602.21 • • Finencial IP.ta R.2~Qf~~ Q.2!I!!!! Y~.P.R /\ND DIRECT RELBF i,iONTH VIORK $ EMERGENCY RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. 'l'RANSIENT SURPLUS EDUCATION DROUGHT GARDEN Cct.1MODIT IES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RURAL STUDENT $ 1932 S,ptember October november Decembor Tffi'P.L 1933 JP..r.ttCJry F'f3bru~ry ~!arr-h : .pril !',{JAy June July August :·<?pt,cimber October November December 75.75 2,395.01 2,359 .42 1,010.95 914 .34 1,409.50 1,38o.35 1,454.04 1,024·.19 1,608.28 12,023.55 1,608.28 1,027.00 947.66 1,064.92 1,139.90 1,257.40 769.63 772.24 957 .51 823 .96 1,176.86 935.86 2,688.96 1,775.73 281.45 1,984.79 4,592.96 4,774.03 4,085.15 6,526.50 10,872.94 24,958.53 4,746.14 *22,896.49 24,958.53 6,354.42 TOTAL 17,316.56 15.40 7.04 14.oo 75.75 2,395.01 2,359.42 1,020.95 914.34 1,409.50 1,395.75 1,461.08 19,963.03 17,316.56 46.44 30,994.83 20,776.73 13,742.50 11,630.46 989 .04 2.00 24,494.69 16,465.89 12,98o.08 4,130,19 3,051.49 855.31 7,725.94 5,747 .20 6,269.23 5,928.43 7,999.86 10.00 ,;3:i .;~nuP..ry Febru<J.ry March April May June July August September October November TOTAL 2,000.00 995.10 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Includes 75.00 798.99 32.08 446.43 173.33 213.69 400.39 80.63 48.oo GR/'!JD TOTAL 3.25 1.25 $484.47 Local Funds. iHf 53.60 4,067.50 162.81 406.98 23.40 457.55 43.55 51.12 59.67 350.75 47,138.73 **l0,597.08 6.50 123.00 2,145.54 4,283.91 982.60 390.42 95,648.31 10,597.08 75,052.37 52.94 123.00 2,145.54 4,283.91 982.60 390.42 137,240.22 Local Funds. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data ~ .!! ! ! _!, .! ! £ _Q .!! ! ! ! YEAR AND DIRECT MONTH RELIEF WORK REUEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EJXJCATION GARDEN SURPWS CCJ,MODI'l'IES RELIEF RURAL STUDENI' REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY DROOGHT $ TorAL $ 1932 September October November DP.cember TorAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TorAL 1934 January February March April Ma.y June July August September October November TorAL 5,013,45 2,435.95 2,583.59 1,975.08 2,854.85 2,282.12 1,237.67 845.15 990.97 3,296.65 710.47 5,424.30 34,66o.61 23,515.48 710.47 4o,o84.91 4,738.28 3,495.46 5,284.92 6,328.43 6,214.78 416.95 4,424.18 4,007.76 3,665.93 2,966.25 3,514.97 2,709.15 3,289.15 739.41 5,306.Bo L0,483.68 5,645.51 7,718.50 7,213.4o 1,304.13 1,003.46 274.99 63,113.37 27,034.38 18,817.42 519.10 1,912.15 559.58 60.00 45,057.91 43,105.6o 2,582.58 112,016.00 ...11,301.54 86.25 *68,573-391"H-43,105.60 3,293.05 163,4o2.45 95.00 5,013.45 2,435.95 2,583.59 1,975.oB 2,854.85 2,282.12 1,237.67 853.90 6,415.27 38,667.73 8.75 8.75 64,319.61 69,155.78 31,533.30 24,377.33 9,642.93 12,179.03 3,045.21 11,052.74 15,490.46 86.25 748.11 313.93 1,014.43 1o8.97 262.42 373.35 65.04 14.84 1,015.34 189.83 890.05 1,618.50 104.65 57.50 2,886.25 57.50 2,886.25 r:,7.50 9.10 4,394.95 261.59 25.00 15,582.70 11,055.00 3,833.21 4,665.64 25.00 214,315.94 11,3<>1.54 3,833.21 4,665.64 25.00 289,937.09 GRAND TorAL * Includes $14,105.01 Local Funds. H- Local Funds. *** Includes $338,91 Local Funds. 11,201.46 • • I Financial Data !:~~!!.!d!! YEAR AND DIRECT WORK MONTH RELIEF RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ £~!!!!!! SURPLUS DROUGHT RURAL C.W.A. TRANSIENI' E:WCATION GARDEN C:.M,tODrrIES REHABILrrATION AID TCY.I'P.L $ $ $ $ $ RELIEF $ $ $ EMERGENCY STUDENT $ 1932 September October November December TCY.I'AL 1933 Januc ·.·y February March April May June July August September October November December. TorAL 10.33 103.51 5.00 351.50 3,79 3.79 474,13 1934 73,50 12,174.62 73,50 12,174.62 833.15 629.42 170.73 23,191.17 10,659.28 7,490.05 138.41 January February March April 4o6.55 132.00 May June 161.66 July 1\ugust 50.00 136.20 September October 1,237.25 920.60 November 1,905.16 3,523.6] 3,242.19 5,147.87 5,398,4; 3,044.26 21,949.81 1,633,30 3,518.39 ***21,949,81 1,706.00 TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 10.33 103,51 5.00 351.50 7,58 1,734 , 47 998.04 Includes $2,186.~2 41,478.91 *il-23,8;56.39 77,489.92 ** Local Funds *** lncludes $3,072,19 Local Funds. 12,248.12 12,726.04 3,79 3.79 124.6o 23.27 365.70 112.07 156.08 210.00 2,613.90 376.60 165.00 2,864.6o 264.28 30.50 19.75 991.72 4,724.33 3,293,88 50.25 991.72 4,724.33 3,293,88 50.25 1,733.83 24,024.32 11,288.70 7/i6o. 78 2,279.43 1,254.64 23,27 4,166.35 ;,685.72 6,313.37 9,866.82 6,603.06 77,166.46 23,836.39 13,728.89 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I G /1. S C ON Financial ~ta A .D E ~2!:!:f~! ¥.,\.:-: t,.I·_, .. ,o-·r:- r-i DDFC7 •,.:...If~.B j! EM:::RGENCY \JOHK ID~LU:F c.1.1.2.. ~- {! ~, 'I' ~.W.A. $ TRANSIT::llT $ EDUCATI ON $. GABDEN ,. ·? ::J!.~r!XJS DROUGH'r ccr.t,-iODTI' IE6 RELISF RURAL STUDZ?IT REHABILITA-r I OU AID TOI'~.L $ $ $ $ $ ,),..:.. ',--':,~.::l;,~L vctob 1:-r !, OV["!.{r\~;J•:.:.... :.J(; ': ~::1)~Jl' ·: ~'fI'/.1.L ;_ :'33 J:1nt~~ry l?r~ brn~>.~j.. :'.~!~C ;] 1o0. 2li t-,:;ri.l l j l, 52 r-~~:r J'.ln?. J u::.y 58 .00 58 .00 68 . 50 160.24 151.52 53.00 55.oo 128.50 60.00 August ~~rpt emb P- r Uc t obcr t1::ivember Tm'AL 6,143.61 ,~96.26 1934 January 221.57 177.58 57.74 Febrwi.r:r ~arch 39.00 1,907 .4o 946.50 June July 101. 56 August Eeptember OctobE.:c Nove:uber 153 .28 170.55 816.90 3,831.79 3,030,6o 2,843.56 ),091 -35 'i 'J:·;-L 464 . 49 18,468.10 456.99 ¼96o.75*iHtl8, 468.lO 456.99 April May G:,;..~;l) TOfAL 6,143.61 6,143.61 De cember E,699.87 6o.oo 8,760.95 3,546.66 2,449.37 56.45 182.63 150.98 3.20 1,151.97 86.4o 73.26 54.oo 51.00 * Includes $314.32 Local Funds 14,813.43 iHt855.oo 21,812.04 60.00 ** Local Funds *** Incl udes $2, 948.93 Local Funds 451.53 538.6o 28.70 51.00 336.81 1,365.63 990.13 28.70 51.00 336.81 1,365.63 990.13 28.70 8,982.52 3,724.34 2,507.11 2,002.85 946.50 132. 63 2,221.51 3,918.19 3,l·:)7.06 3,502.37 5,880.20 36,975.28 855.00 44, 530.15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial feta i~ ::z y C OU ll T Y ----------V ---~- .... _.,r.-.~:.,;~ ::::LT . .,..;~. : .:.: .!C~::~ ~1:-:u .c:,' c •.:.~• C, 'il ,A. ,,. :~ l. ~ 'i T~t,NSISI~ ~ ~) J t,CRGENCY EDUCN1'I ON ,'. " SU~PLU~ GARD.:::H CO!.fv'IODITI:l:..S DROUGHT REUEF STlTi)Sl\";' RUF.AL :ctE!-iABILI'r.A.TIOlJ AID $ $ $ $ ¢ '•' TDrAL -t 3? - ~ ~r- ~c:: -:· v,_;:,~· · . : :-)1~;,ib·'.\~ _,.,-;.,· .j ..-. .. J_ 1~, • T - ., - '.J - ~~ /., I' ...... .. ·' J'1'.1u:, ":, .r c::;:r•1..::y:!_·:t : .~::_: !'C, "! r, _;)~ . ~ ~ ~, ,!~,1-~. ,~ .r: tTl l _; ,·\ , 17, 15 ""1· ~:,...... ·., F - -~) . ,..L. 31. -'>1 j 1 . ::1 Cr,tob8r =~'.YT' .:.l:),~ r :x;, -~·~::.h-, r 1:c;7 , '('_.: '.0? , 50 :-, V7 , 6? 626. 4) 9,362 . <?1 TX ! ::, l '.;> , -:.0 407 . 50 9,42ii,02 1c,021.12 J anUP.TY 159.00 ?eh r u:1 r y !. ~ ~ c~-: April 511 .'.)5 ..?2\ , c2 ?,· 879 .23 766 .,::. ll,38!..66 5,756.39 1,,963.34 129.22 62 1; 1 . \ ) 1:,y, May J·1.m e J uJ.~· A:.t£"J. Bt f.ep t embcr Gct obe:c lfov ember T:JT.r· L GF.AND TC/i' 11.L 225 . 20 360 .3,, 332 . 50 l , :t6li, 65 999 ,7'J 2i\5 , SC, l ~. 00 135.00 551. 31 24Sl , 72 !.i31. 26 -:'0') . 57 2, 222 .7:, 3, 6r';2 .7c 3,785 .9~ 4,551,02 6,327.36 3, 71+5 , 5li 23 , 592 .05 1, 871.00 3, )33 , 14 ***23, 592.05 2, 278. 50 ln':'. '.wle a $2 , 3138.89 **·* 60 .00 39.00 136.76 Local Funds Includes 22,234.n **2,971.68 3li, 629 .81 ff $1 ,] 68 .66 Local Funds Local Funde 60.00 60 .00 175.76 175.76 27.8o 4.52 1,35.04 106.58 125. 00 73,33 2,8o7.68 1,070.00 41.84 22.03 13,94 260.85 78.63 62.85 28.00 25.15 522.27 6,094,68 417. 34 116.00 522.27 6,094.68 417.34 116.00 2,117.00 12,422.94 6, 894. S6 5, h13 . ~3 2, 451~ . ~l 1,360 .00 306.32 1i, 751,58 4,342. 67 7,145.11 6, 453,li6 7, 274.27 58, 828 .75 2,971.68 71, 821.55 • • I "!nancicl Deta -.:} -I~ --~-~-·•.::~- --~; --~; ' ','::.,~ ,C 'i,~C'l' 1::-'"'.,I F:F ·I,1":-';1 : ,~1.... TRi,I:SI:mT mv::;;RGSNCY ..'...)UCATION $ d· ~) ';JORX RZLI:SF C. 1:J. S . ;;1 $ C • ,J.t\ . 1 $ cou:fTY -----SURPLUS DIWUGHT GA~DEN CCM,10DITIES RET..JI'F $ ..,~- <!: 't' RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ TCJ::P.L $ 1:-52 r~ ~Y~-: :nber Oc':..: ,bPr r;ov,~mo-sr :::i. cE:!:lber G, 751.5? D,0~:::?.55 12,4)3,39 5,751.57 1:,,042.55 12,1~93.39 ": 01.'AL 29,2;37.51 29,287.51 12,650.00 ll ,150,00 10,200.00 12,885 .26 13,370.54 15,5 11\.57 9,303.20 15, 2,1~2. 7"5 1 4,920.8'.") 12,650.00 11,150.00 10,200.00 13,035.26 14,020.54 15,544.57 9,458.20 15,992,75 15,086.90 19,845.80 26,491.00 91,503.45 0 P35 J .3.n·Af:'~'J Jc: bru,-u-.:' !Viurch _r,pri] Me.y ,J·~,: Jul :· At,31.· cir.. Sept l,!":JP r Oc t~'be ~ Novemoer December TGrAL 1934 Janue.r;l February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL GRAND TarAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 150.00 150.00 :._✓' ,391,57 17,487.03 0,897.47 8,047.65 10,814.99 71,790.99 162,148. 29 10,814.99 79,838.64 2,176.55 254,978.47 17,oe:9.72 15,077.72 12,055.17 19,822.87 20,430.65 14,495.15 14,657.49 14,163.83 15 1 102.83 12,576.05 21,792.26 10,223.64 ll,626.06 9,417.86 23,192.13 36,443.18 34,539.55 48,231.i1 43,952.1 13,758.19 110,500.23 9,521.48 80,382.04 2,105.49 84,052 .00 9,852.27 4,506.30 972.84 344.45 234.65 714.25 445.98 1,610.00 776.50 5,738.78 20,669.94 12,562.95 13,423.82 17,199 .64 141,612.65 105,215.89 98,926.91 40,344.76 177,183.80 217,626.80 *368,619.6o **~17,626.80 * 150.00 150.00 166.05 454.23 956 .27 25,385.16 290,265.68 **40,467.23 36,200.15 410,571.55 Includes $60,768.90 Local Funds. ff-* ** 40,120.15 1,315.41 214.oo 135.95 1,~7.22 2, 33.20 631.73 74.50 2,140.98 883.23 162.75 3,108.23 713.03 1,353.82 1,083.12 70,576.82 108,672.01 21,896.38 27,318.31 73,720.96 4,820.37 7,714.45 204,909.56 50,382.60 1,773.26 75,897.51 4,820.37 7, 71t~.45 204,909.56 50,382.60 1,773.26 Local Func1s. Includes $330.43 Local Funds. 25,748. 85 50,439.56 12.00 3,356.36 4,298.95 11,489.76 3,919.22 43.96 639.90 273.16 816.24 77,800.21 145,210.51 3,170.40 2,062.50 195,212.08 138,383.97 5,232.90 1,059,015.54 40,467.23 5,232.90 1,383,748.75 • • I Financ ia 1 G R UNDY ----- EAl< AND DIREC'1 MJN'rH RELIEF 1 $ WORK RS:LH:F c.w.s. :t; $ C.W.A. ~ 'r' TRANSIENI' $ ~ ta O lT N T Y -C ----EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ G.6RDE.'N $ SURPLUS COMMODITIES $ lj DROUGHT RELIEF RURP.L STUDENI' REHABILrrATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ 1932 Sc pterr.ber October Nov~mber Decemter TITTAL 1933 Ja:11... ary February March April Mey June July August September October November December 208.89 315.00 308.00 155.65 248.50 326.00 208.89 315.00 303.oo 155.65 248.50 326.00 201.43 2,150.74 12,764.91 2,150.74 12,966.34 1,562.04 201.43 14,915.65 16,679.12 January February March 121.00 April May 497.50 June 405.50 July 600.90 August 407.50 September 526.87 October 632.38 November 1,513.62 708.02 574.56 no.51 14,864.30 8,681.39 5,845.96 943.99 15,572.32 9,255.95 5,956.47 3,055.59 1,756.57 464.09 5,664.62 4,839.52 6,892.09 45,227.61 23,435.50 TOTAL 1934 TOTAL 1,990.60 991.8o 4,160.75 3,263.22 3,485.61 5,856.86 19,748.84 1,393.09 *6,267.31 ***19,748.84 1,594.52 4,705.27 * Includes $4,264.12 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 30,335.64 **7,56o.89 52,812.18 140.36 20.76 75.00 264.27 58.59 188.91 192.74 123.03 254.93 .42 143.36 95.76 1,082.89 55,972.55 8,265.93 2.25 374.75 143.36 95.76 1,082.89 55,972.55 8,265.93 2.25 374.75 3.00 **Local Funds *** Includes $1,782.16 Local Funds 1.,.174.81 5.4o 2,942.39 36,945.43 14,904.52 3,700.00 73.13 36.58 3,644.30 811.92 2.25 244.20 130.55 122,120.3:~ 7,56o.89 -146,36o.34 • • I Fir.a nc in 1 HARR IS o· N ------- - -I DP. ta COUNTY YF 1•.•r~: /';}ii; :,1 JrlTH !iI P?C~ t'JOI/K ESLEii' R.H ic:1" ~ t· ~, c.i.i".f~. $ C.W.A. TRAlffIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ $ $ G.A.RDEN $ SURPLUS COM-10DITIES $ DROUGHT RE LIF.F $ f,TUDENT RUP.P.L REHPBILITt\TION ,l\ID TOTA!. $ 1:: , :.,? $ * !>t r• r:10,-r Oct o')t r l;' ~V< ·1rib " r Dr1c,..,r'lb,=>~ : t, TJ'-1\l U;.5 Jr.ini.1.,ry F Pbr'..t'l r.Y Ma r~ h A_prj l i',h y J unr J1 ily .t•. 11gust f· .="1 t Prnb,:-r Oc tob Fr 't,.'')vr m:ic r l>c " mb,:r 130.00 14, 640.42 14,770.1+2 130 . 'J0 14, 640.L.2 11+, 770.42 22 , 687.63 7, 0 &L 10 7, 541.53 310. 29 5.76 121+.63 23,5'.'i6.61 8,650.6o 7,693.03 2,380.29 1,383.14 376.29 7,542.29 4,936,73 6,460.28 7,542. 1+7 8,581,133 1, TOTAL 19.31+ 86S . ;18 Jam1qry i"rbrUPl"J M3 r ch t.-pr il Mc'.Y 662 . 50 1'51.50 l'.:'- . 00 552 . t.o J unr July 1, ']71. 0C 999 .30 200 . 00 P.ugust ~ .. ~t f:"mb Er OctobP. r Uov e m·o ~r l.JFcrmbc. r 336.45 549. 66 n4. 02 72•.> . '.:5 '.)69 : Jo 2,4S9 . 51 3, 619.21 3, 649 . 53 6, 069 .37 7, 271. 59 577.50 25.18 51.66 134.19 205,96 125.00 125.00 187,64 16.00 2,533,58 539.87 fj37,71 3, 817.00 51+5,90 38.15 33.16 48.22 102.73 TOTAL :.:,,948.18 20 , 078. 01 1,682. 93 : r,8, 657.94 **9,24?..18 ")77. 50 666.99 3,914. 80 4,434.21 150.95 79,103.56 9,242.18 GRI\ND Ta:'AL *2, 943.18 ***26 , 070.01 1, 312.92. 62 , 5V',. 54 577,50 666. 99 3,914. 80 4,434.-21 150.95 103,u6.16 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * IncludP s ** Local Funds, ***Includeo $2,7~9 -~0 Local Funds. $2, GJ) , 91 Loc~l F~~n~s. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data -HENRY - - - - Q .2 !! !! ! ! YEAR AND DIRECT MOli?H RELIEF WORK RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EOOCATION GARDEN SURPLUS DROUGHT CCM.10DITIES RELIEF RURAL STUDENT REHABILIT.ATION .A.Ir $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 3':'ptomber Octob~r November Drcember T01'.A.L 1933 January FP-bruary March Ap:::-il M<iy June JUly August SP.ptemb~r October NovP.mber DGCP.mber TITTAL 1934 January February March April May June JUly 2,913,50 1,213.00 1,050.00 1,612.47 1,612.47 15.40 20._30 16.55 41. 65 7,398.84 6,846.22 41.65 7,398.84 20.70 757.64 699.24 206.48 19,439.75 1,190.77 5,68o.93 100.40 .90 99.00 132.00 1,98o.oo 996.00 135.00 2,992.20 4,172.Bo 4,610.90 4,234.42 10,100.00 August September O_c.t.ober November 2,918.50 1,213.00 1,050.00 32.67 76.63 544.32 ► .35 16.30 20.65 7,457.04 1.25 14,287.96 191.34 20.51 75.66 296.32 TGrAL 1,04o.32 29,086.32 1,663.36 GRAND TOI'AL *iHt *7,886.54 29,086.32 32,411.85 -H-2,156.85 1,705.01 41,967.54 * Includes $1,998.42 Local P"undl ff ·1.25 Local Funds *" Include• $5,118.16 Local 1'lm4a 17.43 2,472.4o 67.36 1,911.25 2,017.26 59.98 939.19 2,852.30 1,276.32 317.57 463.39 20,218.09 7,890.01 5,887.41 2,179.4o 1,336.77 20.51 5,675.26 4,536.48 7,494.01 9,664.62 12,539.83 56.44 95.82 110.00 152.26 693.83 6.,545.68 5,067.81 780.96 77,442.39 2,156.85 152.26 693.83 6,545.68 5,067.81 780.96 93,-887.20 • • I Financial Data 1! .! Q ~ Q B I YEP.R DIRECT RELIEF $ AND MONTH QQY. .-~ .T:r : TRANSIENT EDUCATION GARDEN CONMODITIES -nR~Iri RELIEF .· $ $ $ $ $ SURPllJS EMERGENCY WORK RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ C.W.A. $ RURAL S'l'UDEB'l' REHABIUTATIO!k -· AID , . - .$ --- ; _.; :: $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 930.00 3-,'151-21 '4,.687 .27 TOTAL 9-30.00 ,,ti ~'27 4,687.27 '5,998.89 2,953.16 . 2,418.-57 83.05 5.00 9,166.16 4,574.08 2,673.53 2,251.18 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,996.82 1,557.17 215.22 170.45 63.75 37.97 180.95 331.70 75.02 710.00 141.10 133.68 189.27 266.8? 2,o68.4o 3,262.47 3,022.53 10,574.46 5,942.79 2,300.71 21,856.73 1,987.18 998.90 * 2,300.71-1HHZ7,856.73 * 1.77 78.67 98.56 2.84 55.00 52.80 n,_458.67 ** 2,455.85 17,671.79 5,699.,21 4,769.21 Includ~,,S0.10, Local Funds **weal *** Includes $950. 74 local Funds 1,liJl~.?7 38.25 837.00 1,356-14 176.56 · 35.00 1,207.6o 7.20 28.00 40.90 1.11 1-07 .8o 180.07 2,4o7.9' 1,249.80 68.90 l.TT 107.So 18o.07 2,4o7.95 1,249.80 68.g&. 75.02 2,915.21 \,_278.41 ,~ 719.95 11,030.49 6.,03.31 50,401.61 2,455.85 57,544.73 • • .l QQ !l 1! ! I l! Q 1 I YEAR AND :VIONTH DIRECT RELIEF $ $ WORK ro;L.IJ<.:F $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ TRANS~ $ 1932 Financial Data -· OOR(}ENCY EDUCATION • SURPIDS GARDEN -$ COIVM)DITIES $ DROUGHI' · RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID ' . i $ $ T0TAL $ September uctober NoveI!lber "December TOTAL 1933 January February March Aptil May June July August September October NoveI!lber December TOTAL 515.61 301. 73 296.05 61.39 276.11 189.35 10.00 158.37 46.75 183.47 8,109.79 1,855.36 183.47 8,109.79 613.28 637.32 242.15 7,455.50 1,935.58 2,569.29 87.68 515.61 301. 