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Part Ttvo of a Three Part Series
The first part of this article, which appeared in
last month’s issue of this Review, discussed recent
behavior of the major price indexes— the Consumer
Price Index, the Wholesale Price Index, and the
Implicit Price Deflator for GN P. These indexes
and their components are closely watched by eco­
nomic analysts, and changes in them are extensively
analyzed for evidence of progress or lack of progress
in the effort to combat inflation. Increasing atten­
tion has been focused on the indexes during the
recent highly inflationary period, and, as might be
expected, the technical characteristics of the indexes
have received added scrutiny. Since much depends
upon the indexes in policy making, planning, and
forecasting, it is appropriate to ask whether the in­
dexes are accurate, and whether the methods used
in constructing them are statistically sound.
This part of this article examines the conceptual
and statistical problems encountered in the design
and construction of price indexes. Its purpose is
expository. Certain criteria for good indexes are
discussed as well as certain problems associated with
the interpretation of index numbers. The final part
of the article, which will appear next month, will
review the specific methodologies used by the D e­
partments of Commerce and Labor in the compilation
of the major indexes in current use in this country
and will evaluate those indexes in the light of the
criteria discussed in this part.
An index in the simplest sense is a ratio of one
quantity to another. It expresses a given quantity
in terms of its relative value in comparison to a
base quantity. Thus, a price index designed for the
purpose of measuring price changes over time is a
ratio of one price (or combination of prices) to the
price of the same item (or combination of items) in
a different period of time. When properly con ­
structed. index numbers of prices permit the com ­
parison of economic values over time net of the
effect of price changes.
Several conceptual and statistical issues involved
in the development of meaningful and reliable price


indexes to represent the aggregate movement of
prices over time are raised in the discussion which
For purposes of illustration of the concepts, a
hypothetical example is used throughout the discus­
sion of a consumer whose total budget consists of
five items, and whose expenditures on the items are
shown for a period of four years. Three of the
items are large in relation to his total budget— auto­
mobiles and suits, which are purchased infrequently,
and rent, which is paid frequently. Tw o of the
items are small, but one, bread, is purchased frequent­
ly, and the other, movie tickets, is purchased infre­
quently. The five items taken together comprise a
theoretical “ market basket"— a term commonly used
to refer to the sample of items upon which an index
is based. Usually, the “ market basket” is a sample
of selected items typical of the consumer’s purchases
and is used to represent his total budget. In this
simplified example, however, it is assumed that the
five items comprise this consumer's total budget.
Table 1 shows the consumer’s situation. This e x ­
ample, though an oversimplification of the problems
involved in constructing aggregate price indexes,
illustrates a number of the issues.
Conceptual Problems
The Base Period A fundam ental problem in the
development of index numbers is the selection of
a base. If a price index is to serve as a stable basis
for comparison of price movements over time, a
period of time must be selected and held as the
base long enough to generate a series of indexes
for subsequent periods that will be useful in com ­
paring those periods not only with the base, but with
each other. Price indexes designed for analysis of
price changes over time which are also computed for
different places, such as the Consumer Price Index,
do not automatically provide a valid basis of com ­
parison of one place with another.

Since the index

relates current prices at a particular location to those
in the base period at the same location, without
regard to the standardization of base prices among
the several locations, the index is useful only for
comparisons over time.

Current usage of price in­

dexes is generallv restricted to temporal comparisons

Therefore, attention is devoted only to indexes
designed for that purpose in the discussion which
Where the object is to devise an aggregate index
for general-purpose use, the selection of a base
period is necessarily somewhat arbitrary. Under ideal
conditions, however, the base period would be one
in which extremely erratic movements are not oc­
curring in prices themselves or in underlying eco­
nomic conditions which would be reflected in prices.
Such “ normal” periods are difficult to define where
prices of hundreds of items must be taken into ac­
count. W here the index is more of the special- pur­
pose variety, the selection of an appropriate base is
somewhat easier. For example, the earliest concern
with index numbers involved an attempt to measure
the change in the purchasing power of money (i.e.,
the reciprocal of the price index) resulting from the
importation of silver into Europe after the discovery
of America. This first price index, developed by
Carli in 1764, covered a 250 year time span with

later one for which the revised sample of goods and
services is representative.
Though it is sometimes desirable, it is not neces­
sary that both of the above changes be made at the
same time. A n updating of the sample of goods and
services can be accomplished without shifting the
base if the revised selection of items is worked into
the sample so as not to distort the continuity of the
index. This type of adjustment is discussed later
in connection with other statistical problems. A
straightforward shift of the base period is possible,
however, without changing the sample of goods and
services if it is known that the original sample se­
lection remains valid, and if all that is desired is a
revision of the index base to a more recent date.
For example, if the index of 1970 prices for a par­
ticular sample of items on a 1960 base is 120.0, and
the index on the same base was 105.0 in 1965, then
1970 prices can be expressed on a 1965 base as
114.3, or 120.0/105.0.2 This kind of linkage, while
frequently used, does nothing to improve the quality
of the index. The revised number gives the same
information that the original index did, but expresses
it in terms of a more recent base. The revision in
no way allows for changes in quality of goods and
services or changes in spending patterns which result
from price changes. Thus, the crucial question to
which an index must frequently be subjected is
whether or not the sample of commodities is cur­
rently valid. If it is, no revisions of the base period
or the sample are needed. On the other hand, if
revisions of the sample are needed, a shift of the
base period may be convenient, but not essential.

the year 1500 as the base.1
Base periods of price indexes are occasionally up­
dated for convenience. A s spending patterns change
and as technological change occurs, particular selec­
tions of goods and services comprising the “ market
basket” become obsolete as standards for comparison.
Items which are commonly purchased in a current
period may not have been available in the base
period or may have undergone substantial technical
or quality changes since the base period.

This re­

quires a revision of the sample, and this change may
be accompanied by a shift of the base period to a
1 Mudgett, Bruce D.
Index N um bers.
N ew York, 1951. p. 6.

John W iley

‘J It is common practice to express index numbers as ratios multiplied
by 100 and rounded to one decimal place (e.g., the index 114.3 is the
ratio 1 .1 4 3 ). It is understood throughout this article that a ratio
obtained by any form ula is multiplied by 100 to obtain an index.
For simplicity that step is not shown in the calculations or formulas.

