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N O VEM BER 1958

Power for Progress
M an’s rise from a prim itive state has depended
heavily upon his use of energy resources, and an
important form of this use in recent years has been
electric power. New and more widespread uses
for electricity have brought about a doubling of
output every ten years since 1920, and the future
promises still further rapid growth. Homes and
businesses alike look to electric power for heat,
cooling, light, and power, and all are continually
increasing their consumption as new w ays appear
to use more w atts in the search for the easier and
better w ay.
W ATER VS STEAM E lectricity presently comes
from two principal so urces: waterpower and ther­
mal generation, the latter being m ainly steam
plants. W aterpow er, captured by dams to spin
large turbines, accounts for one-fifth of total gen­

erating capacity in the nation and one-fourth in
the District.
A s in other regions, there are wide variations
among D istrict states in this proportion. South
Carolina, for exam ple, depends on hydroelectric
plants for more than half the state’s total capacity.
It is in North Carolina, however, that the D istrict’s
largest hydro generating capacity is concentrated
in 41 dam sites owned by Carolina Power and
L ight Company and Duke Power Company.
W ater has steadily declined in importance as a
source of power in the D istrict. Ju st a decade
ago hydro plants accounted for one-thircl of the
D istrict’s total generating capacity. Expansion
since then has come largely in steam plants, how­
ever, as coal-fired boilers promised better operat­
ing results than did m any of the rem aining hydro

Dispatchers control the flo w of pow er from control pan els such as this one at South C a ro lin a Electric and G a s C o m p an y 's U rquhart Station.


,« s :


The C o n o w in g o Project located on the Su squehanna River in M aryland is the District's larg e st private hydroelectric g e n era tin g plant.

sites. T his is likely to be the trend of the future
also, as undeveloped suitable power sites become
increasingly scarce.
Therm al gen­
erating plants in this D istrict are generally steam
plants which use finely crushed bituminous coal
as a source of heat. In modern plants this
powdered coal is blown into large boilers where
it burns almost instantaneously to produce highpressure and high-tem perature steam. Steam is
fed into turbines which drive the generators that
produce the electric power.
Steam plants of electric utilities in Fifth D is­
trict states burned nearly 18 million tons of coal
in 1956, and most of it wras bituminous coal from
D istrict mines. In the country as a whole, electric
power generation consumed 161 million tons last
year, m aking public utilities the most important
consumer group for the coal industry.
P lans are under w ay for further additions of
steam generating capacity in the D istrict and in
the nation, pointing to further increases in coal
consumption. Steady progress has been made in
increasing the efficiency of coal-fired boilers for
power plants, w ith the result that 0.93 pounds of
coal would produce in 1957 as much electric power
as did 1.19 pounds in 1950. This 21% cut in
fuel requirem ents is an important consideration

for an industry in which fuel cost bulks so great
among operating expenses.
W hile bituminous coal is the principal fuel used
in the D istrict, accounting for about 93% of ther­
mal output, natural gas is coming to be of increas­
ing importance. In South Carolina gas-fired
boilers account for three-fifths of total therm al
generation. Fuel oil plays only a minor role in
the face of the price competition of coal, and
nuclear energy is still in the future as a commer­
cial source of heat for electric power.
This pattern of fuel use differs from that of the
country as a whole due to the extensive coal de­
posits in the D istrict. N ationally coal is used for
seven-tenths of therm al generation with gas pro­
ducing more than one-fifth and fuel oil the re­
LO CA L INDUSTRY Electric power moves from
generator to consumer over a network of high
voltage lines. These provide interconnections be­
tween generating stations and between power
system s so that power m ay be “wheeled” quickly
and smoothly from one area to another to meet
tem porary or unexpected needs. In general, power
generation and distribution is essentially a local
industry in which individual companies operate
over an area comparable to a state or less.
Power output of most individual generating sta3

These po w erfu l turbines are located at M ono n gahela Pow er
C o m p a n y 's steam gen e ra tin g plant in A lb rig h t, W est V irg in ia .