73 296.05 67.60 276.11 189.35 10.00 158.37 8,340.01 < 6.21 6.21 10,154.83 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 151.51 162.02 249.38 84.oo 1,777.20 997.00 82.50 50.00 142.24 525.47 911.51 540.90 5,186.75 6,619.36 9,415.33 7,114.47 2,358.63 31,651.01 1,492.75 * 4,213.99 31,651.01 1,676.22 * ** 388.50 Includes $3 1 22,.~2 Local Fume Local Fund.& 12,048.05 ** 3,403.42 23,561.26 6.21 8.45 34.02 191.10 29.28 167.94 1,000.00 1,118.78 27.01 73.74 229.98 3.00 50.00 59,396.34 645.95 56.25 692,22 262.85 1,339.72 61,o69-3C) 56.25 692.22 262.85 1,}39-72 61,069.30 56.25 8,068.78 2,724.41 2,973.46 2,114.2& 1,089.45 34.02 2,370.94 5,266.03 7,907,39 69,413.88 9,oo8.16 110,970.78 3,403.42 124,529.03 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ·• • I £.Q~!!! J!Q!!d!~ rlAR AUD ;.1)N'l'Il DIRECT RELIEF $ lk)JK :anm$ 19,2 c.w.s. • Financial Data EMERGENCY c.w.A. TRABSIEllT 'fflJCATION GARI>Elf SOBPWS CQP.M)DITIES $ $ $ $ $ DROOOHl' RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABIUTATION $ AID $ TOTAL $ September October •oTember December .1'0TJU, 19'3 Januar;y :rebna7.7 March April -- June .TulT .... A1lgut. Septeaber Ootober Bo-..nber Deomber . "2.16. TO'fAL "2.16 -. 12,673.65 12,n1.~ 12,61,.65 l9~ Jftl1U8r'7 J'e1nar7· tilarch April "6.~ 1,6,i.98 ~.,, 1,1~.~ 571.7, ~ hue J~ 406.~ 1,969.,r September October •oTeaber -~.o, 807.. 21 'l'O'?AL Gnm4 TOTAL 4,641~,1 24,lt04.4' Aaaut 33,.24 ,aa.70 230.n · * 4,641.31H-tt24,4o4~4' T»~-~0 ,,,ee. 119.26 '9.8, 1,002.00 2,i.or-12 4,006.09 5,104.41 4,201.62 5,7n.62 491.116 u,,».a - 679.71 151si 106.,, 2'4.03 76.67 3().00 171.40 14.51 ,,'24.19 4.9, 2,,S,.69 l.67 .'9} '6.00 ,o.oo 886.'5 -fi,218.76 17,522.18 l:47.47 ~,,-,. 75 86,037.71 ,0.00 886.. ,, . ~--2~.76 17,'22.lB_.: 147.47 2,345.75 121-,.649. 94 132-~ ,,0'37.17 26,804.29 ff 3,569.,~ ·. * Includes $,, 722.4-0 local Funds ..., Local Funds ......, Includes $948. 77 u:>cal 'l'lmda 22,9,S.,S ~1,884.36 ,, 15,'23.66 8,202.13 5,812.87 2, 753_.i.o 1, 784.9665.75 1,258.13 10,~2.97 , 4,510.25 13,807.51 1,425.00 14,526.16 . 7,515.67 855.00 .. ,S.,o ,,596.67 7,870.'9 l.0.45 67.79 ,o.88 28.80 22,9>,S.58 ." • 1! 2 !! ~ 11 I Financial Data QQ!!.!!1-X Yi,A.R 1'1W DIRECT MOtfl't! RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN SURPLUS COMM::>DITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DROUGHl' RELIEF $ STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December 637.09 637.09 TOTAL 637.09 637.09 282.65 809.99 1,547.99 835.51 125.70 15.00 282.65 809.99 1,547.99 835.51 140.70 466.42 802.99 848.78 941.31 367.91 n,795.19 4.50 4.55 1.07 6.34 470.92 807.54 849.85 13,no.75 6,661.34 367.91 11,795.19 31.46 18,855.90 662.25 700.00 831.02 1,466.93 1,143.61 1,177.18 1,365.71 1,398.69 1,630.50 1,144.14 1,928.73 887.88 705.18 308.11 1,888.90 994.90 10.00 1,745.74 7,558.02 11,968.37 16,905.75 20,418.93 22,278.35 10,310.32 10,155.31 170.77 406.89 18.00 1.03 1.65 6.75 3.95 13,448.76 61,490.61 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL * 20,747.19 **-11"61,490.61 1,901.17 2,269.08 * Includes $881.28 Local Funds *** Includes $63.76 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 15.18 42.68 594.07 293.64 3,876.60 153.25 129.23 4,254.71 561.63 1,613.95 1,726.88 5,660.70 n,765.76 5,454.90 2,738.25 1,728.10 7,896.28 14,789.43 9,416.15 2,291.70 2,312.88 23,829.51 n,717.15 ll,301.19 3,530.55 3,176.87 1,498.82 ll,340.25 12,564.94 27,285.08 51,166.67 4b,135.90 37.4o 43,339.64 13.38 57.86 9,863.13 26,259.59 36,568.21 4,604.58 197,546.93 55,134.83 44.84 '57 .86 9,863.13 26,259.59 36,568.21 4,604.58 217,039.92 • • l B QB YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF $ WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data QQ~!n'.X EMERGENC Y EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPLUS COMM'.)DITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April l\'ia,y June July , August September October November December 110.65 1,406.87 107 .50 331.09 17,109.96 441.74 18,624.33 TOTAL 1,717.52 107 ,50 17,441.05 19,266.07 1,783.27 1,421.86 1,945.98 1,637.43 2,136.73 2,045.97 4,412.49 2,613.19 2,206.29 2,476.22 2,560.21 737.62 714.33 208.Bo 1,151.62 861.80 14.77 3, 084.51 4,807.90 4,481~. 76 5,231.17 7,496.68 23,807.21 n,598.87 10,867.01 1,039.02 384.18 25,239.64 27,133.21 200.00 200.00 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL * 26,957.16*** 27,133.21 3.00 104.oo 20.24 12.65 47,696.29 ** 3,347,24 68,484.58 1,768.25 1,660.75 * Includes $1,463.00 Local Funds ** Local Funds *** Includes $674,31 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1.20 2.70 30.60 170.41 179,50 477.38 62,53 100.00 247.67 950.00 101.20 60.00 .50 170.68 213.20 6.80 64.8o 6.90 136.89 1,237.49 1,081.80 444-.38 71.60 6,90 136.89 1,237.49 1,081.80 444.38 71.60 26,328.10 13,736.26 13,024.49 3,828.07 3,586.72 2,240.24 9,088.38 7,484.12 6,961.73 8,296.50 10,134.34 104,708.95 3,347.24 127,322.26 • • NarE: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Except for Transient and 0/vA data, information presented for Jackson County include activities carried on in both the county and Kansas City prior to May 31, 1934. After that date, separate reporting was ·maintained because of reporting requirements of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data ~ ~ IT.AR JI.ND DIRECT RELIEF MONTH $ WORK c.w.s. RELIEF ,$ $ $ ;li $ $ $ $ COt.MODITIES GARDEN RURAL REHABILITATION DROOOHI' RELIEF SURPllJS EMERGENCY EDUCATION 'fRANSIENI'S C.W.A. QQ!l!!!.! Q !S § Q !! STUDENT TOTAL AID $ $ $ 1932 58,176.46 12,096.70 51,282.00 93,333,57 5i-j,176.46 72,096.70 51,2::32.00 93,33-.;,57 Sei;tAmber October Novemher December 274,888.73 274, 382 .73 TOTAL 1933 102,109.44 65 ,790.56 159,627.33 100, 427. 3,3 133,739. ?.l 122,247.02 .Tn l y 122,303.96 August 97, 856.55 '):Z, ,760. 67 September 124,266.80 October November 130,523.90 December 190,088.57 10,068.35 6,411.40 89,083.97 102,109.44 65,790,56 159,627.33 100,427.38 133,739.21 122,247.02 122,303.96 97,856.55 93,760.67 124,266.80 144,935.30 289,240.89 1,450,741.39 10,068.35 95,495.37 1,556,305.11 10?, 563.44 110,501.65 117,723.20 140,348.10 56,920.71 125,021.10 100,279.30 May 11,080.49 46,105.61 June July 10,740.98 29,311.29 August 10,973.64 n5,195.35 September 1,189.64 55,178.49 October 15,790.93 74,654.37 65,644.04 16,088.78 November 18,785.61 16,934,78 4,250.05 155,668.33 105,973.60 75,880.74 2,177.44 27,957,52 6,916.47 llQ,16 278,017.38 233,410.03 197,853,99 199,446.25 254,702.24 65,422.30 51,367.33 144,768.25 98,201.63 134,144.73 132,680.03 669,021.95 ">43,289.16 39,970,44 *** 543,289.16 50,038.79 J8nuary Februa.ry March April ~lay June TOTAL Janua.r y February March AprH TOTAL BRAND TOTAL *2, 394,652.07 * Includ_es $ll.OO local Funds ** local Funds *** Includes $18,507.98 Local Funds 374,614.26 ** 43,630.49 513,740.12 464,76 557 ,21 438.58 310.24 8,327.56 12,228.90 979,56 '.l,124.48 3,653,94 4,672.16 2,405.03 1,221.55 189.01 2,004.43 3,601.32 15,270.16 14,402.60 14,024.17 5,059.26 9,887.20 17,848.07 13,195,70 20,913.47 441.26 414.40 6,110.76 3,177.26 21,86~.55 14,245.73 49,767.44 66,903.70 855.66 9,483.27 21,862.55 14,245.73 49,767.44 66,903.70 855.66 9,483.27 195.25 1,790,014.16 43,630.49 3,664,838.49 • • I ~~.!!§~§ i.t:AR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF $ WORK RELIEF $ Q!IX SURPIDS EMERGENCY c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT $ $ $ EDUCATION $ Financial Data GARDEN $ COMM:>DITIF.S $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENI' AID REHABILITATION $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January Februe.ry Ma.rch April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 5,358.98 305,822.65 14,501.50 4,841.42 3,763.87 5,509.79 7,470.87 2,553.79 14,501.50 4,841.42 3,763.87 5,509.79 12,829.85 ;oB,376.44 3u,181.63 38,641.24 349,822.87 603,0T(.14 405,430.18 384,816.77 10,548.72 7,990.48 1,470.32 816.64 2,094.21 2,.131.47 1,192.43 1,739.60 3,866.66 4,027.68 7,749.95 19,144.39 20,905.92 37,058.18 44,218.07 605,171.35 -407, 561. 65 386,009.20 12,288.32 ll,857 .14 253,940.86 252,803.59 363,119.96 291,246.;4 362,562.66 429,268.10 1,414,150.25 481,296.79 2,206,628.67 144,128.56 3,.375,829.17 481,296.79 4,206,948.83 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November 170,945,-.90 122,131.02 142,799.10 153,235.63 173,464.79 221,392.83 TI,496.96 122,105.98 201,176.47 117,104.79 152,039.69 163,657.20 983,969.27 833,581.09 TOTAL Grand TOTAL ~ * 983,969.27 833,581.09 * Includes $814.5() Local Funds Local Fnnos *ff Includes $230,212.93 Local Fund.a ff Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ** 182,769.80 ~ • • !I l! §. Ef E f Q I Financial De.ta. !I J~ 1 X TI.AR Arm DIK:CT i.K)ITTH R~ LTIF ,,. ' c' WORK RELIEF ,.. ,;, c.w.s. C.,·,.A. TRAliSENT $ :~ $ F.MERGENCY EDUCP.TION ~. ,;, GARDEN ,. ;> SURPIDS C0M-ODITIES $ DROUGID' RELEF $ RURAL STUDE}rr AID REHABILIT./l.TJON $ $ TCTP,L $ 1932 Se:I·t er:iber October November Dflcember 1,071.02 2, 852.66 6,831.75 12,004. 80 1,071.02 2, 852.66 6,831.75 12,004.80 TOTAL 22,760.23 22,760.23 19,024 .89 19,778.19 26,401.29 39,994. 69 32,899.83 24,909.46 25,675.18 23,333.82 28,607.31 34,500.00 36,679.32 16,502.44 9,848.65 40,359.70 190,693.10 281.Bo 315.00 291.25 55.91 391.20 459.30 19,024.89 19,778.19 26,401.29 41,033.13 34,693.21 24,909.46 25,956.98 23,648.82 28,898.56 34,555.91 77,430.22 217,503.49 328,306.42 9,848.65 231,052.80 4,626.28 573,834.15 9,794,35 14,455033 19,723.51 33,689.30 31,645.71 26,77-2.94 27,374.06 24,142.42 20,977.91 22,499.51 20,553.61 12,005.39 8,637,o8 1,775.70 258,367.26 152,492.19 lll,529.48 8,690.32 13,626.64 4,006.44 96.o8 237.06 308.13 226.13 1,000.00 744.85 2,315.24 6,237.85 1,834.18 5,036.26 6,135.53 1,771.57 2,o82.79 914.43 54,25 1,193.Bo 1,277.84 453,95 1,359,27 1,010.72 28o,263.o8 175,821.66 133,336.82 50,694.95 61,274.95 45,318.69 68,162.06 105,730.82 105,966.36 142,839.38 149,282.85 24,171.31 4,258.84 6,264.26 42,351.88 36,024.06 288.60 261.00 28,797.59 4,258.84 6,264.26 42,351.88 36,024.06 288.60 261.00 1933 ,January February March /;prj 1 r,:s.y June July August Septe:.nber October November December TOTAL 1,038.44 1,793.38 . 1934 January February March April .May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL 8,089.20 12,845.70 13,592.86 33,851.03 70,200.64 63,618.94 81,911.92 98,202.23 251,628.65 382,312.52 -11-iHf- , * 602,695.30 382,312.52 22,418.17 ¼ii- 32,266.82 * Includes $39,522.67 Local Funds ** Local Funds *-II-* Includes $37,556.07 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 548,712.33 127,714.84 907,479.97 4o4.48 1,242.47 147.35 1,840.95 1,182.50 1,341.97 2,530.10 10,161.95 8,919.43 16,798.80 13,100.95 10,818.39 10,291.oB 190.10 98.50 171.00 90.00 1,318,691.62 127,714.84 2,043,000.84 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Finencial-~ta J EF F E YEAR AHD l.JIT'.F.C'r MONTH RELIEF :i: WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. .,,c;: B S ON C O U 1; T Y ------ C.W.A. TRAN'.:,IElIT ~RGENCY EWCATION $ $ 5 GARD-i.:lI $ SUF• ' :;f: CQr.;✓:C•DITES IBOUGHT RELIEF ❖ $ "' RUR~L REHABILITATION $ STUDENT AID TOTAL $ $ 1932 S1;ptP.mber Octobrr Novembr.r D,;cf'mbP.r 888.38 888.75 888.38 888.75 1,777.13 1,777.15 5,058.74 5,226.70 March 5,437.18 April 4,535,33 May 4,520.50 Jum~ 8,n4:82 July 1,698.41 Ausust 3,952.67 s~ptember 7,426.75 October 3,744.55 November 3,955,92 Dtcember 2,396.15 2,618.35 7,375.18 29,364.28 27.65 2&.72 54.82 4.00 5.25 14.83 5,058.74 5,226.70 5,437 .18 4,535.38 4,520.50 8,134.82 1,,726.06 3,981.39 7,481.57 3,748.55 56,087 .77 2,618.35 36,739.46 135.27 95,~.85 2,563.03 2,337.70 4,254.61 April 3,550.64 May 3,828.81 June 4,862.88 July 4,994.75 Ausuet 4,701.10 September 3,905,53 Octobf'r 4,426.18 November 5,553.63 2,614.10 2,113.29 295.04 41,554.50 29,991.66 20,830.82 434 ,68 19.55 30.49 6.oo 46,751.18 34,473.14 25,386.47 1,065.90 4,982.18 7,101.92 9,466.24 8,837.93 TOTAL 44,978.86 40,009.45 5,022.43 92,811.6Ji *~8,628.49 OBA.ND T<JrAL *102,843.76 ***40,009.45 7,640.78 158,179.61 TOTAL 1933 Januery Frcbruery TOTAL 1934 January February March 4,28o.28 4,275.00 34,393.61 8,265.60 199.28 657.06 374.51 10.86 985.61 21.63 322.05 579.67 123.84 2,286.27 856.34 2,418.17 4,076.26 673.56 15.00 193,148.oo 28,628.49 2,421.54 856.34 2,418.17 4,076.. 26 9n.,6 15.00 '19,134.47 907.86 1,322.37 Includes $12,872.30 Local Fund•. Local Funds *** Includes $.3,995,83 Local Funds * it* 11,336.35 169.99 506.05 3()4.22 14.40 19.35 94.15 7.06 5~.6o 15.00 3,096.00 9,386.18 6,196.11 10,156.66 9,724.26 n,6o8.64 15,184.48 16,015.28 • • i Q 1J li § Q li I Financial Data QQ!:!E'.E1 YEAR / Jill f,101\1'TH DIRECT WORK RELIEF RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ TRANSIENT $ EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPLUS COlvf,;lODITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL REEABILITATION STUDEN'I' $ AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 Jenuary February March April May June July August September October November Dece:mber TOTAL 145.65 932,64 107.06 130.62 2.10 145.65 932.64 107.06 132.72 181.33 533,34 374.63 175.51 4.69 5.73 2.24 536.03 285.15 17,019.85 186.02 539,07 662.02 17,731.39 2,580.78 550.79 17,305.00 20,436.57 160.45 222.20 1,411.17 1,131.36 289.83 29,585.17 14,745.38 11,112.04 1,822.60 555.05 545,00 31,156.79 16,098.94 11,401.87 4,918.50 2,393,50 603 .88 5,536.76 7,755.60 9,340.00 13,158.45 16,088.08 1934 January February March April 140.00 140.00 2,955.90 1,487.45 186.05 August 38.71 September 100.00 October 107.14 November 1,617.91 3,127.66 5,268.71 5,732.61 5,822.39 8,818.43 May June July TOTAL Grand TOTAL 33,213.15 2,832.36 *5,293,24 -iHHt33,213.15 3,383.15 *Includes $3,610.22 Local Funds **Local Funds -IHl-*Includes $514.oo Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 58,365.24 -IHl-15,663.32 91,333.56 44.50 1,866.50 18.67 3,166.09 1,214.33 1,448.Bo 121.70 2,071.61, 206.80 4,135.98 1,703.13 29.50 159.61 684.76 1,515.00 1,490.70 301.50 1,149.98 7,758.89 8,239.22 81;,.87 3,005.70 301.50 1,149.98 7,758.89 8,239.22 873.87 3,005.70 99.00 202.50 2,712.46 166.50 58.88 234.85 357.90 105.00 105.00 121.85 118,452.37 15,663.32 154,552.26 • • !Uf Q ~ Y,.;;,:i.~ i:.Jfi) ~./JirI'I: IlI:V:CT lUT.,I.:'.F l°!OIC I:c:i,I.sF . i; c:,1.s. -' ·) C.\',.'.A. .... ,jl L QQ!IB.1'.X :%:rERGENC Y EDUCATION $ TRANSIElf.I' $ Financial Data SURPIDS GARDEN $ COt.f,'k)DITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL RSSA.BIUTATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL ,., .p lS~)C. s~;;;·;:,c-i;~Jer .:.c·t.·:'):Je1" 1;- ~) YC!:1ber :)cctI:";._b c r ':.'OTP.L 1933 JE>r.uary Fobruery I.JD.rch 159 .45 262 .76 173. 41 371,35 159 .1~5 262 .76 173.41 371.35 414.oo 414.oo A:,ril t.hy . . 0#_.1y Au::,--ust September October ifove:mber December 414 . 00 414.oo ~ 184.&.i 7,535.13 43.84 7,719.99 184.86 7,578.97 9,558.80 600.07 610.99 185.70 6,156.32 3,719.87 3,475.83 399.28 83.20 104.66 6,756.39 4,330.86 3,661.53 2,233.98 1~!-h'~.85 467. 50 4,698.10 4,127.32 6,428.54 8,554.98 8,888.02 h::·•..)1. 1,794 .97 TOTAL 1934 January February March ..._____ 170.00 387.95 342.99 219.21 A11ril !,iay June July Au311st September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL 1,664.70 977.70 561.83 863.40 1,372.86 2,319.14 3,837.19 3,999,4o 6,610.65 6,284.47 3,918.24 25,693.25 1,396.76 *5,713,21 ***25,693.25 1,581.62 16.00 10.12 55.66 * Includes $4,493.88 Loce.l Funds ** Local Funds *** Includes $3,767.64 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 19.85 65.19 13,939.16 *-ll-9,653.10 31,171.23 2,094.56 1.44 309.60 933.26 236.63 1,534.92 96.00 10.53 1,097.20 36.06 22.79 41.55 67.30 65.78 101.04 3,349,39 2,964.75 167.70 51,596.07 65.78 101.04 3,349.39 2,964.75 167.70 70,807.97 9,653.10 • • 16£.12~2 YEAR A1ID DIRZCT WORK r.1mrrH RELIEF RELIEF $ ... y Q Q I:! l! ! I Financial Data .x SURPIDS l!},lERGENCY c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ TRAUSIENT ... •i> EDUCATIOH ,}. .... GA.t1DEN ,.. y COMI✓DDITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ RURAL REHABIUTATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October Nover.1ber December TOTAL 1933 April May June July August September October November December 170.77 361.54 1,469.02 1,960.61 902.90 646.oo 338.98 333.14 422.19 404.53 550.10 540.50 107.15 TOTAL 8,100.28 622.76 617 .41 641.19 834.99 1,056.12 668.69 914.05 1,267.27 1,205.59 1,282.59 1,393.65 1,905.45 981.10 93.99 1,431.07 5,159.70 4,323.26 6,018.98 7,208.21 10,504.31 27,121.76 January February March 14,221.45 2.75 8.15 35.85 22.47 54.82 18.36 170.77 361.54 1,469.02 1,96o.61 902.90 646.oo 341.73 341.29 458.04 427.00 6o4.92 14,887.46 107.15 14,221.45 142.4o 22,571.28 848.64 679.62 233.81 23,915.19 12,395.76 11,999.58 3o8.18 5.74 9.19 7.99 12.18 25,392.33 13,701.98 12,882.57 3,o6o.8o 2.369.69 933.61 7,083.78 7,040.55 9,483.51 11,01~·144 10,42. 