& Sons, Inc.,



Prices and Q uantities Purchased

Y e ars

Autom obiles, each
Rent, per month
Bread, per loaf
M ovie tickets, each
Suits, each
Total Expenditures




$ 2,0 00 .0 0



$ 3,357.50


q •>

$ 2,2 0 0 .0 0








$ 2,5 00 .0 0



$3,666. 50

$1,626. 25



$ 2,5 00 .0 0



$ 4,2 77 .5 0

Subscripts represent y ears, an d p and q represent prices and quantities respectively.


Simple Average of Relatives and Simple Aggre­
gative Price Indexes T h e sim plest form of price
index is the ratio of one price to another for a
specified commodity. This approach is valid under
extremely restricted circumstances.
For example,
consider the consumer whose expenditures are shown
in Table I. Assuming that the loaf of bread listed
in the table is the same loaf in size and quality in
all four years, a simple index of the price of bread
in year 2 is 110.0 (year 1= 100). For years 3 and 4,
the index is 125.0 and 115.0, respectively. A s far
as it goes, this index is a valid measure of changes
in the price of bread.
If no change in quality could be assumed for the
other four items shown, similar price indexes could
be constructed for them. But a serious problem
arises, even in the absence of any quality changes, if
a composite index of this consumer’s “ market basket”
is desired. Consider, for example, only the change
between years 1 and 2. The price index for bread,
as previously stated, is 110.0; for automobiles, it
is also 110.0; for rent, it is 106.3; for movie tickets,
it is 133.3; and for suits, it is 111.8. A simple
average of the individual indexes yields a composite
index of 114.3 for this consumer’s total budget in
year 2, based upon year 1. This index is questionable
since it implicitly gives the highest weight among
the five items to that one which rises most in price
in percentage terms. That item is movie tickets, one
which is of relatively little consequence to this con­
The index formula used in the above illustration
is known as a simple average of relatives, or
I i 2= S ( p 2/ p i ) / n ,

where I x 2 represents the value of the index for year
2 based upon year 1; px and p2 represent prices of
individual items in years 1 and 2, respectively; 2 is
the standard symbol for summation; and n is the
number of items comprising the index.3
Other means of averaging the price relatives (or
ratios) could easily be used. For example, a median
of relatives (110.0 in this case) reduces the upward
bias resulting from the increase in movie ticket
prices. Other methods of averaging price indexes
which are frequently employed in order to reduce
upward bias resulting from a sharp rise in one item
or component are geometric averages and harmonic
averages. A comparison of all these procedures for
the hypothetical consumer for the four years given
is shown in Table II, and selected indexes are
graphed in the accompanying chart.
3 Mills, Frederick C. Statistical M ethods.
& Co., N ew Y ork, 1955. Ch. 13.


Third Edition.

Henry Holt

YEAR 1 = 1 0 0

For comparison, another type of index number
construction which might be used is the simple ag­
gregative type. For the consumer under discussion,
the total of the prices of the items he buys in the
base period is $2,165.95. In year 2, the total of
these prices is $2,381.22.
A simple aggregative
index number for year 2 is
I, 2= 2 p 2/ 2 Pl= 1 09 .9.
Whether this number is any better as a measure of
the price changes affecting the consumer is still in
question. This procedure implicitly gives the highest
weight among the items to the one which has the
largest price change in absolute terms. In year 2.
that item is automobiles which increased $200. This
index is thus highly dependent upon the units for
which prices are quoted. Simple aggregative indexes
are given for the four years in Table II and in the
chart. The chart illustrates that this index has
practically no increase in the fourth year when auto
prices do not rise while the other indexes shown
continue to climb.
Both of these simple index methods raise questions
of how to reduce biases in price indexes which arise
due to large relative price changes (the movie ticket
example) or large absolute price changes which may
be small relative to the price of the item (the auto­
mobile example). W hile both of the simple indexes
appear to be unweighted, they actually contain im­
plicit weights, due to either actual price changes or

as prices, the resulting ratio is not a pure index of

have changed at the same time as a result of changes
in his income, changes in the quality of items which
he purchased, and for numerous other reasons. One
type of question which a price index is commonly
expected to answer is how much it would cost the
consumer in the current period to purchase exactly
the same mix of items ( “ market basket” ) that he
purchased in the base period, assuming no change in
the quality and utility of the goods and services he
selected. The latter assumption is difficult to allow
for in the construction of indexes, but the desired
answer to the question is at least approximated if
the quantities purchased in the base period are chosen
as weights and held constant in computing the index
for subsequent periods. If such weights are used, the
necessity for periodic updating of the “ market
basket” is clear. As will be shown in subsequent
discussion, however, not all indexes are designed to
answer the specific question posed above.
The type of index described above is of both the
fixed-weight and fixed-base variety. A n argument
can also be made for the use of current period
weights, which necessitates the changing of weights
with each successive period, while retaining the fixed
base for purposes of price comparisons. If quantities
purchased in the current period are used to weight
both current and base period prices, the question

price changes, but simply a ratio of budgets or total

which the index answers is changed substantially.

expenditures. The consumer’s standard of living may

This type of index tells how much it currently costs

relative price changes. In this illustration, neither of
the implicit weights is the desired one. Some pro­
cedure for explicitly weighting the items according
to their relative importance in the consumer’s total
budget is needed in order to get a valid indication
of the true impact of price changes upon the con­
Choice of Weights T h e kinds of w eights needed
to correct the bias resulting from the simple index
methods are obvious. A n indication of the relative
importance of individual items in the consumer’s
budget can be obtained from the quantities he pur­
chases. It is known, of course, that consumers change
the mix of their purchases in response to changes in
prices, depending upon whether individual items are
necessities or luxuries. Business purchasers pre­
sumably do the same to the extent that substitution
of items is possible. A difficult question to resolve,
therefore, is what quantities to use as weights.
For example, in Table I, the consumer’s total
budget or expenditure in year 1 was $3,357.50 (i.e.,
S p ^ ) . His total expenditure in year 2 was
$3,666.50 (i.e., 2 p 2q2)-

A ratio of these expendi­

tures would not result in a valid price index under
most circumstances.

