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J A N U A R Y 1961

fifth district
1960 began on a high level. Businessmen envi­
sioned a prosperous year and planned accordingly.
January statistics made glowing forecasts seem rea­
sonable. District nonfarm employment registered a
good gain over December and the advance in manhours was even better. Both series were near their
record highs set just prior to the 1959 steel strike.
The aura of optimism, thus reinforced, survived a
February decline and a sharp setback in March.
These were clearly linked to spells of bad weather.
Nevertheless, the 5% drop in manufacturing manhours between January and March stirred up a few
These doubts were quickly forgotten, however,
when April re-established near-record levels in non­
farm jobs and manufacturing activity. Retail sales
reached a new peak and new car registrations were
the highest since 1955. Nonresidential contract
awards soared. Residential awards showed signs of
life and the lumber business perked up. Toward the
end of April, District business seemed well on its
way to new highs.
The picture changed again in May. Although
man-hours went up another notch, the rise in em­
ployment was negligible. Retail trade dipped almost
to the very low March level. Manufacturers’ orders
had been slow7 for several months, but seasonal irreg­
ularities such as large backlogs booked during the
fall and winter seemed to explain this. Nearly half­
way through the year, when orders still lagged, back­
logs steadily diminished, and inventories continued to
rise, the alternatives were clear. Either renewed
spending would revive growth, or the peak had
already been reached.
No revival came. Consumer buying remained
fairly strong, but was fitful and inconsistent for the
rest of the year. Employment edged steadily down­
ward. Declines in manufacturing and other lines
were only partially offset by more jobs in govern­
ment, services, and financial enterprises. During the
final months of 1960 Fifth District business gave
ground slowly, its retreat marked by a few' bright
Digitized for 2

spots to rekindle glimmers of hope. The net result
was a year of generally high activity which ended in
a decline instead of fulfilling its early promise of
further growth.
The year w'as a generally favorable
one for Fifth District farmers in spite of numerous
difficulties. A cold, wet March delayed field prepa­
ration and planting. After more adverse weather,
some cotton acreage had to be replanted. Summer
hail storms, dry spells, and a hurricane provided fur­
ther setbacks in certain localities. Nevertheless, 1960
turned out to be a very good growing year, and har­
vest weather was favorable. Tobacco and peanut
crops were much larger than those of 1959, and
brought higher prices. Per acre yields of flue-cured
tobacco set a new high, as did yields and production

of corn and soybeans.

Cotton yields and prices, on

the other hand, tended to be lower.

On balance, crop

values in 1960 were about 10c/c greater than in 1959.
Livestock producers as a group fared just about
as well as in the previous year.
slightly as quantities rose.
a lower volume.

Beef prices fell

Higher hog prices offset

Dairy farm income was virtually

Broiler and egg producers gained.


a result, gross sales of District farmers were greater
than in 1959, but gains in net income were held down
by rising costs.
The bituminous coal industry has few
good reasons for remembering 1960. Employment
figures, adjusted for normal seasonal variation, de­
clined relentlessly month by month from February
on. Monthly average employment during the year fell


below comparable figures for 1959, 1958, and 1957
by 4c/o , 13%!, and 24%, respectively.


on the other hand, remained fairly stable during

It finished the year about 1% below 1959 out­

put, but more than 20% below the amount produced
in 1957, coal’s most recent good year.

Throughout the year construction
activity was a strong factor in the Fifth District
economy. Moreover, the consistently good gross
volume of contract awards indicates that total de­
mand for new construction weakened little if any in
the course of the year. Average monthly employ­
ment in the building trades was about 1% greater in
1960 than in 1959, and 6% higher than in 1958.

During the season of peak employment, from June
through September, the number of construction
workers on the job this year about equaled previous
record levels.
Not all parts of the construction business were
equally prosperous, however.

For half of the year

residential building remained on a par with 1959’s
Coal’s failure to improve during 1960 was mainly
the result of the low output of steel. Foreign ship­
ments in 1960 bettered the poor 1959 record, but

record pace.

were well below the 1958 level, and less than half the

particularly in Virginia and the Carolinas.