1934 January February Me.rch April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *18,604.59 -H-it27,121.76 1,762.07 1,869.22 * Includes $3,134.33 ** Local Funds *** Includes $162.34 48,618.71 **4,266.00 67,106.16 Local Funds Local Funds 18.85 332.47 170.93 1,017.25 2,883.21 170.oB 235.39 58.82 24~~-78 .25 53.95 1,076.07 4,557.11 4,806.15 4,6o6.99 281.18 196.35 1,076.07 4,557.11 4,806.15 4,606.99 281.18 838.20 30.00 1,190.44 2,o~.30 7 .21 304.17 2,520.53 1,228.69 553.60 109.33 8.30 163.55 103,388. 30 4,266.00 130,225.58 • • LAFAYETTE YEl\R rum DIR:::CT !c'iON'rTI ffi:LIEF $ WORK RELI:::-:F $ c.u.s. c.. 'i' C:'.J.A. i TRANSTI!NT ,~ ..;> I Financial Data QQgB.'.!'.1 ~1ERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SUR?WS COMMODITIES $ DROUGRI' RELIEF $ RURAL W.:-!I\BILITATI ON STUDENT AID $ $ TOTAL ,~. ..;> 1932 Septer.1ber October November December TOTAL 1933 Jan·J.ary FebruP,_ry i:i[>.rch 1\;;·ril I·.1~-Y June Jn:3.;· f~v.,:; October Nove::1bar Dece:iibcr TOTAL 1,702.12 1,143.80 1,105.71 53.0::> 3.00 1,702.12 1,148.So 1,105.71 56 . 00 265.00 603 .25 498.82 420.21 83.34 14,871.61 13.76 4.98 7.94 265.00 617.01 503.80 15,383.10 5,796.91 a3.34 14,871.61 29.68 430.40 469.21 306.03 125.00 140.00 665.31 826.12 - 259.66 27,504.41 10,868.97 13,868.65 1,143.23 127 .52 3.67 8.43 8.25 11.77 20,781.54 " 1934 January February I,iarch April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL 2,825.75 1,449.05 756.25 462.60 2,577.11 2,176.68 5,349.16 6,602.84 4/~35.98 5,985.70 4,976.35 28,625.16 1,751.09 *l0,773.26 ***28,625.16 1,834.43 201.00 265.00 56.50 * Includes $7,002.55 Local "J'unds ** Local Funds *** Includes 01,410.94 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 79.61 37.81 310.00 235.76 160.00 278.50 53,516.45 ** 5,300.93 73,688.99 1,600.00 2,191.52 120.49 245.03 236.39 630.01 1,670.07 5,789.09 662.19 6.60 8.60 46.oo 219.4o 90.00 28.45 812.75 1,101.68 4,393.43 8,751.36 280.60 90.00 58.13 812.75 1,101.68 4,393.43 8,751.36 280.60 90.00 28,608.55 12,172.55 14,446.11 4,093.98 1,796.18 41.48 5,043.93 '3 ,678.05 8,562.00 11,057.20 9,827.29 104,327.32 5,300.93 130,409.79 • • I b~ !! !! ! !! Q. ! P..AR AUD i'-:OllTri DIRECT \'!ORK RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. $ ~ $ $ Q.QY:1!!.! EMEJCENCY TRAUSIENT $ EWCATIOll $ GARDEN $ Financial Data SURPllJS Cot1M)DITIES ,.. <i' DROUGI.:T REL.Ii:F $ RURAL RCHABILITATIO?l $ S'IUrellT AID $ TOTAL ~; 1932 September Octo·oer lfovet'lber December TOT/'.L 364.57 336 .65 326.50 364.57 336.65 326.50 1,027.72 1,207.72 262.70 262.70 318.50 2, 05<-5 .16 2,261.61 1933 Jcn-..wry February Mnrch A:pril 318.50 2,056.16 2,261.61 5,473.62 4,218.95 1,467.00 1,662.98 1,Bo2.28 2,315.6 1+ 2,742.53 2,369.41 I,ia.y June July Ausust September October November December ~ ::5, 47:5. 62 4,218. Sl5 1,469.50 1, 670 .33 1, 322.41 2, 31~0.89 6,1So.13 39,919.98 5,335-79 3,415.71 32,202,7'5 2.50 15.35 20.13 25.25 21 .89 12.03 26,951.38 5,335,79 35,G18.l~6 97.15 68,002 . 7,3 2,336.25 2,296.12 2,008.92 2,911.92 1, 691.42 1,978.70 1,961.51 1,983 .46 1,831.02 2,150.37 2,579.84 9,884. 87 6,365.86 498.45 2,991.56 1,499.90 140.34 2,684.54 5,5ll. 35 9,0 9.00 11,867.46 12,806.04 43,858.24 19,057.11 12,648.75 715.48 28.45 7.25 14.90 38.22 56,107.81 27,726.34 15,171.02 6,657 .18 3,513. 67 2,228.88 7,700.47 9,178.43 21, 064 .25 31,565.86 22, 811.55 23,734.53 46,65().22 16,749.18 *51,713.63 -H-*46,65().22 22,034.97 TOTAL 1934 January February !,larch April May June July August September October November TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Includes $10,382.83 local Funds ** *-It* local Funds Includes $5,038.24 40.48 55.00 322.35 44.31 967.02 1~79,9J 16.50 328.7 5,237.10 512.92 13,939.30 320.78 4,319.16 1,208.40 1,107.18 4,412.1~9 259.42 1,249.37 15.00 165 .80 2, 595,91 1,481.36 88.82 980.48 2,976.13 23,512.06 8,236.86 4,258.07 185.97 980.48 2,976.13 23,512.06 8,236.86 4,258.07 65 .53 local Funds 76,345.11 -lHl-29,302.68 141,266.25 885.00 203,531.46 29,302.68 301,864.64 • • 1f ~ ! .§ £.Q££I1'.1 Financial Data X TI P.R 1'J.m ?,l01JTH DIREC'l' WORK RLLm:F lli:L.1~' -!, .,. 'I' 'i' c.w.s. C.W.A. :ti ~ TRANSIENT ·'·y EMERGSNCY EDUCATIOU $ DROUGHT SURPWS GP.RDEN $ COMMODITIES $ RELIEF $ RUAAL STUDE:NT REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ TOTAL ;p 1932 Sq:tember Octooer lfove:mber December TOTAL 1933 J2.nua.ry FebruarJ 118.rch ,\pril 90.cH I.l._9.y 95.83 June July AUGUSt September Octol)er November December ::;3.33 ·73.34 TOTAL 450.99 90 .83 95.83 98 .83 73.84 :, 91.66 91.66 37.70 6,128.87 S,166.57 37.70 6, l28 .87 6,617.56 ~.96 570.51 133.61 10,86&.~ 3, 762..~, 3, 79$..SI 161l..18 11,371.05 4,332.75 3,932.42 1, 949.18 1,169.20 31.o8 4,663.29 4,013.77 3,869.64 10,821 ,93 8,681.25 1954 January February March April May June July Auzust September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL 99.00 132.00 1.,,6~.,oo 171.00 9.84 165.00 577 .59 717.78 2,186.40 3,631.93 3,'567.97 6,842.32 6,977.77 1,872.21 25,894.99 1,207.08 *2,323.20 ***25,894.99 1,244.78 * ** *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis m.6o Includes $1156.13 Local funds Includes $2987.05 2.4..oo Local Funds Local Funds 18,614.32 **11,348.06 36,091.25 13.60 31.08 190,51 ~ 2,115.38 372.00 62.50 75.00 16.97 74.17 2,998.72 636.90 84.63 328.30 247.20 235.19 2,641.85 3,709.79 84.63 575.50 235.19 2,641.85 3,709.79 84.63 '575.50 54,835.56 11,348.06 72,801.18 • •• 1UI£Q1li I QQ:\U!TL Financial Date YEAR AHD DIRECT MOIIT'H RELIEF $ WORK REL:::--r:F $ C.t1.S. $ C.W.A. $ TRANSIENT $ :E1,1ERGENC Y EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPIDS COMMODITIES o\ 'I' DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL REHABIUTA_TION <· 'i' 1932 STUDENT AID $ '.l'OTAL ~ September October November December TO'rAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL ,585.79 7,58.83 237 .79 455.64 8,638.07 1,;44.62 237.79 9,093.71 799.04 672.56 204.65 11,094.60 4,861.12 4,173.12 8o9.07 2,497.94 1,041.43 9,634.69 10,676.12 1934 January February March April 716.32 773.14 6,54.04 1,044.89 984.,54 61~5.30 278.24 May June July August September October November TOTAL 1,647.60 999.90 116.97 248.41 2,500.90 3,678.60 3,502.30 3,841.90 4,203.00 5,461.85 20,374.20 1,676.25 *6,8o6.47 20,374.20 1,914.04 17.30 99.20 122.50 174.53 80.27 608.37 25.09 131.86 200.00 81.29 .80 264.oo .80 264.oo 25.00 * Includes $2,133.77 weal Funds ** local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .Bo 23,435.85 ii-1t838.50 33,368.06 14.00 92.4o 24o.oo 70.46 18.23 2,590.00 47.55 1,121.38 11,992.84 174.25 26.10 44.30 1,301.41 435.09 15,926.02 70.4o 1,301.41 435.09 15,926.02 70.4o 12,609.96 6,306.82 5,031.81 3,502.36 4,670.91 725.57 6,094.91 3,751.24 5,012.84 16,347.47 4,891.98 68,945.87 838.50 80,460.49 • • 1 .H I Financial let.':! E. 2 Y~I! ~ '{".,'.t:;., n.;rr; MON'l'H DIRECT WORK RI<:LEF RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TR!>.NSThr."T EDUcnron Gl\::DEN ft~P LUF CClv'IMODITIES RELIEF Rtffi!>L REHIIBIUT.ATim: STUDENT JIID TCTI'/..t ~. t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ t t- EMERGENCY DROUGHT :!. ~);~ ,, ,t~mb,J r Octob~r ~iovember ~ Dr>ccrr.ber 294.01 423 .99 29 1~.01 423.99 'I'(J].'AL 718 .oc 718 .00 420 .20 1,279.35 1,351,31 2,256 . 41 1,722.83 1,167.96 150.00 ,~eo.20 1,279,85 1,351.31 2,256.41 1,122 .83 1,167 . 96 150.oc 1933 January }'Pbn.1ery March Ppril May Jur.e July August September October November December 320.10 516.70 345.07 U3.ll 15,568.20 13.50 463 . 21 16,443. 47 9,245.36 345.07 15,701.31 2:5.50 25,315. 24 1,394.76 1,473.31 820.00 1,581.00 167.00 3,060.4o 920.75 991.71 1,088.13 1,433.87 1,765.01 1,18o.23 1,015.02 194.24 19,975.03 11,572.21 8,465.45 128.11 12.75 74.50 10.00 11.00 22,562.77 14,1_35.04 9,489.69 1,778.6o 4,679.55 6,768.84 5,150.86 8,981.95 14,695.94 30,321.42 TOI'AL 1934 January February March April ~, June July August September October November TOI'AL GRAID TOI'AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,961.82 999.8o * 24,659.30 .... 30,321.42 * Includes $17,326.76 .,_ 10 . oc 3,681.93 17.30 72.10 75.00 3,453.08 1,46o.61 169.18 3,448.78 316.58 1,36o.oo 55.11 1,153.90 1,051.99 1,300.50 24.00 41.00 74.70 108.25 230.20 1,834.79 8,848.23 4,921.50 139,70 131,75 230.20 1,834.79 8,848.23 4,921.50 139.70 65.Bo J.i.o,14o.8o - 5,031.25 60,873.36 2,734.56 2,389.49 Local Funds • Local Funds. Includes $1,710.8o Local Funds. 1,415.95 249.15 60.33 577 .53 251.66 271.41 379.50 45.21 3,120.73 8,155.76 7,438.64 9,492.76 11,578.10 12,558.95 103,630.32 5,031.25 134,694.8i}. • • I Financial ~ta LIVINGSTON .9..2!!!!!! YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EWCATION GARDEN SURPLUS DROOGHT CCM10DITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WORK $ RURAL STUDENT $ TorAL $ 1932 September October Novf'mber Dece::nber TorAL 1933 January Februs.ry March April May June July August September October November December 1,409.46 445.75 463.6o 370.75 14,920.91 1, 78o.21 15,830.26 TorAL 9,547.78 463.6o 15,291.66 25,303,04 783.75 1,026.18 789.78 851.27 1,105.36 1,959,86 630.86 1,071.24 623.96 395,61 790.80 2,823.SO 2,4o7.53 245.81 2,804.05 5,089.47 4,976.85 14,510.08 5,371.32 19,348.03 11,463.99 7,699.57 663.06 102.34 147.00 22,955.58 14,897.70 8,735.16 4,012.93 2,-733.30 2,157.66 6,747.15 6,439,97 8,077.36 18,091.06 9,976.72 10,028.67 36,472.87 1934 January Februs.ry March April May June July August September October November TorAL 2,348,54 1,364.92 1,551.81 1,226.69 2,348.54 1,364.92 1,551,81 1,226.69 566.50 634.11 566.50 634.11 2,498.60 1,222.50 5,477.14 GRAE) T0rAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * 19,576.45***36,472.87 * Includes $15,249.08· ** Local Funds. ***Include ■ $10,428.64 5,94<>.74 - Local Funda. Local Funda. 39,423.99 5,252.67 59,968.32 303.10 50.8o 354.71 250 •.31 130,00 382.84 601.48 1,005.58 1,731.28 3,236.41 2,356.05 23.50 1,34o.97 934.25 164.45 64·.9() 116.33 5.45 12 •.80 72.10 284.61 12.8o 356.71 1,471.76 6,574.75 4,819.22 186.68 12.8o 356.71 1,471.76 6,574.75 4,819.22 186.68 104,824.59 5,252.67 135,38o.3() • • I Financial M~E,2!~;E £~!!!!! YEAR AND MONTH Data DIRECT RELIEF WORK SURPllJS DROUGHT RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EWCATION GARDEN CCMwK>DITIES RELIEF $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILrI'ATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ 1932 September October November December TOI'AL 1933 January February March April May June July August September OctobP.r November December TOI'AL . 998.25 1,+51.47 !' c·_,. l,j,0.6o 846.Bo 853 .95 975.30 1·, 499. 30 1,996.10 2,467.95 1,210.60 ! 13,530.32 16.55 7.00 1.25 6.25 1·.00 J . ,, ·r ~ :- ) ' 998.25 1,151,47 1,,,0.60 846.SO 870.50 982.30i,500.55 2,002.'5 ,5,171.42 24,694.47 4o3.43 2,702.47 23,080.44 403.43 25,782.91 32.05 39,748~71 945.63 698.27 249.93 26,576.91 11,599.39 9,838.62 1,010.62 54.07 1,253.30 3.25 7.10 7.42 4.95 28,260.39 13,050.96 12,737.51 5,515.57 3,859;44 2,537.88 5,206.17 7,796.72 29,703.94 68,003.2, 30,500.14 I 1934 January February •'t 734.60 74-6.20 March 2,641.54 April 3,494.QO May 2,504.03 June 1,268.58 July 1,510.51 August 1,458.40 -September 1,964.30 October 2,343.18 November 2,642.79 2,432.40 4,314.64 4,763.97 5,424.38 . 5,999.83 TorAL 21,308.13 2&~702.62 1,893.83 50,332.91. .- 5,031.63 GRAND TorAL *34,838.45 24,702.62 2,297.26 81.147.45 1,006.00 761.40 * 'Includes $46.55 ·Local Funds. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ** Local Funds 417.22 1~.72 16.00 700.00 524.26 64o.78 1,3T7-30 321.66 , 22,598.76 331.54 59,820.05 151.28 21,654.09 39.00 5~6o 45.35 10.00 22.72 2,4o2.74 ;1o6,272.92 99.95 i,6.i,, li!07,171-97 5,031.63 54.77 2,402.74 106,272.92 99.95 136.15 251,952.31 9.90 74.10 '52.1.5 · • • M ~ £ Q !! YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ $ WORK C.W.A. s 'i TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data £.9.!Z!!!l. EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ Sl:JRPWS COl\'1-10DITIES $ DROUGET RELIEF $ RURAL REHABILITATION $ STUDENT AID $ LOCAL $ 1932 September October Nover.1ber December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August Septemb, October November December 50 _. 5(, 507 .25 857 .50 842.76 11085.91 542.90 21,810.44 4.35 205.00 120.00 697 .50 301.50 303.00 509.50 861.50 842.76 23,443.60 TOTAL 4,917.42 542,90 21,810.44 13.60 27,284..36 761.08 l,~-7-35 1,54().04 1,827.71 1,508.94 1,355.70 1,877.41 1,735.73 1,775.69 2,069.98 3,907.18 1,741.27 1,448.48 313.84 2,461.21 1,218.54 25.59 1,905.83 5,638.53 5,970.43 6,987.49 11,190.15 25,428.38 14,786.44 9,584.84 755.46 822.76 157 .79 2.00 14.60 20.47 18.62 19,906.81 35,397,77 3,503.59 * 24,824.23*** 35,397,77 4,046.49 205.00 120.00 )')7'10 )i -) 1.50 1.50 2.25 4.oo '.") 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand Total * Includes $5,371.50 local Funds ** local Funds *** Includes $4,168.14 local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 51,535.67 ** 3,480.13 76,826.24 310.00 103.68 193.62 253.01 125.00 200,00 57.07 141.92 2,145.00 341.44 166.68 258.40 708.93 2,385.78 1,761.11 923. 75 19.'i' 75.55 77,55 14,75 40.56 155.68 70.44 196.24 1,185.31 3,110.51 5,779.57 172.80 84.04 196.24 1,185.31 3,110.51 5,779,57 172.80 27,932.73 17,796.87 11,459.19 5,063.00 3,917.31 1,784.68 6,121.86 8,336.20 10,618.04 11,301.37 16,527.46 120,858.71 3,480.13 151,623.20 • • I' Financial Date ~~Q!§Q! YEAR WORK DIRECT RRLIEF AND MONTH RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ c.w.A. TRANSIENT $ $ QQ!!!II ».1ERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPUJS C(M,l'.)DITIES $ DROUGHr RELIEF $ STUDENI' RUBAL REBABIUTATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December 700.:,4 TOTAL 700.:,4 700.34 700.34 1933 January February March April May June July August September ::>ctober November December TOTAL 1,000.77 1,962.77 1,687 .1.8 995.3<) 6,246.93 1,207.48 1,125.00 1,131.81 1,248.18 1,258.63 1,489.38 1,562.11. 249.95 1;893.15 10,297.88 4.96 5.50 5.19 9.35 15.22 20,915.54 249.95 12,191.03 40.22 1,524.77 2,236.84 2,501.07 1,354.16 2,305.54 3,906.69 2,319.97 1,612.21 1,6:,4.61 1,770.82 l.,837.90 181.09 832.14 2}7 .22 13.,240.42 7,865.42 14,018.33 794.45 426.,,00 10.85 7 .,:, 9.,:, 4.2' "- 1,000.77 1,962.77 1,687.18 995.30 6,246.93 1,207.48 1,125.00 1,136.77 1,253.68 1,263.8~ 3,391.88 12,125.16 ,,,,96.74 1934 January February March April May Ju-ne July Aµgust September October lovember. TOTAL 3,242.21 6,350.13 7,284.63 7,847.76 9,o49.64 1,8,0.i., .. ~ -44,02<' 46.039,_o ,5.5') 2.,100.i.o hDd8 • ~ --t,,192.frf lDcal. ....b:,cal_ , . . . . . ~...l'.$.lwlea ~.,Dt,8."'7} Local Fums Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ; ,39.,i. 16.88 y,9.26 9.2-. 125.00 43,.'6 122.07 }9,035.'9 ·2 3,004.58 TOTAL Grand 3,261.22 2,000.00 15,5,r.1, I -,6,~.62 ...,.. 2.,81.0.07 '51,,~,.72 19.0, 10,941.90 +6~766.12 5,414.08 5,;o.aa ,, 2.62 9,542.64 7,980.08 1,751.20 1,8,0.00 8.,0 1, 7116.29 175.70 8.40 ,.20 lO., 790.5' 20.70 8.,o 15.70 1.07,299,.93 2,810.07 llf.l.~_207.98 ,2-.10 122.07 1,,0,.28 ,., 700.611- 1,887.70 18.90 72.'2 122.07 1,,0,.28 ,,100..64 1,887.70 18.90 10,-251.74 u.,042.21 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I M~ B ! ! YEAR .e Q Q l! ! AND DIRECT MONTH RELIEF WORK REI..IEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EDUCATION $ $ $ $ $ $ Financial Data IX SURPllJS ~ENCY GARDEN $ DROUGHI' C0Mv10DITIES RELIEF $ $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March 1,058.70 1,345.73 1,074.20 741.87 810.00 1,222.71 1,248.59 1,253.37 7,626.34 Augast September October November December 1,058.70 1,345.73 1,074.20 739.93 810.00 1,222.21 1,248.59 1,253.37 8o9.44 207.51 6,609.39 TOTAL 9,562.17 207.51 6,609.39 2.44 16,381.51 754.52 657.84 985.48 783.18 193.62 15,240.01 7.,.538.69 7,483.12 178.74 383.42 .70 16,980.71 8,979.71 8,559.29 3,276.94 2,231.50 944.65 5,160.50 4,686.55 5,911.45 5,544.41 7,305.98 April May June Jul.J' 1.94 .50 1934,aI7 February March April l,o89tl0 May June Jui,- 759.35 659.02 2,009.10 1,000.00 680.45 1,044.11 1,003.34 l,li.6.43 TOTAL Grand 9,396.76 23,452.64 TOTAL ff-It 30,823.98 1,962.28 .