Since quantities change as well



(Prices and Q uantities from Table I)
Sim ple Indexes

Y e ar

Simple A verage
of Relatives

M edian of

Geom etric A verage
of Relatives

Harm onic A verage
of Relatives

Sim ple
A g gregative







W eighted and W eighted C hain ed

W eighted
A g gregative
Laspeyres Type

W eighted
A g gregative
Paasche Type

W eighted
A verag e
of Relatives
Base V alue
W eights












W eighted
A v e ra g e
of Relatives
Current V alue
W eights


" Id e a l"

Edgew orth's




W eighted
A g gregative
Laspeyres Type
C hained


the consumer to obtain a given selection of items in
relation to how much it would, have cost him to
obtain the same selection in the base period. This
is an important question, of course, but period to
period comparisons are somewhat more difficult than
with the fixed-weight, fixed-base type.
In either case, the indexes compare an actual
quantity with a hypothetical quantity. In the first
case, the index compares a hypothetical expenditure
(base period quantities at current prices) with an
actual expenditure (base period quantities at base
period prices) made in the base period. The first
of these quantities may not be what the consumer
really buys if he shifts his purchases due to the price
changes. The second type of index compares an
actual expenditure (current period quantities at cur­
rent period prices) with a hypothetical expenditure
(current period quantities at base period prices).
The latter of these quantities may not represent what
the consumer actually would have bought if current
period prices had prevailed in the base period.
Weighted Aggregative Indexes— The Laspeyres
Type T h e m ost com m on ly accepted w eighted
price index of the fixed-weight and fixed-base type
is that developed by Etienne Laspeyres in 1864. For
the consumer represented in Table I, this index
results in a value for year 2 of

Ii ^ S p a q i/ S p iq ^ '109.2.
The values of this index for the four years are shown
in Table II. The index is of the weighted ag­
gregative type since it is the ratio of two expendi­
tures-—the numerator being the hypothetical current
expenditure, and the denominator being the actual
base period expenditure.4
A strict interpretation of the value, 109.2, given
above for this consumer is that it would cost him
9.2 percent more to purchase the identical “ market
basket” in year 2— if he desires to purchase it— than
it cost him in the base year. Similarly, the same
selections would cost him 39.1 percent more in the

as weights, is the one developed by H. Paasche in
1874. For the consumer in Table I, for year 2, the
index number is
Ii 2= S p 2q2/S p 1q2= 109.1.
Other values are shown in Table II. This index,
like the Laspeyres, is a ratio of weighted aggregates.
But it relates an actual current period expenditure
in the numerator to a hypothetical base period ex ­
penditure in the denominator.5
The interpretation of the Paasche number for this
consumer is that it costs him 9.1 percent more to
purchase the “ market basket" which he bought in the
current period than it would have cost him in the
base period. Again, this index reduces the upward
bias present in the simple indexes for this consumer.
In this illustration, a lack of sufficient variation in
the quantities purchased between years 1 and 2 re­
sults in the Paasche and Laspeyres index numbers
being very close together. For example, if this con­
sumer had reacted to the increase in automobile
prices by not buying one in year 2, the Paasche
index which is affected by current period quantities
would have been 107.9. The Laspeyres index for
year 2 would not have been affected by the con­
sumer’s decision not to purchase an automobile
since only base period quantities are relevant. Thus,
the Laspeyres number would have remained 109.2.
An important difference in the kinds of interpreta­
tions which may be made of these indexes should be
noted. Table II shows the Laspeyres index to be
109.2 in year 2 and 126.1 in year 3. It may be con­
cluded, therefore, that the cost of the “ market basket”
increased 15.5 percent between years 2 and 3 (i.e.,
(126.1— 1 0 9 .2 )/1 0 9 .2 = .1 5 5 ). The “ market basket”
which the consumer purchased in the base period
would cost him 15.5 percent more in year 3 than it
would have in year 2.

A similar interpretation of

the change in the Paasche index between these two
years, however, would be incorrect.

Each successive

Paasche index number compares the current period

fourth year than in the base year, as shown in

“ market basket”

Table II.

This index construction reduces the bias

selection actually purchased in year 3 cost the con­

directly to the base year.


introduced into the simple indexes by the large re­

sumer 27.3 percent more than it would have cost in

lative increase in the price of movie tickets or by

the base year, and the selection actually purchased

the large absolute change in the price of auto­

in year 2 cost 9.1 percent more than it would have

mobiles in year 2.

cost in the base year.



w eighted

Indexes— The

index of the




described above, which uses current period quantities
4 Fisher, Irving. The M aking o f Index Num bers.
Company, New York, 1922. p. 59.


Since the particular selection

of commodities being priced changes between years
2 and 3, a direct comparison of the index numbers
to measure price changes between the two years
would be inappropriate.

Houghton M ifflin
5 Ibid.

A difficulty of this type in

the interpretation of the G N P Deflator will be dis­
cussed in the final part of this article.
Laspeyres and Paasche Compared Both of the
weighted aggregative indexes appear to be superior
to any of the previously discussed simple indexes.
They reduce the likelihood of misleading movements
in the indexes due to large relative changes in prices
of items which may be of little importance in the
consumer’s total budget, or due to large absolute
changes which may be small in relation to the price
of the item. They are free of the problems associated
with the units for which the price is quoted. A g ­
gregation of values or total expenditures is used in­
stead of aggregation of simple prices or price re­
There is a considerable body of literature on the
Laspeyres and Paasche indexes, and numerous
arguments for and against the use of each of them
have been advanced. W hile it is beyond the scope
of this article to review all the literature, some of
the arguments are particularly pertinent to this dis­
cussion, since, as will be shown later, the Laspeyres
index is in essence the one used by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics in constructing the Consumer Price
If a choice must be made between the Laspeyres
and Paasche index numbers, it would seem that on
logical grounds the Laspeyres index provides the
answer to the question most commonly asked in index
number applications, namely, the change in the cost
of the base year “ market basket.” There are certain
other arguments, however, affecting the choice be­
tween the two approaches— ignoring for the moment
any sampling problems which may be involved. It
has been argued that the Laspeyres formula has
a tendency to overestimate price changes, while
the Paasche formula tends to underestimate price
changes. The argument is that the hypothetical ex ­
penditure, Sp2qi, used in the numerator of the
Laspeyres index would probably not be the actual
expenditure that the consumer would make in year
2 if he were furnished with that amount of money.
The sum, 2p 2qi, would be sufficient to allow the
consumer to obtain the base period “ market basket,”
but in a period of generally rising prices, that sum
would be larger than the base period expenditures,
^PiTi- Thus, the rational consumer would tend to
adjust his purchases, including the substitution of