1957 volume.

industries, especially lumber, were hard hit.

O n the

Residual fuel oil and surplus natural

The second half brought a rather sharp

decline accompanied by reports of many unsold new
houses and rising vacancy rates in rental properties,

gas continued to provide stiff competition for coal in

other hand, new houses in a few areas sold very well,

some market areas.

and new apartment house projects reported excellent

W ork also progressed on new

hydroelectric power facilities which will soon provide

advance rentals.

still more competition for coal.

1960 was the District’s second best year for residen­

In spite of a weaker second half,


tial construction, less than 7% below the peak year,
1959, in value of contracts awarded.
Private nonresidential building began the year in
a strong position as a result of a wave of new awards
late in 1959. The wave broke, however, and non­
residential awards finished 1960 at a level 9°/c below
that of 1959, an even greater drop than occurred in
the residential field. Since these larger jobs require
more time to complete than residential projects, the
shrinking value of new contracts for business prop­
erty did not cause any appreciable decline in actual
building during 1960.
Public works and utility construction contrasted
sharply with the private sector. Contract awards in
this category had remained at moderate levels during
1959. Then during the first three months of 1960
the pace of new orders nearly doubled. The heavy
volume continued intermittently throughout the year,
finally reaching a total value about 80% greater than
in 1959.
A t the beginning of the year
District manufacturing employment, seasonally ad­
justed, was above the level of late 1959. Whereas
total nonfarm employment reached a peak in May
before beginning to contract, employment in manu­
facturing increased gradually through July. This
upward swing was not great— less than 1% over
seven months. The first decline, nearly 2% from
July to August, dropped manufacturing employment
back below the January level. The total decline ex­
ceeded 3% by the end of the year.
Weekly hours of work began to fall even while
employment continued to rise. As a result the year's
high point in seasonally adjusted man-hours came in
May, two months ahead of the employment peak.

of the year, when most other manufacturers were
cutting back.
Among the District’s nondurable goods industries,
food and tobacco producers showed the greatest di­
vergence from the general trend.

The food industry,

doing well at the start of the year, declined unevenly

For the group most sensitive to business changes,

through August, then moved up again.

the makers of durable goods, the busiest month of

factories found the demand for their products strong,

the year was April.

and presently increasing about 5% per year.

Patterns of activity in the District’s principal cate­


proportion of filter brands exceeded 50°/o in 1959

gories of durable manufactures were by no means

and increased to 52% in 1960.


W hile April was the high month for the

stable market, cigarette manufacturers are not greatly

group, only the metals industries and lumber reached

influenced by current changes in economic conditions.

their peaks then.

Assured of a fairly

Furniture manufacturing attained

In contrast, the District’s largest manufacturing

its high for the year (seasonally adjusted) in May.

industry, textiles, shows a keen sensitivity to current

The stone, clay, and glass industries continued to


gain through the month of July.

backlogs in many years.

The District’s ship­

The year began with the largest textile
The flow of orders had

yards began the year in a decline, but several large

pretty well come to a halt by the close of 1959, but

orders for construction and renovation were received

before it did, a good portion of anticipated mill output

during the summer.

for 1960 had been spoken for.

New car assemblies also picked

up during the second half of the year.

Thus trans­

Thus there was little

concern at first when week after week passed with

portation equipment manufacturers had the distinc­

very few new orders for cotton textiles.

tion of stepping up the pace through the late months

facturers of textile end-products were busy, and con-

M anu­

been in process since May, the industry’s peak month
for the year. From August on, cutbacks became more
pronounced. During the later months hand-to-mouth
purchasing and minimum inventory policies were the
rule from retailers clear back to the mills. As the
year ended, the industry looked to fashion-conscious
consumers to put the bounce back into the textile
For the District furniture industry, 1960 was
marked by frequent shifts in market conditions, keen
competition, and much variation in the fortunes of
individual firms.