- 4,921.41 42,354.78 2,169.79 * 18,958.93 23,452.64 * Includ.ea $832.42 local ~ a ** ~ 14.,o 12.65 69.85 127.28 185.30 305.4o 28.56 337.09 336.39 109.90 15.75 337.50 1,429.92 2,104.86 25.85 32.15 18.19 337.50 1,429.92 2,104.86 25.85 32.15 255.00 2,601.78 3,975.99 3,824.58 4,128.54 5,912.65 August September October lloT•ber .75 Local Ji\mde In¢luiea t,14.97 .weal Fundb 1,-~39.30 1.55 ,.oo 702.67 42.19 20.70 21.30 32.15 69,581.69 4,921.41 90,884.61 • • 1 Financial De.te. ~ t ~ Q ~ !! .! Q !! YEAR ~ !! AND DrnRCT }U:.:lIYF WO:RK REUr:Y c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCP.TION GARDEN CQf.M.lDITIES IEOUGHT RUR.AL RELIEF REHABILTI ATIOll SWDE}l'I' MON'PH AID Tcr.:'/lL ci• ~; $ ~ $ ~- $ $ $ ~ ~ 'i ' '•' 1932 ::?eptcr.1ber Octob:; r Nove'fllb0.r Drce~1)r-r TClEr-L 1933 Jenuary Febru~r.Y ~,267.?2 1,66 1+.41 6, 71 1~. 70 6,856.17 12,1c3.20 1-'3, 10;.20 5,)36.35 7, 73').'}3 5,936.;,) 7,7Y?.'?3 2,86S.00 8,675.97 7,610.54 5,63.1 • 72 3,63·5.81 3,3563( 2,008.37 3,622.60 17,915.77 47,148.16 3,8G8.oo Apra M.."-ly 2,675.97 7,61c.5:+ 5,631.72 3,565.44 3,311.31 2,704.37 3,561.95 2,970.06 1,437.50 Jun,(' S,,ptP,nber October NovP.mbe,r Di,.cr:mbtr TarJ\.L 1S34 Janu~ry F"bruary !\-1.!J.rch A;ril . 2,001.25 14,877.i6 43,690.73 68.37 44.99 60.65 68.55 18.68 62,013.14 2,001 .25 58,567.89 365.24 122,947.52 1,504.45 1, 685.83 1,580.11~ 1,723.92 1,026.47 4,087.51 1,949.64 1,905.37 1,778.29 2,872.04 3,061.52 4,625.18 3,717.96 732.56 • 5,726.58 3,920.13 24.29 2,897.01 5,966.70 7,191.12 13,233.11 15,365.01 68,859.75 42,369.73 34,869.59 3,191.00 3.60 7.25 12.00 9.00 40.09 74,996.63 47,785.52 37,241.29 10,681.59 5,796.71 4,]29.71 12,175.20 8,921.86 12,106.33 35,859.09 ?.1,644.65 23,175.18 54,;23.95 < ... 33.05 37.50 1,155.83 1,578.63 255.17 125.00 224.86 10.29 539.29 1.62 183.00 6,656.00 312.00 102.57 177.83 2,78o.99 2,981.31 14,927.20 592.84 512.85 89.45 38o.05 15.60 89. 71~ 265.46 101.39 2,771.96 1,338.93 13,574.63 16,192.87 840.30 33, 1~55.35 ** 241,316.92 ,,- \66.63 * 103,291.51 *** 54,323.95 11,126.95 2,771.96 1,338.93 13,574.63 16,192.87 840.30 r.hy June July August Gcptsmb ~r Octobe r Nov,;-mbP-r TOI'AL GRAND TarAL $ 2,357.92 1,664.41 6,714.70 6,8'.Y~.17 Maren Ju..l.vAuguot 61.JRPLUS * Includes *31,464.52 -lH( Locel Funds. *** Includes Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis $10,019.25 307.22 16.29 400.10 9,125.70 Local Funds. Local Fu.-ie.s • 149,293.67 75.00 .25.00 600.00 271,338. :8 33,455.35 6oo.oo 445,.944.65 ·• • MERCER ------ \ I ____ COUNTY ,. _, Fins.ncfal ·DP.t~ _ ri<:AR AND DIRECT WORK MONTH BELIEF BEUF.F c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSISNI' EVJ:RGENCY EDUC.A.T!ON GAP.DEN SW.PLUS COMMODITIES RELIEF RllRAL Rr:HABILITNl'ION AID TOI'AL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ dy $ $ $ DROUGHT f::TUDE1"1' 1932 September October November December TCTrAL 1933 January February March April Ma,y June July August Septe!llber October November Dccembe 301.85 238.77 251.45 301.85 2·38.77 251.45 484.00 450.oc 348.93 166.46 1,071.00 3,513.12 6,421.82 2,241.46 1,071.00 9,934.94 January February Merch April May June July August Srptember October November 49.00 27.25 61.90 198.61 453.79 216.28 355.79 181.54 254.03 105.14 1,339.Bo 1,630.34 1,160.22 195.38 6,715.55 3,338.99 3,370.71 179.68 158.17 138.84 2,023.10 4,134.55 3,745.29 4.,221.45 6,915.46 TOTAL GRAND 3,243.13 24,039.35 2,985.94 * 5,484.59 *** 24,039.35 4,056.94 ,TCTrAI 1934 TOTAL * ** *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .93.00 1 9.00 5.00 1,999.50 1,000.00 Includes $4,054.54 Local Fund,. ·Inclµdee 2,48o.41 455.00 3,862.05 7,659.28 14.oo 13,261.40 .s, 394.89 7.71 6.61 31.14 165.02 406.28 Local Funds. Local Funds. 52.90 27.30 115.16 64.22 169.16 352 .52 647.67 6.oo 2,332.36 1,431.51 350 . l+O 3,700.00 1,130.40 579.92 4.8o 28.20 39.90 13,901.94 14.32 6o2.44 781.26 4,767.94 5,415.12 68.10 26,632.92 28.32 6o2.44 781.26 4,767.94 5,415.12 68.10 ** 2,796.04 4,526.46 3,635.70 2,384.40 1,664.86 382.42 6,841.72 li,386.31 7,662.38 6,883.76 9,056.64 55,819.54 2,796.04 71,876.98 • • Financial D!lte ~!.!d~~~ YPAR AND M')NTH DIRECT RELi.iF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ $ c.w.A. $ Q~!!!!! TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EllJCATION GARDEN llWOOBT SURPLUS CCM10DITIES RELIEF STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TCfI'AL $ 195:? S€ .9tembcr Octob<>r Nov0mb!:'r k~ r-:n bi=i-r TOTAL 1933 J'l.nuary FP-bruary M.arch April May June 55.00 Jl¼lY August September no.So Octobflr 171.10 Nov.,mber 143.70 December 245,89 269.45 7,845.39 no.So 171.10 143.70 8,360.73 726.49 269.45 7,845.39 8,841.33 January 196.84 Fflbruary 197,12 March 223.73 April 365.13 May 308.82 June 413.95 July August September October 359,98 November ~47.4~ 1,866.70 1,000.30 1.30 1,383.70 3,579.86 3,779,00 4,211.eo 7,752.92 788.92 653.n 209.74 14,727,6o 5,906.79 5,781.17 489.33 636.03 2,313.01 23,641.58 1,651.77 27,54o.92 * *8,924.41 *3,039-50 ***23, 641. 58 1,921.22 44,310.72 TOTAL 55.00 1934 TOTAL 7.15 1.00 611.00 317.78 177.08 337.92 122.05 '\ 61.72 75.00 323,49 28o.94 264.8o 1,769.72 87.54 8.15 747.72 1,433.32 2,403.00 8,835.37 174.61 304.50 69,053.95 8,924.41 8.15 747.72 1,433.32 2,403.00 8,835.37 174.61 304.50 86,819.69 1.55.00 3,025.00 54,93 1,124.71 2,952.53 1,678.20 18.00 136.30 199,50 20,31 105.00 GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Includes $1,033.16 Local Funds ** Local Funds *** Includes $2,117.74 Local Funds 15,720.51 6,757.02 6,215.64 2,721.16 2,262.93 592.33 5,638.56 4,041.95 6,828.43 8,28o.56 9,994.86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • , I 1"1nanc1al Data MI S S I S S I P P l Q.2~!!'.!'.X YEAR AND MON'l'H DIRECT RELIEF' $ WORK RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ c.w.A. $ TRANSIENT $ EMERGENCY EOOCATION $ GARDEN $ SUPF~~us COf.'.r;'.ODITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ FURAL STUDF:r-IT PEHABILITATI ON AID $ t, ,p T 1 · AL -'·~ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September Octobe!' November December TOI'AL .'5 , 265 . 97 3,rT) . 79 3,265.97 3,079.79 384. 32 423.55 ·')f h . ~2 ~.i.:·2:: . ".:=-\ 1,154.13 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOfAL GRAND 'rO'l'AL 202.50 250.00 264.. 14 281.50 l-1-26. 70 31.00 11,292.23 11,7]8. 93 426.70 11,323.23 18, 904.05 1,142.19 967.10 18o.92 18,578.35 9,884.51 8,;95,05 261.09 1,123.44 282.18 8o6.43 3,996.90 2,500.00 2,113.90 3,510.10 5,220.25 3,599.63 1,847.65 1,985.21 2,662.78 24, 773.64 2,290.21 *9,816.91*..-..24,773,64 2,716.91 35.00 823.21 38,524.62 ** 9,472.13 * Includes $2,316.75 Local Funds 'It** 59,319.98 **Local Funae Includes $132.00 Local Funds 31.00 121.56 237.62 337.13 97.26 22,309.53 45.35 19,720. '54 10, 851.61 3, 575.97 l+ , 46C •11.ij 3,995 . 00 2, 897. 34 li,137.i, 5, 510 . 56 3,894.66 25 , 989.69 4,421.57 59.90 711.42 1,288.54 18;.oo 245.00 289.89 8.40 192.85 15.13 52.88 6.15 2,059.86 1,,,13.4-6 275.41 22,354.88 94,454. 86 2·,059.86 1,513.46 275.41 22,354.88 9,472.n 122,631.05 • • I F:::1,YJci al D"l t a ~ Q !! .! ~ ~ {: Q COUW TY ---- - YEAR AND DIR,.'i;CT MONTH RELIEF $ \'O~K RELIEF C. i,•J . A. C. 1!J . S . $ $ rnN :~-I.:;nT $ $ Fi~:-iG<'. NCY ZDUCATI Q}T <!, 'I' 3URPWS DROUGHT GARDE:! COMMODITIZ2 f;.ELIEI $ b 'i' ~ RUil/lL PF.I':Jl.BI LIT ~.TI O}T P.ID TOT.AL :t, $ $ fmJDSNT 1932 SPpte:r:ibP.r October November DP.cember TOTAL 1933 J'\uuary F - bruary March April M'-Y June JUly August September October November December Tor AL 154.30 154.30 278.70 7.50 ::::5.00 50.20 149.10 157.6o 815.38 7,123. 82 1,022.40 815. % 7,123. 82 1 , 2 1;-t-. 9 5 ·12, 6h5 .31 1., 0~0 . 73 3,409 . 97 5. 40 1934 January F,..bruary March April 27f',. 70 15.00 225.00 5C.20 154.50 8,097.30 7.50 903 . 93 275. i:,o May 1, 999. 50 996 . s,o June July /l.u.gust $ e :9tember October NovPmber 210.01 2S7. 91 2, !n3. 05 3,698. 6(i 3,702. 92 4/l57.1+8 4,737.13 TOTAL 497,92 12. 90 8,975.00 ~~.J.~3 361-1-. 41 'i .1() 15.18 55.oc 98.01 22,405.6!. 2,394.48 20,601.10 243,17 220.63 70.19 15,91 55.65 238.96 1,254.00 4)35 61. 91 1,686.73 393.37 133. ;.6 8,6o3.35 6.68 359.00 18.75 65.50 97.20 13,861.26 4,984.68 3,685.57 2,091.98 1,604.48 227.81 3,737.24 3,7-gi.33 5,872.60 14,163.76 5,585.93 l ffi .J.9 Bl1-l1-. 51 3,495.10 9,008.25 181.45 59,595.64 168.19 8 1+4.51 3,495.10 9,008.25 181.45 74,763.94 6,192.30 **6,192.30 GE/-.ND 'r()~.1\L Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *1,520 .32 ***22, 1..05. 64 3,210 .36 * Incluc'.ee 11,173. 96 *** L)C'll Fund s 35,917.22 ** Local Funes Includes ~;72. 50 L:icaJ Funds 12.S'G • • MQ!LflQ~ TIJ\1'! ~ID ~,!OlITH DIRECT WORK RELIEF RELIF.F c.w.s. $ $ $ :EMERGENCY C.W.A. $ TRANSIEll"I' $ I Financial De.ta QQQN11 EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURP,WS cor,M)DITIES $ DROUGHT RURAL RELIEF $ REHABILITATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 Se:-;tember Oc t ober ?1ov0i;.ber Decenber TOTAL 1933 J P. n1.1.ary Fe'brunry Ma.rch April 271.4o May 205. :.;'2 June July i\u3Ust SepteL:ber October November Dece:rr.her TOTAL 328.So 308.00 344.50 321~.50 18.50 43.50 105.00 248. 75 8,540.57 271.40 285.52 ~28.So 308.00 344.50 324.50 18.50 43.50 8,894.32 2,029.72 248.75 8,540.57 10,819.04 843.93 637..38 251.15 11,914.43 6,536.83 5,248.73 123.60 12,758.36 7,174.21 5,499.88 2,231.10 1,632.30 271.17 4,029.96 4,782.39 8,776.00 7,137.76 7,461.83 1934 Jannn.ry February March April !-:Jay June July Au13t1st September October November TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 115. 50 523.00 1,992.00 967.50 440.84 488.89 592.59 2,275. 67 4,658.78 4,509.22 4,219. 64 5, 668 .71 2,160.82 24,291.52 * ** 24,291.52 Includes $3,231.64 Local Funds 2,851.86 1,387.74 10.35 14o.oo 42.63 789.08 886.49 1,077.20 362.95 1,136.27 5,311.95 2,935.40 362.95 1,136.27 5,311.95 2,935.40 252.00 1,732.46 ii-ii- *4,190.54 110.95 141.Bo 271.17 300.29 80.98 185.00 155.00 2.03 1,981.21 local Funds 23,823.59 8,738.68 41,102.84 1,062.00 61,754.96 8,738.68 81,312.68 • • MONTGOMERY Q Q. 1! !! '.£ I .x Fine.ncial Data y,:p.:r. DIR2:C'l' R:~I..I.:F i\l;D ;·.1Q1Yi1~: :;> '✓/ORK 1Er.r.::,1 ·'y C :.·J.S~ ,, ·;, TRPJTSIENT c.v .I',. $ 0 EMERmNCY EDUCATION $ SURPWS GARDEN $ cor,t.10DITIES ci• op DROUGHT RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABIUTATION $ AID $ TOTAL ;~ }.952 3e~tc;:1ber Oc t o0cr Dec e;,ibc:::- 202.35 500.71 202.35 500. 71 TO'l'AL 703.06 703.06 ifove:r.iber 1933 52.20 461.85 476.08 362.66 311.26 156.05 52.20 11,S.50 57 .17 178,50 57.17 461. 2,5 Jru1nar:r February i·-'c.rc:1 A1)ril May June July I 47f .18 362.66 311.26 ' 156.05 A-. 1.r:;ust Se:;,te::iber OctoberNove::1bor Dccei:1ber 2,055.77 ' 'l'OTAL 331.53 8,073.14 8,404.67 331.53 8,075 .14 10,460.44 1,128.61 801.32 240.92 9,248.32 5,088.26 5,158.26 491.91 1934 JP.nuery 1'' e bru.:.'1.ry March April May June 132.00 132.00 183.43 70.00 July TOTAL Grand TOTAL 2 .59 60.00 292.06 397.12 626.83 1,300.50 4,179.78 4,001.13 5,023.74 7,255.21 1,833.41~ 24,744.75 2,170.85 *4,592.27 H-~4, 7411.•75 2,502.38 I\UQlSt September October November 1,991.10 990.70 103.24 * Includes $1,393.23 Locnl Funds ** · weal Funds *** Includes $2,669.24 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 322.73 316.33 443.64 39.78 190.86 281.39 51.53 187.00 83.32 738.69 707.00 925.00 96.27 6,137.31 93.80 52.60 10,376,93 5,889.58 5,399.18 2,615.01 1,445.43 592.35 2,850.67 4,406.56 4,66~.29 12, 57tl.25 8,838.68 o/9, 571.93 5.65 19,986.75 163.24 1,594.73 1,767.54 7,252 ,38 58.25 30,170.43 163.24 1,594.73 1,767.54 7,252.38 58.25 -IH!-2, 110. 54 2,110.54 72,845.97 • • MQ S 9: ~ Yf~ DIIIBCT RELH:F AHD T,'. OHTH $ . WORK c.w.s. RELIKF .$ $ C.VJ.A. $ TRANSIENT $ li I Financ ial Da.ta £ Q 11: .N 1'. X EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ SURPLUS GARDEN $ COMMODITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF RUPJ1.L REEA.BILITATION ;, $ 4' STUDENT AID T0'1'AL $ ~ 1932 September October Nover.iber Decerr,ber TOTAL 1933 Jenuary February March April Me.y June July August September October Noveuber December 638.25 1,400.00 1,388.09 394. 45 9,859.88 57.42 638 . 25 1,400 .00 11, 699 .84 TOTAL 3,426.34 394.45 9,859.88 57.42 13,738 .09 1, 31~9-58 1,197.12 1,279.33 1,290.04 1,196.73 1,146.80 1,337.98 1,076.36 1,462.91 1,718.88 1,722.96 1,125.26 822.16 199.64 1,971.80 999,20 21.65 2,559.69 3,952.65 4,375,73 4,232.15 6,568.61 12,740.20 6,186.90 4,461.71 1,065.53 1.75 4.15 • 50 14,778.69 24,681.48 1934 January February March April Ma.y June July August September October November TOTAL Grsnd TOTAL 2,147.o6 *18,205.03 ***24,681.48 2,541.51 * Includes $5,567 .31~ Local Funds *ii- **ii- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Local Funds Includes $200.47 Local Funds 24,454.34 ** 7,022.28 41,336.50 •• 5() 37.16 384.12 1, 472.18 273,99 10.53 235.22 102.27 90.82 266.57 14.85 102.00 75. 85 90U$0 356.68 2,000.00 14.40 64.82 2,342.39 2,230.83 6.90 1,856.30 994.25 1,473.29 6,652.44 ll0.36 64.32 1,856.30 994.25 1,473.29 6,652.44 ll0.36 37.25 26.55 l-1-6.56 15,215. 54 8, 207. 93 5,944. 83 4,327. 87 2,507. 08 1,178 .98 6,234. 89 5,258. 78 6, 895. 88 9,327 .3!} 12,055.99 77.155.11 7,022. 28 97,915.48 • • I Finencie.l De.ta !i f Y! !!1 ~ QB 1 Q £Q!:l!!'.IX ""..... . .'""~ YEAR WORK RELIEF $ DIRECT RELIEF $ AND MONTH c.w.s. C.W. A. $ $ TRAMSIE?IT $ EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPLUS COM,ODITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 ' September October November Dece:niber TOTAL 1933 January February Mar ch Apr il May June July August September October November December 3,749.72 5,133.44 1,782.70 3,749.72 5, 133.44 1,782.70 989 .. o8 1,245.42 989.o8 924.61 864. 75 281.76 315. 95 432. 12 124.35 12,794.75 1,245.42 998.93 924.61 864.75 281.76 315.95 13,351.22 16,718.48 124. 35 12,794.75 29,637.58 747.38 782.05 251.66 34,733,27 14,400.96 10,612.73 183.00 6.30 4.55 36,132.65 16,26,.69 13,656.22 5,o83 .24 6,024.02 4,758.22 10,588.14 7,798.15 6,1,S.24 17,317.22 5,352.12 998.93 TOTAL 1934 652.00 1,082.68 2,789.83 ,,112.42 3,160.49 4,186.67 2,909.00 · 2i729,29 2,560.94 1,763.90 2,773.95 January February March April May June July August September October November 27,721.17 TOTAL GRABD TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,787.82 2,166.79 342.00 5,657.58 4,684.65 3,268.78 2,268.24 2,o82.94 22,258.So 1,781.09 !Ht * 44,439.65*** 22,258.So 1,905.44 * Includes $119.69 Local Funds ** Local Funds ~ Includes $187.27 Local Funes. 59,940.81 4,606.49 77,342.05 2.00 1.00 65.45 179.15 69().44 225.00 1,276.90 24.16 323.12 537-.47 70.63 3.00 989.26 3,147.72 567.06 12,725.00 3.00 989.26 3,~47.72 567.06 12,725.00 744.66 .36o.05 5.IK> 76.21 125.IK> 12,6o5.95 119.05 129,133.91 4,606.49 163,377.98 • • NEWTCN ------ I Financial D,\ta .£2!:!!!'.EI Yi!J>.R AND MONTH DIRECT WORK DROUGHT RURAL RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TMNSIENT EMERGENCY EIUCATION SURPilJS RELIEF GARDEN CQP.t.10DITIES RELIEF "RE!IABILIT.ATION STUI:ENT .A.ID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1932 September Octob,:,r November December TO'rAL 1933 January February March April May June July August SeptembPr October November December 2,840.55 5, 712,09 1,342.69 TOTAL 8,585.09 2,355,57 3,783.08 3,528.42 4,453,99 2,825.09 2,612.71 3,108.92 3,458.04 3,035,27 3,575,10 4,005.49 1934 January Ffcbruary March April May Jmie July August September October November 36, 741,68 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.25 34,70 22,329.77 23.04 11.12 2,863.59 29,395,67 1,342.69 22,329.77 36.41 2,831.19 1,979,12 495.20 40,058.26 20, 725.6o 21,617.88 757,97 421.14. :n .50 286.20 13.63 36.89 6.10 32.45 2,999,38 1,999,55 18.30 4,145.51 5,181,50 8,295,58 7,200.54 15,544.59 45,384.95 * ** *-ff 750,00 39,40 158.69 5,305.51 -H * 45,326.77 ... 45,384.95 ' 6,648.20 Includes $4,463.39 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $7,077.71 Local J'unda. 83,904·,55 29,701,50 135,935.82 231.17 12,97 524.16 7'7,35 225,88 484.12 1i.8.61 2,029~00 ,2,29~.96 16.01 3,464.94 381.93 50.,0 5,76 1,i,3.18 671.76 559,40 124.oo 211.91 211.91 56.62 948.09 2,~.26 5,926.37 2,370.10 93,03. 