is somewhat overstated by the Laspeyres index.
The Paasche index, on the other hand, contains
the hypothetical expenditure S p ^ , in the denomi­
nator for year 2. In a period of generally rising
prices this sum is lower than the numerator, Sp2q2,
which represents the current period’s actual expendi­
ture. Thus, the argument is that if the lower sum
of money had been given to the consumer in the base
period, he probably would have adjusted to a dif­
ferent set of commodities that would have yielded
him the highest possible standard of living for that
total expenditure rather than necessarily the “ market
basket” he would choose in year 2 when he has a
higher sum available. T o the extent that this is true,
the measure of price change applicable to the con­
sumer is likely to be understated by the Paasche
These arguments, advanced by Mudgett,6 do not
necessarily mean that in all cases the two indexes
are biased, nor do they imply that the Laspeyres
number is necessarily greater than the Paasche,
since actual quantities purchased respond to economic
factors too numerous to evaluate. It is possible that
particular economic circumstances may create biases
in the opposite direction from those mentioned above.
For example, if consumers shift purchases toward
goods or services that are advancing rapidly in price,
the use of base period quantity weights in the
Laspeyres index may cause it to underestimate actual
price changes.
T o the extent that biases exist, they cannot be
quantified because what the consumer might have
done cannot be experimentally observed. These po­
tential weaknesses, however, illustrate why it is
frequently argued that neither of the indexes pro­
vides a valid measure of changes in the cost of living.
A cost of living index should measure the change in
the cost of obtaining a given standard of living from
one period to another. Living standards are de­
termined subjectively by the consumer, and he does
in fact shift his purchases in response to changing
prices in order to avoid giving up a customary
standard or to obtain a higher one.

Therefore, an

index which cannot take into consideration such ad­
justments, and thereby hold constant a given standard
of living to measure the change in the cost of ob­
taining it, cannot be a reliable index of the cost
of living.7

some items for those in the original “ market basket”
to allow him the same standard of living as before
without having to duplicate the base period pur­
chases exactly.

T o the extent that this is true, the

measure of price change applicable to the consumer

6 Mudgett, Index N um bers, pp . 34-40.
7 The problems of constructing cost o f living indexes have resulted
in extensive research. For detailed discussion, see Ulm er, M . J.,
The E conom ic Th eory o f Cost o f Livin g Index N um bers, Columbia
U niversity Press, New York, 1949; Frisch, Ragnar, “ Some Basic
Principles o f Price o f Living M easurem ents,” Econom etrica, Octo­
ber, 1954; and Konus, A . A ., “ The Problem o f the True Index of
the Cost o f L ivin g ,” E conometrica, January, 1939.


Fisher’s “ Ideal” and Edgeworth’s Indexes C on ­
cern about potential biases in the Laspeyres and
Paasche indexes led Fisher to develop a number of
tests for estimating the magnitude of error in various
index number formulas.8 The result of these efforts
was Fisher’s “ Ideal” index which recognized the op­
posing tendencies toward bias in the Laspeyres and
Paasche approaches.
The “ Ideal” index is the
geometric average of the Laspeyres and Paasche in­
dexes. A geometric average is the n-th root of the
product of n numbers (i.e., the geometric average
of two index numbers is the square root of their
product), and it always yields a value somewhat
lower than a simple arithmetic average. Thus, the
“ Ideal” index is closer to the lower of the Laspeyres
or Paasche results. The values of this index are
given for the hypothetical consumer in Table II.
Due to computational difficulties involved in the
practical application of the “ Ideal” index to large
samples of price data, Edgeworth developed a close
approximation which makes use of quantity data for
both the base and current periods. Edgeworth’s
index is defined as
11 2 = 2 ( q, + q , ) p 2/S ( qt■
+ q 2) p ,,
where year 1 is the base. For comparison, values
of this index for the hypothetical consumer are also
shown in Table II.9
Weighted Average of Relatives Indexes In terms
of conceptual differences, the indexes already dis­
cussed essentially cover the field. The weighted
average of relatives index number differs not so much
in concept as in formula construction— a fact which
has important practical value in the calculation of
the index. It was noted in the discussion of weighted
aggregative indexes that prices are weighted by
quantities purchased. By comparison, the weighted
average of relatives index weights price relatives
(ratios of prices) by total expenditures (values of

A choice must be made again between

base period or current period expenditures as the

Consider first this type of index using

base period expenditures as weights (i.e.. base value

The index for year 2, where year 1 is the

diture in the base period, p ^ , for an individual com ­
modity. The weight is multiplied by the price ratio
and these quantities are summed for all items in the
“ market basket.’ The denominator is the base period
expenditure on all items in the “ market basket.” It
can be seen above that p /s in the numerator cancel
so that the formula reduces algebraically and is
identical to the Laspeyres type weighted aggregative
index. This is not the important distinction, how ­
ever, because the formula is used as it is shown
rather than in its reduced form. As a practical mat­
ter, quantities purchased are seldom readily available
which makes the direct application of the Laspeyres
formula difficult.
But prices of items and actual
expenditures on individual items are more readily
available, which means that the weighted average of
relatives index can be applied more easily than any
of the other weighted indexes discussed. W ith minor
modification, this index is the one applied by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics in deriving the Consumer
Price Index, and, therefore, the result is the same
as the Laspeyres method.10
It is also possible to construct a weighted average
of relatives index with current value weights by
substituting current period expenditures, p2q2, in the
numerator and the total of current period expendi­
tures for the given “ market basket,” 2 p 2q2, in the
denominator. This index does not reduce to the
Paasche weighted aggregative index, but it is easier
to apply than the Paasche index for the same reasons
as those given above. This construction is known as
the Palgrave index formula. It has received little at­
tention by students of index numbers since Fisher,11
and is discussed here only for completeness. For
comparison, the values of the two weighted average
of relatives indexes are given in Table II for the
hypothetical consumer.
Chain Indexes

A ll of the indexes discussed thus

far have been fixed-base indexes.