Orders came in rapidly during

January and February, dipped abruptly in March
and April, but revived again unevenly during the
period from May through August.

The lull that fol­

lowed lasted until the fall market brought a moderate
revival of buyer interest.

After starting out ahead,

the furniture industry wound up 1960 about on a par
with 1959, its best year.

The uneven record of retail sales

during 1960 was one of the year’s most interesting
phenomena, and one of the most difficult to interpret,
'fhe only spenders who lost their enthusiasm occa­
sionally during the year were private citizens.


ness spending for new plant and equipment in the
District continued on a high level.

Federal govern­

ment expenditures in the D. C. area and elsewhere
sinners were buying their output, irregularly but in

increased. Local government outlays continued their

good average volume.
Dull markets week after week, however, became


dull markets month after month.

rectly caused by economic conditions.

Occasional flurries

of orders seemed to presage a new wave of forward
buying, but they were short-lived. Prices backed
gradually down from the high levels reached late in

The spells of consumer indifference were not di­

and wages were at record highs until practically the
middle of the year. In retrospect 1960 appears to
have been a year in which industry was set to pro­

Backlogs were still large and the industry

duce for the consumer a greater volume of goods than

prosperous. But not all of the output which had been

ever before, but the consumer felt his needs less keen­

ordered for delivery during the first half of 1960 was

ly than in the past.

being absorbed.

most were slight modifications of items consumers

Converters and dealers with a cur­

Some products were new, but

rent need for gray goods began shopping around

had seen before.


other special incentives, buyers broke existing rec­






brought further downward pressure on prices.


Rising inventories and softening prices, familiar

W hen motivated by seasonal or

In between these sprees, however, many stores

thought they had never had it so slow.

red flags in the textile business, were much in evi­

The seasonally adjusted index of District depart­

dence as the usual vacation period, the week of July

ment store sales reflects this pattern of consumer

4, approached. This time many mills took the Fourth


of July as a holiday and scheduled vacations for a

April (the best month in the history of the index),

full week toward the end of July or in August.

July, and October.


The buying flurries came in January,
Christmas sales remained below

were still in a strong forward order position, but

the levels of the prior year.

knew from experience the bitter consequences of high

than offset the high ones and 1960 sales ended up

inventories. Unpublicized curtailments of output had

slightly below 1959’s record volume.

The low months more





Every day, m em ber ban ks send currency to the Federal Reserve Ban k in their District, pri­
m arily because com m ercial b an ks prefer to keep only e nough m oney on h an d to meet their
norm al needs. These currency shipm ents contain all the principal types of "pocketbook m on ey"
— Federal Reserve notes, silver certificates, an d United States notes. M o st of the large r denom i­
nations are bills issued by the Federal Reserve Banks; all those less than $5.00 are issued by the
Treasury. M a n y of these bills are soiled, torn, or m utilated— the a v e ra g e life o f a $1.00 bill is
abo u t fifteen months. The Reserve Ban ks rem ove this unfit m oney so that it does not g o back
into circulation. I p
m *

Here a clerk at the Federal Reserve Ban k counts the
m oney sent in by m em ber banks.
Bills in poor condi­
tion are culled out a n d sorted a s to Treasury currency or
Federal Reserve currency.
The Federal Reserve Bank o f Richm ond an d its branches
cancel about 600,000 pieces of currency every day; in
1959 the Richm ond ban k canceled 7 4 % of the $1.00 bills
an d 5 4 % of the $5.00 bills received. The reason for this
large proportion of unfit bills is that m an y b an ks keep
their go o d used m oney, a n d send the Fed a gre at deal
of unfit currency. B an k s w o u ld rather have g o o d used
m oney than new bills, which are stiff and hard to handle.

The Federal Reserve Ban ks are authorized to destroy
unfit Treasury currency. These bills are put through a
m achine which cancels them by punching several holes of
a distinct sh ape through each bill.




The canceled Treasury currency is then sent to the
Currency Verification an d Destruction D ivision of the
Bank, w here it is counted a g a in an d burned. After the
m oney has been reduced to ashes, these ashes are sifted
an d a n y fragm ents foun d are burned a g a in an d com ­
pletely destroyed.