948.09 2,364.26 5,926.37 2,370.;i.o 71.90 45,2'8,65 26,524.69 25,647.6o 8,211.34 5,476.95 2,681.48 10,843,79 9,398,66 16,154.85 12,476.85 20,539~18 183,214.04 29,701.,0 245,209.,0 • • I Financial 'D!lta ~2Et~f::! Y"i!:AP AND t-iONTH f2!!!!!:! DIR'::-:CT I<t;;LHF STUDF..._NT c.w.A. TRANSIENT GJI.RDEN SURPWS COM-10DITIES RUR.AL C. :-1.s. EMERGENCY EDUCATION DROUGffi' RELEF RELIEF REHABILIT.ATION AID TOTA!, ~. $ $ $ $ $ ~ $ $ $ $ $ ilORK 1 ] 952 ~,,,"9temn1er Octob':lr NovP.mb,n· l~c~mber Tal'JI.L J93) January February March 1-pr:ll ~:r July t,ugust s.. ctember Oct.C>ber · November Dscf'mber 1,362.98 714.18 27,072,90 29,650.06 TCYrAL 1,862.98 714.13 27,072.90 29,650.06 1,537.04 1,298.92 286.65 24,122.30 9,925.65 13,520.98 100.63 1934 J9.r.u'!ry FPbr:.:'!ry March I 405.07 609 . ·r5 36.00 959.38 700.54 65.00 f'pr11 t.~-, ,Tc111r. 2,489.00 l, 999 ,50 September October November 1,050.25 1,113 .14 317.90 2,401.57 6,003.15 3,393,02 4,637.50 'l'CYrAL 4,939-11 21,241.64 July t• uguot, :;Rf'.ND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis a * 6,802.09 **'* 21,241.64 * *'** Includes 3,836.79 $6,003.52 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $325,00 Local Funds. 47,492.44 24,319.48 98,884.82 14,219.32 110.37 47.88 271.38 253.37 140.25 2,736.6'4 2,149.36 12.00 1,162.06 29,437.52 1,948.54 10.00 785.18 1,456.41 230.00 15.00 293.24 1,850.24 1,543.37 3.88 2,241.59 1,068.25 6,423.49 34,709.48 10.00 3.88 2,241.59 1,068.25 6,423.49 34,709.48 10.00 22.88 3,122.61 25,659.34 11,631.58 1.94 1.94 2,625.63 3,069.25 748.42 5,540.28 2,666.94 7,598, 70 2,183.SO 38,952.87 1,173,40 11,897.36 3,357,20 124,6o9.69 24,319.48 3,357,20 178,579,23 •- • I QJ!!QQH lEAR DIRECT RELIEF $ AND MONTH WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. o.w.A. $ $ QQ!!!!!X Financial $ EDUCATION $ DBOUGm' SURPIDS C()t.M)DITIF.S RURAL S'IUDENT GARDEN RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY TRANSIENT Data 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February 2,214.27 3,174.68 1,871.43 1,657.66 1,042.64 1,343.68 199.81 838.21 871.75 679.03 March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL J.. 2,214.27 3,174.68 1,871.43 1,657.66 1,042.64 1,415.68 231.04 843.34 874.50 14,376.34 214.35 13,480.16 72.00 31.23 5..J.3 2.75 2.8o 13,893.16 214.35 13,480.16 u3.91 ?:7, 701.58 ' 578.68 743.49 905.10 1,587.54 l,O'Z7.8l. 898.32 730.41 613.28 121.44 22,6_54.4o 11,632.13 9,107.79 'Z77 .46 332.48 3.00 6.95 2.35 23,966.49 12,995.85 10,136.68 3,595.70 2,684.07 996.42 5,457.26 5,360.02 6,515.88 7,324.41 8,626.62 ' 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November 860.oo TOTAL 1,730.70 993.14 1,181.88 1,087.61 1,470.55 1,678.71 1,101.36 3,914-.Bo 3,792.37 4,027.69 6,045.45 12,019.69 21,605.51 1,1165.13 Grand *25,912.85 ff*21,605.51 1,679.48 * Includes $1,796.71 Local l'lmde TOTAL ff ff-It Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Local Funds Includes $528.53 750.00 250.25 Local J'unds ' 44,254.51 *3,582.•12 61,316.79 'Z78.8JI. 98.10 436.oo 145.24 305.00 436.98 20.05 51.Bo 223.20 549.61 254.24 1,850.00 118.10 1,102.90 795.55 538.6<> 4.8o 44.03 89.57 209.65 12.30 7.50.00 1,720.21 1,288.50 4,405.15 l,S.4o 126.21 750.00 1,720.21 1,288.50 4,405.15 l,S.4o 87,659.40 3,582.12 llB,943.10 • • I Q§f!QI YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF $ WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. $ Financial Data Q Q !l 1! I I ™ERGENCY c.w.A. $ TRANSIENT $ EroCATION $ GARDE1i $ SURPllJS DROUGHT RURAL STUDENT CCJM)DITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 31.00 183.00 258.61 666.18 5,763.0S TOTAL 472.61 666.18 5,763.0S 719.55 670.00 639.85 735.63 558.71 1,079.28 777.72 285.97 4.50 35.50 J.83.00 6,687.87 4.50 6,906.37 1934 January February March April May 588.55 June 1,676.60 997.20 265.50 August September October November 30.36 370.74 524.o8 2,870.4o lt-,311.88 3,418.38 5,560.22 5,293.30 5,102.97 24,127.98 2,142.97 *5,575-58-IHHl-24,127.98 2,8o9.15 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 3,075.81 3()4.39 8o.4o 201.55 50.17 20,268.12 '"2,600.75 28,631.95 4.50 2,1o6.01 1,280.11 55.00 55.00 270.00 14.75 4-16.27 86.61 275.32 821.75 942.55 821.75 942.55 21.29 * Includes $1,780.57 !J:>ca.l Funds ** !J:>cal Funds Includes $1,992.85 !J:>cal Funds .... 6,219.52 5,146.18 711.75 July TOTAL Grand TOTAL 12,312.21 10,513.38 4, 4,220.36 663.58 99.00 1,959.30 668.95 6,155.21 6,76o.39 1,118.23 . 4o.o~ 1,520.0 23.25 4,164.32 3,327.07 29.31 4,164.32 3,327.07 29.31 648.75 6.06 3,~6-~ 5. 7, 6,817.26 6o,927.04 2,6oo.75 70,434.16 • • I .Q f 6 !H T.,;P.R ,'\lm rn:ni:;-:i DIRECT VlORK :RELI::F &:LIEF ,!, '+' .. , ,p c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ TRANSIENT $ Financial Data £QlUi1'.l EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ SURPllJS GARDEN $ COMAODI'l'IES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ RUBAL REHABILI'l'ATION $ STUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 SepteL1ber October lfoveuber December TOTAL 1933 Je.nunry February March April May June July Ausust September October Noverioer December 256.35 1.8.00 10 .00 255.00 265.00 TOTAL 256.35 18.00 10.00 255.00 265.00 275.96 10,383.90 11.75 10,671.61 804.35 275.96 10,383.90 11.75 11,475.96 Jenuary February lvlerch April May June July August September October November 446.6o 582.15 7 75.01 1,109.76 806.97 656.62 704.82 617.58 755.15 490.81 886.35 868.35 658.o8 130.77 21,292.62 10,440.00 8,020.11 389.81 TOTAL Grand TOTAL 7,831.82 24,266.37 *8,636.17 24,266.37 1934 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * ** 1,892.10 1,004.00 13.00 362.67 528.66 405.41 157.70 543.45 133.63 165.00 521.75 5;.80 13.00 1,613.83 1.,980. 74 2,265.40 902.68 291.00 24.75 1,013.83 1,980.74 2,265.40 902.68 291.00 122.50 2,404.45 4,036.80 3,884.31 4,503.94 6,540.77 1,657.20 40,142.54 282.45 50,8o8.89 ff 1,933.16 Includes $854.35 local Funds I.oce.l Funds 43.37 1,560.00 75.00 8.05 2.00 93.48 45;.05 811.23 6.40 115.50 21.60 13.05 41.62 214.73 22,6o7 .57 11,680.23 8,925.89 3,404.67 2,259.75 814.32 5,410.22 4,817.66 4,912.99 7,185.07 8,346.21 80,364.58 282.45 92,122.99 ~ • • I 1:!Ml§QQ! YEAR AND DIRECT WORK MONTH RELIEF RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ C.W.A. $ QQ!U!!X TRANSIENT $ Dv1ERGENCY EDUCATION $ Financial Data SURPWS GARDEN $ " C(M.1()DITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ RURAL S'IUDENT REHABIUTATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 161.25 19,149.70 3.56 2,402.01 5,062.o6 6,727.87 3,742.62 1,997.71 1, 568.;8 669,76 1,217.20 575.30 337.o6 601.96 19,989.74 25,543.63 161.25 19,149.70 37.09 44,891.67 537.96 2,825.90 5,635.49 5,272.28 6,278.21 4,335.75 4,794.25 4,596.29 2,191.39 1,951.36 2,826.67 1,024.10 1,094.69 331.04 1,533.45 2,o:;8.20 5,501.65 4,511.87 5,610.42 3,347.61 2,586.76 3,621.28 41,683.01 17,842.98 11,724.26 172.68 1,688.93 43.50 22.75 54.10 40.68 14.20 43,267.82 21,817.67 17,731.47 6,992.61 l0,4ol.8o 10,106.70 16,659.69 10,350.66 5,673.50 8,492.81 6,715.51 TOTAL 41,245.55 28,751.24 2,449.83 Grand TOTAL 66,789.18 ***28,751.24 2,611.oa January February March April Ma.y June July August September October November December TOTAL 2,402.01 5,0~2.06 6,727.87 3,742.62 1,997,71 1,568.:;8 669.76 1,217.20 575.30 303.53 601.96 675.23 !lo,- 33.53 1934 January February March April May June July August September October Novelllber Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * !Deal Funds *** Includes $6,879.19 local Funds 73,155.36 *4,885.48 97,190.54 31.14 196.37 396.46 225.8o 814.57 91.95 124.62 537.25 37.04 131.73 6,766.51 2,227.69 81.88 3,400.45 168.82 6,766.51 2,227.69 81.88 3,400.45 6,539.00 52.00 9.88 20.00 3,366.30 34.15 158,210.24 4,885.48 207,987.39 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data R!BB1 £Q!Ui.'.!'.1 y :~~'. ~ :-~;:) DIRECT ; ': :Jr:.=1 REW:F :j; WORK RELIBF ...y c.u.s. C. W.A. $ $ TRANSIENT $ EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN COMM'.)DITIES DROUGHI' RELIEF REHABILITATION $ $ $ $ $ SUBPllJS RURAL S'IUDENT $ AID TOTAL $ 1932 S0ptc:·1bc1• Gctobe r 1fovcmber Decer:iber TO'I'Al 1933 Jl:'.na e.ry F Ph.,,.-ue.r y :0rch 1\~·- ril Mn y J,.mc J uly Au, Sept ember October No ve:nber Dec ember 3,,583.31 3,,583.31 '.i'J'l'AL 3,,583.31 3,,583.31 8,039.95 4,739.13 5,292.15 124.29 7.24 2.30 8,144.26 4,868.01 5,334.48 2,123.79 1,28o.95 2.30 2,5'77.66 1,311.99 3,826.28 19,236.46 2,813.44 1934 104.31 128.88 42.33 ,T .-.yrq!"'.r ~f February r,Iarch April lV'ia.y 1,999.50 1,254.35 June July August September October November 142.99 417 .57 441.62 1,859.45 1,311.99 3,517.22 3,253.64 2,334.07 1,002.18 15,530.22 TOTAL Grand TOTAL 275.52 275.52 * 1 002 .18~-H 15,530.22 * Inc l11des $188 .25 Local Funds 1 ~ *** Local Funds I nc l udes $118.81 Loca l Funds 19.36 122.01 10.Bo 605.40 115.46 115.00 48.96 792.47 1.65 14,657.78 37.75 18,205.06 371.83 852.23 15,302.,58 22,760.48 371.83 852.23 15,302.58 * * 972.11 51,539.62 97~.11 56,095.04 • • I f 2 1' I 1 f Fine.ncfol Date. £Q1!1f 11 EAR i\1ID DI~CT WORK I1iU~r1\1 RELIE? RELIZF c.w.s. ~ ;~ $ C.W.A. {!. EiViii.:RGENCY ?R/ufSIEl.Pr :; ·i' EDUCATION ¾ SURPilJS GARD:E"...~ c• ·;> •? COMMODITES s ~ 1932 Geptember October Novenber Decc:nbcr 616.04 2,015.60 7,084.87 TOTAL 9,716.51 DROUGIIT RELIEF $ :ctURAL June July Au;ust Septem'ber October November December 8,197. 83 5,629.91 6, 813.96 . 7,005.07 4,207.42 3,477.29 3,361.67 3,935.62 4,321.i, ~4 4,964.76 6,530.56 5,699.5<5 1,234.55 4,118.01 31,014.52 4.05 143.78 60.03 14.08 16y.19 8.23 ':'OTAL 64,148.29 1,234.55 35,132.53 399.36 r~1r:~y 8,197.83 5,029.91 6,813.96 7,005.07 4,207.1+2 3,477.29 3,365.72 4,079.40 4,384.67 4,978.84 10,817.76 37 -956.86 .I 100,914.73 1934 June July September October November 4,402.56 5,191.97 l+,808.69 5,167.51 5,666.89 5,554.35 lt, 909.80 4,566.37 3,915.04 4,861.23 10,788 90 3,999.23 1,831.35 73.81 3,999.76 7,825.52 12,798.65 21,169.55 29,058.63 TOTAL 59,833.31 80,756 .55 April rray Gre.nd 'rOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .,,·" 9,716.51 J.<inuary February l,hrch April i ,~".'ch TOTAL 616 .04 2,015.60 7,084. 87 1933 January February STUDEi\'T ffi:F.A.t'3ILITATION AID $ $ 2,194.95 1,845.55 330.65 49,ll4.48 29,767.92 28,965.16 1,770.78 60.0'.) 483.44 4,371.15 *133,698.11-lf-ll-*80,756.55 5,605.70 * Includes $24,794.74 Local Fund.a ** Local Funds *** Includes $110,36 local Fund.s 110,161.78 **20,.582.63 165,876,94 18.63 12.38 13.75 70.95 1,083.05 930.71+ 7,961.35 14,878.24 8,451.49 9,890.01 11,097.22 278.96 12.89 803.52 1,843.65 12.65 194.oo 375.93 633.94 973.31 609.36 306.85 27.30 4,931.82 lt57 .43 1,016.57 7, 93 1t. 57 4,358.55 36.00 19.35 5, 5l+7 .92 ·10, 056.96 12,139.42 23.98 8.25 671.91 571.48 54,407.81 1,361.89 4,376.32 19,033.09 27,799.65 1,275.62 54,807.17 1,361.89 27,799.65 1,275.62 i~, 376.32 19,033.09 55,730.62 36,817.82 34,ll8.25 11,008.52 9,227.10 7,082.53 22,642.25 29,614.54 31, 941~. 57 55,594.10 69,596.87 363,377.17 20,582.63 494,591.04 • • l:1!~.!d:§ YEPJl AND ViO:NTIT DIRECT WORK RELr.!!.F RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ $ C.VJ.A. $ TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data 9.Q!U!!X EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ .~ GA...tU>EN '{> SURPllJS DROUGHI' COMMODITIES $ RELIEF REHA.BILITATION AID TO'i'AL $ 0 $ $ RURAL STUDENT 1932 Se})tember October November Decer!ber TOTAL 1933 January :!<'ebrua.ry March April !vlay June July Sente:r.iber October November December T9TAL 1,849.43 25,955.22 20.58 32.64 43.09 16.00 1,600.20 4,032.70 3,001.72 891.77 1,026.35 762.09 1,842.06 1,997.49 4,119.34 28,376.25 356.52 27,804.65 117 ~31 47,649.97 1,228.69 999.o8 189.39 56,444.53 48,809.48 59,336.01 9,450.37 324.oo 26.85 20.56 46.22 12.55 59,074.45 51,852.o6 61,945.36 12,957.46 2,566.26 1,327.82 10,463.58 9,832.27 9,975.92 9,124.44 11,529.03 1,600.20 4,032.70 3,001.72 891.77 1,021.35 762.09 1,821.48 1,964.85 2,226.82 2,048.51 356.52 19,371.49 1,374.38 2,022.94 2,373.74 1,852.94 882.60 1,204.95 1,o88.12 1,015.59 1,273.05 1,386.99 1,169.49 1,641.60 990.70 44.71 2,300.42 4,580.36 6,552.69 5,974.69 7,403.26 15,644.79 29,488.43 5.00 1934 Je.nuary February !Vla.rch April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL 6,259.70 2,417.16 174,364.39 24.28 344.68 78.16 614.26 173.06 210.00 480.00 30.70 472. 75 1,225.75 187.43 1,060.00 201.o8 1,730.24 1,860.27 673.58 35.79 466.46 71.47 117.00 126.45 470.00 1,365.50 30.45 5.06 87.40 226.18 136.63 6,578.34 1,930.86 2,970.21 2,987.28 2,295.06 1,835.50 253.94 6,578.34 1,930.86 2,970.21 2,987.28 2,295.06 1,835.50 -IHl-l,638.10 2,773.68 *35,016.28-lHl--11-29,488,43 * Includes $7,518.34 Local Funds ** Local Funds -!Ht* Includes $44,71 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 203,807.14 /\,.. ..;. 240,648.65 1,638.10 289,936.72 • • F ' l"S l~ P\l < -- - - C 0 TRANSIENT EDVCATION ("'' Y'<'....AR AND DIRECT RELIEF MONTH WORK RELIEF .$ $· i, E: U r,./ ».1ERGENCY c.w.s. C.W.A. $ $ $ $ ·,,, i. 0 (1 '~' [\ 1" \i SURPWS GARDEN $ C<M,ODITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL S'ruDENT REHABILITATIO~_ $ AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 353.79 6.67 472.38 856.36 September October November December 353,79 6.67 472.38 856.36 1,689.20 TOTAL 1,689.20 ' 1933 975.29 1,103.85 716.64 961.17 584.07 88.02 35.15 1,789.97 1,603.65 182.50 January February March ApriJ May June July August September . October 1,379.80 3,429.25 15,650.11 975.29 1,103. 85 718 .64 961. 17 584 .07 88 .02 35,15 1,789 .97 1,603.65 182. 50 3,429.25 17,029. 91 1,_379.SO 19,079.36 28,50.:...47 2,842.35 2,090.23 234,95 15,063.24 8,383.41 6,002.12 44o,54 562.94 17 ; 905.59 10,~73.64 6,237.(j( 2,440 .34 · 2,251.54 847 .70 8,392.87 3,38o. 70 7,872.89 35,207 .05 9,o81.96 November December 8,042.31 TOTAL 1934 January Februar March April May June July August September October November 966.94 917.32 1,319.04 1,999.SO 986.85 34.98 2,292.90 3,328.80 3,991.77 2,629.o8 6,587.61 TOTAL 4,329.09 21,851.79 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 550.SO 574,99 5,167.5' *14,06o.60-11-1Ht21,851.79 6, 547,33 Includes $9,771.81 weal Funds . ** local Funds ¼-II-* Includes $2,118.78 J.Dcal. l'1mda 30,452.25 **3,745.4o 53,277.01 150.95 237.73 252.97 222.92 2,147.00 51.90 1,884.75 185.43 178.84 763.06 31,218.37 692.57 ·43.45 19.35 38.4o 3,700.00 87.50 265 •.50 1.50.00 3,3.00 1,014.57 4,447,92 36,374,00 101.20 1,014.,r 4,447,92 36,374.oo 101.20 ,,,.oo 104,091.35 3,745,4o 138,027.42 • • YEAR AND DIRECT RELIEF $ MONTH WORK RELIEF c.w.s C.W.A. $ $ $ TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data QQgMXX lb~!!~ EMERGENCY ElXJCATION GARDEN SURPIDS COt.M>DITIES $ $ $ DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL REHABIUTATION $ S'IUDENT $ AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December. TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 446.50 456.25 623.78 354.20 TOTAL 446.50 4,56.25 623.78 372.70 ,, 18.50 440.24 77.50 95.50 72.75 318.50 759.13 10,265.76 2,566.72 318 •.50 11,024.89 18.50 16.50 175.11 163.65 433.01 537.16 519.13 625.77 530.93 494.88 649.94 795.12 855.93 743.40 190.71 12,171.62 6,391.97 4,620.21 1,378.09 18.27 44o.24 77.50 854.63 10,657.01 13,928.61 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand 4,941.20 TOTAL ...-,,507.92 ...* *it* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2,000.00 1,499.30 4.5() 314.89 26.88 65.00 122.22 112.31 334.oo 4,381.60 9.00 4,500.70 2,149.03 22.77 975.30 41.27 975.30 2,418.75 3,814.57 3,898.61 4,675.34 5,590.88 2},897.45 1,790.04 *""23,897,45 2,1o8.54 Includes $6,733.77 weal Money local Funds Includes $8.15 local Funds 24,561.89 **l0,507.20 46,093.98 ( 360.14 21,125.63 26.50 129.18 57.05 1,038.00 11,04o.33 21,614.95 83.55 1,038.00 11,040.33 21,614.95 83.55 1,038.00 13,044.05 7,328.75 4,974.57 3,811.10 2,355.85 546.01 7,491..12 4,476.72 9,366.64 29,998.44 6,572.23 89,965.48 10,507.20 114,401.29 • • ~ .Q YEAR AND MONTH !! ! DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIEllT $ $ $ $ $ I Financial Data £ .Q !! ! ! ! l!>r11!:RGENCY EWCATION • stmPWS GARDEN . $ CCM10DITIES $ moooBT RELIEF ,~ STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATIOll' AID $ ·$ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July Auguat September October lovember TOTAL GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 256.45 565.40 670.68 9.93 1.89 457.35 258.91 10.00 2,534.61 9,539.76 2,923.60 2,534.61 9,539.76 11.89 724.48 878.83 751.69 738.12 460.26 617.69 817.73 786.78 642.03 859.74 1,321.48 2,093.32 2,167.16 515.50 11,645.54 5,021.22 5,8~.93 271.15 4o.OO 4.16 7.00 8,598.83 * 11,522.43 ff~3,868.28 15,009.86 22.77 164.31 5.35 27.29 155.56 66.30 990.25 334.61 346.50 131.69 254.43 2,851.72 321.13 328.34 194.80 38.25 72.00 1,285.53 234.: 14. 