That is, it is as­

sumed that the base period upon which the index
is computed does not change with each successive

Chain indexes involve a constantly shifting

base period.
The use of a fixed-base index assumes that the
span of time between the base period and the current

base is

period is sufficiently homogeneous to allow a valid

Ii 2= :

p7 *

'- l V h

The price relative is the simple ratio of prices
p2/p i- The base value weight is the total expen­
; Fisher, The M aking o f Index N um bers, Ch. 11.
1Mills, Statistical Methods, Ch. 13.


comparison of prices in the current year with those
in the base year.

It is obvious that this is a dif­

ficult assumption to satisfy fully when economic
circumstances are rapidly changing and technological
11 Fisher, The Making o f Index N um bers, Ch. 3.

progress is occurring which affects the quality of
items covered by the index. A t best it means that
frequent updating of the weights and revision of the
sample of commodities in the “ market basket” are
A fixed-base index with base period
weights is particularly suspect in this connection, and
this is the concept used in constructing most major
price indexes in use today. A fixed-base index
using current period weights such as the Paasche
type is perhaps less subject to criticism on this score
although it is questionable whether such an index
gives the most useful measure in the first place.
Even so, base period prices are still the basis of
comparison. Given that an index of the Laspeyres
type is the preferred concept, the problem of how
to make it consistently valid over any reasonably
long period of time becomes significant.
A fixed-base index with base period weights for
any given year is independent of price changes that
have occurred in any year between the current one
and the base year. Intervening price changes, how­
ever, may have significantly affected spending pat­
terns. A chain index is an expedient measure for
resolving this difficulty.

The procedure entails up­

dating the base one period at a time so that the
index for any given period uses the previous period
as a base.

The indexes are then linked together in

a multiplicative fashion.

Using the Laspeyres for­

mula as an example,

than in any other two successive years in this il­
lustration. The effect of the chaining procedure is
evident in the value of I x 4, which shows the com ­
pounded result of the price rises of each successive
year. It is also possible that any consistent biases
present in the index formula will lead to cumulative
error by chaining. The chained Laspeyres index in­
dicates price increases to be 13.8 percent greater
between years 1 and 4 than the fixed-base Laspeyres
index (i.e., 158.3 vs. 139.1). W hile the divergence
between the two indexes is large in the fourth year,
the example does not imply that the chain method
is invalid as such.
The use of the chain method has been urged by
Mudgett as one means of keeping the index close to
the market situation.12 It allows for the shifting of
purchases in response to changes in prices more
readily than does the fixed-base type. Thus, in a
period of rapidly changing prices, such as the cur­
rent period, the chain method has some attraction,
particularly as a supplement to a fixed-base index.
The difficulties involved in the interpretation of
chain indexes, however, as well as their tendency to
magnify successions of sharp price changes pose
serious problems. The chain index alone, therefore,
is not generally regarded as a satisfactory solution
to the problem associated with fixed-base indexes—
namely, the need for periodic revisions of the “ market
Statistical Problems

I j 2 -----^ P 2 * I l / ^ P l (I l>

I 2 3— 2p3q2/ 2 p 2q2, and
I x 3— I x 2
I 2 3, etc.
The chain index for year 3 uses the quantities pur­
chased in year 2 as weights. The index for any
given year can be expressed with any earlier year
as the base by multiplying the indexes starting with
that earlier year.
Table II shows values of the chained Laspeyres
index, for the hypothetical consumer, using year 1
as the base.

Table III gives all combinations of the

chained Laspeyres index for the four years.


(Prices and Q uantities from Table I)

I, „= 1 09 .2

1, 3=126.1
I 2 3=115.5

1, 4= 1 58 .3
I 2 4=145.1
I 3 4= 1 25 .5

There are still a number of statistical problems
which remain even after an appropriate index num­
ber concept has been selected. This is particularly
true of a general-purpose index in which the coverage
of items is broad and where the index is used to
represent the behavior of prices in general. These
are features of the published indexes of wholesale
and consumer prices. W hile there are stated limita­
tions as to the interpretations that may be made from
these indexes, their usage has evolved in such a way
that they are regarded as broad indicators of price
The remainder of this part of this article serves
only to list and explain the nature of the statistical
problems involved in the construction of price index
numbers. This discussion is not a review of pro­
cedures in actual use by those government agencies
or others who produce the indexes in current use.
but is a more general explanation of the types of
problems to be encountered by anyone involved in
the construction of price indexes. These problems are

Price increases occurring between years 3 and 4.
as measured by the Laspeyres formula, are larger

12 Mudgett, Index N um bers, pp. 70-78.


related in more detail to the procedures employed in
developing the commonly used indexes of wholesale
and consumer prices in the final part.
Sam pling of Item s It is certainly not feasible
to derive a price index for consumers which takes
into consideration all goods and services that con­
sumers buy. N or is it possible to obtain a wholesale
index of prices covering all manufactured industrial
items, all raw materials, and all farm products.
Therefore, an index intended for broad usage must
rely on representative samples of items. The design
of the sample is thus critically important in determin­
ing the quality of the index. Just as there are im­
portant differences in spending patterns among urban
and rural families, central-city and suburban families,
and northern and southern families, there are im­
portant differences among individual families within
each of these groups. For these reasons there is no
single index applicable to all consumers. The Con­
sumer Price Index, for example, which is limited in
coverage to those goods and services representative
of the budgets of urban wage earners and clerical
workers, still covers a diverse group. The selection
of the sample of goods and services to be included in
the “ market basket,” therefore, must depend upon a
valid survey of spending patterns within the group
to which the index is to be applicable.
Sam pling O ver T im e

O nce the coverage of the

index as to groups of consumers or industries is de­
fined and the selection of items in the “ market
basket” is specified, the question remains of how
frequently to observe the prices of the items included.
It must be decided whether the index is to be pub­
lished monthly, quarterly, annually, or by some other

Under theoretically ideal circumstances, a

continuous observation of prices would be desired.
For obvious reasons, the cost of such a procedure