Federal Reserve notes are not destroyed by Federal
Reserve Banks.
By law , this function is perform ed by
the Treasury.
Before sh ip p in g the old currency to
W ashin gto n, however, the Fed takes precautions a g a in st
theft en route. M o n e y to be sh ip ped to W a sh in gto n is
cut in h alf lengthw ise after h a v in g been canceled. The
tw o h alves are sent to the Treasury in separate sh ip ­
ments. The lower halves are shipped the d a y the m oney
is cut; the upper h alves are sent only w hen w o rd is re­
ceived that the low er h alves have arrived.

Fiber Glass

a bright picture



m o st

v e rsa tile



p ro d u cts,

fib e r

g la s s


c o m b in e m a n y o f the q u a lit ie s o f g l a s s w ith the fle x ib ilit y o f cloth.

A new material considered capable of phenomenal
growth may provide the basis for an important new
industry in the Fifth District.

The material is fiber

glass, regarded as a “miracle product” in terms of
performance and potential. Since many phases of fiber
glass production use spinning and weaving techni­
ques similar to those used in the textile industry, the
District’s supply of skilled textile labor may attract
a major portion of the industry to this region.

Fiber glass has been used in every­

thing from draperies to refrigerators and from fishing-

A lt h o u g h m o st fib e r g l a s s b o a ts a re in the " s m a ll b o a t " c a t e g o ry ,
n u m b e rs o f lu x u r y cru ise rs like th is o n e a r e a ls o b e in g p ro d u ce d .

rods to satellites, for it combines the strength and
heat resistance of glass with the flexibility of cloth.

glass that makes it useful.

It will not burn, it is a nonconductor of electricity,

was no process available for producing fine, uniform,

and it transmits heat very slowly : a man in a fiber

flexible threads at a low, competitive cost.

glass suit can walk through a blazing oil fire and
come out unscorched.

It will not absorb moisture,

For a long time there

D uring W orld W ar I, however, both England and
Germany needed a substitute for asbestos, a fire­

resists weathering, and is not subject to rust or rot.

proof insulation.

Furthermore, it is very strong— stronger than steel

the manufacture of a crude type of fiber glass insula­

in many cases.


A one-inch rope of fiber glass can

hoist 250,000 pounds.

No wonder new uses for this

England developed a process for

However, it was still too expensive for wide­

spread commercial production.

At the end of the

extraordinary product are constantly appearing, like

war, when asbestos again became plentiful, fiber glass

rabbits out of a hat.

production was abandoned.
It was not until the 30's, when the depression hit
Although glass fibers were

the American glass industry and new markets were

made in ancient times, they were not produced com­

desperately needed, that fiber glass production was

mercially until recently.

again attempted.


Glass is not flexible unless

W artime experiments had proved

spun extremely thin— it is not as inherently flexible

that glass fibers made an excellent, fireproof insula­

as steel, for example— and it is the flexibility of fiber

tion ; the only problem was one of cost. After much


research and experimentation, a system was evolved
in which molten glass was blown at high speed

this glass-wool insulation board came from refrigera­

through a series of tiny holes, producing fibers flexi­

their product.

ble enough for insulation.

tor manufacturers, who found it an ideal material for

By 1934, this process had

In the late 30’s a method was found for producing

been developed to the point where it was feasible to
open a plant devoted entirely to the manufacture of

a silk-like glass thread which could be woven into a

fiber glass, and glass wool insulation went on the
market for the first time.
Scientists also found that these fibers made ex­
cellent air filters when coated with a glue-like sub­

thinner, smoother fabric than thread from glass wool.
This new insulating fabric reduced the weight of
much electrical equipment, but remained unsuitable
for other purposes.

A ir could easily pass between the glass fibers

By 1939 fiber glass output was large enough to

while the sticky covering caught and held the dust

warrant the formation of a new company, completely


devoted to fiber glass manufacturing.