5 34.8o 395.73 408.90 14,467.50 8,074.21 1,106.12 2,085.07 1,419.21 683.99 ,,6o9.60 5,232.92 8,846.72 8,661.68 25:,.ao a,,a1.o, 1,961.50 1,465.73 4,536.89 1,644.86 ·430.53 662.70 70,774.05 4,0.53 662.70 85,78:,.91 .75 1,769.07 1,659.69 3,895.95 3,790.24 6,310.03 6,4ol.22 23,868.28 457.35 268.91 12,779.25 704.88 1,075.05 736.10 256.45 565.4o 670.68 11.82 4,775.98 7,310.59 $6,103.21 Local *H* Includes Includes $1,426.81 Local Funda. Pund■ • 22,816.84 32,356.6o 11.91 1,961.50 1,465.73 4,536.89 1,644.86 • • I -Financial Data .£ !: !! 1 t § ! .! YFt- P. .'\ND MvNTH .Q !! ! ! :! DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TR/1.NSIEUT EMERGENCY EDUCATION 0/IRDIJlN SURPLUS !2000lrl' C(J.M)DITIES REI.ID t· $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RUBAL STUlEJIT BEBABILITATIOS AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 '.'° •ptember 0ctob"lr Novc-mber D.-ce::nber TOTAL 1933 Janu'lr,Y F"bMlar,Y March April 1,679.71 1,679.71 N'.ay Jun.,, July August S"'ptember October November Dec<>mber 1,679.71 TOTAL 1934 216.84 16,656.89 16,873.73 216.84 16,656.89 1a,,,,."- 843.88 6'4.18 254.05 28,235.55 14,501.56 10,595.21 130.11 .641.25_ January F<'bruary YiBrch April May June July August Septemb.,r October November 296.20 378.31 379.05 250.85 382.56 306.70 317.97 814.59 827.25 1,245.42 1,898.25 998.4o 48.42 2,456.40 4,225.07 4,u8.65 5,465.55 7,510.97 TOTAL 5,198.90 26,721.71 1,752.11 26,721.71 1,968.95 GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .45 2.51 6.51 18.00 * 6,878.61 *- * Includes ,...Includes $420.69 Local Funds. $80.94 Local Funds. 333.93 2,247.47 95.00 "4.20 1,077.20 ).8> ~-6' 29,079.43 1,.~,2.'9 11,2:,0.08 2,Jt.13.92 2,'6().26 527. 7' li-,41t-,.20 5,097.29 7,a,,.1, 7,916.79 8,993-7' 669.78 96.77 379.10 1i.1.oo 69.00 1,2&.5.00 '"·2' -299.19 lt-1.,0 23.8o 7.59 75.24 54,103.68 33.27 100.83 2,u3.65 2,'4-2.Jt.7 3,009-"- 95.9' 95,572.01 70,760.57 33.27 100.83 2,113.65 2," ,,009.114 95.95 llli-,12'.li-5 1'8.87 ,1.00 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • ? ;_1 T f I'. r-; ·.:;:;d;,:· ·_-::_~"Tc':? ... Jrr:-~1 -· - - -- - fTUDF.:NT :::'nA.KSElU EDUCATI0N c~.R:i.lC:N cnMMO~ l "'.'IE~: ffiOUG.HT RELIFF RURP.L C. ·i • .A.. nE:LA BILITATIOU /I.ID TOTAL $ ... .,,. $ ~ ~ t $ ...,t- ~'.URTTG.' -::v.:..:11G2l'C~ !d'Y. ,, :-<.:~LIEF •• \...➔ • • C"' •• • .,C· t, .; - 1 :) : ,.. I Financial D:it3. C: Cl'}~TY - - -·- ·-- .,.. ',.· ,;:.\),:):' .... ::.·y; 1- . ;:(.-rj__,,_,...,r 1;· ,. ~ (T"".n.· ~ r-: ,,, ... , l'.f :.>r--: -:. ~ . . .tn 2-:--3 . 7~ 2 1 2 . 7'.: 265.98 232.:~1 20'5. 79 212.75 23 ~. )~ 23~.95 2•..;.J . ~-r~5 2)2 . !+l ··.] (' !J :,:p·r ,· J ;; ], ·"',:11: r .. . .-.-..-.•-b· r .rr •~r: ·.·' ! .. :.o·;. ::J,,- !' . ··~ • .. b, , . 1..,15~ •.J._· ':, J :.~ 1 1 :1;,\ ,... )).-: .:., , ::•, Jt?S . i.J 6,:,18.17 5Y: . :r ~j , :i2,) . 10 7,472.05 ?,?3~·?? ~, 30c .-.) 11,019.95 5,524.64 5,219.~4 1,987.14 i,567.88 1,291.56 i+,983.42 4,778.92 5,620.06 7,400.95 10,235.15 /)') . ) 2'ij .]3 1, 2,55 . Je 92C . ~F:; ~--~r!"<.::'l :.h1 ..?-~ 2_:, ·• ,31 ::ir i l 1::,5.:,8 .T 1r.,i::)r:f :;~·:>r :J. '.!r./ .1 ~.-:!" .'/ l, 72~1 . So 291 ."3;' ·~r, .75 223 .39 057 . 30 4,653 .77 ;2 .5\ .?l S . 21 2 ,1 :;3 . !JC 1•lJJ~i.1 S t, 3e,5 .71 ::· ,._~•.,, :nb~ r Gr:~.ob-<r N:.,,vF~·:,•r 7:. '•7 J9E, .'5i+ 1. ,1)6. 90 2,077 . )0 5,'531.Gl '-?O .C o 1,193. ::5 7, '.)65 . 52 :3o . 91 300.74 :50.87 321.,31 2,2?.0.00 228.61 109.93 504.36 300.64 691.8o 21.19 331.28 3,575.03 25 , 99,; .~c, 2 , 1+30 .-37 100 .97 1,333.84 3,747.44 3,669.75 55.00 * ,~, 726.91 *** ~5 , 99-3 .35 2,c322.9h 100.97 1,333..'34 3,747.44 3,669.75 55.00 ,hr.•· J ,-1__-,, TOTA7. G?M::C 'fO!AL * ** -* 49.70 2,057.35 403.00 1,040.90 55.00 *"* 1,091.1L. hclu1es $2, 072. 69 L~cal Funds. Local Funds . t2 , 520 .61 Local Funds. Includes 1S,711.75 113.-30 25 , ,34 . 97 59,629.01 1,091.14 68,192.20 • • Q.Q!!!!! !!~!d~~ YEAR AND MONTH I Financial De.ta DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. EMERGENCY TRANSIENT EWCATIOB $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPWS C()J.M)DrrIES IEOOGRT RELIEF RURAL GARDEN $ $ $ $ S'1'U1lENT REHABILITATION AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September Octob€r NoV!'J'.llber n~cember T<YrAL 1933 Jenuary February ' March April May June July August September October November December 307.Bo 209.75 261.46 42.50 26;.85 1;,200.26 821.51 26;.85 1;,200.26 January F,;bruary March April Mqy June July August September October November 27;.02 529.78 461.22 914.06 690.67 98o.o; 1,105.74 94o.84 1,154.16 1,413.35 1,;90.05 822.28 672.84 170.50 1, · 999.90 46 •.95 1,715.;8 ;,162.36 4,915.93 6,273.;5 7,185.54 20,217.04 9,782.61 8,839.50 171.;8 1,194.14 TCJI'AL 9,852 .92 26,899.21 TCJI'AL 1934 GRAND TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,665.62 * 10,674.43 *** 26,899.21 Includes $2,507.44 .Local Funds. * Local Funds. ** *ff Includes $1,111.89 Local Funds. 1,929.47 40,204.67 "7,563.87 6o,968.8o 209.75 261.46 13,5()6.61 14,285.62 120.00 '133.64 15.30 583.47 86.90 21,317.15 11, 9,474.67 3,089.24 :,,091.27 1,248.99 9,56,.52 5,970.51 10,279.;6 8,216.22 9,514.9() 39.87 120.00 1,724.94 6,267.25 5,861.79 144.40 92,780.67 39.87 120.00 1,724.94 6,267.25 ,,861.79 l".4o 4.81 27.61 ;.45 -.oo 206.56 222.01 452.54 194.9() 194.TI 320.52 131.00 :,,991.86 1,072.41 136.0, 78.00 2,:,00.00 ;,820.95 57.50 7,563.87 ll-,630.16 • • !!~!'E2J:.!'. ·!! YEAR AND MONTH 1932 Financial De.ta £~::!!!'.!'.:f DIRECT RELIEF WORK BELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIEN'I EMERGENCY EOOC.A.TION GARDEN SURPLUS COt-iMODITIES RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT TOTAT. .A.ID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ DROUGHT $ September October November December 547.28 619.24 1,016.63 1,450.70 547.23 619.24 1,016.63 1,450.70 TOTAL 3,633.85 3,633.85 1,649.49 1,924.46 1,649.49 _1,924.46 550.00 2,801.00 2,798.50 2,103.69 1,456.88 1,615.75 1,714.51 2,769.99 ~,172.56 1,141.94 1,652.46 18,085.89 550.00 2,8o1.<00 2,798.50 2,111.94 1,456.88 1,615.75 1,714.51 4,422.'45 2],400.39 21,556.83 1,141.94 19,738.35 1,690.45 2,163.24 2,549.24 2,975.00 2,354.61 2,438.81 2,875.19 2,336.53 2,686.23 2,867.09 4,164..98 3,04:6.62 2,641.41 220.58 31,223.99 16,761.04 13,046.11 202.29 1933 Jenu~ry FF>bruary March April Mey June July August Se-ptember October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October Npvember 29,101.37 TarAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ~ 1,669.20 1,991.70 25,550.98 * 54,292.05 ... 25,5i;o.98 * ** Includes 42,4~'5.37 8.25 8.23 2,105.00 2,047.49 4,408.74 3,651.53 3,850.01 7,932,31 . 15.00 271.94 5,908.61 ff GRAND TarAL 8.25 1,0,0.,, tr,942.14 Local l'lmde. Local Ftmda. ***Include• $5,963.48 Local l'lm4.a. 61,233.43 22,224.10 103,195.88 268.65 192.75 473.40 30.70 5.42 125.00 71.74 8o.oo 81.41 125.00 10.89 2,440.23 310.50 3,120.18 762.97 538.6o 30.20 23.27 37.20 522.00 264.60 8.23 2,391.94, 1,095,92 3,0;8.36 4,503.16 90.67 786.60 16.48 2,391.94 1,095.92 3,0;8.36 4,503.16 90.67 786.60 35,961.06 21,565.69 15,815.93 4,954.72 4,686.70 2,631.56 7,662.49 6,900.97 9,504.45 10,605.57 13,520.13 133,709.27 22,224.10 ~2.012.59 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • - - - - - - -·!! ~ .! YEAR AND MONTH -- - --...,; I Financial Date. ££!!!!! DIRECT RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. C.W-..A. TRABSmT EIDCATIOH GARID f;>OBPLIE ,, C<Ml>DITIES IEOUGBT RELIEF RURAL REHABII.ITATIOH .A.ID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ WORK EMEmENCY STUDENT $ 1932 Se.ptember October November December 437.55 965.67 437.55 965.67 1,403.22 1,403.22 January February 586.10 3,096.46 W.arch 3,990.40 586.10 3,096.46 3,990.4o 4,729.(56 3,611.77 2,788.68 1.,209.19 221.50 8<;2.47 1,029.60 1,1~5.7' 11.,96:,.20 TOTAL 1933 April May June July August September Octob"'r November DeceJ&'!:>er 4,729.66 3,611.77 2,738.68 1,o89.19 221.50 869.69 1,003.30 1,i,9.73 1,157.78 939.63 9,865.19 24,284.26 939.63 9.,865.79 1,049.42 1,184.93 643.86 235.00 14o.oo 965.64 703.79 207.53 2,000.00 15,250.11 10.,957.27 7,385.43 83.33 35.86 '?l"Ptember October November 125.15 69.67 953.02 1,193.31 1,547.72 2,428.12 5,427.50 3,737.68 3,921.4-3 5,544.11 TOTAL 7,142.09 25,558.84 TOTAL 1934 J,muary February March AprU Mey June July August GRAND TOTAL . 22.78 26.30 2,,00_.oo * 32,829.56 *** 25,558.84 ....*** 120.00 6.oo r1,.oe ,S.08 99.99 238.47 172.47 139.84 1.10 1,876.96 Includes $11,095.37 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includea, $130.49 Local Funds. 17,265.17 12,845.99 8,236.82 2.,818.:,:, 120.00 589.63 27.91 1,343.09 786.49 3,934.oo 2()().50 4oo.14 10,103.41 64.20 2.,233.94 . 99.99 ;.90 23.15 105.45 33,712.00 1.10 828.85 2.,747.12 14,7ll.25 136.50 69,866.68 176.18 828.85 2,747.12 14,7ll.25 136.50 ** 26,288.89 2,816.59 :,,,2Q.76 6,725.74 6,476.67 5,258.59 16.,704-.39 8,049.07 86,714.70 26,288.89 149,671.57 • • I ~ YF..AR AND MONTH ! ! ! 2f ~ § Financial Data £2!!!!! DIRECT RELIEF WORK DROUGHT C.W.A. TRANSIENT GARDEN CCM,X>DITIE~ RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT c.w.s. EMERGENCY EWCATION SURPLUS RELIEF AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1932 St>ptember October November DecP-mber TarAL 1933 January February March September October November December 65.00 65.00 591.98 564 ,49 651.49 63.3.10 857.20 1,016.25 631.25 553.50 14,711.44 TarAL 5,075.76 553.50 14,711.44 758.03 790.00 910.65 942.52 865.48 716.05 1,130.20 1,088.12 1,463.01 1,326.31 1,256.79 1,130.09 835.76 299.48 23,693.78 8,798.68 10,736.13 1,572.10 166.44 2.26 April May June July August 1934 Je.nuary February March April Mey June Jul,y Auguat September October November 11,247.16 TarAL GRABD TarAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1, 778.Bo 990.49 * 16,322.92 "* 24,531.72 Includes $130.00 Local * Local Fund.II. - ....... :t.oo 1.00 20,341,70 1.00 2,,,a1.90 10,424.4-4 11,946.26 4,294.42 2,303.47 723.72 5,376.32 44,969.39 .., 3,533.85 63,214.68 ?,818.83 2,265.33 Funda. Includes $2.4-.00 Local Funds. 281.06 5.41 156.75 45.00 359.87 67.03 120.16 271.76 20.6o l,44o.00 1o6.50 2,335.00 315.09 190.32 120.95 88.70 703.36 555.55 48.75 15.25 9,4:,1.:,2 7,422.50 6,98o.28 1.00 488.22 839.42 4,386,91 1,468.56 64.oo 90,261.71 2.00 488.22 839,42 4,386.91 1,468.56 64.oo ui.,1:,7.26 2,289.50 4,394.48 5,424.45 4,757.23 4,896.77 24,531.72 65.00 65.00 591.98 564.49 651.49 633.10 857.20 1,017.25 15,896.19 ,,111.08 ,,,,,.8, • • I Financial Data C OU NT Y -RIPLEY -- - - - - -----YF.t..R AND MON"J.'H EMERGENCY m;LIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EDUCATION $ $ $ $ ·$ $ DIRECT GP.RDEN $ SURPLUS DROUGHT RURAL STUDENT C~t.!ODITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 1932 3'3pte:mber October November D""cenber TCIAL l?.33 J .~ nusry Februs1·y March P,pril May December 1,41,S. 54 1,922.09 1,015.00 7oiJ .75 905.75 ,S91 . 4l+ 815.7') 1,015 .70 1,009.75 616.28 TC'l'/.~L 9,702.77 512.85 762.7') 1,082.00 1,nsi.15 878.19 1,127.06 870.68 933.73 1,136.19 1,03£.55 1,315.15 JUI!(-; July Aq;ust Sr,ptember October No-rHr1bcr 15,098.74 23.00 8.25 10.00 10.00 10.00 1,025.70 -- 16 ;s 731,1.. 77 616.28 15,098.74 61.25 25·, l,?9 .0~- 1,273.35 928.42 174.30 26,561.27 10,813.86 9, 320.9'.) 147.68 1934 J•mu:::.ry 1.i-i,~brua~y Iv.arch April Msy June July AU3;;.Gt S8:ptember flrtober November TOIP.L 10,750.39 1,1.n8.')4 1,922.09 1,015.00 708. 75· 928.75 899 . 69 1,732.50 993.00 -925 .75 22-,:;i.1-7 .in 1,476.65 5,268.45 3,357.72 5,186.91 7,156.f58 34.60 25,671~91 2,376.07 34.60 ' 47,343.80 12,511.03 10,997 .2s, 2, ')99-33 1,972.40 1,253.i,o 4,l.;.70.59 6, 5!+'...: .47 101.21 126.34 176.97 14.77 276.86 307.48 50.50 1,946.29 10.82 320.65 3,032.81 1,213.91 309.33 2,056.23 15.00 49.83 21 .78 225.79 S,96B . 32 8,847.55 1,05!~.13 5,624.08 3,330-79 247.57 96, 1.53.31.J 9,517.u.9 901.60 **901.60 GRA1W TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *20,453._16 * ** 25,671.91 2,992.35 Includes $1,483.61 Local Funds Local Funds 63,31-1-r..14 61.25 34.60 1,054.13 5,624.08 3,330.79 247.57 122,813.98 • • I Financial Tota -S -A -I -N 1'YEAR AND MONTH 2 !i COUNTY ------ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF CoWoG, c.w.A. TRANSIENT EM!illGENCY EDUCATION $ $ $ $ $ $ COWODITIES DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT TaI'AL AID $ $ $ $ SURPLUS GARDEN $ $ 1932 Sq;tP.mber October November December TOI'AL 1933 Januqry Febru'lry March April 173.85 May 576.75 108.20 June July 117.25 August September 455.46 October 1,488.05 November 2,665.24 December 2,117.87 219.13 7,702.67 January 1,078.68 February 1,356.97 March 1,359.89 April 897.94 TOI'AL 173.85 576.75 108.20 117.25 1931~ 732.90 June 705.8o July 911.92 August 994.72 September 1,004.52 October 1,247,15 November 2,1~05.15 May 12,695.64 TOI'AL 1,735.16 22,223.29 50.00 17.39 15.20 4.58 505.46 1_,505.44 4,415.60 24,564.87 219.13 23,958.45 87.17 31,967.42 840.84 778.61 227.94 28,590.19 16,907.06 15,150.13 862.96 61~3.05 19.2.D 5.10 27.12 2.79 30,528.91 19,047.74 16,765.oS 3,983.03 3,043.77 763.23 4,246.25 5,999.85 7,525.53 20,437.23 9,997,25 2,219.34 1,451.85 49.03 876.95 4,985.26 6,154.18 4,784.85 1,099.57 27,621.03 1,847.39 215.97 8.40 31+7 .44 19.8! 111.2 110.00 5.05 62,153.39 59.26 818.93 209.99 1,899.95 43.96 302.40 205.62 13, 471~.43 56.95 128.13 556.35 15,636.95 128.13 820.8o 820.8o 13,479.57 **13,479,57 GRAND TOI'AL 99,591.41 ***27,621.03 2,066.52 ** Local Funds Includes $5,398.78 Local Funds. *20,398-31 * Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ***Includes $2,750.81 Local Funds 122,337.87 146.43 818.93 556.35 15,636_.95 128.13 820.8o 167,784.86 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I 1'1nanc1al Data £ 1 ~ .! !! ~~.!!! YEAR AND MOUTH RELIEF WORK REWF $ $ DIRECT c.w.s. c.w.A. $ $ £.2!!!!! TRANSIENT ™ERGDCY EOOCATION $ $ GARDEB SURPllJS C(M.1()DrrIES $ $ . $ JEOOGRT RELIEF RURAL Sl''l.,.DE?.'T $ $ BEHABILITATION AID TOI'.A.I, $ 1932 September October lfovem.ber DP.ce111ber TOTAL 1933 January F';.'bruary March April ;16.50 325.50 250.00 316.50 325.50 Mey JW'le July August September October 5,~-73 NOYember 176.65 5,808.08 892.00 176.65 5,808.08 117.50 119.50 889.65 9,8}8.33 4,723.18 3,J308.64 107.53 December TOI'AL 19;4 Jenu.a ey February Marc;h 99.00 257.01 318.00 370.38 301.29 307.52 234.23 262.14 April May June July August September October November TCJrAL GRAND TOI'AL 673.02 172.76 1,923.00 964.ll 10.00 2,549.60 3,606.10 :,, 702.65 4,348.25 5,188.27 2,386.57 '!t3,278,57 -1HHt22,291.98 1,912.oa 29,652.42 .,225.14 Local Funds $72.00 Local 4.20 435.33 258.63 1,808.00 125.00 3,969.12 <4t* Local Funds Funds 10,845.48 5,515.70 3,981.40 2,129.53 1,425.oa 328.00 5,163.31 4,319.47 8,085.74 6,313.54 6,oo8.89 2.25 12.40 5.00 29.80 1,334.83 146.35 28.35 16.05 21.45 64.8o 381.53 1,277.60 5,964.47 1,498.58 483.8; 54,116.14 5,366.66 1,277.t>O 5,964.47 J.,4s,8.58 483.83 66,359-5:~ 301.63 18,477.68 ..5,366.66 Includes 199.76 eo.oo 22,291.98 1,735.43 * 6,876.73 • • I Financial Data §I YEAR WORK RELIEF $ DIRECT RELIEF $ AND MONTH c.w.A. c.w.s. $ $ FR A NCOIS TRANSIENT $ QQ!U!'.!'.1 EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN $ SURPIDS COMM:>DITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ STUDF.JT RURAL REHABILITATION AD' $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 446.79 1,746.83 4,191.86 4,242.99 446.79 1,746.83 4,191.86 4,242.99 10,628.47 10,628.47 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January 5,702.04 February 6,218.26 Merch 9,697,69 April 12,555.04 May 12,430.53 June 10,705.36 July 6,863.17 August 7,704.74 September 9,163.45 October 12,118.92 November 10,713.39 December 5,963.44 5,702.04 6,218.26 9,697.69 12,555.04 12,430.53 10,705.36 6,864.92 7,711.08 9,169.05 12,126.59 41,105.31 103,337.87 ~ , 1.75 6.34 5.6o 7.67 9,75 2,333.15 30,:,82.17 95,041.28 109,836.03 2,333.15 125,423.45 31.11 237,623.74 4,574.63 6,052.21 8,715.68 23,647.73 22,722.49 19,971.15 July 14,774,:,8 August 12,180.29 September 15,437.77 October 15,617.58 November 15,808.81 6,199.75 5,082.23 1,176.78 15.20 11.53 48.92 49.85 9,218.55 9,376.25 32,449.68 48,369.30 45,151.04 57,233.30 74,317.54 135,718.15 101,242.89 87,986.55 6,500.11 1,34-9,05 209.50 146,507.73 112,388.86 97,927.93 30,197.69 35,233.34 29,631.28 49,305.39 61,494.91 68,850.75 85,973.52 98,524.72 159,502.72 276,115.66 TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June TOTAL Grand TOTAL 12,458.76 ff * ~79,967.22*-H-276,115.66 * Includes $20,360.68 ** Local Funds *-!HE- Includes $15,798.25 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 14,791.91 333,006.25 97,661.32 556,091.02 1,150.04 62.43 96.14 1,335.37 2,097.90 793.21 74.:,8 1,580.96 126.24 :,86.41 900.97 444.33 292.57 278.95 5,147.49 2,535, 57 1,277.04 35.00 93,50 2,631.90 7,729.98 4,126.72 79.25 104.95 541.50 285.00 187,93 3,702.21 4,306.50 10,681.66 14,617.10 - 630.83 826.50 219.04 3,702.21 4,306.50 10,681.66 14,617.10 630.83 826.50 172.80 446.63 816,036.12 97,661.32 1,161,949.65 • • STE GENEVIEVE YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF WOR.'T{ RELTii.:F c.w.s. $ $ $ TRANSIENT $ EDUCATION $ Financial Statue SURPIDS EMERGENCY C.W.A. $ I QQ!U!'