Sam pling O ver G eographic A reas The commonly
used aggregate indexes of prices are published on a
national basis. Whether the index is of a specialpurpose or general-purpose nature, it is known that
its applicability is not the same in all parts of the
nation in most cases. Just as general economic con­
ditions vary widely among sub-national regions, price
changes may vary widely by area. This is par­
ticularly true of indexes of consumer prices which
include numerous services and highly processed
goods. Items which are essentially the same every­
where, for which highly organized national markets
exist, and for which there is little variation in costs
of production and delivery are less subject to this
problem (e.g., some of the items included in the
index of basic commodity prices).
If it is desired that a price index (e.g., of con­
sumer items) be generally applicable to a wide geo­
graphic area, an appropriate means of sampling
among different places must be derived as well as a
weighting scheme for assembling the information
into a single index. Even so, some error is inevitable
in the application of an index derived on this basis to
any particular area.
The effect of such error is
practically impossible to estimate without construct­
ing separate indexes periodically for the specific area
in question. Some indexes, such as the Consumer
Price Index, are published on a national basis and
by narrower regions such as Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Areas. W hile it is clearly not practical
to construct price indexes for every city in the nation,
it is possible to vary sample cities on a probability
sampling basis and thus provide a means of determin­
ing the error involved in the estimate of the national
figure. Such a procedure possibly has merit in the
sense of providing better national indexes, but it does
not eliminate the error involved in applying a national
index to a particular location.

every three months, previous experience with the

Q uality Changes and Changes In Tastes O ne oi
the most difficult problems to resolve in price index
construction is the need to adjust the “ market basket’
to reflect technological change which affects the
quality of goods and services purchased, and to re­
flect changes in tastes and preferences of buyers
These problems, like the geographic area problem
are more serious in an index which measures con ­
sumer prices than in one which measures prices oi

“ market basket” may provide sufficient information

items at a lower stage of processing or basic com ­

would exceed the practical benefit.

A satisfactory

compromise on the problem can be reached if periodic
samples of prices are used, and if acceptable means
of estimating interim prices can be derived for
those periods between benchmark samples.

For in­

stance, if it is desired that a price index be pub­
lished monthly, and samples of prices are obtained

to allow estimation of prices and therefore of the


index for the intervening months. Short-term move­

costs, and numerous other industrial items, however

Machinery and equipment, constructor

ments in an index obtained on this basis are, of

also undergo technological and quality change whicl

course, subject to error, particularly as underlying

poses similar problems for indexes of industrial 01

economic circumstances change.

wholesale prices.


It is obvious that a television set purchased in 1970
is quite a different item from one purchased in 1957.
It is a higher quality, more sophisticated piece of
equipment. The same is true of many consumer
goods and services such as automobiles, airplane
trips, and refrigerators, as well as machine tools and
trucks used by industry. The prices of many of these
items have risen in recent years. Part of the price
increase, however, is due to the quality improvement
and should somehow be eliminated in measuring the
price change associated with the original “ market
Without actually renewing the “ market
basket,” the only generally satisfactory solution to
this problem requires gradually splicing in the new
or improved item, while at the same time, gradually
removing the old item. This prevents disruption of
the continuity of the index which would result from
an abrupt substitution of the item in the “ market
basket.” A s a practical matter, however, the rapidity
of technological progress has made this a major
problem in constructing indexes of consumer and
industrial prices.
Changes in consumer tastes present the same kind
of problem. As such things as garters, bed warmers,
and washtubs have declined in the preference scales
of consumers, the “ market basket” has required up­
dating to include entirely new products such as panty
hose, electric blankets, and automatic washers. The
same problem occurs among industrial items as in
the case of textile goods where the gradual sub­
stitution of synthetic fibers for cotton has taken
place due to changes in the preferences of garment
producers. This problem coupled with that of quality
changes necessitates continuous review of the current
validity of the “ market basket.”
Transaction Prices vs. List Prices

It is a basic

requirement of all price indexes that prices used in
calculating the index be the actual prices at which
transactions are made.




prices do not change while significant changes occur
in prices actually paid.

Experience has shown this

to be a problem particularly in the measurement of
industrial prices. Most prices used in the Wholesale
Price Index, for example, are sellers’ list prices.
Stigler and Kindahl recently contended that these

prices bear little resemblance to the prices actually
paid on many industrial items with the result that
the Wholesale Price Index overstates industrial
prices by failing to take cognizance of discounts,
special offers, and price shading. Their contention
implies that the Wholesale Price Index understates
the effect of changing economic conditions upon in­
dustrial prices.13 This is a significant point since the
Wholesale Price Index is so closely watched as a
barometer of inflation. The Consumer Price Index
has not been subject to the same criticism since price
observers function like buyers and obtain prices
which they know in most instances represent the
prices at which the goods and services can be
Sampling Error In Indexes E ven if all statistical
problems are satisfactorily dealt with in the con­
struction of price indexes, some error in the estimate
of price levels and changes results. This is a phe­
nomenon of sampling which occurs even under the
best of circumstances.
A n important feature of
sampling error, however, is that its magnitude can
be estimated, and it generally decreases as the sample
size increases.
This feature makes it possible to
state with some degree of confidence (i.e., at some
level of probability) how far the calculated value of
the index can be expected to vary on either side of
its correct value. Estimates of sampling error are
frequently published along with the major indexes.
It can be a mistake, however, to interpret estimates
of sampling error too literally because sampling de­
sign considerations and data problems render all
major indexes in current use less than perfect on
other grounds.
The issues raised in this part are followed up and
related in specific detail to the Bureau of Labor
Statistics’ Consumer Price Index and Wholesale
Price Index and to the Department of Commerce’s
G N P Deflator in the final part which will appear
in next month’s issue of this Review.
William H. Wallace
13 Stigrler, George J. and Kindahl, James K . The Behavior o f In­
dustrial Prices. N ational Bureau o f Economic Research, N ew York,


Recently, price and income support payments to
agricultural producers have been closely scrutinized
by politicians, economists, and the general public.
A s a result Congress has enacted legislation that will
limit the amount of money the Government can pay
to any one producer. This article briefly reviews
Government policy with respect to agriculture and
some of the factors leading to payment limitation.
Government involvement in agriculture has a long
history. The Homestead A ct of 1862, the Morrill
Act, the Hatch Act, and the Smith-Lever A ct were
all landmarks in agricultural legislation. More di­
rect Government involvement with agriculture began
in the 1930’s when price and income support pro­
grams were introduced to raise farm product prices
and incomes of farm families.
T erm in olog y T o understand the agricultural pro­
grams which are the subject of the current debate,
it helps to know some of the terminology.
Parity Price The concept of parity was introduced
in the 1930’s to establish a standard or measuring
rod against which farm prices might be compared to
determine whether or not they were “ fair.” Farm
prices are said to be at parity if they bear the same
relationship to the prices of articles farmers buy as
they did in the base period. The years 1910 to 1914
were selected as the base period since they repre­
sented a period in which the relationship between
prices received and prices paid by farmers was very
favorable to farmers.
Over the years the formula for calculating parity
prices has changed. The present method of calculat­
ing parity uses an adjusted base period. The ad­
justed base period for a commodity is obtained by
dividing the average market price received by farmers
for the commodity during the most recent ten-year
period by the average index of all prices received by
farmers for the same period. T o obtain the 1970
adjusted base price of corn, for example, the average
price received by farmers for corn, adjusted to allow
for unredeemed loans and other supplemental pay­
ments resulting from price support operations, in the
period 1960-69 ($1.17 per bushel) is divided by the
average index of price received by farmers, adjusted
to include an allowance for unredeemed loans, etc.,
for the same ten-year period (257 on a 1910-14
base). The current parity price is obtained by