tions is used prim arily within the general vicinity
of the station. It m ay he supplemented by power
from adjacent stations or a portion m ay be used
to help other stations serve nearby areas. Some­
times both occur sim ultaneously, so that the net­
work of transm ission lines serves to relay power
from a surplus area to one where needs tempo­
rarily outrun production.
The coordination of output and use is done by
dispatchers located in central control stations.
W atching indicators of power use and guided by
careful analyses of the daily and seasonal patterns
of use, they control output at generating stations
and direct its distribution through the system.
number of utility companies account for most of
the electric power sold in this D istrict. To be
more specific, nine private companies sell around
90% of the total sold by investor-owned companies
and government plants in the Fifth District. This
has been a declining percentage, for in 1948 these
same companies accounted for almost 97% of the
The amount of electricity sold last year repre­
sented a gain of 125% over the 1948 total. This
growth w as sligh tly less than the national increase
of 133% , due to a somewhat less robust gain in
sales to industrial consumers. Although such
sales doubled in the District, the nation saw an
increase of 130%.
The lag w as due m ainly to differences between
the industry m ix in the District and in the nation.
For the most part the leading m anufacturing in­
dustries of the D istrict are the ones that have
experienced low er-than-average increases in use
of electric power in relation to labor input. For
exam ple, the average electric power consumption
per production w orker in the textile industry in ­
creased only 65% from 1947 to 1956 as against a
gain of 108% for all m anufacturing establishments.
In South C arolina this low rate of increase was
offset by better-than-average increases in em ploy­
ment and in the number of establishments, but
this was not generally the case in other states and
in the other leading m anufacturing industries of
the District.
Commercial sales of power in the District have
grown at a rate that has outstripped U. S. growth
somewhat. Both totals have benefited from the
widespread installation of air-conditioning equip­

ment in stores and office buildings, as well as the
phenomenal growth of suburban areas with their
huge shopping centers.

One of the m ajor
factors in investor interest in the public utilities of
this D istrict has been the extrao rdin ary growth in
the residential sales of electricity by these com­
panies. In 1948 these sales comprised 19% of
total electric power sales in the Fifth D istrict; by
1957 this proportion had risen to 28% of the total.
The District gain in residential sales has far out­
stripped the national increase, m ainly as a conse­
quence of better-than-average gains in the Caro­
linas and V irginia. These have, in turn, reflected
population increases in these three states that have
exceeded the nation’s rate of growth.
Other factors responsible for the substantial
rise in residential consumption of electric energy
in this District have been rather extensive rural
electrification and significant improvement in per
capita income in the lower income brackets. Both
have led to extensive additions of electrical house­
hold appliances.

tric power tremendously. Of further benefit to
the power companies would be the smoothing out
of seasonal rises and dips in demand which alter­
nately tax and idle generating equipment.
The m arked growth of residential sales in recent
years has been achieved despite a slowing down in
the rate of fam ily formation. In a few years,
however, a sharp upsw ing is expected in m arriages
and new households that w ill carry statistics to
record heights. Few businesses are as certain to
have their sales reflect the direct impact of this
expansion as are the public utilities.

In addition to in­
vestor-owned u tility companies, 19 m unicipalities,
one state, the Federal Government, and some man­
ufacturing companies generate electric power in
the Fifth District. E xcluding the power plants
of m anufacturing companies— which p r o d u c e
power m ainly for their own use—municipal, state
and Federal government installations provide
about 16% of total generating capacity in the
Included in this tally are three public service
au th o rities: the South C arolina Public Service
A uthority, a state a g e n c y ; the Southeastern Power
A dm inistration, an agency of the U. S. D epart­
ment of the In terio r; and the Tennessee V alley
A uthority. The latter has seven dams in North
Carolina, three of which have power generating
A factor that could possibly be of m ajor im ­
portance within a few years in boosting residen­
tial consumption of electricity is heating by electric­
ity. A relatively new device called the heat pump
performs a year-round job of keeping an interior
at a comfortable pre-set temperature w inter and
summer. It is electrically operated and extracts
heat from the outside air, from the ground, or
from w ater. A gas is raised to the desired num ­
ber of degrees for interior use by means of a com­
pressor and is then circulated through pipes in the
house. R eversing its action autom atically, the
heat pump operates on the principle of a refriger­
ator to cool the house, much as does a conventional
R elatively high costs currently lim it residential
heat pumps to a sm all and well-to-do m arket. If
the pump follows the course of other household
fixtures and appliances, however, the cost w ill de­
cline m arkedly as output grows. A heat pump
expands household consumption of electricity as
much as eight times, and it is obvious that its w ide­
spread use would increase residential sales of elec­

Because utility com­
panies must be ready to supply the communities
of tomorrow with vitally necessary light and
power, they m ust plan for their future generating
and distributing facilities years in advance of
actual need. One of the important considerations
in present plans is the use of nuclear fuels in the
generation of electricity.
It w as not until four years ago that private
u tility companies were perm itted by Congress to
own and operate nuclear power plants. Progress
has been rapid since then. U tility companies
already have on line three atomic reactors, and by
1964 ten more nuclear power plants w ill have been
constructed and w ill be generating electricity for
civilian consumption. One of these w ill be located
at P arr Shoals, S. C., and w ill be tru ly a Fifth
D istrict joint venture since it w ill represent the
combined endeavors of four D istrict utility com­
panies : Carolina Power & Light, Duke Power,
South C arolina Electric and Gas, and V irgin ia
Electric and Power.



THERE W A S A TIM E w hen the story of cotton w as


set to the hum m ing of field h ands an d of steve­

v olv in g cylin de r w hich

dores sh ip p in g

direction, p artly untanc


it o ff to N ew O rle a n s and


cle an ing process. The fil

But like the lan d that produced it, the story

has ch an g ed an d is set now to the hum m ing of

o ff the cylinder into a

m achinery.

m olds it into a "slive r."

Here is the story of cotton, from the

time it is seeded, p artly cleaned, an d packed into

several slivers into a strt

bales at the gin (below ) until it rolls o ff the loom.

out tw isting to ab o u t the

THE B A LES are opened at the sp inn in g m ill w here
v arious types of cotton are blended to produce uni­
form y arn .

This is done in a "b le n d in g fe ed er," w hich

also b reaks the packed lint into sm aller pieces.


picker m achine continues the cle an in g process and
form s




thick an d 45 in. w ide.

" la p s " —rolls


Laps, resem bling




rolls of ab so rb en t cotton, are then re ad y fo r card in g.

FOR W E A V IN G , w arp y a rn s—the strands that run the

lasses the la p onto a rells the fib ers all in one

length o f the cloth—are rew ound onto la rg e " w a rp ­

. them, an d

er b eam s," several hundred th reads at a time.

fin ishes the


harnesses raise an d low er the w arp y arn s on the

sheet of cotton is d raw n
in el-sh a p e d device w hich

loom, a shuttle ca rry in g the w eft—the fillin g thread

•rawing (b elow ) com bines

—is driven q u ickly b ack and forth betw een the upper

i w hich is pulled out w ith-

an d low er lay ers of yarn .

nme size as a sin gle sliver.

from the loom, it is inspected by sh arp -eyed checkers.

THE C O N D E N S E D SLIV ER S are taken to the " slu b ­
b er," the first of a series of m achines that give the
cotton strand a m ild tw ist w hile d ra w in g

it into

sm aller an d sm aller diam eters until it becom es the
proper size fo r sp inn in g.



sp inn in g

further draw n

This "ro v in g

fram e

(below )

out, tw isted into y arn

stran d " is

w here



of required

size, and w ound on b o b b in s—all in one operation.

A fter the cloth is taken

H aving turkey for T hanksgiving dinner? Then
chances are it was grown and processed in the
Fifth D istrict, for turkeys have become a big busi­
ness in m any sections of this five-state area.
L ast year when national production of turkeys
passed the 80-m illion m ark, one out of every seven
birds was raised by District producers. And V ir­
gin ia has been the country’s third largest turkey
producing state for several years. More turkeys,
in fact, are raised in Rockingham County, V ir­
ginia, and more turkey hens are kept for breeding
by Rockingham County farm ers than in any other
county in the nation.
The story of the turkey reaches back to earliest
A merican history, for there were wild turkeys in
this and m any other sections of the country when
the first settlers arrived. T oday’s fancy well-bred
birds, in fact, are descended from those w ild native
turkeys whose meat w as relished by the Indians
and early settlers alike.

For m any years,
turkeys were a side line on most farms. A farm er
would keep a few hens and a gobbler and raise a
sm all number of young turkeys for extra money.
T oday grow ing turkeys has long since ceased
to be a side line on the general farm and has
become a highly specialized enterprise, returning
a fairly tidy sum to D istrict producers-—as high as
$49 million in 1952 but, with lower prices, around
$40 million for each of the last several years. As

m anagerial know-how has increased, individual
(locks have grown bigger. T urkeys by the thou­
sands are now the rule rather than the exception
on farms in the m ajor producing areas. Some pro­
ducers specialize in m arket turkeys, others in
breeding flocks. Most buy their baby poults from
hatcheries rather than hatching them on the farm.
Growth of the turkey business in the District
has bordered on the spectacular. In 1929, when
annual records were first begun, production totaled
1.380,000 birds and provided about $5 million in
cash income to the farm ers. T urkey numbers in­
creased grad ually during the thirties and then
climbed more rapidly in the forties. Production
by 1949 was two and one-fourth times what it
had been ten years earlier, and total cash farm
income from turkeys amounted to nearly $25 m il­
lion. D ram atic expansion has occurred since, and
in 1957 a record 12,120,000 turkeys were raised.
Output in the D istrict had tripled in eight years,
while that in the nation had doubled.

M any factors have contrib­
uted to the mushrooming of the turkey industrv
in the D istrict. Of great importance is the im ­
provement in the efficiency of production and in
the m arket quality of turkeys by better breeding
and disease control.
Through better breeding, for exam ple, has come
the small “fam ily-size” turkey developed by the
United States A gricultural Research Center at

Beltsville, M aryland. W ith an eye for the sm allfam ily trade, many producers began raising these
sm all birds, and today the light-breed crop com­
prises slightly more than half of all turkeys raised
in the District. Broad-breasted varieties which
have consumer appeal for m any have also been
developed and are grown in large numbers.
The tremendous progress that has been made
in m arketing has also been a big factor in the e x ­
pansion. In years past most families ate turkey
only at T hanksgiving and Christm as, and farm ers
in the turkey business raised only one crop a year,
timed so the birds would be ready for the holiday
trade. They sold their turkeys at small local m ar­
kets or shipped them to large northern m arkets.
Today modern processing plants throughout
the D istrict provide turkey farm ers with yearround m arkets. These plants turn out ready-tocook turkeys on an assem bly-line basis. The birds
are then either packed in ice or packaged in plastic
bags and put through a quick-freezing process
which, with the aid of refrigerated trucks, perm its
them to be sold tem ptingly fresh in m any distant
m arkets. Gone are the days when most families
bought their turkey live and had to do their own
killing and dressing.
Providing M r. and M rs. A verage Consumer
with both small and large-size birds, conveniently
packaged and ready for the oven, has helped bring
about year-round consumption of turkeys. The

average person thus eats considerably more turkey
each year than he used to. T h irty years ago, for
instance, the average consumer ate slightly less
than one and one-half pounds of turkey a year.
Today he is eating nearly six pounds annually.
Growing turkeys under contract has been
another factor in the expansion. These contract
arrangem ents usually provide financing for the
grower, reducing his financial needs and risks.
They typically specify that the contracting firm
w ill furnish the baby poults, feed, medicine, and
general supervision and that the grow er w ill pro­
vide housing, equipment, other supplies, and labor.
It is also usually agreed that the contractor w ill
pick up the turkeys when they are ready for m ar­
ket and that he w ill pay the grow er a specified
price plus a bonus based on production efficiency.
W HAT OF THE FUTURE? Should the nation’s pop­
ulation increase from the current 175 million to
the 204 million anticipated for 1970, this growth
will provide the base for a steadily expanding
turkey m arket. Added to this fact is the proba­
bility that turkey w ill continue to be served more
and more often throughout the year. Both small
and large ready-to-cook turkeys are now available
the year round at prices competitive with other
meats. H ousewives are becoming accustomed to
this convenience and are increasing their purchases
of turkey meat.
The sm all turkey, esp e cially suited to the needs of sm all fa m i­
lies, fills an im portant place in the turkey trade. (Below )
A ttractively p a ck a g e d r e a d y - t o - c o o k b i r d s h a v e a great
deal of consum er a p p e a l and are a v a ila b le the y ear round.

The Fifth District
R ising employment continued to hold attention
in the D istrict in September and October. The
number at work increased in September, as did
the number of hours they worked, and a decline in
unemployment figures indicates that jobs increased
further in October. Construction contract aw ards
wyere high again in September, and it is obvious
that much construction activity is assured for the
months ahead. Department store sales turned up
again in October after a decline in September.
EM PLOYM ENT Septem ber’s further increase in
nonfarm employment in D istrict states raised the
total by some 50,000 persons to a level 2 c/o below
September 1957. About half the increase was in
government workers, reflecting the return of pub­
lic school teachers to the rolls of the employed,
but significant gains also occurred for m anufactur­
ing and trade workers. The service industries
broke their seven-month record of increases to
show a slight decline that was possibly somewhat
less than m ight have been expected at this season.
Insured unemployment declined again in Sep­
tember and in the early weeks of October. Reports
indicated that some part of this decline w as due
to an expiration of insurance benefits, while the
rem ainder reflected higher employment levels.
M anufacturing employment rose 5% from its
M ay low to September, and a longer work week
helped to raise total man-hours by more than twice
that percentage. Successive gains in this total for
the nondurable industries had by September
brought it close to its year-ago level. T extiles and
apparel account for more than one-half the manhours in nondurables, and much of the improve­
ment has been due to better operations in these
industries. The important food and tobacco proc­
essing industries ran well ahead of September
Durable industries showed a sm aller but sub­
stantial increase that w as less related to seasonal
forces than w ere the nondurables gains. Some
lines, such as electrical m achinery and lumber pro­
duction, exceeded their year-ago man-hour levels,
and most moved to close the gap between current
man-hours worked and those of the corresponding
month last year.
September added the fifth
month to the tru ly im pressive recent record of con­
struction contract aw ards. W hile this latest month­

ly total w as down 4% from A ugust, it w as onethird above September 1957, and it brings the
five-month total above that of any five consecutive
months in the past. Public works and public
u tility aw ards were down only slightly from the
record level of $89 million reached in A ugust, and
residential building contracts rose to $115 million
for their second best month of the year.
RETAIL TRADE September department store sales
in the D istrict dropped back from the record level
reached in A ugust to a total comparable with that
of the spring months and September 1957. E arly
reports for October indicate an upturn, however,
that will place that month perhaps 3% ahead of

M an-hours in m an u factu rin g have risen stea dily fo r five months,
reflecting g a in s of co n sid erab ly more than season al m agnitude.







ii li (1 n || |

H I I h i i i i i i h J,,..

ii ii n n ii ««
H iiiiiiBJ” !

Between the C o ast Line's plan ned h ead q u arte rs in Jackso n ville
an d the Se a b o a rd 's new b u ild in g in Richm ond lie most of the
tw o ra ilro a d system s now bein g studied for a possible m erger.

September and 6% ahead of October of last year.

Ju st as the Seaboard A ir
Line R ailroad w as settling down last month in its
handsome new office building in Richmond and
the A tlantic Coast Line R ailroad was about to
break ground for a modern 15-story headquarters
building in Jacksonville, the presidents of the two
roads joined in the announcement of a study of
the possible advantages of a m erger of their lines.
T heir joint statement said that “prelim inary con­
sideration of a m erger . . . indicates that tangible
economies and greater efficiencies may be achieved,
with resulting benefits to the public.”
Should the m erger ultim ately pass through the
study stage to action by directors and stockholders
of the two railroads, the resulting carrier would
rank high in size among the m ajor railroads of
the country. The Coast Line operates approxi­
m ately 5,300 route miles and the Seaboard some
4,150. W h ile one purpose of a m erger would be
to cut out duplicate tracks, even a reduced total
would still place the combined system within the
ten largest roads.
The two railroads have for more than a halfcentury competed for freight and passengers to
the Southeast. Each having a northern term inus
at Richmond, their main lines cross and recross
as they provide service to an area stretching to
the southern part of Florida and west as far as
Birm ingham . In m any cities they compete directly
in offering transportation to important centers.
Once this competition was desired and encouraged

as a means of exerting pressure on each road for
improved service at a lower cost, but more recently
Federal Government concern has shifted to the
burden on the industry of operating the duplicate
facilities required for interrailroad competition,
since motor vehicles and planes provide strong
competition for the railroad industry.
This competition has reduced railroads’ share of
the transportation business. B y 1956 the ra il­
roads’ share of intercity freight traffic had drop­
ped to less than one-half the total, compared with
three-fourths in 1929, and their share of passenger
miles was down to 35% from 71% in 1929. In
short, the railroads no longer hold a monopoly in
the transportation field, and their declining rela­
tive importance has been reflected in recent years
in declining employment and uncomfortably steady
total revenues in the face of increasing costs. The
1957 recession was quickly reflected in cutbacks
of railroad operations and revenues, and the clos­
ing months of last year saw aggregate net w orking
capital of the railroads shrinking well below what
had previously been considered a minimum safe
One result w as a series of hearings last w inter
by a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on
Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Its report
issued in the spring urged the railroads as a means
of self-help to interest themselves in such m atters
as m ergers, joint use of facilities, reduction of
duplications in services, and abandonment or con­
solidation of nonpaying branch and secondary

lines, as well as adoption of more efficient traffic
practices and more modern rate structures. A ct­
ing upon a recommendation of the subcommittee,
the Senate authorized a further study of the tran s­
portation industry to include renewed considera­
tion of F ederal policy on consolidations and
m ergers in the transportation industry.
The Seaboard and the Coast Line have fared
somewhat better than the industry as a whole in
the postwar years. Combined operating revenues in
1957 approxim ated their recent peak in 1952—the
Seaboard showed a slight increase—and their net
from operations has also held up better than indus­
try totals. Y et steady increases in the share of oper­
ating revenues going to expenses and constant
competitive pressure from trucks, busses, and a ir­
lines lend special attraction to the possible effi­
ciencies of consolidated operations.
M erger discussions w ill bring forth many ques­
tions more difficult than the relatively simple one of
which new headquarters building w ill be the head­
quarters. For instance, the Coast Line owns
one-third of the Louisville and N ashville R ailroad
—with larger operating revenues and more track
than either the Coast Line or the Seaboard—and
shares a lease on the 300-mile Clinchfield R ail­
road w ith the L. and N. No mention was made
of either of these roads in the joint announcement,
but obviously they wrould enter into any m erger
study. So also would choices of the tracks, sta­
tions, freight yards, and repair shops that would
continue to link together the Southeast.
More m ergers are considered than consum­
mated, and officials of both roads have been care­
ful to avoid public statements anticipating the re­
sults of the study. It m ay wrell be, however, that
the decision to merge or to stay separate w ill be
less important to V irgin ia and the Carolinas than
the increased efficiencies and added financial
strength likely to come as a result of the study of
duplications in service and facilities.
TEXTILES P erversely the biggest recent develop­
ment in textiles has been the widespread announce­
ment of m ill shutdowns at T hanksgiving and
Christm as. M ills which represent a substantial
proportion of cotton w eaving capacity plan to close
on W ednesday, November 26, for the rem ainder
of that wreek and again on Tuesday, December 23,
until the following Monday. Some synthetics
m ills are reported to plan sim ilar holidays in pro­
This program reflects the basic problem which
still confronts the m akers of the print cloths that

go into m any types of cotton clothing and that
account for more than one-third of cotton woven
goods production. M ill inventories of unfinished
cloth have continued to run somewhat high and to
exert downward pressure on prices. Production
cutbacks are intended to reduce these stocks and
thus to improve the producers’ position in booking
orders for future delivery.
Prices were raised last month on some industrial
fabrics, and there w as some question as to whether
the new prices would continue. Demand for these
fabrics—used for automobile interiors, furniture
upholstery, and the like—was good in October
and provided the basis for the increase.
M ill operations have shown some improvement
in recent months. Reports of work weeks increas­
ing from their reduced levels have been confirmed
by higher cotton consumption and by increases
each month in man-hours worked in the m ajor
branches of the industry.
K nitting m ills continue to enjoy an improved
business, centered as earlier in ladies’ seamless
hosiery. Production of men’s and children’s hose
is reported as being at the y e a r’s best level due
to a strong retail demand.
Output of D istrict mines
rose further in September to bring average daily
production one-fourth above the recession lows of
A pril and M ay. The first twro weeks of October
saw a continuation of operations at this improved
Foreign shipments through D istrict ports have
shown decided weakness this fall. European coal
stocks are reported to have increased further re­
cently, and cutbacks in shipments from this coun­
try are expected. Loadings for domestic shipment
by w ater continue to run even below the levels
reached earlier this year, as competitive fuels are
offered to T idew ater industrial users at reduced

C o v e r—C a ro lin a Pow er an d Light Co.

Electric & G a s

C o.

2. South C a r­

3. Su sq u eh an na

4. M onongehela Pow er C o.


6. & 7. The A m er­

ican Cotton M anufacturers Institute, Inc. - N atio n a l
Cotton Coun cil of A m erica
of A gricu ltu re

8. V irg in ia Departm ent

9. V irg in ia

D epartm ent of A g ricu l­

ture - S a fe w a y Stores, Inc.

11. A tlan tic C o a st Line

R ailro ad Co. - Se a b o a rd A ir Line R ailro ad Co.