.!'.1 GARDEN $ COMvtODITIES $ DROUGHI' RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABIUTATION $ AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL J.933 Jenuary February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 149.73 149.73 2,732.86 2,732.86 149.73 2,732.86 2,882.59 25.00 7,736.71 4,882.22 3,133.78 78.84 7,736.71 4,882.22 3,133.78 1,701.64 1,133.39 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November 252.98 1,011.60 1,410.00 5,442.40 4,734.11 6,232.14 9,378.28 TOTAL 1,314.58 29,792.23 *l,464,31 *-H29,792.23 25.00 1,597.80 997.50 Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * Includes $947.26 local Funds ** local Fund.a Includes $7,312.11 local Funds *ff 135.89 74.96 385.00 84.20 l.83.02 125.00 75.00 ,69 902.68 588.40 25.35 25.01 1,869.96 5,467 .4o 4,734.80 7,697.35 11,186.31 15,831.55 267.22 335.85 460.00 1,491.77 50.36 49,543.56 -Hl0,733.56 29,291.97 267.22 335.85 46o.oo 1,491.77 50.36 10,733.56 63,159.71 • • I Financial Data §! YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. $ $ $ C.W.A. $ bQ !U§ Q Q !l -TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ $ ~ ! X GARDEN $ SURPLUS COMMODITIES DROUGHT RELIEF STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ 1932 September October November December 24,214.47 35,256.91 54,409.70 TOTAL 24,214.47 35,256.91 54,409.70 ./ 113,881.08 113,881.oB 36,914.23 ~3,585.77 47,604.62 86,615.21 89,831.86 59,473.59 45,152.03 71,971.SO 31,047.02 57,228.91 81,912.95 79,439.90 20.40 10,170.64 335,820.52 229.85 336.41 74.90 218.56 419.69 484.10 36,914.23 43,585.77 47,604.62 86,615.21 89,831.86 59,473,59 45,381.88 72,308.21 31,121.92 57,447.47 92,503.28 415,764.92 730,777.89 20.40 345,991.16 1,763.51 1,078,552.96 1,210.12 :?,470.48 419.12 586,377.81 330, 651.71 280,722.56 5,298.60 25,068.86 418.71 122.00 29.82 373.10 528.70 122.95 260.00 124.06 642,369.26 391,477,75 365,819.53 132,365.76 189,268.96 153,403.00 193,410.66 204,143.44 209,241.28 282,657.58 296,702.53 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October lfovember TOTAL 54,751.51 57,982.46 84,149.15 94,628.38 32,315.83 144,673.20 18,144.46 134,732.40 17,818.13 113,481.73 76,299,90 122,631.49 78,301.34 141,797.13 65,134.84 202,317.93 71,012.06 174-,235.81 112,918.36 1,325,;81.19 471,944.92 Grand TOTAL* 2,170,040.16 471,944.92 *Includes $158,161.98 weal Funds **weal Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,099.72 1,228,660.25 * 307,586.15 4,120.12 1,882,237.56 207.60 1,1o8.76 2,788.91 276.11 202.30 360.92 44.36 128.78 250.00 9,57 846.33 107.40 730.23 2.00 1,570.68 4,316.25 6,375,50 3,16o.15 390.85 3,038.18 69.73 4.10 11.40 12.80 19.65 601.60 285.00 1,438.63 6,521.15 1,272.04 13,948.39 .. 6,658.91 47.95 886.60 3,202.14 6,521.15 1,272.04 13,948.39 6,658.91 47.95 886.60 2,415.88 3,060,859.75 307,586.15 4,560,879.94 • • §. YEAR AND DIRECT RELIEF $ MONTH WORK RELIEF $ c.w.s. C.W.A. $ $ !di .! M ~ TRANSIENT $ I Financial Data Q Q !:! M T X :EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ GARDEN -$ SURPLUS COMMODITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ STUDENT RURAL REHABIUTATION $ AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 397.23 775.29 397.23 775.29 1,172.52 1,172.52 1,432.12 2.50.00 2,145.76 2,577.27 656.4o 969.79 1,432 .12 2.50.00 2,145.76 2, 577 •'t!7 656.4o 969 .79 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 546.02 2,944.25 471.31 249.25 524.02 't!l, 155.,84 11,992.92 249.25 't!l,679.86 1,042.53 821.92 205.48 45,202.58 23,502.14 12,856.99 1,573.28 277.57 44.85 5.32 551.34 ;,468.zr 27,876.40 5.32 39,927.35 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOTAL Grand TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 578. 57 636.83 105.00 724.34 601.20 903.48 394.79 611.03 242.78 2,251.59 2,84o,69 5,541.73 8,269.50 8,336.97 9,832.55 7,049.61 ;9,289.09 2,974.20 1,493.45 2,o69.93 il-20,215.05-11-!Ht 39,289.09 2,319.18 Includea $11,722.93 weal Fume ...* 25.00 15.00 15.00 423.97 1,234.49 * -fit 11.30 Local FuDds Includes$ 3,271.65 weal Funds 83,457.41 ,..38,694.;8 149,831.65 185.98 225.12 410.81 185.68 221.16 485.10 9.90 373.58 1,037.63 2,714.29 668.40 915.91 34.72 55.95 19,936.94 714.26 4.30 4.70 45.zr 41.30 685.55 36.30 1,688.46 1,713.85 5,719.71 20,741.87 95.57 685.55 41.62 1,688.46 1,713.85 5,719.71 20,71t-1.87 95.57 685.55 46,245.11 24,913.93 13,724.30 4,652.48 2,691.24 871.17 4,543-56 1,198.85 11,891.63 30,824.98 14,990.10 162,547.35 38,694.38 242,341.6o • • SCHUYLit:R I Financial Data QQ!U!!X Yl::fl.R P.N]) DIRECT WORK MCN'i'H Ri~LIFF RELIEF $ h 4' c.w.s. !~ GARDF:N SURPllJS COMMODITIES $ $ El1/iF;RGENC Y C.W.A. TRANSI:F.:NT )., ~) •jl EDUCATION .,,"' DROUGH'r RELIEF $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILI'l'ATION AID TOTAL $ "' 1• ~ 1932 S0r1te·:,1ber October November Decer.1ber TO'rAL 1933 January February ff.arch April May June July Au~'Ust Se:9tember October November D~cember TOTAL 150.00 145.00 146.oo 130.00 150.00 145.00 146.oo 130 .00 34.oo 34.oo 34.oo 317.03 4,518.02 34.oo 34.oo 4,869.05 673.00 317.03 4,518.02 5,508.05 765.18 633.96 220.15 6,859.95 2,779.70 2,964.92 90.40 7,625.13 3,413.66 3,185.07 2,044.55 1,215.28 570.05 4,281.52 4,054.18 5,584.72 4,043.10 4,074.27 1934 January February March April May June July Au~rust September October November TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 64.oo 132.00 268.99 120.00 50.00 121.45 214.51 378.20 1,929.65 3,787.40 3,594.90 3,005.00 3,541.87 1,349.15 18,748.87 1,619.29 *2,022.15 ~*18,748.87 1,936.32 1,890.15 999.90 266.78 * Includes $1,012.96 weal Funds ** weal Funds **ii- Includes $188.73 weal Funds 12,961.75 -lHl-2,403,84 19,883.61 83.38 34.28 114.48 79.84 110.00 205.00 2,117.39 136.94 110.88 1,622.99 603.60 14.99 113.50 24.50 4o.70 626.98 2,945.37 1,774.92 65.20 626.98 2,945.37 1,774.92 65.20 4o,091.53 2,4-03.84 48,003.42 • • ' §£Q.'!b~!L!2 QQ!l.!11 I Finencial Data YEAR AND DIRECT MONTH WORK RELIEF RELIE:1'' $ c.w.s. C.W.A. $ $ $ TRANSIENT $ ThIERGENCY EDUCATION $ SURPWS C'.ARD]:N $ Cc».t.10DITIES $ DROUGIIl' RELIEF $ RURAL REHABIUTATION $ S'IUDENT AID $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October NovembP,r December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December 452.00 240.97 57.04 42.47 TOTAL 792.48 452.00 240.97 57.04 42.47 792.48 1934 January February March 120.00 411.31 269.53 417.27 226.68 276.77 620.79 8o4.22 1,747.80 4,056.93 3,968.26 3,611.14 4,255.32 38.50 65.00 3,146.57 20,620.25 103.50 335.41 *3,939.05 -IHHl-20,620.25 103.50 335.41 April May June July August September October November TOTAL GRAND TOTAL * *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,994.50 986.30 Includes 12,920.71 local Funds tncludes 333.43 local Funds 12.22 36.25 94.94 60.00 5.81 126.19 8.oo 2,195.00 94.31 6.50 49.96 4,198.00 2,114.50 1,409.83 305.78 6,466.01 6,538.61 5,740.79 5,799.68 5,174.50 1,_395.64 1,374.26 22.30 2,353.77 6,967.90 22.30 33,549.70 2,353.77 6,967.90 22.30 34,342.18 • • I Financi,il Data ~.Q.Q!! COUNTY ------ BA~ .t~},.'1) DIRECT 'NORK UlCJ:NTH RELBF RELIEF .,.,Ct' $ c.w.s. $ EMERGENCY DROUGHT RURAL ITTt'D~1T C.W.A. TRANSIENT EDUCATION GARDEN CCMMODrl'IEB RELIEF !illH.t.BILJTATION .A.ID Tm'f\T. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SURPilJS $ 1932 Sc,ptember Octcb<:r 82,3.33 Nc,v~mbc.r B64 .23 D"c•;mber s,63.20 888.33 -364.23 9G3.20 2,715.76 2,715.76 1,092.69 1,000.00 2,740.11 l~,oOl+ .61 3, 4!~4. 98 806.25 485.37 806.62 1,092.67 1, 2,740.11 4,604.61 3,)~!~4.98 'I Jl'.!\L 1933 Janw!ry FEbrue.r.:r J'v1.arch Ar,!'H May Jun'=' July .August Septe;;nller 2,55 .45 OctobP.r N'.Jv,;mber DPcember 814.42 950.25 J3-S .95 284.75 13::,.50 18,313.75 12, 1~39. 70 284.73 18,447.25 999.52 2,874.23 March 3,804.28 April 3,700.18 May 3,356.28 Junf: 3,210.60 July 2,444.57 Au.gust 2,110.57 Scptemb~r 2,734.84 October 1,932.92 November 2,772.59 906.98 909.48 318.76 32,554.53 16,431.34 19,349.21 1,386.54 1,100.78 48.oo TCII'AL e,_')6.25 .so 193!i Jenue.ry Febru<:.ry 2,951.90 891.30 681.30 3,023.61 4,251.92 3,991.97 4,370.93 4,335.30 486.17 806.62 855. 45 814.42 1,083.75 19,)-1-37.45 37,172-5() .So 83.54 1,769.19 4,026.64 2,528.56 3,425.02 3,368.06 82.83 316.61 14.52 383.57 431.02 3,673.30 120.62 2,434.65 168.35 106.79 384.43 186.90 570.19 1,426.18 3.6o 33.35 20,031.52 49.26 6,793.90 49.66 1,456.21 34,361.03 20,215.05 23,472.25 8,038.62 5,664.97 4,421.53 12,797.90 12,9t~8.oo 9,'.')63.86 30,380.98 19,398.73 Tar.AL 29,84o.58 24,498.23 2,135.22 70,870.40 15,201.03 1,539.04 2,374.79 7,842.34 26,825.42 135.87 181,262.92 GRAND Tm'AL *50,996.04 ***24,498.23 2,419.97 89,317.65 15,201.83 1,539.04 2,374.79 7,842.34 26,825.4? 135.87 221,151.18 * Include $6,983.78 Local Funds. *** Includes $339-32 Local Funds. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • C O TJ N -r Y ------ c.w.A. TRP.:JSib;};"'l' .b:DUCATIOli G.I\RDE}l DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL COiVMODITU:S RT!.1!/\BILrr AT I ON STUDENI' AID TO!.AL $ $ $ ,,<!• $ $ $ $ $ YEA~ AND DIRECT !/;:)NTH K!:LIF.F i'/ORK RJ£Lr.a C ,., ,. $ $ ~ I Financial Data S H A N ll O N ------- '.~!.{:;!-(GENCY •\:•' • 0· SURPLUS 1932 f~pt13mber October }iovcmber DPCf'mber TOI'.A.L 1933 J,:mu'lry Februar,y M!lrch April '.~P.ptP,mbAr Oc:.ober lfov.~mber IJ~,cembP.r 1,374.75 922.39 1,104.31 498.35 337.30 239.00 191.15 1,024.66 497.35 298.37 12,143. 93 Tar/\L 6,189.26 298.37 12,11~3.93 973.81 755.96 159.73 21,247.90 9,634.08 9,984.92 143.17 7.36 Sqlti=:mbcr October Novf.:I!lber 499.60 356.70 756 .77 1,131.35 869.27 783.18 960.80 758.61 1,189.29 1,302.76 1,129.41 2,398.95 3,887.75 3,911.38 5,326.98 6,901.22 TarAL 9,737.74 25,195.88 M~y Jun,-, July At~tsL 193 1,374.75 922.39 1,104.31 498.35 337.30 239.00 191.15 1,024.66 12,939.65 .,. ~ . 18,631.56 1~ Janu<ir,y F~bruary March April Mlly Junr July August GRAND 1,769.70 999.90 * 15,927.00 * ** *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -ff* 25,195.88 10.12 6o.72 ,5.00 348.52 228.21 404.84 200.62 269.66 512.23 27.6o 15.00 635.96 15.00 635.96 510.12 1,889.50 -11-lt TCYI'AL 15.00 2,187.87 Includes $90.00 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $796.00 Local Funds. 41,017.43 2,585.34 ,5,746.70 1,342.88 1,167.50 378.36 12.00 900.00 19.85 350.20 1,727.82 893.39 21.73 231.67 1,991.68 2,900.74 3,891.26 253.40 1,991.68 2,900.74 3,891.26 253.40 22,721.31 10,746.74 10,901.42 3,059.22 2,225.05 1,011.39 6,517.59 4,866.83 6,898.15 9,330.60 9,250.29 87,528.59 2,585.34 108,745.49 • • I Financial Data §!!!f~! £ .Q !! !! ! ! YEAR AND MONTH WORK SURPUJS mOUGHT RURAL DIRECT RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANS IElll' EDUCATION GARDEN CQM.10DrrIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TCfrAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ EMERGENCY $ STUDENT $ 1932 September October November December TCfrAL 1933 January F,-bruary March April May June JulY, August September October 284.50 3/J7.6o 275.00 39.00 284.50 307.6o 275.00 39.00 • 231.44 December TOTAL 1934 January February March April Mey June July August September October November TOI'AL 316.78 1,533.74 316.78 13,378.39 15,228.91 422.32 361.74 29.40 105.00 428.89 290.33 509.96 291.18 301.32 444.65 660.90 911.38 704.58 244.61 9,144.06 5,422.27 4,207.36 710.39 2,497.20 3,897.04 4,045.40 5.,303.o6 6,327.07 10,477.76 6,488.59 4,481.37 2,814.89 2,013.33 326.81 6,110.85 4,394.46 7,106.92 8,8o3.44 9,053.95 3,845.69 25,514.37 1,999.50 1,445.10 139.34 36.48 139.69 206.24 189.00 2,775.00 99.64 333.74 21.22 1,299.37 209.55 100.31 1,400.83 2,512.44 1,779.86 64.9' 99.64 936.71 1,798.23 8,468.13 ~-9' 99.64 936.71 1,798.23 8,468.13 64.9' 6o.oo 1,860.57 8 25,514.37 2,177.35 * 5,379.43 Includes $4,285.62 Local Funds. * Local ff Funds. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 231.44 5,724.94 8,366.43 396.20 GRAND TOI'AL . 5,724.94 7,653.45 lfovember 19,484.oB 13,600.03 46,462.50 62,072.37 13,600.03 90,901.31 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data §. TIAI~ AND RELIEF WORK RELIEF $ $ DIR'!:CT MONTH ! Q E E ~ !! E gq!!!!! C.\'l.G. i c.w.A. TRANSIENT EOOCATION $ $ $ mouGHT 'RUF.AL ::TUDEll'I' GARDEN SURPDJS ccJ.M:rnrrn:s RELIEF REHABILITPTION AID TCYI'AL $ $ $ $ $ $ ».1ERGEBCY 1932 ~ f.pte .:.b"<r Octobf'r }lovr-mbe r D<:-cemb~r T~AL 1933 January FP.brtl6ry lfierch April May Jl.'ll" July August Scpte~ber OctobP-r Nov~mber De'Cember- 486.1)3 97.50 187.,0 17,874.89 TCJrAL 486.03 97.50 18,062.19 600.00 713.27 February 1,732.38 March 3,094.63 April 3,371.03 May 3,000.81 Jtmc 2,921.88 July 2,581.30 August September 1,8o6.07 October 1,698.83 November 2,207.40 1.191.63 833.13 '.:'?31.83 29,486.34 10,462.69 10,-417.61 627.32 729.64 1934 Jianuary TOTAL 23,7Z'(.6o 2,335.07 999.70 850.Bo 2,493.96 4,955.02 5,086.74 4,333.45 5,448.20 26,502.94 2,256.59 187.,o 18,458;42 18,645.72 12.65 229.40 599.14 331.77 576.6o 777.03 68~49 6,500.00 42.09 276.17 471.09 3,126.96 45.00 18.56 207.75 12,595.18 379.34 220.27 31,277.97 12,009.09 12,381.82 6,057.02 5,4oo.23 4,183.38 7,874.97 14,104.81 7,451.96 22,454.91 8,917.91 1,946.69 2,242.97 10,290.65 13,182.27 240.76 132,114.07 299.86 1,105.50 51,723.6o 20.49 5,601.20 iHt5, 661. 20 GRAND TOTAL *24,213.63 -IHl-*26,5~-94 2,354.09 75,446.99 iHt Local .Fund• * Includes $286.9() Local Funds -tHHtincludee $745.00 ;Local Funde. 1,946.69 2,242.97 10,290.65 13,182.21 240.76 156,420.99 • • I -STONE -- -YE.A.R AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF WORK HELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT $ $ $ $ * Financial Data COUNTY -----EMERGENCY EDUCATION SURPilJS CO~ODITIES IEOUGHT RURAL RELIEF REHABILITATION STUDENT GARDEN AID TOT.AL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1932 September October November December TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April May June July Augus t September October Nover.1ber TOI'AL GRAlH) TOTAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 1,48o.72 1,726.74 2,130.10 464.40 735.00 8o4.05 1,077.00 1,434.52 1,360.56 593.44 9,667.17 11,213.09 593.44 9,667.17 1,262.92 1,476.90 1,344.74 1,859.69 1,217.16 969.69 1,050.48 1,001.64 1,613.45 1,574.90 1,910.86 1,218.78 714.46 297.23 15,900.83 7,795.51 6,266.31 257.68 2,305.02 4,030.16 4,316.03 5,127.45 7,605.25 15,282.43 26,396.51 10.75 21,484.45 5.00 2,012.70 999.90 * 26,495.52 *** 26,396.51 1.75 1.50 2,230.47 2,823.91 Includes $364.75 Local Funds. Local Funds. it-II-* Includes $1,n7.35 Local Funds. 30,220.33 21,857.98 61,745.48 27.52 1,152.04 453.20 65.74 171.04 4.32 550.43 183.o6 422.41 486.20 255.81 23,092.00 29,822.66 19,140.45 1,955.00 1,725.06 247.4o 43.90 40.32 57.70 1.50 108.24 2,073.27 73,234.67 4, 38o.66 141.92 12.25 108.24 2,073.27 73,234.67 4,38o.66 141.92 42.50 H *ff 4.00 1,480.72 1,726.74 2,130.10 464.4o 735.00 8o4.05 1,082.00 1,436.27 11,625.17 18,382.53 9,986.87 7,908.28 4,131.57 2,415.62 974.01 5,553.67 5,214.86 31,442.79 38,776.59 29,283.21 154,070.00 21,857.98 197,412.43 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • •· I Financial Date ~!!ff!!~! YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT WOBK BELIEF RELIEF $ $ c.w.s. $ £ .Q !! !! '.!: ! SURPWS DROUGR'l' c.w.A. TRANSmT El-1ERGENCY EWC'.ATION G.ARIEli CCMrot>ITIES RELIEF $ $ $ $ $ RURAL STUDENT REHABILITATION HD TOTAL $ $ $ $ 1932 Sf'ptember October November December TCJrAL 1933 January February March April May June July Augua~ September October November December 192.28 1,646.98 11.,016.o8 1,646.98 11,208.36 Tal'AJ. 192.28 12,663.06 12,855.34 828.12 13,217.10 6,012.68 4,260.81 46.84- 14-,164.4-8 6,681.68 4,464-.21 2,179.34 -i,376.56 136.82 3,648.76 4,238.19 15,751.34 :n,ao9.1a 4;,180.73 1934 119.26 January 669.00203.4o February March April Mat June Ju:ty August Sept.ember October November TCJrAL GRAND T<JrAL· 144-.ob 301-.72 104.13 270.