multiplying the adjusted base price by the current
index of prices paid by farmers, including interest,
taxes and wage rates. In August 1970, the index of
prices paid (on a 1910-14 base) was 389. Thus, the
August 1970 parity price for corn was $1.77 per
bushel ($0.45 x 3 8 9 /1 0 0 ).
The parity concept simply expresses arithmetically
one idea of what is equitable or fair. Equity is a
subjective concept; however, and there is no ob­
jective way to measure it. Shifting the base to a
period other than 1910-14, for example, may have
a substantial impact on current parity prices. Never­
theless, parity often figures prominently in farm
policy discussion.
Support Prices The nature of supply and demand
for farm products causes their prices to be no­
toriously unstable. Because farm prices were un­
stable and because of the general economic depres­
sion at that time, price support programs for farm
products were initiated in 1933, with the goal of
raising farm prices to a parity level. Parity level
support prices were sought through loan, purchase,
and storage operations as well as through production
control programs that authorized the Secretary of
Agriculture to support different commodities at dif­
ferent percentages of parity. Originally, production
control was voluntary but this failed and production
control was made mandatory. Control of agricultural
production, started at a time when many people
were unemployed and without enough food to feed
their families, brought forth a great deal of derision
in its early years.

One critic wrote the following

letter to a newspaper:
“ Mr. B. has a friend who received a Govern­
ment check this year for not raising hogs. So B
now proposes to get a farm and go into the busi­
ness of not raising h o g s; says in fact not raising
hogs appeals to him very strongly. O f course
he will need a hired man and that is where I
come in. I write you as to your opinion of the
best kind of farm not to raise hogs on, the best
strain of hogs not to raise, and how best to keep
an inventory of hogs you are not raising. His
friend who got the $1,000 got it for not raising
500 h o g s ; now we figure we might easily not
raise 1,500 or even 2,000 hogs, so you see the

possible profits are only limited by the number
of hogs we do not raise.” 1

were replaced with direct cash payments to producers
participating in the programs. Direct payments are
used (1 ) to supplement income and (2 ) to con­
trol production by paying producers to restrict the
acreage of certain crops.

The new programs were supposed to raise prices
by reducing crop production and by removing sur­
pluses from the market. They were not successful
in raising prices during the 1930's, but where pro­
duction control and support programs had failed the
war succeeded and farm prices rose to new highs.
For some time after the war, the Farm Bloc in
Congress succeeded in maintaining high wartime sup­
port prices.
Meanwhile, world farm prices came
under heavy downward pressure as Europe re­
covered. The results were predictable. By the end
of the 1950’s high support prices and ineffective pro­
duction control were creating large surpluses despite
substantial diversion of acreage from 1956 to 1959
under the acreage reserve and conservation reserve
programs authorized by the Soil Bank Act. By the
early 1960’s practically every grain and butter
storage facility in the United States was filled. In
1961, the annual cost of owning and storing the
$9 billion farm surplus was $1 billion.

Increasing Costs Since their introduction in the
early 1960’s, direct payments (primarily for the
major field crops— cotton, wheat, and feed grains)
have increased from $702 million to approximately
$3.7 billion. Direct payments as a percent of realized
net farm income in the United States increased from
6 % in 1960 to 23% in 1968 (Table I ) . The same
pattern was evident in the Fifth District. Producers
in W est Virginia and South Carolina received re­
spectively 20.7% and 35.7% of their realized net
farm income from direct Government payments.

in line with world prices and reduce Treasury costs.

D istribution of B enefits M ost of the direct
benefits from the price support and direct payments
programs go to a relatively few producers operating
large farms. Program benefits are concentrated on
these larger farms which earn comparatively good
incomes (Table I I ) . Measured by size of payment,
the top one-fifth of the cotton, wheat, and feed grain
producers received respectively 69% , 62% , and 56%
of the program benefits, whereas the one-fifth with
the smallest payments received 2 % , 3 % , and 1%.
The 5% of the producers receiving the largest pay­
ments accounted for 4 1% , 39% , and 24% re­
spectively of the total benefits. Farm income re­
ceived by the top 20% of the recipients was more

T o maintain farm income, high level support prices

than one-half of the total farm income of all pro­

Direct Payments High support prices combined
with attempts of the United States Government to
sell farm products at above world prices stimulated
production abroad. This policy led to a loss in the
United States’ share of the world market, particularly
in cotton, one of our major farm exports. Conse­
quently, support prices were reduced to bring them

ducers receiving benefits.
1 Clair W ilcox, Public Policies Toward Business (Homewood, Illinois:
Richard D. Irvin, Inc., 1 9 6 0 ), p. 462.

Additional evidence which shows that payments



G overnm ent Payments as a Percentage of Realized Net Farm Income
United States and Fifth District States, 1960-1968
V irginia

W est
V irginia


M aryland
























United States Departm ent of Agriculture.

C aro lin a

C aro lin a














































Distribution of Farm and Benefits of Selected
Program s—Proportion of Income or Benefits
Received by Selected Groups of Recipients
United States, Selected Y e ars
Percent of Benefits Received by
20% of


U pper
20% of

5% of
















W heat





Feed grains















Farm er and
farm m anager
total income





Source: Jam es T. Bonnen,, "The Absence of Knowledg e of I
An O bstacle to Effective Public Progr
tributional Impacts
A n a lysis and Decisions," Economic A n a lysis of Public Expenditure
Decisions, The PPB System , (Joint Economic Com m ittee, U. S. C o n ­
gress, M ay 1969) p. 440.

go to a relatively few large scale producers is avail­
able. For example, 12,921 producers received pay­
ments of $20,000 or more in 1969. This figure was
approximately one-half of 1% of all producers re­
ceiving payments, but these producers received 13.7%
of the total payments (Table I I I ).
The concentration of program benefits to the pro­
ducers of a relatively few commodities and to a fewlarge-scale producers has led many people to question
the equity of the agricultural programs of the 1960’s.
Proposals to Lim it Paym ents R ecently, efforts
have been made to limit the size of direct cash pay­
ments to producers. The House of Representatives
passed legislation in 1968 and 1969 to limit pay­
ments to $20,000 per producer but the Senate did
not support payment limitation. In 1970, the Senate
voted to limit payments to $20,000 per producer and
the House passed a $55,000 per program limitation
to producers of wheat, feed grains, and cotton. After
reconsideration the Senate also approved a payment
limitation of $55,000 per program.
Supporters of payment limitation question the
equity of current agricultural programs. They argue
that it is hard to justify large payments to a few
producers especially when public funds are needed
for other problems such as education, job training,

1970 session, the most discussed level of limitation
was $20,000 per individual and the idea of a $20,000
limit will likely be reintroduced when the 1970 farm
legislation expires. Thus the remainder of this paper
compares the impact of these two payment limits.
P roducers of cotton, feed grains, and wheat will
be most affected by payment limitations. In 1969,
the number of cotton, feed grain, and wheat pro­
ducers receiving payments of $20,000 or more totaled
8,799 (Table I V ) . This number relates only to
those producers who would be affected by a payment
limitation on a single commodity. A total of 11,733
producers would have been affected in 1969 if the
limitation applied to a combination of the three major
commodity programs. In 1969, only 1,100 cotton,
feed grain, and wheat producers received payments
of $55,000 or more. Thus, a $55,000 per program
limitation w ill affect on ly 1,100 producers. A
$55,000 per program limitation on wheat, feed grains,
and cotton amounts to a $165,000 limitation per pro­
ducer. V ery few farms, however, are large enough
to collect $55,000 from more than one program.
United States Department of Agriculture figures
show that in 1969 only two producers received in
excess of $50,000 from each of the three programs
and 37 received $50,000 payments from two of these
John Schnittker, former Under Secretary of A gri­
culture, estimated that a $20,000 limitation per pro­
ducer would have saved the Treasury $206 million
in 1967.2 Using 1969 data, the United States D e­
partment of Agriculture estimated that a $55,000 per
program limitation would have saved $58.3 million.
Payment limitations will clearly have the greatest
impact on cotton producers (Table I V ) .

2 John A . Schnittker, “ The Distribution o f Benefits From E xisting
and Prospective Farm Program s,” reproduced in The Congressional
Record, Vol. 115, June 1969, N o. 98, p. H 4836.


Frequency Distribution of Producer Payments
Under A gricultural Stabilization and Conservation
Service Programs
United States, 1969
Paym ent
Less than $20,000

Num ber







$20,000 - $49,999





More than $50,000









health, pollution control, and food aid programs.


Im pact of Paym ent Lim itations U ntil C ongress
voted for a $55,000 per program limitation in the

Source: The C on gressional
No. 114, p. S I 0806.


In 1969,

the 6,194 cotton payees who received payments of

Record, Volum e

116, Ju ly



$20,000 or more were paid $262.6 million and the
949 payees receiving payments of $55,000 or more
were paid $103.8 million.
Im pact on the Fifth D istrict In the Fifth D is­
trict very few producers will be affected by either
a $20,000 per producer or a $55,000 per program
limitation (Table V ) . A few producers in North and
South Carolina will be directly affected. In 1969
a payment limitation of $55,000 per program would
have affected three cotton and three feed grain pro­
ducers in North Carolina, and 13 cotton producers
in South Carolina. Total payment reductions to these
two states would have been $600,000 and $400,000
E ffect of Paym ent Lim itations on Production
D irect paym ents are made to supplem ent farm
incom e and to encourage producers to restrict
acreages of certain crops. The Department of A gri­
culture estimates that approximately 65% of all di­
rect payments are for resource adjustment purposes.
In other words this is the price that farmers are paid


Producers Receiving A gricultural Stabilization and
Conservation Service Program Payments
G reater Than The Indicated Amount
United States, 1969

Feed G ra in
W heat
Cotton, Feed G ra in
and W h e at1


Paym ents of
or more

Payments <
or more















Producers Receiving Paym ents of More Than
The Indicated Amount
Fifth District, 1969
Producers Receiving Paym ents of
S ta te

C o tto n

G ra in

M aryland


V irginia


W heat


G ra in

W heat

W est V irginia
North C aro lin a





South C aro lin a





Source: The C ongressional Record, Volum e 116, July 8, 1970, No.
114, p. S10806 and House of Representatives, Report No. 91-1329,
91st Congress, 2d session, July 23, 1970, p. 17.

to divert part of their cropland acreage from pro­
duction. The amount diverted varies from year to
year. Opponents of payment limitation argue that
a limitation may cause large-scale producers not to
participate in production control programs and thus
destroy the effectiveness of such programs. H ow ­
ever, both Schnittker3 and Mangum4 present per­
suasive arguments that payment limitations as low
as $20,000 per producer will not seriously affect
program participation.
Sum m ary
C ongress recently voted to limit
direct payments to producers of wheat, feed grains,
and cotton. This action was the result of public con­
cern about the cost of the programs and the distribu­
tion of benefits. The impact of the limitation will be
mostly on cotton producers. Am ong producers in the
Fifth District, it would appear that only 19 pro­
ducers in North Carolina and South Carolina will
be affected.
Thomas E. Snider

1 Does not equal total for cotton, feed grain and w heat because
some producers receive paym ents from more than one program .
Source: The Congressional Record, Volum e 116, July 8, 1970,
No. 114, p. S10806 and House of Representatives Report No.
91-13129, 91st Congress, 2d session, July 23, 1970, p. 17.

3 John A . Schnittker, op. cit., p. H 4836.
1 Fred A . M angum , “ The Case for Paym ent Lim itations,” talk
presented at Southern Region Extension Public A ffa irs Committee
Meeting, New Orleans, March 25, 1969.