Two large

glass companies joined forces to become the parent
organization of this new corporation, and their fiber
glass facilities were combined to form a new and
separate unit.

The vital defense role played by

fiber glass during W orld W ar I I hastened its rapid






where a speck of dust could cause an explosion, in
precision-equipment factories where a fleck of dirt
could ruin a highly delicate mechanism, fiber glass

Fiber g l a s s w ill n o t b u rn , a n d

it tr a n s m its h e a t v e r y s lo w ly ; this

m a k e s it e s p e c ia lly u se fu l fo r in s u la t io n a n d fir e -f ig h t in g e q u ip m e n t.

F ib e r -g la ss

re in fo rce d

p lastic, u se d

here a s a n

a u to m o b ile


liner, p r o v id e s a m o st im p o rta n t m a rk e t f o r the fib e r g l a s s in d u stry .

A year later, in 1935, the first thread spun from
glass wool made its appearance.

Woven into cloth,

it was used in electrical insulation, since it resisted
moisture and heat better than did cotton, silk, or

The new fabric was not used in clothing,

however, because it would not hold a dye, it would
not “give” as clothing must, and it wrinkled badly.
A few curtains were made of glass wool in the 30’s,
but they wrere used in hotels and theatres where their
fire-prevention qualities wrere im portant; they were
not attractive enough to tempt the housewife.
Meanwhile, the fiber glass industry expanded in
other directions.

It wras found that glass wool could

be treated with a binding agent and then compressed,
making a board that could often be installed more
easily than ordinary glass wool.

A large demand for


air filters provided safe, clean air— sometimes at the

industry sources estimate consumption in 1970 at

rate of thousands of cubic feet a minute.

more than 700 million pounds.

O n war­

ships and airplanes where the danger from fire was

Fiber-glass reinforced plastics, which use about half

acute, filler glass wrappings provided safe, fireproof

of all glass textile fibers produced, are finding their


way into hundreds of industries.

In a million and one pieces of equip­

For example, fiber

ment, from tiny electrical appliances to huge tanks

glass boats are making heavy inroads in the small boat

and gun carriers, fiber glass played an important

market, jum ping from 20% of the total in 1958 to

wartime role.

an estimated 50% in 1960.

It was during the war that one of the most effec­

Increased efficiency in

production methods has been partly responsible for

tive new uses for fiber glass was developed: that of

this increase.



made in a time-consuming process that included the

strength of the plastic material while allowing it to
remain pliable and light.

treatment of large “blankets” of fiber glass cloth with






W artime demand pushed fiber glass production to
new heights.

Although the industry is so new that

statistical information is incomplete, figures are avail­
able from the companies themselves :

In 1940 indus­

a resin binder.

Prior to 1958 all fiber glass boats were

Spray guns are now available which

spray glass fibers, resin, and hardener into a mold
all at one time, greatly cutting down the time and
cost of production.
New techniques like this are necessary if supply is

try sales were valued at about $6.6 million; by 1944

to keep pace with increased demand.

they had jumped to $58 million.

Sales declined after

of fiber glass boats reaches 600,000 by 1965 as some

the war until 1949, but picked up again as peacetime

estimates indicate, 43 million pounds of glass fiber

production moved into high gear.

would be used— the amount that went into the entire

From $80 million

in 1950, sales jumped to $290 million in 1959.

If production

plastics industry in 1958.

In 1949 an antitrust action was brought against

This anticipated growth is sparking a series of ex­

the one company producing fiber glass in this coun­

pansion plans; programs involving a total investment


result of a consent decree, four other

of $90 million were in progress last year, consisting

companies were licensed to manufacture the product.

mainly of two new textile fiber plants, one in Aiken,

Since then, only one other new company has entered

South Carolina, and the other in Shelby, North Caro­

the field, probably because capital investment per


plant runs high.

The Shelby plant, the larger of the two, has a capaci­

As the

The production process requires

intricate and expensive machinery.

Both of these plants began operations recentlv.

ty of 35 to 40 million pounds and employs about 1200
Glass fiber pro­

duction today is divided into two general categories :


If the glass textile fiber industry grows at

the rate predicted, nine additional plants the size of
the Shelby operation will be required by 1970.

glass wool, used for insulation and air filters, and
glass textile fibers, used for fabrics or yarn and for
plastic reinforcing.

Demand for glass wool has re­


The above estimates are based on in­

creased demand in present markets, but there may
well be additional uses.

One possibility is the auto­

cently been relatively stable, while glass textile fibers

mobile industry— potentially a very important custo­

represent the growing


segment of the industry.

It is thought that fiber-glass reinforced plastic

Though fibers presently account for only 39% of

would be a highly satisfactory material for automobile

total sales, the industry expects this figure to jum p

parts because of its lightness and strength, but so far

to 48% by 1963.

the relatively long production time required for re­

Consumption of glass textile fibers has grown at
an average annual rate of 22% since 1950 and many
authorities expect this rapid pace to continue.

W hile

inforced plastic makes mass production impossible.
Automotive use of fiber-glass reinforced plastic is
thus limited to a few special products such as molded
headliners for automobile roofs.

A breakthrough in

147 million pounds were produced in 1959, capacity in

production methods might provide a new market for

1961 will probably reach 318 million pounds, and

the fiber glass industry.



Unless more effective programs arc developed,
fanners will be faced ztnth a continuing income
squeeze in the next 5 years. W ith average weather,
annual farm production will continue to exceed avail­
able outlets at 1959 prices, ivhicli would mean that
stocks of surplus products would become even larger.
As economists gathered at the U. S. Department
of Agriculture’s recent Outlook Conference heard
these words from a top U S D A economist, they per­
haps found it frustrating that the end of the struggle
with the “farm problem” was not in sight. W ith
just a trace of battle fatigue, they again applied them­
selves to the challenge posed by the nation’s current
victory over hunger— at once both a major social
blessing and an economic headache.
The challenge is how to cope with the effects of a
continuing technological revolution in farm ing: In
the last two decades, gains in productivity of farm
labor were so substantial that farm output increased
more than 50% while man-hours used were reduced
nearly 50%. As this indicates, innovations which
increased output or reduced costs often involved sub­
stitution of other production inputs for labor. D ur­
ing this period, farm employment was reduced by
3.6 million. Farmers increased their use of pur­
chased production inputs by 44%, and the average
value of total production assets used per farm rose
to $42,000.






covered technology is not completed, and the flow of

new developments is not expected to cease. Thus,
the Conference heard that further farm adjustments
can be expected. U S D A economists estimate that
if recent trends continue until 1965 the number of
farms will be reduced by 400,000 to 3.3 million and
employment on farms will drop by 15% to 6.3 m il­
lion workers, with farm workers then representing
only 6.5% of the labor force. During the same
period, they expect farmers’ purchases of feeds, pes­
ticides, fertilizer, and machinery to rise by about 10%
to 20%. As productivity is raised, they estimate
that total production may grow by about 8% .
D E M A N D IN C R E A S E S Economic and social forces
outside of agriculture also affect the farm outlook,
partly through their influence on demand for farm
products. U S D A analysts expect the population of
the United States to increase by almost 10% during
the next five years, with total domestic demand for
farm products rising in roughly the same proportion.
In addition, people are likely to continue to eat fewer
starchy foods as they perform less physical labor and
attain still higher real incomes. Thus, U S D A econ­
omists estimate demand increases at 15% for meat,
14% for poultry, and 17% for fruits and vegetables,
but at only 2% for cereals and potatoes. These
shifts will probably be reflected in changes in the
composition of farm output.
The nonfarm economy is also important as the
potential employer of labor no longer needed in agri­
culture. U S D A economists estimate that about
250,000 male farm youth will join the labor force

during each of the next five years, but that each year
only 25,000 of these will be able to become operators
of farms with annual gross sales of $5,000 or more.
If most of the remainder are to be able to find jobs
in the nonfarm sector, this part of the economy must
continue to grow. Indeed, declines in business activ­
ity now affect farm families more through reduction
of nonfarm employment opportunities than through
reduction in demand for farm output, since consumer
spending for most farm products is well-maintained
during mild business recessions.
Other powerful factors
also have a hand in determining the farm outlook.
Still quite beyond man’s control, the weather plays
a major role in crop production. Economists pre­
paring outlook statements usually assume that future
weather will be about the same as the average of
past years. If it actually turns out to be much dif­
ferent from normal, projections based on this assump­
tion are likely to be off the mark.


F A R M P R O G R A M S M A Y BE C H A N G E D At the other
extreme, completely under man’s direction, the gov­
ernment farm programs also influence the agricul­
tural outlook. Outlook statements can be prepared
under the assumption that present government pro­
grams will be continued, or they can be projections
of the results under alternative programs or no gov­
ernment program at all.

Upon extending current de­
mand and productivity trends, and assuming normal
weather and continuation of present government
price support and farm export programs, U S D A
economists find that total farm production will con­
tinue to exceed use by nearly 5% annually. Under
these conditions the unconsumed surplus, consisting
primarily of wheat, corn, and sorghum, would be ac­
cumulated by the government in its price support
The economists investigated two possible ways of
avoiding further accumulation of surplus stocks:
reducing crop acreage or increasing livestock produc­
tion. Under the first method, they estimate that
acreage of wheat and feed grains would have to be
reduced by 20 to 30 million acres by 1965. About
five million of these acres could probably go into in­
creased cotton and soybean production; the rest
would have to remain idle.
On the other hand, if livestock production were to
be increased enough to use all of the prospective grain
surplus, U S D A economists estimate that the annual
supply of meat available per person would rise from
158 pounds in 1959 to 181 pounds bv 1965. They
conclude that this large supply would almost cer­


tainly depress meat prices below the average cost of
General dis­
satisfaction with the outlook revealed by these pro­
jections stems not only from the prospect of further
accumulation of surplus stocks, with attendant gov­
ernment storage costs and subsequent disposal prob­
lems, but also from the prospect of continuation of
recent farm income experience. W ith total net farm
income fairly stable since 1954, monetary returns to
labor and capital in farming have remained consider­
ably below the average in nonfarm industries. This
disparity has supplied much of the motive for greater
efficiency of production, increased size of operations,
and movement of labor out of agriculture— trends
that tend to improve farm incomes and benefit con­
sumers. However, since millions of farmers have
been making these adjustments under income pres­
sure, the resulting economic and social upheaval has
been a major national problem.
Faced with these prospects, m an’s efforts to alter
the projected course of events focus on a convenient
point of control— the government farm programs.
This was evident at the last session of the Outlook
Conference, which was devoted to a discussion of
alternative policies designed to reduce surpluses and
increase farm incomes without lessening the rate of
increase in productivity.

Current reports indicate
that the land price boom may at last have been halted
by the reality of relatively low returns in farming.
If so, this is of major concern to present and prospec­
tive farmers, since real estate represents about 63r/c
of farmers’ total assets of $199 billion. Thus, even
a small land price decline such as occurred in 1960
caused most of the $4.5 billion drop in the value of
farmers’ assets during the year.

According to U S D A econo­
mists, the outlook for 1961 closely resembles the
longer-term prospects. Potential crop output will
be high, and total livestock production will be greater
than in 1960. As a result, meat and poultry prices
may weaken during the year. Realized net farm
income is expected to remain at the level of the past
two years.
O U T LO O K FOR 1961

C o v e r — O w e n s - C o r n in g
lo n ia l S t u d io s
C o r n in g


F ib e r g la s

8. P ittsb u r g h

F ib e r g la s

C o rp .


C o rp .

P la te





Co. - O w e n s-

O w e n s - C o r n in g

C o r p . - P ittsb u r g h P la te G la s s C o .
C o o p e r a tiv e .

G la s s

F ib e r g la s

11. S o u th e rn S ta te s