~ 17}.81 56.44 4o5.64 586.97 1,988.50 1,016.25 2,133.60 4-,023.26 4,095.62 4,009.62 10,197.91 2,162.39 27,464.76 * 2,162.39 *** 27,~4.76 ......* 1,700.52 1Ht 1,892.t,C Includea $1,o.61,78 Local Funds. Local Funds • Includes '$5,-392.38 Loe~ Funds • 23,537.43 9,656.57 45,857.06 163.84- ,S.59 32.69 129.24 -23.82 67.09 164.74 .42 163.84163.84- 9,208.63 26,312.28 "30,653.09 120.00 17.30 2,323.56 1,916.90 1,488.35 · 90.15 476.59 67,1~9.50 5,866.ll 90.15 476.59 67,169.50 5,866.ll 90.15 995.50 128,631.29 9,656.57 151,143.20 • • !•~!~! I COUNTY ------ Financial Data YEP.?. AND MONTH WORK DIRECT RELIEF REUEF c.w.s. C.VI.A. TR/\NSTh'NT :El\~'RGZNCY EWCATION G/1.BDEN SURPWS DROUGHT COMMODITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ RURAL STUDENT $ 1932 SP:ptember Octob~r NoYember D'°cember TCYrAL 1933 J~nuary February March April M-iy Jun€ July August SP.ptember October November December 1,495.15 2,373.49 2,115.40 1,372.53 1,388.88 903.25 995.00 939.48 951.10 1,124.44 845.69 304.79 147.28 18,902.61 14,504.41 304.79 19,049.89 1,144.78 1,436.05 1,614.50 2,054.27 1,002.32 900.30 815.75 813.87 1,666.49 1,972.00 2,455.92 782.95 647.27 234.23 2, 335.23 7,685.86 14,239.98 12,08o.05 14,849.'12 27,825.19 14,248.48 12,142.42 516.10 255.24 3.00 15,876.25 53,943.54 1,664.45 * 30,38o.66 *** 53,943.54 1,969.24 TOTAL 1,495.15 2,373.49 2,115.40 1,372.53 1,388.88 903.25 995.00 939.48 951.10 1,271.72 20,053.09 33,859.09 1934 January February March ApriJ May June July August S,,ptember October Nove-:nber Tor.AL GRAND TorAL * '"* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Includes Includes 1,765.00 987.90 $1,696.74 Local Funds. $607.25 Local Funds. 148.63 46.59 231.55 405.35 1,986.25 500.65 169.97 45.00 9.00 33.60 618.50 1,172.62 2,634.95 3,783.34 1,695.96 6,379.48 9,320.92 2,516.46 853.97 2,837.11 29,752.92 16,331.Bo 13,997.90 4,341.37 4,255.32 4,892.28 6,628.22 16,330.35 27,955.81 30,489.14 27,327.59 45.00 3,488.99 8,297.01 19,912.82 3,699.79 182,302.70 45.00 3,488.99 8,297.01 19,912.82 3,699.79 216,161.79 6.75 6.oo 1,816.23 3,933.39 3,167.09 5,102.10 2,510.99 3,126.60 715.27 45.00 54,990.43 20,384.42 74,040.32 20,384.42 8.71 • • T E X AS -- --'BAB AND MONTH I Financial ~ .ta .9.2£!!'.!'.! DIREC'[' WORK RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN STUDENT DROUGHT RURAL SURPllJS TOTAL COM-10DITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION AID $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1932 September October Nov'.:m:ber December TOTAL 1933 January Februc1ry March April 1,351.39 1,067.99 138.33 49.45 1,351.3g 1,067.99 138.33 49.45 53.00 43.05 201.34 133.39 182.75 14,113.57 53.00 43.05 201.34 Jl~,429. 71 T(YfAL 3,037.94 182.75 14,113.57 17,334.26 1934 January February ·March April !v1ay Jme July August S1o:ptember October November 150.68 324.64 471.43 768.08 392.87 459.46 728.73 642.10 931.05 1,203.67 1,648.68 1,051.18 714.24 18o.19 28,348.39 13,732.77 10,696.03 2,030.83 2.35 TOTAL 7,721.39 25,494.57 1,945.61 54,810.37 * 10,759.33 25,494.57 2,1~8.36 68,923.94 May Junp July Jl.-..igust St:ptember October Novenib6r Diocember 1,884.90 983.00 20.76 278.56 262.40 8.16 92.09 470.18 387.50 128.69 54.30 225.64 281.50 370.52 12.28 . 18.26 91.20 1,440.95 1,902.17 73.41 10.50 661. 89 683.52 29,550.25 14,771.65 11,348.65 4,683.2>1 1,640.62 559.71 3,165.56 6,213.48 8,151.83 8,01J.i.. 77 10,326.64 1.00 1,278.87 1,567.73 834.94 3,427.03 1,345.41 98,426.97 1.00 1,278.87 1,567.78 834.94 3,427.03 1,345.41 115,761.23 1.00 979.55 599.60 3,947.44 4,811.47 5,672.24 7,595.92 GRAND TOTAL * Includes $116.75 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Local F'unde. • • VERNON ------ I Financial Data £ .Q !! !! ! ! YEAR AND MONTH DIRECT RELIEF WORK BELIEF c.w.s. C.W.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EDUCATION GARDEN DP.OUGHT RURAL SURPWS COM,,10DITIES RELIEF REHABILITATION $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ STUDENT AID TCYI'AL $ $ 1932 September October November December 395.00 427.75 395.00 427.75 TCYI'AL 822.75 822.75 650.00 767.00 650.00 767.00 605.00 475.00 325.25 1,121.34 605.00 475.00 325.25 1,121.34 19JJ January February March Apr~l May June July August SEptember October November December TCYI'AL 1934 January February March April May June July August September October November TOrAL 3,211.86 22,451.05 133.20 1,124.29 4,117.06 23,575.34 - 4,715.59 1,124.29 25,662.91 133.20 31,635.99 1,142.55 850.91 1,479.73 2,624.Bo 2,145.14 1,8o9.79 1,790.40 1,940.07 1,770.92 2,124.71 3,025.73 1,795.28 1,475.87 284.95 44,634.84 23,533.54 16,520.75 1,362.45 74.15 25.75 33.00 33.50 242.75 3,049.21 8,499.67 6,037.20 7,348.55 22,139.34 47,646.82 25,886.07 18,318.43 5,862.63 3,604.01 1,857.79 10,650.88 12,194.06 11.00 18,476.73 962.40 186.90 16,200.94 40,686.00 738.29 20,704.75 49,900.75 772.00 1,841.88 984.90 3,556.10 ff GR~.ND TCYI'A!, * 26,243.09 *** 49,900.75 * ** *** Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 4,68o.39 Includes $8,882.20 Local Funds. Local Funds. Includes $17,135.21 Local Funds. 86,051.58 26,458.20 138,172.69 576.57 1,415.67 2,697.44 2,127.88 13,78o.81 37.95 118.58 21,007.52 21,140.72 231.22 42.00 721.70 266.65 125.00 59.35 6.oo 4,513.00 5,933.80 239.75 264.50 72.00 1,901.37 3,092.Bo 559.40 156-5:~ 1,525.92 10,957.05 5,625.57 156.53 1,525.92 10,957.05 5,625.57 1,711.69 186.90 201,384.36 26,458.20 1,711.69 186.90 260,301.30 • • !!!!!! YEAR AID WORE l>IBECT RELIEJ' IQITB ma.m • $ 19}2 c.w.s. c.w.A. • • l n-salDlle £!!!!! TIWISDl'l' Jlll:!GIICJ mJCATI<a GAJtJIDI Jl1CUJll'I' SUUDJB CClll)Jm'DS Ill.Dr . • • • • 8'IUJD'l" allAJ. IIIIIABD.l'fAflal AD • • • • TVfAJ. Sf:ptember Oc~ober IOYember December TOI'AJ. 1933 Juuar;r February March April ..., June July Ausuet September October lonaber -.1.00 41.00 111.a, 15.00 1.2, 171.e, 1,.00 1.2' 9,.7' December 229.10 T'1rAL 93.7' 1934 March April 88.oo May June July Ausust September October Bovember T'1rAL GIWlD TO'l'Al Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • .. 1,958.70 1,410.i.o 1,2.00 41.64 110.66 131.16 183.93 501.73 376.50 66.66 19.517.03 670.'4 1,1~.72 19,,17.03 76>..29 $9'rr.09 4,.SJ. Local. J'lm4a. .. 10,442.98 2,039.1, 11,261.4'5 2,'84.01 2,090.,a. 1,61~.,, 6,.,a 11.93 23.94 82.31 1.08 255.01 187.00 1,.00 70.97 126.~ 2,m.oc; 22.,0 ~,.,o "·'° ,1.1, 479.80 190.2:,. ~-9' 2,61t0.99 ~-65 479.80 190.2, 568.95 2,61t0.99 7~-6' X 1,'6,.62 Inclwlea ,,,,7.28 2,9118.'9 479.80 . 2,011.12 3,6,0.17 2,782.29 3,467.44 4,196.91 Local l'lmda • 4,199.,2 2,681.7' 2,,17.,, 266.64 Februar;r ~.Sr),.07 ,,122.17 ,,200.oa. ,,1.24 Jenuar;r 4,199.'2 4.IM> 2,9',.9() 1.IM> 2.(,o ~,.:,o ~,.:,o ,,9'().81 2,m.22 7,71K.97 4,6,,.o6 ,1,096.09 2,0,9.1, ",2'7.41 • • : A . :;: I }l :; ~, Q . F i,;_I ,-.•.: ..'. •. ·l~ .0rr··,:.:-:. :.'U~~t~ 1-:::!.. I!.1 :;.;_~ :J: ..:F 1• c.;._, .;.:. !;~ .2 E ~ l! t I I EMSRGI:;tr:Y Fin~ncial Data c . 1_-; ._t,. TRP.N;'..:Il:,1i'I .i::DUCATION G.t•.BDEN P1 7:=tfii!:; CC~':lMOllI'l'IE::. J.JROUGIIT RELIEF' RUEAL REHABILITATION CT'UDE!IT AID TOfAL ~ ~~ i $ $ $ $ $ $ '!. .. 'Y) :·_":.~_ . .·- t:,,·,::-_~ . -- i· C .!t.o:..u;!,' 1 Wc,Y~r~:: r,r Dr·c ~m=•~·. r TO:' f,L j_/)3 J·~::uarJ :<"·- brunr;- :~t-..,rc~ A~ril i~~y Jvn,, July :?!J-2 .76 242.76 J\Uf~USt :--:pt ccibcr Octob,sr Novc,m~cr D,;ccniber ?77 .47 1,5c6.14 2,341 .46 ~,:)",0.75 696.30 2,239.61 21,500.46 Tffi,1L 7,327.58 G96.30 23,740.07 2,034.30 3,039.38 3,04D .16 2,451.00 2,037.44 3,493.23 2,324.11 3,434.53 3,639.13 3,313.70 3,936.26 2,'.357,85 943,85 1,oc9.79 4,383.57 5,033,01 9,098.78 e,630.48 9,094,61 1,982.64 1,357.31 220.65 66,788.72 27,706.12 24,191.82 3,642.72 35,301.24 40,751.94 3,56o.60 * 42,628.82 *** 4.J , '!51.94 4,256.90 277.47 1,506.14 4,58J .07 25,156.51 31,763.95 1934 January FPbruary fv'iarch A;r il M.'\,Y J-ur:e July August 8F-ptember October Novsmber Tm'AL GfJ1ND TlYI'AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis * ** ff-* 13.75 17.30 171.63 176.10 333.33 118.17 683.87 77,35 224.89 364.35 55.25 13.75 391.80 1,857.21 13.75 391.80 1,857.21 71.05 26.77 Includes $2,196.39 Local Funds. Local Funds, Includes $922.06 Local Funds. 122,400.43 ..,. 22,828.79 168,969.29 2,370.00 304.17 59.40 33.6o 3.10 581.6o 538.60 41.25 2,733.57 1,156.90 41.25 2,733.57 1,156.90 41.25 70,805.66 32,102.01 27,460.63 8,651.57 3,314.62 4,692.24 10,321.92 8,547.99 13,915.87 14,539.56 13,855.82 208,208.69 22,828.79 262,801.43 • •• ---- ':! AYN E - I Fim1.:1 clal £ S! !I l! ! ! I?. ~"l Y,:AR AND DIRJC:CT MONTH RE LI?.1" WOHK RELIEF c.w.s . C.\'!.t.• TIWTSIENT EM;;;RGi l•:CY EDUCATION GARDEN SURPLUS COMM)DITI'ES RELIEF RURAL REHABI:r..IT AT1 ON STUDENT AID TC'I ',GL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ l1.P.OUGHT 1932 f-e pt.,l'lbi>r OctobE>r November Dec e11tb':' r TarAL 1933 January FEbruary March April May June July August September October No·1ember December 298.02 5,276.69 5,574.71 TOTAL 298.02 5,276.69 5,574.71 807,76 715.87 193.05 8,056.85 3,507.46 4,329.09 629.21 1934 January Febr-uary March April May June July August September October November TC1rAL 702.69 512.78 708.81 590.43 1,074.31 1,273.11 1,749.65 2,041.32 1,745.58 968.6o 5~.20 3,784.24 5,251.47 4,530.99 4,956.82 854.30 206.53 6.46 173.65 29.04 73.o8 120.00 8,653.10 21,775.90 1,716.68 16,522.61 8,653.10 21,775.90 2,014.70 21,799.30 1,4o7.93 6.10 21.92 224.94 36,.85 1,081.20 7.4o 8,864.61 4,223.33 4,522.14 3,077.48 1,687.91 715.27 3,564.51 4,893.69 6,621.58 6,625.58 8,123.59 2.00 854.;o 608.76 1,697.74 1,083.20 7.4o 52,919.69 854.30 608.76 1,697.74 1,083.20 7.4o 58,494.40 GRABl) TC1rAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • t I Financial D,.,ta .£.Q!!!!:!_ !~.!U~!~!l YEAR Ai'l'D :::>IRECT MONTH RF.LIEF WORK RELIEF c.w.s. C.VI.A. TRANSIENT EMERGENCY EWCATION GARDEN C<Me10DITIES REUEF $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ SUBPWS mcxrGHT $ RURAL 8TUDEll'r REIIABIUTATION AID TOI'AL $ $ $ 1932 3Eptembflr October November December TOI'AL 1933 January February March April Mey June July August Si:pt·ember October November DPcember 45.82 145.00 55.00 48.oo 234.26 185.62 360.00 412.43 555,86 636.78 10,460.13 2.27 4'5.82 145.00 55.00 50.50 234,26 185.62 360.00 412.43 11,655,04 2,0 1+1.99 636.78 10,460.13 4.77 13,143.67 713.87 947.33 745.89 1,172.19 1,410.47 679.64 928.44 772.02 1,203.89 659.19 1,369.29 1,28o.8o 959.55 15.10 1,211.21 6,329.19 3, 862,53 3,606.70 6,881.;55 1,044.20 715,20 281.15 17,247.73 7,769.52 4,962.38 229.46 6o6.62 10,602.22 24,2o6.43 TOI'AL 1934 January February March April Mey June July August September October November TOI'AL GRA1fD TOl'AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 2.50 * ** *** 75 207.74 677 . 60 551.78 253.38 306.9'2 217.71 230.82 461.00 25.45 .75 3, 018.34 5.52 3, 018.34 2,133.00 2,040 .55 ff * 12, 644.21 *** 24,206.43 0 2, 677 ,33 Includes $3,515.81 Local Fv.nds. Local Funds, Tn~111~"A !2~6.'52 Local Funds. 30, 815.71 1,274. 94 42, 550. 78 41.98 3,212.50 22,280.68 67,649.44 3,662.18 6,257.81 1,667.91 3,500.56 3,497.57 1,857.20 130.90 19.00 100.76 255.87 2,047. 06 96,846.78 16,781.05 5c6.53 2,047. 06 96, 846.78 16,781.05 506.53 19,005.80 9,432.05 5,989,42 2,683.20 3,570.40 948.12 14,109. 88 9,117,73 31,097.48 76,182.40 14,728. 94 186,865.42 1,274.94 201,284. 03 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis • • I Financial Data ~ YRI\R AliD IliOiilli .2 ~ ! !! £~!!!!! EMERGENCY DrnECT }~ LIEF WORK RELIE:F' c.l,v.s. c.w.r-. 'I'Ri'NSTu"rIT EDUC.4TION G.ARDEN SURPUJS C()f,M}DIT1ES DROUGHT RELIEF RURAL REHABILITATION STUDENT AID TarAL * t c!: .,_. $ $ $ 't' r $ $ $ $ :! l :?J2 ;1~::_}t G'nbe ~ Octob 0 r :io'!r,mb<>r lJf· TOTAL 1935 Januar y .?· bru3. r y Mar ch • 14. 65 5.64 96.74 238.19 A;;r il May Jun"l J uly 14.65 5.64 96.74 242.49 4.,0 Augu s t f:i~? t ember Oc t obe r Nov emb er D"" cember 'I'Cfl'AL 815.25 4,,07.52 :;55.22 815.25 4,,07.52 2·51.03 1,158.93 817.38 6.,:,oo. ~ 2,9,5.83 221.15 },147.10 193)+ J:>nv.o.r y 1'•.bruRrY i-hrch tpr:a M<iy Ji;nr, J u1 y 65 . 90 y). ·)O 1, 837.87 99 .oa 2,99 . 70 146. 70 20 7 . •y:, }!':JVPmb ::r i."y . 77 l, M)7 . 4C l ~, 931.10 2,20}.46 12,595.07 .. 416.80 2, 212 . 62 *** 18, 931 . 10 ,,018.71 11,319.39 GFd-.ND TCJr~L * * ** ....,. 1,120.,S ,,-"<>.15 2,021.,, 1'<>.65 Includes $1,304.25 Local F-.mtla • Local Funds. Includes $1,690.70 Local l'tmdll. 1,~1-1' 126.97 27.72 282.2' 116.~ 1.10 . ()[) 1+7(~. 7 '~ 70.:.. t. t 5,i.&2.29 ,,-,,,.21 122.66 Dctobt: r Pu.gus t 4.,0 89.68 1, 147.50 4,324.17 2, 962 .49 3, 141 . 35 4, 567.52 f<=:; t ,,mbF:r 5.,122.TI ·4.,0 187.8' 1,1112.80 27.72 :5,059.t.7 lt,6'9.10 l,~.00 1',269-~ 1i..oo ,.,a~.~ 605.20 610.,0 204.1, 18.1'0 ~.,1 1,9'5-~ 2,12,.6, 18.1'0 i.o,259.1t1 594.51 1,9, 2,12,.6, 18.4<> "6,158. '50 5,229.82 1'16.80 • • !!!!.!Q!!! y,;r :• , ... ~!) :•!: JNT:: I Financial Data Q .2 !! ! ! ! SURPtDS i.>IT~CT l'JOPJ( i~LH:!:t' RELIEF c.v1.s. C.'fl . f .• TR.6,NSIEN'I EMERGENCY EIJJCATION GARDEN CCUl)DITIES t y ct $ $ $ $ $ S'l'UlDf :mOOOBT lftlRAL T<Jr/.L RELIEF tuaJABlLrl'ATIOI AD> * • • $ - 1?32 :Ppt"!:i1b•'r Cctobr:r Nov-=nib,,r l,jr,cembPr T.Jl'AL J:i:;,3 J,mu'3I"7 1''-:br11ary .M~r ch ,\;iril May J1:ne July August ao.oo 30.00 OctobP-r Movember wcember u6.87 1.00 :1'5.31 219.49 rPptemb,~:: 223,29 3.13a !+2g.23 428.2:, 192.211- 13,721.91 3.50 14,413.75 1,339.69 192.24 13,72).91 S.JC 15,262.14 729.44 588.07 28,303.63 16,153.76 20,275.88 1,000.09 301.39 52.83 November 4-09,97 501 83 585.43 832.84 625.73 562.83 652.64 910.24 1,097 .,)7 8o2.07 1,320.62 1,442.88 3,955,44 4,785.69 7,38o.20 8,105.74 TOTAL 8,301.32 29,068.58 * 9,641.01 29,068.58 .496.10 TC1f/1:L 1934 Ji=tnuary February March April Wiay June July .August September October GRAN}) TetrAL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis *iHt Include• - 2~3.3~· 1,909.20 1,439.43 66,067.58 7,719.96 ** 87,509.4,5 1,758.64 !1.,566.40 $100.00 Local Funds. Local Funds. LOO 2.00 6.50 6.55 112.95 130.00 4o.32 272.34 150.72 120.01 151.50 388.42 929.00 177.34 262.92 12,205.32 481.15 1,079.26 84.?4 1,283.93 15.00 1,984.8~ 1,092.49 1,258.32 19.15 24.74 29.30 505.44 716.24 16.05 242.95 1,786.52 15,840.05 4,369.fie 1,275.72 24.35 242.95 1,786.52 15;84o.05 4,369.80 1,275.72 29,444.04 17,245.66 21,n6.70 3,748.68 2,729.26 866.39 2,650.44 7,981.6o 19,472.79 u,619.39 11,660.02 128,534.97 7,719.96 151,517.07 t t §1'. YEAR AND DIRECT WORK MONTH RELIEF RELIEF c.w.s. c.w.A. $ $ $ $ b Qg TBANSIENT $ f § Q 11'. EMERGENCY EDUCATION $ I Financial Data .x SURPLUS GARDEN $ COMMODITIES $ DROUGHT RELIEF $ STUDENT RURAL REHABILITATION AID $ $ TOTAL $ 1932 September October Nove:nber December 284,430.72 343,423.68 479,927.96 284,430.72 343,423.68 479,927.96 1,107,782.36 1,107,782.36 469,459.04 ,537,190.50 573,024.57 602,156.48 586,423.56 569,550.02 528,551.79 660,132.70 326,731.84 561, 21~8.60 664,862.58 802,394.9E 5,591.83 884,021.19 6,677.13 5,690.24 6,489.87 6,429.25 7,782.98 2,973.16 2,861.5] 4,362.72 8,163.80 469,459.04 c,37,190.50 573,024.57 608,833.61 592,113.80 576,039.89 534,981.04 667,915.68 329,705.00 564,110.11 674,817.13 1,694,579.97 6,881,726.66 889,613.02 51,430.66 7,822,770.~4 530,068.92 398,836.44 467,374.83 594,843.78 Nl.ay 691,662.97 June 663,685.38 July 794,692.89 August 838,110.99 September 865,596.55 October 930,354.83 November 1,086,614.81 177,715.04 176,874.65 67,480.47 119,322.06 215,542.71 176,472.41 196,493.23 252,698.27 2,185,474.79 1,475,100.98 1,602,864.00 139,322.21 51,390.56 16,638.39 6,572.13 3,913.45 2,531.96 4,098.04 5,084.37 3;141.33 2,377.92 20,806.18 32,961.82 34,968.15 38,856.89 54,020.86 2,719,457.16 1,876,469.38 2,074,336.87 916,965.40 935,166.29 753,821.32 949,534.50 1,103,059.35 1,096,749.02 1,219,557.62 1,467,900.87 7,861,842.39 1,382,598.84 TOTAL 1933 January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 1934 January February March April TOTAL Grand TOTAL *15,851,551.41***1,382,598.84 * Includes $4,040,220.11 Local Funds ** Local Funds *** Includes $89,731.74 Local Funds Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ** 5,477,363.06 610,087.42 6,977,063.50 284.85 377.90 809.64 4,765.22 8,338.84 2,674.46 1,159.50 1,609.67 4,017.53 568.43 1,324.36 221.17 9,422.32 905.11 0,246.72 1,574.55 11,780.34 16,133.84 36,876.70 59,669-.92 268.06 2,200.00 113.49 842.05 10,772.90 5,494.95 202,760.97 14,576.45 11,575.12 141,034.95 3,423.60 17,842.40 254,191.63 14,576.45 11,575.12 141,034.95 3,423.60 17,842.40 15,113,017.78 610,087.42 24,653,657,90 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis J